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16:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: The Butcher (7)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
Old Man Till
Sun 3 Aug 2014
at 21:34
  • msg #17

Re: IC: The Butcher

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 16):

"No, none I know would venture out in this weather, I thought maybe they were meeting you, ...... " Till cracks the door open and softly speaks into to house, "children more visitors, Tomais put the girls in the back"
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:35, Sun 03 Aug 2014.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 110 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Mon 4 Aug 2014
at 00:24
  • msg #18

Re: IC: The Butcher

"Bridal, stay just inside the door and be ready just in case."

Mardax sat in one of the chairs outside.  He watched as the men moved closer.  "I'll do what I can to protect you and your family.  I'll follow your lead."
GM, 1138 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 4 Aug 2014
at 15:02
  • msg #19

Re: IC: The Butcher

The men are wet and they approach slowly, one steps forward once at about 15 yards away they address Mardax "So are you the man of this house?" "My Friends and I have seem to have lost our way and saw the smoke of your chimney." "We have some rabbit we can share for shelter from the storm."

Old Man Till just looks at Mardax, as they are addressing him - Till just smiles "So do you have the room?" as Till speaks to Mardax, Till is clearly passing the questioning off to Mardax "The room is Not much, perhaps I can offer the stable for the night, ..." he doesn't think Mardax really wants to share space with 4 more men.

The rain begins to fall harder, the sound of thunder begins and the night flashing with the crackle of a wipe "boom", ... flash ..... and the sky is brightened up from the lightening.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:02, Mon 04 Aug 2014.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 111 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Tue 5 Aug 2014
at 14:38
  • msg #20

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax looked at till, before back at the men.  So be it.  "As my grandfather has said, there is no room indoors here, but the stables should.  What are four armored men doing out here?"
Armored Men
Tue 5 Aug 2014
at 16:24
  • msg #21

Re: IC: The Butcher

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 20):

"We have been commissioned by House Steiner to ride the country side and weed out bandits, .... That man over there, he's not for Westeros, .... where is he from?"

Two of the four men walk a little closer and start to spread out giving a few feet distance between them. None have placed their hands on their weapon. They have yet to provoke.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 112 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Fri 8 Aug 2014
at 15:19
  • msg #22

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax looked on over at the men as they pointed to Brindal, and then nodded.  "That is correct.  He is a friend of mine from Meerean.  He came out here to pay me a visit.  I can be happy to say, I have had no trouble with bandits, however, so, I thank you for your work."

He nodded his head down, but watched as the men started to fan out some.  Brindal stepped outside, showing his huge size.  "Will that be all good sers?"
GM, 1182 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 8 Aug 2014
at 16:08
  • msg #23

Re: IC: The Butcher

"It would be if you didn't carry that blade, .... you look more like a fighter then a farmer,...?" "And your father looks a bit nervous, .... old man as your sure your OK? if your in trouble we can help, ..." Old Man Till says nothings just looks at Mardax ... The armored man notice Till looking for approval "you see old man your eyes give you away."
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 113 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Fri 8 Aug 2014
at 21:00
  • msg #24

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax simply smiled.  It was time now, for this farce to end.  He wasn't sure why the farmer had made it this way anyhow.

"Well, I am a fighter.  My friend better then I in combat.  But, you are correct.  This farm belongs to the old man.  As we were uncertain of who you were and what was your purpose, he thought it best if I take charge.  A younger man with some strength might disuade bandits and roughians that an old man might encourage.  We paid the man here to have shelter from the storm, and were given guest rights."

Mardax spoke plainly and to the point, with no deception.
Armored men
Sun 10 Aug 2014
at 02:30
  • msg #25

Re: IC: The Butcher

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 24):

"Well that's understandable, with the fighting over there are many that have turned to other means to eat and find shelter." The lead armored man removes his hand from his sword hilt. The two that started to walk wide hold their position, but they are still standing in the rain. "So sellswords or mercenaries?

