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17:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Burned - Aurora.

Posted by ST-Ac1dFor group 0
GM, 54 posts
Come at me bro'!
Wed 7 Nov 2012
at 01:38
  • msg #1

Burned - Aurora

It was Friday, which meant the Mooresville Drag Strip. A lot of the bigger races happened at Lowes Motor Speedway, but those were the cars with jet engines welded to the back of them. What you had in front of you tonight were fine specimens of street legal rides.

Sex on wheels. Hot hatches, motorcycles, and even a few super cars. This was the place to be if you wanted to watch the fastest cars in the Carolinas compete. Forget the pros, these guys busting their asses at a 40 hour a week job then coming home and building their racers themselves had the passion, and it showed in the cars and bikes.

You could smell the fuel in the air. That chemical odor of high octane fuel. It was a little bit of a cool night. It kinda stung in your lungs, and of course the track was loud. Competing systems, revving engines.

You were there, with your friends waiting on the first race, a Honda CRX and a VW Golf GTI. The GTI won. That wasn't the interesting part. The interesting part was the small group of people standing around a Nissan, another Honda, and a BMW bike.

"You gotta be fuckin' kidding me! Are your retarded?!" One had short, spiky hair, it was done well, fashionable even. His jeans were relaxed and he had one some really nice boots. As he ranted he jabbed the air with a cigarette like it was a conductor's baton.

A guy next to him, with shaggy hair and a beard, cracked up laughing. "Bro' I want my money." The other guys gathered around the two all laughed.

All of them had matching beanies with block letters spelling out: TEAM NOS knit into them. Racing team.

Behind you there were people talking. At first, by the way they were looking, you thought they were talking about you, but after a minute it became clear, they were talking about the crew you just looked at.
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 4 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Wed 7 Nov 2012
at 16:42
  • msg #2

Re: Burned - Aurora

The smells.., The stinging sensation .. and the noices. All were just a constant pure string of signals to her brain. Perhaps Aurora thought suddenly to herself she could have had an orgasm right where she would be standing. Or perhaps not. Somehow her fascination with bikes and anything fast had taken a u-turn and even seemed to have sped up into warp'overdrive. (while thinking) a feeling of the soundwave that hit her as the car swooped pas, pressing into her chest - eyes closed - WOW.

Scanning around Aurora spotted something of interest, taking out her iPhone. Zooming in onto the Honda. Now that was something she could use a ride on.

After that there was something, .. a conflict of interest. Money. Aurora squinted her eyes to get a better 'feeling' of the situation. Legal, Illigal activities it really didnt matter to much. So long as the little man inbetween didnt get hurt. Thinking it was just to easy for big muscled guys to gang up on a slim fella'.

["Team NOS, something about them...."] Aurora tried to remember what she had heard, rumors overspoken in bars and such. ["Something about money, payment on the bike .. being sold ? Havent seen it ride yet. So it was no pinkslip"]

Aurora leaned forward as if that was going to help her hear more of the conversation, but with all the sounds and such it would all be quite impossible. Then Aurora took a peek left and right to see if her friends had noticed the same thing. And .. perhaps how they reacted
This message was last edited by the player at 20:00, Sat 10 Nov 2012.
GM, 56 posts
Come at me bro'!
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 02:39
  • msg #3

Re: Burned - Aurora

"Yeah yeah. bitch." The spikey haired guy pulled out a wad of bills and shoved the whole thing into the larger guys hair. Then he turned and made eye contact with you. It was just chance, but he stared... and stared... Finally the shaggy haired guy punched him in the arm and he shook his head.

He waved the other guys off and walked towards you. He was a bit bow legged, but he was pretty damn fine. The cigarette hanging out of his mouth made him look like quite the bad boy. He had all the confidence and alpha personality any girl could hope for, but he wasn't flashy. He could be, easily, but he wasn't.

