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18:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Posted by ST-Ac1dFor group archive 1
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 36 posts
Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 2
Tue 9 Apr 2013
at 19:57
  • msg #50

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Dimitri kept an eye on the exchange between Caetano, Orric, and Ken/Chris went back and forth. It was clear to Dimitri that Ken and Chris styled themselves as some of the top dogs at the party.

It was clear to Dimtiri that they were more likely middle management at best given their overall attitude and arrangement. Best to steer clear until he had some muscle and influence. Otherwise a meeting with them might turn out the same as all the others that have gone there so far. Dimtiri was not one who enjoyed being forced onto his knees to lap up whatever they desired to put into his face.

Phoenix was...a different situation. He had been surprised by an abrupt job offer, perhaps Phoenix was a better judge of character then he would have guessed. Kindred aren't known for trusting new blood so quickly and Dimtiri was keeping an eye out for the inevitable backstabe but for now he needed a bit of leverage and perhaps a dog being kicked towards the door might offer up a solution to his predicament.

Dimitri slid through the crowd in a rush to head Caetano off before he reached the door.

"Hey! Hey you there? You have time for quick chat before hitting road?"

Dimitri's thick Russian accent spoke of foreign lands and brutal danger but his tone was friendly enough.
Orric Thorsson
Anarch PC, 38 posts
Cha: 3 Man: 1 App: 2
Sta X.x, AS X.x
Tue 9 Apr 2013
at 20:53
  • msg #51

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

When it looked like violence was about to ensue, Ric snatched his flask away from Caetano and leaned out of the way.  "Don't point--don't hit me!  I didn't do it!" Ric's words changed as he reacted to what he thought was going to be another gun pointed in his direction and then the realization that it more likely to be a brawl.  Orric wouldn't normally have been one to duck and cover here, but he already had one shotgun stuck in his side.  He wasn't going for a second.  He had learned his lesson.

"Cool."Ric said from the side.  He remained nervous until Caetano and then that other guy from earlier left and Ken sat down.  When things died down enough, Ric looked at Chris.  "Who is that?  That guy is Phoenix right?  The patch on the vest says so."  Ric looked at Phoenix, and then back at Chris.  "So if I wanna know this Angel a little more I gotta go ask him?"  Ric looked serious.  "Yeah.  I'm serious.  I wanna know her better.  Something about that thick, frizzy red hair and extra layer of freckles..."  Ric nodded in thought.

"And those hips!" He expressed with his hands.  Ric did have a point though.  Angel did have a great ass and she could wear ultra tight skinny jeans and get away with it.  "Do I need to keep going?  The things I would do to her if I got the chance."  Ric beamed.  He was high.

"And would you really look at an old truck like mine?"  Orric seemed surprised.
Lillian Masters
Anarch PC, 23 posts
Cha: 3 Man: 2 App: 3
Rep 0.0
Tue 9 Apr 2013
at 21:06
  • msg #52

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Lillian looked at Gordon and relaxed a bit in her chair, “Never had any intention on giving you the bullshit speech about passin through. Came to Charlotte to find someone is all, but since I’m here and I haven’t found him yet, settin up residency sounds like a good second plan. “ She glanced at Ken briefly when she heard Angel’s name, and just as quickly turned her attention back to Gordon. “Look, you seem a’right, and I’m not some stupid country redneck fresh off the truck. I know how it works. I prove myself to you, you decide if you want me, thing is neither of us is gonna benefit from anything if all we do is stand around and chit chat.” Lillian kept glancing around the room as the insults and threats kept coming. Ric seemed to have settled down, but the other one getting his ass chomped wasn’t quite through. “So…I tell you what... I'm gonna go on over and introduce myself to a few others. If you think you could use me, well I'm sure you know how to find me.”

