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03:38, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

May...time  to meet the new folks.

Posted by Front OfficeFor group 0
Nathan Lewis
player, 4 posts
Thu 22 Apr 2010
at 20:33
  • msg #66

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

"I had heard talk of woman on the team, but I have to say I didn't fully believe it. The draft you say, where did she play?" Nathan looked over Kat as she stood there, a million thoughts going through his mind as he wondered if she could kick or if this was a PR ploy by the new owner.

"Can't wait to see that leg in action" Nathan said with coy smirk.
Front Office
GM, 29 posts
you play..i pay
Thu 22 Apr 2010
at 20:46
  • msg #67

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Before Sims or anyone else could  say anything Fry had come up from the Northend of the stadium,She  can kick right  enough...took Carl to the  wall...after the break, were gonna  use holders..told them they each pick one..."
James Steele
player, 11 posts
Rookie Quarterback #11
Thu 22 Apr 2010
at 22:15
  • msg #68

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Staying light on his feet, James danced with the ball in his hands and went through imaginary reads and fakes while giving his receivers time to get distance.  In between his times with the ball he would glance around the field to check out how his friends were doing... Ice was dominant, Chev was showing off amazing skills and strength, and Adam was just plain catching everything.

Convinced of his own abilities and his place on the team, he used these drills to get his own read on the men who might be his receivers in the near future.  Long over-the-shoulder floaters, short quick bullets to the gut and of course in-stride shots to cutting receivers on the middle of the field.

Each catch elicited a smile and a thumbs-up; each drop, a silent consideration of how best to deliver the ball to that individual for next time.  He also wasn't afraid to admit when an incompletion was his fault, such as when a glance at Kat on the sidelines broke his concentration and he sent the ball three yards behind a crossing receiver.  Adam probably would have still caught it... but unfortunately Adam hadn't been his target.

Deep breath... release.  Deep breath... release.  Focus.  Lick fingers, get the next ball.  "HIKE!"  Quick drop.  Fake handoff.  Read right.  Fake center.  Turn left, throw.

There was a rhythm to everything... that was the beauty of the game.  To Jim, football was a gorgeous symphony that ended with a trainwreck.  He took a deep breath and picked up the next ball, closed his eyes and savored the moment... the game.

Then it was back to work - the other Quarterbacks sure weren't going to cut themselves from the roster, after all!
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 14 posts
19 WR
Thu 22 Apr 2010
at 22:38
  • msg #69

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  Adam jogged back to get into the next line, This time it was Steele's. The recivers coach Wally Nevers..Never-drop-Nevers..he hated to see the ball on the ground..and if he thought it was one of his people's fault..they knew it.Dammit Givins! how did ya make the time the first time...I have a Bulldog that can catch better then that!

  without even looking at Adam he said," Deep post..."

  Adam turned to Steele and nodded...James said Hike  and off he went, a slight  fake to an invisable Linebacker  and through the field towards the post, His head turning   one  step into the Cut...
This message was last edited by the player at 23:21, Thu 22 Apr 2010.
James Steele
player, 12 posts
Rookie Quarterback #11
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 00:00
  • msg #70

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Before they started, James looked into Adam's eyes and gave one slow nod.  Had Adam caught any of the Ohio State games, he would have guessed what was coming - it was #11's signature play as a quarterback.


A three step drop, a quick pump fake to the flat opposite Adam's cut to draw an imaginary safety out of the center of the field, and then a lightning-fast release.  The ball came out as a perfectly-spiralling, low-trajectory laser down the field.

The advantage to this delivery was that the ball spent only a heartbeat in the air - minimizing a DB's ability to make a play on the pass and maximizing the receiver's ability to continue running at full speed after the catch.

The disadvantage?  The ball was coming in hard and fast - it took a talented receiver to catch such a pass.

Biting his lip, James followed through with the passing motion and held the position as he watched downfield.  The ball arrived in the blink of an eye, just below shoulder level and roughly two feet in front of Bronk....
This message was last edited by the player at 00:01, Fri 23 Apr 2010.
Katelyn Dawlish
player, 15 posts
Kicker / #2
"Ice Queen"
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 00:36
  • msg #71

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Kat smirked over at #1 as Supes tossed a beautiful pass to Adam. The two could be potentially potent. It seemed like a tiny conflict had formed sides here with Ducksy and #1 siding with a DB and a couple others, whilst Superman, she, Ivan, and Adam were on the others. Kat listened to Coach Fry back her up, and she smiled, pointing at James.

