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Charlotte: Kindred Information.

Posted by ST-Ac1dFor group 0
GM, 22 posts
Sun 1 Jul 2012
at 02:48
  • msg #1

Charlotte: Kindred Information

Let me start this entire thread with some things you may need to know. Jedi and myself are brothers, and we've wanted to work on a setting together. Unfortunately we both have some pretty critical differences of opinion on what makes a good setting. This means that most of our efforts up to this point have ended up with us fighting and the project being killed, but hey, that's what happens when two people as creative and stubborn as us try to do something together.

However, Charlotte By Night has been an altogether different experience, and I hope the amount of material we have available for you is testament to this fact. So far, I've been really happy with the quality of the work we've been doing. No, it's not finished, but these things never are. We'll constantly be updating, cutting and adding to the setting.
This means you players are getting the absolute best from both of our games. After all, Jedi and I combined have over 30 years of running VtM games.

For you veteran players to Braddock By Night or New York's Undead we have had to make adjustments to the time line running between our stories. Some of the things you're familiar with have been altered, or cut entirely to make way for something better from the other chronicle. In other cases we've found both settings lacking something important and we've had to create entirely new relationships, histories, and dozens of other things. So bear with us and if you get confused, ask.

That is all.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:18, Sat 21 July 2012.
GM, 23 posts
Sun 1 Jul 2012
at 03:48
  • msg #2


Team NOS:
Team NOS was founded in Miami before it fell to the Sabbat, and at the height of the tuner car scene by Chris Jones and Ken Smith, both Toreador flunkies. They started in small time drug dealing, and gambling on races. As their supernatural abilities grew in strength their driving skills rose exponentially. This quickly lead to conflicts with the mortal gangs they kept ripping off. After several near misses with the Masquerade Ken and Chris decided they needed to invest in some guns to have another way to deal with these problems.

When the Sabbat invaded Chris allegedly slayed his Sire and fled with Ken, and Jennifer to Los Angeles. Los Angeles is where Team NOS came into its own. Free of the shackles from the Camarilla and the Sabbat, and much closer to the tuner scene, Ken and Chris swelled the ranks with a mix of racers, gang bangers, and drug dealers. They maintained a strict "Don't mess with us and we won't mess with you," policy with other Kindred.

Since its inception Team NOS has become much more than a racing team. Their portfolio is one of the most diverse of the "organized crime" groups in any city: Drug dealing, extortion, smuggling, illegal gambling, prostitution, etc.... As a result of the vast diversity of its members, Team NOS dabbles in nearly every profitable vice there is. Driving and illegal racing are still a large part of the modus operandi for Team NOS; all of true members of the crew are drivers. Most of the people Ken and Chris draw around them can claim Team NOS, but only the drivers get the jackets. The biggest change with Ken and Chris is the money: They no longer break out tricked out Civic SIs or Toyota Supras, now its Ford GTs and Acura NSXs.

Team NOS is fiercely independent, and so are its members. They police themselves, rarely are any of its members responsible for Masquerade breaches, and they generally abide by the Traditions, provided they are left alone to conduct their affairs. Team NOS is also, at least its core members, quite nomadic, rarely staying in one city for more than a few months. By and large they arrive, do their thing, and leave a city intact. Its only when Princes and Sheriffs make it their business to rid their cities of Team NOS do things get nasty, and the crew has been responsible for more than one Sheriff and Scourge meeting Final Death when they refused to read the memo: Stay out of their way and they'll go away on their own.

Charlotte seems to be an exception to the long standing nomadic tradition of the team though. To everyone paying attention it seems Team NOS is moving the bulk of its operation from Los Angeles to Charlotte, concentrating their area around the Lowe's Motor Speedway, Concord, and parts of University area. Perhaps the most alarming thing about Team NOS is that over the last few years they have shown a subtle shift in their methods. It's almost as if they've slowly come under the control of some codified leadership. If this is true it can only mean Team NOS has realized some sort of agenda and this bodes ill for anyone in their way.