With that, Lillian hopped off her seat and walked over to Ric and the one he was talking to. Ric hadn't really impressed her yet, but the guy he was talking to looked like he might know who to talk to or where to go.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:27, Tue 09 Apr 2013.
Caetano Cohen
Anarch PC, 11 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 2
S0 CS0
Tue 9 Apr 2013
at 22:24
  • msg #53

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Caetano took a while to notice it was he, that had been addressed by Dimitri. He turned quickly unsure of the voice being the prelude to a hit coming his way. He was swift, fight he could not, he had the toned reflexes of a well toned sportsman. He looked at the guy approaching bewildered, and noticed that It was the guy that was packing all that steel he had seen when he had arrived with Teri.

It looked like he was not going to hit him.... yet... and so, relaxing his arms that had come up involuntarily making him look a fool yet again, he breathed in to reply "I am not hittin' the road anytime soon... so... sure... My name is Caetano" he said extending his hand and keeping it there a little while, as doubt crept into him unsure of what was the proper way to greet someone that looked like an assassin taken out of a film.

"I'll appreciate any conversation...  " 'as long as it stays at that' he thought "But I must say I wonder what would move anyone now to come talk to me... I am curious" he said finally opening up with a smile that seemed to have no apparent reason.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 37 posts
Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 2
Wed 10 Apr 2013
at 21:29
  • msg #54

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Dimitri shrugged and gestured for Caetano to walk and talk with him wandering towards a more quiet area of the party.

"I see...that...most of it."

He gestured back towards where Ken and Chris had their "throne" set up.

"...and I must admit it was, how you say, most amusing? I do not know what you did to irritate them so but given what happened I am a little impressed that you are still standing here. If they had decided to rip out your lungs and stake you for sun, would anyone here have stopped them? Would anyone here even care or think of it as entertainment for party? I know not. If you have protection maybe I am just wasting my time here, however at moment it looks like you could use a friend, or at least a friendlier face, da?"

Dimitri's tone is easy and smooth, just a simple conversation between two guys who just became instant friends. Despite the tone it is difficult to relax around Dimitri. On paper he seems friendly enough but his presence, the intangible and indescribable way that he carries himself and glances around the room, even the way he walks or gestures seems to make one uneasy, like at any moment the mask of civility could drop and it would be replaced by a crazy psycho russian monster. But that moment never seems to come, the mask remains and Dimitri once again seems like just a friendly face.

OOC: As mechanical background Dimitri has a specialty in physical intimidation. He's not actively using it but he knows how to carry himself to seem dangerous. He is a "civilized" brute.
Ken Smith
Anarch NPC, 3 posts
Thu 11 Apr 2013
at 05:15
  • msg #55

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Ken settled back into his chair and tried lighting a cigarette. He patted his pockets and frowned. Chris, without taking his eyes off of Ric, reached into his pocket and handed him a lighter. He let out a big sigh as Caetano finally headed for the door and shook his head, but he didn't speak on it anymore. Instead he turned his attention to Ric, and listened intently. Really intently, but it was clear he was getting his mind off of the Caetano situation. Ken gently tapped the lighter on the table while he listened to Ric.

Chris reached over and clapped Ken on the shoulder, glanced at the lighter, made a face, and responded to Ric, "Nah man. Phoenix runs her crew, he's not her fucking dad. You want to play with her titties go talk to her." He pointed at Lillian and glanced at the tapping lighter again. "She got picked up by Jack, Phoenix's bitch... I'm sure she knows where Angel is. Hell, she might even be here. I know they didn't send you out into the lion's den on your own." He smiled and nodded his head at Lillian with a smirk on his face as she sat down next to Ric, taking Caetano's now empty seat.

Ken put the lighter in his pocket, and finally spoke again, "Yeah man. We'll look at it. You're alright. That punk," He pointed at Caetano through the door. "He's weak. We don't need that shit around here. Anyway, I've got a race in a few. Ya'll be easy." Ken stood up, fist bumped Chris, squashed his cigarette and walked off. Gordon followed him out.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:20, Thu 11 Apr 2013.
Caetano Cohen
Anarch PC, 12 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 2
S0 CS0
Thu 11 Apr 2013
at 07:54
  • msg #56

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Caetano walked along with Dimitri towards a quieter place, he could feel the other man's oppressing presence and, without noticing, he kept trying to keep a wider distance than he would have with a less menacing company.

