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The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Posted by ST-JediFor group archive 0
GM, 82 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Sun 18 Nov 2012
at 23:25
  • msg #17

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

OOC: Ha ha!  Yes.  It is definitely having an effect.  You're not quite sure what kind.  Perhaps you need another try? ;)  If so, try at difficulty 6, due to previous exposure.  >;)
Natalya Shrevchenko
Camarilla PC, 3 posts
Cha:4 Man:5 App:5
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 02:46
  • msg #18

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Natalya introduced Alexander to the people that chose to greet her. "Yes, Dragon does have extravagant taste and when he chooses to share, his soirees are legendary." she amiled as Madhu made himself, known moving forward to hug him and kiss him on the cheek. She dicded it might be wise to talk to him for a little bit to find out what was new in Madhu's world and to allow Alexander to relax a little under the spotlight. "It is very pleasant to see you here Madhu,. The veterans are here to help guide the recruits and make sure they get home safely in a manner of speaking." she smiled politely, moving forward into the room."How are things going for you? Anything that might interest me, crop up in your line of merchandise?"

"Marissa! A delight as always" she moved forward to hug the woman and kiss her on each cheek. "You look positively stunning this evening. Have you met Alexander?" the smile reached her eyes. "I do hope we have some time to talk. Would you care to join us?"
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 8 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 09:18
  • msg #19

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alexander took his tray with his left hand, following Natalya's lead. Much as he had been all his life mingling among high society, it was clear all these came from a time when high society was a different beast, and man was he happy to have Natalya taking the lead not to make an ass of himself.

It was a pity that their conversation had been cut short, with Madhu coming as if Natalya had a magnet... 'could hardly blame him on that regard though... and such a blatant mention about veterans, what was that, the Indian castes mindset showing or just that he was that blunt?. Anyway, the guy was waiting for an answer..' "Why yes, Alexandre, actually" he said marking the 'dre' at the end of the name, and pronouncing it in French "French delight at seeing foreigners try their throats at our r's, however, I am Belgium myself, much simpler folk, we get by with a hey you and a beer".

He paused a bit, smiling as he extended his hand towards Madhu. "At any rate, I am quite pleased to finally make your acquaintance, much have I heard about you and I am glad to have the chance to congratulate you in your imminent change of status as Whip". His extended hand, was but a bony shade of what it used to be, it's skin, a thick leathery brownish thing that covered his prominent bones, his handshake, fishy and without strength.

As Natalya retook her conversation with Madhu and introduced Marissa, Alexander turned his attention to her "Enchanté" he said, as the presentation was made inclining his head to the lady. As conversation did not immediatly follow he offered "Would any of you care for a drink" solicitously addressing Natalya, then Marissa and finally Madhu, offering to pick the drinks up for them.

Looking around as he went for the drinks, he saw the keeper talking with the DJ, and Abigail already enjoying a drink quite possibly waiting to get a word with the Keeper. That left Yuki alone, so he made wide gesture to the newly embraced indicating the drinks and waving her to come join them.

He was well aware that he was placing himself under their level, serving them in that way, but that was all right in his books, he actually was a different caste in more than one way, but at any rate, he knew it served him well to place himself there, people felt a certain confidence when they knew that others were not trying to compete on their same level.

Looking at the selected choice of drinks, Alexander decided to try a Thick Russian just out of spite, he had never actually tasted the fuckers, and now that he could, he would not let the opportunity pass. He did not sip it though, holding it in his hand and making it turn a bit... he so hated coagulation, and even though the drinks had probably been treated to avoid it, it was something of a reflex coming maybe from his years drinking wine.

He picked the rest of the drinks for the others, and brought them expertly handling the beautiful glasses with the grace of a life long butler, and giving each his drink. Before trying a drop, he said to the little group gathered "I am sure we all agree, that is only natural that first toast should be hers to make" deferring to Natalya and taking a step back. 'Lets hope this starts sorting things out in their natural order' he thought as he waited for the Brindis.

OOC: Yuki, I left it more or less open for you to decide wether you join the group or not, or if you would just signal me to bring you the drink... or do whatever you please, do not feel at all forced one way or the other.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:27, Mon 19 Nov 2012.
Natalya Shrevchenko
Camarilla PC, 4 posts
Cha:4 Man:5 App:5
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 12:38
  • msg #20

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Natalya nodded at Alexanders offer to fetch a drink, asking for the Kei Jin's blood. Daring to start with so potent a brew, but this wasn't the first time she'd tasted it. A very rare treat. As he returned with the glass, Natalya slowly turned the glass in her hand, enjoying the fragrance of the blood within. A heady scent, one could almost be lost in it. As she opened her eyes she smiled and thanked Alexander for getting it for her. An amused smirk and raised eyebrow for him suggesting that she be the first to toast.

