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18:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

House & Lands.

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 18 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 18:11
  • msg #1

House & Lands

The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are divided between many hundreds of noble houses of various sizes. In Westeros ultimate power derives from the King on the Iron Throne and descends through the Great Houses that rule the constituent regions of the continent to their vassals.

There are nine Great Houses, and each of them have a number of vassal houses (sometimes also referred to as lesser houses) in their liege. The most powerful vassal houses may themselves field armies of a few thousand and control large regions, whilst the smallest houses may be little more than impoverished landholders with only a few men to their name. Members of the nobility are called "highborn", in contrast to lowborn commoners.

A typical noble house is seated at a castle and controls the land around it, collecting tithes and taxes from farmers, lesser landholders and smallfolk. In times of war they are expected to recruit and maintain a number of soldiers for their lieges. In most of Westeros only men can become ruling lords, and women can only rule if the rest of the male line has been extinguished or if they are acting as regents for their sons until they become of majority.

This message was last edited by the GM at 18:11, Tue 25 Feb 2014.
GM, 19 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 18:18
  • msg #2

Re: House & Lands

The Great Houses

The great houses of Westeros are the primary players in the political, economic, and military affairs of Westeros. There are nine great houses in the land: Arryn, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Lannister, Martell, Stark, Targaryen, Tully, and Tyrell. Each of these houses governs a specific region and has the allegiance of many lesser houses.

1   House Arryn

2   House Baratheon

3   House Greyjoy

4   House Lannister

5   House Martell

6   House Stark

7   House Targaryen

8   House Tully

9   House Tyrell

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:47, Sat 07 June 2014.
GM, 35 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 03:39
  • msg #5

Great House: Martell



A red sun pierced by a gold spear, on an orange field

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"

Princes of Dorne
Lords of Sunspear

Prince Martell


House Blackmont
House Uller

Knightly Houses:
House Amaranth Dawn
House Dalt
House Ravenhowe
House Santagar

Sworn to House Martell:
  •   House Dayne of Starfall
  •   House Jordayne of the Tor
  •   House Yronwood of Yronwood
  •   House Wyl of Wyl
  •   House Toland of Ghost Hill
  •   House Allyrion of Godsgrace
  •   House Santagar of Spottswood
  •   House Qorgyle of Sandstone
  •   House Uller of Hellholt
  •   House Manwoody of Kingsgrave
  •   House Gargalen of Salt Shore
  •   House Fowler of Skyreach
  •   House Blackmont of Blackmont
  •   House Vaith of The Dunes

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:48, Tue 16 Dec 2014.
GM, 18 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 23:47
  • msg #6

House Kolwyn

Player's Wanted:

Hello new players. House Kolwyn is one of the leading families currently in Dorne. The house is known for fierce fighters and good lovers. We are seeking skilled Players to fill our ranks. Our house is built on a long history and we would like to have you,part of it. We are seeking retainers, and learner men to take our house into a new  future of 'Peace' with the northern kingdoms. The leaders of House Kolwyn are strong and good men, and our banner men have loyal ties to the house.

Come be "Swift" with the sword and "True" with your words .......

Realm: Dorne
Liege Lord: Prince Martell of the Sunspear
Location: South of Wyl, girt on one side by the Dornish Sea

History: Established during the time of the Andals
Event 1: Conquest.
In the days of the Andal invasion, the legendary founder of House Kolwyn, Ser Braxton, rose from obscurity to defeat foes from the First Men and from other Andals to become a lord. House Kolwyn remained independent until the invasion of the Rhoynar.

Event 2: Favor.
When Nymeria invaded, we were quick to join her and the Martells and fought for them in their conquest of Dorne. Several Kolwyns had high offices in the new united Dorne during this period.

Event 3: Infrastructure.
With Dorne unified, we settled on a period of peaceful expansion and building. House Kolwyn also developed our seaborne trade into our current port. The mighty castle of Kolwyn Hold was expanded and fortified during this period.

Event 4. Glory.
The firstborn son of House Kolwyn, Ser Faenyn the Gallant, displayed great heroism fighting against Aegon the Conqueror's men during Aegon's invasion of Dorne, and continued his career as a famous knight after the war. He is honored today along with the founder of our house as our most fondly remembered hero. Some 500 years ago, House Steiner pledged a lasting alliance to House Kolwyn when the only heiress to their House was rescued by the heir to House Kolwyn, bolstering House Kolwyn's trade and naval power.

Event 5. Victory.
We fought valiantly in the war with the Targaryeans and many of our knights and men at arms were noted for their valor. Chief among them was Ser Darrius Kolwyn the Hearty, a giant of a man, who, when unhorsed on the battlefield, slew 27 men before regaining a horse and leading a charge against the enemy general who he killed before succumbing to his wounds.

