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13:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Adventuring in Westeros  (RTJ)

Posted by CaladinFor group public
GM, 3 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 14:28
  • msg #1

Adventuring in Westeros  (RTJ)

The 24hr. Ruling (Read Before Your RTJ)

This rule applies to weekdays not weekends.

As an online game we cannot be online all the time and many have a real life that will at some time effect how much we can log on and play.

I personally don’t post as often during the weekends and holidays as I spend time with my family, (wife and children).

A 24hr ruling between posts will be needed to keep this online game flowing. As I think most would hate to wait for 2 or 3 days to know if someone is going to attack then another 2 days for the roll and so on and so on, a simple encounter could takes weeks, with this in mind,…. We will have a 24hr ruling.

An In Character (IC) or Out of Character (OOC) posts for the current adventure is required within 24hrs.

This starts from that player’s last post; this does not include a log on or a 'Chit Chat' this is for the active chapter of the game.

If a Player doesn’t post, their turn will be on “Hold” until they return, IF the adventure progress to a point that a decision is necessary to keep a group together or save a characters life, ect. , ect.  Then the GM will do what is in the best interest of that player or group.

Or you can assign another player to control the character. But its control must stay true to the character and not be miss-represented. Most importantly if another player acts on your behalf and your character dies its, … dead.
So this should not be taken lightly, by both who agree to it.

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:14, Sat 26 July 2014.
GM, 4 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 14:30
  • msg #2

Re: Adventuring in Westeros

How to post in our game, ….

IC is your In Character thread
What’s posted here is final. You can edit Flavor Text, but you cannot make changes that affect others or the adventure.

Flavor text is ‘Your Description’ of what and how your character does something; an example is in combat:

More to come on this.

Your characters personality and speech, you control.

Your character, you control what he or she says, but you shouldn’t control NCs (NPCs) other than to add more flavor. Major NCs are never to be controlled by a PCs unless given to the Player to act on for the GM.

This thread should flow as a story; you shouldn’t post rolls, skill check questions, etc. this kind of stuff should be posted at the end of IC and listed as  OOC (Out of Character).

Lastly to have both a good game and good flow in the story, every portion of the game will be listed with a name for the chapter. Some Players may not be part of the group at the time the chapter is played but can read about it and enjoy it when it's ended.

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:14, Tue 17 June 2014.
GM, 5 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 14:33
  • msg #3

Re: Adventuring in Westeros

‘Time Passes’ & ‘Post Freely’

The ‘Time Passes’ rule is to speed up adventures so that the game has less drag time.

Someone maybe you are waiting for another to act, but how do we really know who and if they want to act? Without some kind of communication the game will drag and go very slow. Maybe a player is done and really has no action so he or she doesn’t post, but as the GM I’m waiting for someone to take a lead role and then again it drags.

The way this should work, is if as a player you are done and plan to take no more actions than you can post “Time Passes” with a small description like "he goes to sleep", or "sits by the fire", or even leads off with "I’m waiting on the DM".

You can also post ‘Time Passes’ and in a private post what your waiting for something like “When it’s my watch let me know I want to ,…….”

As the GM I almost never post ‘Time Passes’ because I would have to lead the adventure once everyone has done their action. I will however do something like ‘Post Freely’ with a small description and then wait for a ‘Time Passes’.

‘Posting Freely’ allows the player to post completely on their own, a good example is if in a town and buying goods, I may post all normal items can be found in this market you may buy them at standard prices, ‘Post Freely’.

GM, 6 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 14:41
  • msg #4

Re: Adventuring in Westeros (RTJ)

Rules and Expectations (Read Before Your RTJ)

I will be using the Green Ronin system so I will operate this game on a 24 hour rule (see more on 24hr rule). When the PC turn begins, you have 24 hours to post your actions. If you have not posted within 24 hours, I will NPC you to keep things moving. I will also advance all non-combat scenes within 48 hours, but will not NPC you in non-combat scenes, unless it is very important to the game or a skill challenge. This rule does not apply to weekends. So if I post on Friday, you will have until Monday to post before I will advance, as weekends/holidays do not count.

If you don't think you can keep up with this pace, then do not apply.

