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15:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Twins Ambush Site (3)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
Jadis Sand
Kolwyn, 129 posts
Royal Bastard
Hanger on
Wed 18 Jun 2014
at 16:38
  • msg #80

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

Jadis raised her hand. "Hold your patience tight, brother. While we should send a runner to have them detained, we should present him with all the facts and allow him to examine the evidence rather than simply claim proof." She looked over the children "Including the testimony of the witnesses. There is much about this that seems off. While the Red Twins assuredly have many crimes to answer for, I think perhaps someone trying to play games with us."

She approached the kneeling boy, Brutus circling around him and sniffing. "Why did you just call me a priestess, child?" She looked at his clothes critically, mentally comparing their quality to what she knew of the servants of House Kolwyn.
GM, 703 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 18 Jun 2014
at 22:07
  • msg #81

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

In reply to Jadis Sand (msg # 80):

The farmer and his family stay quiet and his children do the same. The boy is very much afraid of Jadis. He almost starts to tremble as she questions him. "You just remind me of the women that burned the men". Lowering his head and taking a small step back as he speaks.
Ronan Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 37 posts
Black Sheep
3rd Heir of Kolwyn
Wed 18 Jun 2014
at 22:18
  • msg #82

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

In reply to Jadis Sand (msg # 80):

"Sister we do and will have plenty of proof, first we have this boy, we have the colors of a family that belongs to this area. When Archibald is finished saving our prisoner he can bear testimony. Which I believe will show even more proof that they were not honest and that they in fact are the bandits".

"Jadis you have given me an idea, Archibald the boy comes with us, he will also be in your care as we sort through this mess." It seems the drink is fading away, and like normal his is taking charge until he gets angered and starts drinking again.
Jadis Sand
Kolwyn, 130 posts
Royal Bastard
Hanger on
Wed 18 Jun 2014
at 22:26
  • msg #83

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

Jadis keeps looking into the boy's eyes intently. "And how do I remember you of that woman?" Behind him, Brutus lets out a low rumble.
GM, 704 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 18 Jun 2014
at 22:36
  • msg #84

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

In reply to Jadis Sand (msg # 83):

The boy is now frightened, so much of Jadis he starts to curl up, ... His eyes start to water, His shoulders fold in, as his head hides in between, ..... he slouches over and takes another step back. "Please don't hurt me, I beg you, please, ..."
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 101 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Thu 19 Jun 2014
at 02:08
  • msg #85

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

It was then that the older knight who had largely been quiet, who was there more for security reasons had stepped in. "Son, don't worry, I won't let any one hurt you," he dropped down to one knee to better talk to him on his own level. He took off his helmet so he could better see his face. "It took a lot of courage to tell us what you knew, a very knightly virtue." Hassan introduced himself, "I am Ser Hassan of Raven's Roost, what's yours?"

(sorry about lack of color posted from phone)
GM, 709 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 20 Jun 2014
at 15:08
  • msg #86

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 85):

The boy is still scared, between what he has been through and seen at the field, its likely that he will be this way for sometime. "They call me Gerrin, I come from the village of 'Dyland'."

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 103 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Fri 20 Jun 2014
at 17:23
  • msg #87

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

"Jadis please leave," he said to her as he attempted to speak with the boy. "Where are your parents son?" he asked hoping they were still alive. "Gerrin of Dyland, that's a strong name for a strong lad. Now son, we're going to need you to come with us, but don't worry once we are done, I'll make sure to get you home. But what you saw is very important for making sure these bad people get what they deserve; do you understand Gerrin?"

((If these are his parents and I misread something please ignore the question)
GM, 719 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 20 Jun 2014
at 21:02
  • msg #88

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 87):

"Yes Lord Knight, I understand."
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:03, Fri 20 June 2014.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 104 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Fri 20 Jun 2014
at 21:12
  • msg #89

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

Ser Hassan smiled at the boy, and rubbed his back in a comforting manner. "So tell me about your self boy, are you training to become a silk dyer like others in your Village? I was actually trained by my own father to be a smith. Made my own armor that I'm wearing now." Ser Hassan seemed a rather gentleman, which was odd for some one who had a reputation for leading cavalry charges against the Targaryens.
GM, 720 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 20 Jun 2014
at 21:41
  • msg #90

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

"Really you were a smiths son?" Wow does that mean I could be a knight?"

The boys fear has slowly been lifted from him as if Ser Hassan waves a magic wand or something. The boy is not only talking to him but its almost as if he now has a new aura about him. The farmer and his wife look shocked at the openness of the boy as if they have never seen him this way before. They too almost look happier now that the boy is calm and speaking clearly to Ser Hassan. The farm family huddles together with arm & hand over shoulder as if they are approving what they are seeing.

For a warrior, fighter, killer it seem that Ser Hassan has a gentle side.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:42, Fri 20 June 2014.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 105 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Fri 20 Jun 2014
at 22:00
  • msg #91

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

In reply to Caladin (msg # 90):

"Any man, with determination, and a true heart can change their stars lad," he said with a smile. "I am looking for a new squire too, I understand your parents can't feed you. Once all of this is said and done with how would you like to join the Knights of Raven's Roost?" he said to him with a friendly face. "You strong of arm? Let me see you make a muscle," he said gesturing with his own arm.