Roster: Camera Man, Chris Jones, Daffney Valentine, Gauge, Gordon Briscoe, Holly Wahlromm, Jennifer Clarkson, Jill Turner, Ken Smith

Tank's Brood:
Tank's Brood is run by Eve. After Juan came to power the Brujah lost a lot of faith in the system. She realized that John's coup meant nothing would change for the neonates and ancillae who struggled in the streets. In Eve's mind things are likely to get worse. With Juan in power, Dora speaking for the elders, and John's rules of engagement for the harpies null and void its going to be nearly impossible for any non-elder to crawl up to a higher station. Yes, Juan is Prince, but according to Eve he has set himself up as a figurehead, while the elders will continue to hold the real power.

While Eve is not a native Charlottean she has been in the city long enough to know who everyone is. Coupled with her ties to Elysium this makes Tank's Brood hands down the largest Anarch faction in the city. This does not necessarily mean it's the most powerful however. Eve is one of the last to advocate violence and this has caused many of her detractors to side any one of the other factions. Eve is also very politically motivated, and many of the younger Anarchs have no patience for this. Eve is just as likely to use back channels and parlor room bargaining as she is to grab a gun and assault an enemy in their haven.

This all means that Tank's Brood catches a lot of flak for being "Weekend Warriors," or "Part-Timers." The Brood definitely has members who are just on a rebellious streak, but many of its members are paying more than lip service to the Anarch movement, and of all the Anarch factions in the city Tank's Brood has arguably been the most effective at accomplishing anything of worth. The Brood has gotten more than one new arrival off of Philip's shit list, one of their gathering locations is officially an Elysium, and they have leverage in Elysium so generally none of the elders mess with them anyway.

Roster: A.J. Cooper, Billy Gomez, Eve, Fiona Ericson, Georgia Lawson, Lorelei Koenig, Ophelia Romero, Sphinx

Queen City Liberation Army is run by Madisen Tandino, a rather powerful elder who is the oldest of Ezekiel's Brood. She is a diehard Iconoclast and is not only in the city seeking revenge for the death of her sire, but also to liberate the downtrodden of the city and declare herself Baroness of the city.

QCLA is the smallest faction in the city with only a clutch of five or six members. However Madisen is a force to be reckoned with on her own. She is nearly as powerful as her Sire, Ezekiel, and has many of his same qualities. Both were monsters on a battlefield, both were alarmingly smart, and both were startlingly violent in their methods when they were pushed against a wall. However, unlike her sire, Madisen has no hang ups about pulling out the big guns first. This means QCLA is already the most violent faction in the city. They're already embroiled in a turf war with Tank's Brood and rumor has it that Madisen has put a bounty on Nigel's head.

QCLA attracts the most violent Kindred in the city, and they are fiercely loyal to Madisen. Iconoclasts, all of them, members of QCLA believe they are in the middle of a war for the freedoms the Camarilla promised the Anarchs when it was created after the first Anarch Revolt. Soldiers in the QCLA believe the only way to secure those freedoms is to demolish the Ivory Tower and build a new Kindred government on the bombed out remains and ashes of those who stood in the way of progress.

Roster: Army Guy, Foster Adams, Ghost, Ibriham Ali-Izzim, Irish Rob Tilley, Madisen Tandino, Nikita Borchova, Tiger Salid Jhalil al-Hazrad

Edge's Dirty Name: Appropriately named, Edge's Dirty Name resembles a coterie of kindred with like minded ideals of personal independence at the expense of everyone else and the physical ability to to maintain their position. The fact that the group has garnered enough of a presence to be seen as it's own viable faction is somewhat surprising if for no other reason then the kindred involved seem to have an extremely apathetic view towards their own popularity.

With that in mind, the faction's "leader", Kyoko "Edge" Kyembogabi is perhaps the most dangerous Anarch in the world, according to many, is widely known and her explosive encounters with both Clan Tremere and the Sabbat have been hyped to near legendary proportions among her fans. Those who put little stock in the stories of neonates still know to avoid a physical conflict with the Brujah wild card.

