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14:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Back at the 'Hill' (5)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 1038 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 23 Jul 2014
at 19:20
  • msg #83

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

The solider draws his weapon, and dismounts. "M'Lord Vernon allow me, ...."

Lord Garin side steps the solider to his off hand side and waits for his attack. The archers of House Ashfield draw arrows but wait for a command from the captains. Those in the courtyard step away from the action as to allow room for the combatants to have their fight. None try to stop a Dorne from killing a Dorne.

The solider give a straight forward assault with his sword in hand, the blade points down and he holds it low and he swings upwards attempting to strike across Garins chest. "You will need better men then his Vernon if you wish to see victory" as Garin simply sidesteps again and pushes the solider back with an open hand attack. Lord Garin is not even holding his weapon in a manner which would be taking this solider seriously. Then Garin makes a faint with his body and raise his weapon but instead just laughs, "Perhaps you should send a few more Vernon or better yet maybe you wish to dismount?" Garin taunts both the solider and Vernon provoking the soldier's anger and Vernon's pride.

The solder again attacks, this time with a over head lung and aiming for Garin's shoulder and neck area. Garin seems upset that he tries to continue and that Vernon doesn't try to save this mans life. So be it Garin thinks to himself his life is then forfeit. Garin again sidesteps but this time he raises his blade, with his free hand garbs the back of the soldiers neck and kick his feet from under him. He has forces his opponent to his knees and then steps on the soldier's sword disarming him. Garin looks at Vernon with the knowledge that his fight is over, .... not looking at his target but just fixedly, vacantly at Vernon his blade is swift and true, ..... as he lops off the soldiers head in one stroke.

The lady's and servants scream and some yell out at the act, ..... Garin being so merciless, he clearly won and the death of the solider was strictly an act against Vernon.

Vernon's honor is now challenged and he dismounts.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 35 posts
a.k.a Castellan Justman
Devoted to the Ashfields
Thu 24 Jul 2014
at 10:03
  • msg #84

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Wallace had been upset ever since his lord informed him about the command of the King to arrange a trade agreement with one, or even multiple, Dornish houses to foster the peace that had been agreed upon by the King’s proposal for marriage of a Dornish princess.
Naturally, he would not want a mere agreement for the sake of the agreement alone. What kind of steward would he be if he would not try to actually benefit from such a treaty? A poor one indeed, and he always strived to be better than poor, much better if he could help it.
So he had leaved through all the reports of incomes, tables, levers and all handnotes to determine just what Ashfield could offer and would need in return.
Alas, though he was rather meticulous in his daily dealings with running the household his documentation was somewhat lacking. Not that the required Maester Jon’s help in any way, but just because he was well capable to read and write didn’t mean that he loved to do just that. In fact, he usually preferred to deal with things ‘hands on’ rather than writing it all down. None of the household could read so he had to deal with them personally anyway.
After having arranged the welcome of the heir’s new wife, he had spent the whole night going through the numbers and thus he was rather tired.
The morning had rushed through its hours and he had barely dealt with the daily arrangements when he was informed that the Hall would have even more visitors. The Hall was not that big and he wringed his hands as he tried to accommodate all the newcomers.

Rather than join his lord in the delicate negotiations with the Dornishman, he had been busy talking with the chief cook about the evening’s festivities. Not keeping good documentation about stocks he had to inspect the storage rooms himself to check what was required, followed by ordering and arranging all that was still required.

Naturally he became aware of the party that left the Hall early to speak to the Dornishmen who had been so bold as to come with a rather large entourage – a militant one, one might notice – and just set up camp on Ashfield lands. But he just had not found the time to contribute. Needless to say he did feel vexed that his lord had not called upon him in such a delicate situation.