"One never knows precisely what to say as a toast. There are many things that could be suggested. Most of which are ultimately meaningless. Let us instead toast something we can all agree on..... to auspicious beginnings and new friendships" she raised her glass, taking a slow measured sip of the blood.
Yuki Nagasawa
Camarilla PC, 3 posts
Man 3, Cha 2, App 4
Sx, Csx, Rx
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 13:13
  • msg #21

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

OOC: Nah, 's cool. Yuki had been waiting if Abigail would return a word or 2. *grins*

Seeing Courtney was 'occupied' and at the same time this person next to her seemed to have chosen for the moment to ignore her, Yuki looked around. Several now present did have that golden plate with them. ["Is it then part of a set your supposed to be holding up, now that is so inconvenient. So bothersome and silly."] Turning her head Yuki made a quick step or two to pick up the golden plate. Placing her glass ontop of it. It did look quite like a match afterall. Still ..

From the corner of her eye Yuki sees someone motion towards her. ["Now, is a good moment to get to know something"] Unsure what to do. Yuki simple put the half-empty glass and plate back to where she had found it. And as Alexander gave her a glass Yuki took a peek in it. It didnt look stranger then she had thought it would. It smelled good though. About to take a sip Yuki overheard the man and removed the glass away from her face before she had taken an actuall sip of .. whatever it was that .. it was. Watching them all. Their every move. How did they hold the glass up in the air. Was there a certain facial expression ..

Then, after apparently the woman named Natalya had made a short speech Yuki to took a sip "A new beginning and friendships that may last" .. ["She must be important or something to be given the place to toast. I'll have to keep an eye out on her I think. See what she does"]
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 4 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 15:33
  • msg #22

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Beneath his mask, DJ smiled. His sire had warned him as such and they had a lengthy arguement over this over the upcoming week. In the end, Inferno had won. In the end it was difficult for a Toreador of any age to resist such artistic freedom.

DJ nodded his head, bowing respectfully in front of the Keeper.

"To ask such a thing means that you do not know who I am. This mask is who I am, who I was, who I shall ever be. If you think that removing the mask makes me more approachable, more presentable, more knowable then you only delude yourself."

His voice is smooth as butter, dancing around syllables and rhythm like a classical ballerina. It is almost hypnotic, in its own way. Even as he speaks words that would ordinarily seem insulting, somehow it comes off as less then that, the tone even and calm presenting not a hostile challenge of authority but more of a warm professor providing illumination.

"If you ask me one more time, dear Keeper, I will of course have no choice but to acquiesce but know that beneath the outer shell lies my true mask."

OOC: FYI with APPR4 and CHA 4 DJ can pull off looking good and sophisticated in just about anything :D
This message was last edited by the player at 15:34, Mon 19 Nov 2012.
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 12 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 21:15
  • msg #23

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

[Private to DJ Inferno: App4 is meaningless when nobody can see what you look like. ]

Madhu smiled, and shook Alexander's hand. When he asked Madhu about his resent ascent to Whip he frowned, visibly. The height or rudeness. A pointless one up. This pissed the Brujah off. He felt the anger in his gut rise up but he strapped it down. "Not now... There is work to be done."

Instead, he fired back, "Ah... Well I'll call you Alex and meet you in the middle. Since you went from Alexander the Great to something less..." Madhu looked for a word and shrugged. "Less." He offered after a minute. "Word travels slowly down the ranks of the Nosferatu it seems. My promotion was imminent for only a few minutes, as I almost immediately agreed to serve Catrina in that capacity." He turned to Natalya, "That is the big news I had, but it seems our new friend here was eager to steal my thunder." He looked back at Alexander. "A favor I will not forget." The words had an edge to them that clearly said , "You have just made an enemy."

Madhu let go of the Nosferatu's hand with disgust. Not disgust that he was a Nosferatu, but disgust that this man took a slight where there was none, and then decided to make an enemy of Madhu. When he asked if anyone had a drink Madhu waved the offer off by holding his up and then returned his attention to the others. Alexander would be ignored for the rest of the night.