He stopped a respectable distance from you and smiled. "You cannot be from around here." His voice did not have that distinctive southern twang to it. This was not a native boy you were talking to. This kind of sexy was imported. "I'm Chris. That retard back there with the girl hair is Ken, I don't remember who the other dude is. You want to go for a ride and maybe smoke a bowl?" His smile only got wider as he talked, and he only got more irresistible.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:28, Sat 17 Nov 2012.
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 6 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 20:10
  • msg #4

Re: Burned - Aurora

Even as the guy stood before her, still at a safe distance that she could step back and turn as if nothing was there. Inside her head already there was a sort of sick smile. Sure, she had given loads of guys brush off's. ["Letting them think your interested then WHAM ! Sorry, you talking to me"] But this one. Somehow.

"Sure thing sweetheart ..!" Was what she said even before she had realised she had actually said it. And even as she had said it she wanted to scrape her tongue as if the words had sounded dirty in a sort of way. but it didnt. not by a long shot. with a quick sweep Aurora stood on the otherside of the rail where she had been leaning on just a moment ago. "The Honda is yours ?" with an almost erotic sounding voice
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 1 post
Sat 17 Nov 2012
at 17:32
  • msg #5

Re: Burned - Aurora

Chris nodded. "Yeah." The distinct smell of weed washed over you. Chris picked it up too and looked around, but turned his attention back to you. He bobbed his head indicating you should follow him and took you back towards his car.

The other guys cleared out to watch the next race, or maybe to give him and you space. Bro laws could be difficult to decipher sometimes.

He hit a button on his key fob and the doors opened. No gull wing or suicide doors. These opened like regular doors; hinges towards the front. Inside was immaculate. Leather and carbon fiber.

He opened the other door and motioned for you to get in, "Have a seat. What did you say your name was?"
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 7 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Sat 17 Nov 2012
at 23:45
  • msg #6

Re: Burned - Aurora

The smell of weed opened up all of her memories to yesterdays podrace, or was that the game she had played with her friends on the playstation. Memmories were fuzzy and blurred. All she knew was she had had one helluva good time. And the next morning she had several sore spots in .. a certain area. Smiling to herself ["Not to imply anything cutey"] Aurora spoke to herself in her mind.

"Cool .. !"

Was all Aurora said when the doors swung open with just a press onto the key. Waiting till Chris made his way onto the driversseat and started to take a seat .. Aurora did the same on her side. Turning her head once seated as Chris spoke to her. (The passenger door is still open)

"Never gave it.." Aurora took a moment to look Chris over, as if stripping the man, as her right-eyelid lifted just a wee bit ".. Aurora. Like my friends call me."
Aurora sniffed in the scent of the cars interior "Nice set of wheels. Yours to huh ? Or do you share it with your boys ?" Aurora reached for the passenger door and started to close it.
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 2 posts
Sun 18 Nov 2012
at 00:22
  • msg #7

Re: Burned - Aurora

Chris nodded and gave you a grin. Undeniably sexy. This guy was confident, bordering on cocky. Actually. No. He was cocky, but it worked for him somehow. "Aurora." He said it slowly looking at you. His eyes narrowed and you got the feeling he was undressing you with his eyes. "That's a bad ass name. And no, I don't share my rides with my homies."

He looked back at you, "Buckle up." Once you were strapped in Chris focused on the road and punched it. The NSX roared to life and you were pushed back into your seat. Bikes were fast and sexy, but this... This was like being strapped inside a rocket, and Chris handled it perfectly.

The road the Mooresville drag strip was on was long and empty except for a few farm houses. Dark, and just winding enough to keep you honest... but it was long and more or less flat...

"Tell me if you want me to slow down." He didn't take his eyes off the road, but the mile wide shit eating grin he had told you he was having a blst.
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 8 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Sun 18 Nov 2012
at 00:38
  • msg #8

Re: Burned - Aurora

"Yeah, .. I am a badass chick." ["Not to confuse my name with another Aurora."] Aurora strapped herself in. Once done and not a moment later she felt herself being sucked into the seats cushion. Had it not been for the front windscreen she was sure her eyes would be pushed all the way back into her eyesockets.

