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CBN House Rules - Mandatory Reading.

Posted by ST-JediFor group 0
GM, 11 posts
Best in the Business
Master of my Craft
Thu 10 May 2012
at 11:28
  • msg #1

CBN House Rules - Mandatory Reading

Charlotte by Night House Rules - The list of House Rules to this game is pretty in depth. The rules themselves are self-explanatory, but I give explanations anyway. These rules override anything in the published V:tM and V2.0 books. These House Rules are not negotiable, and they are, in my experience used to add to the game, not take away. While the House Rules presented here are in no way meant to override the books for the purpose of the setting, they do make the game move faster and add a stronger sense of realism to the game here on RPOL.

By submitting an RTJ to the Charlotte by Night chronicle on RPOL you are acknowledging that you have read and are familiar with all of the rules. Thank you and good gaming. - Storytellers

  1. Firearms cause Lethal damage. In our opinion making firearms cause bashing damage just opened the door to all kinds of inappropriate weapon combinations.

  2. Firearms work just fine while using Celerity. If your Glock has a Rate of Fire of 4, and you have Celerity 3 and opt to take 4 actions total, you can have 4 shots. Or, you could split your dice pool to take 4 shots and then save your Celerity actions to do whatever. This means you can fire a gun up to its Maximum Rate of Fire in Celerity; assuming of course, you have enough ammunition and actions available to do this.

  3. The Rule of Six is when you are required to make a dice roll and you roll three sixes. It doesn't matter how many dice you have, what the difficulty is, or what the result of the roll is. If you roll 3 sixes (and only 3) you automatically get +1 experience point. You can't have more or less than 3 sixes. It has to be 3.

  4. Any attack to the head that does 5 or more damage after soaking automatically destroys the head, resulting in Final Death. For melee weapons the base damage needs to be at least Str+3 for this rule to apply. For fire arms they need to do a base of 8 damage. Base damage is potential damage before overages.

  5. Fortitude automatically soaks Bashing and Lethal damage for it's rating worth.

  6. Clan specific disciplines cannot be learned by members of other clans without first ingesting the vitae of a Kindred that knows the discipline in question.

  7. The Backgrounds of Influence, Allies, Retainers, and Contacts are broken down farther, pulling from the old Laws of the Night LARP book and the nWoD's system. Each of the Influences is listed by type instead of an overall influence trait. It is mentioned below. Allies, Retainers, and Contacts are also broken down into type. 3 dots in Allies no longer means you have 3 allies, but rather you have 1 ally of 3 dots worth of potency. The same holds true for Retainers and Contacts. So if you had Allies @@ (Police), Contacts @@@ (Police), Herd @ (Crack Dealers), Herd @@@ (Crack Whores), and Retainers @@@@ (Jones), it means you know a cop of slightly above average ability willing to help you, a solid police connection, a small number of local crack dealers and the local crack-heads to feed from, and a high speed low drag ghoul named Jones. These backgrounds can (and I recommend it) be taken multiple times. They can also increase their value through good role playing and experience. Contacts and Herd are not effective for more than feeding or information (usually). Contacts start with a base of 3 dice, +1 for each dot invested in them. Allies start with a base of 4 dice +1 for each dot invested and Retainers start with 5 dice (+1 for each dot invested). These dice pools re for relevant rolls only. An ally who is a cop is different than one who is a banker, who are different then your ghouled limo driver. Ghouls automatically gain 1 dot of Potence, and 1 additional discipline from your own discipline spread.

  8. Increasing the potency of Resources, Mentor, Haven, Influence, Herd, Allies, Contacts, and Retainers with experience is current rating x1, but you will be required to give us an in character post or two of effort. Its a good practice to have raising these as a goal. Feel free to work on these in Free Form threads; we can and will award extra dots for appropriate RP. An example would be robbing an armored car and making a clean getaway. Obviously your Resources increase. Status (Clan, City, Sect, or Elder), Fame, and Generation cannot be increased through experience. We reserve the right to refuse an expenditure.

  9. Botching the Willpower roll to resist Presence results in immediate subservience to the vampire in question and treats the result of their roll as though it were 2 successes higher. Clever kindred, particularly the elders, often spend their first action turning their backs on the impressive vampire using this discipline. Presence on multiple targets or a crowd, those with the lowest Willpower are affected first.

