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18:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC Stuff.

Posted by ST-JediFor group 0
player, 71 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2013
at 07:45
  • msg #377

Re: OOC Stuff

Well, I was trying to rp it with what Caetano would know, and the order in which the events took place... (maybe caused because of the asynchronous medium used).

One question/suggestion... you guys complain every now and then with regards to PM management, and posting PMs with a certain format so that you can find them and all that... is there any reason why you don't want to create a thread private to each character and quit the use of PMs ? any question, related to a specific character should be posted there, I think it might make things cleaner. Also it might allow for managing other things with more clarity, like the tracking of xp spent, or even some short private IC scenes or chats, that do not justify its own thread... I don't know.

Anyway, its sort of rhetorical, as I am aware that the game is perfect as it is ;), and I figure you have already tried this out... wait... or maybe... I am the only one left out without a private thread... *creepy music here*
This message was last edited by the player at 07:46, Tue 26 Mar 2013.
GM, 213 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Tue 26 Mar 2013
at 15:25
  • msg #378

Re: OOC Stuff

I'm not entirely sure what you mean Benigno.  I can say this though.  I personally hate the private messages.  A huge portion of the time, what gets said in them gets ignored, slows the game down, and generally makes more clutter, which as we can all see, is in abundance anyway!

The best, obvious way to get a question answered by me is to find me on messenger.

It's pretty easy, really.

AIM is HydroChieftain
YIM is
FB is JediMaster007


Everybody knows Ac1d and I are on the same page, like, all the time, except for when we're not.

Here's an example of how we ST things entirely differently, and how we've both got vastly different ideas at times.  This is interesting to me, not a stab at all.

The two things that would have been vastly different in the Detonation thread had I been operating it would be Phoenix's reaction to Dimitri, and Edge's reaction to Ken, Chris, and Ric.

First, Phoenix.

PHOENIX:  You got a bike?  Go get one.  Learn to ride it.  Then come talk to me.  Until then, thanks for being stupid enough to tell me you plan on moving in on my turf.

EDGE:  You two idiots need to put those fucking guns down!  I'm going to do both of you the biggest favor anybody has ever done for you, and tell you the truth, straight up, how it is, and what everyone else knows but you two haven't been able to figure out.

*Small pause*

Your fucking Narc is sitting on your lap dipshit.  The only reason you two haven't been whacked a decade ago is because she's been drinking Tremere vitae.  You two are a pair of the Camarilla's most wanted criminals, and you're both too stupid to realize someone's been protecting you.  The guy running this city dusted a Methuselah and exiled another.  In addition to being the prince of this city and having been an Archon himself, one of his closest associates is another Tremere Archon by the name of Tyler Crown.  Maybe you've heard of him.  In certain Anarch circles he's known as T-Shock, a name given him by Jagged Jimmy that sort of stuck.  In addition to Tyler being the only one in recent memory with enough balls to try and take me out, that guy single handedly thwarted a Sabbat invasion by recruiting the Bishop in charge of it.  Maybe you've heard of him.  His name is Logan MacAllister.

So yes, you two dumbasses are perhaps the biggest joke in all of Anarch history.  Your entire existence revolves around the fact the Warlocks have been protecting you, most likely because the one running the show for the Camarilla in this city has been porking your girl.  Now STFD and STFU while the real Anarch badasses direct the newbies.


As we can all see, that clearly is not at all how Ac1d is handling the Anarchs.  :D  It's refreshing to see a different take, and even though I want to grit my teeth and cringe because a deeply rooted part of me wants to go "NNNNOOOOOOO!  That's not how this works! I'm not running that show!

player, 72 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2013
at 16:53
  • msg #379

Re: OOC Stuff

AIM is HydroChieftain YIM is

None of those two are actually used in Europe, and my work computer is monitored enough as it is.

Not that I do not appreciate the option you give us, just that it would not be well seen if I had an extra chat system, that is not used by anyone else in the company.

I am using google and at times Skype.

Regarding the system I was mentioning, it's just substituting the multiple PMs per char, by private threads per character. It works nicely on other games I have seen, it's just probably not your cup of tea, and it takes a bit of getting used, but works best in that information is not lost or buried under different PMs, but kept in threads, like everything else.

regarding xp and all that, it works also nicely cuz on each post you got your time, so its easier to see the flow of things. Anyway, it was just a suggestion.
player, 27 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2013
at 16:55
  • msg #380

Re: OOC Stuff

I used to do that for my games. Each player would get groups A-F as their private threads and we can just talk about random things in an asychronous manner.

The other thing I do is ensure that players don't create new PMs for every issue, they stick to the same thread so I only monitor one thread.
GM, 217 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Tue 26 Mar 2013
at 17:06
  • msg #381

Re: OOC Stuff

That seems like a pretty good idea, and vaguely reminds me of something I had said in PM to Cascade (I think) about having a PM thread for everybody to use as a group.  My concern about this for each individual player though is...

