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23:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu.

Posted by ST-JediFor group archive 0
Primogen Catrina Armstrong
NPC, 5 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 02:06
  • msg #13

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

The elder looked at you funny.  You lost her with something you said, and it didn't take long for her to clarify just what it was.  "You're Asian?" She made a face and even rocked on her heels.  "India is part of Asia?  That doesn't make sense.  India has never been barred to our kind.  Over populated with the Followers of Set and the Assamites maybe, but it has never been any more or less hostile then any other locale.  Not like China and Africa anyway.  I always wanted to go to Africa.  I was in Egypt once, but the dark continent has always had my fancy..." Catrina trailed off, rambling.

When she realized she was doing it, Catrina stopped and looked at you pointedly.  "I meant no offense.  But obviously, you can see why this is of interest to me." She smiled.  "And you seem to know your craft all too well.  Pardon my inquisitiveness, but how did you get involved in your line of work in the first place, and do you think it has anything to do with your current condition?"
GM, 14 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 02:29
  • msg #14

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu stopped and looked at her. Blinking. "I'm Asian, and certain parts of India are quite off limits, even to me. I'm Asian the same way you're European."

When she asked her last few questions he pressed a finger to his lips thinking for a moment, "I know it has everything to do with my current situation." He said at last, "Its not a tragic story either. So you can relax." He offered a smile. "I started as any normal hoodlum I suppose. Lifting wallets and stealing from tourists and missionaries. Eventually I worked my way into the mob back in Mumbai. I had a knack for surveillance and research as well as stealing... It wasn't too much of a leap before my boss had me kidnapping the children of people we wanted to extort or the wife of a man who owed us money."

He frowned here, "After a few months I was made a Capo of sorts, and I realized that there was a market for people. An entire world out there looking to own another person. So I got into the business... And I was good. So good. Too good." He laughed here. "As the divines would have it I was trying to procure a young woman for a client, and he wanted a particular one. What I did not know is that this young woman was the... uh... concierge," He clearly meant ghoul. "After a week of surveillance we broke into her house. My friend was cut in half by a guillotine on the other side of the window we had crawled in through. Another was eaten by a dog after he fell down into the basement..." He shook his head, clearly not liking the memory. "Long story short: We had broken into the house of another one of us. He was impressed that I had made it through all of his security and kidnapped his prized companion... I did in fact make it several hundred meters with her in the trunk of a car before he caught us... Mumbai traffic!" He let out a laugh again.
"I was turned two months later. Just long enough for me to take control of the crime family I had been a part of. That same organization has been refined and distilled. We now only deal with personnel procurement."
Primogen Catrina Armstrong
NPC, 6 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2012
at 04:56
  • msg #15

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Catrina shot you a glare when you indicated she was European.  The glare said that she found that particular comment insulting, but she chose not to verbalize it.  Instead she listened to how you relayed information, carefully studying your facial features.  You suspected that like most kindred of substantial age that Catrina was skilled at filtering through deception as well as committing facts to memory for later use.

"So why leave?  And more importantly, why spread yourself thin?  Surely your influence isn't global.  The upkeep on global influence is often too time consuming to make it worthwhile.  Either you have far more assets then I anticipate, or you are going to great lengths to earn my esteem.  I'd like to think I am a special case, but I am not arrogant enough to just assume such." She shrugged and smiled.
GM, 18 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2012
at 04:01
  • msg #16

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu shrugged. He liked to keep his cards pretty close to his chest when it came to how he got his work done. "The situation is often less complicated than most people would assume. A great deal can be done with a crooked Private Investigator." He smiled. Madhu had been spreading himself quite thin to fill this order, but he had a fail safe. Tourists. Most of his work was done in India and in Europe and even then he sometimes had to work through intermediaries. Most of his real power came through a few ghouls of his own.

