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IC: ron de vu at the pass (15)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 1741 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 18 Nov 2014
at 19:01
  • msg #1

IC: ron de vu at the pass

It is the forth year of summer 2 months past harvesting the fields. The people of Dorne and the Reach are gathering and traveling to King's Landing.

The rumors are now fact as news - peace is at hand. It has been several weeks and the news of peace is what most are talking about these days. The small folk of the Stormlands are generally glade to know that their sons will no longer need to die for their king and liege lord.

News has arrived by courier to house Fell of Timberwood, diplomats of the capital have visited and have distribute invitations, and they have discuss important matters at hand with regards to the crown. One matter of many is that House Fell of Timberwood, by request of the king will escort House Asfield and House Neumann of the Reach as well and House Kowlyn and House Ravenhowe of Donre to kings landing.

King Baelor the Blessed, the Septon King has come to an agreement with Dorne. A royal wedding will be had, this will be a glorious event that will be spoken about for ages to come. Also not to the liking of the gental Baelor a tourney is planned as well.

Letter of Invitation

 It is with great pleasure that the House Targaryen of Dragonstone, announces the joining of Prince Daeron of House Targaryen, to Princess Myriah of House Martell of Dorne.

 There will be festivities beginning 7 days prior to the wedding and services for this union will be held at The Great Sept at Kings Landing.

 The House Targaryen requests that House Fell of Timberwwod and representatives of their respected houses attend this monumental event.

Behind the sense:

There have been a lot of dis-trust both in the lands and in the house with the death of its late lord. Many of the family members are jockeying for position with the young lord and family. Several now swornswords have been add and even a few sellswords for the house's protection.

Letters have been sent out to recall some of the families most trusted to come home and settle matter of old, .... there services are need once more.

In the courtyard of their fathers many of the men, noble household and others of importance have gathered, to prepare to leave in the morning and babysit the enemies of old. Its several day to Blackhaven and it is not an easy trip. With the peace many of the soldiers in that region have turned to banditry.

Its mid-day and the sun shines bright, ...........

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:35, Tue 18 Nov 2014.
Loranth Fell
Fell, 71 posts
Wed 19 Nov 2014
at 18:44
  • msg #2

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Loranth read the letter a few more times before speaking he had summoned his family and retainers. Loranth knew that he needed to present himself to the King in King's Landing, but he had wanted more time. He knew that no longer could his House live secluded in isolation. It needed to expand its influence, so the domain would not become the target of other Lords seeking its vast resources.

Friends, I have asked you to come because I have received a letter from the King. We have little time to prepare, but in the next few days we will embark on a journey.

He holds the letter out, so that he can clearly read it and be heard.

It is with great pleasure that the House Targaryen of Dragonstone, announces the joining of Prince Daeron of House Targaryen, to Princess Myriah of House Martell of Dorne.

  There will be festivities beginning 7 days prior to the wedding and services for this union will be held at The Great Sept at Kings Landing.

  The House Targaryen requests that House Fell of Timberwood and representatives of their respected houses attend this monumental event.

When he finishes, Loranth lays the letter down.

There is much that we must do. I would hear comments and suggestions now on what preparations are needed.
Acired Velaryon
Fell, 82 posts
Ward of House Fell
Thu 20 Nov 2014
at 06:48
  • msg #3

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Everyone in the estate had been whispering and gossiping that the young Lord would be making some kind of pronouncement today.  Acired had wanted to fore-go her day's lessons and just go to the courtyard straight away, but Lady Adria had insisted she stay and attend her distaff lessons like any other day.  Time had slowed to a crawl with Acired glancing towards the exit to the courtyard every other minute.

Eventually the summons for the household trickled to the sun-lit room where the miserable girl sat, brightening the monotony with excitement as servants rushed into to inform Lady Adria that Lord Loranth would be addressing the household presently.  Hitching up the hem of her dress in both hands, Acired prepared to run alongside the others rushing to the courtyard when the tell-tale "ahem" and clearing of a throat signalled Lady Adria's displeasure at her haste.

"Slowly!  And with great dignity.  We ladies do not run, like wild horses.  We walk gracefully and with purpose.  Attend me and walk besides me, Acired."

With a sigh, Acired assented and fell into step with Lady Adria.  "Yes My Lady"

She would rather be in her leather jack and running with the stableboys and pages, but Lady had put a stop to that once Acired had arrived here at Castle Timberwood.  Each day was now filled with lessons on being a "proper Lady" as Adria saw it, and the torment was almost more than Acired could bear.  Her old tunic and trousers had been packed away... or possibly burned, as she wouldn't put it beyond Lady Adria to take away even the temptation of horseplay and rough-housing.

