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09:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Point buy system free or low $ to play.

Posted by V_V
member, 1170 posts
For 2024 is the year
of Health and Career
Mon 6 May 2024
at 13:57
  • msg #1

Point buy system free or low $ to play

I'd like to play dX, but that seems a lost cause. I own almost all books for Exalted 1e and 2e. I would love to play one of those systems.

Otherwise, I'd like to play a system I don't need to put a penny down to play. Well, okay, I'm willing to spend $5 at most to be up to speed. So that's pretty much going to rule out most robust systems.

I don't want homebrew that isn't completely written. If it's homebrew and some fiat is needed, I understand, but I want to see homebrew have printed rules for most  common scenarios.

Also I prefer some robust system, over a loose oversight system. I do, however, want to be XP or "points" get traits. I'm not at all, not one bit, certain not two shots, interested in XP as threshholds and especially the Critical Role and Brennan Mulligan milestone XP, which is BS IMO. I want to avoid D&D for this request. I like 4e D&D, but not for this request. Any system that hjas thresholds, like "levels" that are essentially packages, I'm not interested in. I want cheap traits, and expensive traits, the former being rarer use or least powerful, the latter being universally useful or highly powerful.

Speaking of the aforementioned scenarios. I like conflict, and more often I like physical combat, that can be fist fights, brawls, riots, death matches, dungeon delving, mercenary work, or small scale war. My only limit is not PvP or Hack'n'Slash. I don't even mind PvP in a sense of players making GM antagonists, I just want players to work together as characters. I think it's fine if the GM wants (or needs) player designed stuff, so long as its fun and feels like the player is just handing over dream action, and not sabotaging the other players.

I want to have more roads than railroads, but do not want to off road sandbox. I'd like choices of scenarios to explore, but have some direction and bounds; such as I said roads, as in clear sides that lead to ditches, but many avenues or cross streets. I'd prefer it be more highways and motorways and such, than a matrix of side streets; after all that seems more sandbox. I also do not want to feel I have no good options in any case. If my character dies, that's better than feeling stuck. Most of all, I don't want investigate, or learn to be character or player actions. I know for many GMs that's the fun. I'm looking for objectives that are clear. Go track the trails of the  <who>. Go to the <where> and stop the <what>. Why can be more modal or fluid. How should be finite spectrum, where certain options are absurd, but within that spectrum certain actions carry pros and cons, some being double edged swords, some being highly effective but costly, some being unlikely but decisive, and some being routine but slow.

Genre-wise. I'm looking for fantasy world, or a Fallout 4 type of modern/futuristic, where I'm not required to know RL data, even "Common knowledge" IRL.

Lastly, I have few a bad apples of systems I have had numerous, and exclusively, bad experience with. So if its one of these systems, please make good example of them. Meaning if this is the game system you think fits, please make it the first good experience for me.

>Mutants and Masterminds
>Rokugon (sp?)

Feel free to Rmail me if you think it's easier to ask questions that aren't permitted in this forum. Such as; including other players on discussing "picks", or "going off topic".

I will be willing to invest money in the system more (later, maybe in 2025 or 2026) if I've had good experienced with it.

Going to end  the body of the post there. I'd love to learn a brand new system, and I love to see a system I already know, and I'd love to see system that caused me so much misery be redeemed. Any of these (in genre, tone and pace) really would be nice.

Post Script.
About me:
I have some neurological disabilities. One that is most awful is Parkinsonism. That is not Parkinson's disease, but onset by medication, that otherwise has the same symptoms, but difference being it can (often, not always) be reversed by medication changes. I'm have okay days, and then bad days where I ""Cry type". MY typing, and writing is never great, but on bad days it's fun to game, but may involve me making some really egregious typos. So much so, not even spell check is feasible, it's so inflated or rearranged letters. I'm working on affording speech to text though, so that may be an option at some point in the future. The next difficulty I have is the most challenging, which is OCD. That can make certain posts more aggressive or tedious. Lastly, is my ASD. I am...okay...below average at implicit communication. Most of the time IK need messages to be explicit. I get confused easily, and feel like an outsider when I don't understand and no one will explain what I'm missing. It may be as simple as "It's something between..." people in a chat or thread. I don't need to know more in that case, I just need to know I'm intentionally omitted from a set of facts or events.

It might be worth mentioning, but I hope not, I have Misophonia, Trichotillomania and Synesthesia, which is very set of specific triggers...yawning in asterisks being a big red rage button, another being depicting unkempt, "stray" or unsightly hair descriptions. The latter is actually easily avoidable if the intention is to make the hair a feature to be appealing, or neutrally identifying, rather than repulsive or flawed. The problem with the yawn comes up often, but not something I can't handle. It just that make me more aggressive...that other people will then need to handle. It doesn't justify aggression, but hoipefully if it occurs, it will be excused in hindsight. The hair thing, however, causes me actual RL off screen detriment. So the yawn is fine if it happens, but the hair thing might lead to RL detriment that necessitate long hiatus, or even sabbatical for me.
This message was last updated by the user at 16:50, Mon 06 May.
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