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16:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Blackhaven's Storm (South) (13)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 1820 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 00:20
  • msg #81

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

In reply to Cyra Vyraes (msg # 80):

"Now you are a beauty. And that accent you are neither from the south or north..... So lovely lady what noble family are you from?"

Cariel Dondarrion "Old Lord Dondarrion" seems interested, ....
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:41, Sat 29 Nov 2014.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 283 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 00:39
  • msg #82

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Ashara is intrigued by the tapestries but keeps focused on making a good first impression; they'll be time to see those later. She curtsies formally to the other Dondarrions. “Greetings from Dorne, Sers and ladies. It is an honor to meet you all.” She nods gratefully to Ser Ackley. “Especially you, Ser Ackley.” She hadn’t know there were northerners who fought against the Dragon Kings; it was encouraging.
Ashara blushes prettily. "You pay my beauty quite a compliment, my lord." Her teasing had already gotten her in trouble once recently, it was best to be demure and maidenly at the moment.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 158 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 01:19
  • msg #83

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Ser Hassan walked into the room with Lady Aislin on his arm, his armor was drenched and he would see that Gerrin ensured it's maintenance. The trail of the children of House Ravenhowe shortly followed. "Thank you Lord Cariel for having us, we appreciate your hospitality," he then gave a gentle bow of his head. He looked around at the people in the keep, he was curious how many of them harbored ill will toward him or his allies.
GM, 1825 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 01:55
  • msg #84

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 83):

The Anvil seeing Hassan come in is pleased. "Ser Hassan it has been a long time since we have seen one another I hope the journey through the Boneway was not to your disliking."

Ser Hassan has fought in a battle once before with The Anvil, but has never witnessed him in combat. In fact they have never formally meet. On the field soldiers spoke of him as a skilled killer. Of course the same is said about Hassan.

"I see you have brought your fable knights with you beautiful and deadly."
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:55, Sat 29 Nov 2014.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 159 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 02:26
  • msg #85

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

"It is a pleasure to meet the man behind the myth, and in regards to beautiful I can only assume you speak of my daughter Fatimah," he said chuckling. Hassan gave the storm lander a firm handshake. "But where are my manners, this is my wife, Lady Aislin, of house Kolwyn." Lady Aislin raised her hand to greet him properly. "I have indeed brought The Ravens Claws with me, as well as our children, it is not often we would get to see the capital and I want them to see the kingdom. I trust things have been well for you since the war?"
GM, 1827 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 02:45
  • msg #86

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

"Well M'lady I am two steps shy of being a trader. My family has pressured me to marry but I can't stand the women they introduce me to. Its not that I enjoy the company of men more than women, it's just the women they introduce me to are to, delicate."

"If I was going to marry it's going to a woman who can breed me warriors."

Lady Menara Dondarrion steps forward, "If I left it to this ox he would have married a goat. Men of the sword don't understand politics, .... that's why he has me"

"Lady Aislin its nice to meet you," .... As she politely bows her head just slightly in respect to Hassan.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 160 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 02:55
  • msg #87

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Ser Hassan beckoned his eldest daughter toward them, "It was only jest, Ser Ackley." Ser Hassan chuckled at Lady Menara's joke, Aislin gave a polite smile. "Though I may have protested, my daughter Fatimah has been training with spear and blade since she was old enough to hold one," with that Aislin glared up at her husband. Hassan gave a shrug and smile, "Although Ser Ackley I have been looking for a Knight for my son Roland to squire under,  and my other son Baldwin should be ready to begin paging himself."
GM, 1828 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 03:10
  • msg #88

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 87):

"I am not a nurturing, nor a caring man, .... my last squire ran off in the middle of night and I don't remember what happened to my page," as he laughs at this own joke. "I am not much for being helped."
Cyra Vyraes
Kolwyn, 69 posts
Silk Merchant
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 03:10
  • msg #89

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

In reply to Caladin (msg # 81):

Cyra gave the lord a coy smile and waved a hand as if blurring her words, "I noble spun of lace, lace dyed to sun and sea." She gave Ashara a brief sidelong glance and winked conspiratorially, returning her eyes to Lord Dondarrion. <purple>'Sun and sea yet knows little of lightning bolts."
GM, 1829 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 03:20
  • msg #90

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

In reply to Cyra Vyraes (msg # 89):

"Okay, so she's pretty but what the hell is she talking about."

The old Lord didn't seem to get her humor nor did he like it.

