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The Dream and the Question: Vladimir.

Posted by The VoidFor group 0
The Void
GM, 398 posts
The Judgement
of Deep Space
Mon 28 Jul 2014
at 22:13
  • msg #1

The Dream and the Question: Vladimir


CASEREF: 07-04871439832
IID#: 07-04871439551
Jurisdiction: Indaris Prime
Name: Vladimir Harkness
Race/Sex: W/M
HID#: 7483-785123-22
Birthplace: Northern Hajari District, Indari Prime
Date of Birth: 29/01/289
Age: 26 SY
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Height: 1.77m
Weight: 82kg
City: Primestar Arcology
Planet: Indaris Prime
Current Address: 72-27-84-33-33 Level 91
Scars or Marks: None
Skintone: White
Military Service: N/A
Known Aliases: Meyrink, Patient Zero, Vlad
Known Associates: Agatha Ipileon [see ref], Marek Tuchana [see ref], Kyber Klub Gang [see ref]
Offense 1: 29 counts of Possession of Illegal Software
Code: 738-27
Plea: Not Guilty
Verdict: Acquitted - Lack of Evidence

Offense 2: 2 counts of Breaking and Entering
Code: 278-21
Plea: Not Guilty
Verdict: Acquitted - Lack of Evidence

Offense 3: 6 counts of Grand Theft
Code: 154-32
Plea: Not Guilty
Verdict: Mistrial

Offense 4: 1 count of Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Code: 472-17
Plea: Not Guilty
Verdict: Acquitted - No Fault

Offense 5: 2 counts of Burglary
Code: 278-01
Plea: Not Guilty
Verdict: Convicted - 2 years in Orstar Prison
Notes: Released after 6 month for good behavior. Served the next 18 months on parole. Sentence term - 308-310

Offense 6: 9 counts of Corporate Espionage
Code: 738-10
Plea: Not Guilty
Verdict: Acquitted - No Fault
Notes: Counter Sued Titan Macrotechnology in 311

Offense 7: 32,682 counts of Software Piracy
Code: 738-28
Plea: Not Guilty
Verdict: Acquitted - Lack of Evidence

Offense 8: 12 counts of Illegal Access to Government Computer Network
Code: 738-01
Court Date: 23/12/315
Active Warrants: 12 counts of Illegal Access to Government Computer Network on Indaris Prime
Current Location: UNKNOWN



This message was last edited by the GM at 21:48, Tue 29 July 2014.
Vladimir Harkness
player, 1 post
Wed 30 Jul 2014
at 22:49
  • msg #2

Re: The Dream and the Question: Vladimir

I don't have the patience for this right now.

"What are you, some kind of fuckin' idiot? Nobody at this level in this business gives a fuck about money, so don't ever ask me some stupid shit like that ever again, especially not when I'm tryin' to give a fuckin' briefing here you little cunt. Evelyn, slap this dumb shit for me, and do it again even harder if he opens his mouth one more time."

Evelyn does so with a smirk, and the kid is trying to apologize so she knocks him again until finally he gets it. This isn't a fucking game, and then suddenly he knows it. He's got that look of fear in his eyes all of the sudden now, like his intuition finally turned on and he's seen his own future. He probably asked for this job from some low-tier alley ring thinking he'd come up and get a promotion. Right now, this cock-in-hand scrub knows he's going to wash-out of his career in the Syndicate by the end of the day. I'm still going over the operation on paper and he's already making mistakes, asking the really dumb questions like, "why don't we just hack in remotely and steal numbers." Backwards thinking like that is a character flaw that meant I would look for the most opportune time to arrange an accident during the heist. Chasing money in a semi post-scarcity economy only made sense if you were an ordinary civilian work dog. When the masters say mush, you hit the harness - drag the sled till you drop. But me and my gang are enlightened criminal scum. We all know money is just another law to be bent until it breaks. You can't steal what people don't own.

I trace my fingertip along a red laser superimposed over a three-dimensional diagram of a corporate holding. The line of light indicates a path of entry into the building, and it leads straight down almost a mile, following an elevator shaft that opens into a vault. The vault room is heavily guarded by all kinds of post-tech that would make a job like this off the table for any other team, but my team is special - because of me. I make it special, because I can teleport right past all that shit and bring one or two passengers with me.

"Alright, back to business. So, here's the plan. There's only one physical terminal with access to the mainframe and it's inside the center of the building, here. Evelyn, once I'm inside the vault with Atrius the alarm will go off and the building will enter total lockdown. Security will be deployed immediately and every single portal from here to the surface gets soft-sealed. Atrius needs at least five minutes to deck in and cut the black, download the goodies, and break the seal on the lift, so as soon as you hear the alarm, start your dive. Lars, you'll be at the dustoff with the van exactly 92 seconds after that and we all go home and get laid. Nothing special about this job, 'shit's as routine as ham-and-cheddar. We've all done this dozens of times now, so I don't want to see any jitters tomorrow."