"I've been doing this for a long time and I had taken over a sizable organization before I was embraced. It's not been easy. That's one reason why I come and go so often."
Primogen Catrina Armstrong
NPC, 7 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2012
at 04:54
  • msg #17

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Catrina looked away from you towards the parking lot.  A police car came and parked in a corner.  It was off on the far left side near the entrance and exit, barely concealed from anyone already there, but easily missed by someone speeding down the road or making a hasty exit.

She turned back to you, uninterested in the police car.  She shifted her weight while one of the employees locked the door to the coffee shop behind you.  "I see.  Do you not see yourself above your current position?  As I understand it, in your homeland, you are born into your caste where there is little room for improvement.  I do not suspect you believe such things now, even if you once did.  Though in your current state, I can see the obvious loophole."
Madhu Ahkilesh
PC, 1 post
Sun 17 Jun 2012
at 05:26
  • msg #18

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu looked at her, "Above? Not at all. I've worked very hard to get where I'm at, and I intend to continue to do so. I believe any man, or woman, can achieve greatness in their own way, if they are but willing to work hard enough and pay the costs." He looked over at the cop and then back to her. "That is where me and many of my peers differed. What I do is a messy, unpleasant business. I just happen to have a set of talents that makes me very good at it." He raised his eyebrows for emphasis.

"What about you? If I may. Do you feel you are above your current position? Or does the fact that you have worked so hard to get there give you the sense that, for now, you are where you need to be?" He smiled amicably at her.
Primogen Catrina Armstrong
NPC, 8 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2012
at 06:01
  • msg #19

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

"Me?" Catrina scoffed.  "I see my position as a curse actually.  I grow increasingly uninterested in the political affairs of our kind, much less authority.  Power does not corrupt our kind.  Fools in positions of authority corrupt power." She shrugged and followed your gaze to the cop, but quickly returned her attention to you.

"I suppose that's why I am finding myself increasingly interested in someone like you.  You are still young and ambitious, but also centered enough to not be offended about who and what you are.  And if you've truly got the influence and resources I suspect you might have, that's something I can truly use."
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 2 posts
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 00:40
  • msg #20

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu pondered her words. He couldn't remember the last time he had heard something so unintentionally profound. Fools corrupt power... He might use that line sometime.

"Being useful is always good. Did you have something in mind?" He looked back at her as they walked, and lifted the collar of his black wool peacoat a bit.
Catrina Armstrong
Elder NPC, 9 posts
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 01:55
  • msg #21

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

"I do." Catrina said.  It was at times hard to see her as an elder bordering on the age of Methuselah.  Then there were times like now, when she seemed to be the powerful elder she was.  The Masquerade served a purpose and the more you dealt with the elders in charge the more that purpose became obvious.  Something was off with Catrina now and you couldn't place it.  The feeling was soon gone, but in those lingering few seconds you felt that you were in the presence of a monster - a monster a lot like yourself.

Catrina linked her arm around yours and continued down the sidewalk.  She took a sip from her latte, tasted it, swirled the liquid around in her mouth, and then casually spit it out, a vivid contrast to what you might have expected.  Catrina seemed to like the taste though, and her facial expression said as much.  "I won't pretend you're out of the political loop, but I will be perfectly honest with you.  I know you're not as up to date as I am.  So with that in mind Mr. Ahkilesh, how much do you know of your clan's current position?"
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 4 posts
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 02:05
  • msg #22

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu didn't need to think long. "We're fractured as usual, half know what they're doing the other half have no clue, and half of those couldn't care less." He tightened his arm a bit, reeling her in and offering her a genuine smile. Physical contact came so rarely with other vampires; Madhu was determined to enjoy it.

"Phoenix is backing us into a corner out in the burbs, and in Elysium we're having all kinds of problems since the new Prince doesn't have a real working relationship with any of our kind, so he has no real reason to look out for our interests. This is a Warlock city... for better or worse." Madhu looked at Catrina.
Catrina Armstrong
Elder NPC, 10 posts
Wed 7 Nov 2012
at 01:24
  • msg #23

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

"For better." Catrina added when you finished answering her question.  Catrina rocked backwards a step, took another step forward, and then leaned in.  "You're cute," she commented, leaving it up in the air for about four seconds.  "You're either holding out on what you know or you don't know as much as I hoped.  But you're still cute." She loosened her grip on your arm and spun away, turning so that you two could see each other face to face.  Catrina didn't release your arm though.  "I kin work with thaht." Catrina's accent was particularly thick.  She beamed happily.  There it was again, the happy look of a teenager hiding the mind of a monster.

