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23:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Posted by ST-JediFor group archive 0
Abigail O'Carroll
Camarilla PC, 18 posts
Cha:3 Man:4 App: 3
Thu 6 Dec 2012
at 04:22
  • msg #68

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Abigail held back a sigh as she regarded the other kindred, she'd not expected to have to explain, but thus was life.
"I simply mean that my past is personal, and not something I'm inclined to share with anyone, thus I am here because the Prince of our city invited me."

she brushed down her dress and took another sip of her glass.
"It' not exactly rude to ask others of their past, but most will opt todeflect the question in a similar manner.
What i did as a mortal may have influence on my current status, but it doesn't define who i am now"

Natalya Shrevchenko
Camarilla PC, 9 posts
Cha:4 Man:5 App:5
Fri 7 Dec 2012
at 03:53
  • msg #69

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Natalya turned away from Yuki to look at the congregating Kindred as she continued the lesson. She raised her glass towards the crowd. "Every society has rules, written and unwritten. Ours is no different. Our rules have stricter expectations and the punishment is often rather brutal. There can be outright violence, but we celebrate those who can outmaneuver their opponents. I like to think of our rule as being, 'do as thou wilt, so long as you're not caught.' We praise those that are flexible and can think on their feet. You'll come to know it."

Natalya leaned closer to whisper as she sipped from her glass. "And as a free piece of advice. Trust no-one. Not even me. You have no friends, Yuki, not now and not ever again."
Madhu Ahkilesh
Camarilla PC, 25 posts
App:3 Man: 4 Cha:4
S1.5 CS1.0 Brujah Whip
Fri 7 Dec 2012
at 08:31
  • msg #70

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Madhu shook his head as Alexander started talking about consulting with his sire and things. "Don't worry about it. Seriously. It's fine. My mistake." Madhu raised his eyebrows to emphasize the last two words. Unless someone were watching the scene very carefully it would look and sound as if Madhu were being very gracious. To Alexander it was clear, this would be dealt with later. "What you did was grave, but I, perhaps, let my temper get the better of me."

The Indian Brujah decided this train wreck would be better handled later, outside of Elysium. This whole thing was growing tiresome and starting to impede his efforts. Madhu let it go and went to refill his drink as soon as that was finished he sat down and watched. It was now a matter of waiting to see what the Prince wanted. He was irritated and ready for the night to be over.
Yuki Nagasawa
Camarilla PC, 10 posts
Man 3, Cha 2, App 4
Sx, Csx, Rx
Fri 7 Dec 2012
at 20:39
  • msg #71

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

"No friends .. Well, Isn't that kind of spooky ? And sad ? Just because some old dead walkers are grumpy about their neighbors latest Ipod version doesnt mean it has to drip down all the way to the new kids. Right ?" ["That would really suck"]

Though somehow she understood quite well. In a predatorial worldsend where all living undead were immortal, sortof .. it was just the saying. Keep your friends closer but your enemies closer. An ever watching eye was what she needed. But where did you get those. Even Yuki realised she had to "sleep" sometime.

"So, .. umm. If we dont really have any friends. Who are the most friendly once ? Surely there must be amongst the .." Yuki pauzed and changed her thought how to call the elders grumpy old (wo)men ".. them" Yuki glansed into the direction where all others were standing.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 13 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Tue 11 Dec 2012
at 02:59
  • msg #72

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

DJ couldn't help himself. He was on thin ice already, he'd offered out an olive branch to make a second try but the lines Abigail was spouting...DJ couldn't stop himself.

He started shaking his head back and forth.

"So what, you're going to suck down every line the elders feed you? You get bit and suddenly you're someone else? How old are you, really? I can see someone being changed who's been doing this for hundreds and hundreds of years but you? Don't be a poser, acting like the last...say...20 years don't mean squat compared to what...the last year? Maybe two?

Heck even the elders aren't changed, seems to me more like they stay the same while the rest of the world moves on. They become entrenched, you know? They see change and fortify against it, running the opposite way. Don't spout out some elder fed line about how what came before doesn't matter. We are what we always were. Tweaked maybe, but players still play, singers still sing, dancers still dance and all that jazz. We are defined by our past, every single year."

