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Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 311 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 7 May 2014
at 04:40
  • msg #1


This thread will hold information on Animals, Fabled Animals, Mythical Creatures, & Races, etc.

The Bestiary provides a listing of all known Animals types (post # 4 & 7) from the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. The animal list is very real and maybe even common. Fabled Animals, Mythical Creatures, & Races maybe completely fictional and just appear on coats of arms, the truth to this Bestiary is playing and experiencing it.

All the information in this thread is considered player knowledge not PC knowledge unless you have encounter them at some point in the characters storyline
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:11, Thu 03 July 2014.
GM, 312 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 7 May 2014
at 04:52
  • msg #2

Re: Beastiary

Mythical Creatures

are mythical creatures with the head, arms, and torso of a man and the body and legs of a horse.

* Children of the Forest:
sometimes referred to simply as the "children" are a mysterious non-human race that originally inhabited the continent of Westeros long before the arrival of the First Men during the Dawn Age more than 12,000 years ago.

an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in the underworld.

* Dragons:
are magical creatures, which existed on the continents of Westeros and Essos, and are considered to be extinct for several years. The only remaining traces of the dragons were skeletal remains and dragon eggs which many believe have turned to stone.

a creature of myth and legend, they were believed to have been the guardians of artifacts and lost cities. The ruins of once great cities have been discovered through out Westeros and Essos. Some say they have recovered from these sites rare Artifacts depict the existence of a great lion-like dragon with a fiery mane.

are creatures that breathe fire but have no wings and can bore through rock, soil, and stone. They are possibly related to dragons and have no love for men. Their young are no longer than a child's arm, while the largest can grow to immense sizes. They were encountered by slaves of the Valyrian Freehold in the mines of the Fourteen Fires. According to old tales firewyrms were in the Fourteen Fires long before dragons came.

are mythical creatures that are described with grotesque human features as well as with animal facial features, they are sometimes described with bat like wings and the ability to fly.

an evil spirit/phantom, morbidly interested in death & disaster, and robber of graves that feed on dead bodies.

* Giant:
believed to have died out ages ago, so far back that most folk regard them as monstrous myths. Giants still live in Westeros, but they are contained to the lands beyond the Wall. A giant has the general shape and build of a man but stands as tall as 12 feet.

a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and an eagle's talons as its front feet.

are mythical creatures that appear in Westerosi folktales.

A grumkin is a children's fanciful monster, in the old stories they are believed to be crafters of magic things that could make a wish come true.

* Hellhound:
is a supernatural dog in folklore. Features that have been attributed to hellhounds include black fur, glowing red or yellow eyes, super strength and speed, and ghostly characteristics, foul odor, and sometimes even the ability to talk. Westeros legends state that if someone stares into a hellhound's eyes three times or more, that person will surely die.

Worshipers of R'hllor

Worshipers of The Lord of Light associate the hellhound with the afterlife and fire, they believe hellhounds have fire-based abilities and appearance. Many say they are often assigned to guard the entrances to the world of the dead, such as graveyards and burial grounds, and undertake other duties related to the afterlife or the supernatural, such as hunting lost souls or guarding a supernatural treasure. In Essos seeing a hellhound or hearing it howl is an omen of death.

are mythical creatures similar to the appearance of a dragon, more often referred to as a many-headed serpent or monster

are creatures largely considered a myth by the people of Westeros. Krakens are sea monsters in the form of a giant squid said to be able to pull down a whaling ship. A gold kraken is the arms of House Greyjoy. House Celtigar of Claw Isle is said to have among its treasures a horn that can summon krakens from under the sea.

is a legendary creature with a human head, a lion's body and the tail of a scorpion. This legendary being appears to have been relatively common in the Valyrian statuary, and is represented as one of the statues that adorn the fortress of Dragonstone.

Player Notes
The manticore is the charge on the arms of House Lorch. The Manticore Isles are presumably named after the creature.

Merling (and Merman):

A shadow is a type of magical creature. Servants of the Lord of Light employ them to undertake dangerous missions on their behalf. The shadow assassin is created through an act of sexual intercourse, and controlled by its bearer.

are mythical creatures that appear in Westerosi folktales.

They are supposedly the kind of monsters that little children hear about in nursery stories, the kind spoken of in the same breath as ghosts, goblins, vampires, & the bogeyman.

are mythical creatures with a human's face, a lion's or dragon's body, and raptor's wings.

A unicorn is a large horse/goat-like animal, with a long single horn on its head. They are believed to live on Skagos. Several houses feature unicorns in their sigils.