"Hmmm... " he paused a bit thinking "I have a problem. A communication problem, the way I see it. The readings people get from me, are of course, based on their own experiences. And so, them, they read weak... and you... well, you probably read something on those lines too... its ok".

He paused there again collecting his thoughts while taking the time to correctly place his hair band again 'Damn... I think I am talking too much, this guy doesn't give a fuck about communication Caetano... shit'.

"Look... I don't want external protection, it sends the opposite message of what I want... respect needs to come for myself first, not because of those around me. But... There are many things that I need that I am not even aware off, thats why I am here, what are you proposing ?.".

He scratched his chin as he looked at Dimitri 'Fuck, I talk too much... '
This message was last edited by the player at 08:02, Thu 11 Apr 2013.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 38 posts
Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 2
Thu 11 Apr 2013
at 08:15
  • msg #57

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

As Caetano talks the smile starts to fade from Dimtiri's face. It would seem that the more he talks, the more Dimitri is re-evaluating his position and his offer. Finally he just lets out a soft sigh.

"What you say, it tells me nothing. If I want to listen to chit-chat I talk to проститутки с большой грудью. По крайней мере, я получаю хороший трах из него.

Dimitri goes on and on in a foreign tongue. Russian maybe? Polish? Definitely Eastern European whatever it was.

"Maybe I start over, make things bit more clear. I can offer many things. Weapons, protection, knowledge of who to fuck and who to avoid getting fucked by. I offer this for very little price, a few favors now and again and a promise that you will never ever try to fuck me. Last man to try that...well my mechanic is still picking out pieces of skull from underside of SUV. The blood I fear will rust exhaust pipe and I do not want to replace again.

Anyway, this is what I offer and ask, not very much and maybe it helps you get established? Helps you build reputation which is all anyone here cares about. They care not what pedigree but whether you are strong or weak. Right now you seem very weak but perhaps this is not the truth?

I offer you much but what do I get in return? What can you do for me?"

Caetano Cohen
Anarch PC, 13 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 2
S0 CS0
Thu 11 Apr 2013
at 11:07
  • msg #58

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Caetano looked at Dimitri as he talked. His expression turned somber as the other started speaking Russian, but he nodded seeing a light after the tunnel when Dimitri offered to talk more clearly... 'how the fuck did he expect him to figure out what he was offering otherwise?'.

He started speaking a bit nervously and calming down a bit as he went on "Ah! good. Hmmm well, let's see, I can have dogs trained for you for attack, haven protection or whatever you want... actually almost any animal. I can also be of service patching people up without needing to go through a medical center... And probably in a less interesting order of things, I can be of use if you need someone that speaks spanish or portuguese or if you need a quick delivery at rush hours early at night".

He paused and opened his hands palms up and inhaled as he set himself to say what he had to say "Regarding fucking with each other, I understand your point, and share it wholeheartedly, should it come to it, I'll be using my hungry pets. I comment because it seems to be customary, not because I am some kind of sadistic fuck that likes to put animals through that kind of shit, you understand...". Caetano's eyes were set, just as his jaw, gritted and waiting for a challenge to this. The boy looked commited.

"So, is any of what I mentioned of interest to you or do you have something else in mind that I could help you with?" This was said without any acritude, in real hopes of having something to offer that could be of use.

[Private to Dimitri the Devil: OOC: I am assuming that Caetano can pinpoint it as russian without trouble if you don't mind, he has had an international education and probably dealt with other people talking russian... plus polish do not use Da. If you are not ok with this, just let me know, at any rate I dont think it has any impact on the game.

One thing, I am spansish, there might be some missunderstandings. If you see something completely strange or that makes no sense just let me know.