First I look at Lars, because that last sentence is a lie and aimed directly at him. He's the rook I'm being assigned to train, and this is his first real heist. I know he's going to fuck up, so I've got something special planned that I haven't mentioned yet. Then, I look at Evelyn and Atrius. I can't tell if Atrius is paying attention, but I'm not worried about it. Atrius is one of the best cyber warfare operatives I've ever seen. Ex-Indaris Navy Special Intelligence Forces, a goddamn rock-hammer, never failed a single op - a perfect record. Normally everyone botches a mission at some point, but this guy was unbroken, a master decker. I'd set aside 6 minutes and thirteen seconds for him to cut through the corporate grid ice, but I suspected it wouldn't even take him three. Evelyn was from the same stock, ex-special intelligence, but she was a spider. Her specialization was remote operations, drones, robots - basically she could make any kind of machine hooked up to a network her bitch. I needed her to be there with the knife to side-track the AI assault team that would boot and come running the second we tasted the honey. Our newest member, some kid named Lars, bought his way into this job with a bribe. He was completely useless, so I gave him the most important job of all, waiting in orbit with the dropship to come pick us up. All he needed to do was drop the shuttle down to the rooftop of the building within a thirty-second window of opportunity. Too early and local planetary response would ground him. Too late and local planetary response would ground us. So I told him, "don't forget kid, the early bird gets the worm."

No backtalk, not even a smile, just a curt nod this time. Good, you stupid fuck.

"Yo, Evelyn." I incline my head toward the portal out and she follows me into the starship corridor.

"Yeah, boss?" She asks with that sexy look. It's the night before a mission, she's excited, and I'm a TK, so we both know what's going to happen an hour from now. In fact, she wants it even more than me. As far as I'm concerned, all women are sluts, but this one especially. Though, I can't really blame her when the guy she's going down on can get her to cum just by thinking about it.

"Fuck you, I'm not your boss," I shoot back while lighting a cigarette. "I need to talk to you about something."

Evelyn leans back against the wall opposite. Now she's fucking with me, splaying her hands to the side, fingers spread against the surface, one foot tucked up next to her other knee, trying to look desperate. She's not taking me seriously right now, but that's fine. She'll hear what I'm about to say and then we can both get what we want. "Have the second shuttle remote prepped and ready for us to take off before Lars gets there. I don't like him," I tell her. Evelyn pushes off and floats over to me, pressing her tits up against my chest while she cups her hands over my shoulders and squeezes. "You didn't like the last three," she whispers into my ear while making out with it. I'm not going to argue and she won't disobey, because I can tell she doesn't like the kid either, so I let it drop.


In the warm, moist darkness of the room her mouth feels amazing. What she does with her tongue I can't even describe with words, so I describe it with my moans instead. Loud dubstep music washes out the sounds the two of us are making so nobody else needs to know about it. My eyes are shut but I can see the dull strobing and flicker of the room's built-in mini-rave armature turning the place into a small disco. Deprived of sight my other senses feel so much more exhilarating. The smell of her sex turns me on, mixed with whatever erotic perfume she's wearing for the occasion to be whorish on purpose. Everything gets amplified by the designer drugs I'm on at the moment, some new shit called "vortex". It's like being shitfaced drunk and on black-tar heroine without the lethal hangover and it feels so fucking incredible I'm already about to cum, but it's too early for that just yet.

I reach down with my real hands and push on her shoulders to get her to stop for a second, and with half-a-dozen invisible hands I lift her to the nearby bed and start molesting her entire body. This is the amazing thing that she wants, and that only I can give her. For one nihilistic moment I just stand there and watch this gorgeous piece of filth writhe on top of my bed as I psychically induce her to climax by mentally fisting her dripping wet cunt. She makes yet another mess within minutes, and I decide now she's had enough foreplay. Continuing to caress her body with my imagination, I get out the good stuff - top-grade imported cocaine manufactured by the best Syndicate franchise drug-lords. This latest generation of crop is called "stardust" - I take out a vial and crawl on top of Evelyn's sweaty naked body with it, twisting off the cap and dumping half of it all over her tits as I start laughing.

I fucking love my life. I love what I do. I love drugs, and sex, and power. As a member of the Syndicate, I get all that and the promise that it never ends, it only gets better and better. I can't even imagine how dull and empty my shitty life was before, working in labs, researching fake garbage for middling prefab businesses playing off stocks. I don't even want to think about what it must've been like for Evelyn being a soldier bitch for the Hegemony military, no rights and no freedoms at all. Fuck all that shit. Right now some asshole is out there risking his life in a war that ultimately means absolutely nothing to the rest of us, except that people like me and this naked girl underneath me get to fuck like bunnies and get high off chemicals that don't even exist outside of a private market. And that might be the greatest feeling of all - the exclusivity of this life. A specifically decadent never-ending reward for the promised few.