Once gathered in the courtyard, the young Lord's speech was brief and to the point.  Excitement swelled within her, and she thrilled at the thought of getting out of these walls.  She couldn't contain her enthusiasm and she blurted out.

"My Lord!  Will there be a melee as part of the celebrations?  Jousts?  May I attend, please?"

Lachland Fell
Fell, 22 posts
Knightly Cousin
Thu 20 Nov 2014
at 16:50
  • msg #4

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Unfortunately he had been out riding a patrol when his cousin's summons had reached him, but he had been glad to return.  If he had to listen to one more farmer complain that his neighbors goats were into his crops, it was likely he would loose it. When he arrived with his cadre of trusted armsmen in tow he had set them to seeing to the horses and gathering any other news of note that they may have missed while on patrol, before taking a brief moment to clean a bit of the road dust from himself before appearing before the Lord of the hold.

He stood some 6' 4" with full black hair kept above the shoulders and a stylish goatee gracing his chin. His sharp eyes, a light content blue this afternoon, roved over the assembly as his cousin spoke. He wore a brigantine of green with steel rivets, over a long coat of mail. His clothing, though well cut, appears well used and comfortable. About his shoulders hung a long black cloak trimmed in silver thread.

He wasn't really sure how he felt about this prospect of lasting peace with the Dornish. He had fought in the last war and had been there when their armies had routed. A slight twinge in his guts reminded him of the old wounds that still pained him some nights. But it was probably for the best as it was obvious the Dorns would not fall easily to military might.. But perhaps may yet fall to a softer touch. Leaning slightly on the long trident he held in one hand he looked thoughtful for a long moment before speaking. "Banditry is still a problem along some of the roadways.  While its unlikely a large group would be attacked, we should bring a number of armsmen with us... In addition to my own."
GM, 1758 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 20 Nov 2014
at 17:43
  • msg #5

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

In reply to Loranth Fell (msg # 2):

There is a great deal of mixed emotions among the gathering in the courtyard. Some seem excite, most likely the thought of King's Landing and a feast excited them, But others that have been to the Crown capital know that its beauty is to cover for all the many corrupt things that happen there.

Of course The Great Sept is finally finished, and its said to marvel Old Town, 10 fold. But first is the matter of meeting with these other lords. And if the gathering is focused on just King's Landing that may be better then realizing what's behind it all. This is a huge deal for those nobles with daughters and sons that are of age or will be of age too marry. Many of the Donre lords and princes are wealthy, so they say and breed good children in their stock. So attending this event could prove to be a blessing. And then escorting 2 of the top 20 southern houses could also pay off as the first to land a lasting impression and marry off one of two of the children from House Fell, expanding its status south away from the Fells of Felwood.

@ Vanna Storm, Its rain season and todays weather is not typical of the regions weather, it would be wise to prepare well for the days a head. Vanna is familiar with the lands south of Timberwood when he conducts his ranger patrols.
Loranth Fell
Fell, 72 posts
Thu 20 Nov 2014
at 21:08
  • msg #6

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Loranth seemed lost in thought, so much opportunity so much risk. He had dreamed one day that he would find love, but for the good of his house he would need to put aside love.

Yes Acired, there will be a great Tourney. Hundreds of knights and Sellswords throughout the land will come to demonstrate their martial skill. You will see it all from our box near lists. Ser Lachland, I task you to prepare to represent our House in the great Tourney that is to come. Furthermore, I order you take care of all arrangements dealing with the travel of the House. I humbly suggest that you take your squad of Spearmen to act as our guardian, and I would coordinate with Vanna to have the Rangers act as Pathfinders for the Journey.

Lor hated taking so formally to his order cousin. He sometimes though it was unfair that he was lord, and Lachland his retainer. Lachland had risked his life to represent the House in the war, but Lor could show no weakness because House Fell's future was in his hands not Lachlands.

