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14:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Blackhaven's Storm (South) (13)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 1447 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 12 Oct 2014
at 17:19
  • msg #1

IC: Blackhaven's Storm

The riders have circled the cliff and now ride up the shoreline to intercept the keel boats as they land and unload the supplies. The gray clouds are rolling in faster and the storm will be coming, Lord Kolwyn quickly gathers his family and orders his guards to prepare to intercept these soldiers coming from the shoreline. The soldiers, men at arms, mercenaries whomever they may be are weather warm and seem to have been traveling a great distance. A few seem to be dressed in the Dornish fashion.

One of the men rides in hard, while the other hold back and fan out as if protecting the shoreline, he quickly dismounts and walks directly to the Lord. Kolwyns men ready themselves. The unknown solider takes a knee. "M'Lord' I am Wilfred, of House Kaldor, Lord Reinard has sent me too you with an important message" As he pulls it out of his side pouch, "It is to be delivered to your hands, .... only M'Lord"

Letter From Reinard:
To my friend in the east, my dearest friends House Kolwyn,

 As we prepare for our journey to King's Landing, I have found that I have need and request your great service once more. As it has been sometime since I have acquainted myself with the intricacies of Dornish politics, I am curious as to the allegiance of House Steiner.

 To whom are they sworn to has recently become unclear. My informants have told me that they are in league with House Chiffon and maybe Amaranth Dawn.

Why would they allow their reputation at our prince's court too diminish?

 Further, as we are to meet with our dear Princess in a few weeks in King's Landing, it has come to my attention that Steiner holds my dear children lives in jeopardy. My son, Mardax was to meet one of our informants of the Stormlands in Blackhaven. I fear that his life and my other children's lives are in danger. We have not heard from him, and I worry for him. He has trained well in arms so I do feel if needed he will handle himself well.

Garin Kaldor, my oldest has gone to The Reach and spoken with House Ashfield. It seems they may join us in trade, we will discuss and finish terms at King's Landing. Unfortunately House Steiner also went out and used the order or "peace" to do the same. I believe our intentions are out in the open and our discretion is no longer needed. All your requests have been meet at this time its now up to you and House Kolwyn to finish this matter.

My sons hold information extremely important to our Princess of Sunspear and I have found out that the north conspire with enemies in our ranks to move ahead their own intentions with "peace".

Be carefully Brother-Both in Arms

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:03, Mon 13 Oct 2014.
Lord Perros
Mon 13 Oct 2014
at 19:25
  • msg #2

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

He reads the letter, once done he looks at the messenger. "What are your orders now that you have delivered the message?"

Wilfred stands "I'm to ride out and find M'Lord Mardax we have heard rumors that he has taken off the main roads perhaps still in the lands held by House Steiner." .... "With your leave M'lord I will head out."

Lord Perros nods his head and the young solider mounts and calls the other swords to head out.

Lord Perros hands the letter off to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe "I think you and your knights will find this letter as interesting as I have."

"Cyra Vyraes do you have family at home we should worry about? I feel your father and our family members maybe a target of some new enemies that have been shaken from their hiding places." 
Cyra Vyraes
Kolwyn, 52 posts
Silk Merchant
Tue 14 Oct 2014
at 04:28
  • msg #3

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Cyra kept her eyes trained on the raven knights and the approaching soldiers on the boat ride to shore, the storm brewing at her back. She had spoken with her crew in Myrish and ensured that she would land ashore at the same time as Lord Perros and his family. If there would be trouble Cyra wanted a hand in getting out of it. Once the boat hit the shore, she waited for Dio to give her a hand out, and despite her care the hem of her silken gown and cape were dipped in water, darkening the beautiful fabric.

She walked with proud shoulders towards Ashara, taking her hand in greeting. She smiled and said quietly, "Lovely sister. What news?" But is seemed as the question left her lips, Lord Perros and a man of less than lordly breeding approached each other. The other man took a knee and the two exchanged words. She looked between the knights and these other men. Sellswords she thought them, and worn sellswords at that. Some tension released in her shoulders.

There was a letter, the letter was passed off, the tension in Lord Perros's shoulders did not release, and this man spoke of many houses she wasn't intimately aware of. Steiner, Kaldor, and this Lord Mardax. Apparently these men were in search of Lord Mardax. Her expression remained even, her shoulders high, and her form-fitting dress blew about her ankles, wetting the skin beneath. Her usual playfulness seemed to float just below the surface.

When he addressed her directly she met his eyes and pondered the question for a moment. She shook her head slowly, a sober look on her face. "Enemy can try. They find my father is-" she paused as if searching for the right word, "Iron." She had never looked so sober.

"What does our new enemy desire?" Cyra said, a hint of her usual mischief seeped back into her mouth as she took a step or two forward towards Lord Perros, accompanied by the sound of gravel crunch beneath her shoes.
Fatimah Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 40 posts
Knight of the Order
Hassan's 1st Heir
Tue 14 Oct 2014
at 14:57
  • msg #4

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Fatimah was nervous, but when she saw the man delivering a message and the horsemen protecting the shore... well it was good on one hand because the knights where on their side, but on the other it spoke of far deeper issues. She does her best to read the letter when her father gets it, standing on her tip toes.
So a potential hostage situation?
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 252 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Tue 14 Oct 2014
at 20:05
  • msg #5

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Ashara had switched to a richly embroidered wool dress for traveling. She draws her cloak tightly around her against the wind. She curtsies to Cyra as she approaches, then takes her hand in greeting. She was glad to see her friend after they had been stuck on different ships. She smiles at Cyra when Cyra calls her lovely sister. "We had a rough time on the ship, but we arrived. Uncle Hassan seems very on edge, but I couldn't tell you right away what is going on." she tells Cyra quietly.

She whispers to Cyra, looking like girls trying to avoid being caught by the house Septa.

"We're targeted, father? Anything Gabriel should watch out for?" she asks her father softly. She was nervous about what might be wrong, but a dutiful daughter didn't meddle in her father's affairs uninvited. Her eyes go wide at Fatimah's words. "A hostage? Who?"
She nods to the messenger. "I thank you for your valuable service, good ser."
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