Four boys had run off to deliver his requests and then it was time to listen to the captains. Funny enough, again four, each for the houses’ extensive military force. Unfortunately, none of those could read or write either and so he had to listen to their daily problems and challenges, too. Usually these were petty things in his opinion, often things he wondered why he had to settle these, but alas, Ashfield did lack in true knights. Whatever ‘true’ meant in that case. Wallace often had wished for a knight that could read, but alas, in times of war, no man-at-arms could be seriously expected to indulge in a classical education.
Perhaps with peace coming around he thought wistfully as the captain droned on about yet another petty grievance about food supply for the men. As it were the soldiers already did get much better fare than typical, Lord Ashfield had always made clear that his soldiers needed strength and you only really got that with good food… or so the chief cook would have him believe.

The last captain just left when he checked in on the kitchen again.
As he is in the kitchen checking on the food that need to be ready in the next two days a young girl comes crashing in the kitchen door, "Ser Mathys's is taking on the Dornish Viper single handed." "Hurry come see !@!" 

With a frown he sees the younger lads and lasses heeding the call, but he couldn’t handle those, too. He gives a severe shake of denial.
”I will forgive the young ones this time, but you all have enough and more useful things to do rather than witness yet another… episode of our lord’s son.”, he commands sternly.
But then it registers on him that the lass had spoken of a Dornishman.
”Surely, he did not…”, he mutters, then turns around in alarm and makes quickly for the yard.

He arrives just as Mathys strides into the hall.
”My lord, what happened to your head ?”, he asks in concern, but the second son of Lord Ashfield just waved his hand and continued on, not saying much.

Obviously, however, that was not the end of the story as he hears the sound of fighting.
Quickly he rushes outside, all attempts at decency thrown into the wind.

Vernon's honor is now challenged and he dismounts.

”Enough !”, Wallace shouts, incredulous that no one had intervened.
But Ashfield’s soldiers were well trained and they did listen to the clearly issued command.
”Lord Garin, you will not kill another man in the Hall of my Lord Ashfield. This is inacceptible. And you, Lord Vernon, will not settle this grave matter inside Ashfield’s walls.”.
Of course, no lord would listen to a command issued by mere Wallace and so he raises his left arm, a clear signal for the archers to draw their bows again, aiming at both Lord Garin and Lord Vernon.
”Sheethe your blades, my lords, or the war will continue right here with only Dornish blood spilled in this very yard.
My lord will not suffer any more deaths inside his hall, deaths dealt by anyone not of his household.”

There, the threat was uttered and these Lords would do better to heed him.
GM, 1048 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 24 Jul 2014
at 12:49
  • msg #85

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Lord Garin looks back as Wallace he is familiar with his station " Castellan Justman out of respect for both you and this house I will comply with the your request, .... for my lack of respect to the 'Nobleman's Call' grated to me and my house I humbly release my Blade to you." Garin speaks these words as if reminding Vernon that such killing even those not noble blood maybe acceptable south but it is not proper in many other homes, .... and as so, they were about to commit.

Vernon says nothing in reply to Garin and mounts back onto his horse. "We will return for the body" and rides out.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 36 posts
a.k.a Castellan Justman
Devoted to the Ashfields
Thu 24 Jul 2014
at 15:22
  • msg #86

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Wallace gestures to one of the guards who approaches Lord Garin and cautiously takes the offered bliade.
"I thank you, Lord Garin, for showing common sense and  yielding to my Lord Ashfield's rule.", he answers humbly, but not subserviently.
Luckily he had always been adept at hiding his true opinion, like his view of the incredibly foolish action of killing a man while enjoying guest rights in another noble's home of the Dornish noble. Especially since the peace agreements were ss of yet still most fragile.

"Lord Vernon, please accept House Ashfield's sincere regret at having one of your loyal men killed within these walls. However, kindly do note that Ashfield had no part in this.
If you prefer, we would offer to bring your dead man to your camp immediately."

Surely it was better if the Dornish nobleman would not come again to the Hall while Lord Garin was present.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:27, Thu 24 July 2014.
GM, 1054 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 24 Jul 2014
at 22:00
  • msg #87

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

In reply to Wallace Justman (msg # 86):

Mounted Vernon nods his head, then spits at Lord Garins feet "There will be another time Garin and we will not have formalities to worry about."