When Alexander returned he let him finish and toasted along with Natalya and the others. He introduced himself to Yuki and made polite talk until the new Toreador arguing with the Keeper caught his eye. He frowned and weighed intervening against leaving it alone then decided it might be best for his long term goals to save the youngling. "If you'll all excuse me. Catrina has me working this evening and part of it welcoming the new arrivals to the city. I need to go save our resident celebrity from the Keeper of Elysium. I'll return soon." He smiled at Yuki and Natalya and Marissa. Pointedly not addressing the Nosferatu.

The Indian covered the ground quickly to Courtney and Inferno and injected himself right into their verbal stand off like a brick being injected through a window. Stopping close enough to Inferno to be uncomfortable.

Personal space invaded? Check.

He put a hand on the small of Inferno's back.

Unnecessary contact? Check.

"DJ Inferno! I am quite a fan of your work." He beamed but then shook his head. "Oh dear, my manners..." He turned to Courtney. "I apologize for interrupting. I its lovely to see you again." He turned to Inferno. "I'd say something similar to you my friend except that you seem to have forgotten this affair is Kindred only. There is no need to wear it. After all, we're all here to become friends and built profitable partnerships." He stuck out his left hand for a shake. "Madhu Ahkilesh, Ghoul Procurement Specialist, and as of earlier this evening, Whip for Primogen Catrina Armstrong. Now let's get that mask off, refill our drinks, and go join the party."

He didn't wait for a reply from Inferno, he reached up and started to grab at the mask. It was brash, and rude, but it was either get it off of him now, or let the Prince see it, or really, any elder who might show up to night, and have the young man's career demolished for the next few decades. A faux pas like that could take a very long time to live down.

To anyone casually observing, Madhu's actions would probably look like an over zealous fan. To anyone in the know they could see he was doing the DJ a huge favor by forcing that mask off now before anyone too important showed up.

He gave Inferno an urgent look that seemed to say, "Trust me. This needs to come off. Now."
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 10 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 22:38
  • msg #24

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alexander knew perfectly well that he had somewhat spoiled part of the fun from Madhu, he hadn't really wanted to steal his thunder (he had to smile just to think about the choice words) but rather, he had just wanted to lessen the impact it may have had on the others. The man clearly had his merit, else he wouldn't get to be Whip. But anyway, he was clearly overreacting, 'touchy... at least it was now clear that he was not an idiot, he was not subtle, and he had a temper. I wish Virgil had bothered letting me know this finer details, but now it was a bit late. Lets see if I tread around the guy more carefully next time '.

So, instead of going for "Alex will be just perfect... all my lovers have always called me so", not wanting to make a fool of the guy, and a permanent enemy in the process, he switched to a more simple and heartfelt "I am sorry I've been such a spoiler for you, I am sure I will find some way to compensate my slight", and he truly was, but he knew it would just come as a noisy buzz in the Brujah's ears.

As Madhu left to save the Toreador, sipping from his 'Thick Russian' glass as he saw him try to take the mask off the DJ. Alexander sighed, "He will make a great Whip..." he paused for a second remembering he was in company, and looking at the two ladies he said "But I must apologize for my poor judgement of his reaction, it just goes to show my lack of skill, anyway, I guess I'll have to make it up to him somehow. In the mean time I remain at your disposal ladies, I do not easily get offended, so any question that you may have, I'll be most happy to oblige" at this last bit, he pointedly addressed Yuki being the youngest of all.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:22, Tue 20 Nov 2012.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 5 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 23:41
  • msg #25

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

As soon as Madhu reaches up for the mask, blood courses through DJ's veins and he reacts quickly, taking a step back and smacking Madhu's hand away.

Looking between the Keeper and the Brujah, DJ lets out a sigh and looks back at the Keeper.

"I now understand your concerns. I do not wish to distract those around me from what is really important. My apologies, Madame Keeper, this is your party not mine."

He bows and pulls off his mask, letting his long brown hair tumble freely to his shoulders. Surprisingly, he is gorgeous, clearly not needing the mask to hide any deficiencies in his appearance. He secures the mask to the chain at his side with some locking mechanism and lets it dangle.

Despite his earlier extreme reaction, he seems rather calm. The perceptive sorts might even notice the hint of a smile and note the hidden jab he had taken at the intrusive Brujah.

