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19:13, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

M8:  Operation:  Beach head  (Epilogue)

Posted by KittenFor group 0
GM, 2486 posts
Sun 3 Jun 2012
at 23:28
  • msg #1

M8:  Operation:  Beach head  (Epilogue)

It was ugly fighting and in some places costly, but the Eridani had prevailed.  The Dragoon garrison was dislodged and were forced off from their defensive position at the Star Port.

Half a dozen Union Class dropships broke orbit landing in and around the starport, and fresh Davion companies quickly move into position to secure the important position.

News of the Eridani's base being sacked while they were out was demoralizing but not totally unexpected.

The fight for the Starport was over, but the fighting was still going on as pockets of resistance fought on in and around the Starport.

Small arms and dogged resistance by Combine infantry was making complete occupation of the starport beyond the Davion occupying forces reach.

When the Dragoons were busy with the Eridani assault, most of the Combine Dropships made good with the time bought and boosted for orbit to escape a mess, except one.  Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Omega squads were busy assaulting a Combine Union class dropship that was caught out low on fuel on the ground and unable to boost off to escape orbit with the rest of the Combine  transport assets.

An Eridani Union came and and landed on the Starport to offer a temporary sanctuary for 6th Company.  The mechs were quickly loaded into the mech bays, as the pair of LAMs were converted into their Aero forms and slotted into the Aero Bays.  Battle damage was quickly assessed and 'critical' parts were loaded onto the Dropship before it boosted for orbit.

Please use this thread for light roleplaying as i tally up the damage done from Mission Eight.  Repairs will be 'limited' for Mission Nine.

PLEASE participate in this thread, even if its only a single post.  I'm using it as a means to measure the who's still with us and who is on hiatus for the next mission.

Halo and Holiday will probably sit out the next mission since i intend to BM the next chapter giving all the other BMs a break from the hard work of running missions.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:31, Sun 03 June 2012.
Cprl. Devlin Masters
player, 283 posts
Callsign: Wolfman
P5 G4 M1 Enrg Wpns +1
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 01:45
  • msg #2

Re: M8:  Operation:  Beach head  (Epilogue)

Ater parking his mech Devlin made his way to the lounge.  He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and table.

Bartender, when the rest of the unit arrives drinks are on me.

He kicks back in hsi chair and lights up a cigar.
GM, 2487 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 01:52
  • msg #3

Re: M8:  Operation:  Beach head  (Epilogue)

(Union class drop ship, not mech warrior bar, though i will count Devlin as present and accounted for)
MW Svend Nemerson
player, 180 posts
Callsign: Backdraft
Ex-Arena Pilot
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 03:32
  • msg #4

Re: M8:  Operation:  Beach head  (Epilogue)

Svend grabbed a rag to wipe the sweat from his face as he worked well past exhaustion to bring his mech into decent shape. She was going to need lots of work done to repair the beating she took, but for now, Svend was doing all he could to simply cover her internals.
1st LT Adam Carlyle
player, 658 posts
Callsign: Cowboy
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 03:46
  • msg #5

Re: M8:  Operation:  Beach head  (Epilogue)

While they hadn't taken down any of the Dragoon mechs, at least most of the mechs were in decent condition.  Adam wasn't so sure about the internals of Reaper's Wolfhound though...that Ice Box did a number on his internals and he wasn't sure when he'd be ready for duty again.  Signing off on more paperwork he looked over the preliminary damage assessment from the battle as he saw Svend walk on by, "Svend, good job out there.  You took a lickin and kept on tickin thanks to those mods you made.  I know Scooter had allocated armour for my Clint and I'll see what I can do to get him to shift it over to your Firestarter...and if you need any pull getting any of her internals looked at drop my name, got it?"
Cprl. Camille Sforza
player, 572 posts
Call: Goth
G5+,P5+,M2; +1 Energy
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 07:18
  • msg #6

Re: M8:  Operation:  Beach head  (Epilogue)

Caille was cursing and swearing when she entered the lounge on the dropship, she hadn't been able to hit the inside of a barn, not to mention Johan just ticked her off, if only some idiot with monetary problems could promote the bastard out of their unit, and the sooner the better.

none of that was vocalized though, just a string of curses as she grbbed a beer, sat down near Carlyle, and popped open the can, taking a solid drink from it before setting it on the table.
MW Marcus Brody
player, 76 posts
Ping Pong
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 10:31
  • msg #7

Re: M8:  Operation:  Beach head  (Epilogue)

Marcus found himself a quiet spot in the bar and tried to drown the memory of being surrounded by hostiles.
GM, 2489 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 13:13
  • msg #8

Re: M8:  Operation:  Beach head  (Epilogue)

Scooter goes about assessing the damages.

It was going to be alot harder than usual this time.  The Union's stores of equipment was at best 'tight'.  Repairs were going to be alot harder to come by.

(Characters assigned repair pools are 'halved' at this time.)

There is a finite 'weight' of 35 tons of repair tonnage available to repair the Eridani unit.  Unit commanders will have to determine which mechs need to get on their feet as a priority for the next mission.

(10 tons for weapons)
(20 tons for Armor 320af - used 261 af)
(1 ton for internals 16pts - used 13 internals)
(3 tons for assorted ammo used / 1t of AC, SRM, and LRM)
(1 ton for incidentals) (Actuators)

Fully Repaired:
Blue Blood (No damage)

Goth (fully repaired)
10 af of Armor damage

BJ (fully repaired)
5 af of Armor damage

Halo (fully repaired)
30 SRM of Ammo (covered by Supply Pool - Only Standard Ammo Available)

Joker (no damage)

Holiday (fully repaired)
8 af of Armor Damage

Dom (fully repaired)
3 af of Armor Damage

Repairs Pending

Wild Stallions
New Kid
82 af of Armor
2 tons of weapons (2) LRM 5's  {If available / Roll required}
90 LRM Ammo (covered by Supply Pool - Only Standard Ammo Available)

Dark Horses
Wolfman (Armor damage repaired)(cost modifier 1.4)
10 af of Armor
3 tons of weapons (SRM 6) {If available / Roll required}
Ammo for SRM if repaired

Rabbit (cost modifier 1.3)
39 af of Armor Damage   (26 covered by 1/2 repair pool)
 7 pt of Internals (1 point over Repair Pool)
1 ton of Weapons Medium Laser {If available / Roll required}
2 ton of Weapons Sword {If available / Roll required}
Engine Critical {If available / Roll required}

Ping Pong (cost modifier 1.35)
36 af of Armor Damage   (28 covered by 1/2 repair pool)

Dancing Horses
Cowboy (fully repaired)
6 Precision AC/2 used (covered by Supply Pool - Only Standard Ammo Available)
Engine Critical

Back Draft
56 af of Armor Damage
 6 internals Damage (Covered by Repair Pool)

Reaper's Wolfhound
12 af of Armor Damage
 3 Heat Sinks Damage
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:27, Mon 04 June 2012.
MW Cade Murphy
player, 59 posts
P:4+ G:5+ M:7+; MIS -1
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 14:55
  • msg #9

Re: M8:  Operation:  Beach head  (Epilogue)

Cade parks his Mech in his slotted bay and then slowly takes a walk around it accessing the damage.  He flinches a bit when he sees the damage to two of his LRM5s, and makes a cross sign across his chest with his fingers.  A few inches to the left and the ammo bins would have gone off.
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