This message was last edited by the player at 04:49, Sat 21 June 2014.
GM, 726 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 14:06
  • msg #92

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 91):

Ser Hassan has won the boy over, and somewhat the farmer and his family.
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 64 posts
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 15:35
  • msg #93

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

Not wanting to interfere with the process of taming the child until it was quite finished, beyond the use of the mild sedative, Maester Archibald busies himself with inspecting the home itself, looking for telltale clues that could be linked to any recent intrusions, odd visitors, or items out of place in the presumed social context.

Once things are more settled the Maester once again returns to the dialog to offer what assistance he can, addressing the child in a calm but matter of fact way uncommonly used on the children of small-folk.

”I have no doubt Ser Hassan will prove an able tutor in the ways of the sword and honor but I am afraid we must all return to the castle shortly, if there is anything you wish to say to these fine folks who sheltered you in their home now would be the time.”
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 106 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 23:51
  • msg #94

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

"I agree with the Maester, we need to ride hard back to the castle to report this news before some ill fate befalls those who remain," Ser Hassan walked up toward the people and nodded to them. "I want to thank you all for saving this boys life, when I return home, I will make sure you are duly compensated," he bowed his head to the man and wife before him.
GM, 747 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 13:55
  • msg #95

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 94):

The farmer's family are ecstatic over the offer, they politely refused at first but when offered a second time they gladly accept.

The boy seems very happy in the company of Ser Hassan and is not so fearful anymore, both the Maester and Hassan feel pretty confident they will be able to get a good deal of information from the boy within the next few days once they reach the safety of the castle.

Ronan has grown inpatient and before heading back drinks heavy at the expense of the farmer's fermented grain alcohol.

The group is now ready and a scout has been sent back to the castle. It will be just over one days travel back. So if the weather holds they should reach home before the next night fall.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 111 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 17:11
  • msg #96

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

"Blessings of the seven upon you," said Ser Hassan as he left the tent with the boy in tow. "Have you ever ridden a horse before Gerrin?" he asked as he lifted the boy up and into the saddle of his own horse before taking the seat behind him. "Come now lets return to the keep, and Ronan... if you keep drinking the way you do you'll die of Dehydration before we even return."
Ronan Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 38 posts
Black Sheep
3rd Heir of Kolwyn
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 17:16
  • msg #97

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 96):

"I'd worry less about what I drink and more about what Raven Claw plans to do about all this, ..."

He kicks his horse hard and rides out past the farm gates and keeps going up the path in front of the group.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:16, Mon 23 June 2014.
Makarios Lestat
Kolwyn, 51 posts
Master of the Hunt
Marked Retainer
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 17:21
  • msg #98

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

"Ser Hassan not to interfere with the lords business but its his father that I would think about and what he will say about these past few day, ... respectfully saying."

Makarios points at one man "you scout ahead and you" as he point to another "keep our 'Lord' safe" "Go quickly!"
GM, 750 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 17:27
  • msg #99

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

The guards, soldiers, scouts and men one by one ride to catch up with their lord as one stays behind with the wagon and the Maester, and his prisoner.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 112 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 17:44
  • msg #100

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

"We'll need to make sure we present our evidence in the correct manner, politicks some times can be the downfall of justice, if one thing or another is just the wrong way, the twins will attempt to worm their way out of it, so far what we have presented is That the men of House Dylan were attacked and killed by the Twins of House Amaranth dawn, This is correct yes?" Hassan was known for having the occasional problem with memory from various hits to the helmet, he normally wrote things down to remember, but having such luxuries on a short expedition he did not think to bring.
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 67 posts
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 21:24
  • msg #101

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

Leaving the lords and knights to their work the Maester returns to his own, closing the flaps of the wagon and dedicating his focus to the prisoner who may yet turn out to be useful even if only as a second opinion.
GM, 751 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 22:39
  • msg #102

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

In reply to Archibald Sand (msg # 101):

Your skill has saved his life, not only will he make a full recovery. All his abilities will be fine except his speech ( due to missing tongue ).
GM, 774 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 21:42
  • msg #103

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site


The Knights of Raven's Claw and several members of house Kolwyn head out first lite to investigate the ambush site of the Red Twins.

The prisoner left by the Red Twins is taken on the trip. Archibald Sand is an incredible healer and Maester, he saves the prisoner even when on the road.

Makarios Lestat and his hunters preform well and help discover trails that may confirm that the 'Bandits' in question come from the land held by the family Dylann.

Jadis Sands takes it upon herself to go with, and Makarios is ask to watch over her by orders of Ronan. Jadis is in no need for a baby sitter and proves her weight when the time called for it.

The Ambush site was much more then a battle field is was a display of torture and inhuman actions. Many were burned and some staked. several clue were found that leads the group to believe that perhaps there were no bandits and the men were from

Ronan tends to his usual drinking but also finds a farming house near by the ambush site that holds important clues behind what the group now believe to be the truth - the twins maybe have given a false testimonies to the events.

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe befriends a boy (Gerrin) who was found at the farm, he not only witness the attack and events but is also from the Village of Dyland of House Dylann.

They have gathered their things and heads back to the castle. They bring with them several clues, a dagger, a torn piece of a banner, and a young boy, .......

After an uneventful trip back - except for Ronan heavy drinking and insults, they are once again home.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:50, Wed 25 June 2014.
GM, 776 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 21:50
  • msg #104

Re: IC: Twins Ambush Site

  This scene has ended, a new thread will be posted.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Scene:4, Group:1

All players in this scene will be awarded 1 experience

Note bonuses were award to Archibald Sand for saving a life that was not going to live & Ser Hassan Ravenhowe for befriending the boy an important events.

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