Most of the Dirty Name are Edge's own childer, but the group is popular among the more individualistic kindred and those who just want everyone else to shut up. Politically, The Dirty Name is neutral, even among the Anarchs. Juan Lorenzo is just another prince. The elders are like every other group of elders, and the Anarchs who sit around flapping their jaws are just like every other weekend warrior that's pissed about something but has no real way to fix it.

All of the Dirty Name fights in Fight Club with the exception of Edge who doesn't fight only because nobody wants to fight her. Rumor has it that Edge has won two Fight Club Manhunts out in Los Angeles. It is a known fact that before she quit fighting she was an undefeated champion. The Dirty Name has a legacy to live up to with regards to Fight Club. It's the one thing besides their independence they seem to take seriously.

Edge herself sees the Anarchs as self-defeating. Their independence and individuality unites as well as alienates them. She understands that without actual elder support their is no hope of getting anything changed while simultaneously seeing that no Anarch worth their blood will ever accept elder leadership. This makes for a rather unique situation - one that creates a group of violent brooding Anarchs unable to do for themselves but also unwilling to accept aid or support.

Should the Dirty Name ever organize and make a play for power they would be real contenders. For the time being Edge seems to put most of her focus into keeping the Anarchs from erupting prematurely and damaging everyone. Some critics however have begun asking the tough question - why has Edge lost her heart?

Roster: Brandy Saint, Bret Freeman, Chaz Calloway, Clyde Garrison, Edge, Harvey Vineyard, Jaymz Savage, Jester, Nuke

Jokers Wild: Phoenix's Jokers are unlike most of the other Anarchs because they resemble a motorcycle club. They are organized, efficient, and they have structure and powerful allies. This comes as little surprise though, as Phoenix is a Ventrue. He is also known as the Original Anarch, the first kindred in Charlotte to actively have Anarch ties. Jokers Wild is well entrenched, has lots of mortal muscle, and like Team NOS, is very mobile.

The Jokers have an on-again off-again relationship with the Camarilla, seeing the larger collective as an ally when it comes down to kindred vs. something else, but that's where the loyalties end. Phoenix is an opportunist. His history in the city has proven as much. It's no surprise that those aligned with him are equally opportunistic, and the Jokers have more then once shit in someone's cornflakes just because the time was right.

Jokers Wild are no joke. They are legit. They have resources, tradition, and experience on their side. Madisen's QCLA is starting to clash with the Jokers over the same resources. Phoenix's organization and preparation have allowed the Jokers to squeak by without taking any major losses. However they have not been able to return fire effectively thanks to Madisen's personal power base. So far both sides seem to be probing the other for weaknesses.

As their model of a motorcycle club would suggest: Jokers Wild ride. They also ride in groups of three or four (minimum) mortals as well as the kindred masters and are always armed to the teeth. They regularly feud with or incorporate mortal criminal elements, and are known to have their fingers in the illegal sale of automatic weapons more than any other group.

Perhaps the most surprising fact about Jokers Wild is that it makes it's base of operations right in the middle of Ballantyne, one of Charlotte's upper class neighborhoods. This is both a stab at the younger Anarchs, and a source of ammunition for them to mock the Jokers.

Roster: Alexis Cage, Angel Steele Eugene Hurley, Haywire, Jack Willis, Phoenix
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:18, Thu 06 Dec 2012.
GM, 25 posts
Come at me bro'!
Thu 12 Jul 2012
at 01:30
  • msg #3

Fight Club

Background: Fight Club began sometime in the early 80s in New Orleans and was started by an unknown Anarch, though credit was officially given to Ezekiel Rothstein, who merely perfected the system around it. Initially it was an outlet for Brujah and the other violently minded Kindred of a city to vent their frustrations on each other without breaching the Masquerade or otherwise getting themselves in trouble. Several of the more enterprising Kindred in some of these cities opened it to mortals and started an entire gambling ring based on the outcome of the fights. However, Fight Club remained largely, by Kindred and for Kindred.

