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Errand Boys - Alexander & Inferno.

Posted by ST-JediFor group 0
GM, 98 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Sun 16 Dec 2012
at 01:59
  • msg #1

Errand Boys - Alexander & Inferno

Coming Soon
GM, 143 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 31 Jan 2013
at 17:40
  • msg #2

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander & Inferno

In this scene, what I was going to do was have the two of you working together to acquire a very specific item from a very specific mortal for the prince.  It would combine Alexander's information gathering along with DJ's social skills.  Dice rolling will be involved, and this can very easily be turned into a pass or fail objective.  Thoughts?
player, 49 posts
Fri 1 Feb 2013
at 13:06
  • msg #3

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

I am not entirely sure what kind of thoughts you are looking for. I mean for example, that I do not know if when you say a very specific object and a very specific mortal, it means that that part is already settled, and that what you want from us is input with regards to what each would put into the task.

A sweet sixteen party for an idiot daughter of a high-tech company group owner that has given as a present to his daughter a phone that's 3 or 4 generations in advance of anything in the market.

The party might have DJ invited to create a distraction while Alex does the stealing.

I do not kow if this is the kind of thoughts you wanted or if you were actually just asking opinion on what we thought on the matter...
GM, 24 posts
Fri 1 Feb 2013
at 16:48
  • msg #4

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander


DJ would be fine working with Alexander. For the task you selected I dont' see an issue in either of us lacking skill sets and depending on the details I can figure out several different plans:

1) Alexander sniffs around, DJ dominates the mortal to turn the item over
2) DJ entrances the guards while Alex slips and steals the items
3) DJ uses celebrity status to draw mortal out into an ambush and we kill/incapacitate and take the item off...

Again it all depends on the details but we have options between us.
GM, 159 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Wed 20 Feb 2013
at 00:20
  • msg #5

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

It was just before 9pm according to the clock on the corner.  It was Friday, and so Charlotte was busy no matter where you were.  It was easy for DJ to move around, but for Alexander...not so much.  That made meeting with him on this particular night - with enough time to accomplish the task at hand - difficult.  The closest sewer grate that lead anywhere to where Alexander might have been coming from was nearly four blocks away.

Alexander might have thought he could move on the surface and in the crowds well enough, until the first time he passed by a camera.  That made caution a necessary evil on this night.  DJ by contrast couldn't avoid the crowds if he wanted too, especially if he wore that mask.  Time was of the essence though, so DJ couldn't afford to dally with the public.

The job, for both of you, was to locate a particular mortal by the name of Hong Fung Wong.  Give him a note.  Await his response.  Then contact the prince for further instructions.  Mr. Wong visited this particular diner that doubled as an authentic Chinese market one day a month.  It was on this particular night and the window of opportunity was between 9:30 and 11:00.  Neither of you were certain how the prince acquired this information, though it was always possible to guess.

It didn't matter which of you carried it, but the purpose of finding this mortal was to deliver a simple note.  You were not to share the note, make copies, or give it to anyone other then Mr. Wong.  Your method of contacting the prince was a prepaid cell phone.

So there DJ stood, waiting for Alexander to arrive.  Alex was running about five minutes late.  Furthermore, the young Toreador knew it was only a matter of time before someone found him and asked for a date, and autograph, a hundred bucks, tickets to his next show, or any other sort of celebrity fanboy.  He was behind a row of storefronts with a Little Caesar's Pizza on the corner.  Out front the rows of cars were packet and just as busy as the rest of the city.  Even down an alley or around the back, one would have to be careful if they were going to do something masquerade unfriendly...
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 29 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Wed 20 Feb 2013
at 22:53
  • msg #6

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

Alex stirred to life with purpose, he checked his wristwatch, a nondescript digital black casio of the kind that make you remember the days you were a kid and that was hype. It was early so instead of hurrying through the process, he allowed his mind a bit of drifting...

He sat on the bunk.

