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A Kindred's Survival Guide.

Posted by ST-JediFor group 0
GM, 25 posts
Best in the Business
Master of my Craft
Sat 25 Aug 2012
at 02:20
  • msg #1

A Kindred's Survival Guide

Hello, hello.  So what's up?  Anyway, I am publishing this manuscript as a way for you newbies trying to call Charlotte home.  It's purpose is one of education, not generalization.  Certain things are bound to change with time, but unlike time displacement for mortals, kindred measure time in much longer gaps.  Therefore, whenever possible I have included exceptions to these rules.  Alright?  Ready?

THE BASICS ON KINDRED ETIQUETTE:  This gets brushed over a lot and is usually ignored in most cities.  The elders just scoff, call you a neonate, and then let the harpies take subtle snubs at you until you go away or become their new favorite pet.  The truth is most of you newbies don't actually know what good etiquette among the kindred is.  At least, that's what I can tell from my own travels.  So before I get into the details of what to do or what not to do, I'll go over the basics for you just this once.

The Prince is at the top.  At the top of every totem pole is the head hancho, right?  Well in kindred terms, it's the Prince.  There are exceptions, but if you're in one of those cities it's best to just pack up and leave as soon as you can.  The Prince is the one who lets you stay in the city.  They're the ones who are both decision maker and target too.  If something goes wrong, everyone looks to the prince to fix it.  If things are going smooth, everyone gives credit to the prince for running a stable city.  The Prince has final say in most all kindred disputes.  He is the one you get permission from if you want to make a childe or expand your territory.  He is also the one who calls a blood hunt on your ass if you act too retarded.

Under the Prince is usually some kindred called a Seneschal.  This guy is the one who fills in for the prince when he's not around and will probably get the job if something happens to the old one.  Most of the time you won't ever meet with the Prince so it'll be the Seneschal who hooks you up.  For the most part, the Seneschal has a huge chip on his shoulder.  He's perpetually stuck as middle managment so if you have to kiss his ass or run him a small errand every now and again to stay on his good side, that's okay.  Because like I said, this is the kindred you'll be dealing with most of the time instead of the prince.

Next you've got the Sheriff.  Just like in your breathing days, the Sheriff is bad news.  Like the title would suggest, this guy is the Po-Po.  The difference between the Sheriff and regular Po-Po is that you don't get that right to remain silent stuff.  You don't get a chance to call a lawyer.  You do not pass go and collect two hundred.  For that matter you don't even go directly to jail.  You go directly to the prince, assuming the Sheriff doesn't bash your face in on the spot.  If the prince is feeling generous you might get the chance to tell your side of the story but I wouldn't bank on it.  By the time the Sheriff comes knocking and drags you in front of the prince, the prince has already made up their mind.  Now like the mortal five-o, not all Sheriffs are bad.  Some of them really do think they're doing a service and some of them really believe they're protecting the city.  While it is true that sometimes they do that stuff, these are the ones you have to watch out for even more, because if one of the fanatical, "I'm protecting the city from scum" sorts gets on your case, it's because he's convinced you're that sort of scum needing to be exterminated.

Sometimes dealing with a Sheriff is unavoidable though.  When this happens, remember the golden rule.  The Sheriff is a kindred too.  This means they are highly susceptible to bribery, and more importantly, are already in somebody's pocket.  If you've got to deal with the Sheriff make sure you are on good terms with whoever is pulling their strings, and I don't mean the prince either, because if you were in good with the prince then you wouldn't have problems with the Sheriff anyway.  If you're unlucky and run into a Sheriff who for whatever reason you can't bribe into at least letting you have a five minute head start out the door, don't make the newbie mistake of thinking you can take this kindred in a fight.  Unlike mortal cops, the kindred Sheriff is almost always a badass.  These kindred aren't fat and lazy.  They don't get their fix gorging on twinkies and coffee.  They got their job as the prince's muscle by guessed it, muscle.  Fighting with one of them is just asking for him to toast you on the spot.  Let's face it, if the Sheriff didn't toast you but gave you the chance to surrender so you could be hauled before the prince, then it means you're going to at least keep your head, so just be smart and surrender.  Got it?

Alright, now onto the Primogen.  This is a funny case for me, and I'm really not sure how to tell you what it takes to get on their good side.  These kindred are (usually) clan elders who (more often then not) have the most status and prestige among their clan.  They are their clan's leader in name if not function.  Primogen are different from clan to clan and individual to individual.  It is extremely hard to generalize them in any other way besides the following.  They are smart.  They carry a lot of weight.  They protect themselves and each other.  The Primogen as a collective is supposed to advise the prince on each of it's clan's interests, however in practice the primogen are more of an "old vampires club" who only protect their own interests and the stability of the city.  When you first arrive in a new city it's best to seek out this kindred and at least try to present yourself to him.  He may not care and you probably won't get the audience, but that's okay, because you've got plausible deniability at this point.  If something stupid happens and you get brought in front of the prince for not presenting yourself and you tried to contact your primogen (and I don't just mean a single phone call with a voicemail, I mean an honest attempt, don't fool yourself here) and said primogen didn't move the information along then he's the one that looks like an idiot.

When dealing with the primogen there are some things you can do to keep yourself ahead of the rest.  First, you can look presentable.  Primogen are almost always elders, and elders like formality.  So coming to them looking like you just came from a rave or off the set of the next Punisher movie is already going to make you look like you're not worth their time.  Speak right too.  That means treat them with respect.  Talk to them like you'd talk to your mother or preacher.  They are primogen, and unlike some other kindred positions, the primogen really is (well okay, sometimes it is) a meritocracy.  They might not be the first choice for the job, but they didn't get the job by being unqualified.  It's also a good idea to come in with your gameplan.  Primogen consider their schedules a very delicate house of cards, and so they get rather irrational and upset if they feel like their time is being wasted.  Come in, speak plainly, politely, and get to the point.  It goes without saying that if a primogen calls on you for whatever reason, you had best answer the call.