Look at how many players there are.

Then look at how many threads there are.

Ac1d and I have already lost a thread or two because it got bumped down to the second page.  If we open up a private thread for each player, that's a lot of extra threads.  Won't it make things a bit more cluttered?




I forgot that one.  You can look me up there, too.  :D
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:14, Tue 26 Mar 2013.
player, 28 posts
Tue 26 Mar 2013
at 18:29
  • msg #382

Re: OOC Stuff

And that is exactly my problem as well for larger games. When I had 5 players it was real simple. When I had 20 players...things get complicated...
GM, 139 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Tue 26 Mar 2013
at 21:23
  • msg #383

Re: OOC Stuff

My YIM is Ac1ds0ld13r.

Google is Ac1ds0ld13r.

That's it. Take your pick.

When you send me a request please specify who you are or I'll assume you're selling me dick pills and add you to my insanely large block lists for both of those accounts.

As for PMs... Unless a PM is addressed to me I tend to not be bothered with them. I don't mind them at all either. However the group thing can get cumbersome quick...

IM is probably your best bet to get questions answered quickly.
player, 11 posts
Wed 27 Mar 2013
at 05:40
  • msg #384

Re: OOC Stuff

Chocolate motherfucking milk, bitches.

Fuck That! Strawberry Milk Fucker! :O)
GM, 219 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Wed 27 Mar 2013
at 05:43
  • msg #385

Re: OOC Stuff

Sorry Deja, I gotta go with Ac1d on this one.  Chocolate Milk FTW!
GM, 220 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Wed 27 Mar 2013
at 14:56
  • msg #386

Re: OOC Stuff


Have no fear.  I am here.  I am doing a whole round of updates, starting with Alex & DJ's thread, and then Marissa & Madhu, and then my own PCs, and then, I will set up some kind of free form(ish) space for PCs to work itty bitty scenes that don't require their own thread.


The Anarch PCs thread, There is one for us to work on our downtime stuff there.  I will probably post there too.
GM, 224 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 28 Mar 2013
at 16:34
  • msg #387

Re: OOC Stuff

I get post 1000!  I get post 1000!

So okay.  We all know (or I would think we all know) that I am a fan of the Underworld franchise of movies.  Don't get me wrong, I like Rhona Mitra just fine, but I didn't like Rise of the Lycans.  Maybe it has something to do with me being a fan of Kate Beckinsale since BEFORE she did those.

I had seen Much Ado About Nothing years ago in H.S. as part of Creative Writing and just sort of liked her ever since.  With the possible exception of Lucy Liu, Michelle Rodriguez, or Rosario Dawson, Kate is by far my favorite actress.

Anyway, it looks like we are either going to get a 5th installment or a next gen console video game, as Sony / Lakeshore Entertainment has recently registered the domain UnderworldBlood.  If the internet buzz is to be believed, it depends simply on what Miss Beckinsale wants to do.  Many people now think of her as typecast into those sorts of roles, but the irony is, she took the Underworld role in the first place to break away from her typecast as a traditional, classic, long dress and hair in a bun sorts of roles she had lots of prior to that.

So I was watching Awakening with the Director's commentary.  Seems one of the things my favorite actress has in spades is a sense of humor.  Sort of in the beginning when she gets released from "torpor" and is on the ground with all of the fog going on around her, she was quite literally naked for the whole scene.  She had said something like, "Naked and sexy?  I can do that.  Like this?  Like this?  Or how about this?"  The fog was actually CGI.  In the 2nd one, Evolution, she apparently had a time ripping on Scott Speedman because of his nervousness with regards to kissing her, having said something like, "Oh come on, I'm not THAT ugly!"

Now, I've entered a wrestling school once upon a time until I could no longer afford to train.  I've LARPed and done all of that stuff.  I dated a Theatre Arts major, and if any of you have ever met Lisa, (she used to play Alyssa Davizzi with us.  I know some of the veterans here know who she is), you'll note that I have quite a bit of experience keeping a straight face and sticking to a specific role.  I'm no actor, not by any stretch of the imagination, but I am quite good at working opposite someone and selling my role.

I mean, I know how hard it is just from being in a wrestling ring to keep a "mean" face and sell a punch that is supposed to lay you out, but actually is little more then a love tap that barely even connects, or rolling around screaming in pain over an "ankle lock" that is nothing more then your foot held in place against the other guy's chest.

What I am getting at is, I have a pretty mean poker face when I need too, but if I had to work with someone tormenting me about a kiss scene or taunting the camera with naked scenes and posing this way and that, there is no way I could hope to hold a straight face.  The stuff these people go through.
player, 29 posts
Thu 28 Mar 2013
at 21:29
  • msg #388

Re: OOC Stuff

Not the biggest fan of the overall series. I enjoyed the first movie but the when we go down the whole "vampire/werewolf hybrid" storyline things took a turn that I didn't enjoy.