Erryk Tyrol, as the house's lead factor you are best suited to determine what is needed for trade and gifts for the King, the Great Houses, and of the Wedding couple. Captain Urs, if we dispatched a trade ship with escort to King's Landing would it arrive in time for us to utilize in trade talks?
GM, 1759 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 20 Nov 2014
at 21:15
  • msg #7

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

@ Erryk Tyrol

OOC: House Kowlyn has there known ships but due to the King's request they are traveling by land to meet all the northern families. The families are expected to meet at Blackhaven and as a show of peace travel by lands so the small folk feel confident that the peace is real and not the same as what happen some years ago.
Loranth Fell
Fell, 73 posts
Thu 20 Nov 2014
at 21:21
  • msg #8

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

OOC: I plan on travelling by land, but that does not mean that we should not have a boat of trade goods sitting in port to give us trade leverage when we propose a trade deal to the King
GM, 1761 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 20 Nov 2014
at 22:32
  • msg #9

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

In reply to Loranth Fell (msg # 8):

OOC: Just noted it in case someone thinks of traveling by ship. Also doesn't change the fact you can if you like. It's info for you to have and know - use as you see fit :)

Players OOC: just me giving info that's common knowledge, If the knowledge is only for one player I will post it as private.

PCs can ask a question, .... if its something you should know I will reply with an answer.

If its questionable that you know it, I will ask for a roll. When I ask for a roll you pick the ability that you feel fits best and add and bonus die if any. Send in IC thread and note as OOC: the roll and question and I will reply.

Keep in mind that you have the freedom to be creative, so don't feel that there is a need that every question will need a roll.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:32, Thu 20 Nov 2014.
Eryyk Tyrol
Fell, 67 posts
Fri 21 Nov 2014
at 07:56
  • msg #10

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Eryyk had been quietly poring over missives and ledgers in his office when the message to meet arrived. He did not immediately depart as he carefully reorganized the materials but he made it barely on time nonetheless. Considering he received a direct question from the young Lord he considered for a second before answering, "That is a complex question, dependent heavily on what kind of a man our King is. Expense does not always equate to subjective value. Though I will say one thing... it should be something that is clearly a product of the house. For example, if our King is a hunter or man of war, one of our local bows given some small embellishment would make a far better gift than gold and jewels, moreso if it is one that is storied. If our King is a scholar then we would look more towards curiosities, a pet or specimen of local wildlife. A man of taste would appreciate art, if he loves the sea then a ship or even a well made canoe would be appropriate."

Letting that opening sink in he continued a moment later, "We must also consider what message the gift is meant to convey. Such as, it might be a... forward..., that seems the right word, a forward and ambitious gesture to have a babies cradle made for them. We are suggesting a hope for the health and success of their marriage and should such a gift see use it serves as a very prominent reminder of the house that gave it."
Vanna Storm
Fell, 19 posts
Sun 23 Nov 2014
at 00:01
  • msg #11

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Vanna said very little ever, but little passed her attention. She had never fought in a war, but she had learned to be a warrior in the school of hard knocks. She stood back, and watched the proceedings. She had no desire to leave Fell domain, but she knew there was little she could say to the young Lord. Most of the Fells seem to forget that their House was being targeted by an unknown enemy. Leaving Fell lands especially to a place like Kings Landing would make it challenging to protect Loranth.
Loranth Fell
Fell, 76 posts
Sun 23 Nov 2014
at 17:21
  • msg #12

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

I trust your judgement on the gifts, Eryyk. We can talk more in private about trade and logistics after this. Before, we finish this up. I wanted to take a moment to speak plainly.

The young Lord clears his throat, and even stumbles a little in his voice as he searches for the words. He knows that his father would never had shown such emotion when talking to his subjects, but he was not his father.

I have a vision for what are House can be. My father, Lord Goodard, was a good shepherd. He protected all us from the many wolves that lurk outside our border. Thanks to him, and our men at arms we have virtually wiped banditry from our lands. Many small folk have migrated into our holdings because of safety we provide. As good of a shepherd that my father was, he lived in a time that is starting to pass. Where Houses built walls between each other. Isolation meant safety, but Westeros is to big for that. We must leave our mark on the world, or I believe we will fade away. Maybe not all at once, but it will happen. There has been great wars as well as rivalries with other House, but I tell you that must be set the past aside. We must learn to forgive, and leave with those that we have hated in past. I do not say we lay down the sword. I believe there is a way that we can be mighty, but with that might we can be just and fair. I dream of a grand city where all can live in hope and peace. It will not be accomplished in my day, but together we can leave a legacy of hope for generations to come. I ask all of you in these coming days to stand by me! Stand by our house! Stand for each other! There will be challenges to us, but I know that together we can face them.

Loranth pauses for a few moments. He his taken by the emotion and thoughts of what the domain can be. His father provided safety, but not hope for the many small folk. He was so accessed with security that he lost sight of who he served for. Loranth knew that most Lords believed that they served their Lord and the King, but Lor knew they had a greater obligation to serve those that were not noble and the seven.

Well, with that said. We all have much work to do. I am sure that you will want to talk amongst yourselves. I will be within my sitting room if any wish to speak with me. Acired, a little later when you have finished your studies and duties to my mother come speak to me.