As a side note, in all of my personal experience I've found the the Primogen from clans Nosferatu, Tremere, and Ventrue are the easiest to deal with.  Don't ask me why, but the Brujah are often extremely uppity, and look down on you with their noses while still cracking their knuckles like they're going to slug you in the throat.  The Malkavians... well, you get the idea, and the Toreador, yeah, well when dealing with the Toreador primogen you almost always have to know if they favor the artistes or poseurs.  And that's a whole new story for later.  Gangrel primogen are almost non existent, but when they were a part of the Camarilla they were still a pain to deal with because more times then not you had to go running around in the woods just to find them.  The Nosferatu are usually clan oriented and used to being given the short end of the stick so of all the clans they tend to disregard formality.  As far as kindred go, these guys are usually the most honest and down to earth members of the primogen council.  Next I would say the Ventrue are easy to deal with.  These primogen are sticklers for tradition, sure, and yes, they are often arrogant tight wads.  But they are also politicians and bankers.  They always have an agenda and they're always the sort looking to further that agenda and increase their own standings.  So if you can present your case to them in dollars and cents, show them how you can help their position, and do it without drawing undue attention to yourself, you're already in green.  You might not have a friend for life, but you at least have one less enemy to worry about.  The Tremere are somewhere between the Ventrue and the Nosferatu in terms of how to deal with them.  Most Tremere in the primogen position aren't as bent on you being all formal (though they may pay lip service to it) as the Ventrue because they were once bottom rung kindred too.  However, the Tremere also always have an agenda and see things as a positive or negative in relation to themselves. The problem though is that most Tremere primogen don't see things in dollars and cents like the Ventrue do, and are more likely to ask for something in return at a later date, and it may not be something easily attainable for you.  I like to deal with the Tremere in the same fashion I would a hungry lion, from a distance and with respect.

Outside of the Prince, Seneschal, Sheriff, and Primogen, the usual suspects are the Keepers of Elysium.  These kindred are usually pretty easy to get along with because they get a crappy, thankless job that often takes time away from their personal desires.  Most of the time the Keeper is a fairly young kindred who goes unnoticed by everyone but who also has access to all of those individuals that pay them no mind.  Throw them a bone every now and again and the Keeper will get you in to see that Primogen or the Seneschal.  Stay on their good side and they may just distract the Sheriff long enough for you to slip out the back door.  The thing to note though is that most of these kindred take their job seriously and see it as part of the path to greater things, so pissing them off will lock a lot of doors in front of you, and if you're stupid enough to actually break the rules of Elysium (which I will cover here in a bit) be prepared for a fight you may not win.  I should point out that while yes, most Keepers are easy to socialize with, they also are likely to be formal in public because they need to keep up their appearances for the sake of the elders.  Make sure you keep public and private dealings with the Keeper in their respective places.

Finally I bring you to the Harpies because it's them who are likely to cause you the biggest headaches.  The Harpies are the kindred who talk mad shit.  That's it.  They're the trash talkers, the spin doctors, the rumor mill, and the high school cheerleaders all rolled into one.  You do the dirty deed, and it gets to one of these kindred, the whole city will know about it before you can make a break for the door.  By contrast, if you do something cool and badass and one of these kindred finds out about it, the whole city will know before you can gloat.  These kindred are also the ones who keep track of the favors passed along, who owes who, and as previously mentioned, who is up to what.  If you need to unlock a door and can't find the key yourself, chances are the Harpies have it.  I am speaking metaphorically of course.

As always, remember the first commandment of survival among the damned.  We are all damned...

THE TRADITIONS:  Okay, now that you're feeling like you've got some understanding of who is who, it's time to learn what they're really all about.  There are six traditions, and they are the driving force behind nearly every elder on the planet.  The traditions are probably the most important thing you need to know in all of this.  They are also the most hotly debated topic of tension between the Camarilla and the Anarchs, and they're the tool used by the prince to keep everyone else in line.  Whether you like them or not, they are actually pretty reasonable and make sense.  So here they are.

The Masquerade

Thou shall not reveal thy true nature to those not of the blood.  Doing so shall renounce thy claims of Blood.

Now this is so Keep It Simple Stupid I don't know how anyone can mess it up or why they have problems with it.  For those of you who still read at the "See Spot run" level, I'll explain.  The Masquerade means "Don't tell the food we're here."  It also means "Don't do stupid shit that lets everything not a vampire know you're a vampire."  It also says at the very end that if you're and idiot and break this rule, your ass is toast.  You remember that bit I mentioned about the Sheriff?  Yeah, if you are an idiot that's who is coming after you.  You will be hunted and killed.  End of story.  Now before you get all pissy, let me tell you something else about this rule.  It's a good idea.  You see, a long, long time ago during something historians call the Inquisition, a lot of vampires got careless and decided it was okay to be the boogey man and rule their little kingdoms like gods.  Well the food didn't put up with that and next thing you know the church comes in and starts burning us all at the stake, tossing us out into the sunlight, and all sorts of other things that most of us would find unpleasant.  You see, the elders at the top remember this, and many of them survived it directly.  More importantly, they understand what would happen if humanity, now armed with guns, the internet, and video cameras caught wind of us.  So yeah, be careful.  I don't just mean in the, not showing anybody your fangs way either.  I mean with simple shit most newbies forget about, like blinking, or announcing to another kindred in the middle of a crowded club that you're from Clan Brujah and that the Prince is pissing you off.  You never know who is watching.

The Domain

Thy Domain is thy own concern.  All others owe thee respect while in it.  None may challenge thy word in thy domain.

This one is a little tricky because you may not always know whose domain your in.  Generally speaking this Tradition is enforcing a prince's right to rule, but sometimes the prince parcels out little mini domains to other powerful kindred.  Now I should clarify that just because you find yourself a few blocks of territory and claim it as your domain and then declare yourself king of the hill, it doesn't mean much.  Any elder with significant status (or any kindred with enough power to take it from you) can come right in and take a big fat turd right in front of you and not care.  This is sort of a double standard, I know, but think of it like this.  A mayor may run his city, but if the president comes in, guess who is going to win out?  Really the only two ways to work this Tradition to your favor is 1) to be so badass nobody challenges you or 2) have the prince acknowledge your domain.

