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17:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri.

Posted by ST-Ac1dFor group archive 1
GM, 86 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Sun 23 Dec 2012
at 22:33
  • msg #1

U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

You found Fight Club easily enough. The card, though a little battered, was easy enough to read. It was a low, bricked warehouse that was probably a hundred years old, maybe more. The bricks were all that really bright red and were all pretty worn. A sign advertising Marlboro cigarettes was painted on the side, but it was so old and faded that a light hadn't been on that end of the building you never would've seen it.

You pulled into the parking lot, and followed the gravel path around back.

As soon as you pulled passed the end of the building a guy sitting on a stool gave you the stink eye. Without taking his eyes off of your car he banged on the two, two quick raps.

As you parked another guy came outside, much bigger than the second. They both eyed you. From where you were there was no way to tell any of them were armed.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 20 posts
Mon 24 Dec 2012
at 15:50
  • msg #2

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

Dimitri rides around in a large black SUV with a reinforced front bumper that despite the modification is slightly dented. Russian folk music blares on the inside, quite the contrast to the rap core shit that usually comes out of an Escalade or Escalade-like vehicle.

Dimitri sets the vehicle in park and turns the keys, the heavy diesel engine going silent. Dimitri flicks the slip of paper out of his pocket and tosses it to the first bouncer, the smaller one on watch.

"I am here for fight, yes?"
GM, 90 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Wed 26 Dec 2012
at 06:44
  • msg #3

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

The guy looked the card over, flipped it, looked again, and handed it to the big guy. Who did the same and handed it back. The little guy put it in his pocket. "Who are you and what's with the accent?" The big guy spoke; his voice was little baritone.

He stood at least four inches taller than you, and where you came in at a solid 210 this guy was easily pushing 250. His long arms ended in fists the size of hams. Getting punched by him would probably hurt a bit, but not much. He leaned back just an inch or so, enough that his longer reach would count for something more. Yet there was still something maybe a little off about this whole thing. You had the card. It  was beat up, yeah, but it was current. Lars had said so...

Then all those years running the streets and dealing with people kinda slowly kicked in...

These guys were watching the door at a place vampires hung out at, and more, the place was designed for them. Which meant these two were not just watching the door, but watching the door for vampires. If the little guy had identified you that meant the big guy was the back up. Which meant whoever was in charge of this place, that Eve girl Lars had mentioned, was pretty confident he could handle himself.

The little guy stood up and produced one of those wand metal detectors. "You got any weapons or anything on you. Now is the time to say something."</orange>
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 21 posts
Wed 26 Dec 2012
at 22:25
  • msg #4

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

Dmitri holds a hand up and pulls out a gigantic Desert Eagle from his shoulder holster.

"I assume you looking for this, da?"

With a very casual attitude, he tosses the gun through the window into the passenger side of his SUV. he motions for the bouncer to scan him again but the holds up a finger to pause him. From his back holster he produces the monstrous knife he relied in so heavily for his business arrangemens. He tosses it through the window to clatter next to the pistol. Nw that he was finally clean he motions for he guy to scan him again.

"Will car be safe or do I need to lock door? I am new in town and unsure if this is nice neighborhood or not."

As the guy scans him, Dimitri continues to prattle on. After hundreds of illegal deals he was used to all sirs of cazy entrance rituals. Seem of the more paranoid clients had him strip naked to ensure he wasn't wired, otherwise he was used to being escorted a gun, knife, even axe point. It was all part of the job.

"As for accent, it is Russian although I am not surprised you have not heard, you have small population here from Motherland. It is too warm here, my people tend to miss the cold and snow at times."
GM, 97 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Sun 13 Jan 2013
at 18:04
  • msg #5

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

The little guy took the gun from you and shrugged, "Your car dude. I don't give a shit." He looked at the big guy, "He's good."

The little guy handed the gun to the bigger guy after looking it over and smirked, "Stick it with the others." The big guy nodded and opened the door for you.

"Don't show your ass. The lady is in the house and she doesn't like when people show their ass." His words were gruff and a little mocking. Clearly he at least didn't take you very seriously, but why would they at this point?

You were new, and this was their turf. They had no reason to take you seriously yet.

The big guy followed you in and waited for you to pay the cover. Once that was done the door buzzed and he opened and went in giving you a moment to follow before he let it swing closed.

The noise inside the place was almost deafening. The big guy wandered off towards the cages and through a set of double doors behind the bookies. Off to your right was the bar, and off to your left was where the fights were running. All three of the cages were active at this point. You could see the bookies working to keep up with bets and constantly changing odds while watching the fights. Three guys were walking around the catwalk They had shotguns with big LED lights on them. The shotguns were low quality, but they were shotguns, probably loaded with buckshot. It kept a tight group so there would be little collateral damage, and packed a helluva punch. Occasionally they would point them down and "spotlight" someone that was getting a little rowdy with them. The lit up individual settled down immediately.

Looking around you could see there were actually 3 sets of doors behind the bookies. The big  swinging double doors the big guy had walked though and two others straddling it  fairly far away. A guy came out from the double doors and leaned against the wall, eye balling you.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 22 posts
Tue 22 Jan 2013
at 18:46
  • msg #6

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

Dimitri couldn't help but chuckle when he saw the guards pointing shotguns at crowds of people.

"This is my kind of place..."

He follows the big guy towards the double doors but stops when a different guy comes out and starts eyeballing him.

Dimitri gave the man a feral grin.

"Is there problem?"
Billy Gomez
Anarch NPC, 1 post
Sun 27 Jan 2013
at 16:29
  • msg #7

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

You were much bigger than this guy, but he looked at you coolly and shrugged. "Not if you behave yourself." He looked up at you and shifted.