I guess the rest of you sorry motherfuckers are all just shit out of luck.
Vladimir Harkness
player, 2 posts
Sat 2 Aug 2014
at 22:40
  • msg #3

Re: The Dream and the Question: Vladimir

The typical day on the job for me involves a carefully planned procedure of events, each one invariably more illegal than the next. As soon as I wake up I wash away the mental confetti of the prior evening's decadence with prescription strength medical eye-drops that don't belong to me. That's so I can see myself in the mirror clear enough to wipe a paste all over my face that keeps my beard from growing, which I didn't pay for. I fact, I don't even really know where the stuff come from, but damn does it save time. Next, I take a handful of pills made of chemicals I can't pronounce to take the writhing pain out of my spine, which I wash down with a few shots of smuggled liquor imported from Corsair colonies, banned on every Hegemony market. Ah, the breakfast of champions as they say. The pills and the booze mix in my system and I get a pretty kick ass high after a few minutes, so I take the edge off with some cocaine, a bong-load of marijuana to mellow things out, and adderall to get my head in the game. When all is said and done, by the time I'm sitting across from Evelyn in the hanger of a dropship poised to touchdown on the rooftop of this corporate skyscraper, every drop of sweat covering my skin is like a cocktail pharmacy.

Evelyn is watching me carefully. I've got my head down low and I probably look like shit right now, shaking and sweating like some kind of fucking lunatic that just broke out of the asylum. I can hear the loose metal parts in my handgun rattling in my hand and the click of the safety as I keep snapping it on and off like a metronome, the sound of it soothing. Right now I'm like the eye of a maelstrom, focused, at peace. I feel fantastic, only moments away from deploying.

"Hey, wake the fuck up we're here," Evelyn shoves my shoulder with her gloved hand, jostling me and knocking me out of that safe inner-sanctuary. I almost drop my gun with the safety off in a freakout, my head shooting up as my eyes dart around and my senses switch back on suddenly. Reality washes over me like a tidal wave and I almost faint, but somehow I manage to keep it together and just laugh.

"What, already?" I ask, still shaking, rocking back and forth a little bit in my seat with excitement, grinning like a cheshire cat. Evelyn just keeps staring at me with that incredulous look.

"You know, I never thought I'd fuckin' say this to anybody in this business, but I think you have a serious drug problem," she says with more than a little snark in her voice. I can't tell if she's teasing, but she's probably serious even if she is. I can hear the barb in the joke, like a half-truth-half-lie, a little honey with the poison. This bitch isn't going to sober my high right now, not right now, when I'm about to go. I fucking live for this. This is what my life is. "What? What are you talking about..." I retort, inhaling sharply as I get a fantastic chill ripping through my chest that feels like a moment of ecstasy. I need to calm down, I'm getting too excited.

"You need to chill the fuck out. Seriously, you're so fucking out of it right now you probably don't even realize you're slurring. The only reason I know what you're saying right now is because I'm so used to it."

"What, I'm not f-fucking slur-rring."

"Yes you are you dumb prick. Earlier when we launched from the ship you were fucking screaming and shit."

"Fuck you, no I wasn't."

"I had to fucking tranq you just to get you to calm down. You were rolling around on the floor like you were out of your fucking mind."

"... Fuck, did that actually happen?"

"Yes it fucking happened. You were scaring the shit out of Lars. Atrius had to calm his bitch ass down because he was ready to walk. You were talking about calling in a second shuttle and letting the cops roast him alive and all this shit. Seriously, what the fuck's the matter with you Harkness?"

At this point I just start laughing because that's some of the funniest shit I've ever heard. All of it is true of course, my memory finally starts working right again now that I'm thinking about it. Evelyn isn't smiling though, she looks pissed. Whatever, it can't be helped. I look toward the cockpit and see Lars as silent as death just trying to pilot the dropship. Atrius is messing around on his deck, but when he notices me staring he looks up for a cold second. There's nothing in those dead eyes but emptiness. No validation and no rejection either. The man has a poker face like an assassin with a thousand-yard stare. God, I love Atrius. He's so badass, sometimes I wonder if he's actually a robot. That would be pretty sick, and not even the least bit of a surprise...

"... Hey! Fucking wake up I said," Evelyn jostles me again. I guess I was spacing out for a second. She just shakes her head and gets up, gathering her stuff and heading over to the ramp that's about to lower. Lars announces a five second window and a red LED starts to spin. Suddenly we're in a sci-fi thriller movie and I'm some badass soldier marine. Just a few seconds, this might be the last hit I ever take. I snap open a tiny one-hitter vial of coke and sniff hard.