While I’m pretty sure you know the system, you most likely will need some info. on this setting of Westeros, you should at least have some knowledge of the setting, and should roleplay appropriately.

Some links to help you along;

This site will have the most up-to-date information on this game. All the information is playable;

Currently a Work In Progress

This site below is a good source of info. BUT before using this make sure you ask just in case it conflicts with our current game and or setting.

This site is the official Green Ronin ASOIAF game site by the makers

You should also know that magic is powerful and very rare, and don't expect many if any magic items. You should not build or create a character in such a way that they rely on a certain magic items to function at their best.

These rules are subject to change, at any time.

This message was last updated by the GM at 11:51, Sat 28 June 2014.
GM, 7 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 14:45
  • msg #5

Re: Adventuring in Westeros

Setting Up on this Site

Character Bios, all players should have a simple bio, I will edit or add these details on for the player. The Bio-Lines are for information about the character such as, title, position in a house, or even the type of PC (warrior, sellsword, solider, etc)

Character Descriptions, this info does not need to be region specific but an idea of the personality, morals and why they are the way they are is needed if you want good quality Roleplaying and the quests and adventures to be more than just a treasure hunt.

Character Sheets, in this portion of the site you should have your character sheets and also if you are using the link to the off-site host place the link at the top of the sheet.

Under "Character Details" for Caladin is a sample character sheet. Players are asked that all PCs and NPCs sheets be kept in full and undated via this site. A player may host his character on any other off-site and link it to this game if they so wish.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:46, Fri 27 June 2014.
GM, 298 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 6 May 2014
at 17:53
  • msg #6

Re: Adventuring in Westeros


This game is meant to become large. AT some point all Seven Kingdoms will have 2 or 3 player houses that will play at the same time. I know this sounds massive.

"Well its going to be".

The break down for posting will be as follows;

Group 1: Dorne
Ashara Kolwyn
Fatimah Ravenhowe
Bron Snow
Mardax Kaldor
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe

Group 2: The Reach
Ser Edric Neumann
Ser Mathys Ashfield

Group 3: Iron Islands This Group is on Hold

Group 4: Stormlands
Lachland Fell
Acired Velaryon

Unique Group

Group 9: Titles 'Lords and Ladys'

This thread is unique in the sense that its for one on one with NCs of a secret nature. All the thread will note are those involved but all the Text will be in Private.

THIS is not meant for solo adventures its just a way to separate some events, and allow conversation to be done at a different pace.

EXAMPLE: a player in RL needs time to settle things and wants to keep his character active, - so he separates and then posts slower until he/she can return in full and keep with the 24hr rule.

EXAMPLE: a player wants a detailed sit down with a lord of 'NCs' of importance and doesn't want to slow the group down to a crawl waiting for their scene to end. As GM I will separate them from the main group and play out the encounter.

NC or NPC Grouping

You may notice that some characters do not have a 'letter' in the group tag, these character are NCs or sometimes called NPCs (non-player character). For player knowledge active NPCs will be tagged according to the group they are currently active in.

Group Tags with Letters

Group tags with letters designate the house in which a player is a part of in some way. Perhaps they are part of that family or a servant with more then normal knowledge with respect to their inner workings. Keep in mind that only players that are part of that house will have their respective 'letter' tag.

Kolwyn: Group "B"
Ravenhowe: Group "A"
Kaldor: Group "C"

The Reach:
Ashfield: Group "D"
Neumann: Group "E"

Iron Islands: This Group is on Hold
Saltwind: Group "F"

Fell of Timberwood: Group "G"

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:08, Fri 03 July 2015.
GM, 378 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 16 May 2014
at 18:05
  • msg #7

Re: Adventuring in Westeros

How to post in our game, continued….

OOC is your Out of Character comment in an IC thread

You should use OOC: to post rolls, skill checks, questions, etc. this kind of stuff should be posted in Orange.

It is the player Option to post OOC: comments in [Private]

For Newbies


Stands for 'Out Of Character'. A term used in roleplay when a person wants to step outside of their character for a minute and speak as themselves.

This is a more acceptable occurrence while in the IC thread of the game as it relates to issues that need player to GM conversation.

