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Archive: The Round Table - Chapters 1-2 OOC.

Posted by The UsherFor group archive 1
The Usher
GM, 25 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Mon 30 Sep 2013
at 05:00
  • msg #1

The Round Table - OOC

Game planning stuff doesn't belong in this thread. Don't make me hand out demerits (-1's)... Everything else goes.
Discuss amongst yourselves...
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:11, Mon 30 Sept 2013.
The Usher
GM, 29 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Mon 30 Sep 2013
at 23:24
  • msg #2

Re: The Round Table - OOC

In reply to The Usher (msg # 1):

So you may have noticed that I'm using different font styles for OOC. What I'm trying to accomplish is a "voice" for The Usher. However, it has been brought to my attention that SeaGreen and Gray are difficult for some of you to read on your media devices.  Should I go back to Orange?

Your thoughts?

Right now, I'm using bold italic small and some color to set the OOC (like this) off from the main text. I know at least one of you doesn't particularly care for that, but it helps me keep track easier.

Thoughtses my precioussss?
The Usher
GM, 31 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Wed 2 Oct 2013
at 06:20
  • msg #3


So like me, most of you probably like to make your own rolls. After all, that's at least half the fun of gaming, right? So I don't want to take that away from anyone. However, when a roll from someone is keeping the game from progressing, I may on occasion roll for you just to move things along. Please let me know if this upsets you, but I think we all understand that a game must (and should) keep moving forward or it might scatter and stumble into a pit trap!
The Usher
GM, 32 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Thu 3 Oct 2013
at 15:52
  • msg #4

Re: Rolls

Hanging drywall today. I'll try to get a post up tonite... That gives Korak 12 hours or so to get his Init roll in. Then I roll it! Muhahahaha!
Agelia Redstart
player, 5 posts
Fri 4 Oct 2013
at 00:24
  • msg #5

Re: Rolls

The Usher:
So like me, most of you probably like to make your own rolls. After all, that's at least half the fun of gaming, right? So I don't want to take that away from anyone. However, when a roll from someone is keeping the game from progressing, I may on occasion roll for you just to move things along. Please let me know if this upsets you, but I think we all understand that a game must (and should) keep moving forward or it might scatter and stumble into a pit trap!

Agelia, raise your hand~
The Usher
GM, 36 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Fri 4 Oct 2013
at 13:13
  • msg #6

Re: Rolls

Training today and tomorrow.. my posts will be slow or maybe none, sry .:-(
The Usher
GM, 39 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Mon 7 Oct 2013
at 06:55
  • msg #7

Re: Rolls

I'll try to do my best to put everything in the posts I think you'll need, however in doing so narratively, I might get just a little too subtle or clever for my own good. Please feel free to ask questions about anything I've posted.  I rolled saving throws to help speed things up. If you would rather I didn't do that, please let me know. I want to keep this game moving and give you all some opportunities to write and I know, at least for some of you, that too much administrative stuff becomes distracting. I'm here to listen!
player, 10 posts
Tue 8 Oct 2013
at 00:17
  • msg #8

Re: Rolls

The week before quarter exams is upon me, which for me, is the busiest of the quarter. So I am swarmed. It is a rather insane time for me. When I get my exams in and all is well and copied I will post and I have not forgone ye all!
The Usher
GM, 40 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Tue 8 Oct 2013
at 06:28
  • msg #9

Re: Rolls

Oh goody! I get to roll for Koooraaaak! I get to roll for Koooraaaak! <fingerscrossed>I promise not to roll any 1's...</fingerscrossed> (Evil chuckle...)

I'm pretty slammed the next two days myself. I'll try to pop in when I'm able, so don't wait around on me if you get the itch to write something.

Let's call this the beginning of Round 3. The creatures are a little over a hundred yards off and seem to be sniffing for the trail, it won't take them long to notice you if they haven't already. So starting with Durgon!  BTW, you don't have to wait for your "turn" to post. Just post whenever you are able and make any rolls you think you might need and I'll shuffle it around on my end.  At certain points, successful rolls will win you the opportunity to narrate your turn! Remember, this is your story!

Initiative Order:
  •      Durgon
  •      Maksim
  •      Korak
  •      Bodric
  •      Rider
  •      Agelia
  •      Beastie #1 the Warthog Thing (a.k.a. Fluffy)
  •      Beastie #2 the Dual Dog Thing (a.k.a. Cuddles2)

Agelia Redstart
player, 7 posts
Sat 12 Oct 2013
at 06:57
  • msg #10

Re: Rolls

Oh Agelia.  You holy folks and your nervous systems and nervous system responses to things...I still love you.
Maksim Munzuk
player, 7 posts
HP: 8/8, AC 15
Init +2,To hit +3,1d6
Sun 13 Oct 2013
at 22:52
  • msg #11

Re: Rolls

Maksim is leading who ever will follow to the rocks...
The Usher
GM, 45 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Mon 14 Oct 2013
at 06:21
  • msg #12


Yes, by all means, talk things out. I understand that some folks think that this borders on metagaming, but I just see it as we're all around a table playing the game... in sllllooooow mmmmoooootionnnn. ;-)

I may be unavailable most of monday and monday evening and tuesday evening. I might try to make any needed comments during that time on my stupid smatrphone, but if so, they will be short and sweet... the thing hates me, and I, it.
Agelia Redstart
player, 9 posts
Mon 14 Oct 2013
at 09:23
  • msg #13

Re: Chatter

Agelia, sweetie, let me tell you about the Five Gs: Good Gods, Girl, Get A Grip!

The Usher chortles...