As for his reactions here, right now Caetano is just a "boy", a strong willed one, that seems set on learning his way around, but completely alien to all of this, I try to reflect all this on the rp. Also, he is not even sure why he is here... his Sire, has brought him here, but with so little explanation and to a world so alien to him, that he hardly knows what to look for. Anyway, just feel free to PM me if you see any inconsistency.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:19, Thu 11 Apr 2013.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 39 posts
Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 2
Sun 14 Apr 2013
at 23:31
  • msg #59

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Dimitri's eyes seem to cool a bit but he grins anyway.

"I understand but you should be careful about who you threaten, and how you do it. SUV is SUV but dogs...I like dogs. They like me, not much concern, eh? But I do not screw with you, you are not nearly pretty enough for that."

He chuckles and lightly pats Caetano on his cheek.

"You have cell phone? We exchange информация Digits? Better yet, I call you when I have opportunity. Opportunity to make some money, get some reputation, eh? But maybe in meantime you tell me where you are from, what you are doing here? Given the way those жопы treated you I guess you did not come here at their request. Maybe someone sent you? Someone pulling your strings, da?"
Caetano Cohen
Anarch PC, 14 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 2
S0 CS0
Mon 15 Apr 2013
at 14:59
  • msg #60

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Caetano sighed apparently calm as his eyes turned red, blood injected, when Dimitri patted his cheek. "Keep your hands to yourself, lets trade a few questions and I'll decide after that, if I want to give my number to one that pretends to be able to get me reputation while patting me on the cheek".

He paused a bit, and wondered as he eyed Dimitri 'Could he trust someone whose "mobbish" mentality overruled any business sense ?'. Visibly more relaxed after a few seconds, he started speaking again "I am of clan gangrel, embraced not that long ago... a recently graduated student, a vet. My Sire, Teri, she does not mingle much with others, so its really the first time I am at one of these. So if anyone was to be moving my strings as you say, it would be her".

Caetano pinched his lower lip with his left hand, and shifted his weight to the other leg "So what of you?, what does a Russian do in Charlotte of all places, trying to stablish this business ? everyone seems already well packed, I must be the only one in this whole damn place not carrying...".
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 40 posts
Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 2
Mon 15 Apr 2013
at 18:10
  • msg #61

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Dimitri just laughs off Caetano's objections. He was a fiesty one, that one, quick to withdraw, quick to anger. Quick to become a liability.

"You need to learn to relax...chill out du-ude"

Dimitri attempts a California surfer accent but fails miserably. He cannot say anything without sounding like he has a mouth full of marbles.

"I understand this is all new for you but you really have to be careful of what you are doing. For all you know I am elder and I rip out your heart just for fun because you piss me off. You have to be careful about how far out you puff your chest because while some people may have called me a monster, I am really just friendly guy. Here, in this world, however, there are real monsters, men who will потрошить вас как рыба if you catch my drift. You need to learn to pick when and where you decide to puff up and pick fight.

The best tip for survival, only fight when you will win."

He grins, a feral grin right out of Silence of the Lambs.

"As for me, it is mostly long boring story. Short version is Sabbat chase me out of hometown on coast. Originally I was hoping this would be temporary, that some Archon would wake up and kick them out but as weeks turn to months turn to years this is becoming less likely. So now I am forced to set up new market, new territory and as you can guess it is pain in ass. Is not first time I have had to strat over, is not going to be last. Even Princes fall, but as long as you avoid being turn to ash, there is always time to try again."

He pauses, taking the time to scan the surroundings to see if anything interesting has come up while his attention was focused on Caetano. Finally after a few moments he turns back to the younger man.

"I have not had pleasure of meeting this...Teri is it? Perhaps you can set up an introduction, drop a few words about how friendly and helpful I have been, looking out for you, eh?"