Lor turns leaving the courtyard. He felt it important to allow them to digest what he said without fear of being scrutinized by their Lord.
Eryyk Tyrol
Fell, 68 posts
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 08:33
  • msg #13

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Eryyk gave a nod and small sardonic smile. He was not a man for grand speeches and his benefactors was lost on him. As he left Eryyk settled into a comfortable seat and considered the others present for a moment before stating, "At this point I'm going to go to King's Landing ahead of the main caravan by way of ship. I think it would be useful to get a feel for the area and secure accommodations before the arrival of the main group. No one 'official' should join me."
Tristan Fell
Fell, 2 posts
2nd cousin to Loranth
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 13:57
  • msg #14

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Tristan had hung back amidst the bustle of Lord Fell's announcement. He held a small scrollcase loosely in his hands, bearing the mark of House Fell. The seal itself was unbroken; Tristan had cut the bottom of the case out to retrieve the message before stoppering it up with wax, leaving the original seal unbroken. The message had been simple: with the death of the Old Lord Fell, and Tristan's own mentor having passed away years since, it was time to return to the fold. He now had a clearer idea of why the message had arrived when it had, nearly three years after Ser Gregory's death at the hands of the Dothraki.

The young Lord, Loranth, his second cousin, was clearly a young man of vision, and had impressed Tristan with his speech, but he was still very much growing into his responsibilities, and the mantle he bore with him. He would need both his wits and the loyalty of his supporters if he was to survive in the viper's nest of Westerosi politics, let alone thrive, as he clearly intended.

Tristan was very much an outsider here, having been absent long years from Timberwood. The faces around him were strangers. Discretion bade him hang back and get the lay of the land: to acclimate and see if he could detect any hesitancy among the staff in the face of Loranth's commands.

But no, now was the time for action.

He wore a simple black doublet, as his horse and equipment had been stabled by a harassed-looking groom, who had assumed him to be a messenger by the presence of the sealed scroll, and his travel-stained appearance. Tristan had talked his way past two different guards on his way into the estate, hoping to present himself to Loranth as quickly as possible.

After Loranth had left the courtyard, Tristan waited one minute before following the young lord to his sitting room. He knocked, and allowed a momentary pause before entering the small room.

"My Lord", he began, "your letter bade me return, and I have. I see now that Timberwood is thoroughly occupied with upcoming events that are foreign to me, having only recently returned from across the Narrow Sea. You are my kith and kin, and rightful liege, by witness before the Seven, and so I place myself at your disposal. My sword is yours." His severe demeanor cracked, just a little, and he smiled, "It is good to see you again cousin."
Loranth Fell
Fell, 79 posts
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 15:35
  • msg #15

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Tristan, I am glad that you have returned. I am sorry that we have not formally welcomed you as we should. You have sacrificed much to come home, and help the family...Me. I shall not forget it. Timberwood is in the process of change. You that have seen the world, and know things that I have yet to learn will of course sit on my council with our other cousin Lachland. If, you wou wish to be a knight as is your right by birth I will arrange the anointing to take place at the Great Sept of King's Landing.  It could be a symbol to all that House Fell of Timberwood is as civilized as any House in Westeros. But, listen to me. You have gifted me greatly with your skill and loyalty, but I ramble on not showing you the love I feel this day at your return.

Loranth steps towards his cousin and embraces him in a brotherly hug. Breaking after a moment with a almost boy like laugh of joy. He than realizes his behavior, and returns to a more distant stance as is proper for a Lord.
Vanna Storm
Fell, 21 posts
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 17:42
  • msg #16

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Vanna watched the newcomer hard until Loranth signaled that he was not a threat.
Tristan Fell
Fell, 4 posts
2nd cousin to Loranth
Fri 28 Nov 2014
at 15:02
  • msg #17

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Tristan was somewhat taken aback, " Lord, you do me great honour, far beyond my expectation, and I will endeavour to live up to the faith you have expressed in me.

As you say, I have seen some of the world, and am in many ways a foreigner in the lands of my own blood. There is much to do, but I would relish the opportunity to serve at your disposal, as I re-learn the ways of the land of my birth. I am skilled with blade, lance, and horse, and in regimental command. I heard mention of a tournement, and would relish the opportunity to bring honour to our house by participating, but the road between here and there is long and uncertain.

I overheard talk that we have been charged with escorting the representatives of several distant houses to King's landing, including some Dornishmen, we should take particular care that our wards are not subject to any ill-conceived retaliation for war-time grievances. Having languished across the sea during the conflict, I can perhaps lend a steady hand and calm head to our diplomacy with House Ravenhowe. We should not allow the past to limit our future endeavors.