White Walker:
* See Fabled Creatures post # 5 in this thread

A wight is a reanimated corpse, either human or animal, raised from death by the White Walkers to act as their minions. Anyone who falls against the White Walkers must be burned, or else the dead will rise again as their thralls. Fear of their own dead becoming wights leads the free folk to burn them.

are kin to dragons, although they do not breathe fire.

Player Notes
Wyvern Point in northern Sothoryos is named after the creature, which hunts above its swamps and jungles. Septon Barth wrote about them in Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns: Their Unnatural History. The sigil of House Vyrwel of Darkdell depicts a wyvern. The castle of Dragonstone includes wyverns among its stone gargoyles

* Denotes creatures that at one time did exist or maybe still do but most of Westeros believes them to be no more then stories to frighten children.

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:08, Wed 03 Sept 2014.
GM, 313 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 7 May 2014
at 04:57
  • msg #3

Re: Beastiary

There is currently one playable race to choose from in A Game of Thrones: To Rule the Kingdoms. Human is by far the most common creature in Westeros. The other races are extraordinarily unusual or largely mythical creatures that generally do not fit into the fabric of Westerosi society therefore they are currently Non-Playable.


Humans in Westeros are often larger than would be expected from a roughly medieval civilization. Many men are over six feet tall, with abnormally large men standing seven feet or taller. Some bloodlines of humans are known for having unusual physical traits. Targaryens often have platinum hair and violet eyes, while descendants of the Ghiscari often have both red and black hair. Natives of Westeros have predominantly European features, with regional variations. Natives of the Summer Islands and the continent of Sothoryos have predominantly African features. Natives of other areas have a variety of features from many real-world races.


Huge, shaggy humanoids of slightly below human intelligence, Giants are a dwindling species found only in the lands to the extreme north, beyond the Wall. They ride mammoths into battle, wielding crude clubs that are little more than logs. They speak the Old Tongue of the First Men.

*Children of the Forest

The original inhabitants of Westeros, Children of the Forest are frequently mentioned but have not been seen in thousands of years. They are thought to be diminutive humanoid creatures; dark and beautiful, with mysterious powers over dreams and nature. They are said to have used obsidian weapons and weirbows in battle. Little of their legacy exists at present beyond their worship of nameless nature gods still practiced by some in the North, and the remaining Weirwoods.


A mysterious and apparently malevolent race of creatures found beyond the Wall. They have only been seen at night and seem to bring unnatural cold with them. They appear as tall, gaunt humanoids with eyes of blue so deep it burns like fire. They wear armor that shifts in color with every step, and wield thin crystal swords that are so cold they can shatter iron. Others move silently, but their voices sound like cracking ice. Creatures they kill reanimate as wights, undead zombies with glowing blue eyes. The Others exhibit a weakness to weapons made of dragonglass, which will pierce their armor easily. In death, they seem to melt into a pool of extremely cold liquid.

*Denotes non-playable races.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:20, Wed 07 May 2014.
GM, 314 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 7 May 2014
at 05:04
  • msg #4

Re: Beastiary


Cattle (wild)
is a type of very large wild cattle (wild ox, bull) that inhabited Westeros. They are frequently used as a symbol of size, strength, and stupidity. An auroch was used as a mount by the mythical Clarence Crabb as a display of his prowess.

adult male cattle found in Westeros. More muscular and aggressive than the female of the species, the cow. The bull and cow play a significant role in both beef and dairy farming.

Player Notes
The Bull holds a place of significance in many cultures since before the beginning of recorded history. They appear in cave paintings estimated to be thousands of years old. The mythic 'Bull of the Heavens' plays an ancient role of importance, where it is often associated with strength and fertility and worshipped by a few, in Essos.

   Wild Ox:
are trained as a draft animal and are a common adult male cattle found in Essos often castrated to makes easier to control.

Venomous creatures that infest the jungles of Yi Ti.

Bear (various)
   Black Bear:
is a medium-sized bear native to Westeros, It is the continent's smallest and most widely konwn bear species. They typically live in largely forested areas, but do leave forests in search of food. Sometimes they become attracted to human communities because of the immediate availability of food.

   Cave Bear:
The cave bear has a domed skull with a steep forehead. Its stout body has long thighs, massive shin and in-turning feet. Cave bears are in size the largest bears in Westeros. The average weight for males 880 to 1,100 lb, while females weigh 495 to 550 lb, the female are merely "dwarfs" compared to males. Cave bears tend to grew larger in the north compared to the south, some say to adjust to climates.

