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17:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: By Land & Sea (8)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 240 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Sun 28 Sep 2014
at 09:00
  • msg #102

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

Ashara smiles at Fatimah as she approaches. "Of course! I'm happy to help. And if they don't have any soup, maybe they can make more. Anything to help uncle Hassan!" She moves to join Fatimah.
GM, 67 posts
Co-GM for Dorne
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 15:48
  • msg #103

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

Finding the cook in the galley, he looked over the girls as the requested more soup. "Actually yes, we still have some, a lot of people's first times at sea it seems, so I whipped up another batch just in case," he poured out a bowl of soup for them to give to Hassan. "I hope you ladies enjoyed it, it's my great grandmother's recipe." Sliding the bowl to them he turned around and returned to his duties.

Fatimah and Ashara continued through the deck of the ship finding what was Ser Hassan and Lady Aislin's room aboard. They could heard the faint sounds of groaning through the door, upon opening it they found Hassan standing in the corner, a sweat drenched tunic lied on the floor, and a sour scent filling the room, he appeared to be washing his face in a basin. His normally dark complexion was unhealthily pale, and if he had not been washing himself he would have been drenched in sweat. Hearing the door open Hassan turned around, to face them, "Ais- oh, my apologies girls, I thought you were Aislin," the most peculiar thing they saw was that he had a Tattoo on his chest of the 7 pointed star, near his heart. "Did she send you girls to check up on me?" he asked as he stepped to a trunk and grabbed a white tunic from it's confines.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 241 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 21:11
  • msg #104

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

Ashara waves to Bron as she heads off with Fatimah. "I'd be happy to when we return."

She smiles at the cook. "I thank you, goodman. That soup has been been a definite lifesaver." She takes the bowl, careful not to spill any on her dress. "Maybe you could teach me the recipe sometime, this probably won't be our only sea voyage."

Ashara looks concerned to see her uncle in such a state. "No need to aplogize, uncle. Yes, Aunt Aislin sent us to make sure everything is all right. It looks bad, uncle, is there anything we can do?" she asks.
Bron Snow
Kolwyn, 39 posts
Garrison Elite Guard
Threatening Drawback
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 22:03
  • msg #105

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

In reply to Ashara Kolwyn (msg # 104):

"I will hold you to that! Nothing like catching and making your own dinner!" He chuckled to Ashara. Of course, he never had a choice in that matter-for the most part. Granted he could eat what the rest of the men did-but he hardly called that food.
Fatimah Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 36 posts
Knight of the Order
Hassan's 1st Heir
Tue 30 Sep 2014
at 14:23
  • msg #106

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

Fatimah thanks the cook The soup was divine.

You should try this soup. Its kept me well this voyage.
A seven pointed star? Huh, I knew he was devout, but I didn't realize he was tattooing symbols on himself.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:08, Fri 03 Oct 2014.
GM, 1424 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 30 Sep 2014
at 17:57
  • msg #107

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

The journey is quick and swift. The weather is fair, with low winds until the ship reaches the northern Sea of Dorne. The waves were high as it is normally during this time of years. The ship has changed course and is now headed north of Dorne and the Captain has announcement that they will be landing in the Stormland as early as noon the next day.

The ship is doing well and the crew has had a few minor snags but in all they preformed well.

In the distance the mouth of The Boneway, the pass of the Red Mountains that connects Dorne to the Dornish Marches in the Stormlands. It is one of only two major passes through the Red Mountains, linking Dorne to the Stormlands and the Reach. Blackhaven is still a few days away, but tomorrow the ship will be on the shores of the Stormlands.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 145 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Wed 1 Oct 2014
at 23:21
  • msg #108

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

In reply to Fatimah Ravenhowe (msg # 106):

"Thank you girls," he said as he threw the tunic over his head. He took the soup but looking at it did not make him to inclined to eat it. "By the Seven, this soup looks like what nightmares are made of," he held back his heaving, he felt the sharp pains of his stomach convulsing before he begrudgingly ate the soup. "How far are we out?" he asked looking up from the bowl.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 243 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Fri 3 Oct 2014
at 09:19
  • msg #109

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

"We're glad to help!" Ashara replied. She winced to see her uncle in pain. "It shouldn't be too long to until we get to the Stormlands" she reassured Hassan. "I bet you never thought you'd be glad to be in the Stormlands" Ashara added with a giggle.
Cyra Vyraes
Kolwyn, 44 posts
Silk Merchant
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 03:15
  • msg #110

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

In reply to Dio Dio (msg # 100):

Cyra laughed and leaned forward at the absurdity of the story. "Truly? But they're not nearly as fun detached. Was it worth the threat, hm?"
Bron Snow
Kolwyn, 40 posts
Garrison Elite Guard
Threatening Drawback
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 15:02
  • msg #111

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

Bron was up in the crow's nest, as climbing was fairly second nature for him. He did not even need a rope. He looked out on the ocean, observing the majesty of the waters. Sundancer sat on the side of the human version of a bird's perch.