Seeing Chris seemed to enjoy himself "Its cool, but with this speed Im not getting wet if thats what your implying" aurora let out a loud laugh en did as Chris was doing. Enjoying the speed .. fast and furious, yeah. HOT !! .. the faster the better, the more furious the .. ["You get the idea"]
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 3 posts
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 00:31
  • msg #9

Re: Burned - Aurora

Chris made an amused noise at your bad ass comment and kept driving. You recognized the roads, a left on toe Mooresville Highway, then another left onto Unity Church Road. Chris slowed way down here. This road was wandering, long, and dangerous, and your host may have been a thrill seeker or sorts, but he wasn't suicidal either.

He pulled into a driveway of a huge log house. It had a steel garage out back. There were 5 large doors on it, for at l east 5 cars, but they appeared to be the really long garage doors, which mean 10 cars. You could see the cab of a tractor trailer poking out from behind the garage. The yard was well maintained, as was the house.

Chris killed the engine and opened his door. "Bowl time. C'mon." He closed the door before you could reply. By the time you got out of the car he had a cigarette lit. Menthol by the smell.

"After we smoke this you can call your friends. We usually party after the track so this place is about to get jumpin'." He gave you another smile. "So what do you do? Are you from around here?"
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 9 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 13:28
  • msg #10

Re: Burned - Aurora

"Bowl ... ing ?" the later part of the word lost to the closed window and door of the driverside where Chris had been just a second ago. Shaking her head Aurora decided it was time to unstrap and get out herself. with a few quick clicks and a swift motion the door swung open letting in the fresh smell of the night.

"Nice .." Aurora said to no-one in particulair, even though Chris was the only one present. And close enough to hear it Turning her head towards Chris Aurora decided it was mildly safe to answer some basic questions. She was bad ass, hell ya. But not a stupid blond.

With a casual turning-sortof-wave as if iffing the answer "No, Not quite from around here, Been here and there all my life though. Going from job to job. Fixing bikes .. hanging out in bars. The usuall stuff" Taking out her mobile Aurora checked for a signal. They werent exactly close to Charlotte, but maybe.
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 4 posts
Wed 28 Nov 2012
at 20:22
  • msg #11

Re: Burned - Aurora

"Bikes huh? What kind?" Chris looked at you over his shoulder as he walked towards the house and opened the door. It hadn't been locked.

Just inside there was a guy with short blonde hair, a goatee and a scar over his eye. He had kinda tan skin, maybe there was some Native American in him. He was pretty skinny. He stood up as soon as he seen Chris.

"Aurora, Probee. Probee, Aurora. Probee go get us some beers then open up the garage and put my car in it. If you hurt my ride..." He glared at the kid, who nodded.

The kid looked at you. Looked you over. Clearly he liked what he saw, but he didn't have that same appeal Chris did. Where this guy looked rough, Chris looked rugged. Where this kid looked like someone your parents wouldn't approve of, Chris looked dangerous. Not only would your parents not approve of him, but he'd probably steal something on his way out the door.

There was an earthy smell in the room, but that pungent skunky aroma was behind it. Weed. Chris was smoking a bowl and watching the guy he called Probee before he ambled off.

Chris coughed a bit after exhaling then handed the pipe to you. "You got to school around here? What is it? R.C.C.C.? The community college? Or that other one in Charlotte?"
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 10 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Thu 29 Nov 2012
at 16:06
  • msg #12

Re: Burned - Aurora

"Yeah .." Following Chris towards the house waiting for him to open the door "Been tinkering with Harleys mostly since I was a teenager. Not that either one of my parents loved the idea of their daughter being covered in grease and hanging out with rough types such as.."

Aurora gave a dramatic pause as she nodded to the boy that had been 'ordered' to safely park the car. Cocking an eyebrow ["Then what .?"] nodding to him before he took of, not saying anything as the boy sped off to do his job (apparently) Only as Aurora swung her gaze away from the hot car back onto Chris did she notice the smell flinging her nostrils. ["That shit is of some good quality. Must've costed a fortune."] Only to shake herself away from Chris onto the car that was being driven away ... slowly ... carefully.