"Steele is going to be my holder."

She muttered under her breath: "I just haven't asked him yet..."
Adam (the bomb)Bronk
player, 15 posts
19 WR
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 00:45
  • msg #72

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

 The  Ball came in, Adam snagged the ball, it disappeared into his  arm, the  free arm coming up as if to bat away the oncoming  tackle...he ended the poast at the  5 and jogged back to the  Line.

  Nevers smiled slightly, but didn't  say a word  Until Bronk got in line again. Givins was up for a QB wearing  number 17...Nevers said,That is what it souns like when it don't hit the ground...Curl...."

  Givins  took Off and rounded off the Curl..17 let the ball go, just-a-bit high..Givens jumped  about 6 inches off the ground..the ball was 3 inches over his hands,Dammit! Get me one springs for him..what's  wrong with you!"

  #17 said,My fault coach..I...

  SHUT THE HELL UP!..." things got  quiet,"YOU ...throw...THEY..catch...or..THEY..walk!"

  Givins was about to say something  when Nevers  hissed,if you say it was too high  for you to get your 6-3 ass in the air..I will cut you right now!
This message was last edited by the player at 00:55, Fri 23 Apr 2010.
Bart (Bar None) Sims
player, 7 posts
Head Coach
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 00:53
  • msg #73

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

   Bart nodded,Time  for that Lunch..."  he blared the  Airhorn,LUNCH!..someof you will be told you will not be coming back out..  wideouts, TEs and D-backs..get your pads  and helmets before you come back

  The Last portion of the camp will be...O and D lines working off against each other..Linebackers  and backs as well...Kickers will be doing  Kickoffs  for distance  and direction..then will try placements with a holder...we will finish up with 7 of 7 passing drillls..most of you will know if you are going to camp befoe  we leave here..some of you will get a phonecall..either way..we will meet back here tomorrow to start setting up with what we back ready.."

  Adam smiles  as he nodded to JAmes,That's  what i like..get it to me fast..let me get a run at them... he grins,wait till you see  my bubble screens
James Steele
player, 13 posts
Rookie Quarterback #11
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 01:26
  • msg #74

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

When Adam brought the ball in, James pumped his fist - finally, a real receiver!  He flashed a grin to Nevers.  "Damn, that boy is good!" he remarked casually with a laugh.

As Adam got back, James greeted him with a forearm bump and a pat on the shoulder.  "Beautiful!  Absolutely perfect route!  This is going to be one helluva year."

At the call for lunch he jogged over toward Kat and the coaching staff.  The smile on his face only got brighter.  "Did you see that?" he called ahead to the Kicker, his voice full of enthusiasm.
Katelyn Dawlish
player, 16 posts
Kicker / #2
"Ice Queen"
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 01:41
  • msg #75

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Kat grinned, clapping as the two stepped off the field.

"Of course I saw that! You two were rocking..."

She stretched and grinned.

"Hey, Superman, how do you feel about helping win a starting job?"
James Steele
player, 14 posts
Rookie Quarterback #11
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 01:49
  • msg #76

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

The response was immediate.

"Hell yeah, Ice!  Count me in!  Let's do this thing."
Katelyn Dawlish
player, 17 posts
Kicker / #2
"Ice Queen"
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 02:05
  • msg #77

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Kat grinned, now she had to tease him, after all, holding was primarily a backup QB's responsibility, and James Steele hadn't been one that she could recall.


She paused, dramatically.

"You're sure you remember how to hold the ball for the kicker, Superman?"
James Steele
player, 15 posts
Rookie Quarterback #11
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 02:17
  • msg #78

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

There it was... that was the attitude that had caught his attention the first time they met down at the Horseshoe.  He rolled his eyes in mock exasperation and shook his head.

"Been a little while, I'll admit.  Laces out, right?  How hard can it be??"

He walked next to her with an easy familiarity, and gave her a sidelong glance with a smirk as he feigned alarm.  "You'll get all-ball though, right?  I mean, you're not going to kick me, right?  These hands are worth a lot of money...."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:17, Fri 23 Apr 2010.
Katelyn Dawlish
player, 18 posts
Kicker / #2
"Ice Queen"
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 02:25
  • msg #79

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Kat grinned, they both knew he'd face the ball laces out, and she'd connect without extracurricular contact. She sighed and put a mocking hand to her head.

"I'll tell you what. You help me win the job, and you can take me out for drinks. It's win-win!"