Or understand it, .....
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 284 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 03:56
  • msg #91

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Ashara smiles to see her uncle chatting with an old comrade. She looks a bit surprised to see him introduce Fatimah to Ackley after Ackley mentioned he was unmarried. Is uncle Hassan planning to marry Fatimah to Ser Ackley? An unusual choice, to be sure.
Ashara smiles at Cyra's wink. She seems disappointed Lord Dondarrion doesn't care to play along with Cyra's guessing game. She gives Cyra a questioning look, uncertain if Cyra would like Ashara to introduce her.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 161 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Sun 30 Nov 2014
at 01:08
  • msg #92

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

In reply to Caladin (msg # 88):

"Well being independant is not a bad thing," answer Aislin, Hassan appeared unsure as to whether or not he was being serious.
Fatimah Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 54 posts
Knight of the Order
Hassan's 1st Heir
Sun 30 Nov 2014
at 08:05
  • msg #93

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 87):

Fatimah approached when beckoned, although she wanted to join in anyway. You flatter me, and honor me. she says smiling if you want your children to be warriors marrying a Dornishwoman would be the way to go. And I probably just stuck my foot in my mouth.
Cyra Vyraes
Kolwyn, 70 posts
Silk Merchant
Mon 1 Dec 2014
at 05:08
  • msg #94

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Cyra fought back the urge to sigh in annoyance at the Lord, biting back the words the she is right here. But she maintained her playful composure and caught Ashara's eyes, nodding at her sister's questioning look. She also wondered if subtly was lost on all of this man's court, or just him. If all of them were dull as dullards, Cyra suspected that this castle would be a boring respite… or a problematic one. She hadn't decided which yet.
Old Lord Dondarrion
Mon 1 Dec 2014
at 05:34
  • msg #95

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

"So will I see NO answer to my question, ..... I am still the lord of this manor" as he looks at the servents, "and I don't like the look of that one." As he points to Cyra Vyraes "Are you a Lady or not?"
Looking over at Lord Perros, "So do you bring small folk to my home, or is she a whore, ... a gift for me to bed?"
The lord's temperament quickly changes and the rest of his home stands quite looking on with concern.

Lord Perros reply "She is with us and part of 'My' House Lord, and no she is not of westerosi noblilties but either an I, ..." he look at him with eyes of an man that will not take his rude and crude remarks if they continue.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:34, Mon 01 Dec 2014.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 289 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Mon 1 Dec 2014
at 05:45
  • msg #96

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

"This Cyra Vyraes, my lord. She's a Myrish lady, and her family are friends of House Kolwyn. No insult is intended to you." Ashara explains in a conciliatory tone. She is a bit insulted at the Dondarrion lord's behavior, but it doesn't show past her carefully trained courtesy. She wants to snap at him and defend Cyra, but that would cause a lot of trouble.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:46, Mon 01 Dec 2014.
Fatimah Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 55 posts
Knight of the Order
Hassan's 1st Heir
Thu 4 Dec 2014
at 14:02
  • msg #97

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Okay, that's not good. Maybe I should change the subject? Pretend it didn't happen? Of course, its hardly fair to boast when our daughters can learn to fight. Its only natural better warriors can be found when you have twice as many to pick from.
Old Lord Dondarrion
Thu 4 Dec 2014
at 14:58
  • msg #98

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

In reply to Ashara Kolwyn (msg # 96):

Smiling at Ashara, ....
"A true Dornish princess, Beautiful, well spoken, and beautiful, but I said that already didn't I, ....."

Looking back at Perros, ....
"Fine Lord Kolwyn, she is part of your house and she will be welcomed."

He gives a hand jester like calling a servant, ....

"Ser Ackley Selmy, get the servants and make sure our guests are comfortable, I will be walking this beauty and the rest to the guest wing of the manor, ...."

Looking at his guests, "you will need to refresh yourselves, dry off, and clean up. I will have a meal prepared in the hall and we can eat and discuss policies or victories which every,," looking at Ashara "would like," .... and smiling as if he is getting somewhere with his flirting.
Ser Ackley Selmy
Thu 4 Dec 2014
at 15:10
  • msg #99

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

In reply to Fatimah Ravenhowe (msg # 97):

"There is no boosting, you have what it takes then you have it, .... those that boost usually don't. A dagger is deadly in the hands of any man, woman, or child, ....

But men are blood thirsty, and women are treacherous and children are naïve if I had to pick I prefer Blood Thirsty on the field."