"Hmm ? Wh .. ow, No .. homeschooled mostly. But ya R.C.C.C, Law Enforcement training. Mom and Dad thought if I enrolled into the force I would put the grease behind me" Aurora smiled, showed Chris her hands that weren't exactly soft woman hands - but more like hands that had been working hard on anything with an engine. Taking the pipe Aurora took a a quick inhale to test the stuff.

(OOC: Some skills on the sheet would come from there Im guessing)
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 5 posts
Sat 1 Dec 2012
at 05:21
  • msg #13

Re: Burned - Aurora

The taste was remarkably smooth. Your guess was right, this was definitely high end kush. You had been around the area quite a bit from party to party, and had never run into anything even half as good as this.

He scooted closer and looked at you, smirking as you took a hit on the pipe. "Law enforcement, huh? Hows that working out for you?" He pointed at the bowl and laughed a bit. "Harleys? Really? I can't get over that part. What about cars? Or rice rockets?" He was referring to the Suzukis and Yamahas that seemed to dominate the racing circuits.
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 11 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Sat 1 Dec 2012
at 18:01
  • msg #14

Re: Burned - Aurora

Taking a longer 'suck' on the pipe closing her eyes to enjoy the flavour more Auroras eyes widened some as she found Chris comeing closer "Well, Pff .. I dropped out semi-halfway.." Aurora shook her hands like so-so "..All those damned lawrules were just not for me, stuffing them up inside your head. I did get some nice basic handling on pistols and all that though."

Aurora made a pistol with her fingers, gave a shot at Chris and blew off the 'invisible' smoke from the barrel like cowgirls would have done centuries ago.

Walking towards a wall aurora leaned against it, one boot on the ground the other firmly on the ground. Taking another puff on the pipe. "Havent worked much on cars really, I know my way around an engine. But I prefer bikes. The faster the better" ["Hot damn, this stuffs making my head spin. Just take it easy Shields. No need to get all stoned."] a small puaze inher head and a smile ["Yet"]
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 6 posts
Wed 5 Dec 2012
at 08:46
  • msg #15

Re: Burned - Aurora

Chris nodded and pulled what was clearly a joint out of his cigarette pack, relenting the bowl to you since you walked away with it. He didn't move any closer though, but you could tell he noticed you getting up. "Sorry if I'm prying. You can ask questions too yanno."

The aroma filled the room again as he lit the hand rolled joint and leaned forward. Left elbow resting on his knee. He was watching you. "Bikes are alright, but I prefer cars. I've got three now. That NSX, a Ferrari, and a Scion TC." He was so matter of fact about it there was no way he was kidding. "The TC is a cool little car."

He shrugged, and finally walked over to you, leaving the joint in the ashtray. "I'm gettin' hungry." He planted a hand over your shoulder, invading your personal space and smiled as his other hand rested on your hip.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:46, Wed 05 Dec 2012.
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 12 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Wed 5 Dec 2012
at 21:33
  • msg #16

Re: Burned - Aurora

["This guy either either has some influence around here. Or has won them cars on the track. No way he is rich enough to own a Ferrari and 2 hotwheels."] Though as she smelled the smell of the joint and of the one she had in her head. There was a little voice inside her head. ["You go GIRL"] clouding her judgement on things she surely wouldnt be doing .. well .. she might, but not so soon.

 "Hungry huh ?"

Almost staring directly into the eyes of Chris "Yeah, I could use a bite."
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 7 posts
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 04:59
  • msg #17

Re: Burned - Aurora

Chris smiled and looked around the room. "We got a few minutes before everyone gets here." He stayed put and dipped in closer to you. "Yeah its been a long night and I forgot to eat earlier with everything we had to do."