It's clear from his reaction that DJ wasn't quite listening to Abigail, latching onto one tangent and riding it off course for his own agenda but he was also clearly frustrated at being denied and may have opted for dramatics as an exit strategy.
Abigail O'Carroll
Camarilla PC, 19 posts
Cha:3 Man:4 App: 3
Tue 11 Dec 2012
at 03:25
  • msg #73

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Abigail was about fed up with the kids constant rambling, since he was obviously not listening to her she rose slowly, with her glass, suppressing the annoyance with his behavior.
"You obviously aren't listening to me, I said it's personal.

But since you're unable to understand this, when I go about it in a civil manner.
I will carve it out in cardboard for you."

She took a moment to calm down a bit again.
"My past, is none of your business"
especially not with the garbage he'd sung about her earlier.

Then she left the masked buffoon, headed over to refill her glass.
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 14 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Tue 11 Dec 2012
at 21:15
  • msg #74

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Giving up on Abigail (or more accurately, her giving up on him) he wanders over to Natalya and Yuki.

With an exasperated sigh he takes a sip of his drink and shrugs.

"Some party, huh? If this is what vampire life is all about... I guess I don't see the magic in it like some people do. It sure as hell ain't no Twilight."
Natalya Shrevchenko
Camarilla PC, 10 posts
Cha:4 Man:5 App:5
Wed 12 Dec 2012
at 13:08
  • msg #75

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Natalya continued her conversation with Yuki as DJ inferno walked over to them. "No friends. Just those whose interest aligns with your own Yuki. Every relationship is complex, and the people you may have strong relationships with, could turn on you overnight. You need to be able to read the complex and shifting nature to do well. Pick people to go on your side who are strong and unlikely to be outplayed. Dragon is a good choice. You'll still have fun, Yuki, and share it with people, but love and friendship are close to weaknesses for us."

Natalya laughed. It wasn't a kind laugh. "I might suggest it's the most hilarious of nights. I personally was witness to multiple neophytes treading on dangerous ground that had they continued for moments longer might have erupted in violence. You must be newly embraced, and once again I am surprised that a Sire let someone who does not know the rules out in public.  Well, perhaps not in your particular case, Mr. Inferno. A rather passe nom de guerre, if you don't mind me saying so. How did you come up with it?" Natalya leaned closer, speaking with DJ Inferno loudly enough to be overheard "You might need to readjust your expectations if you believe our life is like Twilight. We do not glow in the daylight...well, actually that part is a lie, we do, but only very briefly. Once you've adjusted, you'll have a hard time seeing a love sick, dense little girl as anything other than food. I actually thought Twilight was a rather clever ploy to maintain the masquerade and put out misinformation about our kind. Makes feeding much easier."
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 15 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Thu 13 Dec 2012
at 00:50
  • msg #76

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

DJ narrows his eyes and shakes his head rapidly.

"No no, you got me wrong. I don't actually buy into that Twilight crap..."

He pauses and studies Natalya a bit before getting a bit dejected.

"Don't tell me vampires don't have a sense of humor either?"

OOC: Sorry this didn't come across before but the Twilight comment earlier was meant with sarcasm.
Natalya Shrevchenko
Camarilla PC, 11 posts
Cha:4 Man:5 App:5
Thu 13 Dec 2012
at 04:14
  • msg #77

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Natalya rolled her eyes at DJ Inferno. "Of course we have a sense of humour. We have a good laugh at the expense of you neophytes. Including taking things they say about Twilight as if they are talking seriously. The saving grace for tonight is that almost all of the new arrivals have made intense social faux pas, so any one individual is not going to suffer as much as they might have, if they were the only ones to do so." She turned her head to one side carefully looking Inferno up and down "Half the game tonight is trying to see why people were chosen for the embrace. You, I am curious about. Your sire left you in the thick of it, with little knowledge. Perhaps to see if you sink or swim on your own merits? How do you feel this evening is going so far?"
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 16 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Thu 13 Dec 2012
at 06:51
  • msg #78

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

DJ strokes the slight stubble on his chin and shrugs.