"Quite a sight, my lad." He said, giving the animal a treat, and stroking his feathers. Once again he felt envy of the raptor, wishing he could fly and see anything and everything. The ultimate sign of freedom-with no one able to restrict you. He sent the bird off to get some fish for them both, proving both of their value to the crew.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 147 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 16:46
  • msg #112

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

"I'll just be happy to be on land," he said as he began to clothe himself, and wash out his mouth. "How is you mother Fatimah?" he asked as he had spent most of the journey down in the hold.
Dio Dio
NPC, 6 posts
Cyra's Bodyguard
Pirate (formerly)
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 20:16
  • msg #113

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

In reply to Cyra Vyraes (msg # 110):

Dio merely shrugs but his smile promises a story he's not telling, "I honestly don't remember Plum.  I was too far gone on Dornish wine to remember the night.  I always took the threat as a complement of sorts..."

The old pirate turned guardian takes a beat for the wind to catch his hair and the salt to burn his eyes just a touch, "Enough of my old stories though, you should be making your own I wager."
Fatimah Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 37 posts
Knight of the Order
Hassan's 1st Heir
Tue 7 Oct 2014
at 05:33
  • msg #114

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 112):
She's doing well. Better than us two I think. She asked me to bring you the soup. And even another day on this torture device is what I would call too long. she hopes that cheers her father up a little, although the soup should definitely do the trick.

OOC: I thought I posted earlier. Hell I even editted my post in response to the OOC comment.

Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 246 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Tue 7 Oct 2014
at 06:07
  • msg #115

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

"We all will all be happy to land, I think. Sea had its novelty, but nothing to see but the waves and the cramped conditions wear our their welcome rather quickly" Ashara replies to her uncle. And she'd be happy to see her uncle and cousin feeling better, too.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:07, Tue 07 Oct 2014.
GM, 1437 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 7 Oct 2014
at 15:50
  • msg #116

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

It's mid-day and the ship is off shore to a small fishing village which has no name. Several small fishing vessels are out netting and the dock is to small for the Kolwyn ship, .... the crew begins to prepare the row boats to head to shore.

"Perpare your selves we be headed to shore soon. Your belongings will be sent over before night fall!" as a crew member yelps it over the deck and down to the lower levels of the ship.

The wind seems strong today and the clouds are deep gray. Perhaps one of the many storms is approaching in which the lands get their name from.

In the distance a parade of men on horseback, maybe soldiers, .... some type of men at arms can be seem on a cliff and circling around to the village. They are easily noticeable by the cloud of dust their horses leave behind.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 247 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Tue 7 Oct 2014
at 23:26
  • msg #117

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

Ashara gazed curious at the fishing village in the distance, her first look at the Stormlands. "I'm glad we've arrived at last. It looks like quite a reception." Ashara says, looking at the soldiers.

Her skirt keeps moving around in the wind and Ashara finally decides to hold tightly onto her skirts to keep them from moving around too much. "The stormlands are just as windy as they say" she said with a blush
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 148 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Tue 7 Oct 2014
at 23:34
  • msg #118

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

Hassan had brought his armor with him, and had ordered the knights to do so as well. The risk was obvious with falling in, but it would be a short boat ride. He'd rather be prepared come landfall, and did not recognize those soldiers. If they were of a lords court they'd carry a banner as to be identified. Hefting his shield he looked at his coat of arms for the moment. It was the standard of House Ravenhowe with a bar down the middle of black. Those who understood coat of arms knew that this had meant heart break. Few people had seen him with out that upon his shield. Those of Ashara's generation had never seen it other wise.

Looking better, Hassan ordered his knights to be prepared to encircle the other members of the family when they hit land. "We don't need to be ambushed by stormlanders, I have no intention of meeting the stranger this day."
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 248 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 00:24
  • msg #119

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

"Trouble, uncle?" Ashara asks, concerned. Her uncle and his men looked ready for battle.
Bron Snow
Kolwyn, 41 posts
Garrison Elite Guard
Threatening Drawback
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 14:42
  • msg #120

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

Bron's possessions where only as much as he carried, so nothing needed to be sent ahead. No doubt that was mostly for the noble passengers in any case. He shouldered his boar spear, and he heard the worried tone and noticed Ashara's troubled expression. He walked over, and bowed to the Lady and her uncle. "Is there anything wrong, my lord?" He asked Lord Ravenhowe.
Fatimah Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 38 posts
Knight of the Order
Hassan's 1st Heir
Fri 10 Oct 2014
at 05:44
  • msg #121