The Progeny

Thou shalt sire another only with permission of thine elder.  If thou createst another without thine elder's leave, both thou and thy progeny shalt be slain.

Okay, this one causes a lot of issues, particularly with younger kindred who feel they should have the right to embrace as they see fit.  I can kind of see their argument, however I am actually in favor of this tradition.  You see, most new kindred still make mistakes of not blinking in public, squatting in an elder's domain, and forgetting which color tie they should wear when going to meet Primogen X.  It may seem tedious, but if you can't get that stuff right, what makes you ready to be a parent?  Seriously.  And in this brand new world of vampires, (and when you read the next Tradition) how are you going to be responsible for educating a new childe when you can't even get it right yourself?  Now assuming you still want the responsibility of damning another soul and then educating it, seeking "thine elder's permission" almost always means getting the prince's permission.  Don't be disheartened, but 9 times out of 10 you're going to get shot down.  The prince may claim it's to overpopulation, your candidate is an unworthy choice, or a plethora of other reasons.  The truth is that it's a powerful favor given to the prince's most trusted allies and a tool used by the elders to keep others in line.  So screw the prince and do it anyway, right?  Wrong.  You do it without the prince's permission and you are going to get yourself and your new creation killed.  You've been warned.

The Accounting

Those though create are thine own childre.  Until thy progeny shall be released, thou shalt command them in all things.  Their sins are thy sins to endure.

Okay, so you've went out and damned another soul and teach it all of the "Ps" and "Qs" of being a vampire.  You're out finding your next lunch date when all of the sudden the Sheriff comes, dominates your meal, and levels a shotgun in your face telling you that now you've got to come before the Prince and answer to the crimes of breaching Elysium and violating the Masquerade.  Before the proverbial cuffs get slapped on, you managed to get an edge in and ask what sort of nonsense he's babbling about only to learn your new childe didn't hunt before going into Elysium, disobeyed you and wore a Punisher trenchcoat, and then when mocked by the harpies, lost control and frenzied all in front of the Prince's favorite mortal, a reporter for the local paper.  Yep.  You're as they say, fuckee-fuckeed.  Why?  Because of this rule, the Accounting.  Until your childe is deemed worthy to be an "adult" vampire and released into general public (by you) and then accepted and acknowledged (by the Prince) every single thing she does is your fault.  E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.  Once again, you've been warned.


Honor one another's domain.  When thou comest to a foreign city, thou shalt present thyself to the one who ruleth there.  Without the word of acceptance, thou art nothing.

Meh.  That's about all I can say about this one of the Traditions.  Now don't get me wrong, just because I don't personally see much of a point, especially in the modern world of darkness, that doesn't mean it's okay to go around and not give a shit either.  What I am saying is to be smart.  Letting somebody know where you are going to be and checking with whoever holds that territory to make sure it's okay is just common sense.  It's just like when you visit somebody new's house.  You're going to introduce yourself.  That's basically what this rule is, the rule of introducing yourself.  Some elders are real assholes about it and would tell you that you broke this Tradition just for crossing the street.  Most, even Princes, understand that a polite showing in Elysium to let your Primogen know you're in town and a rough idea of how long you're going to stick around is more then sufficient.  Where you run into trouble is when the Prince (and sometimes your Primogen) refuse to acknowledge you and tell you to hit pavement.  This is rare though, even for kindred with really bad reputations (though I have no idea why) and I can't think of anyone off hand that has presented themselves and shown the door anyway.  So take my advice, show up to Elysium within a few hours of arriving in a new city and present yourself.  All will be well.


Thou art forbidden to destroy another of thy kind.  The right of destruction belongeth only to thine elder.  Only the eldest among thee shall call the blood hunt.

Just like in the mortal world, murder is a sin.  The problem with this Tradition is that there are generally two responses too it and two ways Princes enforce it.  The most common and sensible response to the Tradition of Destruction is to obey it.  Kindred are, in spite of their predatory natures loathe to kill each other.  The reasons are numerous, but among the top ranking is boredom.  If you kill off all of your enemies you're going to eventually get bored with your immortality.  But an also relatively popular reason for this Tradition is fear.  Something that does not naturally die yet can still be killed is extremely fearful of death.  If some asshole goes around killing everyone, simple logic says that self-preservation kicks in and those fearful of being killed turn on the would be killer.  So now that you know the two most common reasons for this Tradition let me explain how it works because in spite of everything I just said, sooner or later somebody is going to rock the boat around you and get themselves toasted.

There is the Blood Hunt.  A Blood Hunt is when you really mess up and break the Traditions or do something so terrible that the Prince decides the only way to solve the problem is to have you killed.  This isn't a personal vendetta (usually) and is always a sentence made public.  What it means is that the entire city is after your blood and that anyone who comes across you has the right (and is in fact expected to at least try) to execute your sorry ass.  The Blood Hunt is the same thing as a Death Sentence, except you get no lawyers and no chance to appeal.  To make it even worse, the Blood Hunt is permanent.  There is no way out of it.  Assuming you managed to escape and go to another city where your reputation is clean and spotless, the Blood Hunt in your old city would still be in effect if you came back at any point.  Thankfully Blood Hunts end at the border of a city, at least technically.  So if you can escape, preferably to your former Prince's nearest enemy, you should be alright.  It is advised to be careful though, because a canny elder may stake you anyway and have you shipped back to your home city.  This is unusual, but it has happened before.