But this and many other decisions are yours to make, as lord of House Fell. By your leave I will depart, to give my greetings to our cousin Lachland and some others before I change out of these travel-worn clothes."

Tristan gestured to his black doublet, stained with dust and the mild discolouration of dried sweat. On campaign it would have gone unnoticed, but he knew he needed to pay better attention to the propriety of the nobility if he was to ease his transition back into its fold. He bowed formally, but with the twinkle of genuine affection lighting his green eyes, and made ready to depart to the courtyard
Loranth Fell
Fell, 82 posts
Lord of Timderwood
Fri 28 Nov 2014
at 15:42
  • msg #18

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Tristan, we will speak more in the future. We, the sons of Fell,we are destined to rise together. As the House prospers, I promise all that are loyal shall prosper both Small and High folk alike. Tristan, you are not so foreign to me. You are like a lost brother coming home. We welcome and feel at peace.

Loranth slowly turned returning to his thoughts. Wondering what the future will bring.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:47, Fri 28 Nov 2014.
Acired Velaryon
Fell, 85 posts
Ward of House Fell
Fri 28 Nov 2014
at 17:19
  • msg #19

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Without waiting to check if her studies were indeed completed for the day, Acired piped up once more.

"My Lord?  This is thrilling news, but... with your permission, I should like to forego the box seats and be allowed to stand with the squires on the tourney grounds, and assist with those competing as a spear-carrier such as the capacity of the household squires?  It'd be ever so much more exciting to view you and our knights from the seat of action!"

Loranth Fell
Fell, 84 posts
Lord of Timderwood
Fri 28 Nov 2014
at 21:57
  • msg #20

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Hearing Acired, he turned before entering his study. "Vanna, please wait outside as I speak with Acired."

Loranth walks in. He offers Acired a sit at his desk. He is silent for a while as he seems to be thinking over what has been asked. He stirs the fire for a moment, and than turns to her. "I am sorry I can not do as you ask. The House has a certain image that I am trying to have put aside. I know that you are as capable as any Squire. Better even, but the Storm lands is not ready for such a change."

He raise his hand up before she can talk to cut off her protests. "I said I can not do as you ask, but I have an idea that may be acceptable. I have been told that in Dorne there are noble women that are respected fighters. We will be meeting with the Dorne Lords. I will seek to have you placed during the trip as one of their ladies in waiting with the contingency that they allow you  stand with the squires on the tourney grounds, and assist with those competing. If, you impress enough one of the Dorne Warriors. They may wish to take you one as a squire. In doing this all, you will further relations with the Dorne Houses for Fell. Plus, you will get your wish, and maybe one day if they grant you your spurs you will change how the Storm Lands views women"
Acired Velaryon
Fell, 87 posts
Ward of House Fell
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 14:55
  • msg #21

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Initially looking disappointed, Acired perked up at the alternative plan offered by Lord Loranth.

"Oh!  I know very little about Dornish customs, but that sounds exciting My Lord!  What exactly does a Dornish Lady-In-Waiting do, if I may inquire?"

Her mind raced, already making up all sorts of wild scenarios and daydreams, and the enthusiasm showed upon her face like an open book.  She wore her emotions on her sleeve, and was not yet hardened to the manner of folk in Kings Landing who would see that as a vulnerability rather than a trait of honesty.
Loranth Fell
Fell, 85 posts
Lord of Timderwood
Sat 29 Nov 2014
at 17:39
  • msg #22

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

Lor was obviously bemused by Acired question. A smile game on the most of the time to serious Lord. "To be honest, I have never been a lady in waiting, so I am not certain. I assume it is much like a page or squire for a knight. I think it will challenge you, Acired, but I know that you will succeed. Most of the Storm Lords would call you a willful young lady, but I do not see that is a bad thing like they would. Your high spirit will allow you to rise to greatness when others would simply give up in the face of adversity."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:39, Sat 29 Nov 2014.
Eryyk Tyrol
Fell, 79 posts
Sun 30 Nov 2014
at 06:54
  • msg #23

Re: IC: ron de vu at the pass

The merchant had watched the small family reunion play out before him watching with a wry smile. Once the two had words he stood to approach the other young Fell and gave a very small formal tip of his head, "Tristan welcome. You were still barely a mite when last I saw you. I heard some news when I stopped in Myr, Tyrosh and Pentos... mostly rumours. we'll have to share a cup and sort fact from fiction."
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