'Waking up was so different from being alive... he had not yet got used to it. It was funny how the blood drinking seemed more natural than this. He could remember that, while alive, waking up always had a transition, longer or shorter depending on the day, but there was always that time in between being fully awake and being asleep, when you knew that you were sleeping, but you were not fully conscious, and little by little reality crept into your dream or slumber. Now... now it was distressing, one moment you were not... the next, "<i>POP" there you were. Reality was chopped into ON's and OFF's.'</i>

He looked around, it had been raining a lot and whenever it rained that much, the sewers became so damp that all the clothing, mattress, sheets and blankets included became wet. The place was disgusting, but he had gotten used to it, bare concrete walls alternated some older brick walls and a thick rusty metal door completed the scene, that was that. That and a grate on the middle of the floor, thick and heavy like sin, and wide enough for a quick exit should the need arise. For the rest, few commodities, a table, chair and lamp, and a couple of plastic trunks of the sort used in gardens or sheds, in which he used to keep things safe from humidity, like the phone, a little tablet that he seldom used, his Benelli, and, carefully packed on a tight corner, the suit that the Dragon had given him. On the other trunk, his motor black leather clothing and helmet.

Outside of the boxes, there was only a set of grey hooded sports wear, that already smelled moldy. He was not entirely sure what kind of people he was going to meet, and so, he decided not to go with the smelling sports wear... it had its uses, to look like a derelict, but today it probably wasn't the best choice.

So he put on the two pieces suit, with the wind collar and the balaclava, took his large backpack and put the Benelli inside, picked up his helmet, checked everything and left the place.

Even though he had taken all his biking gear, he had not yet decided wether he'd actually take the motorbike or not. It was about his only possession and even though it gave him freedom it was a double edged sword, for he actually cared for the thing... 'and he hated feeling attached to things... damn he was tight on time now'.

A black motorbike purred on the street next to the pavement of the corner in which DJ stood. On the motorbike, the black clad figure of Alexandre, which could only be hinted by the extreme thinness of the driver.

"Hop in DJ, let's get a bit closer and find somewhere safe to park this".

OOC: I have rolled a random dice to see who had the note, its turned out to be me, but if you don't like the method, or have any special reason for having wanted to be the carrier, just let me know. You will probably be the one doing the talking and giving out the note in the delivery anyway....

22:45, Today: Alexander Youngblood failed (no successes) using 1d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 with rolls of 5. 1-5 Alex has note. 6-0 DJ has the note.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:54, Wed 20 Feb 2013.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 23 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Fri 22 Feb 2013
at 14:18
  • msg #7

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

"No...No Mike, I'm going. I don't care about the club tonight...Mike...MIKE! I'm going to hang up now, I'll call you in a couple hours."

With a sigh DJ flicked off his phone. His agent was giving him grief for bailing on an "appearance." In order to maintain the celebrity status he had to be in the spotlight despite how much he resisted it. Mike was a decent agent, a mortal pawn appointed by his sire. Hell, she controlled nearly every other aspect of his life now, even if she was exerting only subtle influence around him.

He stood in a nondescript coat and had his mask carefully hidden. Over his shoulders he had a large duffel filled with something heavy. He glanced at his phone and saw that Alex was running late and he sighed again.

At the roar of a motorbike DJ glanced over at the thin man behind the black helmet. He gave a nod of appreciation towards the "disguise", it would work so long as nobody looked too closely and he had a plan to keep all eyes off of him.

He climbs on board although the weight on his back makes it awkward to hold on. When the motorbike starts he quickly grabs Alex around the waist, surprising himself at how skinny the many truly was beneath his clothes. He leans in closer to shout over the bike engine.