  10. Unless specifically stated otherwise in the books, any Willpower rolls are made with / against Current Willpower, not Permanent Willpower.

  11. Auspex vs. Obfuscate favors the Obfuscated individual unless you have 2 or more levels of Auspex then they do Obfuscate. To even have the chance to see an Obfuscated individual your PC must be making an active, diligent, effort to locate them.

  12. You may only have up to 7 points of Merits & Flaws combined. Calculate negative numbers as positives for this number.

  13. Use the Character Sheet posted in the Character Creation thread. It is the only one we will accept. If you need help, say so. Remember, you will need to use the < tt > and < /tt > code at the beginning and end of the sheet (without the spaces) to preserve the alignment.

  14. Choose an Avatar for your character. Only stick to realistic photos if at all possible. Cartoony or manga style avatars are not allowed. Make sure you fill out a character description using the format below:

    Apparent Age:
    Embrace Date:

    Description: What they look like and their attire is.

    Brief Bio: A brief history on the character touching on why they are important, no more then 2-3 paragraphs 3-6 sentences long.

    Notable Inventory: Things you can realistically see on them or that would be found in a pocket or backpack, not something left in the haven or in the glove box of their car.

    Character Pic: This is entirely optional, but is worth +5 extra experience points, +10 if it actually matches (or fits!) the avatar.

  15. Your Character Bio lines need to be filled out using the below format:

    First Line : Man:4 Cha:2 App:2 <- Social Attributes
    Second Line: S3;CS1            <- Statuses and their ratings separated with a semi-colon and no spaces.

    The status key breaks down like this (note: x is your rating):

    Camarilla Status = Sx
    Clan Status      = CSx
    Elder Status     = ESx
    Anarch Status    = ASx
    Sabbat Status    = SSx
    Reputation       = Rx

  16. Check the Updates Thread frequently. Rule changes, opportunities to earn bonus EXP, ST absences, and other important information are all posted there. You do not get a pass when you break a rule because you forgot to look at the Updates Thread. Lastly, the updates thread is pruned regularly to keep only the most current information in it (generally a week).

  17. You are to use the Experience Tracker posted at the bottom of the sheet to record your expenditures. If you fail to track your Experience Points properly those EXP are lost. The tracker should look something like this if you're using it correctly:

    4       Firearms 2    25Dec2012
    12      Perception 3  10Nov2012
    3       Firearms 1    30Oct2012

     19    Spent EXP Total

  18. Experience is earned at a default rate of 1 per 10 posts in a thread (round normally). This is a total post count, not just your posts. Another thing you need to be aware of. Unless otherwise specified any EXP we give you at the end of a thread is in addition to this.

  19. Anarch related PMs to the Storytellers need to have ANARCH as the first thing in their subject. Camarilla ones should have CAMARILLA as the first word in their subject. Doing this will help insure you get a helpful response quickly.

  20. We, the Storytellers, reserve the right to make, break, ignore, contradict or otherwise selectively enforce any rules we damn well please to maintain the integrity of the game.

  21. If you get more 1s than successes on a roll regardless of the dice pool, difficulty of the roll, or if you spent a voluntary Willpower point before the roll your roll is a Botch, and will be handled accordingly.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:03, Thu 31 Jan 2013.
GM, 26 posts
Come at me bro'!
Fri 13 Jul 2012
at 22:19
  • msg #6

Posting Guidelines

Please use your best punctuation and grammar when you post IC. OOC I don't particularly care as long as I don't feel like I'm reading a giant text message sent from a phone without a qwerty keyboard (Pro Tip: If you have one of those phones its time to upgrade). I'm not at all saying you need a degree to play here. I'm saying your posts need to be legible.

When you post character speech it needs to be in color. we don't care what color, but be consistent throughout the thread if possible. Under no circumstances should you change color in the middle of a post. It confuses the crap out of us. At best you'll be fixing your post, at worst we'll be taking EXP from you. Before someone asks, bold and italics do not count. Pick a color.

When we include NPC speech it will be colored. Mortal speech will not be colored. Different NPCs in our threads will have speech of different colors. If, for whatever reason, we run out of colors for NPCs you'll have to actually read the white text around the colored text and figure out who is saying what on you're own.

