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17:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Preparing for Peace (4)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 47 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Tue 17 Jun 2014
at 18:20
  • msg #160

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Edric excitement died down as the challenge was to be hand to hand. Edric true skill was with a sword not with his fist. Hand to Hand combat is no worthy way for us to test our skills in combat. If we truly wish to see which region has the better fighter we should fight with swords.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 60 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Tue 17 Jun 2014
at 18:33
  • msg #161

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

 The Lord of Dorn bespoke of a wager based upon a meeting in the lists. For the first time, since he walked into this tent, Mathys smiled. He took a sip of wine before he again spoke. "I accept your terms, lord of Dorn. " he saluted them again with the wine cup, he then  drained its remains.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:36, Tue 17 June 2014.
Merius Basso
Neumann, 17 posts
Com. of the Blue Lancers
Born in Eastern Lands
Tue 17 Jun 2014
at 19:21
  • msg #162

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

In reply to Dyllan Redbrush (msg # 155):

Merius nods to Dyllan acknowledging the words. He then gestures the Lances to continue to their own encampment. As he went along he took a good look at all the banners on display. He turned to Lysono 'Too many arms in a narrow space... we may have trouble...' All he got back from Lysono was a grin. He could not help to laugh heartily... 'Aye, this may turn to be fun in the end... but we do have some kind of duty to the people paying us. TYCHO... make sure that you know where Ser Neumann is. We may need to leave in a hurry... or to get him out of trouble in a hurry...'
GM, 698 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 17 Jun 2014
at 20:31
  • msg #163

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

In reply to Ser Edric Neumann (msg # 160):

"So be it then with swords,... So its done then?" Vernon extends his hand for a formal warriors shake of agreement.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 63 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Tue 17 Jun 2014
at 20:40
  • msg #164

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

 Ser Mathys made sure he was the one that took Vernon's hand, to confirm the event and the wager.
Mara Neumann
Neumann, 50 posts
Famous, Attractive
1st Daughter of Neumann
Tue 17 Jun 2014
at 21:25
  • msg #165

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Mara could see her presence was no longer needed. There would be peace until at least the Tourney. After that, Mara fear one slip such as an insult, or the seven gods forbid a death of one of the duelist. Often she thought that Westeros would run better if the men just went out to play with their wooden swords like boys whenever there was an important decision. The most disturbing thing was the big Brother, Victorian, was still tired. She walked to the tent flap, and spoke briefly before departing.

My dear Lords and friends, I fear I must depart. I am not certain if it is the wine, or the excitement of a tourney between honorable warriors. Brother, I will see you at the Hall enjoy yourselves I know the way.
GM, 699 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 17 Jun 2014
at 22:09
  • msg #166

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Ser Victarion Ashfield has said very little other than polite courtesies. He has taken a seat and is enjoying the many new tastes that are attacking his tongue. When a member of his house speaks he stare at them with malintent, as if speaking with his eye to shout up. As the wine fills the bellies the tongues start to swell, and Victarion has drank very little waiting to hear what the Lords of Dorne have to say. But to his discontent they have revealed nothing of importance and now he has become impatient and raises "Lords and Ladies it is time to retire, I will bring back the news to my father Lord of Ashfield. We will send a messenger when Lord Ascar is ready to receive the Lords Of Donre."

"I bid you all farewell." 
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 49 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Wed 18 Jun 2014
at 02:55
  • msg #167

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Edric waits for Mathys to let go before taking Vernon's hand. I will look for you in the list good Ser. As Mara leaves he follows suit. No sister I will accompany you. Edric wasn't keen on letting his sister out of his sight. Olaf had already tried once to kidnapped and he got lucky that time, he isn't willing to let that happen again.
Corinne Flowers
Ashfield, 11 posts
Mistress of Horses
Lady Iliria's Bastard
Wed 18 Jun 2014
at 08:19
  • msg #168

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Corinne Flowers stood outside the lavish dornish tent were her half-brothers and half-sister speak the dornish nobles doing her best not to pay attention to the voices she keeps hearing from the tent unless it sounds like trouble. She leaned back casually in her riding armour slowly cutting pieces off the fresh red apple and crunching down on the ripe sweet fruit with each bit, she really did love apples even she she'd been a girl it had been one of her few true indulgences. Every once in a while she'd pass a slice off to her destrier, it wasn't her beloved Caldazar her preferred mount but it was a yearly that had proven itself well during the long patrol that had tested it in every way so it deserved a reward.