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
*NCLord Perros KolwynStatus 6, 40, Great swordfighter before he was stabbed in the left leg. Has limp.
*NCLady Tansa KolwynStatus 6, age 38, formerly of House Wyl. Strong woman of few but cutting words.
*NCPercival KolwynStatus 5, age 24, Penchant for politics, arrogant, poor fighter
PCAshara KolwynStatus 5, Second-in-line to inherit Kolwyn Hold
*NCRonan KolwynStatus 4, age 21, Black sheep of the family, Third in line
PCArchibald SandMaester
*NCJadis SandRoyal Bastard, Cousin to Ashara, adopted into family
NCGemia Kolwynaged 9, Youngest Kolwyn daughter
*NCMakarios LestatMaster-of-the-hunt
PCGabriel LaurentAshara's Bodyguard
PCSer Ernesto RiquezStatus , age 36, Sworn Sword to Kolwyn
PCBron SnowStatus , age 20, Garrison Elite Guard often trusted with important tasks
PCStrohan StormStatus , age , Sellsword from the Stormlands
PCCyra VyraesStatus , age ,

* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

Words: "Swift and True"

House Crest/Colors: Swooping Owl before a Setting Sun upon a Tawny field.

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:33, Thu 14 Aug 2014.
GM, 38 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 03:54
  • msg #7

House Ravenhowe

Player's Wanted:

Hello new players. House Ravenhowe is seeking skilled Players to fill the ranks of the order. Our house is built on the codes of chivalry and loyalty to the people of Dorne. We are seeking warriors and leaders to keep Dorne and it's lords and ladies safe from those that are not so savory, our words are our creed. We are focused on removing the bandits from our lands and defending our sworn houses.

Come join the Raven's Claw, and fight for honor & glory.

"Without Honor, Victory is Hollow."

Realm: Dorne
Liege Lord: Lord Perros Kolwyn of Kolwyn Hold (Prince Martell of the Sunspear)
Location: West of Kolwyn Hold, East of Kingsgrave

History: Established soon after the time of the Andals
Event 1: Windfall.  When the House was initially formed, the Order had just managed to successfully defeat the then-largest band of bandits and in recognition of their service, House Kolwyn granted the land to our ancestor Ser Roland Ravenhowe; using a portion of treasure recovered from the bandit gang the family ancestral home "Raven's Roost" began construction.

Event 2: Decline.  During a time after some inter-house conflicts (between pro-Rhoynar and anti-Rhoynar Dornish houses), the forces of House Ravenhowe were "used up" in battle such that the reigning Knight of Raven's Roost had insufficient troops to properly patrol his lands leading to a dangerous rise in unchecked banditry.  The Order had lost so many prominent members in the inter-house conflicts (in service to House Kolwyn) that it almost disbanded.

Event 3: Glory.  During one of the failed early Targaryen invasions of Dorne, the military forces of House Ravenhowe played a key & prominent role in a decisive victory over the Targaryen invaders.  The reigning Knight of Raven's Roost personally led a daring cavalry charge that disrupted the Targaryen vanguard at a key moment during a vital engagement.

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
PCSer Hassan RavenhoweStatus 3, 37, current Knight of Raven's Roost
NCLady Aislin RavenhoweStatus 3, 35, formerly of House Kolwyn.  Ser Hassan's Wife.  Sister to Lord Kolwyn.
PCLady Fatimah RavenhoweStatus 3, 16, Ser Hassan's Heir.  Trained as a Knight of the Order
*NCSer Godfrey RavenhoweStatus 3, 28, Ser Hassan's Brother.  Leader of the Raven's Claws
NCSer Ahmed RavenhoweStatus 3, 23, Ser Godfrey's Younger Brother.  2nd in Command of the Raven's Claws
NCLady Rowena RavenhoweStatus 3, 56, formerly of House Kaldor.  Ser Hassan's Mother.
NCRoland RavenhoweStatus 3, 12, 3rd Child of Ser Hassan.  Ser Hassan's Squire
NCSer Gerard RavenhoweStatus 3, 52, Ser Hassan's Uncle.  Respected Knight of the Order
NCLady Christina RavenhoweStatus 3, 38, formerly of House Fowler.  Ser Gerard's Wife.
NCOliver SandStatus 2, 11, Ser Godfrey's Bastard Son.  Ser Godfrey's Squire.