"When we get there I'll set up to the side and draw a crowd. You can use the crowd as cover and just slip through to the entrance of the place."
GM, 173 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Fri 22 Feb 2013
at 14:37
  • msg #8

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

OOC: Good posts from both of you!  I have a logistical question though.  Benigno, what kind of motorbike/cycle do you have?  I am asking, because you just put two full grown men, plus two duffel bags on it.  I actually ride in real life, and I know that what you are attempting is not only difficult, but is kinda funny to look at too.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 30 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Sun 24 Feb 2013
at 14:31
  • msg #9

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

Alex, removed his backpack and placed it on top of the fuel tank to leave space for DJ. He did not know what he carried on his pack, but he could at least manage his for the little ride ahead there. He continued slowly rolling three more blocks before stopping on the corner of the block to the street they were going to.

While rolling on the bike, he just nodded at DJ, deciding against speaking through the helmet, most of it would be lost, what with the helmet, the valaclava and the noise of the bike he'd be forced to shout and he did not want to do that.

He moved the bike to a good spot and shut down the motor, only turning to DJ then, "I would leave that plan as backup in case things go wrong and we need a distraction somehow... as for me, I am capable of moving undetected if needed so there is no need for that".

He paused thinking "Talking about which, here is the note" said Alex patting his chest, at the spot of an inside pocket in his tight black leather jacket, "How do you want to do this?, want to carry it and give it yourself?, it will be best if you do all the talking so its probably good that you carry it... on the other hand, I can take on the role of the silent guy behind you just carrying out your instructions... or stay hidden away from the sight of all... but that's a bit risky if they have many security cameras..."

OOC: I do not know if that answers a bit. I dont know how big or heavy his bag is. Mine is almost empty just with the weapon inside, and Alex, would have just rolled those few blocks forward carefully.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:21, Sun 24 Feb 2013.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 24 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Mon 25 Feb 2013
at 21:40
  • msg #10

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

DJ's bag is big and bulky, at least fifty pounds of something inside. Luckily it is not very thick so he is able to wedge it between the two of them as they ride. When the bike stops DJ hops off and slings it over his shoulders again.

"You can keep the note for now, I've got enough to carry."

As Alex eyes the bag curiously DJ just smiles and pats it.

"You have your tools for the trade, I have mine. For now I guess we can just try and reason to sulk around if we can. If you want you can carry this and use it as an optical barrier..."

As he talks he quickly scans the rooftops for the telltale signs of security cameras...either in long tan boxes or the "secret" black domes. Chinatown tended to have older construction and fewer street cameras but once inside a shop you never could tell if CCTV was up and running and pointed at the street or not.

"Do you know of any opposition? Is it really as simple as just dropping this off?"

DJ was muttering more to himself, not exactly expecting Alex to suddenly open up like a wikipedia article but then again his sire had told him to be wary of Nosferatu, they often new far more then they said...
GM, 188 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Fri 1 Mar 2013
at 01:34
  • msg #11

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

There seemed to be no exterior cameras here, but across the street was a convenience store with an ATM machine.  There was also two traffic lights, and a plethora of people moving in small groups on their cellphones, chatting with each other, smoking cigarettes, or holding hands.  There was even one guy leaning against the wall near the door of the convenience store, stuffing his face with a big donut.

Immediately inside the small diner, you got a wiff of some great cooking, herbs, spices, and what you thought was chicken.  The place was done up in a simple square fashion, with tables lined around the exterior.  To the left of the entrance was the cashier.  In the middle was some elaborate fountain with a dragon.  Surrounding it was a group of more tables.  The place was about halfway filled at the moment.  There was a guy and a younger blonde woman cashing out.  The hostess, a woman, clearly an Asian, pretty, probably older then she looked, straight black hair parted down the middle, a little on the thin side, and wearing a flattering pair of black dress pants and a flower printed top, immediately noticed both of you.  She smiled politely and finished her transaction...
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 26 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Thu 7 Mar 2013
at 06:36
  • msg #12

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

OOC: Assuming we make it to the diner without incident...

DJ smiles and holds up his hand, raising two fingers and gesturing towards the farthest corner of the establishment that appeared open. They didn't have a lot to work off of but he would scan the crowd to see if anyone screamed "Hong Wong" to him. Given the area, the crowd, and the time of night chances were slim but he could at least get a fix on a few likely candidates.