"I'mma give it to ya straight.  You're only part right.  We're really on great terms with the Warlocks, all things considered.  And Phoenix..." Catrina made a rather unpleasant face at the mention of the Original Anarch.  "I suspect he's closer to the tower then he wants anyone else to believe.  Even still, he's no threat to anyone of significant age and influence.  Those of us stupid enough to claim to be an Anarch- Catrina utterly sneered at the word.  You got the point.  She despised the Anarchs.  "Deserve what we get."

Catrina looked up at you and her eyes went cold.  Very, very cold.  She flushed, too.  It was an angry, hot flush.  You almost thought she was going to give into the rage Brujah were known for.  Instead she wagged her finger at you.  If it wasn't so serious it might have been a bit comical.  "And for the record, I have never, not once, not a single time in near a thousand years, raised a fist in anger to an elder or senior.  Not a single time from life to death to now have I ever supported Anarchy and crazed fanaticism of belligerent youth.  Do not make the mistake of thinking I will save you from that mistake either.  If I even suspect that is the path you are walking I'll hang you out to dry myself...just so we are clear."

Catrina was just as quick to calm down though, taking the time to sip and spit more of her coffee.  "I didn't scare you too much did I?"
This message was last edited by the player at 01:28, Wed 07 Nov 2012.
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 5 posts
Wed 7 Nov 2012
at 01:56
  • msg #24

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu smiled brightly at Catrina when she was complimenting him, but that happy emotion died slowly the more she spoke. He was grimacing by the time she finished, but he shook his head.

"No, I'm not frightened. I am curious though, as to why you would say such things to me." He narrowed his eyes and focused on her. "I'm not going to lie to you. There is a lot that goes on in the tower that I disagree with. As a far as governing bodies go, it's not exactly a shining example, but As long as I have room to conduct my affairs then it's not a concern...but I can tell from your look  that you have some plan or another that invovles me?" The smile returned slowly.
Catrina Armstrong
Elder NPC, 11 posts
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 09:23
  • msg #25

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

"Good!" Catrina beamed.  She rocked on her heels and bounced.  She tugged your arm in the process.  "You know why I say such thing.  It establishes a basis for our future relationship."  Catrina pretended to drink more of her coffee and continued along.

"You're tempting a devil in me, the subject of clan politics is always a way to..." She shrugged, pausing a stone's throw from the front door of a grocery store.  It was open.  The kine mumbled about.  "I was thinking of using you as a whip."
This message was last edited by the player at 09:24, Sat 10 Nov 2012.
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 6 posts
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 22:15
  • msg #26

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu about fell over. <red."Me? Whip?"</red> He was certainly flattered, but he wasn't entirely sure he was up to the task. He was, after all, still getting situated in Charlotte.

Falling silent he thought for a moment and decided that was the best response for the moment. Catrina could either jump in and offer something else to the pot, or he would process everything...

"What exactly does a whip for you spend most of his time doing? If I may be so bold. I understand the duties change slightly from person to person."
Catrina Armstrong
Elder NPC, 12 posts
Wed 14 Nov 2012
at 07:20
  • msg #27

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

"You want the short version where I just say what I want," Catrina paused, took a breath, exhaled, and then faked another sip of her coffee.  She swilled the bottom of the cup around in circle, and then used it as a spit cup.  She capped the cup and looked around for a place to toss it.