Fight Club's rules and locations were spread through word of mouth, small postcards, and flyers. Later, writer Chuck Palahniuk would happen across one of these handouts and it would become the inspiration for the book, Fight Club. After the book's publication and massive success the flyers were officially considered a breach of the Masquerade and they ceased being produced. They still exist and are something of a collector's item among Kindred in the know.

Having a Fight Club in your city is something of a status symbol for the cities that have them. Only the largest or most diverse cities have enough Kindred to support one. Charlotte, and its metro area, is one of the smallest cities in the US to have one, but its Fight Club is one of the largest thanks to plenty of room to spread out.

Rules: These are the generally accepted rules for every Fight Club, from Atlanta to San Francisco.

  1. No Kindred versus mortals fights. Ever.
  2. If it is your first time at Fight Club you have to fight.
  3. Don't break the Masquerade. Save the trickery for when the juicebags aren't around.
  4. Leave the drama in the pit. When a fight is over, its over.
  5. If you lose you're not allowed to go after the winner outside.
  6. Control your shit. If you lose it you'll be put down.
  7. You can't challenge the Champion unless you're in the top five.

Charlotte's Take: These are "house rules" for Charlotte. Some of these are agreed on by the populace, some enforced by the Sheriff to keep the peace, and others are enforced by Eve.

  1. Once a fight starts betting is closed until the fight is over.
    The bookies need to watch the fight so people get paid right. Don't fuck with them.
  2. Give the bookie your money before the fight starts.
    Don't bitch about it either. This is so nobody bounces out with money they owe people.
  3. All monetary bets are cash only.
    Paper trails for illegal gambling are stupid.
  4. Betting for boons, domain, and other stuff is welcome.
    By all means, put something valuable on the line.
  5. All bets, whether for money, or whatever, go through the bookies.
    Again, this is to make sure everyone gets paid. Don't fuck with them.
  6. Roughing up the bookies will get you banned from Fight Club.
    And your legs broken, and your ass handed over to Eve or the Sheriff...

Betting: Fight Club events typically have between 3 and 10 bookies on hand. Bookies are almost always ghouls or low ranking Anarchs. Bookies are always guarded by Kindred or other Ghouls who can hold their own, even with vampires. Attacking a Bookie is an amazingly effective way to get your legs broken, banned from Fight Club, or worse... Eve killed the last vampire that got violent with one of her Bookies.

The fighters get 20% of the money bet during their fights plus whatever prize money was put up by the house. 5% goes to cover any expenses for the house. Everything else is paid out to the people placing the bets. The house charges admission that varies depending on the event. Smaller events generally only charge $40 a head. The larger, more popular events can run $100 or more. Eve is remarkably well off because of her Influences, and almost all of the money pulled in goes to finance other events and prize money. One year she held a raffle for the attendees with the winner receiving a new car.

Locations for Fight Club are determined a few nights prior, and word is spread by mouth. Since Eve has taken it upon herself to manage Fight Club her clique usually gets the word out first. This is a good thing. Since Eve is friends with a few of the Keepers of Elysium it means any interested parties can usually dip into Elysium and find out where and when without too much trouble.

Fights at Fight Club occur in Pits. Pits are designated locations for the fighting and they range from abandoned shower rooms, literal pits, or just a room with enough space in it for people to throw punches at each other while a crowd watches. Boards and tables with betting are set up around the pits. Typically there will be one table and two or three Bookies per pit. Each Bookie has an armed guard, usually toting shotguns. There are also armed ghouls carrying shotguns or AK-47s to protect the money and keep the peace. At one location Eve has been known to perch on a catwalk with a rifle to assist. Fighters are also expected to help police the crowds. Security is very tight out of necessity. There is usually a lot of spilled Blood in the Pits and tempers flare easily with all the Anarchs gathered. Making sure no one loses their shit is a major concern. One bad frenzy can force the Sheriff to crack down on Fight Club and ruin it for everyone, but it also scares off the more skittish Kindred, and they're usually the ones with the money...