The young blonde haired woman actively forced herself from thinking about what she was hearing from inside the tent, so far neither party had gotten down to the discussion of true statecraft but each time she almost winced at the tenseness of the conversation in the tent. She knew exactly how important this deal and possibly marriage alliance could be for House Ashfield and her siblings should know that to but a part of her really wanted to go in there and box the ears of her two younger half-brothers for seeming to not keep that in mind. The blonde woman suppressed those thoughts quickly and ruthlessly along with any thoughts on how she might have dealt with the dornish in their place, she couldn't afford to think like that, she couldn't. She was a bastard and she knew all the legends about the greedy grasping nature of bastards that floated around Westeros they'd followed her ever since she'd been board, it didn't help that despite her lack of a proper education she had a solid core of common sense and was a quick learner. She couldn't afford to have ambitions much less to acknowledge them and the best way to not acknowledge them was to keep her mind far from temptation. So she drowned out the speaking inside the tent when it drifted from casual conversation to diplomacy.

Her hand drifted closer to her blade as she saw the group of dornishmen approaching the tent but when the guards let them pass she relaxed a little and went back to cutting her apple, although she remained wary. Then the last young man in the group smiled at her and she smiled back trying to be friendly then she blinked and realised he was trying to flirt with her. 'These dornish truly have no shame.' Then she heard Victorian speak and knew that the audience was ending, the young warrior woman striated a little and passed what was left of her apple to the horse to let it finish the sweet fruit as she nodded her head signaling the men to prepare the mounts.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:26, Wed 18 June 2014.
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 51 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 04:04
  • msg #169

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Edric Starts making his way back to Poppy Hall eager to to show his skills in his first tourney, even if it was just a minor one.

GM, 725 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 13:55
  • msg #170

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Ser Victarion has enjoyed the food and after some open discussion on topics that did not interest him, he is now ready to leave and return back to Poppy Hill.

"It seems that this gathering is coming to a close. Lords of Dorne, My thanks for your generosities, the food was interesting to say the least and more so the company."

Ser Vitarion looks about the tent and gives everyone that is part of the houses to The Reach a look, Its Time To Leave regardless who pays heed to his facial request he gather himself properly and politely leaves.

AS soon as he exits and sees his bastard sister "Wonderful and other women and a bastard to boot, did you come to show the Dorne how much we are like them sister? That we too accept the faults of our lust, that for ours is not of proper noble men and ladies?"

"Do not answer sister, I know father sent you but don't forget its mother that protects you and this is not Dorne you will not inherit you will be married, ...." The typical cruel replies from your brother, he is upset most likely his brother and sister gave a better show it the Dornish Lords. He wants so badly to be lord, he can not see anyone as equals nor will he.
Dyllan Redbrush
Ashfield, 17 posts
Sworn to House Ashfield
30 year War Veteran
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 14:04
  • msg #171

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

In reply to Merius Basso (msg # 162):

"I will take a few lancers and escort the others back to the 'Hill' we meet in the hall later tonight, ....."

Dyllan thou not a Lancer is part of the Lord's inner circle and well respected amongst all the members the house. When he speaks many feel they are the words of the Lord thou at the end of the day they all know better.

After dividing the men, Lord Garin Kaldor seems to more relaxed, the squire is very uncomfortable, it looks as is the boys ass hurts, he is not used to riding for so long, its quit funny.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 68 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 16:17
  • msg #172

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

 As the Heir to the House of Ashfield, in other words, his older idiot Brother, made his farewells to the Dorn, Mathys drained his goblet, and followed his Father's mistake outside. When they had again reached unfouled air, the second son, saw another mistake, but this one was clad in armor, instead of a proper dress.

 " Today seems to be a day for jests. First the Dorn, a woman wanting to be a man, and then there is you, dear, dear brother.  You treated those Dornish Dogs, like they where worthy of anything but a sword blade." Mathys rolled his eyes. "I know, I know, as you told me earlier, that is why you are heir to the House. And may the Gods cast blessings upon our House; we are going to need them."