"I've played better parties, that's for sure. As for why I was chosen there isn't much mystery on that. Just come to one of my shows sometime."
Natalya Shrevchenko
Camarilla PC, 12 posts
Cha:4 Man:5 App:5
Fri 14 Dec 2012
at 13:49
  • msg #79

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Natalya smiled. "I'm sure it was for a valid reason and many others would have brought you to our life. In this case, it's not you being chosen I'm really wondering about, it's your sire choosing you." she glanced over at the other party goers. "This is a formal meet and greet, the Prince needs to see you. This particular meeting was never about partying and having a good time. There will be other occasions for that, where no doubt you will be asked to perform. As for musical tastes..... for some here, Beethoven is modern music."
Courtney Hart
Camarilla NPC, 7 posts
Chr: 4 Man: 2 App: 3
S2.0; CS1.5;
Sun 16 Dec 2012
at 21:33
  • msg #80

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

To put some order and sense into the variety of conversations going on around her, Courtney paused and looked away from Madhu as Alexander approached.  From there the conversation went to Marissa and what could be in that briefcase she carried.  The tension between Madhu and Alexander seemed to rise again, but Marissa did an excellent job of breaking that up before even Courtney could do it herself just by approaching the trio and forcing a space between them.

"Miss Lee.  Please, it's just Courtney, or Miss Hart.  There's no need to formalize my name unless you include surname." She glanced at Alexander, wondering if he took that hint.  "Thank you for coming, and being in fashion too." The Keeper then glanced between Madhu and Alexander, and then back.  "We were just discussing what you might have cleverly concealed in that briefcase.  The resident Nosferatu here seems to be of the opinion that perhaps it has something to do with his grace and the alleged feud between him and Miss Marshall.  Madhu and myself disagree, for all the obvious reasons." She paused.  "I was of the opinion that a good Nosferatu isn't going to speculate without knowing.  Madhu just called his bluff entirely.  We all were of the mentality that the best way to find out would be just to ask you."

Back on the other side of the room, the conversation between Abigail and Inferno was having it's own flaws.  Inferno was, in spite of the fact he was good looking, striking out with all of the ladies.  The only one who seemed to have any mind for him at all was Natalya, who so far, had revealed herself to be a full head and shoulders above the other kindred in this room.  That made sense though.  She was the favored childe of the prince.

And right about that time...

OOC: Everyone can roll Perception + Alertness @ difficulty 6.  Any sort of specialty dedicated to sound or hearing probably applies.  Auspex 1 would help, but it would also be a Breach of Elysium.
Marissa Lee
Camarilla PC, 4 posts
Mon 17 Dec 2012
at 20:11
  • msg #81

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Marissa smiled a pleasant smile to Courtney and gave the courteous nod. “My apologies Courtney.”  She glanced down at the briefcase in her hand when the mentioning of it came up, almost as if she had forgotten about it. She knew better than to lie, as she was sure there were a few around that could tell when the bullshit was getting deep. “Well I certainly appreciate the directness. Speculating does nothing short of getting one in a world of trouble and burdens. But since you are asking, I’m afraid to disappoint, there’s nothing of great importance really. Just some papers that I acquired recently to benefit me in my future endeavors.” She gave another smile.

[Private to ST-Jedi: 8, Today: Marissa Lee rolled 4 successes using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 with rolls of 10,3,10,9,6,2. perception + alertness .]
[Private to ST-Ac1d: 8, Today: Marissa Lee rolled 4 successes using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 with rolls of 10,3,10,9,6,2. perception + alertness .]
Abigail O'Carroll
Camarilla PC, 20 posts
Cha:3 Man:4 App: 3
Mon 17 Dec 2012
at 21:29
  • msg #82

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Abigail stood by the drinks servers for a bit, while trying to decide what to try this time around, in the end, she decided to stick with the Mage blood, it gave her a peculiar sense of the world, one she wanted to explore a bit further, though, she asked for only half a glass, before thanking the servant, and moving on.

The shock of what the Blood had initially caused had worn off and she'd started getting used to the 'sparkling' people...
she mgiht have laughed at the twillight remark, in this context, but inferno was involved and she was still deciding whether to hate or pity the kid.

she stopped for a few moments looking around the room, thoughtfully digesting the evening so far, she'd gained some information, more than she'd expected would be gained so easily, now came the hard work.
what would Ignetz do, what would he look for?
it wasn't the first time she wished, she understood the way her sire's mind worked, those moments were plentifull.