"Castellan Justman they call you? .... Tell Lord Ashfield that his matter is between us Dornish, and we tend to our problem in the olds ways of our forefathers, so there is no worry of reprisal on our part. We still wait for your lords reply to our requests."
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 22:00, Thu 24 July 2014.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 38 posts
a.k.a Castellan Justman
Devoted to the Ashfields
Fri 25 Jul 2014
at 06:57
  • msg #88

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Wallace sighs inwardly with relief. It would have brought disaster to House Ashfield, if the blame for this death would have been laidat Lord Ashfield's feet.
With a short gesture the delicate situation is eased and the archers relax accordingly.

"I will make sure that Lord Ascar is informed of your wishes.
My lord, it would certainly be a good advice if you were not to carry arm the next time you come to our hall. The guards may confuse such a behaviour as needlessly aggressive."
, he answers with a disarming smile, not quite liking the imperative tone of the Dornishman.
Then again, the last sentence was also for the guards. Wallace would make sure that the guards at the gate would not allow an armed, armoured and mounted Dornishman to enter the Hall again, not in the current heated up situation.

Quickly he arranges two guards to take two horses - with the consent of the Lady's bastard daughter Corinne, of course. They lift the dead man on his own horse and use leather straps to keep the corpse in place. Then they mount up themselves to escort Steiner's heir back to the camp, with instructions to return immediately.

Still having the Kaldor blade in his hands he hands it to one of the lads who had run away to gawk at the scene.
"Bring this blade back to our guest's quarters. He has no need for a weapon within our halls."
Wallace would like to say a couple of choice words to the Kaldor heir about how to conduct oneself while being a guest of a lord of the Reach, but thinks it best for now to not utter his misgivings. It was his lord's place to do that.

To two other servants he says briskly.
"And you shall wash away the blood in the yard, use some soap, too, the smell of blood might agitate the horses."
Nevermind that Wallace found the sight and smell offensive, too.

Happy with resolution of this irritating situation and quite satisfied with himself, he returns into the hall.
The servants comply quickly and efficiently.
GM, 1060 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 25 Jul 2014
at 13:12
  • msg #89

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Still having the Kaldor blade in his hands he hands it to one of the lads who had run away to gawk at the scene.

"Boy don't go anywhere with that, ... hold," With Garin hand extended as gesturing to stay put.

"He has no need for a weapon within our halls."

"I do not plan to stay within these walls and your Blue Lancers have already been assigned to protect me by your Lord. SO I will insist the weapon stay by my side and that my things be ready to leave with the knights."

"Wolfgang when our Dornish Brother leave make sure my blade is in your possession" Wolfgang nobs in reply and waits next to the boy.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:54, Fri 25 July 2014.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 39 posts
a.k.a Castellan Justman
Devoted to the Ashfields
Fri 25 Jul 2014
at 13:28
  • msg #90

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Wallace nods amicably
"Of course, my lord. Pardon me, I was not aware that you would leave us so soon."
Quickly he instructs the lad to give the blade back and bring all the belongings of the Kaldor heir and his squire.
The lad chases away, but Wallace calls him back and tells him to inform the chief cook that there would be fewer guests for the diner after all.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:21, Sun 27 July 2014.
Mara Neumann
Neumann, 76 posts
Famous, Attractive
1st Daughter of Neumann
Fri 25 Jul 2014
at 14:32
  • msg #91

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Mara arrived just as Garin mentioned the Blue Lancers. She was not certain exactly what happened, but it was obvious that there had been and altercation where Lord Garin killed one of the Steiner's men. This did not bode well. She feared for Merius and his men. Had she sent them into a suicide mention. The Steiner's will be of course seeking vengeance, and seemed to have enough men to be a threat to the Lancers.