 With those words said, and making sure he was out of range, of his brother's potential anger, Mathys remounted his horse, prepared to return to the Hall.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:18, Sat 21 June 2014.
GM, 746 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 13:35
  • msg #173

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Lord Dannor Steiner, is not much for polite goods byes and give simple replies as each leave the tent. His son on the other hand is more formal and perhaps more interest in the ladies and walks the group of nobles and knights out of the tent. Once outside Vernon shows a formal display to his men that all is right.
Dyllan Redbrush
Ashfield, 18 posts
Sworn to House Ashfield
30 year War Veteran
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 17:09
  • msg #174

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

In the distance coming over the hill is Dyllan with a few of the Blue Lancers. As the get closer they enter the camp at a quick pace.

The dust is kicked in the air as the lancers ride in. Their fine horses begin to circle and they move in and out of one another creating a show of formation in front of the Dorne soldiers.

Dyllan speaks loudly but in a scratchy voice, "My Lords, and Ladies I have come to provide an escort ... Also the ambassador from House Kaldor has arrive and Merius is taking him directly to Poppy Hill. As our lord has requested"

"By your leave, ..." as he notices a few of the Dornish Lords giving their finial farewells. Lord Chiffon and Dyllan meet eye to eye and if not for the horse moving so much it was sure to be a staring contest, but once the gaze was broken Dyllan just went to his position, as he was here to escort the family home not start a fight.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 76 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 02:46
  • msg #175

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

 Finally, those of House Ashfield where heading back to Poppy Hall. And none to soon, as far as Mathys was concerned. The young Knight decided to ride ahead, just because he knew it annoyed his Brother. Besides, once his conduct at the meeting was reported to his father, and his brother would tell the tale, there would be hell to pay. But such thoughts only made Mathys smile. He loved his family, but there where times he wished he was a Bastard, at least he could do then as he pleased.

 Just as he was about to put spurs to his horse's flanks, he saw old Dyllan approach with a few of the Blue Riders.  The old house retainer was well liked by Mathys, he was one of the few in the house, that the young man felt he could relate with.

 "Dyllan! It is good to see a proper fighting man, come out to this fluff party. Let us return to the Hall and have some wine, to wash away the bad taste of the Dornish"

 Mathys settled in with his horse, to ride along the side of Dyllan.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:48, Tue 24 June 2014.
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 60 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 03:07
  • msg #176

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Edric was alarmed to see Blue Lances. He had ordered them to stay home and their presence meant either trouble back home or trouble was soon to show up. He ignores then man who taught him how to hold a sword, his attention completely on the lancers. What are you doing here! You had orders to remain at Blue Hall. He pauses for a bit, a worried look upon his face. Never mind, I will speak to Merius. He wheels his horse around to face his Mara. Sister, stay with the Lances I'm going to ride a head and sort this out immediately. Edric takes off back to Poppy Hall in order to find Merius.

Time Pass
Ser Duncan Shepherd
Neumann, 5 posts
Bodyguard / Fighter
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 06:49
  • msg #177

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Ser Duncan had watched the nobles posturing in silence. He wasn't yet entirely comfortable in the company of nobles, his elevation to knighthood being rather recent and dramatic. Plucking up his courage he walked towards Mara to voice his concerns.

"Begging your pardon my lady, but your brother is a fool. There hasn't been peace long enough to play at fighting with the Dornish."
Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 63 posts
Healer of Poppy Hall
2nd Daughter of Ashfield
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 13:53
  • msg #178

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Pella stepped out into the fresh air with a smile, glad to once more inhale the natural floral scents of home rather than the foreign flavours of Dorne. All things considered, Pella left the tent somewhat grateful to exit with neither mention nor proposal from a Dornishman.

Feeling sorry for her half-sister bearing the brunt of Victarion's arrogance once again, Pella offers her a sympathetic smile. "Thank you for watching the horses, Corinne", she offers politely, as she steps up lightly onto the saddle of her gentle palfrey, Meryn.
Mara Neumann
Neumann, 52 posts
Famous, Attractive
1st Daughter of Neumann
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 14:10
  • msg #179

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Mara's face goes stern for a moment, but than realizes that Ser Duncan had risen from the smallfolk. He better than most had reason to judge foolish words and actions that have so often led to his kind being slaughtered. The knights wear plate, and have castle steel and fine horses. The small folk have little more than a prayer to the seven when in battle. Speaking softly so her voice could be heard  to only Ser Duncan, and those who intentionally tried to listen.