"Fuck yes, let's do this shit!" I yell as I stuff my gun into its holster and wipe the dust from my nose with my forearm. Energy flows through my entire body. Right now, I am god, and this job is my wrath. The intensity of the moment is almost unbearable. I slap Evelyn's shoulder and wink to show her I'm back in the saddle and finally I get a smile. Okay, that's what I needed. Now everything is perfect. The drop-ramp cracks and starts to lower letting in a fierce gust of wind. The building is thousands of feet tall, so this high up it's always windy as fuck. First Evelyn, then Atrius shuffle down the ramp and hop onto the rooftop, and then it's my turn. Alright, balls deep, here we go.

I take the leap of faith.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:52, Sat 02 Aug 2014.
Atrius Kinjo
NPC, 1 post
Thu 14 Aug 2014
at 10:36
  • msg #4

Re: The Dream and the Question: Vladimir

Hajime Transstellar

One of the Hegemony's most prominent Megacorps, founded 68 years ago by Hajime Keiji, a brilliant businessman and entrepreneur, they lead the way in Heavy industries, Cybernetics, Virtual reality solutions, Expert systems, Robotics, Software design and Computer games. Based in the Sixth Ward city cluster on Indaris Prime, their spire arcology rises up above the clouds and dominates the landscape under the yellow sun.

It employs sixty million people galaxy-wide and last year made over seventeen trillion credits in profit. If it was a Great House, it would rival House Aesgar and all it's holdings for total GDP.

And today, four people are going to rip them off...

Atrius hefted his Murokawa Armory Las-carbine as he rounded the corner of the security station and opened up full auto into the little squat duraluminum structure. Pulses of ultraviolet laser tore through the thin metal walls and the protective vests of the guards, burning out internal organs and rupturing arteries. Laser fire always looks clean on the vids, nice little smouldering burns, but the reality was a lot bloodier. The two women watching the sec-feeds went down without even a scream and more importantly, without manually triggering the silent alarm.

He gave them them a another couple of bursts, draining the energy cell completely, just to be certain. Loading a fresh cell and pocketing the old one he proceeded to the elevator. These were the only two permanent security personnel watching the north-eastern landing pads and they were not expecting anyone this early in the morning. Shift change in about an hour after dawn, but they'd be in and out before that happened. The elevator opened up and he stepped onto the lift with Harkness. Evelyn was already in place...
This message was last edited by the player at 02:37, Thu 02 July 2015.
Evelyn Vance
NPC, 1 post
Thu 14 Aug 2014
at 10:51
  • msg #5

Re: The Dream and the Question: Vladimir

She shudders at the silky mercury feeling as her datjack gives her physical feedback. A lot of 'jackers have something in mind for when they connect. A sharp jolt to keep your mind in the game and bring the adrenaline up. An icy chill to keep you focused and make sure you never get too comfortable. She opted for something more... sensual. For her, 'jacking is addicting. It's like being felt up from the inside of your mindspace, like having your cortex eaten out in the best possible way. She just likes to enhance it.

She's in all the way for this one, dived in so deep she can't feel the bite of the wind through her clothes and armor. Her body crouches in an access hatch, patched into a net-relay, but her mind is not there with her.

Mentally, she wills a predetermined sequence of scripts and code into action.

-Security protocols: sidestepped.
-Spyders activated on the rooftop, slipping into the vents and scurrying towards the target level.
-Lifecheck sensors on the corpsec cheerleaders on the rooftop have been bypassed and will always read 100% vitals.
-Elevator locks released and doors opened for Harkness and Kinjo.
-Quick check on the rooftop LADAR system and the bug she put in to to make it ignore Lars' shuttle.

Now, like her Spyders she spreads herself throughout the system, feeling it out, testing the devices carefully and preparing for the next phase of the mission.
NPC, 1 post
Thu 14 Aug 2014
at 11:08
  • msg #6

Re: The Dream and the Question: Vladimir

SYSCALL_DEFINE2(setgroups, int, SECMON2, gid_t ODINuser *, grouplist)


struct sec_info *sec_info;

int retval;

if (!nsown_capable(EXE_SECMON2))

return -SECCONF;

if ((ODINuser)sec-checksum > NGROUPS_YES)

return -SECLOSS;

monitor_info = security_alloc(SECMON2);

if (!secgroup_info)

return -CHECKMON;

retval = security_from_user(monitor_info, secgrouplist);

if (retval) {


return retval;

>checksum 120182.11 failed!
>sec-system>system \set alert status=1
>>ODINuser>root \override \set alert status=0
>>ODINuser>system \read checksum 120182.11 \parse \search
>>ODINuser>system \play sec_vid_08 \compression=99

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