"Or do you want the long version where I explain everything along the way?"  Catrina looked away from the front of the store towards you for a second, waiting on the answer.
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 8 posts
Sat 17 Nov 2012
at 17:35
  • msg #28

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

"I'll do it, of course, but I suppose the long version will work, provided 'along the way' means as we work together." He smiled at her as he walked. "I can assume you're not looking for a hitman or something like that or you wouldn't have picked me. I won't entirely be out of my element with this, and the opportunity is too good to pass up."

He held out his hand and offered to take her cup.
Catrina Armstrong
Elder NPC, 13 posts
Mon 26 Nov 2012
at 23:57
  • msg #29

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

"Really?  Without my terms?  Hmmph.  That was easy." Catrina beamed.  The elder kindred cleverly disguised as a teenaged college yuppy quickly handed the cup over.  Catrina moved to lean against the nearest pillar in front of the Amalfi's patio.  "To start with, my counterpart, Nicolette, has made a perplexing move.  She has offered her throat to his majesty.  This alone is of little concern.  It was only a matter of time before he found an elder." While Catrina thought, she made a sort of pout that was only on half of her face.  Her brow furrowed and the look moved to the other side.

"The concern is the ease with which she did so.  I do not suspect the Dragon controls her thoughts, and even if he did, I would still contend control of the clan.  No." Catrina looked up at you directly.  She shifted her weight, folding her arms and pushing off the wall a few inches.

"I think she is on the weary of something more threatening then a reputation for having a tryst with a playboy prince.  I want you to find out what, and I want to know fast like.  I would start by looking into Madisen Tandino.  Two and two don't add up there.  You could also try the Nos network or even Miranda Jane."
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 19 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Thu 29 Nov 2012
at 02:00
  • msg #30

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu chuckled a bit. "You're much to clever to try to get me to do something I cannot or will not do, and this opportunity is much to big to watch go by without trying to catch it." Madhu fell silent as Catrina continued to talk and listened intently. When she finished he nodded thoughtfully, "There is something a little off there..." He was just musing aloud. He had heard of Madisen, at this point it wasn't hard to have, "Any theories on what is really going on with her?"
Catrina Armstrong
Elder NPC, 14 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2012
at 22:09
  • msg #31

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

"What do you mean?" Catrina eyed you a little funny while she was trying to figure out if you were genuinely asking her if she had more leads or if you were insinuating that she was hiding something.  Finally the elder decided that you clearly were not insinuating she was hiding anything and nodded.  Then she shrugged.

"I had to think for a minute.  It is as they say, a breath of fresh air to find a youngling like yourself willing to cooperate.  Most don't have the foresight." She nodded and smiled a very happy smile that made you want more.  Or at least that was her intention.

OOC: You failed (no successes) using 9d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 8 ((3,9,4,3,6,1,4,4,6)).

"If you are asking me if I think there is something specific going on with Madisen and Nicolette, I would make a smart assed comment about not needing you to dig that information up if I knew it already." She made a face that showed she wasn't being prissy, just a bit comedic.  "Our prince seems to think Rob is pulling the strings of the QCLA, and it makes sense.  Too much sense.  He will probably task you out to question him."

Catrina looked at you curiously.
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 21 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Fri 30 Nov 2012
at 06:40
  • msg #32

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu looked confused for a second at Catrina's reply then shook his head, "I meant Madisen specifically. From what I've heard on the streets she's a Caitiff and nothing more. Not a lot more to it. If I had to guess Rob has her wrapped around his fingers, or maybe vice versa. You women do have your wiles." His tone changed enough that she could tell he was kidding.

He smoothed his coat and then looked back at Catrina. "Unless he knows something we don't?" He shrugged.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 01:09, Fri 07 Dec 2012.
Catrina Armstrong
Elder NPC, 15 posts
Sat 8 Dec 2012
at 20:25
  • msg #33

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

"Wiles? Sssshhhmsh!" Catrina made a dismissive noise.  "Who needs wiles?" She rocked on her heels and slow squirmed up to her tip toes, circling those hips.  She smiled, running both hands down her sides, David Bowie style.  "Who needs wiles?"