[Private to Madhu Ahkilesh: Read the description for Appearance again, it covers more then just physical looks. Posture, confidence, fashion sense, everything that encompasses a first impression. DJ's specialty is in Unconventional Dress i.e. looking good in things besides suit & tie. He makes the "slob look" look good :D

On a personal note, I find Elysium's where everyone is wearing a suit & tie or tux to be boring. Toreador is a clan of expression so why shouldn't they have some 'eccentric' dressers? The point of DJ is to spark discussions on a wide number of subjects, namely fame in the mortal realm as well as Elysium traditions. He doesn't wear a suit and tie, in fact if it was anyone else they would be kicked from Elysium or run out with embarassment. DJ somehow makes the look look good, but the question still debates, is it appropriate? If there is an easy answer to that question then it defeats the purpose of the character.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:48, Mon 19 Nov 2012.
Abigail O'Carroll
Camarilla PC, 9 posts
Cha:3 Man:4 App: 3
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 00:48
  • msg #26

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Abigail let out an astonished gasp as Madhu so brashlu walks up and grabs for the mask of DJ inferno, yes wearing the mask itself was ridiculess and completely unacceptable.

But Madhu's act could in a way be viewed as an act of agression, which was a far worse transgression when performed within Elysium.
However she recovered fairly quickly, and chose to assume the keeper had no issue with the act.

Abigail approached the keeper.
"Good evening, Keeper, I am Abigail O'Carrol, a pleasure to meet you"
There a formal, simple introduction that did not impose on the other vampire.
Natalya Shrevchenko
Camarilla PC, 5 posts
Cha:4 Man:5 App:5
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 04:26
  • msg #27

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Natalya watched the events unfold with a cool eye. Leaning forward she whispered into Alexanders ear. "It would seem as though the auspices regarding your presence are not...favourable. Madhu is a passionate man. Your gesture will fall on deaf ears tonight. Try another time when he is in need, or if you hear some juicy tidbit which might appeal to him." she turned smiling at Madhu's approach to DJ Inferno. She'd have done the same, and was about to suggest to the Keeper that it was time enough for her to take steps. Fortunately Madhu had pointed out the obvious and the man had realised he'd stretched civility just enough. "We were all young once Alexander, no need to apologise to me. You will make mistakes and this... was one of them. But let us move on to more entertaining things, may I Introduce Yuki? Yuki, please meet Alexander. I should also like to point out that before much longer, we should all greet the Keeper, lest we ourselves be seen as rude."
Marissa Lee
Camarilla PC, 2 posts
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 04:32
  • msg #28

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Marissa smiled at Natalya and returned the greeting before turning her attention to the one called Alexander and greeting him with a warm smile. “A pleasure to meet you Alexander,” she said as she extended her hand. When asked if she wanted a drink, Marissa gave another smile and a small nod, “Thank you, yes.” She watched him out of the corner of her eye as she kept the rest of her attention on Natalya.
“A fine thing to toast too.” Marissa replied to Natalya as she took a sip from her glass. Since she wasn’t sure what was in it, she wouldn’t drink all of it, but just enough to be polite.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 11 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 09:05
  • msg #29

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alexander's handshake with Marissa had been warm - if one could say so from a vampire - and affectionate "The pleasure is all mine Marissa" he said.

Listening to Natalya whisper in his ear, was probably among the list of sensations that were worth repeating, and, had it happened a few years ago, he would have most likely lost the meaning of any of the words she had pronounced. Things had improved, but not so much, his witticisms had seemingly dissolved, and most he could do was make do with a nod.

As she resumed her normal talking though, he smiled, quickly recovering from his lack of wits and bringing his attention towards Yuki as Natalya presented her "Pleased to meet you Yuki, I'll be honoured to fill in any questions that you might have with regards to my clan, or well, whatever you want to ask me about, it's usually best to get the information from the source... and I would be most delighted to learn about your work, you see, I have sometimes been tangentially in touch with your line of work.".

Again, he nodded at Natalya's mention to present to the Keeper "Soon as she is freed, if none of you wish to speak to her then, I'll take my leave to present myself" he said graciously offering to wait for them to present themselves first.
Yuki Nagasawa
Camarilla PC, 4 posts
Man 3, Cha 2, App 4
Sx, Csx, Rx
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 09:29
  • msg #30

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Yuki, slowly sipping .. the drink she had gotten. Observes the conversations between the Kindred. Wondering if this bickering .. argueing .. throwing with words, was the way coversations went between her kind. Though the time she had spend. However briefly, with her Sire was quite different. Quite .. indeed. Seeing each of the kindred was different. Even in behaviour Yuki thought was as normal as she could have thought of it. Afterall .. mortals .. humans, all were different aswell. Right ?