Matches at Fight Club are generally decided a week or so before the event, although everything is not finalized until the night of the event. Ranked matches are always the last matches of the night, and the higher the rank the match the later it happens. Generally all matches have a 10 minute limit so they can get through all of the fights. The winner is determined when one fighter cannot stand after a 10 count. If a fight hits the limit with no clear winner it is declared a draw and a rematch is usually scheduled. Very rarely matches will have judges and use a point system similar to professional boxing. If these matches hit their allotted time limit the winner is determined with the points.

A particularly busy Fight Club may have several fights going at once. Los Angeles, before it fell to the Sabbat, would easily have ten or more Pits running at once. Charlotte's largest event, an annual tournament on the Winter Solstice, has six pits running at once for quite a few hours.

Not every Fight Club event allows mortals and Kindred are not allowed to Fight at those that do. The end result is that only Kindred interested in gambling or entertainment attend. Mortal only events are something of a place to be seen, and can be compared to a Las Vegas boxing match. Mortal events usually start by 10 pm and rarely last more than two hours.

When the night of Fight Club comes around it kicks off quickly. Staff, including fighters, are expected to be an hour early to get things sorted out: Fights, their order, odds, pit assignments, etc... Betting begins as soon as the doors open. The night is divided into two blocks. The first block will have any of the impromptu fights and usually one or two ranked matches. The second block is almost always ranked matches, and its typically shorter than the first block. After the first block of fights there is a 30 minute intermission to allow the bookies to get caught back up with payouts, new bets, and any adjustments to the fight list or order. Once its down to the last three matches there is only one pit active. These are always between highly ranked fighters or matches with special rules that have a lot of hype built around them. There is a 10 minute intermission between each match for betting, to clean up the Pit, and handle the fighters (most need medical attention or at the least blood).

Fight Club Games: Fight Club isn't always about straight up brawls since there isn't a lot a fighter can do to build hype around his match. Excessive showboating is considered a rude waste of time; especially during Summer when the nights are shorter. There are no mic spots or the ability to run in and interfere with another match to build excitement around your own. If a fighter wants to increase the excitement around his own fight he needs to be creative. Many fighters have taken to using special rules for their fights. These rules help run up the betting numbers, but they also serve to get the crowd pumped up, and the majority of the fighters in Fight Club fight for the thrill of the crowd. Below are some of the most common match types:

1 vs. 1 - No holds barred; knockout or tap out. This is the most common match type.
2 vs. 2 - Same as above
1 vs. 1 Home Run Hitter - The weapon is a baseball bat, aluminum or wood.  Use it to beat a bitch down.
2 vs. 2 Home Run Hitter - See above
1 vs. 1 First Blood - Some of the so called "respectable" fighters like the idea of being the one to land a first strike. This is, popular with Toreador Anarchs hopped up on Celerity, and can make for some truly fantastic matches.
1 vs. 1 Barroom Brawl - Pool Cues, Glass Bottles, billiard balls, wooden tables, and wooden chairs are all legal weapons.
2 vs. 2 Barroom Brawl - See Above.
3 vs. 3 Barroom Brawl - See Above
3 vs. 3 Street Fight - Chains, Knuckles, Crowbars, Pipes, Tire Irons, & Switchblades are legal weapons.

4 vs. 4 Posse Match - 4 Fighters get in the pit and fuck each other up using all above listed weapons.  It is the second most brutal Fight Club match.

1 vs. 5  (1 vs. ?) Manhunt - Two Fight Club fighters ranked within the top five will be picked at random.  Then two more fighters ranked with the top 12 will also be chosen at random.  Those chosen will be sent to hunt down the hunted kindred and beat them to a pulp (or at least bring them back to the starting point) by any method they choose so long as it does not offend the masquerade.  There is a two hour time limit and the hunted must remain within predetermined bounds.  This is the most dangerous of the Fight Club fights, and is regarded as one of the most prestigious fights to win.