He was so close you could feel his breath against your skin. You could almost feel the heat coming off of his lips. His fingers tip-toed from your hip up your side and rested and back while he did that touchy feely exploration. Not timid, but that gentle attempt to make sure you understood what was coming. He didn't give you the room to move away though. If you wanted him to stop you were going to have to tell him because with his hand on your side, and the other on the wall, he effectively had you pinned there.

He stopped it for you, pulling back, and lighting a cigarette. He stayed close, but was far enough back that he could exhale the cigarette smoke away from you.
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 13 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 13:17
  • msg #18

Re: Burned - Aurora

Almost .. almost (almost) feeling a sensation of buckling knees Aurora thought this really wasn't the most wonderfull position to be in to be taken out for diner. Though guessing what sort of take-out Chris had in mind all Aurora could do was to bite her lip and stay where she was. Just .. right there ..

"Your going to have to be quick if the sort of diner you had in mind is what Im thinking about .." Taking the cigarette away from Chris ".. I think your going to need to use both hands."

Keeping the just lid cig. up in the air Aurora waited to see what exactly Chris had in mind. Surely he wasn't talking about chinese food.
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 8 posts
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 15:30
  • msg #19

Re: Burned - Aurora

That was all he had been waiting for. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into him. Then his mouth was on you. Hot, passionate, needy, hungry. Your toes curled. When he pulled back, even he was a little breathless, he said, "I think...we need to not be down here for a little while."

His room was the last one on the right once you went up stairs. It was big and he clearly had the master bedroom.

You had expected it to be a disaster since downstairs, while nice, was a bit disheveled, but Chris' room was pretty clean. He walked into the middle after flicking one of three switches by the door. One you assumed controlled the ceiling fan, another the light under it, and the third controlled a dim lamp on the wooden nightstand next to his desk. The windows had heavy curtains over them, and blinds that almost took up the entire window.

The room had cream colored carpet and a tan rug by the bed. Two large night stands stood on either side of the king sized bed. The bed was low to the ground and made of wood. Very modern, like everything else in the room. A TV hung on the wall and there was a mirror over the dresser. No pictures hung on the walls, just an assortment of hats: visors, baseball caps, flat caps, knit caps, and even a few fedoras.

You didn't have long to look around you as he turned you, backing you towards the bed and paused to look you over. "You ready?"
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 14 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Fri 7 Dec 2012
at 20:47
  • msg #20

Re: Burned - Aurora

From the kiss to when Aurora was standing against the bed with her back was blurry in her head "Yeah .." as she was still trying to get an impression what had happened. But the drugs in her blood were doing a good job of making every suggestion made stronger and less capable of seeing any logical flaws in them. or .. something.

Then as she felt herself sitting onto the edge of the bed looking up "No need to be to gentle, I can handle your driving style." With a smirk Aurora let herself fall backwards.
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 9 posts
Sat 8 Dec 2012
at 00:11
  • msg #21

Re: Burned - Aurora

Chris pushed you down onto the bed and was on top of you in an instant. As he prodded and explored his mouth touched you everywhere before finally settling on your shoulder. His hands touched you just where they needed to send electric sparks through you.

Then there was a sharp pain at your collar, and then euphoria. Chris gripped you tightly, his arms entwined around you, owning you, and that euphoria, somewhere between orgasm and getting high, but not quite either, crashed against you.
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 15 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Sat 8 Dec 2012
at 21:01
  • msg #22

Re: Burned - Aurora

With the seconds a sharp pain was felt Auroras eyes widened. Pupils dialating, what sort of orgasm .. sensation had she just had. Seriously. In her mind things tumbled up and down. Was it the combination of being stoned and 'excited' ? Or was it something else. And why was Chris holding her arms strongly onto the bed .. and .. why did she feel so strange now. It was like hitting a brick wall at topspeed. but not quite like that. There was no safety net this time.