   Snow Bear:

   Bloodfly: (found in the east)
are bloodsucking glistening purple insects found in Essos. They can grow to be larger then bees and live in marshes or stagnant pools. They lay their eggs in the dead and dying.

Wine of Courage is made of bloodfly larva.

   Camel: is an even-toed ungulate with distinctive fatty deposits, or humps, on its back. It is very similar to the real world camel. Camels are used as transport in Essos. There has been no mention of camels in Westeros. Camels are popular transport in Qarth. A camel cavalry, or camelry, is also used in combat by the Qartheen.

Deer (various)
   Red Deer:
is a common deer and the fourth-largest deer species in Westeros.

the male is termed a "stag", and is used as a description for larger antlered deer.

Player Notes
Specifically, the word "hart" is used of a red deer stag more than five years old. In hunting terms, a stag in its first year is called a "calf" or "calfe", in its second a "brocket", in its third a "spayed", "spade", or "spayard", in its fourth a "staggerd" or "staggard", and in its fifth a "stag", or a "great stag".

To be a "hart" was its fully mature state. Lords of Westeros want to hunt not just any deer, but a mature stag in good condition, partly for the extra meat and fat it would carry, but also for prestige. Hence a hart could be designated "a hart of grease"; a fat stag, "a hart of ten"; a stag with ten points on its antlers or "a royal hart"; a stag which had been hunted by a royal personage. A stag which was old enough to be hunted was called a "warrantable" stag.

   Hart, White : (found through-out the world, extremely rare)

   Elk (Great): (found in the east)
is one of the largest species of the deer family in the world. It often confused with the red deer. Apart from the moose, the only other member of the deer family to rival the elk in size. Male elk have large antlers which are shed each year. Males also engage in ritualized mating behaviors during the rut, including posturing, antler wrestling (sparring), and bugling, a loud series of vocalizations which establishes dominance over other males and attracts females. Elk range in forest and forest-edge habitat, feeding on grasses, plants, leaves, and bark.

Player Notes
Some tribal cultures in Westeros revere the elk as a spiritual force.

a close relative of the wolf, but larger and stronger. Direwolves are almost extinct south of the wall, as they are a very large and dangerous predator, and people have hunted them out.

Dog (various)
is an ancient breed of dog often served as a hunter, guardian, herder, and defender. It is known for its courage in tracking and hunting moose (or elk) and other large game.

is a breed of domestic dog, specifically a sighthound. The name originates from its purpose, wolf hunting rather than from its appearance. The Wolfhound can be an imposing sight due to their formidable size; they are the tallest of all dog breeds.

are livestock guardians or pastoral dogs used to guard sheep and other livestock in farms for farmers, there are various breeds, but are generally call sheepdogs by the common folk.

a mixed breed of dog that many find difficult to visually identify the breed, and while this breed of dogs are often labelled a "pit bulls" for the fighting in the pits. They do have certain physical characteristics such as a square shaped head and bulky body type.

   Black Mastiff:
is a breed of large dog, descended from the ancient breed with a significant input for the cold weather. Distinguishable by its enormous size, massive head, and a limited range of colours (rarely dark gray) but always a black, the Mastiff is noted for its gentle temperament.

   Dwarf Elephant:
is a small species of elephant. The streets of Old Volantis are overrun with white dwarf elephants which are used as a mode of transport. A single dwarf elephant pulls an ornate cart called a hathay, which is similar to a Westerosi oxcart but far more decorative. In Volantis persons of quality travel by palanquin, or in the back of the hathay. Thus far dwarf elephants have only been see in Volantis.

Falcon (various)
is the largest of the falcon breed. The Gyrfalcon mate and produce offspring on the north coasts and the Iron Islands of Westeros. They mainly live in The North, Beyond the Wall and the Iron Islands. Its plumage varies with location, with birds being coloured from all-white to dark brown. Gyrfalcons disperse more widely after the breeding season, and in winter. For centuries, gyrfalcon have been regarded as a precious hunting bird, highly valued among nobles.

is a small species of falcon from the Northern Hemisphere. A bird of prey also known as a pigeon hawk in The North, the Merlin breeds in the southern regions of Westeros and migrate to northern Dorne in winter.

Flying fish: (found in the seas east of the western lands)

   Black Fox:
also sometime called the silver fox is just a little smaller then the Red Fox. Black or Silver foxes display a great deal of pelt variation: some are completely black except for a white coloration on the tip of the tail, some are bluish-grey, and some may have a  ash-gray color on the sides. These foxes were amongst the most valued to furbearers, and their skins were frequently worn by nobles.

