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18:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Gathering of Realms (14)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 470 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Mon 11 May 2015
at 00:40
  • msg #229

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

 The service in this Hall was abysmal, or so thought Mathys. His wine cup, it had been empty all of a few seconds,and had not been refilled. He grunted,then got to his feet and stunned his father and sisters. The second son of House Ashfield, actually walked out onto the dance floor and stopped before a woman of Dorne. He cleared his throat to get the pretty woman's attention,then made a slight bow to her. " I am Mathys, of House Ashfield. I ask the honor of the next dance, Lady of Dorne." He regarded the Lady Ashara with a stoic expression,and his voice was neutral in tone.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 363 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Mon 11 May 2015
at 02:33
  • msg #230

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

"My uncle's ward, I've heard of you. It is a pleasure to meet you at last, my lord of Fowler" Ashara said warmly to Altair.

She turned to Mathys as he approached, and returned his bow with a formal curtsy. She was surprised to be asked by a northerner, but intrigued. His manner was neutral, which was rare from young men around her. She regarded him curiously. "I am pleased to accept, my lord. I am Ashara, eldest daughter of Lord Kolwyn" she said politely. "Do you dance the same way in the Reach as we do in Dorne?"
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 471 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Mon 11 May 2015
at 02:43
  • msg #231

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

 " When the Lady Ashara accepted his invitation, to dance, he nodded to her. When her question came, Mathys had to think a moment, on how to respond. " I found  it easy enough to do the dance of steel, with the Warriors of Dorne, Lady Ashara. I am confident that any differences that our cultures have, in the way of other dances, can be adjusted for. Shall we?" He held out a gloved hand to offer to takes hers.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 12:36, Mon 11 May 2015.
Altair Fowler
Balgair, 53 posts
Ward of House
Mon 11 May 2015
at 23:18
  • msg #232

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

As Ashara left to dance with Ser Mathys, Altair seeks out the girl he had danced with. He asks for the pleasure of another dance.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 364 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Tue 12 May 2015
at 03:50
  • msg #233

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

Ashara frowned when Mathys mentioned the war. But she smiled at him and took his hand gently. "Lead the dance and I'll follow. I am pleased you believe our cultures can overcome their differences. That's what this trip is all about."
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 472 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Tue 12 May 2015
at 15:26
  • msg #234

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

In reply to Ashara Kolwyn (msg # 233):

 He did force a thin smile, in way of a response to her words. " Yes, that is what this is all about, Lady. Or so I have been informed, on several occasions." Mathys began to lead her in  the current dance. He held her not to close, nor to far. He had promised his father he would be on his best behavior, for the remainder of the event. His body stance was at first stiff, but she was beautiful,even if of Dorne. But then he found himself starting to enjoy himself, in spite of his general soured disposition.
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 160 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Tue 12 May 2015
at 17:58
  • msg #235

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

Edric return to the hall and looked towards the side filled with the Reachmen in the hopes of finding Mathys. He was surprised to see that Mathys was not there next to his father, and he was shocked to see that he was dancing with Ashara, a Dornish women, when he surveyed the whole hall looking for him. Well he finally intermingling with the Dornish so best not get him fired up since he seems to finally enjoying himself. Edric thought to himself. He was about to go and resume his dance with Fatimah when Pella caught his eye. He had completely forgotten about her and most likely upsetting her by not offering her the first dance of the night. Going to her, he offer her his hand to dance and they made their way to the dance floor. An awkward tense seem to be between them as the finally danced.
GM, 2325 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 13 May 2015
at 15:52
  • msg #236

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

OOC: So I would like a player re-cap; list all the events as they see them. Basically a review in IC and post in the words and eyes of your PC. This is to help me on my next post and close out this IC to start the next chapter of the game. Players should also say what they plan to do so I can help finish off with NCs. You should post as the feast is coming to a close, feel free to take over NCs other than "Old Lord Dondarrion" Haryl's father, and Osgred Selmy husband to Menara.
Altair Fowler
Balgair, 54 posts
Ward of House
Wed 13 May 2015
at 22:30
  • msg #237

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

Altair  had entered the hall as head of House Ravenhowe's guard. He was pleasently surprised to be brought with his lord to the table with the other nobles. Later at the dance, a girl agreed to dance with him, only to tell him she had done so on instructions so he could pass a message from "The Butcher" to contact Mardox Kaldor, Ser Eric Neuman and Ser Mathys Ashfield to meet secretly, for the good of all inclulding his own lord. He was chosen because he was unknown, for the same reason he mixed the names a bit. But he got the message across.
 Altair approaches the girl who had danced with him before. He smiles. "May I have the pleasure just this once more?" He leads her onto the dance floor. He holds her close and whispers in her ear. "Don't worry. I am sure people will think I fancy you to ask you again." He turns her, and takes her in his arms again. "So where can we agree to meet? I would expect you to bring your 'butcher'."
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 162 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Wed 13 May 2015
at 23:26
  • msg #238

