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19:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: The Butcher (7)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 367 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 15 May 2014
at 13:36
  • msg #1

IC: The Butcher (7)

Brother, I write to you with grave news. I have uncovered a plot within House Kolwyn. These sources I can not disclose but House Steiner, the Knights of Amaranth Dawn & their Red God leaders are planning to assassinate a member of House Martell. Unfortunately I must send this message to you by raven as I an now traveling west to the Pass. I need you to travel north seek out a man by the name "Aromus Sands the Butcher". He is waiting for me at Blackhaven but I am being watched carefully and will not get to him in time. He says he has proof of the involvement of the Red Twins in this plot and information that with links a member in House Steiner who is managing these events.

Good Luck Brother-Both in Arms

Mardax prepares his thing and says his good byes, once well passed the gate and on the crest of a nearby hill he looks back, .... with the hopes he will return soon.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:57, Mon 13 Oct 2014.
GM, 689 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 16 Jun 2014
at 15:31
  • msg #2

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax & Brindal have been traveling the road now for a few days, The weather has been fair with some rain. Brindal think it best to stay off the main roads, and visit the farms and such along the way for food and rest. Gold is not flowing from the pouches these days.

Once outside the areas held by the banner families Mardax takes to Brindal's ideas and the notion that it's best not to be so obvious.
GM, 1017 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 21 Jul 2014
at 12:42
  • msg #3

Re: IC: The Butcher

Once outside the banner lands and the areas controlled in some means by the House Kowlyn, ... Maradax takes to the off roads as Brinal suggested. They cross the Boneway, ... both Mardax & Brindal find themselves in unfamiliar territories, yet they know they are close or maybe in House Steiner's lands.

The lands of House Steiner are rocky, its no wonder they go to the sea to build their livelihood.

They are about half-way to Blackhaven, an maybe a little to close to The Boulder of House Stiener (about 2 days west).

Bad weather looks to be approaching and being out with the hi-winds is not a good idea. In the distance is a farm which maybe a good place to spend the night, but is that wise ? ....
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 99 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Tue 22 Jul 2014
at 04:58
  • msg #4

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax had ensured the letter was safe and moved through the land at a swift pace.  If time was of the essence, then they had to ensure they moved as fast as possible through the deserts.  Once in the boneway, he felt they could move even faster now then on horse, with how jagged and rocky the land was.

But now, he could sense the storm.  How bad it would be, he did not know, but he saw  a farm or something similar over the next ridge.  To rish the storm, or to attempt discovery.  He thought on it, thinking of what he knew of House Stiener.  He knew that it would take a few days for word of them to reach the keep, but still.  These wer enot his lands, and he wasn't familure with the terrainn enough to be warry of ambushes.  If only they could have made it to Yornwood lands, at least they were family.  House Stiener, according to his brother, was in league with The red Priests, but would they attack him?  It honestly didn't make sense.  They were an honest and strong loyalty house.

He decided to risk the exposure and went towards the farm.  He wasn't wearing anything of his colors, and looked like a simple traveller, though his castleforge blades might give him away, would a peasent really care?  He kept his eyes open to try and see how many people there were, as Brindal walked next to him, doing the same.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:08, Wed 23 July 2014.
GM, 1039 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 23 Jul 2014
at 19:41
  • msg #5

Re: IC: The Butcher

As Mardax gets closer about 100 feet of so, and then a sheep dog spots them, he gives a quick few barks and heads to the deck of the farm house at the door to the house the dog barks again.

The farm house is well lite within and the smell of food is in the air from the chimney. A man come out and looks about stroking the dogs head, "Who's there and what do you want?"

the door is cracked open and a women's face peeks out with curiosity, ....
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:42, Wed 23 July 2014.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 102 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Thu 24 Jul 2014
at 15:39
  • msg #6

Re: IC: The Butcher

As Mardax approached, the watchdog started barking, and went inside.  Soon enough, someone exited.  The man didn't look like much, wasn't even armed from what he could see.  Still, best keep it simple.

"We are simple travelers.  I am Mardax, this is my companion Brindal.  A storm is approaching, and we though we might ask for shelter till it passes."  He nodded his head lightly and then saw the women peek out, but made no mention of it for now.
GM, 1052 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 24 Jul 2014
at 21:50
  • msg #7

Re: IC: The Butcher

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 6):

"Fine but I can't feed every one for free, if you have coin your welcomed to a roof and food for the night. BUT if not you can sleep under the big oak" as he points down the road. He turns his back on Mardax and Brindal and leaves the door open as he walks back in his home.

The man is old, almost too old to run a farm properly. He walks with small steps and his back is heavily arched, but not yet humped. He has a white bread and his hair is very gray almost silver/white. His clothing is almost as old as he is.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 104 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Fri 25 Jul 2014
at 05:55
  • msg #8

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax looked at the man, as he spoke of not doing it for free.  Fair enough.  When the man went inside and left the door open, Mardax took 10 silver stags from his pouch, and placing them in another, went inside with Brindal.  The man looked feeble, which meant there were others here.  He had already seen a women, that looked younger then what would be this mans wife.

He nodded to Brindal, signalling to be on guard, but decided to give the man the benefit of the doubt.  After all, not EVERYONE was an assassin, or someone wishing to go up in the game of thrones.  Some were simple folk, with simple wishes.

