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07:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 2: At Blenheim House.

Posted by Great Old OneFor group 0
Great Old Six
GM, 891 posts
That is not dead
which can eternal lie
Sun 5 Jan 2014
at 08:37
  • msg #492

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

The pair arrive back at Mayfair at around half past three in the afternoon.
Great Old One
GM, 893 posts
That is not dead
which can eternal lie
Sun 12 Jan 2014
at 13:41
  • msg #493

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

George arrives to find the servants finishing their packing. As Jonathan explains his plans to the others there is a persistent ring at the doorbell. A few minutes later Henderson intrudes. "Begging your pardon m'Lord, but there's a Percival Naughton to see you". the butler passes over his card. "The fellow says he needs to talk to your urgently about someone called Soran"

Percival Naughton.
Naughton and Carter Rare Books
12 High Street
Horesham, Surrey

Jonathan Cavendish
player, 203 posts
Lord Deville
Sun 12 Jan 2014
at 17:02
  • msg #494

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Jonathan passes the card to George and Kit: "Shall we see what the fellow wants?

"Show him in to the library, Henderson. I shall be with him presently."

This message was last edited by the player at 17:03, Sun 12 Jan 2014.
Captain George Yates
player, 179 posts
Boston Huntsmaster
Captain, US Army Retired
Mon 13 Jan 2014
at 01:00
  • msg #495

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

"Rare books? I wonder if he is here to make a purchase..." George would be far from upset if they could leave that cursed book behind.
Christopher 'Kit' Cavendish
player, 318 posts
Writer and Black Sheep
Tue 14 Jan 2014
at 18:43
  • msg #496

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Kit snorts. "Not likely, George. I have a funny feeling that I know what this fellow's about. And I don't like it."

He sits facing the door, draped over a chair and glaring at it when this Naughton walks in.
Percival Naughton
player, 164 posts
Thu 16 Jan 2014
at 01:52
  • msg #497

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

A relatively young man in his mid-twenties steps into the room.  He stands a few inches under 6 feet, pale skinned, with sharp eyes that probably don't miss much.
 His suit is slightly out of style, but in good condition.

"Very good of you to see me Lord Deville, "  nervously brushing the vest of his suit with his right hand. "I didn't realize you had company."  He pauses, clearly deciding whether or not to continue, "You see I was hoping to talk to you on a matter most urgent."

His eyes dart quickly to Lord Deville to see how he is taking this intrusion.
Christopher 'Kit' Cavendish
player, 321 posts
Writer and Black Sheep
Thu 16 Jan 2014
at 02:32
  • msg #498

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Kit stands. "We are not 'company.' We are relatives of Lord Deville. Anything you say to him, we will hear as well. Do you have a problem with that?"

The American's brash words are not lessened by his look, which is that of a man who has seen too many shenanigans for his liking of late.
Jonathan Cavendish
player, 207 posts
Lord Deville
Thu 16 Jan 2014
at 12:50
  • msg #499

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Jonathan gives the man a tolerant smile.

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr Naughton. Please, take a seat." He gestures to a chair and settles himself on the sofa, before addressing the butler, "Henderson, I think we'll have some tea."

Once Kit and George are seated, he turns his full attention on Naughton, observing the man's dress and manner for a long moment before speaking again, "Tell us about this 'urgent matter' that has brought you to my door."
Captain George Yates
player, 180 posts
Boston Huntsmaster
Captain, US Army Retired
Fri 17 Jan 2014
at 04:30
  • msg #500

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

The Captain sits and waits, watching the newcomer with a wary eye.
Percival Naughton
player, 165 posts
Sat 18 Jan 2014
at 13:03
  • msg #501

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Percival speaks slowly at first, "I heard a rumor that you may have an interest in the Soran Institute and Dr. Soran."  He stops to make sure no one disputes what he said.

"I have an interest myself." His emotions take over as his pace picks up, "I believe Dr. Soran is a charlatan, or worse."

He continues to avoid eye contact.  Looking down he wrings his hands together as if he wishes there was a neck he could choke.  "My father fell under Dr. Soran's sway.  It nearly bankrupted us, but worst of all it eventually cost my father his life."  Grimly he stated, "I am sure if my father had never met that man he would be alive today."

Then quietly he muttered, "And his death wasn't the worst part.....".  He checked himself.  Clearly he wondered if had said too much.  His face turned red as he quickly looked up to see what kind of response he would get.
Jonathan Cavendish
player, 208 posts
Lord Deville
Sat 18 Jan 2014
at 14:34
  • msg #502

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

"When did all this occur, Mr Naughton?" asks Jonathan in a carefully neutral tone, "I was of the belief that Dr Soran has been dead for some time now."
Percival Naughton
player, 167 posts
Sat 18 Jan 2014
at 15:21
  • msg #503

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

"Presumed Dead", Percival said bitterly.  But then checked his tone in the presence of Lord Deville.

"It was some time back, right before the Institute burned down."    The distaste in his voice was clear, "Rather convenient that it happened shortly after my father's death."