EX: NPC1 may have Blue speech. NPC2 may have Green speech. NPC1's speech will STAY Blue throughout the entire post. NPC2's speech will STAY Green throughout the entire post. Note I said post. Not thread. It may change unintentionally.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:03, Mon 17 Sept 2012.
GM, 30 posts
Come at me bro'!
Fri 13 Jul 2012
at 22:33
  • msg #7


This thread is not going to spell out individual levels of these backgrounds. The published source material does that just fine. I am attempting to add some depth to these traits and force some consistency by making them a little easier to understand from an RP point of view.

Most backgrounds have varying degrees of quantity / quality mixing. Think of it like allocating your dots among different areas, people, etc... Lets say you have Influence, Gangs at 4. You could split those and have two mid-level gang members in two different gangs (or the same gang!). Split it further and you could have four individual grunts in four gangs (or the same gang!). Or, you can put all your eggs in one basket and grab up the gang's Underboss. For clarity purposes we'll call this "Allocation." it should be fairly obvious which backgrounds will work well with this.

Allocation will not be reflected in the dots on your sheet. It will be fleshed out in the little descriptor you have to write to go along with any Backgrounds you take.

Allies: When you detail your Allies (and you will) you need to flesh out who they are, your relationship, etc... This should not be more than a sentence or two. Allies are essentially friends. They are also (usually) mortal. So you will need to keep that in mind. Remember Allies can also call on YOU for favors and support when they are in need. Failing to help them can result in losing the ally (and thus dots in this background). Most importantly: Allies are mortal!

Contacts: Contacts work just like allies only these people are less friendly and more professional. They are more likely to expect payment or favors in return for their assistance. Also, like Allies, they are usually mortal. You'll need to flesh out who, what, etc... These people are as well as a quick sentence or two with some details as to your relationship with them.

Generation: We should all know by now what this does, but if not it lowers your starting Generation from its base of 13. Subtract your rating in this from 13 and you have your new Generation. This cannot exceed a rating of 4 without my prior approval. Eighth Generation characters have special requirements before beginning play.

Haven: Haven is from the book Havens of the Damned. It is included as an optional background representing the strength, safety, and security of your haven. I would recommend taking it if you plan on being a social vampire, or making a lot of enemies.

Herd: If you take Herd you should be able to give a description of who comprises that Herd. Are they a number of specific people rather than a general group? The former is more likely. You would do well to flesh out a few of them. This doesn't have to be done before play begins, but I want it done over time. Herd and Retainers are NOT interchangeable! Herd are mortals your PC feeds from regularly. Retainers are mortals he has chosen to invest his Blood, time, and resources in. Mortals in your Herd do not get that kind of attention.

See the following post for more information on Influence.

Mentor: Mentor cannot be bought without ST approval. There are some questions you can answer ahead of time to speed the discussion along: How much of a role do you want your Mentor to take in your PC's life? How personally powerful do you want your Mentor to be, and in what areas? Not all Mentors are going to be able to get you out of trouble with the cops and save your ass in Elysium without incurring debts of their own. Debts they are going to want you to repay. After we have this quick talk we'll go through established NPCs, and find or create an appropriate Mentor for you.

Retainers: Retainers are handled differently than in the books. Rather than 1 dot in Retainers buying 1 retainer I'm adding a mechanic for improving existing retainers. So, 1 dot in Retainers means 1 retainer. Subsequent dots in that retainer will mean she gets a little more awesome.
EX: Retainer, Security (Biggs) 4  and Retainer, Security (Wedge) 4 means you have two very high speed, low drag security guards covering your ass. From a mechanics point of view each dot in Retainer, _______ will improve relevant dice pools for that retainer by 1 from a base of 5. Relevant dice pools means dice pools important to whatever purpose that retainer serves. This eliminates the all-purpose ghoul (something like a butler or concierge is still acceptable), but you will no longer be sending your butler on assassination runs for you. This isn't a bad thing as it makes your ghouls more valuable and more readily affects their specialties and age. Another thing you should expect is that "I want an assassin ghoul" is no longer going to cut it. Retainers are valuable and require considerable investment. You will have to find one, or purchase it from another Kindred. Also, and this is the second time I've said this: Retainers, and Herd are not interchangeable! Mortals in your PC's Herd are mortals he feeds from regularly. Retainers are mortals your PC has chosen to invest time, Blood, and resources in to develop them in some fashion.

Resources: A quick sentence or two on where the money is coming from. If its coming from an Influence trait, I need to know that. Likewise if your PC is living off his retirement savings, or if he holds a job or does he spend a few nights a month knocking over ATMs...Those are all viable methods for obtaining money.

