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15:39, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC Stuff.

Posted by ST-JediFor group 0
player, 81 posts
Thu 9 May 2013
at 19:31
  • msg #427

Re: OOC Stuff

95% ? perfume is lower grade man.
player, 14 posts
Thu 9 May 2013
at 22:46
  • msg #428

Re: OOC Stuff

Just a thought...I can't possibly see anything going wrong drinking out of Windex bottle!! Oh's a damn Windex bottle!! You sure it was the moonshine that was making you dizzy?!?!?
GM, 245 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 9 May 2013
at 23:14
  • msg #429

Re: OOC Stuff

I wasn't dizzy.  But it was kinda the point.  It was blueberry moonshine put in a Windex bottle because that's exactly what it looked like, down to the same exact color and everything.
player, 33 posts
Mon 13 May 2013
at 19:58
  • msg #430

Re: OOC Stuff

I like how high grade alcohol evaporates as it hits your tongue. You get drunker inhaling it then drinking it :P
GM, 247 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 16 May 2013
at 01:48
  • msg #431

Re: OOC Stuff

Ok.  So it is official now.  I will be moving / relocating again.  If Ac1d wants y'all to know the complete details, he will tell you / you can ask him.  Needless to say, we're both taking a chance, but when it pays off, it will be sexy sweet.  :D
player, 13 posts
Fri 17 May 2013
at 05:45
  • msg #432

Re: OOC Stuff

Jedi, I think you move more then I do... and that's A LOT! lol good luck with whatever it is you're venturing into.
GM, 248 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 30 May 2013
at 13:37
  • msg #433

Re: OOC Stuff

Ok.  I am in South Carolina now.  Ac1d and I have really bounced some ideas off of each other, but we're still not quite ready to dive back in.  I came out early to help him move because it was more effective and efficient this way.  Plus, it allowed me to have a couple days to get settled.  We're actually moving into our place on the first.  So bear with us for just a few more days folks.  :D
player, 34 posts
Sat 1 Jun 2013
at 02:52
  • msg #434

Re: OOC Stuff

I think DJ is stuck in spot but Dimitri is up for RPing with someone else who's at the NOS party.

Anyway want to bump into him before he gets involved with Ken and Chris, just write it up in the Detonation thread.

We don't need no stinking ST's to have fun for awhile :P
GM, 249 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Sat 8 Jun 2013
at 11:01
  • msg #435

Re: OOC Stuff

Anybody here?  Who wants to do some posting?
player, 15 posts
Sat 8 Jun 2013
at 13:34
  • msg #436

Re: OOC Stuff

I would love to get something going...
GM, 250 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Sat 8 Jun 2013
at 13:44
  • msg #437

Re: OOC Stuff

Alright Phunny.  You're up first.  What do you want to do?  It's been so long since I've done anything here and nearly all of my notes are on the HD of a computer I didn't bring out to S.C. with me.  So it's pretty much a clean slate.  You tell me.
player, 16 posts
Sat 8 Jun 2013
at 14:26
  • msg #438

Re: OOC Stuff

It's been so long I need to review Gabe and where he stands at the moment...hahah. I think we were going to have a meeting with his Sire, or search out Sheriff Philip to start working on Phoenix and his gang.
GM, 251 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Sat 8 Jun 2013
at 16:01
  • msg #439

Re: OOC Stuff

The only real problem with going after Phoenix is that it's going to involve you crossing over to the Anarch game, which at this point, we don't really want to do.  Now if you chose to have Gabe stay on the Anarch side and be an Anarch, that's a different matter.
player, 17 posts
Sat 8 Jun 2013
at 16:18
  • msg #440

Re: OOC Stuff

I was thinking that he might not cross over at all himself, but rather work on finding someone already established within the ranks and either convincing, manipulating or outright threatening/blackmailing them into being a mole and eventual saboteur if need be.

I imagine as the Childe of an Assamite Gabe might already be noticedand as such maybe infiltration might not be a good idea, or even possible for him. Unless he develops an alias/new persona...
player, 6 posts
Sun 9 Jun 2013
at 05:38
  • msg #441

Re: OOC Stuff

If I may voice my honest opinion...

I really wish to go on from the barest start!
DJ Inferno
Camarilla PC, 33 posts
Man 4, Cha 4, App 4
Wed 12 Jun 2013
at 06:58
  • msg #442

Re: OOC Stuff

Alexander & I need to finish our scene at the chinese market.

After that you were going to have us all go to a party where the Prince had given us missions of sorts.
GM, 153 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Thu 20 Jun 2013
at 23:22
  • msg #443

Re: OOC Stuff

Yo yo yo bitches.
GM, 252 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Fri 21 Jun 2013
at 02:05
  • msg #444

Re: OOC Stuff

I got a new computer!
player, 18 posts
Sat 22 Jun 2013
at 18:17
  • msg #445

Re: OOC Stuff

Is there any idea when this bad boy will get up to full swing again?? Just curious, I'm itchin' to put Gabe into action.
GM, 253 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Sat 22 Jun 2013
at 19:15
  • msg #446

Re: OOC Stuff

Okay.  I need to point out something extremely important, and I really think all of the players here need to hear it and to understand it.