1 vs. 1 Grudge Match - Sometimes a bitch needs smacked.  There are times when it can't be avoided, and two of us hate each other so much that we simply cannot co-exist.  This is an anything goes, sealed in the pit match.  The loser is the one who can't get up anymore.  The loser leaves town.  The Victor gets great prestige.

1 vs. 1 The Duel - Some kindred like the old fashion of a duel, and to many it has merit.  Pistols, Swords, and occasionally knives, or other martial arts weapons are used.  Pistols are the most common weapons however.  It is a specific one on one fight that can earn one a great deal of prestige.  Duels are considered gentlemanly, and often attract the attention of older kindred.

Most of the matches are usually fought Brujah on Brujah due to their overtly violent nature, but there are several prominent Ventrue, and Gangrel fighters (who do well thanks to their Fortitude). More rare, but no less deadly, are the Toreador. Years ago there was a particularly gruesome Grudge Match between a Toreador and a Brujah; The Brujah pounded on the Toreador for a few minutes, and everyone thought the Toreador was done for until he got his hands on a scalpel someone had thrown into the pit. The Brujah had to be put down a few minutes later when he went on a Frenzy due to Blood loss.

Perks and Prizes: There are several perks associated with winning matches in Fight Club. First and foremost: Respect. A winner in Fight Club can expect to get respect out on the streets among the crowds that keep track of those kinds of things (and really that is almost all of the Anarchs). Higher ranked winners also gain a reputation for being a bad ass.

Second is money. Most of the fighters are not incredibly wealthy, or even moderately wealthy for that matter. Winning in Fight Club is a quick, liquid cash injection right to the pockets, and the winnings can easily get into the tens of thousands of dollars at larger events. Even on a slow night the winnings are typically seven or eight hundred dollars.

Third is revenge. Fight Club is a fantastic place to get revenge on that douche who keyed your ride outside of Elysium, or that scumbag who offed your favorite ghoul. Since Fight Club is by and for Kindred, pulling out all the physical stops makes for some really epic ass beatings, and revenge brawls are no exception.

Another likely set of rewards are less tangible: Boons. Many kindred like to put things a little more meaningful than money on the line, and while a few hundred dollars to pay your rent is nice, a favor from the vampire who has ghouled the owner of the building you live in is even more valuable. Minor boons all the way up to Life Boons have changed hands in Fight Club, and yet the perks don't end there. Ghouls, domain, permission to embrace, and any number of things have all been gambled away in Fight Club. Indeed, for the brave and the skilled Fight Club can be quite a lucrative venture.

If there is a downside to winning matches it's Sheriff Philip Eldritch. Since Fight Club is predominantly an Anarch institution the Sheriff absolutely keeps track of the standings. Philip is also a physically minded Gangrel that styles himself the ultimate urban predator, and he rarely misses an event where one of the top five fighters compete. Being in the top ten definitely puts you on a watch list. Being in the top five means he pays personal attention to your affairs.

The Fight Club Rankings: Fighters are ranked in one of three ways. The first is by beating a ranked fighter. The winning fighter takes the losers place, and the loser moves down one rank. Secondly by winning your first match. Once you win a match you are immediately given a rank, usually its added to the bottom of the list, but there have been exceptions: Such as when an un-ranked fighter beats a fighter who has already beat someone in the bottom 5. Another is Rank by Courtesy. On occasion an elder or some other exceptionally well known bad ass decides to get their knuckles wet in Fight Club. Rather than let this person hammer the snot out of everyone from the bottom of the list until they reach the top they are allowed challenge at any rank they like. If they win that is their rank. If they lose they drop to the bottom and normal challenge rules apply, with one addition: They are not allowed to challenge the person who beat them for a year.

  1. Irish Rob Tilley (Champion)
  2. Eve (Abdicated Championship)
  3. Rocket
  4. Herschal Bass
  5. Army Guy
  6. Paul Flowers
  7. Sphinx
  8. Vincent Washington
  9. Haywire
  10. Chris Jones
  11. Ken Smith
  12. Peerless Hatchet
  13. Jill Turner
  14. Nuke
  15. Victor Mason
  16. Juice
  17. Mike Carr
  18. 8-Ball
  19. Philip Eldritch

    Unranked Fighters: The unranked fighters have either not won a match yet or have not fought yet.