I must take my leave perhaps tonight when we eat.? Until then."
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:10, Thu 04 Dec 2014.
Bron Snow
Kolwyn, 66 posts
Garrison Elite Guard
Threatening Drawback
Thu 4 Dec 2014
at 15:37
  • msg #100

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Bron was being ignored by most now-which was acceptable to him. He proceeded to help with getting the horses put away, and cleaned up. As he was part of the Kolwyn 'guest party', the guards around here would look at him warily, but that was all. They would not risk starting trouble without cause. The servants would also give him space, as he was very scary-but there was no one they could complain to due to his 'guest status'.

Of course, that did not mean Bron could do whatever he liked. There would be limits, but given the fact he did not plan on doing anyone any harm unless he was assaulted, he should be fine. Besides, if they wanted to hurt me, they could just have Ashara's uncle do it. He rolled his eyes. He was not keen on seeing Ashara's uncle or her aunt, nor Lord Kolwyn. Give them some space, and just go about your duties. He thought.

The back of his head still tingled a bit. It was proof of the man's cowardice. If he really just wanted to make an example out of Bron, he could have just struck him with his hand. Using a weapon, even if it was not the edge, was an attempt to do an injury serious enough to frighten Bron. It had the opposite effect, which was the result of a bully finally meeting someone ready to strike back. If Bron had, he would have to leave in a hurry.

After his work was done, he would have to keep himself busy. Maybe finding out where Ashara was staying would occupy his time. Then he could send his note to her, and try to let her know everything would be ok. Or just put her mind at ease. Or maybe just put his mind at ease-and brag a little bit. After all, he rarely told anyone he could read or write...
This message was last edited by the player at 16:04, Thu 04 Dec 2014.
GM, 1864 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 4 Dec 2014
at 16:00
  • msg #101

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

OOC: OK so I need a recap from each player, and part of that should include what they do until the next day. No interaction needed for now. I do not want to post the hall, dinner or getting cleaned up. Players may post freely on these topics or other details. Players may freely post the events until they lead to mid-afternoon the next day. The weather is wet and rain until noon. At this point I will post a new IC.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:38, Fri 05 Dec 2014.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 293 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Sun 7 Dec 2014
at 20:44
  • msg #102

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Ashara was certain grateful for the chance to get cleaned up and dried off. She wanted to look her best to try and impress house Dondarrion. She asked Cyra for help picking out a dress for dinner and help with her hair.

She was pleasant and charming company at dinner, trying to give the Dondarrions the best possible impression of the Dornish. She also tried to make sure that Cyra was enjoying herself, knowing that the Dondarrions might not be polite to her Myrish sister.

She would have to talk to her uncle and father about what had happened with Bron. But it was better to wait for both herself and her uncle to cool off first. She gave Bron an apologetic look and a smile when no one was watching.

The next morning, Ashara rests from the road but doesn’t oversleep. She is eager to see more of Blackhaven, but still tired from the road. She chatters a bit with the local to try and find out more about them, and looks around Blackhaven some. But mostly she takes it easy that morning and rests, talking to Cyra and tending to her needlework.
Fatimah Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 56 posts
Knight of the Order
Hassan's 1st Heir
Sun 7 Dec 2014
at 21:14
  • msg #103

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

I'm gonna try to clean up a little. Don't want the damp to rot anything. Fatimah explains as she leaves Ashara I asked the servants for quarters nearby don't hesitate if you need anything I'll leave the door open so I can hear if there is trouble

When, Fatimah gets to her room, close to Ashara, she changes out of her armor and sets it out to dry. She doesn't put aside her sword though. She finds one of the servants and asks for food. If or when it comes she'll eat, perform drills and exercises and finally sleep. Today was a good day.

OOC: Time passes?
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 164 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Tue 9 Dec 2014
at 18:24
  • msg #104

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

Ser Hassan had convened with the Raven's Claws before turning in for the night. After their small meeting they all saluted one another by thumping their fists lightly upon their chests before turning and leaving. Aislin and Hassan put their children to bed, Hassan intentionally checked in on his daughter Fatimah last, whom he wished a good night and kissed her on the forehead telling her that he's proud of her.

Turning into bed he dried off his armor and then reoiled it before hanging it upon a set. During some time in the night the sounds of lascivious behavior could be heard coming their room. Much to the dismay of Fatimah...
GM, 1926 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 10 Dec 2014
at 16:52
  • msg #105

Re: IC: Blackhaven's Storm

OOC: Thank you for the recaps :) This IC has ended, the New IC is ready and will be up shortly.

Congratulation !

This scene has ended, a new thread will be posted.

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Scene:13, Group:1

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