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

Edric enjoyed himself at the feast. He used the time to find friends within the Dornish party and spent some time conversing and dancing with Lady Fatimah, much to the distaste of his family and friends. The dancing ended for a time as Mardax pulled him aside to talk about meet someone who took interest in both of them. Edric returned to the and finished out the night dancing with Pella Ashfield.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 477 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Thu 14 May 2015
at 23:16
  • msg #239

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

 The second son, the current black sheep, as far as his family was concerned, enjoyed the dance. He would of thanked the Lady of Dorne, then returned to sit beside his father.

 The entire episode did little to relieve the continued dour disposition of the man, known as Mathys Ashfield. In truth, he could not explain his feelings, he just knew he felt a sense of loss. War had been a grand adventure, filled with excitement and terror. The conflict had tested Mathys to his limits,and he found he was good at it. He had heard those that used certain substances to cause feelings of euphoria,and then where denied it, had such feelings as he was experiencing. The Seven only knew,if he would recover from this sense of profound loss, with the passage of time, perhaps. However, Mathys would strive to maintain his word to his father, and act the proper son.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:29, Thu 14 May 2015.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 368 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Sat 16 May 2015
at 17:44
  • msg #240

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

Ashara had enjoyed herself greatly at the dance, the more so since her dear cousin seemed to have enjoyed herself too, although she had missed Bronn's company and was unhappy she had not been able to speak to him. She had finally danced with Mardax, and was pleased to do so.

Ashara danced with Mathys, letting him lead. She was gracious and friendly when they spoke, genuinely curious about the Reach and its ways. "It was my pleasure." she replied when he thanked her. "I enjoyed your company, my lord, and I wish to speak with you again before we leave Blackhaven" She bade him farewell with a graceful curtsey and a kiss on the cheek.

When Mathys left to sit with his father and Mardax finished speaking to those he wished to, Ashara danced with Mardax again. "Is all well, my lord? It puts me in quite a conundrum... I must hope that you enjoy my company enough that only a serious matter would take you away from me, and yet I cannot hope you are in any serious situation" she said, before adding "I tease, of course. I am not bothered, I am happy to have you with me again and I hope you feel the same."
Fatimah Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 88 posts
Knight of the Order
Hassan's 1st Heir
Sun 17 May 2015
at 04:14
  • msg #241

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

Ashara Kolwyn:
Ashara smiled fondly at Fatimah, pleased to see her cousin looking so happy. She leaned in to whisper back to her. "You two looked very sweet together. I bet every boy here is jealous of Ser Edric. And you will make quite a pair in the tournament. Although it is a shame you have to hide that pretty face and hair of your under a helmet."

"You seem a bit flustered... are you thinking Edric might be... more than a one-time dance?"

"I hope so. Anyway, I wouldn't want to get it wrecked in the battle field. I'll have plenty of time at dances and the joust to show it off. "

As Ashara gets pulled into a dance again she looks out. Back to watching for dangers. Looking at the mood. Mayths seemed to enjoy his dance. It was the kind of thing that melts animosity. Good. Ashara seemed happy. Her dance Edric was wonderful. A partner for the Melee. This was a good time. Maybe peace would break out.
GM, 2337 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 18 May 2015
at 17:05
  • msg #242

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

OOC: there seems to be a few missing on a recap?

Need those to close out and move this along :)

I will continue to checkin and hopefully by the end of next week we can be in a new IC.

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:05, Mon 18 May 2015.
Bron Snow
Kolwyn, 97 posts
Garrison Elite Guard
Threatening Drawback
Mon 18 May 2015
at 18:05
  • msg #243

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

In reply to Caladin (msg # 242):

OOC-Still here!
GM, 2344 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 18 May 2015
at 19:32
  • msg #244

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

In reply to Bron Snow (msg # 243):

OOC: As noted need a re-cap for every PC
Bron Snow
Kolwyn, 98 posts
Garrison Elite Guard
Threatening Drawback
Mon 18 May 2015
at 19:50
  • msg #245

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

In reply to Caladin (msg # 244):

Once Bron is sure that is guard position is relieved, he heads downstairs with the charming Kimberbly Storm. Bron then proceeds to dance with her among the servant's party. Maybe not as fine and refined, but certainly more lively and stirring in song and dance.
GM, 2372 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 29 May 2015
at 16:16
  • msg #246

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

In reply to Altair Fowler (msg # 237):

She whisphers in your ear "there is a slaughter house in town he will meet you there before the moon is at its highest, it's at the far east of the road" .... "My master said all most attend or he will not meet any." "now I'm going to slap you and leave the hall do not follow."