OOC: You rolled 3 successes using 9d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 8 ((9,10,5,10,1,3,9,5,4)) to App + Vamp Madhu (diff 8/WP).

You can resist with a WP roll at diff 9 and get 3 successes, if you really, really, want to resist being vamped by a hot, redheaded, elder... :P

When the conversation got serious about Madisen though, Catrina nodded, smiled, and corrected herself.  "Oh." Then she picked up without skipping a beat.  "In that case," Catrina paused and thought about the right thing to say.  Then she continued.  "I personally don't believe Miss Tandino is a Caitiff.  There are far too many of us that it is possible, but if that was the case, how would she be able to tie a knot around Rob?  And why would Nicolette care?  You'll have to look into where the less sociable members of our clan go to find more though.  I don't keep up with her or with the other Anarchs."  Again, Catrina almost sneered the word "Anarchs."
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 26 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Mon 10 Dec 2012
at 17:00
  • msg #34

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu narrowed his eyes a touch and looked Catrina over while she did her thing. A smirk split his mouth until white teeth shone in the night. He was clearly enjoying it. "Okay, okay. Maybe you don't need wiles, you certainly have them though..." He looked her up and down, making it clear he was checking her out, but his tone was somewhat teasing, flirty even.

When she brought the topic back around the serious stuff Madhu nodded. "Well fortunately for both of us I don't mind getting my hands dirty, huh?" He glanced around, force of habit, Madhu liked knowing what was going on in his surroundings. Being a Brujah in India and the Middle Easy was not easy.

"I think I have a pretty good idea where to start and how to do it. It will take time, but not too much I think." He was pleased, and he did have a vague plan. The first was to make some new friends, and the Prince's party later tonight would do just fine for that.
Catrina Armstrong
Elder NPC, 16 posts
Sun 16 Dec 2012
at 20:43
  • msg #35

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Catrina beamed, pleased with your observations about her prowess with the opposite gender.  "I suppose not being afraid to get a little dirty is why I like you.  Dirt scrubs off so easily if you wash it enough."  She glanced over her shoulder.  Subconsciously you did the same.  You both noticed the same thing.  That police car had moved, and was now slowly creeping in your direction, towards the store.  A moderately drunk pair of college kids on a beer run had also noticed the two of you.  They were gawking at Catrina though.  Sometimes it was hard not too, especially when presented with mortal desires.

"So what have you got in mind?" She asked, looking away from the cop and back at you.  She stuck to your arm again, made a girlie noise, and sort of turned in the direction of her truck.  It was back the way the two of you had come.  "I hadn't really considered it until now, but the two Germans might be on our side.  Annabelle and Vitka.  They both have small broods of mixed affiliation.  They probably know more then anyone thinks."
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 27 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Mon 17 Dec 2012
at 22:55
  • msg #36

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Madhu watched the cops casually. They were probably not much of a threat. Hanging out on the sidewalk wasn't a crime... He looked up and down the road for no loitering signs, not that they were exactly loitering. They had coffee cups from a nearby store, and they were walking, stop and go, but they were moving. Spying the drunks he made a face. That could be cause for concern, he glanced back at the cops then focused his attention on Catrina.

He really hoped he wasn't going to have to pummel two drunk white kids tonight....

"Juan has arranged a party for a lot of the younger people in the city." He opted to play it safe with the Masquerade and note use any of the normal terminology he would've used, "I think I can use that to plant some seeds with them. They'll probably fall in with the right crowds anyway for the information we need." He looked at her. She was quite sexy when she wanted to be... "I can hopefully use them like feelers, and get myself pointed in the right direction before having to...." He looked for the right metaphor, "Crawling in the mud myself. I'll also see about the Germans. Isn't Lars German?"
GM, 144 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 31 Jan 2013
at 17:41
  • msg #37

Re: A Ghoul Worth Working For - Madhu

Ok.  Seems like this is wrapped up enough.  You got the gist and the stuff from the party has already been given out to you.  Collect your EXP.
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