Members of the Raven's Claws

NCSer Ahmed RavenhoweAge , Ser Godfrey's younger brother.  Respected Knight of the Order
NCSer Lorant RavenhoweAge 28, twin son of uncle Ser Gerard Ravenhowe
NCSer Lucas RavenhoweAge 28, twin son of uncle Ser Gerard Ravenhowe
NCSer Etienne DayneAge , 1st Cousin, youngest son of aunt Lady Jalila Dayne nee Ravenhowe
NCSer Armand KaldorAge , nephew of Lord Kaldor, nephew of Godfrey's mother Lady Rowena Ravenhowe nee KaldorSer
*NCSer Reginald SteinerAge , nephew of Lord Dannor Steiner, nephew of Lady Christina Ravenhowe nee Steiner
*NCSer Balin SandAge , bastard from House Steiner
*NCSer Conrade SandAge , bastard from House Chiffon
NCSer Tristan of Prince's PassAge , hedge knight who distinguished himself in battle at Prince's Pass against Targaryen invaders
NCSer Hugues of the BonewayAge , hedge knight who distinguished himself in battle on the Boneway against Targaryen invaders
* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

Words: "Without Honor, Victory is Hollow"

House Crest/Colors: Purple Field, Black Raven In Flight surrounded by Seven Silver Seven-Pointed Stars

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:03, Tue 19 Aug 2014.
GM, 39 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 04:02
  • msg #8

House Kaldor

Player's Wanted:

We are not for the Weary nor for the Curl, we are not interested in Politics, but we will regain are former glory. We are a Banner House to House Kolywn, they are our friends and we their servants. We are not seeking players, we are searching for masters of men to hold what is dear and keep the north at bay. Our house has protect the secrets and mysteries of our forefathers and are the protectors of the "Prince's Pass".

If you betray us be wise and not run as not even the sands are as swift as us.

Realm: Dorne
Liege Lord: Prince Martell of the Sunspear
Location: North of Sandstone, By the Entrance to the Prince's Path


History: Established just after the Rhoynar Invasion.
Event 1: Conquest. House Kaldor pre-dates back to before their arrival in Dorne, The name Kaldor is a former tribe that once thrived in Ny Sar. During the Valyrian Invasion, the Kaldor tribe was lead by Nymeria's cousin. Prince Garin led 250,000 men to their deaths in an attempt to stop the Valyrians. He was named Garin the Great for giving the Valyrians pause during this time Nymeria made plans to leave and the Kaldor's went with her.

House Kaldor come from a long proud line of fighters, they joined their cousin and married one of their own to House Martell. The Kaldor's were always willing to fight on behalf of Mor and they were rewarded land in the west. The Mor regarded the Kaldor's so loyal subjects and unflinching in their duties, the Kaldor's would do what was needed should trouble arise.

Event 2: Madness. When Falldin came to power, he had just returned from his pilgrimage of the Rhoyne. He was never right after his return, he claims having spoken to Prince Garin and their ancestors.

Fallin started a campaign to purge the unbelievers.  His method was that of Garin's Curse. He would capture them, and turn them to stone. After the purge, their lands increased, and law and order held, but the cost was severe. Falldin last dying wish, was to return back to Chroyane, with all those he had turned to stone. The stories tell that one day, he would return with Prince Garin, and they would bring the stone army with them to destroy the enemies of the family.

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
*NCLord Reinardstatus, age,
*NCLady Fatimastatus, age,
*NCGarin Kaldorstatus, age,
PCMardax Kaldorstatus, age, Second-in-line to inherit
NCNymeria Kaldorstatus, age,
PCBrindalFree Slave
NCWulfgang Tannardstatus , age , Ward to House Kolwyn currently serving as squire to Garin
* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

House Words: "As swift as the sands"

House Crest/Colors: A Teal field, an Orange Dust Devil in centre.

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:47, Thu 28 Aug 2014.
GM, 48 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:22
  • msg #9

House Steiner {Non Player}

Realm: Dorne
Liege Lord: Prince Martell of the Sunspear
Location: "The Boulder", south west of Blackhaven, north of Wyl along the Boneway.

History: Known for historically ignoring the omens of doom in engaging a Targaryen invasion, House Steiner sailed out and caused havoc among their fleet with guerrilla style tactics during a storm. They continue to have a reputation as a Salty Dornish House to be reckoned with if met upon the waves. Some 500 years ago, House Steiner pledged a lasting alliance to House Kolwyn when the only heiress to their House was rescued by the heir to House Kolwyn.

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
NCLord Dannor SteinerStatus 4, Middle aged , Reputation as great sea-captain and tactician
NCLady Kathleen SteinerStatus 4, Middle-aged, , Formerly of House Yronwood
NCHeir Vernon Steiner, Adult, , devout follower of the Seven, decent swordsman
NCTheresa Sand, Young Adult, , bastard daughter of Lord Dannor, maiden, willful
NCMaester Lucian, Old , Formerly of House Baratheon

Words: "Heed not the Omens"

House Crest/Colors: Field Azure, a crab gules affronté


This message was last edited by the GM at 21:34, Thu 18 Dec 2014.
GM, 49 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:23
  • msg #10

House Chiffon {Non Player}

Realm: Dorne
Liege Lord: Prince Martell of the Sunspear
Location: "Sunhaven", northeast of Ghost Hill, near The Broken Arm

History: Established during the time of the First Men. House Chiffon have been a significant influence on the politics of Dorne, and one of House Martell's biggest rivals.