"Thank you, sir.  Here is some coin for the hospitality."
GM, 1071 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 28 Jul 2014
at 11:46
  • msg #9

Re: IC: The Butcher

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 8):

"Hey look at that, ... " he takes the bag and quickly puts it away "you actually are offering the silver, so your no noble then," .... "We're your from?" The old mans voice has that tried sound in it.

As Mardax looks inside it's pretty well keep, in fact to well keep for a man that has trouble walking fast and then it's his age. Then the youth starts coming out of the wood work, behind doors and from the rafters are children of all ages. The crying of more then one can be heard in the other room. A few young and able boys (17 yrs or so) enter the room, "Grandfather go easy, ..."

"You have to excuses the grandchildren and children and the rest of my family they had to come live with me. My place is out of the way and with there fathers, mothers, and older brothers and sisters taken away back a few years ago to fight , ... Will all we have now are each other and this farm."

The old man sits and pushes the boy away, "go get the fire up and warm this place up some."
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:00, Mon 28 July 2014.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 106 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Wed 30 Jul 2014
at 01:18
  • msg #10

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax watched as the man looked at the coins, and then spoke of him being a noble.  Mardax looked at Brindal for a moment, before just saying.  "Sandstone".  As he walked inside, he looked around, as all the children started to gather around.  To see the newcomer perhaps.

The older boys were speaking to their grandfather, and the man quickly appoligized.  "No need, this is your home, not mine.  It is good you have such a family, that would take in so many from the wars.  Many suffered I hear."  He gave Brindal another look, before waiting for the old man to be seated, and say himself.

"Thank you for your hospitality.  May I have something to eat?"  With so many people, he figured it best to get guest rights done with, just to be safe.
GM, 1095 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 30 Jul 2014
at 17:34
  • msg #11

Re: IC: The Butcher

When Mardax asks for food one of the young girls walks to a self and grabs a few bowls. She then goes to the fire and dips a serving spoon into a pot, pulls out some root stew (potatoes, carrots, and a few other common roots for this region). Then she gently places each bowl in front of the men sitting. One of the other yet even younger girls places mugs in front of each and pours water. The many children watch on as their grandfather eats with Mardax and Brindal. They all seem happy and they are very interested in their visitors, the girl in the men and the boys in there swords and armor.

"I am Till, some like to call me 'Old Man Till' .... I personal don't like the Old man comments" ... "So why have you come so far off the main road, ... visiting family?"

Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 107 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Thu 31 Jul 2014
at 13:56
  • msg #12

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax watched as the bowl was gotten, and then the food, and water was poured by one of the younger girls.  He ate the food, and saw that he and Brindal were being stared at by the ladies, and the guys, though the boys seemed more interested in the weapons that both men carried, then the men themselves.  Brindal must be strange, being both rather large, and much darker skinned then those of the seven kingdoms.

Mardax turned his attention to Till, as he started speaking, and nodded his head.  When asked why they were so far off the road, he just smiled lightly.  "I love my country, and I often travel off the roads to view it.  Plus, I have only recently returned from across the sea, so I am just taking in the sights, travelling the boneway.  I hear that the Targaryien King Walked the boneway barefoot.  That must have been something to see."

After a moment, he asked.  "You seem to have many grandchildren.  what happened to your own?"
GM, 1106 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 31 Jul 2014
at 15:29
  • msg #13

Re: IC: The Butcher

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 12):

"Yes the 'Mother' has been good to us and my family,.... I have lost all but my youngest of sons, he is away at market. And many of my daughters have lost their husbands."

"House Steiner demanded them in the fronts some years ago, M'Lord Dannor himself came when he crossed the Boneway with his troops, they come across to confront the north in 'Battle of Pine'. That last visit cost me my oldest."

"I can't say I have any love left for the Steiner's but, perhaps it was worth the lives saved, ... I mean just look at these wonderful children." Till grabs a pipe after finishing the meal and stuffs it with some tobacco, "lets step outside and have a smoke we can talk more in private, these young ones need to finish their chores and get your space ready for the night, we can stay under the front with cover - away from the storm." he lights the pipe from the fire inside and walks to the door.

Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 108 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Fri 1 Aug 2014
at 14:27
  • msg #14

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax listened to Till as he spoke about what had happened.  So, it was the war that had cost these children their husbands and fathers.  He would need to look into the Battle of Pine later, when he wasn't in such a perdicament.  He finished his food, and nodded.

Moving with the man, he stepped outside after, Brindal following to the door, but watching the children.  Mardax shook his head.  "Sorry, don't smoke.  I missed the war here, so I am sorry for your loss.  I was across the sea during those years."
Old Man Till
Fri 1 Aug 2014
at 15:37
  • msg #15

Re: IC: The Butcher

"Across the sea you say, ... an adventurous man are you?" As Till poofs on his pipe.

Brindal places his hand on his weapon, "M'Lord torches"

From the tree line, 3 torches can be seem, the sound of armor as four men walked closer. They clear the tree line - perhaps sellswords or maybe bandits, ... at best woodsmen on a hunt, but for want?
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 109 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Sun 3 Aug 2014
at 14:02
  • msg #16

Re: IC: The Butcher

"Tradition.  Family has been doing it for century's."

Then Bridal pointed out the torches.  Mardax looked at till.

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