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

I wouldn't think so Fatimah tells Ashara, her armor on and her weapons strapped on her back. Probably some lords forces riding to make a show of things, but it pays to be careful none the less.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 149 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Fri 10 Oct 2014
at 14:47
  • msg #122

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

"Yes there is," he said to the group who had questioned him. "What don't you see?" he asked Fatimah as he pointed to the riders. Waiting a moment he answered for her, after all it was more rhetorical. "They lack a Banner Fatimah, which means we don't know if they are a mercenary company, bandits, the lords men, or they could not have it on purpose so their origin is unknown. A lack of knowledge is dangerous."

"Onces we reach land, spears upfront, form a shield wall, can't be too safe, I'm sure the horses will reach us first."
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 250 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 01:48
  • msg #123

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

"Yes, you'd expect the forces of a lord to proudly identify themselves, to show off his power. This does sound like trouble..." Ashara shied back towards Bron and Gabriel and checked to make sure she had her throwing knives. "Still, we should check with my father before we worry. But you are right, we should be careful in any case."
She smiled at Bron as he came up.
Bron Snow
Kolwyn, 42 posts
Garrison Elite Guard
Threatening Drawback
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 13:19
  • msg #124

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

"If it would be alright by you my lord, I was wondering if I could stay around here until those mercenaries pass.stremgth in numbers and all that." That being said, he made sure he was near Ashara. He returned her smile, and offered her his very untrained bow. He knew she would be prime hostage material to any lord who wanted any sort advantage over house Kolwyn.
Cyra Vyraes
Kolwyn, 49 posts
Silk Merchant
Mon 13 Oct 2014
at 04:27
  • msg #125

Re: IC: By Land & Sea

Cyra wore a dress of sea-foam teal today, and with even a thin cloak on her shoulders to stave off the wind of the coming storm it was a more modest fashion than she had been sporting in both Dorn and at sea. In fact it was the most modest gown she owned. It covered from neck to floor with tight sleeves, but it was also curve-hugging as usual. It must have been the wind and the humid chill. She stood at the starboard side of the ship and stared out at the small village, the Kolwyn ship, and the growing clouds of dust in the distance. It hardly looked like a pleasant place to make berth.

On the Kolwyn ship she could hear the clang of soldiers getting dressed for battle and she shook her head. "Those raven knights prepare for battle when we could simply sail on." she said to Dio. She took a few glances around at the crew and the few Westerosi that joined them; she had never voiced aloud how unimpressive the crew was, and she had nothing but praise for the crew members that were nearby. But between the soldiers on land and the soldiers on sea she knew landing could take a turn for the worse, and when it came to real trouble she wasn't certain how the crew would hold. They were untested and unchallenged. "How do you feel like acting a pirate today?" she asked Dio as casually as she might ask about the weather, but her dark eyes were full of mischief.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:30, Mon 13 Oct 2014.
GM, 1448 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 13 Oct 2014
at 14:13
  • msg #126

Re: IC: By Land & Sea


Lord Perros announces those that will stay and those that will head to King's Landing to attend the a royal wedding. He also reveals several new ventures and the days when on. One of which was the new ship and trade relation with a well known silk house of Essos.

Lady Tansa
has wrapped herself with her daughters and prepares them for King's Landing. This is a fantastic opportunity to find them the right noble to wed them. She has also been very bussy with her Lord and planning several other matter that have not yet been clear to all involved.

Ser Ernesto Riquez, Gabriel Laurent, Bron Snow, Strohan Storm, and members of House Ravenhowe have been requested to protect the family and travel as well to King's Landing.

Gabriel Laurent a mysterious fellow has been assigned to protect Lady Ashara Kolwyn. And he has done his job well so for, even just recently saving her from harm by snakes.

Strohan Storm has yet to show the Lord his well know talents but he is from the Stormlands and his limited knowledge of the lands and people may prove to be invaluable when the time arises.

Bron Snow a young man running from something and the Dornes don't seem to care much if he is. It his sword and loyalty what they watch want him for.

Cyra Vyraes coming to known as 'the silk wave' by the small folk of Dorne have started to call her, .... she has come to Dorne in an interesting time and her new friends have shown to be not as boring as the stores her heard.  Dio 'the pirate' has been watching her carefully and he too is being watch.

House Ravenhowe has entered a thick, long, traitorous plot that has yet to unfold completely, but there unflinching loyalty has not gone unnoticed by Lord Perros.

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