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V:tM Trivia - Worth +1 exp.

Posted by ST-JediFor group 0
GM, 36 posts
But I love my turtle!
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 03:18
  • msg #6

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth +1 exp.


#3.  Who is Lucita and why is she important?
GM, 2 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 03:22
  • msg #7

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth +1 exp.

Because she's in the vampire novels :D

She's a cammy I can recall.
GM, 37 posts
But I love my turtle!
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 03:31
  • msg #8

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth +1 exp.


Someone else?  :P
player, 3 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 04:09
  • msg #9

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth +1 exp.

I can answer part of who she is, then hope someone else will pick up the ball and run with the why of her importance.

bear in mind though, I'm having some issues with my keyboard, so if everything suddenly ends up all caps, it's cause i need to run a thorough clean of my pc.

Lucita is a Noblewoman embraced into the lasombra clan during the 17th century, however she was disgusted with her clan and the sabbat after their formation, and joined sides with the camarilla for a while, even becoming an archon.

She's independent, after her disgust with the sabbat diminished.

however she is only loyal to two other vampires, a malkavian and a gangrel.

edit: turns out i am not entirely correct on this :(, guess it doesn't always pay off to stick to the stuff told by gm's in my local area over 10-15 years
This message was last edited by the player at 04:17, Tue 18 Sept 2012.
player, 4 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 07:25
  • msg #10

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

She was actually embraced in the middle ages, Aragonesse (my home town actually), she is appreciated in the fight against Sabat and also as an interpreter of Anatole's visions or predictions of the Gehena. (Or the ones of demon Kupala which may not be easily differentiated).

She is an incredible warrior and has survived Sabat attacks for a long time.

Recently its said she has taken on the Path of the Night after ending with those of the Sabat that were after her.
player, 4 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 07:32
  • msg #11

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

Lucita, Lasombra-Childe (and killer) of the Archbishop Moncada, lover of the now-renegade Assamite Fatima (who took part in the killing of Moncada), is important because she is a signature character who appears through a number of novels and was, to my recall, played by one of the designers during their sessions and thus has a fairly important role in the Gehenna/Anatole-Becket metaplot.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:34, Tue 18 Sept 2012.
GM, 38 posts
But I love my turtle!
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 13:08
  • msg #12

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

You all are mostly correct but you're missing the most key fact of them all.  Benigno was closest when he mentioned she turned to the Path of Night.

She JOINED the Sabbat and took her sire's place.  It's all part of the Shards and Shadows series.  :P
player, 5 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 13:12
  • msg #13

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

The question was why she is important, not her latest important deed, though. :P

Was that a novel series, by the way? I'll remove this post if you don't want discussion in regards to the answer in here since it's devianting from a pure question answer, but I'm curious -- hadn't heard of that one before and I generally like Lasombra.
GM, 39 posts
But I love my turtle!
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 13:16
  • msg #14

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

It is a series a novels and it is about her.  :D

I'd say that being a Lasombra Anti-Trib who (helped) kill her own sire, was once an Archon, an associate of the Malkavian Anatole and the Gangrel Beckett, and then joined the Sabbat is all in part why she is important.

I was specifically looking for a mention of joining the Sabbat.

Y'all were most correct and Benigno was the closest so I am giving him the +1 exp.
player, 4 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 13:42
  • msg #15

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

ah, i thought the exp bonus was community wide, my bad.
player, 6 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 13:51
  • msg #16

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

I had gotten the same impression, mostly because getting 5 answers right had it specifically emphasized that the extra bonus went to the character of the person who managed that ... that would be a huge number, though, particularly if the questions keep coming at the same rate as they just did.
GM, 40 posts
But I love my turtle!
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 14:02
  • msg #17

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

It is.  But I am awarding it to him because none of you were 100%, and he was the closest.

I also said that I'd only take one answer.

But I gave y'all a bunch of opportunities.