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:05, Sun 08 June 2014.
GM, 484 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 2 Jun 2014
at 14:06
  • msg #8

Re: Adventuring in Westeros

General Talk & info on Generic rmails & PMs

To all the players and CO-GMs: Its important to know that as the game gets bigger and more players join us, some of the personal touches you may see kinda of slows down when it comes to a few things.

In no way am I trying to be rude, BUT when players are not around and don't leave notes in chit chat thread that they are away the posting in IC can be effected. With so many players and more to come its important that we push on and post in a timely manner. Keep in mind that the game is not a free-forum but the players do have a lot of liberties when posting. Making stuff up that's story related, house related, adds to the game and I enjoy everyone's additions so please keep it up and post, & post. Also know that when I post no matter how simple it is I am waiting for a character to react or reply, this is the part that can really slow down a game and why we have a 24 hrs rule.

As you can see I'm very active and I post something everyday. Sometimes in IC or maybe more info for the players, sometimes just organizing the threads.

An example of a generic rmail is when someone has not logged in or posted for more then 24 hrs. Unfortunately I do forget things and time can be short some days with RL stuff.

If you receive an rmail like the one below, know that it needs a reply, any reply so that I know your around. Also note its not personal. As we all well know here on RPOL, games end quickly when posting stalls and players have RL stuff that just doesn't make posting possible. I am willing to hold a character on the side in story until a player returns, or NC them if necessary.

If you loss a character because your not around or RL just gets in the way of Roleplaying I truly understand and every player here is always welcomed to come back and either take back their character if still an NC, or make a new one.

Hopefully this clears the air alittle and we can get to some serious top notch RPing :)

The example I was talking about has been included below;

This is a generic email nothing personal just keeping up with things

Checking in - Are you planning to stay with our game?

Game of Thrones: To Rule the Kingdoms
Link back to this game

We do have a 24 hr. Rule

If a Player doesn’t post, their turn will be on “Hold” until they return, IF the adventure progress to a point that a decision is necessary to keep a group together or save a characters life, ect. , ect.  Then the GM will do what is in the best interest of that player or group.

This above rule does have a limit and if too much time passes I would have to find another player.

Hopefully RL has just gotten a bit crazy and you will be back in the swing of things soon. If so shoot me back an rmail,
and, if not truly sorry to see you go :(

If I don't get a reply by (date) I will have to assume your just not interested and I wish you luck in your future roleplaying endeavors.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:13, Sat 14 June 2014.
GM, 587 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 14:44
  • msg #9

Re: Adventuring in Westeros : Colored text for dialogue

How to post in our game, … CONTINUED

In this games we do prefer to use colored text for our dialogue.

What's your reasoning for picking out a certain color for a character?

For some colored text for dialogue is for it to stand out from the rest of the post, most usually choose red or blue, but for others it's pretty random. Others like colored text for dialogue, because it makes things just easier to read especially with a long post. I agree and I've found for many it does tend to help readability somewhat here on RPoL.

If your going to use 'Color Text' or 'Formatting Text' these are our recommendations, they are NOT a requirement but will add a new level of posting and understand to ones writing in a post.

Color DescriptionNotes
OrangeOOC: Out of thread commentsIn Bold : OOC: Rolls or GM roll requests
Blues Even tempered, normal tuneIn Bold : Strong Voice
Greens Good tempered, natural tuneIn Bold : Caring Voice
Lavenders Narration from GMsIn Bold : Crazy & Un-natural tune
YellowsSoft tempered, often for religious commentsIn Bold : Preaching tune
RedsAnger temper, very upsetIn Bold : Yelling, Screaming, Shouting
italic with colorSpeaking to one self out-loudIn Bold Loud enough so others can hear
BlackGeneral descriptions, no restrictionsUsed for any and everything
Black In italic PC Self Thought

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:39, Mon 02 Feb 2015.
GM, 640 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 10 Jun 2014
at 17:27
  • msg #10

Re: Adventuring in Westeros : Leaving the Game (RTJ)

Character Ownership:

As GM and Owner of this game I acknowledge that each player has given a creative input and has written something that can be credited to them, even a simple character sheet. However, by using it in this game, you are allowing the owner, GM, Co-GMs and future players to continue to use it within and for this game, and its continued use is considered fair use. It's content after the separation will be driven/authored by a new person who is a currently part of the game. In no way will we willfully take new updated description that you may have made in another game for the same character, and we view doing so as wrong if done without your permission.