House Members and Retainers ((Bastards are not all listed)
NCLord Quinn ChiffonStatus 7, Old, . Hardline politician
NCLady Dana ChiffonStatus 7, Old, . Formerly of House Martell, very quiet.
NCHeir Jon ChiffonStatus 6, Middle-aged, , Annointed Knight
NCSecond Heir Petyr Chiffon, Middle-aged, , Annointed Knight
NCThird Heir Antony Chiffon, Adult, , Bravavosi style fighter, seducer of women
NCFirst Daughter Nymeria Chiffon, Adult, , Strong woman, unmarried, fights with a spear
NCSecond Daughter Lyra Chiffon, Adult, , Maiden, reputed to be very attractive/charming
NCMaester Jakobim, Old, , Formerly of House Karstark
NCSepton Gherys, Middle-aged, , ex-knight, formerly of House Targaryon

Words: "Power, Glory, Destiny"

House Crest/Colors:Field Gules, a gauntlet propre grapsing a sun Or in splendour

This message was last edited by the GM at 08:20, Mon 01 Sept 2014.
GM, 50 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:23
  • msg #11

Amaranth Dawn {Non Player}

Realm: Dorne
Liege Lord: Prince Martell of the Sunspear
Location: "Amaranth Hall", east of Kingsgrave, on the north side of the river

History: Created very recently, in the last 23 years, after Lord Halen brought his Red Priest to heal the Prince of House Martell.
Lord Halon and Dantos have purged their lands of bandits and continually keep the lawlessness on their borders repelled.
Dantos has a severe disdain for House Ravenhowe who, having pledged to uphold the law, have not quelled the bandits and criminals who have for so long run rampant in their lands, decrying them as false-knights dedicated to false-gods. He has even suggested that House Ravenhowe are in league with the bandits and criminals and in fact co-ordinating them and taking a cut of their ill-gotten proceeds.
It is known that the Red Priest has been training a number of boys to wield the 'Power of R'hllor' as he calls it, hoping to begin an order of Fire-Knights to succeed where House Ravenhowe has so dismally failed.

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
NCLord Jerom HalenStatus 3, Middle-aged, 46 (*122), ex-annointed knight, renowned jouster
NCLady Bernice HalenStatus 3, Adult, 35 (*133), formerly of Asshai, devoted servant of R'hllor
NCMikael HalenStatus 3, Adult, 17 (*151), raised under the teachings of Dantos. Braavosi fighting style.
NCDantosStatus 3, appears low end of middle-aged, mysterious High Red Priest
NCAriel 'The Black Twin'Status 2, Young Adult, mysterious Red Priest
NCIsa 'The Red Twin'Status 2, Young Adult, mysterious Red Priestess

Words: "The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors"

House Crest/Colors: White sunrise upon an amaranth field.

Ariel the Black also known as "The Red Twins"

Weapon Attacks
Longaxe7D3B 10Bulk 1, Reach, 2H, Vicious
Battleaxe7D4B 5Adaptable
Hunting Bow3D  2LR, 2H
Shield5D  3Def +2
Note: Axe Fighter I, sacrifice any number of bonus dice to deal that much extra damage if you hit.
 This extra damage ignores AR.
Note: Axe Fighter II, sacrifice all bonus dice.
 If get two or more degrees of success opponent takes wound (they don't gain any health from this)
Note: Axe Fighter III, sacrifice all bonus dice.
 If you damage the opponent at all, they take a wound and roll an Endurance test against your Fighting result
If they fail, they permanently gain the Maimed drawback. They may burn a destiny point to avoid being maimed.

Intrigue94 + 3 + 2 
Composure93 * 3 
Combat Def93 + 5 + 4 -3+2 if using Shield
Health123 * 4 
Armor rating6  
Armor Penalty-3  
Bulk31 + 2Longaxe and Scale Armor




Weapon Mastery (AxesIncrease damage with axes by 1
Expertise (Fighting)Increase Test dice by 1 when testing selected ability
Axe Fighter ISacrifice any number bonus dice, deal that much extra damage if hit. This extra damage ignores AR.
Axe Fighter IISacrifice all b-dice. 2+ degrees of success opponent takes wound (they don't gain health)
Axe Fighter IIIsacrifice all b-Dice. If damage opponent they take a wound and roll an Endurance test against your
 Fighting result. If fail, permanently gain Maimed drawback. May burn destiny point to avoid Maimed.