Status: This represents how others view you in the confines of different factions. Status has different flavors based on Faction: Camarilla (the default), Anarch, Elder, Sabbat, etc... In the books they list a position held as an example. Do not limit yourself to such a narrow scope. There are many remarkable Kindred who have higher Status ratings than you would expect because of their personal power.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:16, Wed 26 Dec 2012.
GM, 31 posts
Come at me bro'!
Fri 13 Jul 2012
at 22:34
  • msg #8


Influence - Influence works just like it does normally. Except now you have to specify what sort of influence you have. This list gives you a good idea of how influence can be used. It is copied directly from the Laws of the Night source book. When determining what sort of influence you have, also try and figure out how. Influence isn't just some magical thing you can use to make something else happen. Influence can (and will!) occasionally get tied up, countered, and may even fall on deaf ears. Do you have a lot of Legal Influence? How? Why? Do you have stake in a commercial law firm? Do you know an ADA? Do you keep a Defense Attorney on speed dial? You have a lot of Industrial Influence, is it because you have the local 562 on standby? Do you keep tabs on the illegals working the docks? Do you keep the plant foreman as a ghoul? These are all things to consider while selecting influence. Once you have some of those questions answered note it on your sheet. A sentence or two should be sufficient. If we have questions we'll ask you to expand on it further.

Format Influence on your sheet like this: Influence, XXXXX. Where "XXXXX" is the specific category. This way Jedi and I do not have to hunt across our sheet for information.

A - Bureaucratic - Governmental and business offices, including utilities; the creation and cutting of red tape. Carefully drawn lines exist  between Bureaucracy and Legal, Police, Finance, and University.
  • Level 1 - Alter/trace utility bills, expedite minor processes that take time, take advantage of minor bureaucratic loopholes, make files on peoples' traceable activity.
  • Level 2 - Alter birth certificates/driver's license; temporarily close a small road or park, get inspectors sent to locations, cause delays in applications, acquire public aid ($250).
  • Level 3 - Create false ID's, death certificates, marriage licenses, passports; close a public school for a day; shut down a small business on a violation; connect/disconnect utilities on a block.
  • Level 4 - Create false land deeds and titles; initiate phone taps; initiate an NEA/BIA/IRS/DOI investigation, get untraceable utility service, bog down a lawsuit or investigation in red tape.
  • Level 5 - Start, stop, or alter a city-wide program or policy; shut down a big business on a violation; rezone areas; destroy records of a person at the city level, stop a federal investigation.

B - Church - The non-secular world, all faiths.
  • Level 1 - Identify secular members of a given faith in local area, peruse public church records, use a church as a meeting place, find an AA meeting, get a priest's phone number.
  • Level 2 - Identify higher church members, track congregation members; suspend lay members, get coffee/bibles/Mass for 100 people on short notice, meet with a rabbi/imam/priest wherever you want.
  • Level 3 - Open or close a single church/temple/mosque, access private archives of the church, meet with the Bishop, get a house ritually sanctified, manipulate a church-owned charity, steal from the collection plate or dip into church funds ($250).
  • Level 4 - Discredit or suspend higher-level members, find an average church-associated hunter or exorcist, manipulate a fanatic splinter group, start a heresy/witchcraft investigation.
  • Level 5 - Organize major protests/boycotts, manipulate regional branches, access ancient church lore, identify someone with True Faith or a church-associated hunter group without meeting them.

C - Financial - All things monetary; banks, investment firms, brokers, etc. All loans are amortized over one year to be paid back incrementally every month.
  • Level 1 - Receive a loan ($100,000 - payback $120,000), learn about economic trends, get a dozen accounts all over town, run a credit check on someone, identify whether a bill is counterfeit, get up to $1,000 in cash.
  • Level 2 - Receive a loan ($500,000 - payback $600,000), trace unsecured bank accounts, identify a person's collateral properties, get an insider stock tip.
  • Level 3 - Receive a loan ($2,000,000 - payback $2,400,000), create a secure bank account, access ATM camera tapes, get copies of someone's signature.
  • Level 4 - Receive a loan ($10,000,000 - payback $12,000,000), delay deposits; credit alterations, interfere with specific stock transactions, cause an IRS/SEC audit or investigation.
  • Level 5 - Receive a loan ($50,000,000 - payback $60,000,000), control an aspect of city-wide banking, stop an IRS/SEC audit or investigation, foreclose on a small business.