The next method of enforcement is simply to have an accident.  Sheriffs are known for accidentally loading powerful ammunition into their shotguns and sometimes deputies get a little carried away when pounding your face in.  And yanno, sometimes the Brujah can't help his temper, and when he frenzies, shit happens.  The asshole who was stupid enough to stand in his way... well, you get the idea.  Neither method of enforcement is particularly fun, so whether or not you actually like this rule, you're probably going to follow it anyway.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:31, Sat 25 Aug 2012.
GM, 26 posts
Best in the Business
Master of my Craft
Sat 25 Aug 2012
at 04:33
  • msg #2

Re: A Kindred's Survival Guide

The Traditions out of the way as quickly and painlessly as possible, it's time to dig right in and reveal the good etiquette itself.  You see, we kindred are social creatures even though we're monsterous predators too.  As much as we hate each other we love to interact.  This is sort of confusing, I know, but at times it is also extremely entertaining.  If you're not convinced, next time you're in Elysium, accidentally lock the door after a handful of Anarchs come for a sitdown with the Seneschal.  I promise it'll be worth it.  Anyway I'm getting distracted.  So here goes.

BOONS: Boons are the currency of kindred.  The more you owe, the more you suck.  The more owed to you, the richer you are.  Boons are by definition, favors.  But that doesn't really explain how they work.  The easiest way to think of them is as a cross between a favor and a credit report by your local bank.  They work on an "I owe you and you owe me" basis.  If I scratch your back here you scratch my back there.

There are a few kinds of Boons.  There are Trivial boons, Minor boons, Intermediate boons, Major boons, and Life boons.  If you pay attention during the Lexicon section I am about to go over, I will cover boons a little more once I talk about Prestation.
GM, 28 posts
Best in the Business
Master of my Craft
Mon 27 Aug 2012
at 16:10
  • msg #3

Re: A Kindred's Survival Guide

LEXICON - Lexicon is just another word to describe the lingo, slang, and other terminology used by us kindred.  Becoming familiar with it will help you fit in and understand what is being said to you.  Generally there are three types of Lexicon used.  Common, Elder, and Vulgar.  Sometimes the Anarchs will use their own form of Lexicon, but it is most often just clumped into additional vulgar lingo.

Common - These are just the common words we use.  It's neither good nor bad to use them (unless you start using them in a way that breaks the Masquerade) and generally every kindred uses these words on a regular basis.

Anarch - A rebellious anti-establishment kindred who still prefers the Camarilla over the Sabbat.  Most Anarchs are young kindred, often still neonates.
Ancillae - A kindred teenager.  Usually between 50-150 years as a kindred.  Ancillae are next century's elders and so they are often given preferential treatment in matters of politics.
Antedeluvian - One of the fabled clan founders that perished in the great biblical flood.
Blood Bond - A bastardized form of loyalty and love created when one drinks the blood of a specific kindred on three separate occasions.  With each drink or "step" towards the addiction is an increased sense of duty, love, honor, and respect that is extremely difficult to ignore.
Blood Hunt - A Death Sentence.  Every kindred in the city is required to make a token offer of killing the criminal.  Most however take it very seriously as it is a chance to increase their own position (often quite significantly).
Book of Nod - The kindreds' bible.  The alleged laws of Caine and a history of our creation.
Boon - Currency.  There are four types of boons.
Caitiff The unbound. Kindred with no strong ties to any particular family. Often Caitiff begets Caitiff but sometimes a sire with weak blood will create a Caitiff. Sometimes Caitiff can become potent enough to empower their latent abilities but mostly they're treated like riff raff or wild dogs.
Keeper (of Elysium)
Witch Hunter

Elder - These words are often difficult to pronounce, don't roll off of the tongue easily, and are outdated to say the least.  Many of them have roots that are obviously Latin.  Elder Lexicon is often seen as a formality, usually used exclusively by elders or those who want to gain their favor.

Beast, The
Blood, The
Blood Sorcery
Children of Caine
Damned, The
Flood, The
Jus Noctis
Rack, The
Sword, The

Vulgar - Generally speaking, it's bad form to use Vulgar Lexicon in Elysium or when you are a kindred in high social standing.  Used almost exclusively by younger kindred and anarchs, vulgar language is vulgar language wherever you go.  When you are just chilling with your homies on the block, sure, use it with reckless abandon, but when confronted by a harpy, the sheriff, or god forbid, the prince, watch your mouth.  You have been warned.

Ape Shit - To frenzy.  "Holy fuck!  If Sabina finds out she will go ape shit!"
Ash - To be destroyed.
Baron or Boss - The anarch equivalent of a prince.  Sometimes used to represent the equivalent of a primogen if the anarch population is particularly large.
Blood Doll
Body Bag - A mobile kindred haven, usually taken literally.
Cub Scouts
Fight Club
Funions - Drugs, often marijuana, but can be used for other drugs as well.
Fur Coat
Ivory Tower
Knocked Up - Having a new childe or embrace.  Ex. "I heard Edge is knocked up again."
Juice Bag
Ninja - A Cathayan
Pit Bull
Rug Rat - A new childe or inexperienced neonate who most consider "cute".
Sewer Rat
Shit Faced
Shovelhead - A Sabbat
Slimer - A wraith
Speed Bump - Mortals used as pawns against other kindred
Tree Hugger
Virgin - 1. A kindred who has not yet fed for the first time.  2. A kindred who has not fought in Fight Club for the first time.
Wimp - A kindred who lost their first fight in Fight Club and who has not yet proven themselves capable of fighting.
Wizard - A mage
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:17, Tue 06 Nov 2012.
GM, 30 posts
Best in the Business
Master of my Craft
Mon 27 Aug 2012
at 22:59
  • msg #4

Re: A Kindred's Survival Guide

The Clans - By now you've heard about Clans over and over and over and you're probably wondering what all of the big fuss is about.  Well, you are about to get it in the form of a crash course.  First, I will present some general information about each (accepted) clan.  Then I will give you newbies some information about each clan specific to This City.  So pay attention.  You have been warned.