Confident. No. Cocky. This guy was definitely cocky. He could be posturing, but he could be legit too, and looking around this place you were leaning towards legit. Still, you had a lot on him.

[Private to Dimitri the Devil: You can make a Perception + Streetwise roll to see if this guy is the real deal or not. dif 6.]

"I'm Billy. Who are you and what do you want?" The guy wasn't blocking the door but he was definitely in your way. The noise behind you rose as another fight started. You could pick out the sounds of some pretty severe hits as well taped fists slammed into soft flesh.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 23 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2013
at 21:18
  • msg #8

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

Dimitri is caught slightly off guard by the sudden appearance of the small-ish guy  but adopts a casual stance anyway.  He shifted his weight, leaning a little to the left and ran a hand over the stubble on his chin.  Dimitri quickly tried to size the guy up.  Who knew in what to expect in this day an age?

"I am here to see man, a distant kin of mine. Phoenix, you heard of this man? Do you know where I can find him?"

Despite his thick accent giving everything he says a harsh tone, Dimitri has a smile and tries to switch to a more friendly, casual, tone. Right now, he is everyone's friend, everyone's favorite drinking buddy.

You rolled 1 success using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 ((1,7,3,10,6,1)).

OOC: Fixed some color issues.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:37, Tue 29 Jan 2013.
GM, 102 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Sun 27 Jan 2013
at 22:12
  • msg #9

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

[Private to Dimitri the Devil: I'm going to give you the opportunity to rewrite this. You are, in fact, not there to fight, and here you are face to face with someone who seems to know what's going on. Give. Me. More to work with.]

Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 24 posts
Tue 29 Jan 2013
at 16:59
  • msg #10

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

OOC: updated previous post
Billy Gomez
Anarch NPC, 2 posts
Wed 30 Jan 2013
at 21:05
  • msg #11

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

Billy did that "The fuck?" head bob people do when they hear something unbelievable. "Dude, I don't know who sent you here looking for him, but he ain't here." He looked at you and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. "What's your business with him anyway."

He leaned to the left and peered around you at the crowd. "C'mon, we can talk freely in here." He stepped back, and kicked the door with his heel letting it swing open, backed in and pivoted so you could follow. It somehow looked natural.

A little ways down a hallway you found yourself in a locker room. without any lockers in the middle. Instead it was four long, narrow benches. The lockers surrounded the room except for the doorway you had come through, and another off to the left. The lockers were all fairly old, but had a fresh coat of green paint on them. You could still detect the faint smell of oil based paint in the air. Tell tale sign that the paint hadn't fully cured yet.

Billy crossed his arms and leaned against the lockers. "Phoenix isn't exactly welcome around here, and that isn't really a secret. So either you got beef with him, or you're one of his buddies, and someones gone out of their way to fuck you because they're not buddies with him."
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 25 posts
Wed 30 Jan 2013
at 22:57
  • msg #12

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

Dimitri is surprisingly unfazed finding out he'd been given the run-around. Some kindred might turn on the charm to try and smooth talk their way out of it, others might get angry or scared but Dimitri just shrugged.

"Eh, would not be first time someone try and fuck with me. It happens too often which makes me sad. You see, I am nice guy...really. That whole 'Devil' thing they call me it is all just slander. People see nice guy and think 'hey, there is giant pussy ready to get fucked.'

Dimitri shrugs and shakes his head a bit before rolling it back and letting the bones in his neck 'pop' audibly. He cups one fist into the other and casually pops each knuckle over and over again, punctuating his speech.

"Yeah, every player want to fuck the nice guy." pop "And some do. Some get better of me. What can I do, eh? I cannot kill everyone, right?" pop "Then again...sometimes some people take it too far. No longer fun and games." pop "Those people tend to get very intimate with the front of my truck..." pop "...then the underside..." pop "...then usually underside one more time to make sure they know just who they are fucking with." pop

OOC: CAVEAT: I rolled 1 success for the perception to size him up. If I think he's around my level that I could take him (or survive the beatdown) then Dimitri will put an edge to the voice and you can roll my intimidation. Your call if Physical Coercion would work as I would technically view this as subtle threat but the subtly is definitly questionable...

If this guy is leagues above or Dimitri wasn't able to size him up properly then he'll leave it friendly and no intimidation roll yet.

"Now, you say Phoenix is not here, my friend says people here know where to find him. He said she said bullshit, right? I am not here to cause trouble. Far from it. I am business man, new in town and just looking for a place to set up, meet some new friends, have a good time. Like every American, yeah?"

Dimitri's thick russian accent mangles the word 'American'

"So maybe you are right, maybe my friend is right. It does not matter to me. I am just looking where to find him. If you do not know then maybe you know someone who knows someone who knows where to look."
GM, 109 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Wed 30 Jan 2013
at 23:15
  • msg #13

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

THAT is what I've been looking for!

Billy looks legit is about the best you can do. If you want to make the roll Str + Intimidation at dif 6. It's contested against his WP. I'm rolling for him now, you can edit your post as needed with the affects.

You rolled 4 successes using 7d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 ((4,7,4,7,10,6,2)).

You need 5 successes.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:16, Wed 30 Jan 2013.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 27 posts
Thu 31 Jan 2013
at 08:46
  • msg #14

Re: U.S. Route 29 - Dmitri

OOC: Ouch so the intimidation fails. I was tempted to drop willpower but I didn't and failed. Proceed but if it makes any difference the intimidation wasn't so much as "I'm gonna make you my bitch" so much as "You better not be messing with me..."

Dimitri is really just checking to make sure Billy isn't 'hazing the new guy'

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