And before all went black there was ....
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 10 posts
Mon 10 Dec 2012
at 17:06
  • msg #23

Re: Burned - Aurora

The euphoria faded as the darkness crept in and then, slowly at first, whispering at the back of your mind a new emotion started coming through. Fear. Not the fear you experience watching a scary movie. This was an altogether different beast. This was primal. This was a fear you had never known before. The fear of someone who realizes they're dying and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Chris was suddenly above you. Panic on his face. "Shit! Fuck! Shit! Fuck!" He turned and bounced and waved his arms, clearly panicking. His mouth was red and the room was suddenly cold.

As he spoke you could clearly make out long, distended canines in his mouth. He looked at you and dropped down on top of you. He slapped you, trying to rouse you to action. "Get up! C'mon! Don't fucking die! Please! I don't need this shit right now. Come on! You can't fucking die here." He slapped your face again and shook you.

You didn't feel like this was actually happening to you as that terrible darkness crept in so much as you were watching it happen to you. He ran his fingers through his hair, that frustrated act as he desperately searched for a solution to his problem.
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 16 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Tue 11 Dec 2012
at 13:13
  • msg #24

Re: Burned - Aurora

["What .. what is happening. This is not real. it is all a dream. Yes. Im just so fricking stoned from that smoke that now Im seeing things. But .. I feel so strange .. so .. strange."] as the fear crept in ["What .. what did he do .. Im dying. Im bleeding here. I .. Im going to die"] Shades were everywhere. But this time they were thicker somehow then usuall. Lights seemed to play with the shade and started to lose the winning battle against the darkness. Against the world of darkness there was no victory.

Eyes shot open "Dont .. let me die. I .." Still on the bed Aurora tried to fight against that screaming feeling. There was no way, that she was going to die today.
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 11 posts
Tue 11 Dec 2012
at 14:38
  • msg #25

Re: Burned - Aurora

"Oh fuck..." He looked at you, panic, pity, sadness, all of it on his face at once and you could see a struggle going on inside of him.

Then he was on you again, and as your last breath faded from your lungs he grabbed a piece of mirror off of the night stand, smashed it, and used it to cut his wrist open. The wound was deep. Blood sprang from it quickly, and he pressed it to your mouth.

"Drink it!" He yelled, and it was like fire, and power, and raw animal rage. As the first few drops slid down your throat something inside you snapped awake and you wanted more. More! More! Chris growled and snarled above you, still struggling with whatever conflict he had.

You drank and he watched you. His eyes were locked on yours while you drank and the darkness shot away. It was replaced with bright light. Or maybe the lights in the room were brighter. You could hear things too. The rustle of the blankets as you moved on them. The cars in the garage, music... Your skin seemed to crawl, leaving you with a warm sensation as the blood worked its way through your body.
Aurora Shields
Anarch PC, 17 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 3
Sx, Csx, Rx
Mon 17 Dec 2012
at 21:30
  • msg #26

Re: Burned - Aurora

Either it was a reflex from a dying woman or .. the blood smelled differently then it should. And as the first drops hit her lips the darkness burned away casting the coldness of death aside. Eagerly Aurora drank and .. drank .. and drank only to pause for breathing ? Or was it simple that what was supposed to be the last breath of a dying person. Looking up Aurora suddenly again realised where she was and whom she was with.

"Wh .. Who are you ?"
Chris Jones
Anarch NPC, 12 posts
Thu 20 Dec 2012
at 20:55
  • msg #27

Re: Burned - Aurora

Chris looked at you, half horrified, and panicked. "Oh fuck. Shit, shit, shit, shit." He looked at you, seemingly not hearing your question then he pulled out his phone and made a call.

"Dude! It went bad man... Like bad!" There was a pause. "I embraced her, dumb ass! What the fuck do I do now?"

There was another pause and then his face twisted with anger. "Hey! I need help over here! This shit ain't funny!"

Chris was silent for another moment then he threw his phone to the ground and turned back to you and lit a cigarette. He sucked on it, burning nearly a third of the cigarette in his first drag. Exhaling he closed his eyes and finally answered you, "I'm dead, and now you are too."
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