Assamite - With the possible exception of clans Tzimisce, Lasombra, or the Giovanni, the Assamites are by far the scariest monsters in the night.  They are an entire clan of assassins rumored to ritually diablerize their eldest clan member every 100 years to make room for the next.  Generally speaking, the Assamites are usually Arabic or Muslim, male, and very good at killing things.  The Assamites were cursed by Clan Tremere right about the time the Camarilla was founded.  While the assassins may have slipped their curse, it has created an additional problem for them besides the longstanding grudge between them and the Tremere.  Assamites are almost universally addicted to kindred blood and can often be goaded into relatively stupid behavior in exchange for information about a powerful elder.

Clan Assamite is not just a clan of thugs, murderers, bullies, and hitmen though.  Most are highly skilled loners, efficient at their chosen profession, and are highly independent to the point that they often avoid the Camarilla entirely.  When one encounters an Assamite, it is usually an elder.  Dealing with Assamite elders is often a lot easier then dealing with younger clan members.  Elders are usually very polite, show high amounts of decorum, and are notoriously sociable - even adept at following the rules of Prestation and Status.  According to legend, surviving an Assamite assassination attempt renders the target black listed from further contracts against them.

Somewhat surprisingly, younger members of the clan can often be found joining up with the Anarchs, Sabbat, and even the Camarilla after some sort of internal clan schism.

As previously mentioned, the Assamites and Tremere have a longstanding feud.  The Tremere almost always win out in epic fashion, at least from what I've seen.  This is probably the reason that the usual rules about surviving an Assamite attack do not apply to the Warlocks.

Assamites in Charlotte - Given that we reside in a Tremere city, Assamite presence is almost non-existent.  The Assamites have no formal representation in Charlotte, and while there always seems to be one or two of the on the edges of society, they avoid putting themselves under the microscope.  Contacting an Assamite is almost always done through an associate of an associate, and is always (obviously) carefully monitored.

*Ibriham Ali-Izzim Anarch Assamite 10 July 1980 Tiger Salid Jhalil al-Hazrad
Ignetz Krebs Elder Assamite 10 October 1270 Unrevealed
Imelda Krebs Ancillae Assamite 11 September 2001 Ignetz Krebs
*Jenja Bishari Camarilla Assamite 03 January 1949 Mark Hilbert
*Mark Hilbert Camarilla Assamite 19 October 1866 Unrevealed
*Tariq Aja Rassim Ancillae Assamite 18 June 1910 Ignetz Krebs
Tiger Salid Jhalil al-Hazrad Anarch Assamite 09 December 1966 Tariq Aja Rassim

Brujah - The Brujah are a mixed clan of intellectuals, fanatics, hedonists, violent thugs, criminals, and socialites.  The Brujah more then any other clan embody the widest range of skills, talents, and abilities.  As a rule, Brujah are extremely independent and prone to rash actions.  Brujah are known to attach themselves to causes - often times fruitless and futile ones.  The problem with that mentality is that very few individual Brujah share a similar belief in what any given cause is.  Sadly, the fact that no two Brujah are alike means that on any given night the clan is just as likely to implode on itself then it is to unite and work together.

Brujah tempers are legendary.  So is Brujah combat prowess.  Of all the clans, the Brujah are the best equipped to be warriors, and are one of the more modern clans in terms of technology and thinking.  This makes them especially dangerous because any given Brujah is just as likely to drag you in a back alley and put two rounds from a .45 behind your ear as she is to challenge you to a formal duel with a sword.  However, clumping all Brujah into the combat monster category does the clan a grave injustice as there is an alarmingly high number of Brujah Harpies, Keepers of Elysium, Sheriffs, and elders on Primogen Councils all across the world.

Obviously, Brujah are one of the most fractured clans full of inner turmoil that is just as likely to be the result of backroom Elysium politics as it is a back alley beat down.  Typically there are three groups or factions within the clan.  Iconoclasts are the rebels, hot heads, and ass kickers.  They are most likely to be young and have been given the short end of the stick more then once.  On the other side are the Idealists, Brujah who would rather think their way through problems then solve it with a fist in the mouth.  Most Idealists are elders, embittered after decades (and even centuries) of the same song and dance.  One should note that just because a Brujah is an Idealist, it does not mean they are a pushover.  Often times drawing an Idealist Brujah into combat is a very, very, very bad idea.  Combat is usually a last resort for these kindred, so when they do fight, it's all in.  Somewhere in the middle are the Independents, Brujah who are neither violent Iconoclast nor passive Idealist.   Independents are often still too unwilling to give up their violent tendencies, but they're also coming around to the notion that kicking ass and taking names doesn't always solve all of their problems.  As their faction name would suggest, most Independents can't stand being around Iconoclasts or Idealists for very long.  Independents walk their own road and everyone else be damned.

Brujah in Charlotte - Brujah are one of the most numerous clans in Charlotte.  Their numbers double and at times even triple the numbers of other clans.  They can also claim to have the first kindred in the city.  Catrina Armstrong is no doubt the clan's head and most powerful member.  Some are going to argue that, claiming that Nicolette or even the anarch Edge are the most powerful, but for the sake of argument I am giving a nod to the first kindred to set foot in Queen's City.  Catrina is an Idealist by my accounting, and is very aloof when it comes to her Elysium politics.  Catrina is a younger broodmate of the destroyed elder Ezekiel Rothstein.  It is believed he came to Charlotte through her.  In addition to being the one that brought Ezekiel to the city (and the subsequent fiasco involving his destruction) Catrina is also the one who cast the deciding vote in favor of a blood hunt on the Tremere Archon Tia Gold.  Needless to say, Miss Armstrong is not the most reputable elder.

However, The Brujah have a few power houses, including the youngest member of Ezekiel's Brood, Nicolette Cain.  Nicolette is more popular with the harpies then most of the other Brujah claiming elder status.  More importantly, Nicolette has proven she can take care of herself, besting several rivals and earning the attention of Charlotte's new prince.

In a stroke of genius that quite literally caught the rest of the city by surprise, Nicolette and Catrina joined forces in the wake of the Tremere retaking the city, using their momentum and personal power to force the rest of the clan to acknowledge their leadership.  This did not sit well with the Anarchs who view Nicolette as a sellout and Catrina as a failure.  On the other hand, Catrina and Nicolette are rather effective, gobbling up bits and pieces of influence and domain all across the city.