You can make a request to stop using the character that you have provided or created. I normally NC a character until either the player returns or it's a good time for them to exit the storyline. If they were a large part of the story this may not happen. You should understand, in no way will we be obligated. We do request a reasonable amount of time for the GM to write them out of the story.

As a GM, I will try to honor such requests, as I do believe it is the right, and respectful thing to do. Any significant changes, I would need to run by the other players, as it could affect them.

Lastly and most importantly, we may look for someone to take over the character, if this happens there will be no removal of this PC other then through normal game play.

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:09, Wed 12 Sept 2018.
GM, 732 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 22 Jun 2014
at 15:56
  • msg #11

Re: Adventuring in Westeros : Current GMs

This post will be edited as we go. The names listed are the GMs, Co-GMs, and Honors to those that help and make this game what it is.

I personal what to give a big thanks to you all for the extra efforts in Co-GMing.

Special Honors to;

Members: Game of Thrones: To Rule the Kingdoms
  Rosslington - One of the founding Fathers of this game, Original Co-GM of Mechanics - Membership: Feb 2014
  Mustard Tiger - Did not get a chance to play with us but I wanted to give a "shout out" as he was one of the originals that helped with the interest in getting this game off its feet.
  Vasuvik - A huge loss, one of our founding original players, 'the 1st Ravenhowe' - Membership: Feb 2014
  Astroturtle - Sorry to see her go, she was an excellent addition to this game - Membership: Feb 2014
  Bluehairedgirl - Excellent posts; long, detailed and a great joy to read - Membership: May 2014
  Beard - Thank you so such for helping, one of the many TOP CO-GMs and great at Character Building - Membership: July 2014
  WaryJasra - An all around original class act :), with the game from about the beginning and struck thought the thick of it all. - Membership: July 2014
  hegemon a.k.a. Muse - 'Fantastic player', 'Excellent Co-GM', always willing to help and has become an RPoL player that I would look for to play other games with. I wish I had x 10 like this one, I wouldn't need to recruit. - Membership: May 2014
  mellieb - Knows how to do a map and a fine player. - Membership: May 2014
  CoolGirl - His player really knows how to put word on paper, the stuff she writes is well above average, a pleasure RPing with her. Membership: Sep 2014

There can be more then one title or responsibility taken on by Co-GMs and more then one Co-GM can have the same responsibility just in case ones not around.


 GM: Storyline & Adventures, Lord Caladin

 Co-GM: Group 1 (Dorne), NCs & Combat, WarynJasra

 Co-GM: Character Sheets
 Co-GM: General Help
 Co-GM: Character Sheets - spot checking
 Co-GM: Assisting Players with making Characters
 Co-GM: Group 2 (The Reach)
 Co-GM: Group 3 (Iron Islands)
 Co-GM: Group 4 (Stormlands)
 Co-GM: Combat (need more then one)
 Co-GM: House Creation (Rules)
 Co-GM: NCs (when assigned by GM)
 CO-GM: Rules (answers rule questions from the books)

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:57, Fri 03 July 2015.
GM, 952 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 14 Jul 2014
at 14:15
  • msg #12

Re: Adventuring in Westeros : Removel & Ban

Removing/Banning Players from the Game

'Cast List'  a.k.a. Player list will be updated on Tuesdays by 5pm eastern time (USA). This means if you receive a generic rmail, (which goes out 1 week prior) or PM asking about your plans to continue and fail to reply you will be removed.  Its Important  to know that a player removed but not banned is welcomed to return to the game at any time. BUT your character may not be available if passed to a new player, most times they are just put aside for a few weeks as an NC.

Reasons why a player would be removed;

1. Failure to reply to generic rmail requesting when the player will return after 1 week.

2. Failure to log in more then 2 weeks without notice.

3. Player requests to be removed.

Reasons for a player to be banned;

1. Racial remark directed to a player

   The game can be intense, the game is filled with remarks that are racialist and full of discrimination or prejudice based on race. BUT directing them in RL remarks to another player is not acceptable and players failing to respect one another out of IC: will be removed and or ban from this game.