Flaw (Stealth)Reduce test dice by 1 when testing thievery
Supreme ArroganceStatus Rank penalty to all Awareness tests

Destiny Points

Fully Laden315

Gold Dragons 
Silver Stags 
Copper Pennies 

Isa the Red also known as "The Red Twins"

Weapon Attacks
Dagger1  1Offhand 1, Def 1
Note: Pretty much incapable of combat

Intrigue93 + 4 + 2 
Composure153 * 5 
Combat Def82 + 2 + 3 + 1 
Health63 * 2 
Armor rating1  
Armor Penalty0  


4KNOWLEDGE1B Education
4PERSUASION1B Char, Convince, Seduce


AttractiveReroll 1s on Persuasion tests
Knowledge Focus (Magic)Convert Education Bonus to Test dice when testing Knowledge of chosen area
Expertise (Persuasion)Increase Test dice by 1 when testing selected ability
Flames of R'hllorAs per Homebrew Rules
FiresightAs per Homebrew Rules
GlamourAs per Homebrew Rules

Flaw (Thievery)Reduce test dice by 1 when testing thievery

Destiny Points

Fully Laden416

Gold Dragons 
Silver Stags 
Copper Pennies 

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:31, Wed 31 Dec 2014.
GM, 260 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 5 May 2014
at 02:31
  • msg #12

Great House: Tyrell

the Reach


Vert, golden rose on a green field

"Growing Strong"

Lord of Highgarden
Warden of the South
Defender of the Marches
High Marshal of the Reach

Lord Tyrell


House Fossoways of Cider Hall
House Serry of Southshield

Knightly Houses:
House Fossoways of New Barrel
House Osgrey of Standfast

Sworn to House Tyrell:
  • House ashfield of Poppy Hill
  •   House Ashford of Ashford
  •   House Chester
  •   House Crane of Red Lake.
  •   House Florent of Brightwater Keep
  •   House Fossoway
  •   House Grimm of Grimstone
  •   House Hewett of Hewett Castle
  •   House Hightower of the Hightower
  •   House Merryweather of Longtable
  •   House Mullendore of Uplands
  •   House Oakheart of Old Oak
  •   House Redwyne of the Arbor
  •   House Rowan of Goldengrove
  •   House Tarly of Horn Hill
  •   House Tyrell of Brightwater
  •   House Vyrwel of Darkdell

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:17, Sun 07 Sept 2014.
GM, 263 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 5 May 2014
at 04:15
  • msg #13

House Ashfield

Realm: The Reach
Liege Lord: Lord Tyrell of Highgarden
Location: "Poppy Hall", North-west of the Princes' Pass, south of Cider Hall

The wealth of House Ashfield comes predominantly from its cultivation of herbs and flowers, particularly the poppy that adorns their crest. It is common for prospective maesters researching for their medicine or poisons links to spend time at Poppy Hall, due to the ready availability of raw materials.

Event 1: Ascent
~ca 1200
  Ascar the Wise and his Andal kin formed a settlement on the edge of the Dearwood in the central Reach. Ascar's settlement traded with the Children of the Forest that lived within the Dearwood, and the First Men that claimed the scrub around it, becoming a centre of trade for furs, weapons and other valuable commodities on their way to the heart of Westeros.

Event 2: Villain
~ca 900
  For generations, Ascar's settlement suffered from constant banditry and brutal moonlit attacks to wrest the settlement from its Andal ruler. Upon his ascent to lordship of the settlement, Garren the Grim inspired his Andal brethren of the eastern Reach to gather and cleanse the lands of the unruly natives. However, rather than fight the Children and First Men in open warfare, Garren directed his forces to create a broad front and systematically burn the entirety of the Dearwood to the ground, working from east to west, with the Andal forces under his command directed to murder any man, woman or child that tried to escape their fiery fate.

  At the heart of the now scorched and tortured fields, Garren hacked down the charred remnants of a huge heart tree (now the ruin known as Old Stump), and declared himself Garren of the Ashfield, celebrating the death of the Dearwood, and warning that none would hide from the wrath of the Andals again.

Event 3: Revolt
  A few years after the Charring, a poisoner murdered Garren the Grim, leaving his teenage son Ranner to rule the Ashfield. Within months, a host of the First Men gathered and razed the settlement as its Andal inhabitants fled.

Event 4: Victory
  Older and stronger, Ranner the Rider returned with a year with a host of cavalry lured from nearby regions of the Reach to scour the First Men from the Ashfield forever. The First Men had once been convinced that Garren the Grim had only defeated them through dishonorable tactics, but Ranner the Rider showed them the superiority of honorable Andal tactics. The Riders manipulated their prey; herding them into ever more compromising positions until the few rundown survivors were cornered and slaughtered in the Bloody Valley. Poppy Hall now overlooks this famous battleground.