On the Anarch side of things, Edge and Eve both have reputations that precede them wherever they go and a relatively new arrival by the name of Madisen has been making quite the ruckus.

For the time being we have to sit back and watch.  It will no doubt be a good showing...

A.J. Cooper Anarch Brujah 20 January 1991 Unknown
Alexis Cage Anarch Brujah 28 March 2003 Unknown
Amy Peters Ancillae Brujah 14 December 1939David Carlyle (d)
Angel Steele Anarch Brujah 13 August 1992 Jordan Costigan
Annabelle von Kreiger Ancillae Brujah 11 June 1782 Unknown
Army Guy Anarch Brujah Unknown
Brandy Saint Anarch Brujah 06 October 2010 Jordan Costigan
Bret Freeman Anarch Brujah 04 December 1999 Edge
Catrina Armstrong Elder Brujah 08 May 1118 Unknown
*Chaz Calloway Anarch Brujah 17 May 1960 Annabelle von Kreiger
Clyde Garrison Anarch Brujah 16 December 1977Edge
Courtney Hart Camarilla Brujah 01 May 1990 Unknown
*Eddie Thorn Elder Brujah 21 March 1703 Unknown
Edge Anarch Brujah 31 October 1988 David Carlyle
*Emily warren Camarilla Brujah 16 July 1995 Unknown
*Erin Windsor Camarilla Brujah 02 June 2005 Unknown
Eve Anarch Brujah 26 February 1954David Carlyle
*Gauge Anarch Brujah 29 November 1982 Unknown
Gerogia Lawson Anarch Brujah 09 November 1997 Chaz Calloway
Haywire Anarch Brujah 25 December 1999 Unknown
Herschall Bass Anarch Brujah 23 August 1973 Unknown
*Hot Dog Anarch Brujah 15 July 2007 Unknown
Irish Rob Tilley Anarch Brujah 11 February 1938 Tank (d)
*Ivanka Woods Camarilla Brujah 22 July 1861 Unknown
Jaymz Savage Anarch Brujah 30 September 1991 Edge
Jordan Costigan Anarch Brujah 22 August 1966 Nolan Oswald
*Killian Bailey Anarch Brujah 14 February 1823 Unknown
Little Anarch Brujah 31 December 1999 Unknown
Madisen Tandino Anarch Brujah 07 April 1519 Ezekiel Rothstein (d)
Nicolette Cain Elder Brujah 27 February 1742 Ezekiel Rothstein (d)
Nikita Borchova Anarch Brujah 08 September 1941 Madisen Tandino
Nolan Oswald Anarch Brujah 18 June 1956 Unknown
Nuke Anarch Brujah 03 July 1773 Unknown
Oscar del Moreno Anarch Brujah 22 April 1966 Unknown
*Patrick Adams Anarch Brujah 15 September 2000 Unknown
*Rose McGee Camarilla Brujah 29 September 2004 Unknown
*Steven Hawkins Anarch Brujah 09 October 1812 Unknown
*Vitka Driebell Ancillae Brujah 12 May 1936 Unknown

Caitiff -

Ghost Anarch Caitiff 11 June 2008 Unknown
Jester Anarch Caitiff 17 January 1964 Unknown
Lexi Valentine Anarch Caitiff 01 September 1998 Unknown

Followers of Set -

*Asha Ryan Camarilla Settite 06 March 1998 Unknown
*Cliff Carmichael Camarilla Settite 26 April 1804 Unknown
*Jashina Famkir Ancillae Settite 13 November 1909 Unknown

Gangrel -

*Calvin Zoolios Camarilla Gangrel 12 January 1912 Unknown
*Freddy Amburger Camarilla Gangrel 22 August 1942 Unknown
*Gordon Briscoe Anarch Gangrel 08 April 1989 Unknown
Jack Willis Anarch Gangrel 22 August 1961 Unknown
*Jane Porter Anarch Gangrel 16 March 2000 Unknown
*Jeannette d'Coctau Camarilla Gangrel 06 October 2000 Unknown
*Lloyd Grifter Ancillae Gangrel 03 November 1849 Unknown
*Maxwell Black Camarilla Gangrel 03 November 1854 Kodiak
*Philip Eldritch Elder Gangrel 05 April 1777 Unknown
*Ratman Anarch Gangrel 18 July 1889 Unknown
*Rodney Killbong Anarch Gangrel 19 November 1900 Unknown
Sphinx Anarch Gangrel 30 September 1958Unknown
Summer Glass Anarch Gangrel 13 February 1996 Unknown
Teri Ozbourne Anarch Gangrel 25 July 1997 Maxwell Black
*Todd Cooley Camarilla Gangrel 26 January 1955 Unknown
*Yuri Borkinov Anarch Gangrel 09 March 1993 Unknown

Giovanni - The Giovanni are lead by the incredibly powerful Miguel Giovanni. It is rumored Miguel was one of the first Giovanni, and this is given credence by the fact that Miguel held his own against John in their centuries long rivalry despite being, by all appearances, clearly out gunned. The other Giovanni tend to do their own thing as Miguel is only marginally interested in politics, dedicating his time instead to personal aims. This has opened doors for ambitious Giovanni, and now out from under the reign of John the city has experienced a number of new arrivals.