   Red Fox:
is the largest of the foxes and is the most abundant member of their species. Red Foxes live and breed across all of Westeros from the far North to the south in Dorne. Its range is equal to human expansion.

   White Fox:
also known as the snow fox, is a small fox native to the Arctic regions of the Westeros and is common throughout the tundra. It is well adapted to living in cold environments. It has a deep thick fur which is always white in winter with grey in the summer. It averages in size at about 33inches in body length, with a generally rounded body shape to minimize the escape of body heat.

They prey on any small animals they can find, including lemmings, voles, ringed seal pups, fish, and seabirds. They will also eat carrion, berries, and seaweed. They form monogamous pairs during the breeding season and usually stay together in family groups of multiple generations in complex underground dens.

Horse (various) See: Beastiary - Horses by Breed post # 8
   Courser (light warhorse)
   Destrier (heavy warhorse)
   Garron (light horse)
   Dray (heavy horse)
   Palfrey (light horse)
   Rounsey (heavy horse)
   Stot (heavy horse)
   Sand Steed
   Shaggy Mountain Horse

   Cave Lion:
This species is one of the largest lions. They have a shoulder height of around 5 ft. and a head-body length of 8 ft. without the tail. Cave lions have rounded, protruding ears, tufted tails, faint tiger-like stripes, and the males have a "ruff" or tight mane around their necks.

   Hrakkar: (found in the east)
are a breed of white lion native to the Dothraki Sea.

   Lizard-lion (massive alligator or crocodile):
Massive, swamp-dwelling reptiles found in the Neck, these creatures are most likely large crocodilians.

are the only pachyderm native to Westeros. They inhabit the far north beyond the Wall and Ibben. They are used as mounts by giants and have long hair and long curved tusks.

Owl (various)
also known as the True Owl or the Hoot Owl, is a largest owl native to Westerso. It is an extremely adaptable bird with a vast range and is one of the most widely sold owl in Westeros.

   Owl, White:
these magnificent owls remain year-round in their northern breeding grounds, but they are frequent migrants to Area northwest of The Reach. Lemming availability may determine the extent of southern migration, when owls take up summer residence on open fields, marshes, and beaches.

Pig (various)
   Boar: (found in western forests)

are a species of large, black-feathered birds native to Westeros. Much stronger with better homing instinct then most birds. Ravens are used to carry messages between castles and cities. Ravens are strong flyers, larger then most birds, bolder, far more clever, and better able to defend themselves against hawks and the like.

Player Notes
The maester of each castle usually tends to its own flock of ravens. Maesters raise a breed of white ravens at the Citadel that are said to be more intelligent and are sent out to mark the change of seasons. Ravens are known sometimes to imitate human speech like parrots. Ravens can speak the True Tongue, the language of the children of the forest, a tongue no human can.

Deference between crows:

Scorpion (various)
   Red Tipped Scorpion: (found in the east and rare in Dorne):

   Black Scorpion:

   Red Scorpion:

   Shadowcat (large predatory cats):
are large felines, that are found beyond the Wall and also in the Mountains of the Moon. Shadowcats are fearsome predators, but will also scavenge. They have thick black fur with white stripings, in size they are similar to a mountain lion. It's said that shadowcats can smell blood six miles away. They eat every shred of meat from a kill and will even crack the bones to get at the marrow. Shadowcats tend to not attack living men unless very starved.

There is a constellation of stars named the shadowcat.

Snake (various)
   Water Snake:

   Snow Shrikes:
are birds most commonly found in the North, although they have also been observed in the Riverlands. They are more easily seen in the deep of winter when woods are stilled by snow.

   Stinging Fly:

   Zorse (breed of zebra): (found in the east)
is a striped black-and-white horse, though not known for certain from the eastern continent of Essos. They are described as fierce and are said to come from the plains of the Jogos Nhai.

    Player Notes
Even a highborn that has received a good education will not be able to identify the zorse by name when first seen, so presumably they may be unknown among even well-educated of Westeros. They remain exremely rare beasts on Westeros. The differences between riding a zorse, as opposed to a horse, is not known.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:43, Wed 03 Sept 2014.
GM, 315 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 7 May 2014
at 05:06
  • msg #5

Re: Beastiary

Fabled Creatures

The Others

Creatures of legend, the Others, also known as White Walkers, are a malicious breed of vile creatures imbued with utter cold. They have the general size and shape of men but are alien in their movements, their bodies capable of inhuman grace and speed, flitting through the shadows and gloom of a winter night. Others are tall and hard, their flesh the color of milk, and their eyes burn with blue radiance.