Event 5: Decline
~ca 800-700
  The natural and ethnic diversity of the area now diminished, House Ashfield suffered as a centre of trade, now being just another Andal settlement surrounded by fields in a kingdom of Andals surrounded by fields. The Lords of the Ashfield in this time ate well and achieved little.

Event 6: Ascent
~ca 600
  With the arrival of the Rhoynar in Dorne, House Ashfield's relative proximity to the Princes Path saw it become a more significant centre of trade between north and south. Lord Ascar VII sensed a great opportunity, and dedicated a significant part of House Ashfield's holdings to the growth of herbs and plants essential to the healing arts, adopting the poppy as House Ashfield's formal emblem, and pioneering the trade that his house is best known for today.

Event 7: Treachery
~10 AC
  Having heard rumours from the east of Westerosi being brought under the thumb of invaders by dragonfire, Sarian the Heavy, a keen student of history, saw in the invading Targaryen forces a similarity to the origins of his own house - a dominance forged by the cleansing presence of flame. Despite all assurances given by Sarian to King Mern IX of the Reach, Ashfield forces were mysteriously absent from the event that came to be known as the Field of Fire.

Event 8: Ascent
~169 AL
  Having retained the majority of their forces at a time when many Reach lords has been left decimated, House Ashfield rose significantly in prominence within the Reach, becoming a key part in House Tyrell's enforcement of Targaryen dominance and extending their lands, though at the cost of losing some significant portion of their forces to aid the Dragon Kings in their conquest of Westeros & Dorne. ()

Lord Ascar Ashfield is known as a welcoming and honorable host, and was a lynchpin in supporting the Targaryen's attempted conquests of Dorne. Poppy Hall itself had served as a hospital for many soldiers wounded at the Dornish front, with a number choosing to stay on with the house out of gratitude.

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
*NCLord Ascar AshfieldStatus 6, middle-aged, ninth of his name, lord of 'Poppy Hill'
*NCLady Iliria AshfieldStatus 5, middle-aged, formerly of house Baratheon, wife of Lord Ascar
NCSer Victarion AshfieldStatus 5, adult, 1st born son and heir to 'Poppy Hill"
NCLady Alianna Ashfieldadult, 1st born daughter
PCSer Mathys Ashfieldadult, 2nd born son , twin to Pella
PCLady Pella Ashfieldadult, 2nd daughter, twin to Mathys, talented healer
NCRikard Ashfieldyoung adult, 3rd born son,
NCSer Dyllan Redbrushmiddle-aged, Sworn sword & old campaigner against the Dornish
NCCorinne Flowersadult, brutal fighter
NCAislingadult, ward to house Ashfield, dismissed
PCPolina Ashfieldyoung adult, formerly of house Redwyne of the Arbor, wife to Victarion Ashfield
PCWallace Justmanmiddle-aged, Castellan, devoted servant
NCMaester Jonmiddle-aged, Maester of the House for more than 25 years
NCHallysmiddle-aged, Master blacksmith to Poppy Hall
PCCale Waterstoneadult servant

* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

Words: "Never forget"

House Crest/Colors: Wreath of red poppies upon a green field.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:16, Sat 06 Dec 2014.
GM, 482 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 2 Jun 2014
at 03:13
  • msg #14

House Neumann

Player's Wanted:

 Hello new players. House Neumann is seeking additional Players for important retainer positions. Our house is built on a cornerstone of Honor with strong goals of strengthening our lands. We do not seek to be war mongers, but as our words say "Take what is ours". We are focused on protecting and developing the lands of our House.

The primary advantages of our house:
 * Balanced Resources
 * Strong Support by having Maester, Septon and Artisan
 * Player Characters that are focused on team work. We also have solid knowledge of
    Game of Thrones World and Game. We are willing to help newer players grow.

Come join us, and become one of Ours. We take our words serious in and out of game.

Realm: Reach
Liege Lord: Lord Tyrell of Highgarden
Location: Situated on the Blue Byrn half way between Grassy Vale and Longtable

History: Established soon after the time of the Andals
Event 1: Ascent.
Where the Blue Byrn bends lied a a stretch of unsettled lands that gave shelter to large host of Bandits and First men who plagued traders and traveler who sought to use the river as a way to move goods from the Stormlands to the heart of the Reach. With no effort to protect these merchants, they sought other longer ways to get to Highgarden and other settlements in the interior of the Reach since the Blue Bryn had become to dangerous and unprofitable. Robert Neumann who took it upon himself to rally what forces he could and soon drove the bandits from the area. As a reward, Lord Gardner granted land and titles to Robert neumann to the area from which he drove the bandits from.