*Alfonzo Di Nivinii Ancillae Giovanni 28 May 1878 Unknown
*Anthony Figgorolli Camarilla Giovanni 20 November 1930 Unknown
*Big Vito Camarilla Giovanni 20 May 1965 Unknown
*Diangello Landucci Ancillae Giovanni 12 February 1849 Unknown
*Julian Giovanni Camarilla Giovanni 24 December 1923 Unknown
*Luigui Loretti Anarch Giovanni 17 February 1929 Unknown
Miguel Giovanni Elder Giovanni 19 July 1695 Augustus
*Mita Giovanni Camarilla Giovanni 24 November 1963 Unknown
*Sabina Giovanni Elder Giovanni 01 July 1783 Unknown
*Sean Giovanni Camarilla Giovanni 18 May 1902 Unknown
*Zoey Leigh Oscarsson Camarilla Giovanni 12 December 1965 Unknown

Lasombra -

Malkavian -

April St. John Camarilla Malkavian 16 February 1947Martin Paris
Ben Lacy Ancillae Malkavian 10 September 1963 Unknown
*Dale Burkhart Camarilla Malkavian 25 February 1980April St. John
Jaqueline Pereaux Anarch Malkavian 25 March 2003Wolfgang Hollawehrst
*Justin Weinhart Anarch Malkavian 12 February 2009 Unknown
Martin P. Paris Camarilla Malkavian 01 March 1754 Unknown
Nigel Sanders Ancillae Malkavian 18 April 1894Martin Paris
*Tabitha Conner Camarilla Malkavian 14 July 1946 Unknown
*Thomas Stone Camarilla Malkavian 22 October 1992 Unknown
Wallace McCaffrey Ancillae Malkavian 17 January 1901Martin Paris
Whitney Manning Camarilla Malkavian 20 May 2005April St. John
Wolfgang Hollawehrst Anarch Malkavian 30 April 1945 Edwin

Nosferatu -

Alabaster Elder Nosferatu 03 June 1380 UnknownUnknown
Ashton Croft Ancillae Nosferatu 17 February 1831Virgil Youngblood
Camera Man Anarch Nosferatu Unknown
Dick Remmington Ancillae Nosferatu 10 December 1899Ashton Croft
Jagged Jimmy Anarch Nosferatu 13 March 1986Dick Remmington
Kaz Fumikato Camarilla Nosferatu 31 October 2009 Maul
Kristen Gates Camarilla Nosferatu 11 March 1982Maul
Maul Camarilla Nosferatu 21 June 1864 Unknown
Roland Svenssen Anarch Nosferatu 14 April 1976Camera Man
Virgil Youngblood Elder Nosferatu 17 March 1759 Alabaster

Ravnos -

Toreador -

Billy Gomez Anarch Toreador 11 November 2007 Unknown
*Brizelda Aguiara Elder Toreador 05 April 1477 Unknown
Chris Jones Anarch Toreador 7 March 2000 Unknown
Christian Knox Elder Toreador 09 February 1473 Maryse Montfort
*CJ Allen Camarilla Toreador 25 August 1990 Unknown
*Daffney Valentine Anarch Toreador 01 September 1998 Unknown
Dora Delavergne Elder Toreador 22 August 1235 Unknown
Enrique Alvarez Camarilla Toreador 30 August 1866 Unknown
*Francesca Del Rio Elder Toreador 10 May 1505 Unknown
*Frank Baxter Camarilla Toreador 12 August 2004 Unknown
*Fredrick Wellington Camarilla Toreador 30 January 1956 Unknown
Germaine Marshall Ancillae Toreador 16 June 1657 Christian Knox
*Gwen Reynolds Camarilla Toreador 23 January 1993 Unknown
Harvey Vineyard Anarch Toreador 29 March 1966 Unknown
Holly Wahlroom Anarch Toreador 02 January 2008 Miranda Jane
*Illyana Grazayukstun Anarch Toreador 07 May 1987 Unknown
Jennifer Clarkson Camarilla Toreador 12 February 1975 Unknown
Jill Turner Anarch Toreador 05 January 2009Ken Smith
Juice Anarch Toreador 04 February 1992 Unknown
Kelly Cartier Ancillae Toreador 16 November 1856 Unknown
*Kendra Hobbes Camarilla Toreador 29 April 2003 Unknown
Ken Smith Anarch Toreador 20 April 2002 Unknown
*Michael St. Claire Elder Toreador 29 December 1788 Unknown
Miranda Jane Clemmons Camarilla Toreador 13 April 1977 Unknown
Natasha Goldman Anarch Toreador 06 June 2009 Riley Ishikawa
*Norman Walsh Camarilla Toreador 13 October 1829 Unknown
Ophelia Romero AnarchToreador 26 September 1988 Christian Knox
*Patricia Mclowery Ancillae Toreador 17 August 1900Unknown
*Pedro Jesus Hernandez Ancillae Toreador 12 September 1895 Unknown
*Pierre Hubert Camarilla Toreador 02 March 1877 Unknown
Riley Ishikawa Ancillae Toreador 29 January 1951Francesca Del Rio
*Russ Baker Camarilla Toreador 14 May 1993 Unknown
*Stacy Fang Camarilla Toreador 01 January 2004 Unknown
Trinity Fox Camarilla Toreador 29 December 1984 Unknown
Winter Bloodgood Anarch Toreador 16 June 2004 Unknown

Tremere -

*Atsutaki Suzuki Camarilla Tremere 17 June 1977 Unknown
*Cassidy St. Croix Elder Tremere 26 August 1750 Ryan Combs
*Deborah McAdams Elder Tremere 06 October 1799 Ryan Combs
Esperanza Tierdinos Ancillae Tremere 22 November 1709 Ryan Combs
Haven Darden Ancillae Tremere 01 May 1879 Unknown
Juan Lorenzo Elder Tremere 31 July 1880Deborah McAdams
Lorelei Koenig Anarch Tremere 12 July 2004Juan Lorenzo
*Lung Tseung Fung Camarilla Tremere 30 June 1923Li Cheng Wu
Ryan Combs Elder Tremere 10 April 1433 Unknown
*Seung Lei Camarilla Tremere 31 October 1995 Unknown
Simon Tiggs Camarilla Tremere 16 March 1946 Unknown
Sylvie Bellamont Camarilla Tremere 19 November 1953 Dantes Villefort
Tera Leveaux Camarilla Tremere 03 August 1995Juan Lorenzo
Tyler Crown Elder Tremere 31 December 1815Tia (d)

Tzimisce -

Ventrue -  Ventrue.  The blue bloods.  It is longstanding tradition that the Ventrue are the leaders and aristocracy of kindred society.  The Ventrue are also given credit for forming the Camarilla, and most of the princes throughout the world come from this clan.  The Ventrue are masters of manipulation and social decorum.  As a whole, Ventrue are vain, petty, and just as likely to stab you with one hand while embracing you with the other.  On the other hand, Ventrue are also notoriously stalwart, determined, and able to sift through the layers of political tape with virtual ease.