A large chunk of the apparent lack of interest by both Ac1d and I comes quite literally, from you players.

Very few of you, like, maybe only one of you, has any idea what you want to do with your characters.  That is the most important part of your entire character.  Others of you couldn't seem to understand that the reason for having an Anarch chronicle and a Camarilla chronicle was to keep you separate.  You guys keep trying to cross your paths from one chronicle to the other.

Phunny, I'm not really intending to call you out on this, but here is a perfect example.  You're intending to be a Deputy, then eventually Sheriff, and what is the only thing you've wanted to do with your character?  Go after Phoenix, which by the way is suicide.  You don't really think you're the first neonate Assamite that thought they were going to make their bones on him, do you?

For that matter, what you are intending to do with your Camarilla character is something that would cross the boundaries from where I am the ST on over to Ac1d's game where he is the ST!

Prague was another bad example, but in a different way.  He had to be told no less then 5 times that he wasn't going to get, didn't have the influence to get, and didn't have any knowledge of even how to get, explosives.  But he kept asking anyway.  Ac1d and I both hate having to explain ourselves.  We especially hate having to do it more then once.  Neither one of us is the type that responds kindly to that.  We don't think it's "cute" or that the player was "just asking" or that the player "had to try".  No, said player didn't.  No it wasn't cute.  No, they weren't just asking.  If they were just asking, they'd have took no for the answer the first time.


I digress.

We're working on it.


Ac1d and I are working on it.  We've recently spent 2 nights sifting through the cast and finding the NPCs we are going to keep.  We've cut the huge and massive list down to the still big and massive 120, which is about 40% of them chopped.  We are going to recombine the chronicles into one single game.

We've gone back and forth with a lot of time spent on figuring out what we need to do and how we're going to make it work.

We kinda narrowed it down to this.

1.  The players are the most important.  If we're not making all of you happy, there is no point, really.  What we want is all well and good, but we're both about empowering players and giving y'all what you want.  But then we turn around and say, no you can't... or that is so... and it's counter productive.  Don't take this as an excuse to be stupid, or to think that something absurd and lame is cool and appropriate.  If anything, we're going to be even more hard asses with what we do IC, because you are inviting us to stop pulling the punches.

For example.  Phunny.  You want to go after Phoenix.  That's all well and good.  This isn't his first rodeo.  He's a tough cookie.  He's well entrenched.  He's got allies and influence, lots of both, and among his allies, he counts people like Tyler Crown and Edge.  But it's what you want to do...Prague, you want to be the catalyst?  You want to be the guy who deals with heavy weapons and explosives?  You want to step on the toes of somebody like Phoenix who already has that kind of influence on lockdown, and you want to tell him you intend to be his competition?  Really?  What's to stop him from setting you up to deal with Jaymz, his biggest rival in that particular area, and then narcing you out to Nigel, who will Narc you out to the prince, who subsequently calls down the thunder and lightning and leaves you in a pile of ashes?

But it's again, what you want to do.  It's crap to not give you the opportunity to try, and to just say you can't.

2.  It has to be a story we want to tell.  This is mostly for the two of us, but we have to add some organization and set the chronicle up in a way that is comfortable for both of us as the STs, and to keep enough pieces in play that we are always aware of what the other is doing, while still having enough free assets to use without trampling on each other's position.  This doesn't have a whole lot to do with y'all as players, though, like I already said.

But here is an example of how some of that plays out for us.  Dragon is the prince.  There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it.  None of the elders that are capable of actually seizing praxis are willing to try or already count the prince as an ally.  None who would try or who see him as an enemy have the ability to become prince.  So no matter how awesome someone like Dora is, there isn't going to be some crazy storyline going on where she is going to try and out maneuver Dragon and take the throne.

That's just an example, and again, for the third time, it bears no real relevance for any of you.  It's just the kind of thing Ac1d and I need to work out with each other in advance to make sure we're on the same page.  It is a lot easier when we can sit down, drink a beer, and compare notes.

3.  This is the most important thing of all.  Player input.  We really need you guys and gals to speak up.  You can't be silent and not give us anything to work with.  You can't be all, "I'm okay with whatever."  Because whatever translates to both of us as, "Well, Player X doesn't know what he wants to do, and I'm not going to sit around and wait.  Wanna group up and raid Dungeon Y in WoW tonight instead of posting?"