As Natalya 'introduced' Yuki to Alexandre Yuki made a curtious nod and spoke softly, kindly "Dear Alexandre, I hope it doesn't sound to rude but I do have a question for you." Yuki pursed her lips together, wondering "That man and you, is it how we all are supposed to talk to one-another. Seeing it wasn't quite what I had.." dramatic pause "..expected"

All the while as Yuki spoke with Alexandre she was eyeing the mans appearance, it was quite shocking in a sort of strange curious akward way. Hideous, and still so well mannered, wich made it less hideous. ["How did you become so .. odd looking ?"] she would have to ask Alexandre one of these days to sit beside her and let him tell everything he knew .. everything

Once Alexandre had finished answering her question, if he would Yuki would then draw her eyes almost unwillingly away from him. And nod to Natalya .. "Yes, I do suppose we shouldnt let her waiting. Shall we then" Giving a smile to the Nos. "I do hope this will be an interesting evening, so much to see and .." in her mind Yuki added ["Learn .."]
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 12 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 11:11
  • msg #31

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alexander hmm'd pondering Yuki's question, his whole demeanour had changed from a gay attitude to a serious one in the blink of an eye. He rubbed his chin, his bony fingers caressing it, and actually making a raspy sound much similar to leather rubbing on leather. His eyes, small an black fixed Yuki for a few seconds before answering.

His sandy voice was barely above a whisper as he replied "First of all, I wouldn't take myself as an example, you will do best to follow exemplary behaviour within your clan" he said this, nodding at Natalya and Marissa. "As for this exchange in particular... let's see... Madhu was quite right to feel slighted, the level at which he took it though I will not judge, had it been me I would have played it differently, but that does not make it right or wrong. I knew he was to be named Whip and, as from within the little group of those present here, I would much rather follow the lead of Natalya or Marissa, I decided to lessen the impact of his news, to prepare a better ground for them." he paused a bit there. "So no, not an example, but at least something to learn from.".

He had somehow emptied his glass of Thick Russian at some point, and was ready to try some of the more 'original' stuff. Returning to a more jovial tone again, he looked at Yuki, "I quite frankly expected questions more on the lines of 'why do you look like an old shoe?', but as I said, I'll try to answer all your questions as best as I possibly can".
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 6 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 12:24
  • msg #32

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

DJ made a hasty retreat from the main room, appearing a short time later in dramatically improved dress. His shirt buttoned and tucked in, an expensive suit coat that he pulled from...somewhere?

Gone was the rock star, entering now was the playboy. The two looks were such night and day that if it wasn't for the mask still secured to his left hip then one might almost mistake him for a new comer. He grabbed a tray off the bar and picked up a 'Buzz' from the ghoul as well as a few other delectable bloody treats.
Courtney Hart
Camarilla NPC, 3 posts
Chr: 4 Man: 2 App: 3
S2.0; CS1.5;
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 13:25
  • msg #33

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

There was no denying the fiasco in the center of the room between the new Toreador and of all kindred, the Keeper of Elysium.  It was terribly poor etiquette and everyone, everyone noticed what was going on!  It was impossible not too.

"Thank you Mr. Ahkilesh."  Yes, Courtney looked happy.  Then she smiled broadly and moved towards one of the side doors.  Those who knew the politics of kindred unlife could take a mental tally. So far the name of a Primogen has been dropped, and it was the Brujah one.  So the Brujah were in the lead... "And please.  If you go through the game room and into the bath, you will see that a special wardrobe has already been seen to.  Your sire has been most generous."  Yes.  The Brujah were teaming up...

But the last words she had uttered rang the worst.  Your sire has been most generous. That week long argument you didn't win.  You didn't win at all.  You thought you won.  But you really weren't even close.  An elder of Miss Delavergne's age and capacity doesn't lose an argument on Elysium behavior to a yearling neonate, let alone her own childre!  She educates them.

Dora already knew her childe was going to be a jackass, and so she gave him enough rope to hang himself with, while still making sure she couldn't hurt her own position.

OOC: Perception + Sense Motive (diff 7) or if you don't have it, Politics (diff 8) to figure out Dora's motivations.