D - High Society - Culture and subculture, fame, fashion, trendsetting.
  • Level 1 - Obtain hard-to-get tickets for shows, get the lowdown on obscure subcultural trends, be the first to get that CD/DVD, hear about parties, learn about who's who.
  • Level 2 - Track celebrities and luminaries, be a local voice in the entertainment field, get invited to the right parties, sit in the front row, get the sneak preview.
  • Level 3 - Crush promising careers, get backstage passes to anything, have rich people ask you for trend advice, be well-known in a subculture or social scene.
  • Level 4 - Achieve temporary minor celebrity status (Fame x1), skip lines, get VIP treatment everywhere, get hit on by beautiful people, know who is doing what with who, set minor trends.
  • Level 5 - Appear on a talk show, ruin a new club/gallery/festival/other high society gathering, have an annual must-attend party with everybody there, meet visiting celebrities in their hotel rooms.

E - Industrial - The business of making things, unions. All union thugs are mortals with 6 physical, 3 social, 4 mental, 1 willpower, a craft skill, and 2 brawls.
  • Level 1 - Learn about industrial projects and movements, union membership, borrow portable tools, learn a trade, get a night job, get your car fixed cheap.
  • Level 2 - Have minor projects performed by small crews, arrange small 'accidents' on the job site, get an expert welder to do a job for you, be known as a good member to a single union, dip into union funds or embezzle petty cash ($500)
  • Level 3 - Get a union thug to break something, organize minor strikes, appropriate a blast furnace for a short time, get some silver bullets/vehicle armor/torture devices made.
  • Level 4 - Get a pair of union thugs to burn something down, close or revitalize a small plant, take over a small plant for two weeks, get anyone booted out of any union, initiate an OSHA/EPA inspection.
  • Level 5 - Get half a dozen masked union thugs to kidnap/terrorize someone, manipulate a large local industry, organize a major area strike, manufacture a hundred of anything, stop OSHA/EPA inquiries.

F - Legal - Judges, lawyers, law firms, courtrooms, etc.
  • Level 1 - Get free representation for small cases, have a lawyer who answers his phone, sue people for messing with you, learn about someone's holdings/legal status.
  • Level 2 - Avoid bail for some charges, have minor charges dropped, get a quiet settlement when being sued, get a lawyer to build a complete file on someone, create a screen to slow investigations, acess public or court funds ($250).
  • Level 3 - Get good representation, manipulate legal procedures (wills, contracts, etc), start a state investigation, have a lawyer with assistants drown someone in legal briefs.
  • Level 4 - Issue subpoenas, tie up court cases, have most charges dropped, cancel or arrange parole, start a federal investigation of some sort, stop a state investigation.
  • Level 5 - Close down a federal investigation, have deportation proceedings held against someone, get warrants revoked, hide ownership of anything, find a legal weakness to exploit.

G - Media - Newspapers, television, radio; local to the Domain.
  • Level 1 - Learn about breaking stories early; submit small articles, know a few reporters to tip, be on college radio, get a letter to the editor published in an underground free press.
  • Level 2 - Suppress small articles or reports, get investigative reporting information, get a photographer to show up, have a reporter in your pocket, get research done on a subject, trace personal ads.
  • Level 3 - Initiate news investigations and reports, access media production resources, start a major investigative story, get a TV news crew to show up with satellite feed, make an independent film.
  • Level 4 - Initiate a fake story with local attention, influence story selection, get an editor to kill a story, get a TV series to do a local episode, get radio personalities fired, kill an underground 'zine.
  • Level 5 - Initiate a fake story with statewide attention, get newspaper people fired, affect the storyline of a TV show, change a radio station's format, own an unaffiliated local TV station, stop any one story.

H - Medicine - Hospitals, blood banks, doctors. No bioweapons without the OK from all STs.
  • Level 1 - Gain 2 blood traits, fake vaccination records, get medical supplies (latex gloves, biohazard stickers, syringes), be first in line at the ER, get a wheelchair van delivered.
  • Level 2 - Gain 5 blood traits, access to minor medical records, get a copy of a coroner's report, get an ambulance to make a run with no record, get a doctor to make a house call.
  • Level 3 - Gain 10 blood traits, corrupt results of tests or inspections, alter medical records, get a gunshot wound treated quietly, schedule patients for surgeries without their permission.
  • Level 4 - Gain 20 blood traits, instigate a minor quarantine, acquire a cadaver, destroy medical records, have people institutionalized or released, start a CDC/AMA investigation, abuse grants for personal use ($250).
  • Level 5 - Gain 50 blood traits, have a special research project performed, shut down a business for health code violations, stop a CDC/AMA investigation, close a doctor's office or two.