Probably alone, probably older, that sort of thing. DJ wasn't exactly a tradecraft kind of guy but he figured it would be better to case the place first before stumbling from table to table asking random patrons their name.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 31 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Tue 12 Mar 2013
at 14:59
  • msg #13

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

"Huh... wait wait... wait a sec, lets talk this out a bit more... here take the note" said Alex before moving further with DJ, as he handed him the note "I am awful at interaction and if it can be avoided, I am sure it will be the best for all if I do avoid it... you on the other hand, you are great with that stuff.. but it may get you into trouble at some point...hmmm tell me, can you drive a motorbike ? I am thinking about taking it all the way to the entrance. That way, you would have a way to get the hell out of there if people spotted you and it became a problem, while I could just hide, and its clear that we cannot both ride it at the same time. Also, it would justify a bit more my not pulling the helmet or keeping the valaklava for a second while doing the delivery...".

He paused a second thinking "Also, I am thinking, probably best way is if we wait outside or just in the entrance, not to bother anyone, and you ask a waiter to find the guy, we know he comes regularly, so they surely know him... best if we can avoid going all the way into the crowded place huh ? me, I don't wanna be seen, and you.. might make things more complex if too many people recognice you when they see you...."... he paused a bit more and caught himself moving his hand to scratch his head, which felt silly when it hit the helmet he had forgot he was wearing.

"I am not trying to push you one way or another... just trying to talk it out while we can... I have to recognice I am nervous.. you might be better off as you are used to your public and all that but me..."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:01, Tue 12 Mar 2013.
GM, 202 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 14 Mar 2013
at 15:23
  • msg #14

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

OOC: Y'all seem to be doing just fine at the moment.  Do you need anything from me, or are you content with some dialogue between the two of you while you get your details sorted?
player, 67 posts
Thu 14 Mar 2013
at 20:14
  • msg #15

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

I think best we close down this conversation in a couple of post just to settle on the action plan right DJ?.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 27 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Mon 18 Mar 2013
at 22:01
  • msg #16

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

DJ just gave Alex an incredulous look before shooting off a cocky smile. He holds his hand out for the letter and when Alex puts it in his hand DJ heads back to the waitress.

Over the din of the diner it was difficult for Alex to catch all the words that were transgressing but it was clear from both body language and the playful way DJ was flipping his hair and posturing that he was laying on the charm.

In between the commotion he could hear snippets though...

"...I've got this delivery to make..."
"...don't want to disturb any other customers..."
"...heavy package..."
"...if you could just bring me to him I'd really appreciate it..."

OOC: Manipulation + Subterfuge? to ask waitress without being obvious about it and lying about their reason for seeing him? And especially preventing any kind of commotion like her grabbing a mic and shouting "HONG FONG TO THE FRONT DESK!"
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 33 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Mon 18 Mar 2013
at 22:45
  • msg #17

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

"Wait"... Alex sighed, the bike had been left at the end of the block, and DJ was doing his thing... Show off... But that was to be expected, he was in the show business after all... Still... Unnecessary risks were not in Alex religion, at least not when he was in this kind of mood... Sometimes the switch went off, and he started doing crazy things that left him trembling for hours later, but, much as he liked the feeling, he knew the price sooner or later catched up and so, he tried hard to keep that side of him at bay.

Seeing that DJ was moving all the way in, Alexandre groaned again, and moved to the entrance pretending to be just reading the menu at the door. It would be impossible to hear what went on, but at least, he hoped to be able to watch it.

