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Genre: Champions.

Posted by KevlynFor group 0
player, 18 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2011
at 05:46
  • msg #58

Re: Genre: Champions

Now THAT is very workable. Obviously, if they are global level heroes, they'd have more points than the standard superhero level. Maybe 500 or 550?

As for ideas, I've got four right now that I could make easily at that level:
Iceblade - Cold controller mutant, with a costume and sword that give him additional abilities. Former thief/assassin, he turned over a new leaf after a terrorist attack killed his parents, and bought himself amnesty for his past crimes. He is on the team because sometimes even the best teams need someone willing to get their hands dirty.

The Reptillian - Feral mutant, with dragon characteristics. She is big, strong, and breathes fire. A recent development has allowed her limited shapeshifting abilities into two other forms, one humanoid, and one a smaller form. At twenty-two, she only recently learned to read, and is still learning about things like television, computers, and why people aren't food, even if they're mean people.

Acheron - An immortal necromancer, who exists outside of time. He was once human, but when the cult he was born into tried to use him to find an ancient evil artifact, an older version of himself showed him how to go outside of time. He has reappeared throughout time, in one form or another, working to preserve the balance, and prevent people from meddling with time. He has witnessed firsthand many of the great events in history, and has a souvenir collection in his otherdimensional home that would make the curator of any museum on Earth wet himself at the sight. Some of these 'souvenirs' are artifacts that are either too powerful or too dangerous (those aren't the same thing, as he could tell you) to be left in mortal hands, which he has taken out of time, where they'll be safe. Despite the fact that his appearances in time have made him the basis for many reports of 'death gods' and 'grim reapers' throughout the ages, he's really a nice guy. Picture a combination of Doctor Who, Dresden Files, and Warehouse 13, and you get Acheron. As for why he's heroing, all he'll say is cryptic words about an upcoming future where he will be needed.

Vampyra - Real name Isoke Dracula. Yes, that Dracula. Freed from her late husband, she is the Countess of Transylvania, and despite the changes that have happened over the last few centuries, still claims that title. She has healing magic, as well as her own vampiric abilities, and can provide a decent mix of both support and offense. Her weakness to sunlight, however, makes going out in day in anything less than a full bodysuit problematic, however.
player, 28 posts
A Talented Normal
Champions addict!
Sun 18 Sep 2011
at 07:50
  • msg #59

Re: Genre: Champions

All those sound great, yeah probably 500 to 550 points. ( not positive though) I still have to finish reading up on the 6E rules a bit to figure out point totals and limits. But if I get a bit more interest I'll do some work and post a thread for a game here on RPOL. I have to find/figure out a good tool for doing maps I think as well.
player, 6 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2011
at 16:59
  • msg #60

Re: Genre: Champions

I would be, assuming you can help a noob out with the rules. Will come up with a character idea or three today.
player, 29 posts
A Talented Normal
Champions addict!
Mon 19 Sep 2011
at 09:27
  • msg #61

Re: Genre: Champions

Noobs welcome.
player, 12 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 18:46
  • msg #62

Re: Genre: Champions

I am interested but I don't have 6th edition, only 5th so that would handicap my ability to make any sort of character.
player, 30 posts
A Talented Normal
Champions addict!
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 23:07
  • msg #63

Re: Genre: Champions

Not as much of a handicap as you would think, it's not that tough to convert a 5th edition hero charqacter to 6th edition rules.
player, 7 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2011
at 01:32
  • msg #64

Re: Genre: Champions

So thinking of a Midnighter-type character, a military hero, or a brains-over-brawn type - what would work best for you, Dieter?
player, 15 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2011
at 01:36
  • msg #65

Re: Genre: Champions

I'm thinking a secret agent type... poses publicly as a supervillain and gets thrashed by the good guys, but behind the scenes he's working for and with the heroes. Like a human danger room - instead of a place to go for practice thwarting evil-doers and trying out new strategies, you go to him and his henchmen.