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:49, Fri 16 May 2014.
GM, 318 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 7 May 2014
at 21:00
  • msg #6

Re: Beastiary

Human peoples living in Westeros and beyond

The First Men were the original humans and first inhabitants that set foot on Westeros. The Andals overran most of southern Westeros, but failed to take the North. The influence of the First Men is still felt in Westeros, most strongly in the North. They ruled the continent for millennia before the Andals invaded from the eastern continent of Essos. While the blood of the First Men and the Andals has intermingled over thousands of years of dynastic marriages, the inhabitants of the North have the greatest amount of First Men blood in their veins and keep their traditions.

The Andals are a race of men who crossed the narrow sea and began their invasion of Westeros. For several hundred years the First Men and the Andals warred, fighting for control of the continent. Eventually, the Andals conquered the southern half of the continent, while the Kings of Winter stopped all Andal incursions through the Neck at Moat Cailin.

In the present day, they are the dominant ethnic and cultural group in the continent.

The Free Folk is the name used to refer to themselves by the people who live in the lands beyond the Wall, still on the continent of Westeros but beyond the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms. The name they employ makes reference to their society, which recognizes no political authority and no claim of ownership over the land. The people of the Seven Kingdoms refer to the Free Folk derogatorily as 'wildlings'.

The Ironborn are the natives of the Iron Islands off the west coast of Westeros. They are a fiercely independent seafaring people who chafe at the rule of the Iron Throne.

The Dornishmen, also known as Dornish, are the inhabitants of Dorne, one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Like the Northmen and the Ironborn, the Dornish have a unique culture, law, and ethnic background, the result of the intermingling between the Westerosi inhabitants - predominantly of Andal origins - and the Rhoynar invaders that escaped Essos to avoid conquest by the Valyrian Freehold. Due to their Rhoynar blood, Dornishmen tend towards olive skin, black hair, and dark eyes.

The Rhoynar were a people from the eastern continent who fled to Dorne during a war with the Valyrian Freehold and intermingled with the local Andal population. They were named for their homeland, the immense Rhoyne river and its numerous tributaries.

The Crannogmen are the inhabitants of the swamps of the Neck, the southernmost part of the North which borders the Riverlands, in central Westeros. They are a unique offshoot of the First Men, who branched off from their Northmen cousins. They are pejoratively called 'mudmen' and 'bog devils' by outsiders.

The Northmen is usually applied in Westeros to refer to the people established in the region north of the Neck but south of The Wall, where the blood and traditions of the First Men still hold sway and the belief in the Old Gods of the Forest remains the dominant religion.

The Lhazareen are a race of peaceful shepherds from the continent of Essos. Established on Lhazar, south-east of Vaes Dothrak, their camps are frequently raided for slaves by the Dothraki, who refer to them as 'Lamb Men'.

The Dothraki are a race of nomadic horse-mounted warriors in Essos, the continent to the east of Westeros across the Narrow Sea. They inhabit the vast central plains of Essos, known as the Dothraki sea. They are said to be born, fight, and die in the saddle. Dothraki warriors are commonly referred to as 'horselords' but may also be derisively called 'screamers' as well.

The Ghiscari are a people and culture established on the region of Ghiscar and cities like New Ghis, Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen. The modern Ghiscari are, in fact, a mixed race descended from the original Ghiscari and a dozen races driven together by the Ghiscari Empire and its subsequent fall and subjugation by the Valyrian Freehold.

The Valyrians have a common racial characteristic among them, purple eyes and hair of silver-gold or platinum white.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:11, Wed 07 May 2014.
GM, 865 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 3 Jul 2014
at 15:55
  • msg #7

Re: Beastiary - Domesticated & Wilderness

This is a simple list of domesticated animals that are in Westeros

Player Notes:
There are no differences from these animals and our real world counterparts.


Peregrine Falcon

This is a simple list of wilderness animals that are in Westeros

Player Notes:
There are no differences from these animals and our real world counterparts.