Every Ventrue has an ego.  Every Ventrue is also judged harshly by her peers then kindred of other clans.  Ventrue worth and status seems to be based on personal accomplishment, monetary value, lineage, and the ability to maintain a status quo.

Of all of the clans the Ventrue are most likely to hold a longstanding grudge for a sleight that everyone else may see as an accident.  They are also the most tradition oriented of all clans, and in spite of their similarity to modern politicians and lawyers, surprisingly honorable.  With that in mind, one should always remember that the Ventrue are first and foremost, vampires.

Due to their personal clan customs, elder influence, and mostly unified way of thinking and acting, Ventrue can be quite predictable.  Because the clan puts so much emphasis on past deeds elders have a clear and obvious stranglehold on clan policies.  This is a source of strength when compared to say the Brujah, whose younger members are more Anarch then Camarilla.  On the other hand, because the elders have such a strong grip on their clan, Ventrue are often seen as antiquated at best and anachronisms that are blatant breaches of the Masquerade at worst.

Ventrue in Charlotte - It comes as no surprise that the Ventrue and Brujah are polar opposites.  They are bitter rivals and both clans seem to go out of their way to take shots at each other.  Charlotte is no different, and the rivalry between both clans eventually led to the destruction of the elder Ezekiel.

That's only part of their story though.  The Ventrue were once the most powerful clan in Charlotte.  They had the first prince, Seneschal, and at one time had a sire, brood, and then grand-childre.  They were the rulers and this was their city.  Rowan Magister was reaching the age of a Methuselah, and her oldest was nearly a thousand.  Things remained this way until only a few short decades ago.

Since the height of Ventrue power, the Tremere have proven to be an enemy that can't be stopped.  It was a Tremere who destroyed Rowan and took the throne for himself.  Prince Lorenzo's first reign was short lived as he soon became an Archon.  He left the city in the capable hands of the elder Ezekiel, but the Ventrue, led by John Lee retaliated hoping to weaken two enemies at the same time all while laying claim to the throne for himself.

The Ventrue "coup" had some limited success.  John tried to gain and then maintain the support of other elders in the city only to find that his presence was tolerated more then accepted.  John was strict, but acceptable.  His paranoia and advanced age however revealed him for the tyrant he truly was.  This all came to a halt when Prince Lorenzo returned from his stint as an Archon with the purpose of reclaiming his domain.

After ousting John as prince and ordering the blood hunt on his oldest childe Marie LeClaire, Juan Lorenzo once again assumed Praxis for himself.  Immediately afterwards the new prince went about blood bonding the last surviving member of Rowan's brood, Fiona.  From there, Prince Lorenzo spared no liberty in punishing the clan of Blue Bloods for their treachery.  With Lorenzo in power, the Ventrue quite literally have fallen from grace.  They've been stripped of most of their clan's domain, are forced to pay a monthly tithe, and are forbidden from embracing new childre or creating new ghouls.

For the time being, the Ventrue's only hope for future success seems to reside in the hands of two kindred.  The first is Lars Reznick, the only surviving member of John's brood, and, ironically, loyal member of the new regime.  The new prince and several key figures throughout the city have taken an interest in him and rumor has it that he is being groomed to take full control of his clan, but only if he directs it in a way favorable to both the Tremere and Toreador.  The second kindred is Sera Roanoke, another aspiring ancillae that the prince is infatuated with.  Sera is less accepted by the rest of the prince's inner circle then Lars, but she shows enough promise that it's clear she will assume a role of leadership if he doesn't.

Obviously the Ventrue of Charlotte are hurting in a real bad way.

Andrew Foley Elder Ventrue 26 December 1866 Unknown
Anton English Ancillae Ventrue 20 June 1846 Unknown
Armando Estaban El Tores Camarilla Ventrue 10 August 1819 Unknown
*Cassandra Delza Elder Ventrue 10 December 1769 Unknown
Corazon Castillo Camarilla Ventrue 15 September 1975 Unknown
David Washington Elder Ventrue 16 April 1831 Unknown
*Dejan Deveraux Camarilla Ventrue 14 November 1967 Unknown
*Elizabeth Braddock Camarilla Ventrue 24 May 1990Lars Reznick
*Eugene Hurley Anarch Ventrue 23 April 1952 Unknown
Fiona Ericson Anarch Ventrue 20 March 1970 Rowan Magister (d)
*Foster Adams Anarch Ventrue 19 January 1944 Unknown
Gregory Du Cat Camarilla Ventrue 08 May 1984Joey Boss
Harry Sharpe Camarilla Ventrue 19 May 2000 Unknown
Joey Boss Ancillae Ventrue 29 June 1940 Unknown
John Lee M.I.A. Ventrue 15 March 915Rowan Magister (d)
*Kate Wellington Ancillae Ventrue 25 December 1803 Unknown
Lars Reznick Ancillae Ventrue 13 August 1916 John Lee
Phoenix Anarch Ventrue 16 November 1889 Unknown
Pietra Nidus Camarilla Ventrue 28 July 1928 Unknown
*Raymond Benedict Ancillae Ventrue 28 June 1789 Unknown
Roxzanna King Camarilla Ventrue 10 October 1995Dimitri the Devil
Sera Roanoke Ancillae Ventrue 18 November 1864 Unknown
Tatiyanna Kozlov Elder Ventrue 10 March 1788 Unknown
Violette Dumonte Camarilla Ventrue 18 September 2000 Unknown
Vladmir Konstantinov Elder Ventrue 29 May 1699 Unknown
*William John Montgomery III Ancillae Ventrue 12 March 1890 Unknown

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:45, Mon 17 Dec 2012.
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