  • Randy Koenig
  • Liu SKinner
  • Madisen Tandino
  • Nigel Sanders
  • Li Cheng Wu
  • Angella Morales

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:26, Fri 30 Nov 2012.
GM, 37 posts
Come at me bro'!
Sat 21 Jul 2012
at 18:55
  • msg #4

The Timeline

  1. Catrina Armstrong (Bru) arrives in Charlotte. She is the first vampire to settle in the city.
  2. Sabina Giovanni (Gio) and  Asterarche (Tre) arrive.
  3. Alabaster (Nos) and his childe Virgil arrive in Charlotte.

  4. Rowan Magister (Ven), and her childer John Lee and Fiona Ericson arrive in Charlotte from England after being sent by her Sire to manage his affairs in the new world.
  5. None of the other elders can compete with Rowan for various reasons. She declares herself Prince.

  6. John moves an arm of his influence in The Company of Merchant Adventurers (est 1551) from England and bases it in Charlotte to promote commerce in the area.

  7. Maryse Montfort and her childe Christian Knox arrive in New Orleans from Paris, France.
  8. When the Civil War breaks out Maryse and Christian flee north. They make it to Charlotte and are persuaded by Rowan to settle there.

  9. Nigel Sanders is embraced.
  10. Asterarche's sire Ryan Combs arrives with the rest of his his brood: Cassidy, Deborah, Tia, and Esperanza (ordered oldest to youngest, Asterarche is the oldest). Tia brings her childe, Tyler. Deborah brings her childe, Juan.

  11. Ryan Combs goes into torpor.

  12. David Carlyle (Bru) arrives with his childer: Eve, and Amy Peters.

  13. Tia Gold is killed on order by Asterarche.

  14. Miguel Giovanni arrives from Sicily. He has a sketchy past with John and the two immediately become hated rivals.

  15. Tyler Crown kills Asterarche, becomes Regent.

  16. Ryan Combs comes out of torpor.

  17. A new Anarch gang arrives in Charlotte calling themselves Team NOS (a brand of Nitrous Oxide for race cars). Its only members appear to be: Ken Smith, Chris Jones, and Jennifer Clarkson

  18. Rowan Magister is implicated in a plot to turn the city over to the Sabbat.
  19. David Carlyle is implicated in a plot to turn the city over to the Sabbat.
  20. Rowan is killed by Juan (Tre). David Carlyle is killed by Alabaster.
  21. Team NOS leaves. Jennifer stays after a falling out with Chris Jones.
  22. Alabaster (Nos) replaces Cock Robin as Justicar for clan Nosferatu. In exchange for his John's support Juan Lorenzo is to be named an Archon with the stipulation that he will not operate in Charlotte while John is Prince.
  23. Juan is made an Archon for exposing a conspiracy where Rowan was going to turn the city over to the Sabbat in exchange for an Archbishopric; Juan is "exiled" from Charlotte. John Lee become Prince.

  24. Team NOS arrives in Charlotte for the 2nd time.

  25. The Trailer Park Massacre. Ezekiel Rothstein, his childe Tank, and half the Anarchs in Charlotte are destroyed in what would be reported in the news as a "catastrophic natural gas leak."

  26. John's rule turns paranoid and tyrannical as he begins to succumb to ennui. Team NOS moves their operation from Los Angeles to Charlotte.
  27. Christian persuades John to have Juan brought back to the city to manage the growing Anarch threat. Juan returns only to be released from Alabaster's service after apparently falling out of favor.
  28. John grows increasingly erratic in his behavior and increasingly tyrannical.
  29. John attempts to kill Juan.
  30. With the help of the Primogen Juan over throws John and replaces him as Prince. John flees but his whereabouts cannot be confirmed.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:49, Sat 21 July 2012.
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