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13:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Introduction and Rules.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 1 post
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 28 May 2014
at 12:58
  • msg #1

Introduction and Rules

This game is for those who just want to having a good D&D adventure without having to use 35 books, or a setting you don't have, or have six different classes and a homebrewed race.

All you'll need for this game are the Player's Handbook (PHB), Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG), and the Monster Manual (MM).  Or just access to the SRD; that'll work just fine.

The setting will be very lightly homebrewed - just some place names, general geography, and a few flourishes, all of which will be explained in the "World of Low'verok" post.  All deities will be core, all general attitude towards races explained in the PHB will be as normal.

Rules For the Game:

1.  Please post at least once every other day.  If you're going to be gone longer than 4 days, please let me know.  If you go a week without logging in and don't respond to PMs or rMails, you'll be dropped from the game.

2.  Use good grammar and spelling when you post.

3.  Post in a narrative fashion, as if you were writing your character's actions in a story.  If you have any game mechanical things to bring to my attention, put them at the end of your post either in a PM or with OOC: in Orange.

A Good Example:
Trysol looked at the pack of approaching wargs with her heart in her throat, their menacing growling making her feel as if were going to be dinner at any moment.

"You don't want me, doggies, I'm awfully small and stringy..." she said, trying to keep a tremble out of her voice.

Feeling the need for courage, and thinking her friends must feeling the same, she brought out her flute as if it were a holy talisman.  Setting it to her trembling lips, she took a deep breath and blew out the first notes of a marching tune.

OOC:  Trysol brings out her flute and begins to inspire courage.

A Bad Example:
I take a move action to pull out my flute and then inspire courage.

The first is fun and flavorful.  The second bores me to tears.  Don't bore the DM.

4.  Please use a color for your speech.  Be certain that color is not being used by anyone else.  I reserve Coral for all NPC use.  Orange is used for all OOC comments.  Red makes my eyes hurt, so I'd prefer no one use that.  I'll use Red only when something really bad is happening, like you're being attacked by a demon.

5.  Rolls - I will roll for Initiative, for your saves, and for your average Spot, Listen, and Sense Motive checks.  Obviously during combat you'll roll for your own attacks/skill checks, as I have no idea what you'll be doing.  If you want to make an extra Spot, Listen, or Sense Motive check to represent your character being particularly cautious or paranoid, that's fine.  In OOC situations where you're making skill checks, etc., you'll make your own.  This being the case, make sure you use the format provided for your character sheets, and be certain to put any conditional modifiers for your attacks, saves, or skills near those sections.  If, for example, your character has a bonus to saves vs. enchantments, I need to be able to read that near your saves, not have to hunt for it all over your sheet.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:05, Sat 20 Sept 2014.
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