Event 2:
Infrastructure.  The Lords that follow Robert sought to strengthen and fortify the area, giving traders a safe haven to rest before pressing onward either to the Grassy Vale or Longtable. In doing so, the Lords insured that Blue Hall was a necessary stop for all travelers, bring wealth to the town.

Event 3: Decline.
Under the Lordship of Brandon Neumann, the previous Lord of Blue Hall, House Neumann's efforts to protect the roads and river became lax, causing bandits to see the lands around Blue Hall as a land ripe for the plundering. One such  bandit, Olaf the plunderer, took his band of outlaws and fortified a position on the South Side of the river and plundering every barge and traveler he could find. deciding enough was enough, Brandon and his Heir, Edric, took a force of men to try and root out this bandit king, but in the ensuing battle both Brandon and Edric were killed, making Brandon's second son Henry Lord of Blue Hall. Gossip around court is that foul play was involved, that Lord Henry made a deal with Olaf before the battle and told Olaf of his father plans, explaining Henry mysterious absence from the battle. When Henry became lord, Olaf for unexplained reasons, moved to the boarders of House Neumann's land, taking land and pillaging freely, to which Henry seems to be the least bit concerned with and has made no effort to put an end to Olaf himself.

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
*NCLord Henry NeumannStatus 4, middle-aged, current Lord of Blue Hall
*NCLady Jocelyn NeumannStatus 3, middle-aged, formerly of House Connington.  Lord Neumann's Wife.
*NCJon Neumannadult, Lord Neumann's first born son & heir.
PCMara Neumannadult, Lord Neumann's first Daughter
PCSer Edric Neumannadult, Lord Neumann's second son
NCMaester EgislorMaester of Blue Hall
NCSepton GislaSpeton of Blue Hall
NCSer Duncan Shepherdmiddle-aged, loyal household knight
NCBruce the Strongadult, King's Solider, Sell-Sword to House Nuemann, known for his great physical strength
PCMerius BassoCommander of the Blue Lancers
*NCBrandon SnowNorthman, Trusted Member of the Blue Lancers
NCHarriet Flowersherald of House Neumann

* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

Words: "Take what is ours"

House Crest/Colors: Per chevron inverted sable and azure, an argent ram's head affronté


This message was last edited by the GM at 18:17, Wed 10 Sept 2014.
GM, 812 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 30 Jun 2014
at 16:29
  • msg #15

Re: House (3rd)

Spot on Hold for future 3rd Player House of the Reach

Player's Wanted:

Realm: The Reach
Liege Lord:

Event 1:

Event 2:

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
*NCLordstatus, age,
*NCLadystatus, age,
*NC Status , age, 1st Heir
PC status, age, Second-in-line to line to inherit
NC status, age,
* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

House Words:

House Crest/Colors:

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:45, Tue 01 July 2014.
GM, 813 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 30 Jun 2014
at 16:34
  • msg #16

Great House: Greyjoy

Iron Islands


a golden kraken on a black field

"We Do Not Sow"

King of Salt and Rock
Son of the Sea Wind
Lord Reaper of Pyke



House Harlaw of Harlaw
  • House Harlaw of Ten Towers
  • House Harlaw of Grey Garden
  • House Harlaw of Tower of Glimmering
  • House Harlaw of Harridan Hill

House Blacktyde of Blacktyde
House Goodbrother of Great Wyk
  •   House Goodbrother of Hammerhorn
  •   House Goodbrother of Shatterstone
  •   House Goodbrother

House Merlyn of Pebbleton
House Sparr of Great Wyk
House Botley of Lordsport
House Humble

Knightly Houses:

Sworn to House Greyjoy:

  • House Drumm of Old Wyk
  • House House Farwynd of Sealskin Point
  • House Farwynd of the Lonely Light
  • House Orkwood of Orkmont
  • House Saltcliffe of Saltcliffe
  • House Sharp
  • House Shepherd
  • House Volmark of Volmark
  • House Codd
  • House Ironmaker
  • House Kenning of Harlaw
  • House Myre of Harlaw
  • House Netley
  • House Stonehouse of Old Wyk
  • House Stonetree of Harlaw
  • House Sunderly of Saltcliffe
  • House Tawney of Orkmont
  • House Volmark of Harlaw
  • House Weaver
  • House Wynch of Iron Holt

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:57, Wed 20 Aug 2014.
GM, 831 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 1 Jul 2014
at 13:40
  • msg #17

House Saltwind

Player's Wanted:

Realm: Iron Islands
Liege Lord: Quellon Greyjoy Lord of Pyke

History: Landed by Baelor I, the Blessed.
Event 1:

Event 2:

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
*NCLordstatus, age,
*NCLadystatus, age,
*NC status , age, 1st Heir
PC status, age, Second-in-line to line to inherit
PCRhaella Saltwindstatus, adult, Valyrian Bloodline, Daemon's oldest daughter
PCSolveigstatus, middle-aged, Maester, Born in Hjort, Son of a Drowned Man
NCRaul the Silentstatus, age, Raider
* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

House Words: "Nail your colors to the mast!"