I - Occult - Secret and fringe groups, libraries, experts and shops specializing in the paranormal.
  • Level 1 - Contact common occult groups and practices, join a fringe religion, learn about new trends or dangers to the occult subculture, acquire candles, bones, crystals, etc. of decent quality.
  • Level 2 - Access to resources for most rituals and rites, research the first level of an Expert Ability: Lore in a paranormal subject - Cainite, Thanatology, Garou, Mage, etc. (Blank Lore Ability 1).
  • Level 3 - Access to rare material components, occult tomes, and writings, research a Basic Ritual from your Path, research Blank Lore Ability 2, manipulate a local cult, get a Loremaster to answer a question, milk impressionable wannabes for $$$ ($250)
  • Level 4 - Know where to find certain supernatural entities, research an Intermediate Ritual from your Path, unearth a common Thaumaturgical/Necromantic Path, research Blank Lore Ability 3.
  • Level 5 - Access minor magic items, unearth an Advanced Ritual from your path, unearth an uncommon Thaumaturgical/Necromantic Path, research Blank Lore Ability 4, meet with a demon/mage/spectre.

J - Police - Law enforcement personnel, jails, prisons, and police stations.
  • Level 1 - Gather police information and rumors, avoid traffic tickets, understand a scanner, find incarcerated people, ask a patrolman what he's noticed on his beat.
  • Level 2 - Have license plates checked, avoid minor violations, get a cop to keep an eye on your haven, know a desk sergeant at a precinct house, get rap sheets, learn about current investigations.
  • Level 3 - Find bureau secrets, get copies of an investigation report, have police hassle, harass, book, or detain someone, initiate a local or state criminal investigation, call in a major helicopter search.
  • Level 4 - Access confiscated weapons or contraband; start an FBI/ATF/DEA investigation; have serious charges dropped, frame someone for a felony, call in a SWAT team, make a police station your haven, obtain money, either fromt he evidence room or as an appropriation ($1,000)
  • Level 5 - Institute major multi-branch investigations, arrange setups/stings, have officers fired, stop a local FBI/ATF/DEA investigation, frame someone for a series of felonies.

K - Politics -  elected officials; judges, sheriffs, mayors, state and congressional representatives and senators, county commissioners, and City Councils.
  • Level 1 - Minor lobbying, identify real platforms of politicians, find out about major donors to campaigns, get campaign signage, buttons, stickers, etc.
  • Level 2 - Meet small time politicians, have forewarning of laws forthcoming, get appointments with your representatives, get demographic information, use a slush fund or fund-raiser to get funds ($1,000)
  • Level 3 - Sway or alter political projects, manipulate local committees, lunch with a suburban mayor or judge, get a quick passport or permit, identify agendas of any elected or appointed official.
  • Level 4 - Enact minor legislation, dash careers of minor politicians, be a major player in a suburb, run a local party PAC, be a City Councilor, start a federal bar inquiry.
  • Level 5 - Get your candidate in minor office, enact more encompassing legislation countywide, control a block of votes on City Council, be a major obstacle to any candidate in the Domain.

L - Street - Homeless people, street gangs, unorganized crime.
  • Level 1 - Have an ear open for the word on the street, identify most gangs and their turfs and habits, know your way around homeless shelters, read graffiti and understand it.
  • Level 2 - Live mostly without fear on the underside of society, access small time contraband/drugs, identify any illicit substance, know the Survival obstacles of any given neighborhood.
  • Level 3 - Arrange some services from street people or gangs, get pistols or melee weapons, get a building staked out by homeless watchers, put a rumor out on the street.
  • Level 4 - Mobilize groups of homeless, have a word in almost all gang operations, get shotguns or rifles, get a gang to protect someone, plant drugs on someone with a pickpocket.
  • Level 5 - Initiate drive-by shootings, identify regular police informants, start a small two-gang shootout, use the homeless as couriers/information networks/infiltrators.