She shrugged and loosened up a bit. She was starting to feel more confident. She wanted this, and they both knew it.

"For me.."
James Steele
player, 16 posts
Rookie Quarterback #11
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 02:41
  • msg #80

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Now giving his best dramatic pause, he turned to her with the most-sincere look he could muster and caught one of her hands.  "For you, Ice, anything."

Unable to keep the smile off his face, he nodded to her.  "Absolutely!  I'm seeing winning potential all over that plan.  How could I refuse?  But I get to choose the bar."
Katelyn Dawlish
player, 19 posts
Kicker / #2
"Ice Queen"
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 02:47
  • msg #81

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Kat nodded and used his hand grip to twirl around and face the direction of the kicker wearing #1. She didn't even want to know his name, she just wanted him gone. And now, she had the tools to do it. After a few moments of intense staring, she snapped back to James.

"Fine, bar is your call."

She looked at him.

"You might wanna let go of my hand and get yourself some lunch, Superman. Maybe some water. Or, better yet..."

She switched the grips and tried to drag him towards the gatorade. She got about the length of their arms away before practically falling backwards. Damn, she'd forgotten how strong he was.
James Steele
player, 17 posts
Rookie Quarterback #11
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 03:02
  • msg #82

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Fiery - that's what she was.  James couldn't help but admire her during the stare-down... he had never met a woman with such a competitive spirit!  It was damned exciting!  He remembered standing on the sidelines, watching her put points on the board against his Buckeyes... and now he was holding her hand!

Oh my God, I'm still holding her hand!!

Of course he couldn't let go now... not immediately, anyway!  He moved up to help steady her, his face an embarrassed shade of red that few had ever managed to see.  Of course the gunslinging jock in him was screaming to find some way to play this off cool... though nothing was coming to mind.

"Yeah, um...."  Reminding himself to let go now that she had regained her balance, he searched for words that weren't coming, and at last flashed his most-genuine smile yet and gestured toward the gatorade.

"After you."

He cast a glance over to the kicker wearing #1.  That poor bastard has no idea what's in store for him....
Katelyn Dawlish
player, 20 posts
Kicker / #2
"Ice Queen"
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 03:12
  • msg #83

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Kat nodded and turned his hand over, planting a football into it. The laces were up. She grinned, it was her way of trying to save his "cool".

"This is what I want, 'k?"

She grinned and marched over to the Gatorade.
James Steele
player, 18 posts
Rookie Quarterback #11
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 03:25
  • msg #84

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

The bail-out was greatly appreciated, and he gave a studious nod while considering the football.

"Sure thing, Ice." he grinned.  "That's what you'll get, then."

Unconsciously re-affirming and adjusting his grip on the football out of old habit, he followed to the cooler and tossed the ball underhand to one of the Japanese kids running around before grabbing a paper cup.
Front Office
GM, 30 posts
you play..i pay
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 03:57
  • msg #85

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  Adam  was  smiling  as they headed towards the exit, that lead to the hall. He would not be eating much...he needed something though. The Tall TightEnd, whose name is Henry Stalls Walked with him  Ivan was up ahead with Mikhail.

  As they walked down the tunnel to the parkinglot  the vertren Saftey came up behind them. best be lookin fer me when you come across the middle..."

  Without  even looking back Adam says,won't have to...if i see La Roi curling into a ball..i will know someone is there..Saftey, Linebacker..cheerleader..."

   Adam was shoved hard from behind, the quickhands of  the TE stopped him  from falling down, most of the  folks kept walking..others  slowed to best be kidding around..."

  Byron leaned down a bit his teeth in an angry grin,we don't need you'll be leaving way or the other...

  Adam's grin falshed then turned into a grimace,you won't have to look for me boy....i'll be out there..and i wear pads too...and when i hit you? it will be legal..and you will remember it.."

  Before anything else could happen, Coach Hebner  came down the  tunnel,"That's enough! save it for the filed..dammit grt going now.."

  Unseen , off the  the far wall was La Roi and Carl the kicker...watching what  was going on.
James Steele
player, 19 posts
Rookie Quarterback #11
Fri 23 Apr 2010
at 21:55
  • msg #86

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Since he didn't need to change into pads, and he wasn't about to eat during tryouts, James downed his cup of gatorade, bumped knuckles with Ice and strolled back out onto the field.