If ever there was a time for DJ Inferno to feel like the kid in the middle of the lunch room with no clothes on, this was it.  Because everyone in the room was staring at him.  Madhu and Courtney had that sick team up look.  The Nosferatu.  The most hideous thing to look at came bundled and packaged in a rather exquisite custom Armani suit, tie, and vest.  He did not seem impressed.  In fact, he sort of seemed to be pimp.  He came in with Natalya on his arm.  Now he had two more fine looking ladies, a tall brunette in heels and a sexy cocktail dress, and an Asian chick who seemed to have the same deer-in-the-headlights look you did.

Natalya had formed up along the side of the Keeper and the other unknown stood in front, but just enough off to the side to not be obstructing.  Not a one of them had seemed impressed.  After a 12 second uncomfortable pause, Courtney put her hands together, smiled a friendly smile again and stepped forward.

"Now that that is all taken care of." She turned towards Abigail first.  "Hello Miss O'Carroll.  You are the childe of Ignetz, yes?  I deeply apologize for what may have seemed like I was brushing you off a moment ago.  Please, enjoy the refreshments and mingle."

The Keeper of Elysium turned out to be a wealth of useful information if questioned and spoken to.  She took the few seconds to meet with everyone, starting with those who had approached her first.  She already knew Natalya and clearly had taken a liking of sorts to Madhu.  That could just all be based on current circumstances though.

At some point she even selects a tray, and does like Madhu did, and grabs a bit of everything.  She does not settle on the Martini though, and instead starts with a Spicy Italian while eating.  Courtney seemed to like it, too, especially the cake(?).  "The cake is not a lie." She had said after finishing.

Abigail was still thinking about getting another drink, piqued by the still unidentifiable peculiarity in the Mage Blood while Alexander worked his way through the Thick Russian.  The Russian was the exact opposite of what reality says should happen.  It was thick and muddy but tasted like a strong, salty, vodka.  Definitely a little bitter too.  Clearly it was an acquired taste.  The Liar! Liar! seemed to be most requested, while Natalya proved she was pro by going right for the Cathayan blood...

Introductions were met, and it was almost 25 after.

OOC:  I know I did a little time jumping in there.  I did it so that each of you had a window to ask the keeper something if you wanted, or even continue amongst yourselves.  Basically, I wanted to make it so that you could continue to interact.  I think it's pretty easy to see how it all is going.  :D
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 7 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 16:49
  • msg #34

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

DJ remained apart from the others, his mood quickly deteriorating from arrogant jackass to sulky angst.

It was clear that it was taking awhile for everything to sink in but he was finally realizing why his sire had let him go out the way she did. Someone with less pride might have still been able to salvage the situation, making a comment about how he prefers working over the radio or something along those lines to diffuse the situation. A person with less pride would be able to use this as a learning opportunity and still be able to enjoy the night.

Then again, a person with less pride wouldn't have worn what he had worn to his first Elysium.

DJ felt trapped. His pride was wounded and after a decade of being surrounded by yes men, a large fish in a small pond he was finally starting to realize that he had been dumped into an ocean full of sharks. His fingers tapped nervously at his side as he tried to calm his nerves and take his mind off of things by composing. The one consolation of this whole ordeal is that nothing fueled creativity like pain, and he had a feeling that after tonight he would be able to produce another chart topper.
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 13 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Wed 21 Nov 2012
at 01:58
  • msg #35

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Madhu watched Inferno's return with a small sigh of relief. He had managed to avoid being condescending, and instead had helped the youngling save considerable face when compared to how badly things could have turned out. Now, however, it was time to go claim his reward, and perhaps forge a new partnership.

Madhu grabbed his tray, replaced the missing nibbly bits with the ones he liked from his first round, replaced his drink and went over to Inferno and sat down next to him, placing his tray on the table.

"All things considered, that could have been much worse." He looked over at Inferno amicably. "All things considered, you owe me. Well, technically your sire does, but I'm much more interested in building a partnership with you." He looked at the Toreador plainly. "Your radio station is pretty popular with the young Kindred out there, especially the Anarchs. How familiar with them are you?" Madhu's voice dropped a few decibels so that only Inferno could hear him.
Abigail O'Carroll
Camarilla PC, 10 posts
Cha:3 Man:4 App: 3
Wed 21 Nov 2012
at 13:55
  • msg #36

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Abigail nodded to Courtney.  "Indeed I am, no offence taken"
She shrugged, noticing inferno 'limping' out of the room with his wounded pride, she kept her voice just loud enough to ensure everyone, including the unfortunate neonate, heard...