M - Transportation - By land, lake, or air. Cabs, buses, freeways, trains, shipping, airports.
  • Level 1 - Know what goes where and why, know a cabbie/subway conductor/airport employee/chauffeur, recognize shipments that are unusual or unscheduled, get tickets for sold-out rides.
  • Level 2 - Track a target who's using public transportation, arrange passage within the Domain safe from mundane threats, get specific information from transportation companies, have a limo available.
  • Level 3 - Seriously hamper a single individual's ability to travel for a few days, travel inconspicuously, smuggle one package every two weeks, have an armored lightproof limousine available.
  • Level 4 - Shut down one form of mass transit for a few hours, have an entourage with chase cars available, arrange trucker/pilot/shipping strikes, smuggle one shipping crate every two weeks.
  • Level 5 - Smuggle with impunity, keep a helicopter on station, make someone fitting a description unable to catch a cab for one day, route money your way ($500)

N - Underworld - Organized crime; prostitution, arms, gambling, fraud, extortion, auto theft, Mafia. Does not include smuggling or street gangs (Transportation and Street respectively). All thugs are mortals with 6 physicals, 4 mentals, 3 socials, 2 willpower, 2 brawl and 2 firearms.
  • Level 1 - Locate minor contraband, find an illegal card game, know a hooker that's not a cop, get someone's car stolen and chopped, know what to do with a stolen credit card, fence loot and skim from illegal dealings to get cash ($1,000)
  • Level 2 - Obtain pistols on short notice, go and get serious drugs, go and get stolen cars, know a wiseguy, send someone a free prostitute, go and get a few stolen credit cards.
  • Level 3 - Get 2 amateur local thugs to rough someone up for you, obtain a rifle, shotgun, or submachine gun, know where a fence/chop shop/whorehouse/illegal casino is.
  • Level 4 - Get 4 amateur local thugs to shoot a place up for you, have white-collar crime connections, control a single crime ring for 2 weeks, get a place immunized from organized crime.
  • Level 5 - Get 8 amateur local thugs to make someone disappear, arrange gangland assassinations of non-made guys, get a professional firebug to burn something down, get someone's car wired to blow up.

O - University - Higher education, research, administration of colleges.
  • Level 1 - Access to low level university resources; obtain copies of school records, get students' social security numbers, identify experts in various fields.
  • Level 2 - Know a contact or two with useful knowledge or skills, get keys to some buildings, fake a registered class schedule, identify the dorm rooms of any type of student.
  • Level 3 - Faculty favors, fix grades, discredit a student, get a term paper written, get an expert to spend time researching for you, 24 hour library access.
  • Level 4 - Organize student protests and rallies, discredit faculty members, get tenure, have a team of grad students attempt your strange project, send in the campus cops.
  • Level 5 - Falsify an undergraduate degree, run of facilities, get a fraternity banned from a campus, change campus policy, access rare books, call it a snow day.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:39, Fri 13 July 2012.
GM, 148 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 31 Jan 2013
at 18:09
  • msg #9


STORYBUCKS - What are Storybucks?  Good question.  Storybucks are something I came up with eons ago that will allow you (the player) to do things that you normally wouldn't be allowed to do.  They have an impact on the game and function a lot like exp, but they are used for things you can't use experience for.  In other games, you may recognize the similarity between Storybucks and Hero Points, Plot Points, or Force Points.

Storybucks are given out for various things - just like we do with EXP.  The thing about Storybucks is that they apply to both sides, the Camarilla and the Anarchs.

EFFECT                                                    SB COST
Ask the Storyteller for an appropriate hint               2-5 SB
Trade for Experience Points                               3 For 1
Reroll a single dice roll and keep newest result          5
Reroll a single dice roll and keep the best result        8
Grant an additional dice on a dice roll                   5 Per Dice
Regain a spent Willpower Point                            7
Regain All spent Willpower Points                         25
Buy a new Merit                                           10 Per Merit Point
Buy off a Flaw                                            10 Per Flaw Point
Create an additional character                            75
Start with 10 extra Freebie Points                        50^
Start with 25 extra Freebie Points                        125^
Create an Elder                                           200*
Avoid Character Death                                     300#

^ = These Stack.  Must be on a Second or Additional Character
* = Only Useable Once
# = Only Useable Once Per Character

This list and these numbers are subject to change!
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 18:11, Thu 31 Jan 2013.
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