HOWEVER I thought Kate did a fantastic job across the board. I also thought Bill Nighy (Viktor) was one of my favorite vampire elders ever portrayed...again at least in the first one.
GM, 141 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Fri 29 Mar 2013
at 06:05
  • msg #389

Re: OOC Stuff

Bill Nighy was the best part of that movie.

Everything else was shit, including Kate Beckinsale. Jedi knows I hated those movies though. She had an alright turn as a villain in the last Total Recall movie though. I stress "alright," because it was essentially the same thing she played in Underworld. Bitch that can fight in tight clothes...

In any event, I'll be posting tomorrow.
GM, 225 posts
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Fri 29 Mar 2013
at 10:50
  • msg #390

Re: OOC Stuff

Bill Nighy was awesome period.  If you're a fan of the nWoD, Underworld is a perfect example of the First Estate.  Viktor (and subsequently Selene) is such a Brujah.  The "elders" were Toreador (Amelia), Brujah (Viktor), and Tzimisce (Marcus), even though Viktor was sired by Marcus.  White Wolf would've done better in their lawsuit if they had sued based on nWoD instead of making their primary focus on the "Abomination" the half werewolf half vampire.  As it stands, there was a private settlement outside of court.  :P

What, for story purposes, I really liked about the movies was that the werewolves didn't get to dominate the vampires with ungodly combat prowess.  In fact, they were pretty much punked out.  Even Lucian admits that if Viktor were so easy to dispatch, Kraven would have done it "centuries ago".  They admit that the werewolves NEED the Abomination to even have a chance.  To emphasize the point, Viktor kills the werewolf badass (Raze) with his bare hands, and then for giggles, runs him through with a silver sword.  Even Michael still gets his ass kicked by the elder Brujah.  Stupid werewolves.  :D

I've actually used his (probably) most famous line in the movie more then once, and I will no doubt use it again.  "Your incompetence is becoming most taxing."

The thing that I thought would be amusing about the total recall remake was... "Wouldn't it be funny if Kate Beckinsale gets to kill Bill Nighy's character again, in another movie directed by her husband."


Switching gears...

Here is a bit of Trivia.

There are two people in the history of cinema who have been killed by a Terminator, a Predator, and an Alien.

Who are they?

Hint #1.

"It's Game Over man! Game over!"

Hint #2.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me!"
player, 30 posts
Fri 29 Mar 2013
at 16:00
  • msg #391

Re: OOC Stuff

Bill Paxton?
GM, 226 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Fri 29 Mar 2013
at 16:14
  • msg #392

Re: OOC Stuff

That is one of them, yes.  :D
GM, 142 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 01:59
  • msg #393

Re: OOC Stuff

Lance Henriksen. I had to look up his name, but he was the Detective in Terminator, Obviously Bishop in Aliens, and of course Weyland in AVP
GM, 227 posts
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Sat 30 Mar 2013
at 03:05
  • msg #394

Re: OOC Stuff


And outside of Miss Weaver, is the only person to have been in more then one Alien movie.
player, 31 posts
Sun 31 Mar 2013
at 02:03
  • msg #395

Re: OOC Stuff

I should have guessed that one....I was thrown off because I thought the guy who played Hcks was n multiple movies but then again I guess they killed hicks off screen,
GM, 143 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Mon 1 Apr 2013
at 16:25
  • msg #396

Re: OOC Stuff

A round of posting coming up and then, now that this one is up and running I'll start working on my other top secret project.
GM, 144 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Mon 1 Apr 2013
at 22:13
  • msg #397

Re: OOC Stuff

For those of you who don't pay attention to this kind of thing:

In your User Preferences you can adjust the theme RPOL uses. They've added the feature to customize it now.

This over rides the special themes they apply (like for Easter and those other holidays), and lets you get rid of those horrendous background images.

Also, They've attached a wiki that can be added for the games. So we may have one of those coming. I know my next project will.
Dimitri the Devil
Anarch PC, 35 posts
Cha: 4 Man: 4 App: 2
Tue 2 Apr 2013
at 07:00
  • msg #398

Re: OOC Stuff

player, 74 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2013
at 17:24
  • msg #399

Re: OOC Stuff

Ok, it is now official, I LIKE MASS EFFECT ...

Believe it or not, it is the first computer game I have finished.... like.... ever.
GM, 229 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Fri 5 Apr 2013
at 18:30
  • msg #400

Re: OOC Stuff

And what did you like about it?
player, 75 posts
Fri 5 Apr 2013
at 20:43
  • msg #401

Re: OOC Stuff

The detail payed to the story and setting. Actually the action while fun (that it was) is not as engaging to me as say... playing Day of Defeat with some friends.
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