The day had been to trying so far, she wanted to retreat to the warm and comfort of the bed. She knew she could not do that. She knew that at some point Lord Ascar will review what just happened, and make decisions how to proceed with the Steiner's. SHe knew some how she would be there to  insure that peace was upheld, and learn more about the mysterious Dorne people. She would be ready for whatever game they played.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 41 posts
a.k.a Castellan Justman
Devoted to the Ashfields
Sun 27 Jul 2014
at 18:30
  • msg #92

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Wallace sees Lady Mara and approaches her.
"My lady, do not worry about what has happened in the yard. The guards have everything under control now, no need to worry, no need at all", he tries to calm her, not knowing that the reason for her unrest was much deeper than the mere spilling of Dornish blood in the yard.
"My lady, will you and your brother stay for the night at least? Lord Garin has just informed me that he will leave us... strangely enough with an escort of Neumann Blue Lances... Our chief cook will be most happy to serve you delicious food and drink that I am sure will rival, if not surpass, anything you may have acquired a taste for in the capital"
Mara Neumann
Neumann, 77 posts
Famous, Attractive
1st Daughter of Neumann
Sun 27 Jul 2014
at 19:20
  • msg #93

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Your Kindness is much appreciated. We have not yet to meet. It seems you know me, but I have not had the pleasure of yours. Ser .....?

Mara does a slight curtsey to show respect.

But good, Sir. I fear you are wrong this is the first of a deadly game of Cat and Mouse that we have been drawn into. Lord Garin is a calculating man, and he takes no action unless it furthers his agenda. We shall be here until after your Lord meets with Lord Steiner.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 42 posts
a.k.a Castellan Justman
Devoted to the Ashfields
Mon 28 Jul 2014
at 08:13
  • msg #94

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Wallace bows humbly.
"My lady, I would do my lord a severe disservice if I would not know every personage that comes to our hall.
And, of course, it is easy to know of you. Even old men like myself have heard of the great beauty of Lord Henry's eldest daughter and many an heir of the Reach has moaned that you have left the Reach for Kings Landing for so long. I am sure your lord father will be flooded with invitations which will no doubt lead to a couple of proposals and hence a most anticipated marriage.
I am Wallace Justman and I am no Ser. I gladly leave the martial arts to the more able, even though my lord has also declared that I should function as castellan, too. Surely only as for so long as my lord is able to draw the leal service of a knight. If you insist on a title, you may thus call me Castellan Justman, but simply Justman or Senechal will work just fine. Anything you may need, my lady, while you stay in Poppy Hall you can bring to my attention."

Wallace gives a sigh as lady Mara mentions lord Garin's attack.
"I do so doubt that killing a man of Steiner on Ashfield's ground will serve any purpose, my lady, except worsen the obvious lack of sympathy between House Kaldor and House Steiner.
Alas, unlike my lady I was not present during the negotiation with Lord Garin this morning, so I would assume that you know better."

Merius Basso
Neumann, 36 posts
Com. of the Blue Lancers
Born in Eastern Lands
Mon 28 Jul 2014
at 09:58
  • msg #95

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Merius stood aside as the Dornishmen went at each other’s throat. Deep inside he sympathized with the Dornish. They were far more interesting and lively than the average Westerosi. Deep inside he wondered about this Garin. He seemed quite unpredictable.

The intervention of the Castelan was timely and the commotion quickly came to an end. Even more timely when Garin mentioned the lances. Taking the cue Merius strutted forwarded to make Garin aware they were ready to leave, he kept reminding himself to show the proper courtesy due, something Westerosi eagerly craved for... ‘Lord Garin, the Blue Lances are to depart when you desire to go…’
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 144 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Mon 28 Jul 2014
at 18:25
  • msg #96

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

 The  jingle of many bits of metal, striking one another, as Mathys walked out of the  hall, into the light of day, in the courtyard. He now wore full armor, with a long sword, and dagger belted on his waist. He carried his helmet under his left arm, as the scale mail, he wore, reflected the sun in a brilliance of light. " You there!" He called to one of the grooms in the yard. " Saddle, and make ready, my mount."  The second son of House Ashfield walked across the cobble stones and regarded the corpse with an amused expression upon his lips.
Stable Hand Richard
Mon 28 Jul 2014
at 18:48
  • msg #97

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Seeing Mathys in his armor demanding a horse, he nodded, "At once m'lord!" he went about saddling the horse as quickly as he could.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 145 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Mon 28 Jul 2014
at 19:06
  • msg #98

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

 When the second son, of a House Ashfield stood in the courtyard, and looked out of the gate, and to  he he fields beyond. He placed slowly drew his long sword, and made a few slashes in hey he air, to loosen up his arm, for what come next.