Finally she began moving across the floor, sauntering over to Miss Hart, Alexander, Marissa and Madhu.
"Ah yes, the mysterious briefcase" she said it like she had a hard time holding back mirth at everyones sudden interest in the object, what did it matter what it contained?
She curtsied to Marissa.
"miss Lee, I am Abigail, a pleasure to make your aquintance.
I had wondered, considering the extensive interest in your property, how you would appear.
For some reason certain people and their speculations about the contents of your briefcase left me wodnering if you had wings to go with the horns, and whether you would appear with a puff of smoke, a vague smell of brimstone accompanying you."

She chuckled slightly at that.
"I am happy to see none of it is true, that you are truly a kindred much akin to the rest of us"
she extended her hand, the one corrosponding to Marissas vacant one.

Perc+alert: 2 success.

22:10, Today: Abigail O'Carroll rolled 2 successes using 4d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 with rolls of 10,2,8,3. Perception alertness.
Marissa Lee
Camarilla PC, 5 posts
Chr: 3 Man: 4 App: 3
Sta 0.5; CS 0.0
Mon 17 Dec 2012
at 21:58
  • msg #83

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Marissa chuckled at the demonic/angelic picture created by Abigails description. To show no offense was taken she turned to look behind her for a second, “There’s no tail either.” She chuckled again. “I have to say however, that if carrying a briefcase causes this much speculation I might have to begin carrying them more often.” She took the hand offered and shook gently but firmly. “A pleasure to meet you Abigail, and please call me Marissa. I’ve no title that demands such formality.” Her tone was sincere and true. "And I was just explaining, there really isn’t anything of importance with my briefcase. Just some contents to help me in future endeavors.” She gave a warm smile.
Abigail O'Carroll
Camarilla PC, 21 posts
Cha:3 Man:4 App: 3
Tue 18 Dec 2012
at 03:43
  • msg #84

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

"Perhaps you should, It may eventually drive someone mad with speculation though."  She smiled, a small but genuine smile.  Abigail thought she might come to like this Marissa.  "Even better, have something creating small noises inside them, just to add that little bit of extra spice."
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:15, Tue 18 Dec 2012.
Marissa Lee
Camarilla PC, 6 posts
Chr: 3 Man: 4 App: 3
Sta 0.5; CS 0.0
Tue 18 Dec 2012
at 04:22
  • msg #85

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Marissa tapped her chin as if she were thinking, "Now that is quite a thought, carry a random commonly used object and let ones imagination be their downfall. It certainly carries quite a bit of temptation." She giggled a bit at Abigails suggestion of small noises within objects. "Knowing my luck I would roll it down a sidewalk only to have a stray cat or dog go after it."
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 17 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Tue 18 Dec 2012
at 04:53
  • msg #86

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

DJ chuckled at Natalya's remark.

"That was the same way even on the other side. I like to pride myself in being able to keep any audience entertained but as a whole you can't please everyone all the time."

He paused, cocking his head to side as if hearing a faint noise before continuing.

"So where do your personal tastes in music run? So far you've been one of the more agreeable people here and that deserves at the least a song dedication, if not something more..."


LOL: 22:51, Today: Secret Roll: DJ Inferno rolled 3 successes using 3d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 with rolls of 9,7,7. per + aler.

This message was last edited by the player at 05:04, Tue 18 Dec 2012.
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 21 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Tue 18 Dec 2012
at 08:55
  • msg #87

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alexander nodded at Madhu, and was about to reply to him when Courtney started talking.

Alexander smiled politely... just smiled. There was little else for him to do, he could try burying his face in the cup but he was sure that would be far from making things easier, and so, he tried to be practical about it. A smile, was by far the safest thing to do, trying to explain that in other countries the equivalent use of Mr and Ms, was not done in the same way as in the US, was probably vane, the bitch knew already, and well, he would not make the mistake again.

