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05:25, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jacob's Job.

Posted by TadeuszFor group 0
player, 10095 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Fri 6 Jul 2018
at 03:34
  • msg #1

Jacob's Job

Jacob's first verse, GMed by Tadeusz.  :)
player, 10097 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Sat 7 Jul 2018
at 20:43
  • msg #2

Jacob's Job

In reply to Tadeusz (msg # 1):

Given the prices of the newest, hottest laptops, you've decided to once again, build a computer.  As you explain to your friends, you will be able to get a top of the line, blazing fast PC for less than half the price.  And money does not grow on trees.

The most interesting bit of the work is the brand new chip.  Its a lot faster than the ones before it as it employs some sort of proprietary tech whose exact nature is closely held.  Indeed, there are some rumors by the whack a doos that it enables FTL transfer of data, which is impossible, and laughable.

But you're delicately lifting up the fragile Scriff Inside! chip, as its more fragile than lesser chips, with a pair of tweezers when suddenly you hear the blare of a semi horn outside.  You twitch, the chip falls and breaks open.  An arc of electricity leaps from a nearby battery, and then there is a blinding light....

You wake laying upon something soft, which smells of wool.  A faint scent of manure is in the air, and more immediately present is the smell of death.  You however, feel fine.

And then you hear a strangely, familiar, but odd voice, strained with pain.
"Is he awake?"
"Yes, my king." A gravelly male voice replies.
player, 4 posts
Sat 7 Jul 2018
at 21:23
  • msg #3

Jacob's Job

I glance around, forcing myself up from whatever it is I'm resting on. "Where am I? What happened?" I quietly ask.
player, 10100 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Sun 8 Jul 2018
at 03:13
  • msg #4

Jacob's Job

In reply to Jacob (msg # 3):

You see an older, blue eyed man with a red velvet tunic and leggings in boots standing in front of you.  There is a hardness to his face.

You are laying on a four poster bed of a great size, in a stone blocked circular room.  Fresh air comes from a window to the left, as does light.

The man steps to the side, his hand on the dagger at his waist.

And then you see a man with a silver circlet with a pale gemstone inset in the front, sitting in a chair, with rich blankets all over him.  His face has black lines going under the skin and he is bloated looking and terribly unhealthy.

What's worse, he's you.
player, 5 posts
Sun 8 Jul 2018
at 03:17
  • msg #5

Jacob's Job

"What? How are you... Me?"
player, 10101 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Sun 8 Jul 2018
at 05:59
  • msg #6

Jacob's Job

In reply to Jacob (msg # 5):

Blow the World Horn.  And he that is torn.  From home forsworn. Will come at need.  If he is your blood indeed.

The other you says the words, and lifts from under the blankets a violently torn open golden horn.  And you feel a singing in your blood.

He feebly waves at the older man.

"I am Sir Raive, the King's bodyservant.  We know of at least seven worlds.  Tillony which is this, and Paradise, home of the Creator, and the Darkling Realm, home of the Defier, and Faranset, from which the Eldenhar fled after their Great War, and Dosinkater, where the Lords of Game live, and the Dreamlands, where the wizards go in their Wizardsleep to learn spells.  It is assumed there are more worlds, but we know not of them.  However, given your clothing, there must be an eighth.

I have heard tell there is a Lord of Game who is like me.  Such is not common, but not unheard of."
player, 6 posts
Sun 8 Jul 2018
at 11:12
  • msg #7

Jacob's Job

"Hold on... Lord of Game? What is that supposed to mean?"
player, 10104 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Tue 10 Jul 2018
at 20:33
  • msg #8

Jacob's Job

In reply to Jacob (msg # 7):

He waves his hand off to the side.  "Not important now.  Its in another dimension which you will likely never see.  What's important is that your King has summoned you to aid him in his direst need."
player, 8 posts
Tue 10 Jul 2018
at 20:56
  • msg #9

Jacob's Job

In reply to Tadeusz (msg # 8):

I glance around, confused at everything. "Why was I summoned? What aid does he need?"
player, 10108 posts
As you dimension dance...
Crowbar or Towel?
Wed 11 Jul 2018
at 21:52
  • msg #10

Jacob's Job

In reply to Jacob (msg # 9):

"King Javan took power a year ago.  Three days ago, he received a gift from Duke Brendt.  A leviathan hide armor.  He put it on, and that night was struck down with illness.  Frantic and quiet, very quiet searches revealed that the armor had krinkas juice, corrupted, smeared on the inside."  Sir Raive says.

"I am dying." Gasp. "Soon. But my people, they will be destroyed by war between my dukes, and by the invaders, and the Seakind."  He looks pleadingly at you.
player, 9 posts
Wed 11 Jul 2018
at 21:54
  • msg #11

Jacob's Job

"Alright. What am I doing, and how do I start?"
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