Ser Duncan, I understand your words, but I ask you not to speak them again. He like many young men still believe that the slate can only be cleaned with blood. One say soon, I believe my Brother will come to a crossroads, and I know he will choose the right path. He has had two fathers in his life one that scrambles for the crumbs of power at the cost of his people, and another that has thought pride is more important than true honor. But, some how he has risen from the muck of those teachings, and for the most part is a good man.

She smiled at him. She wanted him to know that she held no anger at him.

Ser Duncan, you are a good man I believe. Time will heal all wounds. His and yours.
Corinne Flowers
Ashfield, 13 posts
Mistress of Horses
Lady Iliria's Bastard
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 17:56
  • msg #180

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Corinne Flowers had to resist the urge to roll her eyes at her lord half-brothers remarks, they were nothing new to her and she'd been hearing different versions of them almost all her life since her father's death and her mother's request for her to come to Poppy Hall. The dirty blonde female lancer had heard those words so often from her brother specifically and other in general that they almost made her yawn with boredom, although the scars in her heart they had built when she was younger still twinged every once in a while. Instead of speaking she simply whistled for one of the lancers she'd road out with to bring her two half-brothers horses, Victorian was a arse who was so desperate for his father's position that it blinded him to his own arrogance and lack of charm. She knew that but he was also the rightful Lord of Poppy Hall, House Ashfield, and in Corinnes own honest opinion probably the best man for the job even with his manifold faults. Behind that arrogance there was a brain and brave heart maybe once he was lord and he didn't have to worry about position he would settle down, she hoped so. But even if it didn't he was the heir to her Lord and her younger half-brother so he deserved her respect and obedience.

Although by the Seven, why did he have to make it so hard sometimes.

A small smile crossed Corinne's face at Mathys' joke but she quickly wiped it from her face, she like her younger half brothers jokes and found him easier to be around with that Victorian because while he was far from the most accepting person on the planet and sometimes his jokes at her expense could be rather hard to swallow, they had none of the cruel barbs of Victorian's. She knew that he didn't entirely like her mostly because he didn't understand her but he was outwardly hostile either which was more than she could say for some men, although God's help House Ashfield if he ever inherited anything larger that a hunting lodge. All in all it was a duty to protect and serve Victorian and one that Corinne took a small amount of pride but with Mathys it was less of a duty and more of a pleasure.

That feeling went double for her half sister and Mathys twin Pella who was strange enough the closest person to an actual family that Corinne had ever had outside of her father and mothers, although that wasn't saying much considering Corrine's own background and life. The two women didn't really understand each other and in all honestly probably never would but they could get along when the need struck them. The dirty blonde haired female lancer nodded slowly and gently guided Pella's mount forward by the reins slowly stroking its neck as a reward for being so patient for all the silly humans to get done doing whatever they were doing so that it could get back to the stables and get on with important things like eating and being around other horses. She bowed her head slightly as her half sister mounted, "Of course, my lady." She pulled up her own young destrier and jumped up easily into the saddle despite the familiar weight of the armour and made a clicking sound with her mouth to signal the other House Ashfield lancers to mount up.

As Mathys road off in a tearing off with one of his friends the dirty blonde haired woman almost sided, nodding toward one of the four lancers who'd accompanied her then making another distinct clicking sound with her mouth before nodding after her younger half brother. The man nodded reining his horse to follow the young Lord and his friends to keep an eye on them, it was probably overkill with Dyllan there but Corinne believed in overkill when it came to her families protection.

Once that was done Corrine had something else to worry about considering some of the rumours she'd heard in the holdfasts about why the summit was being held, her eyes flicked over to her half sister and tried to gage her state but Corinne had never had any skill at stuff like that. So she trotted up close to her half sister on her own mount as the party formed up and reached into her bag pulling out a two bright apples from her saddlebag, "Do you want one my Lady, their fresh from the stocks of some of the small folk orchard keepers. My patrol hung a couple bandits a couple three days ago they'd been sniffing around the farmers holdfast so they gave use what they could in thanks."
Ser Duncan Shepherd
Neumann, 6 posts
Bodyguard / Fighter
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 07:33
  • msg #181

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Mara Neumann:
Ser Duncan, I understand your words, but I ask you not to speak them again. He like many young men still believe that the slate can only be cleaned with blood. One say soon, I believe my Brother will come to a crossroads, and I know he will choose the right path. He has had two fathers in his life one that scrambles for the crumbs of power at the cost of his people, and another that has thought pride is more important than true honor. But, some how he has risen from the muck of those teachings, and for the most part is a good man.