Oh Alright, y'all talked me into it.

Y'all can all have the +1 exp.  But be nice to Benigno because he's the one that got it for you.  :D
GM, 3 posts
Tue 18 Sep 2012
at 15:02
  • msg #18

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

/looks up mid-Diablrie..


/wipes his mouth and lets Benigno keep his soul...for now...
GM, 42 posts
But I love my turtle!
Mon 24 Sep 2012
at 02:42
  • msg #19

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

Next question.  This one is specific for this game.

What is Fight Club, and why is it important?
player, 5 posts
Mon 24 Sep 2012
at 06:58
  • msg #20

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

The fight club is the trademark of a neutral faction within the Anarchs "led" by Edge The dirty name. They stress their phisical capabilities which are in part what keeps them "untouched". The fight club is used as a ladder sort of ranking within the faction but also (If I understood correctly) humans may join at times, but keeping things within the masquerade.

The fight club is used as a way for the anarchs to steam out, and keep them without erupting. The way it looks its as if Edge is waiting for an elder thats worth it, and is meanwhile using the fight club to keep everyone in line. The rumors meanwhile say that she has lost her 'edge'.
GM, 44 posts
But I love my turtle!
Tue 25 Sep 2012
at 13:57
  • msg #21

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

Good Enough For Me!

But since you mentioned Edge...

Who is She, and why is she important?
GM, 47 posts
But I love my turtle!
Fri 28 Sep 2012
at 13:36
  • msg #22

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

One more day to answer this one...

And while I am at it...

+7exps to comb through the NPCs you can look at and find duplicate pictures.  Let me know which are the duplicates (not necessarily the same person, but clearly, obviously, the same picture) so that I can fix them.  Don't say there aren't any unless you are sure.  Given that I know there is at least one or two, I will dock you -3 exp just for saying there aren't any or that you can't find them.

Abigail O'Carroll
Camarilla PC, 1 post
Fri 28 Sep 2012
at 14:32
  • msg #23

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

one pair found:
player, 7 posts
Fri 28 Sep 2012
at 15:33
  • msg #24

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

There is only one pair
player, 9 posts
Sat 29 Sep 2012
at 11:01
  • msg #25

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

Ahh regarding Edge, appart from what was mentioned previously, she is an Anarch Baroness has a capricious temper, is broodmate of Eve AND they get along though they dont work together. Oh, and an Archon owes her big.

Most importantly, she is quite hot.
GM, 50 posts
But I love my turtle!
Thu 11 Oct 2012
at 01:45
  • msg #26

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

Abigail and Benigno get the photo exp.  Benigno gets the exp for monitoring Edge.

Nobody else wants to take a shot at XP?
player, 3 posts
Sat 13 Oct 2012
at 14:49
  • msg #27

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

Isn't Edge also resistant to magic? She's of particular interest to the Tremere right?? Not sure if I'm remembering this correctly or not.
GM, 56 posts
But I love my turtle!
Sat 13 Oct 2012
at 15:27
  • msg #28

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

You are absolutely right Phunny.  :D

The Tremere have since given up on trying to apprehend her though.  Tyler Crown is a particular badass, on the same level of Dragon or Ryan, easily, and he has failed not once, not twice, but thrice!

It is the Tremere who have decided that the best method of dealing with Edge is to just ignore her, and she will eventually go away.
GM, 91 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 29 Nov 2012
at 13:53
  • msg #29

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

So who is behind door #1 with Dragon?

Riley Ishikawa?
Dora Delavergne?
Virgil Youngblood?
Christian Knox?
Nicolette Cain?
Or someone else? Who?

And who comes through the front door to say hi?

Sabina Giovanni?
Seung Lei?
Corazon Santiago?
Or Michael St.Claire? (Bio TBA)
player, 30 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2012
at 14:50
  • msg #30

Re: V:tM Trivia - Worth  1 exp.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:56, Thu 29 Nov 2012.
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