O.o? Why are you looking at me like that? Should I have gone with the teleporting, transvestite factory building instead?
This message was last edited by the player at 01:38, Fri 23 Sept 2011.
player, 19 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2011
at 01:40
  • msg #66

Re: Genre: Champions

I think I'll go with Acheron. Nothing quite like having the Grim Reaper on your side to deter criminals. ;)
player, 31 posts
A Talented Normal
Champions addict!
Fri 23 Sep 2011
at 01:41
  • msg #67

Re: Genre: Champions

Both those ideas sound good guys. I will be doing some reading up on 6th edition rules at work tonight. (Lucky for me when work is slow I can actually bring stuff to work and read.)
player, 8 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2011
at 20:15
  • msg #68

Re: Genre: Champions

Any feel for which of the three I should go with, Dieter?
player, 32 posts
A Talented Normal
Champions addict!
Sat 24 Sep 2011
at 00:26
  • msg #69

Re: Genre: Champions

All sound good, but I confess I don't know that much about Midnighter or what his abilities are.
player, 13 posts
Sat 24 Sep 2011
at 11:51
  • msg #70

Re: Genre: Champions

If you can convert a 5th edition character into 6th, I can make one. I am still going with stress origin, street type character but she will be tough enough to operate on global scale though offense won't be her strong point, boosting allies will be (Time manipulator).
player, 33 posts
A Talented Normal
Champions addict!
Sat 24 Sep 2011
at 17:02
  • msg #71

Re: Genre: Champions

That's more than acceptable Lady Phoenix.
player, 9 posts
Sun 25 Sep 2011
at 05:18
  • msg #72

Re: Genre: Champions

Midnighter is a version of Batman for the Wildstorm universe (well, it is now part of mainstream but... whatever). He is able to consider millions of moves in combat, and predict outcomes of fights before even throwing a punch. He is stronger than normal, high endurance and healing, slightly enhanced senses. He is also a cranky as heck SOB... lots of fun, actually.

(As an aside, you might look at the group he was part of - the Authority - for some ideas for the game, as it dealt with very high powered characters defending the world... and at times spanking the various national leaders of countries for acting up when the world needed to focus on something - some excellent stories there!)

The military hero I am thinking of could easily be similar, just more of the gung-ho command structure type, so better attitude, but also divided loyalties, potentially (which makes for good story-telling potential). Sort of a Superman-lite version of Captain America, though only sort of - getting a decent mental image of them. Considering doing a female character, a la GI JANE.

The brains over brawn guy is still vague in my head - but thinking he has some sort of luck or telekinesis that makes sure when he gets in trouble, and people try to attack him, things just... work out so he is fine - tables are in the way, or he moves behind a mirror just as you fire a laser, etc. Trying to get a grip on what I see the ability being, but not sure yet, so will probably shelve him.
player, 34 posts
A Talented Normal
Champions addict!
Sun 25 Sep 2011
at 10:19
  • msg #73

Re: Genre: Champions

In reply to PhantomStranger (msg #72):

All those ideas sound neat to me Phantom Stranger.
player, 4 posts
Thu 13 Oct 2011
at 12:26
  • msg #74

Re: Genre: Champions

Should I look into finding a copy of 6th to be able to play in this game you're proposing if it were to get off the ground?
player, 40 posts
A Talented Normal
Champions addict!
Thu 13 Oct 2011
at 16:28
  • msg #75

Re: Genre: Champions

That's up to you. I'm not going to tell you how to spend your money. Me as a long time player and GM of hero system, I keep buying thir products lol.
player, 5 posts
Fri 14 Oct 2011
at 07:23
  • msg #76

Re: Genre: Champions

Spend... Money?

I rarely buy any books any more. Ever since I played in a long running homebrew game which didn't necessitate the purchase of anything beyond a d10 and a d20, (or d10+d6 if you prefer) I only purchase books to support companies. I bought the SoIaFRP book just to help keep them making supplements. HERO is fine without my pennies though.
GM, 66 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2011
at 03:34
  • msg #77

Re: Genre: Champions

Long overdue, but there ya go!

link to another game
player, 11 posts
Wed 18 Jan 2012
at 11:47
  • msg #78

Re: Genre: Champions

How are the submissions coming along for your Champions game?
player, 2 posts
Fri 20 Jan 2012
at 16:59
  • msg #79

Re: Genre: Champions

Hasn't logged in in a week... no idea what's up with that...
player, 15 posts
Mon 7 May 2012
at 19:28
  • msg #80

Re: Genre: Champions

Are the old supplemental books available anywhere in pubic domain?

I'm thinking of things like Stronghold and the Primus/Demon book and the like.

Or is ebay the only option?
player, 43 posts
A little bit of knowledge
is a very dangerous thing
Tue 8 May 2012
at 01:24
  • msg #81

Re: Genre: Champions

Amazon sometimes has good deals on used stuff.   Also, used bookstores sometimes have old games.   I've had good luck with both
player, 15 posts
HERO Gamer
Since 1981
Tue 8 May 2012
at 05:15
  • msg #82

Re: Genre: Champions

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