House Crest/Colors:

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:49, Mon 01 Sept 2014.
GM, 832 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 1 Jul 2014
at 13:42
  • msg #18

Re: House Greyjoy

Spot on Hold for future 2nd Player House of the Iron Islands.

Player's Wanted:

Realm: Iron Islands
Liege Lord:

Event 1:

Event 2:

House Crest/Colors:

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:51, Mon 01 Sept 2014.
GM, 833 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 1 Jul 2014
at 13:42
  • msg #19

Re: House Greyjoy

Spot on Hold for future 3rd Player House of the Iron Islands

Player's Wanted:

Realm: Iron Islands
Liege Lord:

Event 1:

Event 2:

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
*NCLordstatus, age,
*NCLadystatus, age,
*NC status , age, 1st Heir
PC status, age, Second-in-line to line to inherit
NC status, age,
* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

House Words:

House Crest/Colors:

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:58, Tue 08 July 2014.
GM, 1258 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 19 Aug 2014
at 15:49
  • msg #20

Great House: Baratheon

The Stormlands

Storm's End

A crowned black stag rampant on a gold field

Ours is the Fury

Lords Paramount of the Stormlands
Lord of Storm's End


House Targaryen

House Caron of Nightsong
House Errol of Haystack Hall
House Estermont of Greenstone
House Grandison of Grandview
House Musgood
House Peasebury of Poddingfield
House Trant of Gallowsgrey
House Tarth of Evenfall Hall

Knightly Houses:
House Connington of Griffin's Roost
House Seaworth

Marcher Lords:
  • House Dondarrion of Blackhaven
  • House Foote of Nightsong
  • House Selmy of Harvest Hall
  • House Swann of Stonehelm

Sworn to House Baratheon:
  • House Bolling
  • House Buckler of Bronzegate
  • House Cafferen of Fawnton
  • House Durrandon
  • House Fell of Felwood
  • House Gower
  • House Hasty
  • House Herston
  • House Horpe
  • House Kellington
  • House Lonmouth
  • House Mertyns of Mistwood
  • House Morrigen of Crows Nest
  • House Penrose of Parchments
  • House Rogers of Amberly
  • House Staedmon of Broad Arch
  • House Swygert
  • House Toyne
  • House Tudbury
  • House Wagstaff
  • House Wensington
  • House Wylde of Rain House

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:53, Wed 20 Aug 2014.
GM, 1259 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 19 Aug 2014
at 15:56
  • msg #21

House Fell of Timberwood

Spot on Hold for future 1st Player House of the Stormlands

Player's Wanted:

Realm: Stormlands
Liege Lord:

Event 1:

Event 2:

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
PCLord Loranth Fellstatus 4, age 22, Lord of the Fells of Timberwood
*NCLady Adria Fellstatus , age 38, Widow of the late Lord Godard Fell
PCLachland Fellstatus 3, age 27, Cousin to Loranth, current heir
PCTristan Fellststus , age , "Skybreaker"
NCSer Guy Flowersstatus 4, age 38, Steward of House Fell
NCJonstatus 2, age 45, Master Smith
PCEryyk Tyrolstatus 3, age 34,
PCVanna Stormstatus 2, age 28, Head of Rangers, bodyguard
PCAcired Velaryonstatus 3, age 14, Ward of House Fell
* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

House Words:

House Crest/Colors:

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:49, Sat 22 Nov 2014.
GM, 1260 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 19 Aug 2014
at 15:57
  • msg #22

Re: House: Baratheon

Spot on Hold for future 2nd Player House of the Stormlands

Player's Wanted:

Realm: Stormlands
Liege Lord:

Event 1:

Event 2:

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
*NCLordstatus, age,
*NCLadystatus, age,
*NC status , age, 1st Heir
PC status, age, Second-in-line to line to inherit
NC status, age,
* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

House Words:

House Crest/Colors:

This message was last updated by the GM at 15:58, Tue 19 Aug 2014.
GM, 1261 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 19 Aug 2014
at 15:57
  • msg #23

Re: House: Baratheon

Spot on Hold for future 3rd Player House of the Stormlands

Player's Wanted:

Realm: Stormlands
Liege Lord:

Event 1:

Event 2:

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
*NCLordstatus, age,
*NCLadystatus, age,
*NC status , age, 1st Heir
PC status, age, Second-in-line to line to inherit
NC status, age,
* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.

House Words:

House Crest/Colors:

This message was last updated by the GM at 15:58, Tue 19 Aug 2014.
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