She smiled at him. She wanted him to know that she held no anger at him.

Ser Duncan, you are a good man I believe. Time will heal all wounds. His and yours.

"As you wish my lady." Duncan said loudly. Almost too quietly to hear, he continued his warning.

"Your brother will be a good man with a sword through him if he's not careful. The bloody Dornish ... begging your pardon my lady, anyway ... the Dornish led him by the nose into this fight. If one man is playing at fighting and one man is doing it for real, I know which one is going to end up bleeding."

Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 64 posts
Healer of Poppy Hall
2nd Daughter of Ashfield
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 09:57
  • msg #182

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

"Thank you", Pella said, taking the apple on offer. It was sweet and fresh and juicy; there were men at the Wall that would kill for fruit like this, but to the lady of House Ashfield it was just a regular apple.

Pella was habitually awkward around Corinne, the most notable feature of this being her disinclination to mock her half-sister at every opportunity; that was reserved for family or foes, of which Corinne was neither. Sort of.

"If father finds out that your men have been hanging captured men, the bandits won't be the only ones hanging - the right of pit and gallows is his alone.", Pella warned Corinne in a matter-of-fact fashion as she crunched away on some of the Reach's finest product, riding home towards Poppy Hall.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:57, Wed 25 June 2014.
GM, 767 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 17:09
  • msg #183

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace


House Ashfield and representatives of their respected houses & Banner men received a Letter of Invitation from King's Landing that their Houses are to attend the wedding of House Targaryen Prince Daeron to House Martell Princess Myriah.

Due to the new peace treaty by King Baelor the Blessed, 3 leading houses of Dorne were to visit and begin trade agreements to start open relations with The Reach and south to Dorne.

Generally speaking the Ashfields are not happy with his event, they have lost many men fighting Dorne, but will do what their king has asked.

The Lord of Ashfield sends family members to the Dorne Lords that have set camp just outside Poppy Hill. Their actions have been unsettling to both the noble house and the people of the 'Hill'.

Lord Ashfield finds that the bravest and most daring of the Dorne Lords was Garin Kaldor, who has not only traveled through the Prince's Pass but they are the Greatest rival House from Dorne. Lord Garin Kaldor has come for the negations with only a squire alone.

Dyllan & the Blue Lancers were sent to bring back Garin Kaldor to Poppy Hill.

Within the House there has been several happenings between family members and those sworn to the House.

Ser Victarion Ashfield & Pella Ashfield were assigned to go to speak with the Lords and invite them to the 'Hill" after some issue with formalities. Ser Mathys Ashfield
and a few men joined them. Also joining them to the Dorne camp are their guests from House Neumann.

Ser Edric Neumann and his sister Mara Neumann have arrived to visit, and ibterested in seeing how the most recent events unfold. They went to meet the Lords of Dorne with house Ashfield.

Lord Garin Kaldor & Wulfgang Tannard have arrived from the southern road and are being taken back to the 'Hill' by Merius Basso and his Blue Lancers.

Ser Duncan Shepherd & Corinne Flowers some of many the come to watch over the lords and ladies waited outside the tents for hours as their family, lords and ladies discussed political matters not meant for them.

Lord Ashfield gave instructions to give a show of force to the Dorne Lords so Dyllan Redbrush takes it on himself to bring half of the Lancer to the Dorne camp to escort the noble sons and daughters of The Reach back to the 'Hill'.

At the moment, .....

Brandon Snow & Bruce the Strong stand on the wall of the 'Hill' just looking over fields of poppy they stayed behind to watch over the house as most of the warrior went out to be the Lord requests. The watch and see coming from the south Merius Basso and only half of this Blue Lancers.

Not yet in sight of the wall of the 'Hill', ......

The other half of the Blue Lancer and the rest of the Ashfield family are returning from the Dorne camp. They have shared and passed amongst themselves many concerns and options, but regardless of that they think they now all most report back to their lord.

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:10, Wed 25 June 2014.
GM, 768 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 17:09
  • msg #184

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

This scene has ended, a new thread will be posted.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Scene:2, Group:2

the following player receives 1 experience

Pella Ashfield, Polina Ashfield, Mathys Ashfield, Corinne Flowers, Ser Edric Neumann, & Mara Neumann

Being the rest just joined the scene they will be awarded exps next time

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:42, Wed 25 June 2014.
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