He grins and slaps Caetano lightly on the back. It would seem that Dimitri is either blissfully unobservant about Caetano's repeated attempts to preserve his personal space, or more likely is purposefully ignoring the social cues for any number of reasons.
Caetano Cohen
Anarch PC, 15 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 2
S0 CS0
Tue 16 Apr 2013
at 13:29
  • msg #62

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Caetano listened to the Russian attentively. He was, by default, a good listener, but at any rate, Dimitri's talk was quite interesting, and thus it was not hard for him to focus all his attention on the big bold man.

By the time he finished speaking, he was visibly more relaxed, and did not mind at all the clap from the stranger, in fact, his mind was quite absorbed on the history the other had told. "What are they like ?... the sabat I mean... I have never seen them, some say that they just want to diablerize everyone, but if it is so, there must be a reason...  and, what the heck is an Archon ? its the second time today someone mentions one, and I had never heard the word till now. The other guy... that brewer back there, I think he said they were like some kind of kindred Navy Seals or something, but why would they help you? you have to pay them ?".

Noticing he had asked quite a bunch of questions he added, "As for Teri, I'll be sure to put on a good word about you and your line of business... she does well enough without weapons, let me tell you, but... who knows, she might have a use for them too."
This message was last edited by the player at 13:30, Tue 16 Apr 2013.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 41 posts
Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 2
Tue 16 Apr 2013
at 15:16
  • msg #63

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Dimitri grins, a far more genuine one this time.

"Anyone who says they have enough weapons is not thinking creatively enough. The Sabbat...they are nothing but a bunch of ублюдки I have heard stories too that they eat babies and howl at moon. Most is all bullshit elders tell around campfire. From what I see, they are just crazy vampires that do not give a fuck. Like children with rifles they will shoot at anything.

Archons are same page but opposite side. They go where they want to keep the kindred clean, like gestapo or secret police. They storm in, kick ass, and leave when they are done moving on to next city. Keep in mind each one is different. Some are big bruisers like me, others are small, crafty sons of bitches. Make enemies fight enemies and turn whole city upsidedown without lifting a finger. I would say those are the ones to watch out for but as long as you are not stupid you should not have to deal with one.

And if you do maybe I put in good word for you, eh?"

Caetano Cohen
Anarch PC, 16 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 2
S0 CS0
Wed 17 Apr 2013
at 16:21
  • msg #64

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Caetano smiled looking at Dimitri 'Would someone that comes looking to do business with the most obvious newcomer in town, as a moth comes to the light, have such contacts as archons? I may have misjudged him woefully... will need to check later but for the time being, lets just be cautious'.

He shook his head a bit coming out of his thoughts "Let's hope then I don't need to find out..." he paused and wrote down a mobile number in piece of paper "Listen, here is my mobile number, give me your's, your card or whatever, and I'll talk about it with Teri as I said and keep you in my thoughts in case I see myself needing anything you might provide. Should you need an animal trained, call me, just keep in mind that those things take time, and even more if one needs to find a suitable animal".

[Private to GM: Caetano is not rich or anything I figure he'd be using prepaid phones as mobile, and only have fix line for the shop, of which he does not give the number.]
This message was last edited by the player at 16:22, Wed 17 Apr 2013.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 43 posts
Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 2
Wed 24 Apr 2013
at 02:38
  • msg #65

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Dimitri hands over a business card to a strip club called Natasha's. The card is well worn and slightly bent.

"Ask for me two times. No more, no less and I'll get in touch."

Dimitri holds out his hand for a card or a number or something else as well.
Orric Thorsson
Anarch PC, 39 posts
Cha: 3 Man: 1 App: 2
Sta X.x, AS X.x
Thu 2 May 2013
at 05:41
  • msg #66

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Ric was about to say something, but when Lillian came over and plopped down, he looked at her instead.  Ric quietly didn't say what he was going to about Angel, and instead, watched and listened as Ken did the talking.  "You wanna know something funny about that Russian guy?" Ric glanced at Dimitri as him and Caetano exited.

