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16:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: The Shores of Kolwyn (11)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 1183 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 8 Aug 2014
at 18:55
  • msg #1

IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

Its almost a year for the crew since they have seen home. Its been long and some of the men miss home. But their loyalties are strong and they are all slowly becoming rich.

The captain has come up with a plan, raid the coasts of The Disputed Lands and the islands in-between; to and from Dorne, and Stormlands, then ship there valuables home over land, and when done they should be rich and comfortable with plenty of saltwives and things they can be proud of that they earned the ironborn way.

Currently the ship is loaded after a successful raid off the coast of LYS. The wind is good as they sail through the Sea of Dorne to a small hamlet with a single dock. At the moment the dock has a large unmarked vessel which is unloading their wears.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 18:56, Fri 08 Aug 2014.
Raul the Silent
Saltwind, 41 posts
Salt Raiders of Pike
Fri 8 Aug 2014
at 21:01
  • msg #2

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

Raul the Silent earned his name by being just that, silent.  Dressed in his dark stained padded armor with its high collar pulled up almost over his mouth he's taken up his usual perch on the prow of the ship.

Truthfully the young raider wasn't all the clear on the plan but it seemed to be making the Captain happy and the other important people on board happy too, so who was he to complain...he'd gotten a pretty knife out of it at least, spoils from the last raid.

Silently Raul sat on the boat watching men come and go and unload this cargo or box up that cargo.  He'd give a nod to one or two that he recognized before going back to examining his knife.
Crew Member
Fri 8 Aug 2014
at 21:16
  • msg #3

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

Bear chested and hairy, one of the crew walks up to Raul "What the hell does the Captain have in mind with rat hole? ... Place looks to pretty for us, in fact we never came here before, any idea what's on the Captains mind? Not really his place to ask but some sailor's grew steel balls when too long at sea and the need for a good whore.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:16, Fri 08 Aug 2014.
Raul the Silent
Saltwind, 42 posts
Salt Raiders of Pike
Fri 8 Aug 2014
at 21:33
  • msg #4

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

In reply to Crew Member (msg # 3):

Raul looked the man over, he knew him, they called him The Little Bear (only because there was a larger one too).  Putting the knife away and standing to his full 5' 8" height he still had to look up to see the sailor's face behind his beard.

For a long second he doesn't say or do anything but eventually he shrugs a small silent shrug and points off the boat to the docks where he'd seen a few girls too pretty to be the daughters of dock workers moving in and out, "A ports a port." is all he mumbles before moving passed the man.
Maester Solveig
Saltwind, 22 posts
Sun 10 Aug 2014
at 07:34
  • msg #5

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

Having no one to patch up or needing his services as translator Maester Solveig stands quietly amidships, idly watching the unloading of another vessel's wares.  Occasionally he turns his keen gaze to those around him, casually observing what they are doing, before returning his attention to the ship which flies no colors.  Straightening out the creases in his robes he mutters to himself, "Could be trouble or nothing at all," as he takes a quick glance at who Raul is talking to.
Hotho Thrice
Saltwind, 27 posts
Drowned Man, priest
harder and stronger
Mon 11 Aug 2014
at 10:17
  • msg #6

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

"I would not worry about that other ship Solveig. Sharks do not eat each other when there is so much herring in the ocean. Such is the way of life. Upsetting that balance would be to invite storms into the world."

Instead of worrying about the mystery ship, Hotho Thrice Drowned looked at the town with contempt. It was full of weak greenlanders getting fat while scorning the true path. Even those who did sail preferred to fish or trade. He spat over the rail in disgust as he waited for a response.
Maester Solveig
Saltwind, 23 posts
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 05:50
  • msg #7

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

     He chuckles slightly as he glances at the Drowned Man, "It's not that other ship I'm concerned about, Hotho." With a ghost of a smile still on his face he looks about their ship before saying in a lowered voice meant to carry not much beyond the other man's ears, "But why we're here."
Hotho Thrice
Saltwind, 31 posts
Drowned Man, priest
harder and stronger
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 11:25
  • msg #8

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

"The winds have blown us here. As whether those winds were called by the True God, the one that shall not be named, or just my brother, I do not know." Hotho's voice was carefully neutral, he was never quite sure whose chains a maester wore.
Rhaella Saltwind
Saltwind, 68 posts
Valyrian Blood
Ironborn At Heart
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 17:24
  • msg #9

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

Rhaella was dressed in her favorite outfit - one that would give most of the people who knew her from court a heart attack. Her Lion-lizard leather armor closely matched her form and a sword hung from her side. As she approached the conversation the steel cap of her cane made a series of distinctive rythmic thuds on the deck of their longship, a smile gracing her charming features as she spoke to her uncle.

"We are here for a reason, Uncle Hotho. The details have been kept quite obscure so far, but we won't be heading back to the Iron Isles yet - there is blood in the water and we should act quickly."

She then glared over to the other docked ship, the one not flying any colors, suspicion evident on her traits.

"I don't know about these fellas though, we better keep an eye open for trouble."
GM, 1217 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 17:46
  • msg #10

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

On the first evening a keelboat approaches the ship. One man at its bow with a lantern and three others. They are signaling your ship, a common practice to show they mean no harm. On board the keelboat are two heavily armored men and a well dressed Dorn Noble.

"I am Lord Perros Kolwyn, and I am here to speak with your Bitch Blood Thirsty Captain Rhaella Saltwind, .... "  Lor Kolwyn knows she doesn't like to be treated so lady like in front of her crew so Perros plays the roll of a hard ass, ....
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:46, Tue 12 Aug 2014.
Raul the Silent
Saltwind, 43 posts
Salt Raiders of Pike
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 18:07
  • msg #11

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

Raul was on deck at night he preferred the quiet and years of moving around in the dark have blessed him with unnaturally good night vision.  He leans over the side of the ship to take a look at the trio briefly before leaning back.  He wasn't fond of anyone referring to his captain in that manner so a lesson was going to be taught.

He pitched the rope ladder over the edge but left a few inches of slack on deck so the first man to pull on it to climb up would have a brief little drop before the ladder secured itself.
GM, 1218 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 19:20
  • msg #12

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

One of the guards starts to climb up first, As he places his weight on the rope latter and the slack gives way a thump and knack of armor against the ship is heard. Raul waits to see if a splash is next but not luck. Then Raul notices the rope pulled on a few times to make sure is nice and tight, and a the head of the first guard peek over the side of the deck. Once up he takes a stand too one side as a second boards then the Dorn Noble.

They say nothing as the guards scope the deck, with open palms on their hilts. The Lord speaks up again "So your captain she on board? She is expecting me."
Raul the Silent
Saltwind, 44 posts
Salt Raiders of Pike
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 19:32
  • msg #13

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

"I'll go get her." Is the only real response the Dornishman gets from Raul before he moves towards the captain's quarters.  He kicks a couple other sailors awake as he goes, "watch them" he mumbles before moving on.

Once at Rhaella's door he knocks and waits for a reply.
Hotho Thrice
Saltwind, 32 posts
Drowned Man, priest
harder and stronger
Tue 12 Aug 2014
at 19:59
  • msg #14

Re: IC: The Shores of Kolwyn

"There is always blood in the water when you are around niece." </Gray >Hotho's tone was approving. Whatever else he was going to say was interrupted my Lord Perros' hailing.

<Gray>"This fellow needs a lesson in manners"
Hotho commented darkly.
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