"Well perhaps that doesn't matter, how does this sound, I will pay you back for the room the farmer offered and a little extra so we can get too stay in the house and you and your friend can take the stable, .... I'll add 5 silver stag to what you paid" he begins to look through his side pouch as the sound of coin is heard, he is looking down into the pouch as he continues, "so that would be a total of how many stags?" His speach and demeanor is not uneducated, but not noble, but well groomed and well spoken.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 115 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Mon 11 Aug 2014
at 11:27
  • msg #26

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax smiled lightly.  "Well, as I said, that would be up to the owner.  But I paid him ten silver stags for food and lodgings.  So, what do you wish?  For them to stay inside, or for us to?"  Mardax asked Till, still watching the four men, the leader seeming to rummage through a coin purse.
GM, 1194 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 11 Aug 2014
at 13:02
  • msg #27

Re: IC: The Butcher

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 26):

"10 Silver Stag that's a hell of a lot of silver to stay the night, .... Were just common soldiers that's to rich for our blood, ... Till he said that's your name farmer?"

Well I'm Hass, soldier to House Steiner, .... And your name warrior, knight? Ser, ....?

"Yes I'm Till," he replies.

The Armored men moves slightly more, taking some small shelter under the porch roof, one at each end - they lean on the post waiting and their fellow man doing the talking, as he steps up to the first step just under the edge, be strokes his hand several times over his hair straining out the water from his hair then moves it to one side out of his eyes.

He staring at Mardax and Brindal's weapons.......
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 117 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Mon 11 Aug 2014
at 14:32
  • msg #28

Re: IC: The Butcher

"No ser, just Mardax.  This is Brindal."  He said, pointing to his companion.  He watched them move forward, before smirking.  He noticed the one man looking at the weapons on each of them, before speaking.

"How is Lord Steiner?  I have been hearing some.. disturbing rumors about him.  Always heard before he was a good honest man, loyal and devoted.  These rumors are probably just that, but as I have not been to his lands in some years, I was curious if something had happened?"
Armored Man
Mon 11 Aug 2014
at 14:45
  • msg #29

Re: IC: The Butcher

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 28):

"Not sure about the disturbing rumors about my lord Steiner your speaking about but, ...."
"Those weapons look well made, ...perhaps castle forged?

"And Lord Mardax always travels with his foreigner friend a man of dark skin, ...."

From behind his back the lead armored man draws his sword, "I found what I was looking for"... The other two men at the end begin to draw their swords. "Nothing personal just following orders," .... As he lunges forward at Mardax.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:06, Mon 11 Aug 2014.
Old Man Till
Mon 11 Aug 2014
at 14:51
  • msg #30

Re: IC: The Butcher

Till frighten & stands from his sit alarmed. He almost starts to beg, "Mercy, ... mercy,...." as he keeps his back to the wall of his home and waits for the right moment to run for the door.
GM, 32 posts
Co-GM for Dorne
Mon 11 Aug 2014
at 15:03
  • msg #31

Re: IC: The Butcher

And so it begins, ....

OOC: Mardax I need you to roll Agility with the quickness specialty applied for Initiative.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:07, Mon 11 Aug 2014.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 118 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Mon 11 Aug 2014
at 16:53
  • msg #32

Re: IC: The Butcher

IOC: agility test 7 Mardax, 12 bridal.
Mon 11 Aug 2014
at 17:12
  • msg #33

Re: IC: The Butcher

The Bandit Leader first to act

Leader: 17
Bandit 2: 11
Bandit 3&4:8.

The leader drawing his long sword moves in quickly toward Mardax Kaldor, Brindal who is normally fast is caught off guard by the Man's speed. The steel sword lunges foreward embedding it's self in the shoulder of Mardax, blood quickly rushes forth, "KILL THEM!" Mardax looking down at his shoulder can see it was a devastating hit, but his armor prevented it from being much worse.

13:11, Today: WaryJasra rolled 13 using 4d6 with rolls of 5,4,1,3. Attack.Leader Sacrficed his bonus dice for a free degree of success,  base damage 5x2 = 10 -2Ar for a total of 8 damage, you have a total of 1 health left, you may take an Injury to remove your endurance rank in damage. Which will cause all future tests to be at -1, or a wound which will cause all future tests to be at -1d. Brindal being in these tight quarters will have trouble using his spear -1D unless he uses a different weapon
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:00, Mon 15 Sept 2014.
Kaldor, 10 posts
Freeman of Essos
Retainer to Mardax Kaldor
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 15:47
  • msg #34

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax and Brindal are both caught by surprise by the man, Mardax taking a hit to the shoulder, and then smirks.  "Why I should stop being nice."