2. Sexual remarks directed to a player

   This game will see some sexist and sometimes sexual context that is in RL social unacceptable. BUT even in a casual and friendly way you should not express these thoughts outside of IC or in PMs, not even as a joke, players failing to respect on another will be removed and or ban from this game.

3. Harassment (messaging) directed to a player

   It is a game and you shouldn't take it personal. Player characters may have influenced events in game, this may cause an array of IC events, BUT in no way should players take it out in RL with rmails or messages that are harassing. There can be other reasons for someone to feel its necessary to behave in a harassing manner, NONE are acceptable, players found doing so will be removed and or ban from this game.

GM note to players;

I have yet to ban someone from any of my games, BUT this doesn't mean I wouldn't. The fact is I wish them all well and hope their experiences in role-playing continues to bring them the joy it brings me. I also have yet to not allow a player to join because of my personal feeling of them as a player and I am never judgmental of the style of play or ideas out side of what's best for the game.

Many players will drop out, I do not tend too baby sit and walk them through this game, BUT I will help the best I can and that's one of the biggest reasons why I look for Co-GMs. It's difficult to hand hold and run an active game with 20+ players. I find it challenging enough keeping things moving and interesting in the game for all the players, so hand holding is not something I do best.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:49, Mon 14 July 2014.
GM, 988 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 17 Jul 2014
at 20:46
  • msg #13

Re: Adventuring in Westeros : Combat, by rules


Combat is obviously a very important part of Westeros. It needs to be gritty and dangerous. SIFRP succeeds in both areas. However, with character’s ability to take injuries and wounds or use a destiny point, the player is not at the complete control of an unfortunate dice roll.

A character’s Endurance ability determines his Health and how many injuries and wounds he can take. Armor absorbs damage but also usually carries an armor penalty that reduces your Combat Defense making you easier to hit. A character’s Combat Defense is determined by his Agility, Athletics and Awareness modified by any armor penalty and defensive weapon.

Weapons (including shields) do a set amount of damage usually based off a character’s ability. Battleaxes do damage equal to the wielder’s Athletics rank. A longbow does damage equal to his Agility rank +2. Most weapons also have qualities. Qualities provide aspects to weapons that help distinguish one from another. A shield is Defensive +2, which means if you do not attack with it, you get a +2 to your combat defense. One of the qualities of a greatsword is Powerful which allows bonus dice in strength be added to the base damage. There are quite a few qualities and many weapons have more than one. A weapon’s damage is modified by degrees of success. No damage rolls here. If you roll to hit and get three degrees of success, your base damage is multiplied by three.

Actions in combat are broken into three categories – Greater, Lesser and Free. A character can perform one Greater Action or two Lesser Actions in a round. A standard attack is a Lesser Action, but only one of the allotted Lesser Actions can be an attack.

There are a few House Rules and options we have chosen due to it's a Play By Post game. To make combat as in depth as we can and as quick as we can please read XXXX.

Most people in the world cannot take injuries and wounds to reduce damage and they reduce their Health until it reaches zero. Once at zero, you are defeated and the opponent chooses your fate. Characters and major NCs can take injuries and wounds. An injury reduces the damage take by your rank in Endurance. An injury inflicts a -1 on all tests until healed. You can take a number of injuries equal to your Endurance. A wound is much more serious, but allows you to remove all damage from a blow. A wound imposes a -1D penalty on all tests. When your wounds equal your Endurance, you die. If you still find yourself defeated and at the mercy of an unmerciful foe, you can burn (burned destiny points are permanently lost) a destiny point and choose your own fate.

GM, 1279 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 22 Aug 2014
at 19:44
  • msg #14

Re: On-Line

This post is intended to help posting move along smoother and faster. The chart below will show when a player is mostlikly to be on line. This is not intended as a commemtment and it doesn't mean they will be always online during the noted time.

 Posting Time Frame
NamestatusTime ZoneWeekdaysWeekendsNotes
CaladinGMEastern8 am - 5 pmLimitedI'm online all the time but I find that early morning and late evening I have the most free time

This message was last edited by the GM at 19:09, Fri 03 July 2015.
GM, 1962 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 15 Dec 2014
at 17:31
  • msg #15

Adventuring in Westeros : The Role of Dice

How to post in our game, … CONTINUED

The Role of Dice

Whenever you attempt something with dramatic consequences or when the outcome of the action is not certain, you check your abilities. A check is a roll of the dice with the aim of exceeding the action's Difficulty. The number of dice you roll is determined by the most relevant ability, so if you try to stab a soldier with your dagger, you use Fighting, or if you're trying to scale a wall, test Athletics. Testing abilities is easy once you get the hang of it, with a few simple steps.