"Afterall, we can't have The Mask bouncing around here"
The reference wasn't all that subtle, afterall most of the kindred around would have watched the Jim Carrey comedy of the same name, about a man turning into an abominable cartoonish mockery whenever he put on his mask.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:04, Wed 21 Nov 2012.
Yuki Nagasawa
Camarilla PC, 5 posts
Man 3, Cha 2, App 4
Sx, Csx, Rx
Wed 21 Nov 2012
at 16:01
  • msg #37

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Looking slightly down at Alexander "...Ow, well." It sounded as if it had been a suggestion that she needed to ask such a question. Yuki smiled pleasently tapping her chin as if for a moment considering what to do. "I'll indulge on you, why do you look like an old shoe ?" Yuki gave the Nos a sort of smile that radiated innocence.

Looking aside away from the little group that masked man seemed to be sulking about something, seeing him. but what direction did he look at. It was so hard to tell when someone had a mask on. What laid beneath was a mysterie.

Yuki whispered so only those closeby could overhear (Normally speaking offcourse, unless you are eavesdropping) "Who is that ? And why has he been his face behind a mask, did he have a sort of accident or .. something ?" though Yuki wasn't actually insisting it would be ugly or drop dead gorgeous. But more like in the sense of needing to hide it for shame or otherwise.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:28, Wed 21 Nov 2012.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 8 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Wed 21 Nov 2012
at 19:29
  • msg #38

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Abigails comment stings the already wounded pride. Beneath closed lips his jaw works back and forth, chewing over insults and witty retorts but for the first time that night he shows a bit of restraint. His fingers tap out a series of beats on the side of his pants as he continues mentally composing.

DJ's eyes narrow at Madhu's first comment. It is plainly clear that he dosen't feel any sense of gratitude towards the Brujah. Those who had watched the situation could see that it was the Keeper's words along with his sire's timely package that had forced DJ's change of clothes, not the arrogant Brujah now claiming credit.

Any feelings of animosity were wiped away at the mention of his radio station and DJ seemed to relax and seem normal for the first time that night. Gone was the arrogant celebrity and the wounded teenager. Now shown the passion of a true artist.

He smiles, for the first time a geniune one.

"I've been rather sheltered since the Embrace. I know about them but I have not had any interaction with them. It has been difficult balancing all of...this with my music. Then again, this has been proving to be an interesting creative source to fuel my music. Just now I was thinking about a new tune I'll call Smokey Eyes"

Before Madhu can stop him DJ starts rattlign off lyrics, spoken to form a poem of sorts. It's rather short, about a woman with smokey eyes. The woman is filled with burning feelings of inadequacy that emits 'smoke' that clouds her eyes and poisons her breaht. It seems like any other modern lyric, maybe a little more or less clever then any other pop song out there, drivel that serves no real purpose other then to be an attempt at philosphy.

Then the last line metinos the woman wrapped in jade and as he speaks it, he looks at Abigail. He smiles at her and tips his head. Clever minds would then notice that Abigail seems to fit the physical description of "Smokey Eyes" to a tee, in a song that would most likely be played over and over on local radio and enter the minds of young kindred and mortals alike.

Charisma + Expression (or Performance, whichever you preer) to form his subtly insulting lyrics

You rolled 3 successes using 8d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed, Specialised system with a target of 6, rerolling 10s

@Yuki, fyi DJ is gorgeous under his mask. The mask is clearly an artistic choice not a "phantom of the opera" freak necessity.

Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 14 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Wed 21 Nov 2012
at 20:22
  • msg #39

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Madhu looked from Abigail to Inferno and back as he started reciting the poem and looked confused. " Hey, you're kinda retarded huh? Anyway, your sire owes me a favor for saving you from the Keeper of Elysium and literally, everyone else here. Sorry she expected the worst from you and I busted you out first, but thems the breaks kid."

Madhu decided to put some distance between himself and the Toreador for the time being. He was doing that "art" thing. Not that Madhu couldn't appreciate it, but it wasn't his thing.

So instead he sat off on his own while he tried to get his bearings again and enjoyed his drink. His position was pretty open and he kept himself available, but it was clear he was done talking to Inferno.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:09, Thu 22 Nov 2012.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 13 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Wed 21 Nov 2012
at 21:45
  • msg #40

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alexander picked up a Royal Flush, he really didn't know about the drinks effects, but this one seemed a bit less harmful than the others because of some strange notion that had grown in his head out of no real data. Pretty conscious of this, but still not eager not to trust his first gut instincts, he picked it and turned again to check on Yuki.

