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[IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 73 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 15 Jul 2014
at 05:48
  • msg #1

[IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Carefully, the group creeps as close to the camp as they dare, getting a glimpse of their destination through the trees, the east side of the ruins.

Though it was the intention to come in downwind so as to avoid the wolves barking to give away your presence, perhaps that might not have been the best of plans, at least for the sake of your noses.  Goblins stink.  And not in the manner of Volsh's relative indifference to regular bathing, no they honestly, truly, horribly, stink.

In the crumbled corner where a building once stood, a pack of five goblins are slumbering in the shade of the wall, an awning of vines, leaves, and women's dresses providing further shelter.  One more goblin is staying awake to tend the fire, toasting a slug on a stick.  The goblin is typical of his kind, a head almost too large for his body, little piggy eyes, a too-large mouth full of too many teeth, and enormous ears that stick out prominently on either side of his head.  He's wearing a small barrel as clothing, with a fine hat of three sparrows stuck together with pins and then tied to his head with a bright red ribbon.

Craning your necks and looking around, you can see a couple other goblins near some of the fallen columns, with their own awnings of forest gleanings and human clothing pressed into service, along with the occasional bit of canvas or a pelt.  Some of the goblins snort or wriggle in their sleep, and one is actually singing a little ditty about all the ways to eat a puppy.  ("Roasted and toasted and burnt and fried, smoked or salted or freshly died.  Catch 'em all wriggling and barking and nice, throw 'em in the stewpot with a fresh bunch of lice!")

It's catchy, if not appetizing.

In the middle of the ruins you can see the tall temple with its columned entrance.  The bulk of the goblin young cage is off to one side, and a throne of broken wagon wheels, old quarried stones, and flour sacks has been set up outside by the fireplace.  There's a young goblin in a leather tunic painted bright orange, a watermelon rind on his head, poking the flames and occasionally adding wood.

You cannot spot anyone that looks like the shaman from here, at least not from this distance.  Sir Aberlayne nods, and points off to the south, indicating she's ready to go.  She holds up five fingers, asking for a little time to get into position before Volsh makes with his distraction.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:49, Tue 15 July 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 102 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Tue 15 Jul 2014
at 13:40
  • msg #2

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Perhaps we can eliminate this small group by the wall first? Or do you think we should do as first envisioned?" Farian whispers to the others.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 67 posts
Tue 15 Jul 2014
at 19:28
  • msg #3

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"It occurs to me that the first can easily become the second; the sounds of battle should attract the goblin's attention just as well as Volsh. Circumstances allowing, he may still get to perform whatever primal display of superiorty he chooses."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:10, Fri 18 July 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 44 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Fri 18 Jul 2014
at 00:06
  • msg #4

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

I agree.  If we cut down some of them in the mean time, all the better. Narthian whispers
Elf Archer, 84 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 18 Jul 2014
at 20:21
  • msg #5

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e had spoken little that morning, and less as they moved through the forest, scouting in advance as much as possible, cautioning quiet at all times, and only nodding in reassurance to those whose eye he happened to meet.

At this last, he moves in closer, whispering "If we could take down all 5 before they could spread the alarm, that would work - otherwise, one target is as good as another.  Tho' if we can kill some who are sleeping without raising the alarm, so much the better."

"And I think we're getting close enough to split our groups?..."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 103 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Fri 18 Jul 2014
at 20:26
  • msg #6

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Agreed, we wait for a signal from you to let us know you are in place, say have the familiar fly above and let all know we are ready?"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 68 posts
Fri 18 Jul 2014
at 21:44
  • msg #7

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Absolutely," Bruenor says, drawing his own longbow in preparation
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 8 posts
of Yondalla
Sat 19 Jul 2014
at 04:09
  • msg #8

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Sir Aberlayne frowns.  "Kill sleeping goblins?  I don't object to ambushing them, or taking them by surprise, but slaughtering them in their sleep is no better than what they do.  What if we were to throw in a smokestick to get them up without causing a huge ruckus?  Then we could ambush them still, but without killing them where they lie."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 104 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sat 19 Jul 2014
at 13:50
  • msg #9

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Having to battle twenty is preferable to battling thirty Lady Aberlayne, don't you agree? It may not be honorable, but goblins have no honor. Why grant them a consideration they would deny you in your sleep? You need not participate in this portion of the, 'cleansing'. Please feel free to hold yourself in reserve for the actual battle."
Elf Archer, 86 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 19 Jul 2014
at 15:41
  • msg #10

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e's eyes narrow a bit at the newly expressed concerns of the paladin.

