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11:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)
This is an advertisement for the game Spirit Island (Godbound).

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Godbound - Spirit Island.

Posted by BaronsCourt
member, 97 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 20:25
  • msg #1

Godbound - Spirit Island

To the Dahan it has always been 'The Island', they have never needed anything more for a name. An idyllic land of lush jungles, towering mountains and raging rivers surrounded by crystal clear waters. The Island is an unspoiled paradise...or at least was until the Invaders came. They came initially with talk of friendship and trade and built their towns with, if not the blessing, then with the grudging acceptance of the Dahan.

However, as years passed the Invaders wanted more and more of the farmland, of the hunting and of the resources. When the Dahan opposed them they were destroyed with weapons they couldn't hope to match - shining weapons and armour of a metal unimaginably strong and, worst of all, the guns and cannon which outmatched anything the Dahan had. Now the Invaders city, Puerto Felipe, stands like a blight on the coast and its people spread out ever further across The Island taking the land for themselves.

But The Island is not entirely defenseless. The Dahan have now for generations that The Island is home to spirits of incredible power who go through cycles of activity and dormancy but who have been friends to the Dahan in the past. While most, and certainly the most powerful, have been dormant for decades if not centuries, some wise men have a ritual which they think will wake the spirits and bind them into champions of the people who may yet turn the tide against the Invaders...


I'm looking for some players for a game of Godbound albeit one (mostly) divorced from the standard setting and instead set in the world of the Spirit Island boardgame (or at least inspired by it). No knowledge of the board game is required, I won't be sticking overly closely to any canon (such as exists) and we'll develop it in play in any event.
member, 117 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 20:43
  • msg #2

Godbound - Spirit Island

In reply to BaronsCourt (msg # 1):

Would the free version of Godbound on DtRPG work? I love Spirit Island but know nothing of Godbound.
member, 98 posts
Wed 15 May 2024
at 20:45
  • msg #3

Godbound - Spirit Island

Absolutely - my understanding is that the free version has all the rules needed to play.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the user at 21:00, Wed 15 May.

More information about the game owner:

Game: Hearts of Wulin.

Game: Sentinel Comics RPG.

Game: Leviathan.

Additionally, they used to own these deleted games:

Game: 7th Sea: Honour's Veil.

Game: Night's Black Agents: Solo Ops.

Game: The Between.

Game: Night's Black Agents - Dracula Dossier.

Game: Legacy: Life Among The Ruins.

Game: Cthulhu Dark.

Game: SotDL - Into the Mists.

3 games running, 7 deleted games.
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