"I have had this sneaking suspicion that Dr. Soran set that fire to cover his tracks, " he scans the group, "And I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on the subject.
Christopher 'Kit' Cavendish
player, 322 posts
Writer and Black Sheep
Wed 22 Jan 2014
at 05:19
  • msg #504

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Kit looks obviously surprised at Percival's statements.

"Well, your Lordship, that IS interesting. A poential kindred spirit." His eyes narrow. "Or an agent of Dr. Soran. How do we know you're sincere?"
Percival Naughton
player, 168 posts
Thu 23 Jan 2014
at 00:52
  • msg #505

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Percy turns on Kit abruptly, "How dare you sir!  To even think that I could be associated with that criminal"

Percy's normally pale cheeks start to turn pink as he sputters, "He turned my father into a monster we had to kill!"

Percy startled even himself with the outburst.  Knowing he had gone too far this time, Percy took a step back. "Beg your pardon Lord Deville," he looked at Kit and Captain Yates, "yours too gentleman."

Wearily he said, "My mother doesn't speak anymore, my little sister can't stop crying, .... and I can't forget that night."  He straightens up, "But that isn't your problem, sir. Sorry for the intrusion."  He prepares to walk away hat in hand.
Captain George Yates
player, 181 posts
Boston Huntsmaster
Captain, US Army Retired
Thu 23 Jan 2014
at 01:16
  • msg #506

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

George decides to wait and see if the newcomer actually is ready to leave, or if his rising to go is some sort of ploy.
Christopher 'Kit' Cavendish
player, 323 posts
Writer and Black Sheep
Thu 23 Jan 2014
at 04:31
  • msg #507

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Kit walks forward and blocks the door. "Stop now, there, Percival. Sit down. If you are serious about stopping Soran--and I believe you are--then you don't leave now."

His face hardens. "I can't speak for my family, here, but don't ever suggest to me that the suffering of your family is not my affair. This is about more than you, or family, or feelings. This is about the dignity of the human being. This is about stopping an abomination from destroying the lives of others."

He cocks his head. "Are you interested in being part of the solution, Percival?"
Captain George Yates
player, 183 posts
Boston Huntsmaster
Captain, US Army Retired
Fri 24 Jan 2014
at 03:24
  • msg #508

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Cock blocked by the youngster yet again. George didn't waste his time trying to share his displeasure, Kit had proven himself immune to the advice of elders. Sigh...
Percival Naughton
player, 170 posts
Sat 25 Jan 2014
at 13:04
  • msg #509

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

"I am, I truly am sir", Percy responded earnestly.
Christopher 'Kit' Cavendish
player, 324 posts
Writer and Black Sheep
Sun 26 Jan 2014
at 05:00
  • msg #510

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Kit smiles grimly. "Good. Sit." He indicates the chair he left and looks to his cousin to continue the conversation.
Jonathan Cavendish
player, 210 posts
Lord Deville
Sun 26 Jan 2014
at 13:57
  • msg #511

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

In reply to Percival Naughton (msg # 509):

Jonathan fixes Percival with an intent gaze, as though weighing his mettle. Then, he speaks: "Just how far are you prepared to go, Mr. Naughton?"

His lips curve into a tight smile, "I ask, because we are prepared to go to Bermuda. We have a hint that Soran's trail may lead to that island. Are you in circumstances that will allow you to accompany us?

"My funds are a bit tight just now, but I believe we can cover the costs of your passage, if you don't mind sharing a cabin with Kit here."

Percival Naughton
player, 171 posts
Mon 27 Jan 2014
at 23:24
  • msg #512

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Percy takes the proffered chair and listens to Lord Deville.

He seems genuinely surprised when Jonathan mentions Bermuda, but he doesn't hesitate when asked.

"I am prepared to go as far as it takes Lord Deville", he responds grimly.
"I'll just need time to send a telegram to a friend to make sure the shop is in good hands."

Looking at Kit he says, "I don't mind sharing a cabin if you don't sir."
Christopher 'Kit' Cavendish
player, 325 posts
Writer and Black Sheep
Tue 28 Jan 2014
at 21:35
  • msg #513

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Kit chuckles. "It's whether you'll mind sharing it with me by the time we're done. You're welcome to come, young Naughton. " The young American walks up to Percival and claps him on the back.
Percival Naughton
player, 172 posts
Fri 31 Jan 2014
at 22:08
  • msg #514

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Percy allows himself a shy smile that widens into a grin.

"Bermuda ey?  I hear it gets frightfully hot there."
Christopher 'Kit' Cavendish
player, 327 posts
Writer and Black Sheep
Sat 1 Feb 2014
at 04:45
  • msg #515

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Kit laughs until he tears up.
Captain George Yates
player, 184 posts
Boston Huntsmaster
Captain, US Army Retired
Sun 2 Feb 2014
at 02:09
  • msg #516

Re: Friday July 25th 2:30 PM

Amazed at the near maniacal laughter of Kit (and it is only near maniacal, and not full blown out of courtesy) George give Jonathon a concerned glance.
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