  1. Declare the Action

    Before you use the Dice Roller, decide what it is you want to do. GM or Co-GM determines whether or not the action even requires a test. As a rule, if the intended action has no significant risk or no consequences for failure, there's no need for a test. Actions that might require tests include—but are not limited to—fighting, climbing, jumping, recalling a bit of useful information, addressing the lord, navigating a ship through bad weather, and so on. In short, if the action's outcome isn't certain or may have dramatic consequences, it probably requires a test.

    Example: Nicole, happens upon a pair of conspirators discussing their plans to kill the Lord. Clinging to the shadows, she strains to hear their whispers.

  2. Choose the Ability

    If a test is necessary, determine the appropriate ability. Abilities are flexible, allowing you to use a variety of methods to overcome challenges in the game. A particular action may use one ability in one set of circumstances, and another in a different environment.

    For example, you might use Persuasion to bluff your way past a guard or Status to fall back on your notoriety and standing to remove the guard from your path. Even though these are two distinct methods, the intended outcome is the same — getting past the guard.

    Generally, the player determines the ability, you have say in what ability you'd like to use. Just state what you want to use and how you intend to use it, and, if reasonable enough, the GM or Co-GM will allow it. Obviously, using Language to scale a wall or stab an enemy is ridiculous, so common sense must prevail.

    Example: Since Renee eavesdrops on the conversation, the player decides the relevant ability is Awareness (simply match the Ability description with your action).

  3. Set the Difficulty

    Once the ability is determined, the GM or Co-GM sets the test's Difficulty. The Difficulty describes the complexity and challenge of the action. To help assess how hard a task is, a Difficulty number has a descriptor, such as Routine for Difficulty 6, Challenging for Difficulty 9 and so on.

    Example: The GM or Co-GM considers the scene. It's dark so Renee can't see the conspirators, can't read their body language. They're also a bit distant and whispering. The GM or Co-GM decides the Difficulty is Formidable (12).

  4. Roll the Dice

    Knowing which ability to use and the Difficulty of the task, you roll a number of test dice equal to the ability. Many times, you may roll additional dice in the form of extra test dice or bonus dice.

    Example: Renee has Awareness 3, giving her three dice off the bat. However, she also has rank 2 in Listening, a specialty of Awareness, so she has two bonus dice. She rolls five dice, but only adds up the highest three.

  5. Sum the Dice and Apply Modifiers

    Once you use the Dice Roller, sum the highest results equal to your test dice and add or subtract any modifiers. The total is the test result.

    Example: Nicole rolls five dice (three test dice and two bonus dice from her specialty) and gets a 6, 6, 5, 2, and a 1. She discards the two lowest dice - the 1 and the 2 - since they count for her bonus dice, and adds up the rest, getting a 17 as her result.

  6. Compare the Result with the Difficulty

    Now that you have a result, compare it to the action's Difficulty. If the result equals or exceeds the Difficulty, you succeed. If the result is less than the Difficulty, you fail.

    Example: The test Difficulty was Formidable (12). Since Nicole beat the Difficulty with her 17, she succeeds!

  7. Describe the Outcome

    Once the outcome of the test is determined, the GM or Co-GM describes the results, providing any relevant consequences of success or failure.

    Example: Nicole's roll was good enough for Renee to hear most of the conversation, which the GM or Co-GM summarizes. Although both conspirators are careful to keep their identities concealed, Nicole now knows how they intend to go about their treachery and with this information Renee may be able to stop their foul plan!

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:00, Wed 12 Sept 2018.
GM, 1966 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 16 Dec 2014
at 01:24
  • msg #16

Adventuring in Westeros: Useful Links

Green Ronin Publishing Forum

Info on the setting;

Game of Thrones Wiki

A Wiki of Ice and Fire
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:24, Wed 31 Dec 2014.
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