"He listens to that crappy Mexican polka-circus shit.  He was rocking that shit out on his way here.  I know because I followed his Escalade in.  I also double parked and blocked him in."  Ric beamed again.  "Triple parked actually.  There ain't no way he's getting out of the parking lot unless someone is nice and lets him back out.  But then, this is a parking lot at a raceway.  His other choice is to go through my truck...and good luck with that.  There is a reason the phrase 'Built Ford Tough' exists, especially for trucks like mine, built back in the day of nuts, bolts, and steel.  His Escalade may be pretty, but it's designed to crumple, just like all modern cars."

Momentarily distracted by Lillian's tank top - okay, the cleavage and sleeve more then the tank top, Ric focused on the picture on her arm.  He was trying to decipher it.  "That's neat."  He pointed at it with an offhand motion.  "Do you got anymore?"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:42, Thu 02 May 2013.
Lillian Masters
Anarch PC, 24 posts
Cha: 3 Man: 2 App: 3
Rep 0.0
Fri 3 May 2013
at 06:32
  • msg #67

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Lillian looked at Ric as if he was two cards shy of a full deck. “Seriously? You don’t know a wolf when you see one?”  She looked from Ric to her arm and back to Ric. “And no I don’t have anymore. I got what I wanted, that’s good enough for me.” She studied him for a second before continuing, “You wanted to meet Angel? I can help you there, if you can help me find this guy Phoenix.”
Caetano Cohen
Anarch PC, 17 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 2
S0 CS0
Fri 3 May 2013
at 10:10
  • msg #68

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Caetano nodded to Dimitri "Twice... got'it" he said as he handed him a piece of paper in which he had scrib.. "That's me.. directly".

He stood there then for an awkward moment, not really sure what to do now or if the big man was expecting something else, some kind of salute or a swearing on his word or something... that didn't seem to come, and left him feeling a bit like a fool yet again.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 44 posts
Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 2
Fri 3 May 2013
at 20:30
  • msg #69

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Dimtiri glances at the number handed to him to make sure its legible then crams it into a pocket.

"Alright, that is enough for now. Go out, mingle. Maybe find yourself a few more friends, eh? I will do the same and maybe we can all beocme a bit more useful..."

He pauses, glancing back at the direction where Ken and Chris were seated with their "entourage".

"So...I missed some bit of action back there. What exactly was your...beef...with those guys back there? I believe they are hosts, or at least look like there is a line of people waiting to suck them off."
Caetano Cohen
Anarch PC, 18 posts
Man 3, Cha 3, App 2
S0 CS0
Sat 4 May 2013
at 07:23
  • msg #70

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Caetano shrugged "Me? I had no beef with them... just dropped to say hi, and at some point they decided I was not of their liking... if you want my take on them, I'd say they are more interested with their bellybuttons than on doing any real business... but then again, you might find some use in talking to them, they know everyone, or so it seems".

He was secretly happy (even not recognicing it to himself) that the interview with this scary guy was done and over. He still did not see himself carrying guns, but well, at least now, he'd know where to find them were he to ever need them.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 45 posts
Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 2
Mon 6 May 2013
at 12:20
  • msg #71

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Dimitri gives a nod then moves back into the crowd. He mingles through the crowd a bit more, keeping his eyes and ears open to get a feel for the environment but it seemed that all roads led back to the VIP booth. It was time to meet the hosts.

Dimitri walked up to the VIP booths, hands empty and out of his pockets in case any guards or NOS thugs decided that he looked like trouble, pretty much a given considering the scars, tattoos and general appearance.

When he is finally in front of Ken and Chris as a sign of respect he allows them the first opportunity to talk...
Orric Thorsson
Anarch PC, 40 posts
Cha: 3 Man: 1 App: 2
Sta X.x, AS X.x
Mon 3 Jun 2013
at 01:30
  • msg #72

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

"Guess you're in luck then Lilly.  Thats him right there." Ric pointed at the bald guy in leathers with a patch that said "president" on it.  Then Ric looked around at the small group at the table and in the room.  He was still feeling a little weird, but there were still a lot of people he needed to know better too.  "Alright.  Anyway.  I'll be back in a few.  I am gonna go see what Edge got to say.  I doubt it's a good idea to keep her waiting."