If you're going to sit around and wait for something to happen, or for us to be jamming stories and storyline ideas down your throats, then you're in for a long, long, long wait.  If you've ever dealt with us, and most of you have, you know we expect proactive players with actual goals to accomplish, achievements to unlock, and things to do that fill their night to night routines.

They don't need to be an exhaustive, comprehensive, laundry list of menial things to do, or even just a couple longterm goals that you'd like to see, but have no real idea how you want to get there.  All of you are terrible in that regard.  In fact, I was the only one who posted up a huge list of stuff to do, and it was for my only actual character, Ric, and none of you responded to it when I made that list public.  I made a point to say that's what it should look like if you wanted your well to never run dry, and then I asked for questions or comments, and insinuated that none of you could ever complain of boredom if you didn't present us with something like that.

Yet here I am, being asked again, when and what we're doing... *exasperated sigh*

Dimitri, how about finding whoever it was that stole your Desert Eagle?
Gabe, how about asking your sire why he even wants a position in the Camarilla.  Aren't Assamites supposed to be independents?
Marissa, why not ask Madhu why he's got a possessed car?
Lynxy...what is it about you that makes your sire try to bring out your inner wench?

All of this is simple and easy stuff that will result in multiple posts going back and forth and give you exp, open up new threads and give you more ideas.  But ya can't ever get to finish if you don't leave the starting line!  Make sense?

TLDR;  Sorry for what seems like a rant.  Ac1d and I are working on it.  We spent a great deal of time.  We've had some serious issues with a lack of player input and involvement and we needed to get organized and motivated ourselves.  It's a lot easier for us now.
GM, 154 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Tue 25 Jun 2013
at 05:32
  • msg #447

Re: OOC Stuff

Been a few days since I looked at this. I haven't responded because I've been trying to figure out how I wanted to.

I can point to several instances where this game was described as a "sand box." We wanted your characters to be personally motivated. Yes, I have a story I want to tell, but that story is woven in the stories you told me you wanted when we created your characters.

Dmitri you wanted to get your nails into the weapons trade of Charlotte. I set you up for it, but there's a twist. I won't get into the details but I can tell you Dmitri has a very large role to play in the chronicle.

Lillian: Your sire is tied to the plot in a big way. You're not the only one looking for him, and there are Kindred in the city who know where he is. You also need allies. I'm surprised you didn't try to find other Gangrel as well, especially since Jack wasn't really working out.]

Caetano: I have some fun stuff planned here too. The PM you sent me coincided with a lot of what I had planned though, that just means expect some small changes to keep it fresh.


I'm not mad.

We're rebooting the game is all.

Some of the big changes coming your way:

1. Cross Overs: We're combining the setting completely. Your Characters will be able to interact with Anarchs and Camarilla regardless of their loyalties. We're still working out the kinks for this as Jedi and I work to find a middle ground that lets us combine our ST work without spoiling each others' story for the other.

2. More Sand Box: We're making the sandbox bigger, not smaller. This puts pressure on you to keep your PCs motivated, but we're going to be saying, "yes" a lot more than we have been previously. Common sense still prevails but expect more freedom.

3. Less NPCs: We're still trimming the fat with NPCs. Like Jedi said, we literally sat in the same room and killed 40% of them. I think if I had asked, "What do they do?" one more time he would've thrown something at me! And, we're not done trimming! All of the NPCs will bring something to the game once we're finished: Punching bags for your PCs, Informants, Influence holders, rivals, etc... All of them will do something that you can count of them to be consistently interested in.

And we're trying not to wait until we're done working on it all.

Sooner I hear from all of you on what you want to work on FIRST  sooner I can jump the PCs into their next thread. EXPECT TO USE THE IC FREEFORM THREAD FOR ANARCHS!
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:37, Tue 25 June 2013.
player, 14 posts
Wed 26 Jun 2013
at 05:55
  • msg #448

Re: OOC Stuff

postings for me are coming asap... hopefully before the weekend but the new work schedule has me working a 10 day stretch.
player, 35 posts
Thu 27 Jun 2013
at 17:46
  • msg #449

Re: OOC Stuff

Thzt's fine. I'm still around so just drop me a line of when and where and what and I'll keep on trucking.
GM, 254 posts
The Force is strong
with this one...
Thu 27 Jun 2013
at 18:55
  • msg #450

Re: OOC Stuff

Just to give y'all a heads up on where we are at... Some of our inspiration has been The Borgias, and while I haven't seen any of Game of Thrones, Ac1d has seen pretty much all of them.  I on the flip side, have seen all of Spartacus.  :P

I have read a few of the Jack Reacher novels too.

Needless to say there should be a variety of action, political scheming, and with player input, a high degree of badassery.
GM, 155 posts
Majestic as fuck.
Sat 29 Jun 2013
at 19:58
  • msg #451

Re: OOC Stuff


[6 blank lines suppressed]

This shit is bananas.
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