" Craven, am I? I will show that piss pot drinking, son of a Dornish whore, what my measure is, by the Seven. He thinks he can come here and act like he is Lord, making demands and threats. I will chop of his so called manhood, and feed it to the dogs."

 Mathys slammed the sword back into its scabbard, and made a visual inspection of his armor, while he waited his horse.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:59, Tue 29 July 2014.
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 79 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Tue 29 Jul 2014
at 04:55
  • msg #99

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Seeing that Pella was engulfed in her book and had not notice notice him, he gives a slight nod of his head Sorry to disturb you. Edric leaves and decides to check to see if Ser Vernon was still in the court yard. Upon entering the yard and seeing Mathys in full armor he draws his sword. Mathys what is wrong? Does Lord Steiner plan to atta... His voice trails off as he notices the dead Dornishman at Mathys's feet. Edric stance becomes lacks with his sword almost falling from his grasp as the memories of the men he has killed flood his mind. Those close enough notice Edric's hand is trembling slightly. He stands still for several seconds before return his gaze Mathys. Mathys please tell me you did not just start a war. His voice is faint but loud enough for those in the courtyard to hear.

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:21, Tue 29 July 2014.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 45 posts
a.k.a Castellan Justman
Devoted to the Ashfields
Tue 29 Jul 2014
at 08:47
  • msg #100

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

"If you will excuse me, my lady.", says Wallace and appraches Rollo, the captain of the garrison.

Rollo is a large man, easily 6'2" and 15 stone of solid muscle and a capable fighter. He has a good grasp of command, too, but unfortunately lacks initiative and imagination. A good soldier, but never a good leader. Which is the reason for the guards' blunder earlier.

"Captain Rollo, a word, if you please."
Wallace had long ago learned that courtesy had the same effect as a direct command with Rollo, somewhat blunting the sharpness of the chastisement.
"The guards should not have allowed the provovation of the Steiner heir. As long as the Dornishmen camp on Ashfield lands, make sure to keep the gate closed. That way we can thwart any nasty surprises, right? Also, any mounted persons must be encouraged to dismount immediately. You best have two of your men taking the horse as quickly as possible. Inform the grooms right away, when riders arrive at the gate, so they will already wait. Then we will not have any prancing about, right? Also, I will not allow any Dornishman to draw blade within our halls again, understood? If that happens again, I would have you, Rollo, request them to sheethe them right away. Do bolster your request with archers on the wall.
And by golly, be civil about it! We would not want any hothead,"
, Wallace is interrupted as Mathys makes his appearance in the yard, fully armoured and geared up for hostilities.
"to take offense.", he finishes, his irritation well hidden.

Briefly Wallace wonders where Lord Ascar is. Surely, he could calm down both his guest and his son.
He watches out for lady Mara, appealing to her with a glance only. Perhaps she would be able to curb her brother's enthusiasm.
Wallace approaches Mathys and with an amiable smile says.
"Will my lord require an escort for his ride? Your attire certainly suggests that you expect further trouble. I will arrange for four men to accompany you."

TIMEPASS for Lord Ascar's appearance in the yard... if only to see Lord Garin off with the Neumann Blue Lances
This message was last edited by the player at 08:52, Tue 29 July 2014.
GM, 1076 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 29 Jul 2014
at 17:42
  • msg #101

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Pointing at the first boy he sees, "Boy look for Merius Basso, let him know I wait for his Blue Lancers and with the recent events I think it best we leave as soon as possible." The boy just stares at his with a dead look, "Move it boy, and give the sword to Wolfgang before you run off."