Yep.  Ric just named dropped Edge.  He figured someone on the room would be surprised he of all people knew who she was.  Then again, why wouldn't he?  "What?"  He asked, beginning his clarification.  "How many Asian girls are gonna be in here, sweep a table for five grand, and then tell the hosts of the party they're full of shit, and not get guns pointed in her direction when just about everybody else already has?"  Orric shrugged.  "'Sides.  Right now, insight into Eve is a good thing for me."

With that, Ric gathered his flask and made for the door, sure to return soon, but for now, on the prowl to find Edge.
Lillian Masters
Anarch PC, 25 posts
Cha: 3 Man: 2 App: 3
Rep 0.0
Sun 30 Jun 2013
at 13:47
  • msg #73

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

Lillian watched Ric walk off and waited till he was clear of ear shot before she said anything else. She turned her attention back to the guy in leathers , “Phoenix is it…. Cool! Look I’m gonna get straight down to it, there’s a person I’m looking for and word has it that you’re the go to guy for that sort of shit. Is there someplace we can talk so I don’t have to air all my business to the whole fucking community?” Lillian was getting a bit testy, the constant having to explain everything was wearing on her nerves.
GM, 157 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Fri 5 Jul 2013
at 06:03
  • msg #74

Re: Detonation - All Anarch PCs.

WRapping this thread up now. TWO YEARS have gone by since the party. Yes. TWO YEARS.

Lillian: Phoenix didn't have any information but he did point you back to Ken and Chris, who were your first leads anyway. You managed to catch up with them at the end of the party and Chris was lucid enough to remember your Sire. He had ridden with them to Raleigh. Chris explained they took a circuitous route the Charlotte for security reasons. He added that it was just protocol, not that they thought they were being followed. You took out a favor with Chris and he called in another for a contact in Raleigh. Your Sire had stayed literally the night and headed to Charlotte. You narrowed it down to Interstate 85 between Charlotte and Raleigh. He had vanished somewhere in there.

Caetano: You and Teri managed to hook up with Tank's Brood, albeit as outsiders, but you were still more or less welcome among them. However, as you slowly got used to what was going on you, Teri, and Ric ended up spending more time together and you all eventually ended up more or less on your own. You did manage to get a place on your own not far from the animal shelter. Teri also managed to find some in roads with Edge's Crew by winning a few fights in Fight Club.

Ric: Since you were the only one with a place everyone gravitated towards hanging out with you. Edge talked to you a few times but you didn't get much out of her in with the drama between your sire and Team NOS. Not because she was being tight lipped about it, but that she didn't seem to know a whole lot herself. She believed Eve thought she was protecting them, not selling them out. Edge admitted Eve likes to play the martyr where the people she cares about are concerned. The obvious conclusion, in Edge's mind, was that Eve felt she was protecting them from a serious threat.

Dmitri: Phoenix wasted no time putting you to work. Within two months you had a good pulse on his weapons running...Or so you thought... He met with you one night at a Honda Junkyard in the boonies near a small town called China Grove. You were supposedly there to pull security while he renegotiated a shipment that had come up from Mexico. Instead he sent Jack to try to kill you. That wasn't the bad part. The bad part was that he failed. Madisen and a few of the Assamites in the QCLA showed up. They, frighteningly easily, nearly killed Jack, killed some other vampire you weren't familiar with, and two ghouls. Madisen explained her case to you: She hated Phoenix. Phoenix wanted you dead. She saved your life and now you owed her a Life Boon. Your new job was to continue doing exactly what you were doing that Phoenix wanted you dead.

See the update thread for more information.
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