Eagle, Sea
Goat, Wild
King Crab
Lantern Bug
Lemur (found in the east)
Mouse-pig (found in the east)
Cave Fish
Pike, River
Puff Fish
Squirrel, Black
Swan, Black
Tiger: (found in the east)
Tiger, Spotted: (found in the east)

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:40, Wed 03 Sept 2014.
GM, 1179 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 8 Aug 2014
at 13:57
  • msg #8

Re: Beastiary

Horses by Breed

Destrier - destriers are tall, strong, splendid animals and are often high spirited. Destriers give knights a majestic air at tournaments. They are normally the most valuable type of horse, being well bred and highly trained. Some even consider them too valuable to risk in war thus the courser is the preferred mount for fighting.

Courser - lighter than destriers and less costly, coursers are still beautiful animals. Coursers are also strong and fast, fit for war and for hunting. Warhorses are usually coursers, although they may in rare occasions be destriers.
The expected mount of knights and nobility when they find themselves in combat or jousting situations.

Charger - a warhorse used by mounted armoured noble of Slaver's Bay.

Palfrey - the distinguishing characteristic of a palfrey is its ambling capability that makes it a more comfortable mount for long riding journeys. A well-bred palfrey may be as expensive as a destrier. Even royalty and high nobility will often be seen riding palfreys, although they are not meant for combat or jousting. Sweetfoot, one of Dunk's horses, was a palfrey.

Garron - North of the Wall, Garrons are the only reasonable choice of horse (although other, rarer horselike animals might perhaps exist). Both the Night's Watch and its enemies use them in considerable numbers, both for riding and carrying cargo. Among horses, garrons are notable for their capability to deal with irregular terrain and cold temperatures. Under extreme cold, they fare better than palfreys and far better than destriers, who have considerably higher eating demands and are not particularly capable of dealing with snow.

Rounsey - a strong and capable steed of no particular breeding. Although rounseys are perfectly capable war horses, they are relegated to hedge knights, squires, and non-knightly men-at-arms. Rounsey are common riding horses and may also be used as pack animals.

Sand Steed - common in Dorne, it is a smaller than normal warhorse and cannot bear the weight of the armor (barding) that a warhorse usually wears. They are able to run for a day and a half before tiring.

Stot - An inferior or worthless horse. Dunk's horse Chestnut is a stot. Podrick Payne rides a stot in A Feast for Crows, and so does Reek in A Dance with Dragons.

Zorse - a fierce black-and-white striped horse from the eastern continent.

Pony - a horse that is noticeably small even when fully grown. Useful as children's mount, for driving charts and for carrying cargo and even riding (for riders of compatible size, of course). Ponies are not inherently less athletic or less capable than ordinary horses.

Mule - the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. Usually infertile, although it is possible for female mules to breed. Valued for their endurance and versatility for non-combat tasks. Mules are excellent working animals and may even be ridden, although they are not meant for combat. Dunk and Egg have a mule named Maester that they use mainly as a pack animal.

Dray - dray horses, also called plow horses, are strong horses meant for heavy tasks. They are not necessarily unfit for riding, although they will not be the best choice for combat situations.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:49, Mon 11 Aug 2014.
GM, 1181 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 8 Aug 2014
at 14:53
  • msg #9

Re: Beastiary

Horses by Culture

Horses are highly valued by most cultures in both Westeros and Essos.


In the Seven Kingdoms, a Knight is expected to have at least one horse and to keep it battle-ready at all times. Even in the North, where strictly speaking Knights are rare, horses are valued and employed in much the same way as in the rest of Westeros.

Beyond the Wall

Both the Night's Watch and the Free Folk (also known as the wildlings) regularly employ Garrons. Other breeds of horse aren't well suited to the climate, terrain and food scarcity of the lands Beyond the Wall.


Dorne is famed by its valued Dornish Sand Steeds, beautiful and valued horses.


The Dothraki

Dothraki measure wealth largely by the possession of horses, and spend most of their lives riding them. The horse is in the heart of the lives of Dothrakis, who are sometimes called "horselords"; for Dothraki the Horse is both a deity, a mount, a power source for its meat and milk of mares, and an inspiration for all craft.

The nomadic lifestyle, as well as many cultural taboos are directly associated with the horse (fear of salt water that horses do not consume, contempt of cities, etc…) Persons unable to ride are looked down by dothraki culture, and riding capability is associated with social prestige.

At the death of a Dothraki, his horse is slaughtered and later sacrificed on the funeral pyre of his master. The Dothraki consume almost exclusively horse meat, which they prefer to beef and pork, and to it they attribute many properties, especially for pregnant women. They drink a low alcohol beverage derived from mare's milk.

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:50, Thu 14 Aug 2014.
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