Brindal moved now, seeing his lord in peril, and stabbed twice at the man who injured his lord, his spear moving quickly like a man possessed.
GM, 35 posts
Co-GM for Dorne
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 16:42
  • msg #35

Re: IC: The Butcher

In reply to Brindal (msg # 34):
Kaldor, 11 posts
Freeman of Essos
Retainer to Mardax Kaldor
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 17:24
  • msg #36

Re: IC: The Butcher

GM, 68 posts
Co-GM for Dorne
Fri 3 Oct 2014
at 18:36
  • msg #37

Re: IC: The Butcher

Because I like music:

The Bandits entered under false pretenses with a clandestine goal in mind, the death of Mardax Kaldor, and his alleged bodyguard Brindal. In the eyes of Mardax the event took an eternity to complete, but the brief battle only took seconds. Collapsing at the base of the tree he tried to recall everything that had happened as he heard the building crackle and burn as the tongues of fire lapped at the support of the structure, and with a crash it came down. Hands shaking as the adrenaline left his body he would need to find Aid and quickly. The pain set in where he had been run through, and now he was in the country side, alone. Taking a deep breath everything had come back to him.

Flashes of the battle had raged before him as he and Brindal had fought side by side, but the two did always fight better together. The old man had decided to hide under the table. Being stabbed and run through the shoulder Mardax grew weak from the loss of blood, as his companion Brindal pushed him away to get infront of the bandits. "STAY BACK!" yelled the dark skinned man. As he brought the spear around to club one of the bandits across the head, but caught it on a support beam, as he felt the sting of the blade run against his leg. Dropping the spear he took a lantern off the wall, smashing it over the head of the the one who had cut him, setting ablaze due to the oil, the servant of house steiner began to flail and scream as he waved his arms about in an attempt to put himself out. Dropping to his knees he fell upon the straw bedding of the house, and like a tinder box the room became enveloped in an orange light. Picking up the dropped sword from the now dead bandit he felt as the boot of the Bandit leader connected with his jaw sending him sprawling to the floor. "MARDAX RUN YOU FOOL!!" he Yelled to his liege as he pulled him self to his feet.

The bandit leader turned toward the others, "MAKE SURE HE DOESN"T GET AWAY I'LL TAKE CARE OF HIM," the sounds of the blades parrying was all the could be heard as a loud cry of "NO!" could be heard. Pushing the Bandit leader to the ground. Brindal unleashed a surge of strength like no other as he grabbed the bandit on the left by his head and slammed it into the ground with a sickening crunch. Turning toward the other who had brought his dagger up and into his ribs. Looked terrified as the Darkskinned man spat his own blood into his eyes. Howling in pain was all the Bandit leader could hear as Brindal dropped the mans corpse to the ground Brindal had gauged out his eyes. But the man from essos appeared half dead. Mardax taking his opportunity ran through the door which lead him to now... Where he would go from here would take some time. He waited hoping that Brindal would walk toward him, alive, waiting for their next task. But the building had burned to cinders, and in the ashes were four bodies. Some one had gotten away.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 129 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 20:18
  • msg #38

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax was wounded, and he was getting over the shock of the battle.  He searched the building, and there was only 4 bodies.  But... what of the family?  Did they escape?  He was now pissed.  They sat back, hiding like cowards.  He hoped they were dead, for their cowardice.

He went around, wishing he was a better tracker.  He had to find whoever it was that got out, to help them, or kill them.  He tried to search around for tracks leading away from the hovel.  If Brindal was dead, he would curse himself for not staying with his man.  2 against 4 would have always been better, even if he was injured, instead of 1 vs 4.  If only that farmer had helped.
GM, 71 posts
Co-GM for Dorne
Tue 14 Oct 2014
at 22:09
  • msg #39

Re: IC: The Butcher

Following the tracks, Mardax found they led into the woods and two a hitch with 3 horses. And some tracks of a horse that disappeared into the forest, but he could not pursue them as he had lost them shortly thereafter. Mardax was now alone in the forests of Westeros truly a dangerous predicament.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 132 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Wed 15 Oct 2014
at 00:30
  • msg #40

Re: IC: The Butcher

Mardax let out a low growl as he lost the tracks.  Someone would pay for this... someone would pay indeed.  Keeping his weapon close, and the house burnt to the ground, he continued on to the last known direction he could: The Butcher.  If he ever found the farmer, or his family, they will pay... and if Brindal lived, he knew that would be where he would head.  All answers would be made there in Blackhaven.
GM, 1873 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 5 Dec 2014
at 03:16
  • msg #41

Re: IC: The Butcher

This scene has ended, a new thread will be posted.

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Scene:7 Group:3

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