Alright, looks like she found her inner strength.  At the last possible minute.  What is this, Agelia, any heroic television show ever made?  A thrilling and heroic post with some loveliness about those, there, creatures as requested will come tomorrow!
This message was last edited by the player at 08:24, Sat 19 Oct 2013.
The Usher
GM, 51 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Sun 20 Oct 2013
at 03:59
  • msg #14

Peering into the Crystal Ball...

Hey everyone. I've been having bouts of insomnia and other instances of time waiting for paint to dry lately. Don't worry, I've put the time to good use. I've kept a wadded up piece of paper in my pocket and when I get the chance I scratch down a few ideas for this game going forward.  Once in a while I'm forced to transfer those ideas to a new sheet of paper because the old one is on the verge of disintegrating in my pocket. When I do so, I try to pull the ideas together into some sort of coherent outline.  Tonight I just finished pulling several outlines together into a long-term story arc that's got some pretty good stuff and balances the light/dark thing fairly well.

At our current pace, I have about two years worth of ideas scribed onto the current pocket sheet, in order, fleshed-out and ready to throw at you with (or without) the slightest provocation.  That's my committment to you and to the Story. So now you know...

Oh? What's that Murphy?

Yes, yes, well... you go ahead and tell them.

From somewhere in the back hallway a voice hollers, "Months of careful planning seldom survive the characters' first roll of the dice."

Ya, well I have some plans for you too Murph. Just wait and see...
The Usher
GM, 54 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Tue 22 Oct 2013
at 14:05
  • msg #15

Re: Peering into the Crystal Ball...

I watched that 99 number set there for two days, waiting for someone to bump it over the century mark *sigh* but it didn't happen. ;-)  I just had to do it myself... So, well done Bodric! Thanks for sticking with me so far gang. Hope to have ten or twenty times that number soon! ;-) As always, feedback is welcome anytime, you need not wait for a milestone.
player, 13 posts
Tue 22 Oct 2013
at 22:25
  • msg #16

Re: Peering into the Crystal Ball...

I have done that a million times in my games.

what? That's wrong?
The Usher
GM, 56 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Wed 23 Oct 2013
at 04:47
  • msg #17

Re: Peering into the Crystal Ball...

What are ya'll's (<--- I'm not from the south so I don't know how to spell that) thoughts in regards to IC PM's?  If we were sitting around a table incessantly rolling dice, even when we didn't need to, but just simply because we had them in our hands... constantly, then most of this PM stuff would be heard by the rest of you and if it was truly secret/private/important I'd pass you a little slip of paper.

Here the format and "feel" are different. I'm not trying to recreate the table-top feel, although I do enjoy banter when it comes up, but I know it annoys the heck out of some people and doesn't bother others.  I was thinking about it on my drive home today and the little libertarian that sits upon my shoulder whispered in my ear that PM's were both a curse and a blessing. We are entitled to our own business remaining our own business, but on the other hand am I a distrusting control-freak GM for suspecting too much information will cause my players to metagame???

So what I did was roll down the window a bit and flick the little bugger out so that I could concentrate on story ideas the rest of the way home! ;-)

Any thoughts?

P.S. Don't worry, he latched onto my rear bumper somehow and made it home with me in one piece...
The Usher
GM, 57 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Thu 24 Oct 2013
at 07:05
  • msg #18

Re: Peering into the Crystal Ball...

We'll give Agelia a bit of time to respond before I sic Fluffy and Cuddles2 on ya'll... ;-)
Agelia Redstart
player, 11 posts
Thu 24 Oct 2013
at 17:25
  • msg #19

Re: Peering into the Crystal Ball...

The Usher:
What are ya'll's (<--- I'm not from the south so I don't know how to spell that) thoughts in regards to IC PM's?  If we were sitting around a table incessantly rolling dice, even when we didn't need to, but just simply because we had them in our hands... constantly, then most of this PM stuff would be heard by the rest of you and if it was truly secret/private/important I'd pass you a little slip of paper.

I have no objections!
Also, having been raised in the South, I have heard "ya'll's" being used!

EDIT: Post comin' in the afternoons.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:39, Fri 25 Oct 2013.
Agelia Redstart
player, 13 posts
Fri 25 Oct 2013
at 06:39
  • msg #20

Re: Peering into the Crystal Ball...

And...posted!  Yeah, Agelia can feel, like, Gothmog heading our way.   :(  Well, alright, probably something far less terrifying (what is "subjectivity"?), but nonetheless, something absolutely more malicious than the other creatures!
player, 15 posts
Thu 31 Oct 2013
at 00:29
  • msg #21

Re: Peering into the Crystal Ball...

Dang y'all I need to get back into this thing!
The Usher
GM, 60 posts
Recovering Heroes
Lost in the Forge
Thu 31 Oct 2013
at 05:57
  • msg #22

Anybody seen Korak? Oh, there you are...

@Korak - Yes, you do! Hope things are getting worked out with your students. Busy time of year.

@Everyone - How's everyone doing? Are you having trouble finding your way into the game? Not sure how to respond? Bored? Tired of being bored? Usher-dude you write too much my head asplode?  I'm happy to post frequently to keep the felt pace of the game  moving, but I don't want you to feel overwhelmed when you log-in either, sometimes that can be a block.  Please don't be afraid to OOC if you find yourself stuck or would simply like to skip ahead or even if you want me to get out of the way and let this be more of a sandbox.  Again, just fishing for input. If you're happy with how things are going, you need not respond... (unless you want to! ;-) )
Bodric Battlebelly
player, 12 posts
Hits 9/9, AC17
Init +1/ToHit +3/1d8+1
Fri 1 Nov 2013
at 15:59
  • msg #23

Re: Anybody seen Korak? Oh, there you are...

...root and try to topple or dislodge the stones around the mighty Korak in an attempt to get the puny mortals within.

Heh. Gotta get through the candy shell to reach the squishy orc-goo inside. Ever felt like an M&M before Princess? ;-)
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