Ooc: I hope I am not making an assumption here, in Europe it's usually compulsory to have the prices listed right on the entrance. They are usually right by the door.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 29 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Tue 19 Mar 2013
at 06:05
  • msg #18

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

OOC: Most restaurants have a menu in the front, especially in chinatowns where it is more typical. I would say it's a safe assumption otherwise just sneak in, grab a menu from the pile and head back out...
GM, 221 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Wed 27 Mar 2013
at 15:21
  • msg #19

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

OOC: Yes.  You are both right.  Prices are easy to spot.  Lunch menu and dinner menu both, plus the sides.  Alex, you don't have to be entirely all sneaky sneaky if you don't want too, either.  A lot of people who wear bike helmets don't bother to take them off immediately or if it is just a quick stop.  I always wore a full faced helmet, and I rarely took it off when I was stopping for fuel or a pack of cigs or the like, because it often took longer to take it off and put it back on then the entire transaction.  DJ, you don't need to be overly subtle either, if you don't want to roll here.  Lets put it this way, I wasn't going to make either of you roll.  :P

While Alexander went about trying to avoid breaking the Masquerade, DJ went on to handle business.  Inside, the woman looked at DJ a little suspiciously when he started talking to her.  She looked away, perhaps a little meekly, pretending like she had to think about what to say to you.  Something weird seemed to happen to the Asian woman while you looked at her.  You were seeing (sort of) through her.  She seemed to have some sort of flickering pattern of dark colors.  DJ got the very distinctive feeling hostess was annoyed and going through a form of internal sarcasm while she prepared herself to put on a fake, bad, exaggerated accent.

But still...She had colors.  Colors?!?  DJ wasn't high...was he?  Immediately DJ was snapped out of his odd experience when that very same fake, bad, exaggerated accent exited the woman's mouth. "So sowwy.  Dare no Mistuh Fong he-uh."

Back outside, Alex caught a wiff...a wiff of sulfur and garlic!  He also noticed that there seemed to be a gap where people had passed him, and that instead of coming towards him, the next oblivious arm in arm couple opted to cross the street instead of enter the Nosferatu's bubble of personal space.  The three guys a few steps behind them stopped to laugh at something one said.  Instead of continuing closer, two of them lit cigarettes.

What the Hell..?
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 34 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
S1. CSx
Sun 31 Mar 2013
at 16:48
  • msg #20

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

Alexandre turned and looked for a little while at the three that had stopped, trying to guess wether the smell actually came from them and wether they were looking at him directly. After observing them a bit longer, and seeing that they were not looking at him directly, he started looking around... more and more worried, looking with intent, trying to spot if someone was actually doing so. Who was the source of that power ?

OOC: DJ, I need you to reply before moving on with this.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:15, Sun 07 Apr 2013.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 31 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Mon 8 Apr 2013
at 21:19
  • msg #21

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

DJ was more then a little confused, not just by the colors he had glimpsed but by being rejected by a waitress in a crappy chinese diner. Was she blind? Was she stupid? He was gorgeous, easily the beset looking man to walk through the door.

The colors...there had to be something with the colors. He thought back to what his sire had told him, about reading auras or some shit like that. New age hippy stuff. His sire had talked on and on about it but after following her instructions the best he could do was see or hear farther then normal. Hardly the LSD color experience he had been promised.

He kept his focus on the hostess, trying to shake off a weird feeling that something else was going on. He smiled at the hostess and gave her a polite little nod.

"Cute, real cute. I'm sure that works on all the tourists that come on in but let's save ourselves a little bit of time and aggrivation and cut to the chase. I know he's here, I just need to deliver something. In and out, five seocnds."
GM, 237 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Fri 3 May 2013
at 14:10
  • msg #22

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

OOC:  DJ now you can roll Charisma + Empathy @ diff 7, to be convincing or genuine enough to get what you need, or Manipulation + Subterfuge @ diff 6 (but is contested) to get the same result by being slick shit.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 32 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Fri 3 May 2013
at 20:22
  • msg #23

Re: Errand Boys - Alexander

DJ flips the waitress an exasperated smile and gives her an honest shrug.

"Please? I'm just trying to do my job."

15:21, Fri 03 May 2013: DJ Inferno rolled 1 success using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 7 ((3,5,6,3,4,7)).

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