She had used him as the centre of attention to get the information she wanted from Marissa, as if he gave a shit for it, and used what he had hoped would be a change of conversation to make him look like shit with Marissa... well, there was not much he could do about it... so he just smiled.

At any rate, Marissa's answer was centred on Courtney, and now on the Assamite, who... Oh surprise! after a night of stoic solitude was indulging in what looked like a most idiotic conversation with Marissa.

He shifted his weight to the other leg... 'just smile, and hope shit does not start raining down on me again'.

OOC: Per + Alert 2 successes

Madhu: I am not completely clear on how your post fits into this now, so I guessed it was just before Courtney started talking. As it does not all seem to fit in the way people has moved, I have just left it with a nod, for a conversation does not seem to fit in there anymore.

Marissa Lee
Camarilla PC, 7 posts
Chr: 3 Man: 4 App: 3
Sta 0.5; CS 0.0
Tue 18 Dec 2012
at 21:12
  • msg #88

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Noticing that Alexander had gone all quiet, Marissa turned her smile to him, "So Alexander, what did you think was in my briefcase?" She asked with a joking teasing tone, her smile however remained friendly. "Seriously though, tell me something of yourself. Where are you originally from?"
Alexander Youngblood
Camarilla PC, 22 posts
Man: 3 Cha: 2 App: 0
Sx. CSx
Thu 20 Dec 2012
at 09:37
  • msg #89

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Alexandre left the cup carefully on its tray aside on a table, basically gaining some time before answering Marissa "I hail from Europe, a small little country full of peculiarities and contradictions, the only country in the world that has gone without government for 2 years and not felt the difference... I would love to trade stories with you if that is your interest".

He paused a bit turning slightly to Courtney "By the way, it would seem that the music has changed, is it on a loop or does it need someone at the controls?".
Marissa Lee
Camarilla PC, 8 posts
Chr: 3 Man: 4 App: 3
Sta 0.5; CS 0.0
Thu 20 Dec 2012
at 18:13
  • msg #90

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

Marissa smiled brightly at the thought of going to Europe. She had been to a few states, but never anything outside of the U.S.

"Trading stories sounds fabulous but I'm afraid my stories would pale in comparisson to yours. Europe by itself has such a vast history, both good and bad, and some that are just creepy. Like the story of Jack the Ripper in the Whitechapel district... creepy and scandelous." She looked at Courtney when Alexander mention the music, "I noticed that too. Alexander, do you know how to work the equipment?"
Gabe LaFortune
Camarilla PC, 1 post
Mon 24 Dec 2012
at 01:01
  • msg #91

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

As the elevator moved up towards the eleventh floor, Gabriel LaFortune knew he was cutting it close. The Prince wanted all those being presented tonight to arrive much earlier than Gabe was arriving and he did not want to garner any resentment from the Tremere who held Praxis in Charlotte.  Being that many members of that clan bore special enmity for those of his own clan, and vise versa, he wanted to avoid any unnecessary trouble.

As the doors to the elevator slid open to reveal the interior of the Elysium, Gabe took a quick reconnoiter of his surroundings – as his security training had ingrained into his psyche. The layout was open and left few places for possible assailants to hide. However he did take note of the large number of exits in the room and decided to keep  a watch on the comings and goings of those who used them.  No one was obviously armed, though he doubted anyone would be foolish to break one of their Camerilla’s precious laws prohibiting weapons or violence at such gatherings. However he knew this was no guarantee of safety so Gabe stepped off the elevator keeping a cautious eye on all those attending tonight’s event.

As Gabriel LaFortune entered the large suit people turned to see who the late comer was. Standing an average height of around six feet with a slim, yet obviously well-built body barely concealed under his finely tailored black suit and polished wing-tipped shoes. Clean shaven with short cropped hair, he strolled into the room with the grace of a hunting cat and the alertness of someone who was used to expecting danger or violence to erupt at any moment.

Quickly noting the golden trays in the guests hands he gave a knowing smile to those gathered watching him to see what he would do and made his way casually to the bar to pick up his own tray and make a selection of a beverage.