"Sir Aberlayne - this is indeed neither the time nor place for new-found hesitation. At the guildhall I expressed this exact concern, and I noted your response - that against foes so vile as goblins, there is only one answer, that the best attack is one they don't see coming, and that if they were to try to stab you in the back, you didn't mind returning the favour.

"This is no more or less than that. Fight as you will, but leave us to do the same - I for one would not risk one honest life for any ten score of theirs, sleeping or no."

Not waiting for response, he looks to the others.

"We are here, the enemy is nigh, no more discussion - we have a plan, luck to all."

With a nod to Haazheel and Narthian, he moves back up the trail a bit, to maneuver to the next trail, the one the three were to approach from.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 105 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sat 19 Jul 2014
at 17:46
  • msg #11

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Send your bird skyward when you are in place wizard, then we will begin the assault."
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 9 posts
of Yondalla
Sat 19 Jul 2014
at 22:46
  • msg #12

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e's eyes narrow a bit at the newly expressed concerns of the paladin.

"Sir Aberlayne - this is indeed neither the time nor place for new-found hesitation. At the guildhall I expressed this exact concern, and I noted your response - that against foes so vile as goblins, there is only one answer, that the best attack is one they don't see coming, and that if they were to try to stab you in the back, you didn't mind returning the favour.

"This is no more or less than that. Fight as you will, but leave us to do the same - I for one would not risk one honest life for any ten score of theirs, sleeping or no."

Not waiting for response, he looks to the others.

"We are here, the enemy is nigh, no more discussion - we have a plan, luck to all."

With a nod to Haazheel and Narthian, he moves back up the trail a bit, to maneuver to the next trail, the one the three were to approach from.

Sir Aberlyane puts her hand on Averdante's arm.  "Even in the midst of peril and death, even when the distasteful becomes necessary, it is my oath and my conscience that guide me to voice what does not want to be heard.  Such things must be remembered, even if we cannot hold to the most perfect of ideals."  With that, she swings up on Valiant, and says to Dellas, "[Language unknown: Th ouast le intvorhasame, oulineiou.  O allwilion.]"  And then she will head out to the south to her group's position.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 26 posts
Sun 20 Jul 2014
at 00:39
  • msg #13

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The barbarian listens attentively while regularly scanning the rear of their march.

When the group halts one last time and hammers out the last adjustment he does not say a word. He nods in agreement with Farian and Bruenor. And again nods at Averdante's words.

He follows a step behind his group as the party splits. "'Tis not my way, and I'd tend to agree with the lady knight" he offers in a low tone, his voice like far off tribal drums, "but you two are right. 'Tis a better approach than just waking 'em and allowing more to engage us."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 45 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Sun 20 Jul 2014
at 00:44
  • msg #14

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian moved silently to his appointed position.  He didn't exactly like attacking sleeping goblins but the other Elf had a point.  The more the merrier.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 39 posts
Sun 20 Jul 2014
at 00:53
  • msg #15

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel noded to Farian when he suggested that Mystique will be the signal.
Then he followed Averdante to be in position for the battle according to the plan.
Regarding batlle ethics, the wizard didn't jump into the conversation. Evenif he respected the concerns of the Paladin to fight with honor rather than attacking asleep goblins, what he saw at the farmer house and the sight of the farmer's wife and daughter hiding in the well, afraid, made his mind. There are enemies one want to fight with honor but these goblins attacked defenseless people and for Haazheel, they don't deserve noble feelings from him.
Halfling Rogue, 30 posts
Sun 20 Jul 2014
at 08:31
  • msg #16

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Drogo listens to all the whispering with a tad of impatience as he is anxious to do battle and earn his pay and reputation. After the Lady spoke to him he slightly turned his head with a blush knowing that the others were right about the plan even though it was not honourable. "Sorry, but I have to agree with the others on this occasion. As they are asking for it for what they have done. It's a war and the rules are different now. They have to pay. The only other option is to tie them up in their sleep and bring them in for a trial or something." He then gets his crossbow out and readies himself for battle.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 106 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sun 20 Jul 2014
at 11:55
  • msg #17

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian readies to attack, "I will get as close as I dare to support you, but armored as I am, I can not sneak."
Dungeon Master
GM, 74 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 21 Jul 2014
at 08:17
  • msg #18

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Sir Aberlayne moves off with Drogo, ready to ride in once Volsh, Bruenor, Farian, and Dellas have begun their distraction.  Dellas takes a moment to tie up Honeybee here, hopefully far enough away to avoid her attracting attention, but close enough to run to her if they have to retreat.