"Snap, .... I am no whore sir.!"
Altair Fowler
Balgair, 61 posts
Ward of House
Sun 31 May 2015
at 23:58
  • msg #247

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

Before he lets her go, Altair whispers to the girl "I would love to meet you when you are not working!" He stands back fore warned, takes half the hit. He looks hurt as the girl leaves the room. He looks round and shrugs. He leaves the dance hall. The three are waiting, and he gives them the meeting place.  She realy is a nice looking girl. He woulod like to meet up when they are not working.
GM, 2374 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 1 Jun 2015
at 16:12
  • msg #248

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

OOC: OK so I'm looking for finial notes and posting on this thread and before Friday we will start a new thread.

Keep in mind that the group leaves in the morning so post accordingly. The lords and ladies can interact freely with PC so if your looking to get something done and your want, .... you can post on behave of NCs for this ending of the party. This means you can exit with any NC of your chosen even if the intent is to bed one or etc. NO details needed please, also you can detail who saw you leave with who. Could make for interesting future storylines.

Lastly there are no events the spark a fight or anything what creates combat so keep the posting within this line and we should be good. Enjoy this free play time you can make so cool stuff happen if you wish, ...

including a bastard for future play :) .... just an idea, if anyone's interested.

Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 507 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Mon 1 Jun 2015
at 20:03
  • msg #249

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

 Mathys would excuse himself in the course of time,and make his way to where the Garrison trained. He would seek out someone in authority,and seek permission to get   some sword practice in. They had been upon the road for days,and he felt he needed to maintain an edge, so did martial training whenever possible.
Altair Fowler
Balgair, 63 posts
Ward of House
Tue 2 Jun 2015
at 23:46
  • msg #250

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

Altair goes to find Ser Hassan, and tell him of all that has happened and makes him aware of the meeting to come. He goes to his room for the night. He sits on his bed and looks at his left hand with it's missing little finger. "It's a good job I don't need you. I can play my pipes without you!" He goes to bed.
GM, 2385 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 4 Jun 2015
at 18:33
  • msg #251

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

So the vents of the evening unfold the respective house take their leave form the dinning hall. As the wine and drink become heavy the mood lightens and the houses for the most part have given way to either their hosts, or guests.


Lord Haryl & Lady Deria seems to be at odds especially with regards to their extend family members and having the Dornish at their table. But they don't show themselves to be poor hosts.

Osgred Selmy & Lady Menara Selmy have been focus on their son and simple matter of none importance. In fact they almost stay out of the way unless drawn in by others.

Ser Ackley Selmy he has shown a respectful interest in Lady Fatimah Ravenhowe, its clear that he enjoys the fact that she is a lady that understands the sword.

Cariel Dondarrion The rumors of this man are true, he is rude at times, out spoken and clearly lost his position in the house, but he is tring to hang on to the little power he has, and he does so with a strong tight grip. No love loss for his son or those he often refers to as useless.

The rest of the house hold and family member has been what was expected of them and little too nothing out of the ordinary can be said (openly).

Behind the senses;

Lady Dalaris Dondarrion she is much more then what she lets others see, on the surface a proper lady, and she knows much more then she lets on too. It's with out to say that there will be more form this lady.

'The Butcher' The mysteries person who calls himself The Butcher, known in dark circles to have not only information about assassins but he himself a network of spys. Still none of the party knows who he is but Blackhaven seems to be a base of his operations.

OOC: you can post and finial comments and this IC will be closed.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 387 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Sun 7 Jun 2015
at 10:19
  • msg #252

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

Ashara finished the night by kissing Mardax on the cheek and telling him that it had been a true pleasure to dance with him and she hoped to see him again at the tournament. After she left the dance, she found Bron and checked to make sure he'd enjoyed the party. Before she went to bed, she was sure to tease Fatimah about her new 'suitor' Edric.
GM, 2393 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 11 Jun 2015
at 22:03
  • msg #253

Re: IC: Gathering of Realms

Experience Point Awards

All players will be given +1 to an Intrigue specialty of their choice. Congrats

This closes this IC please see below for additional exps

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