She was still waiting for his answer, so it didn't look like she was making a fool of him, did she really not know ? at any rate, better to give an accurate answer "There are different families, clans, or bloodlines depending on how you look at it and how accurate you want to be you'd call them one or the other depending on which, I particularly like clan, as its less specific... in some cases families fits to perfectly, and in others you'd say bloodlines.... anyway, I am digressing. The thing is, that each carries a particular curse that passes from Sire's to Childer. I, am of the Nosferatu, and our curse is that shortly after the embrace, although the timing varies from one individual to the other, we change... for the worse. We are transformed into the monsters we are. The degree and the form of the transformation varies from one individual to the next, but you can count on us on being disgusting".

He paused taking a sip from the drink and savoring it. It felt ... hmmm it was nice... "Anyway, I used to carry a picture of how I looked before I changed into my present charms, but given that it didn't help me find a girlfriend in the least, I decided to get rid of it.... what I can tell you is that it hurt like hell, I vomited some sort of liquified meat for weeks, each piece felt as if I was tearing it with my own teeth from my own body... and I am barely on my bones... hmmm... some people get it even worse though" he had a long gulp from his drink, his eyes unfocussed as he remembered those particular weeks of his life... "Hmmm it bears saying though, that all in all, it is not as bad as it may seem to you... Any other question you may want to ask me ?... ask away" he said with a smile.

OOC, assuming the three of you had exchanged a word with the Keeper, or did not seem interested in doing it, Alexander would present himself to her.

"If you will excuse me for a second, I think its time for me to present myself to the Keeper". He left the cup and tray on a table before moving to meet her, it somehow felt wrong to do so with things in his hands to eat and drink... and why not, to fumble with. Then he walked to a step or two of her, in a few graceful strides, and waited to be addressed if nothing else with her regard.

He bowed to the woman, not alarmingly, but enough to show her respect, "Keeper... Miss Hart. I am Alexander Youngblood, childe of Virgil Youngblood of the Nosferatu" he hoped stating the obvious was not wrong, but still, that was how he had seen the presentation done once without a disastrous reply, and so, he wasn't about to change it to be a smart-ass "Thank you for dedicating this time to us and making all this possible here, I am not even sure if its you we have to thank for all the attention put to detail... even Mozart's Fifth... Anyway, if there is anything I can help you with... I am sure that just the possibility of a simple advice from you, should the need arise would be more than worth performing any service you'd require".
This message was last edited by the player at 21:56, Wed 21 Nov 2012.
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 15 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Thu 22 Nov 2012
at 09:18
  • msg #41

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Madhu started to walk away when Inferno started reciting lyrics but changed his mind less than five feet from the Toreador and stopped. Gritting his teeth he turned around and looked down at him. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Back the motherfuck up!" His voice was loud enough to be heard by anyone in Elysium, and clearly over the lyrics that were being spoken, even by Inferno.

Once Madhu was happy he had everyone's attention he started speaking again, "Okay, you flowery cunt, listen to me. Not only did I do you the fucking favor of saving you the flaying your sire would've given you over that gay mask, but I went even further by coming over here and talking you, only to have you spit in my fave by cutting me off and reciting faggy poetry? I should rip your arms off and beat you with them." Madhu growled and leaned forward towards Inferno. "Instead, I'm going to do you another favor, and as someone with infinitely more status than you at this motherfucking junction, you can leave before I smear you across the floor." Madhu waved his hands dismissively to indicate he was not kidding. "Not only am I established and released, I'm the whip for Clan Brujah. Leave. Now. Before I spend the rest of my night raking you across the coals. Trust me. You want to leave."

Madhu's expression said it plainly, he was going to ruin Inferno if he could, and he could, easily. Madhu was released, and well established in Charlotte. Add to that, he was a position holder. Madhu was important... Leaving would be smart before the older, more equipped Brujah unloaded his guns on the DJ.

Madhu's demeanor, posture and words made painfully evident that the Brujah was not trying to over rule the Prince or Keeper of Elysium by telling Inferno to leave. Instead he was forcing Inferno to pick between disappointing his sire, or spending the rest of the night getting ridiculed, and disappointing his sire anyway. Inferno had opted to satisfy his sissy artsy whims, and Madhu had taken offense, and the Toreador was going to pay the price.

[Private to DJ Inferno: Nothing personal, but Madhu was trying to make a deal and even forge an awesome political partnership when you had Inferno start going about the poetry.]
This message was last edited by the player at 09:28, Thu 22 Nov 2012.
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