The heady aroma of so much fresh blood, some of which were plainly very potent vitae, flooded Gabe’s nostrils making him almost dizzy with delight. His Sire had warned him of this many times during his training, he was weary to touch those vintages marked to have supernatural origins. Instead he took a wine glass full of something called ‘The Prince’s Private Stock’.

He turned to look for the one Cainite Ignetz had told him to seek out for proper etiquette and presentation, he was looking for the Keeper of Elysium Courtney Heart. He found her at once, with her distinctive look she was easy to pick her out of the crowd. Her attire and choice of facial piercings brought back fond memories of his days riding with the bikers… before he brought them down from the inside.

Putting such memories from his mind he moved towards the Keeper  with a warm smile and when reached when she was standing politely bowed his head to her, but patiently awaited her to address him when she was ready. Until the Prince arrived, she was the most important person in the room.
Juan Lorenzo
Elder NPC, 13 posts
Tue 8 Jan 2013
at 17:46
  • msg #92

Re: The heat is on - Camarilla PCs ---GO FOR IT PLAYAZ!!!

"No." The Keeper of Elysium said.  Her eyes lit up and her nostrils flared.  "It's not an outage or something wrong with the system." She smiled slightly, as if she was waiting on something.  It was about four seconds later, then a jazzy, poppy, piano, drum, and saxophone combo kicked in.  Only a few seconds later came the lyrics.

Just take those old records off the shelf
I'll sit and listen to 'em by m'self
Today's music ain't got the same soul
I like that old time rock and roll

OOC:  I can't resist, especially because the song has five stars on my playlist.  Sorry DJ...

It started with the Toreador, because sooner or later, every Toreador has the problem.  It started with DJ tapping his foot.  Then a slight head bob as his ears tingled, picking up the hidden guitar twang in the song.  Yuki was still mortal enough too that her senses plucked the notes out of the air as well.  Though in her case it was more of an interest in the piano and saxophone instead of a curse by Caine...

Don't try to take me to a Disco
You'll never even get me out on the floor
In 10 minutes I'll be late for the door
I like that old time rock and roll

Still like that old time rock and roll
The kinda music just soothes the soul
I reminisce about the days of old
With that old time rock and roll

By this time, DJ Inferno had lost himself into the music, having specifically picked out the drums, and moved to the music.  He was, after all previous performances, surprisingly good.  Very good.  Noteworthy even.  And Yuki moved too.  And so did Courtney, at least a little, just wiggling her butt.

Won't go to hear 'em play a Tango
I'd rather hear some blues or funky old soul
There's only one sure way to get me to go
Start playin' old time rock and roll

Call me a relic call me what'cha will
Say I'm old fashioned say I'm over the hill
Today's music ain't got the same soul
I like that old time rock and roll

Then the jazzy saxophone took over in a solo, the happy drinks kicked in, and everyone's spirit raised just enough.  Somewhere along the way, the lights had dimmed.  It had happened so slowly that nobody had noticed it until the room was more dark then bright though.

Prince Lorenzo came sliding out one of the side entrances next.  He came out in a new custom Armani suit.  He was dressed slick, and by busting a few minor moves of his own, Dragon made it cool to dance.  That was his intention anyway.  He succeeded in looking cool, that was about it.

Juan Lorenzo rolled 1 success using 9d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 with rolls of 8,7,5,3,4,1,2,1,6. Cha + Style = Good Mood Room.

But then he fell into the music too!  The prince joined the crowd, having shimmied on over.  He slinked around behind Natalya, looked at her, smiled, nodded, and then went to the ghouls, getting a drink.  He went for his private sock to start with.  After an entire drink and sip, the song finally ended, and the prince now had everyone's attention.

"Hello.  Are we enjoying ourselves tonight?"

Juan Lorenzo rolled 7 successes using 9d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 8 with rolls of 10,9,6,9,9,3,9,9,8. Cha + Style = Good Mood Room. !!!  WTF?  On a roll that doesn't matter...

Truth was, yeah, things were going pretty damned good tonight.  Even DJ seemed to figure out how to dig himself out of part of the grave he had dug earlier.  Courtney was quick to step forwards before anyone could really talk.  "Ladies and gentlemen, Prince Lorenzo."

Having at least attempted to recover, Courtney slinked back closer to Madhu...
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