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15:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Feature Creap: D66 & D666.

Posted by Alexei Yaruk-Mundhenk
Alexei Yaruk-Mundhenk
member, 1055 posts
Ad Majorem
Dea Gloriam
Thu 15 Nov 2012
at 21:21
  • msg #1

Feature Creap: D66 & D666.

So I have encountered several games that use these speical dice rolling methods, where you roll 2 or 3 D6 as if you were rolling percentile dice, using one as the ones place and the other as tens or hundreds and I think Jase should put them in under the 'system special dice' menu.

YES, I AM Aware that this is fairly easily done with present dice roller features like 'record each die'! That is why I tittled the thread 'feature creep' so DONT bother saying "You know we can already do this." Or "We can already do this, this is a dumb idea!" Just put down your -1 and keep walkin.

That said, it takes an extra step to use that feature, and I have seen the dice roller clogged by re-rolls when people forget, which is why I think: (The coding being ridiculously easy, just adding a masking feature that uses the record die function and outputs it as a single number for two or three D6.) that Jase should take a minute or four to put this in at some point.
member, 707 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2012
at 23:03
  • msg #2

Re: Feature Creap: D66 & D666.

erm am i missing something here.

type D66 in the type box


member, 268 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2012
at 23:07
  • msg #3

Re: Feature Creap: D66 & D666.

I think what he's saying is that you roll 3d6 and their first one is the hundreds position, the second is the tens position and the third one is single diget position.  IE- you roll 5, 1, 3 would be 513.
member, 28 posts
Antler-care by LIV THATCH
"RALPH" The Wonder Llama
Thu 15 Nov 2012
at 23:28
  • msg #4

Re: Feature Creap: D66

That is exactly it. So it is impossible to roll 978 as none of those numbers are on a d6.
member, 269 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2012
at 23:32
  • msg #5

Re: Feature Creap: D66

Or in the case of what PBTO typed, this wouldn't give you a 59 on a d66, since 9 isn't possible.
moderator, 3134 posts
Thu 15 Nov 2012
at 23:54

Re: Feature Creap: D66

In regard to the original post, please do not try to control how other people respond.  People who disagree with ANY suggestion made have as much right to elucidate on why they do not like or want a feature as the person suggesting it or those who agree with it, so long as their post is in keeping with the public forum rules.
This message was last edited by the user at 00:31, Fri 16 Nov 2012.
member, 87 posts
4 8 15 16 23 42
Wed 5 Dec 2012
at 20:58
  • msg #7

Re: Feature Creap: D66

I typed up a big post on how the dice roller could be changed, but typing it out I realized that the feature is 100% in there.

To do what you want, do this:

Select 3 D10 as the number of dice and check the "Record Each Die" checkbox.

The result is such:

"15:56, Today: Glumr rolled 12 using 3d10 with rolls of 9,2,1. Checking dice roller functionality."

So to the OP, in your case, the result would be 921 instead of 12.

Was thinking about it, came up with the above post and re-read the OP and found that this answer is not the desired one.

I really dont understand the request.
This message was last edited by the user at 21:00, Wed 05 Dec 2012.
member, 278 posts
Northern Journey PBeM DM
Wed 5 Dec 2012
at 22:38
  • msg #8

Re: Feature Creap: D66

The request is to give a dice roll that, in the case of the "D66" would give the following possible rolls:

11-16, 21-26, 31-36, 41-46, 51-56, 61-66

In other words, 36 different possible numbers - but not in a consecuitive range.  With D666, that increases six fold, but I'm not going to try to write out each set of possibilities!

+1 from me.
member, 704 posts
Ocoee FL
Over 35 yrs RPGing
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 04:25
  • msg #9

Re: Feature Creap: D66

Can the GM make "2d6, record each die" the default for that particular game?
Alexei Yaruk-Mundhenk
member, 1088 posts
Ad Majorem
Dea Gloriam
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 06:19
  • msg #10

Re: Feature Creap: D66

Yes, but what about for games that also use 2d6 straight? (Without recording each die.) And ones that Use both D66 and D666? And the times where the GM wants to fudge the roll?
moderator, 13285 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 09:21

Re: Feature Creap: D66

The GM can already fudge any roll, at any time.  For 3d6, recording each die, he could, for example, simply type 1 2 3 into the input box to set those values for the three dice.
moderator, 6370 posts
busy crossing the i's
and dotting the t's
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 16:06

Re: Feature Creap: D66

I think what you're asking for is a new system called "D66/D666" rather than a new feature to roll three d6's and then present that as a three-digit number.

As a feature, it'd be extremely confusing because its notation conflicts with all standard die notation used in RPGs that use dice, ever.

As a system, it could be a drop-down choice of "D66" or "D666" and hopefully the people choosing those would never come back to us with "I've rolled d666 a billion times and never gotten a 999!  Your dice are like so not random!"
member, 186 posts
Gaming is good!
Got RPOL in my soul
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 16:15
  • msg #13

Re: Feature Creap: D66

I heard that! :P

Actually I think cruinne's statement is spot on. I wouldn't know off-hand d66 mechanics would work so differently. I agree making it a different system selection would give fair warning to the user.
member, 1136 posts
I should really stay out
of this, I know...but...
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 17:10
  • msg #14

Re: Feature Creap: D66

Alexei Yaruk-Mundhenk:
Yes, but what about for games that also use 2d6 straight? (Without recording each die.) And ones that Use both D66 and D666? And the times where the GM wants to fudge the roll?

Well, when the GM configures the DR, it only sets up defaults - it doesn't actually lock it in even for the players.

But I think the d66 and d666 have gotten common enough to warrant a place in the system drop-down; I've seen both of those more often than some of the other things in there, and a lot of what we have in there is just a matter of, say, counting successes and things, which are also easily covered by "record each die" and, you know, counting.

I'd almost suggest putting it in under the dice-size dropdown, since the Game System one is pretty full and these both work a lot like the d100 which is in there... but it is true that while d100 actually has 100 possible rolls, d66 doesn't have 66, and somebody finding it under the Game Systems is more likely to know that.

...Ooh, maybe we should have a base option!  That would be kind of awesome.

Probably not that useful, I admit, but cool.  I so want to roll 3d8base4.  And you know I will probably never, ever, get to.  sigh  I guess I'll just put it in the box with all the other impossible dreams...
member, 706 posts
Ocoee FL
Over 35 yrs RPGing
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 17:33
  • msg #15

Re: Feature Creap: D66

For all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these "it might have been."

                                    -John Greenleaf Whittier
admin, 2905 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Fri 7 Dec 2012
at 01:38

Re: Feature Creap: D66

In reply to Utsukushi (msg # 14):

Definitely a pipe dream.

The beta site rolled, using a mix of standard dice and base rolls:
09:35, Fri 07 Dec 2012: Bob rolled 435,7,234,1202 using 3b6,2d10,3b4,2b12 ((4,3,5,5,2,2,3,4,12,2)).

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