"Wolfgang gather my things we ride with or without them, ... there is little time, quickly"
Lord Garin waits in the courtyard for his things to be brought down after just arriving.

Merius Basso
‘Lord Garin, the Blue Lances are to depart when you desire to go…’

And so he has sent the boy to let them know he is ready, ... for all he cares they can be standing in the courtyard but he is so focused that it doesn't matter who is around him.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:13, Tue 29 July 2014.
GM, 1077 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 29 Jul 2014
at 17:53
  • msg #102

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Lord Ashfield is seen on the battlements with his oldest son. They watch, ....

Standing on the otherside of the Lord is Dyllan Redbrush, ... the lord can be seen talking to him just before he leaves their side and walks down the stone steps from the wall to the courtyard.

Dyllan approaches the young Mathys, "Your father has seen enough and wants you to retire for the day. In fact perhaps it best we ready to leave to Kings Landing there is a lot to prepare and this will please your father." Mathys knows Dyllan well, in fact Dyllan has taken a great deal of his time teaching Mathys many skills. Mathys's father favors the old man and in fact often reminds those around why he does so much. and does so often.
Mara Neumann
Neumann, 78 posts
Famous, Attractive
1st Daughter of Neumann
Tue 29 Jul 2014
at 18:27
  • msg #103

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

Mara was weary of all that happened today. She had pushed herself much to hard. She kew that she needed to retire to her room, and rest. As the Castellan parted, she took the opportunity to leave.

Time Passes
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 151 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Wed 30 Jul 2014
at 02:10
  • msg #104

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

 When Dyllan walked over and bespoke of his father's wishes, Mathys frowned deeply, and seemed about to speak, then laughed instead.
 " Alright, good friend, Dyllan. Only because you asked so nice, and I doubt my father was, so gentle in his words to me. Let us then prepare for our journey to Kings Landing"

 Mathys clasped the older man upon his shoulder, as they walked towards the entrance, he had respect for few, and this was one of them. Not many could back him down, once he had his mind set, on a course of action.
 " When we arrive at the Capitol, and the tourney begins, I intend to leave more then one Dornish Viper kissing the dirt, from my lance. By the Seven, I so swear."

This message was last edited by the player at 02:11, Wed 30 July 2014.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 54 posts
a.k.a Castellan Justman
Devoted to the Ashfields
Thu 31 Jul 2014
at 11:38
  • msg #105

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

With Lord Ascar putting a lid on the boiling kettle, Wallace returns to his tasks. Even though the feast would have fewer guests there still was much to do, nevermind overseeing the preparations for the long journey to the east.

GM, 1112 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 1 Aug 2014
at 12:54
  • msg #106

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'


Merius Basso left to retrieve the Lord Garin of Kaldor by the request of Lord Ashfield

Ser Edric Neumann & Mara Neumann return from the Dorne camp, to then be requested to stand in on new events of trade & peace with a Lord Garin.

Bruce the Strong, Corinne Flowers, Dyllan Redbrush, Ser Duncan Shepherd and several others meet, greet, discuss and witness several events in the courtyard. From the return of house members from the Dorne camp to Lord Ashfield assigning his thoughts and command to those around them. And then the event of most Interest, the quick fight between the Dorneish Lords at the cost of a Dorne warrior.

Ser Mathys Ashfield experiences a few unfortunate events with his father and Vernon Steiner in the courtyard.

Wallace Justman busy getting the house affairs in order, is not exactly happy with all the new news on trade - the visitor's actions in the courtyard has place him in hi-concern for the house.

Once the events in the courtyard settle down the house gets back to packing and preparing to leave to kings landing. The Lord as yet to announce who will be staying behind to watch over the 'Hill' but rumor has it the those mostlikely will not be staying behind.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:50, Sat 02 Aug 2014.
GM, 1123 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 2 Aug 2014
at 12:53
  • msg #107

Re: IC: Back at the 'Hill'

This scene has ended, a new thread will be posted.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Scene:5 Group:2

Each player receives 1 experience

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:34, Sat 02 Aug 2014.
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