He was looking for one of the hopefuls at Center who might have also passed on lunch... though in truth, he wasn't too optimistic that an O-Lineman would ever skip a meal.  One of the Japanese kids, or even a cheerleader or a fan in the stands would do!  He had a couple of crisp fifties to exchange for some time - all he wanted were some snaps.

If necessary he took about 15 minutes to train the person on long-snapping... he or she didn't have to do it perfectly, just so long as the ball didn't hit the ground before it got to him.  In fact, if the snaps went a little wide or a little high, that was even better!

Kneeling, he practiced catching the snap and putting the ball down with laces-out - ready for a kick.  Despite his usual boasting, it had been a while since he went through these drills... better to shake the rust off now when nobody's pro career was in his hands.
Front Office
GM, 32 posts
you play..i pay
Sat 24 Apr 2010
at 01:36
  • msg #87

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  In the hall most folks seemed too nervous to  and again one of the dragonettes  would come over to a player, talk to them  and had them a trout packet. That  player  who looked disgusted..or mad..or both..and get up and leave.

  Adam  and Henry downed  some jellos  and  a softdrick or two..but made thier way quickly back to the locker rooms to get thier helmets  and such.

  They  returned to the field the O line  and Dline  where doing drills  with eardrum dummies  and stand up dummies, working pretty hard. It was  then Adam saw the Vans  pull into the stadium. Local News  adn ESPN..they were setting up for the final workouts of the day.

  With green mesh jersey on with his 19..some tape on the front of his helmet that said  Bronk..he also noted there were a good 100 or so fans in the  seats...someone let them in..dragonettes  were handling out tee shirts...PR team strikes again!

  A Voice in the Crowd yells,GO 19!

  Bronk waved with a smile , though he had not  a clue  who it was.

  Sims came up behind him as Bronk's hand went up,Nice of you to Volunteer..."

  Adam  turned around,,,what??"

  You just volunteered to shag kicks..get down in the endzone..."

  He nodded  and Jogged off to the endzone passing Kat and CArlHey? #1...I'm still here...

  standing  at the goalline..he readied to try and catch the kickoffs.

  Fry looked at the Two KickersRight then...start off...I want Two kicks to the left...two to the right..and two down the will each kick two..then stand  back for the other..then we will move to placements...

  Fry  Pointed to CArl who set the  ball up at thier 35.
Front Office
GM, 33 posts
you play..i pay
Sat 24 Apr 2010
at 01:41
  • msg #88

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  Carl lined up to Kick, the first two kicks  were to go left, to trap the returner  against the sideline.

  The first Kick was kust utside the left Hash, Adam  caught it at the  5 and ran it back to the ball bow who was on the 30...he then backpeddled back to the goal line.

  The second one , Adam caught on the 10 but it was 1 yard from the left sideline.

  Fry shook his head, YOur turn Lady Dragon...
Katelyn Dawlish
player, 21 posts
Kicker / #2
"Ice Queen"
Sat 24 Apr 2010
at 02:12
  • msg #89

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

Kat nodded and hoisted her first ball into her hands. Coffin kicks. Another thing her dad had drilled her on. Nate Dawlish had been one of the best, and his daughter was taking advantage now of all that expertise he'd imparted into her. She launched her first kick up towards left, trying to make it land as close to the 1 yard line as possible without bouncing endzone...
Front Office
GM, 34 posts
you play..i pay
Sat 24 Apr 2010
at 04:18
  • msg #90

Re: May...time  to meet the new folks

  As the first Kick sailed towards  the left corner, Adam sprinted his head up at the ball..he slowed down as he reached the as dramatic  fashin  as he could muster. he caught the back 2 feet from the goaline..but a yard inside the field.

  The  Second  Kick, he could not  dramatiaze, as he caught it about a footinside the goaline, and a yard inside the boundry. He knew  in a game he would have let this one go through for no return. But the first would have had to been fielded.


  Fry looked  at the kicks  with a slight nod, the right...

  Carl set the ball up, Kicking  a deep one that sailed out of bounds  at the four...Adam watched the ball bounce acouple times  untiol he picked  it up and snapped abullet to  the ball boy.that cost us a 'free' return.."

  Carl  frowns  and Kicked the second one ,  Adam tracked it  down at the five...he  caught the ball at the 5...but it would have  bounced out at the one, had he not grabbed it.

 Coach shook his head,that one would  be up to the man would let it go out...

  The kicker booted the Tee down field..the ball  boy ran it back for KAt.You're  up Dawlish.

  The camaras where set up. It was plain to see they were looking for stories and practice highlights for the late news.
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