Averdante, Narthian, Thunder, and Haazheel move off to the south so they can come in at a different angle to help cut off reinforcements.  Mystique flies up, making it known to Haazheel that all this bright sunlight is just not allowed and is far too bright and he's doing this as a favor, mind you.

Quietly as they can, everyone moves into position.  Haazheel steps on a twig once, loudly, and everyone freezes, but the goblins don't seem to notice.

Finally, Mystique flies down at Volsh, and he enters the camp boldly, though not screaming a war cry, Bruenor, Farian, and Dellas right behind him.

The goblin toasting a slug looks at Volsh almost curiously, as if he's not exactly sure what he's seeing.  He opens his toothy maw, taking a bit of the smoldering slug and looking as if he thinking about saying something, hand straying to the makeshift blade at his side (an ugly, broken blade smeared with dried blood) when Volsh's sword removes his head neatly.

The thunk of the cranium on the ground starts some of those in the shelter awake.  Eyes wide at the imposing and sun-blocking form of Volsh, they scramble for weapons: crude spears, knives, clubs, a... beehive?

Dellas runs up next, his hands held out in front of him, palms down, fingers splayed, and utters, "Ferzia!"  A sheet of flame spreads from his fingers, scorching all of the goblins inside the shelter, making some of them whine with pain.  Bruenor runs up next, his rapier skewering one in the heart, and Farian's mace slams down on the skull of a third.  The remaining two goblins, scorched and spattered with blood, grab onto each other.  Then the bolder of the two grabs the other one by the feet and swings him into Bruenor's face, where the goblin bites into his arm with the tenacity of a rat!


In the south, Averdante, Haazheel, Narthian, and Thunder can see the goblin at the campfire in their quadrant cock one of his oversized ears and look to the north, where Volsh and the others should be starting their attack.  You think you can see a bit more smoke coming from that direction...


Back behind the others, Sir Aberlayne and Drogo delay, waiting until the screaming starts to be the relief cavalry.

OOC:  Usually you guys do your own attacks and damage, because I don't always know what you're going to do, but in the interest of expediency, I moved things along this time.  South Group (Avery, Haazheel, and Narthian), what 'cha doing?
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 107 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Mon 21 Jul 2014
at 12:10
  • msg #19

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

08:09, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 8 using 1d20. Initiative.

Readies action to attack again.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:32, Mon 21 July 2014.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 70 posts
Mon 21 Jul 2014
at 14:08
  • msg #20

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

09:51, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 6 using 1d20+3. Initiative.

Bruenor recoils slightly from the goblins' attack before performing a guarded strike, attempting to finish off the creature while keeping his person protected from further injury.

OOC: If Bruenor is hit again, he will use his combat expertise feat to take -1 attack for +1 AC on his turn. Regardless, he will attack the goblin who hit him, if possible, rolling a 13 with modifiers (so, a twelve with the feat).
This message was last edited by the player at 14:11, Mon 21 July 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 108 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Mon 21 Jul 2014
at 15:26
  • msg #21

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian, seeing there are goblins still moving, brings his mace down on the head of another!

11:25, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 4 using 1d8+2. damage.
11:25, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 20 using 1d20+2. to hit.

Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 29 posts
Wed 23 Jul 2014
at 02:10
  • msg #22

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

20:20, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 5 using 1d20+2. Initiative.

Volsh is shown some of his companions’ skill as the motherless demons fall around them. Seeing that only two remain of the outlying group, Volsh turns his attention to the center of the encampment; the temple. He steps over the low wall to give himself more room. His eyes scanning for any that would come as an answer to the commotion.

The barbarian waits. Calm and focused are his senses. He ignores the remaining goblins at this encampment. Volsh inhales ‘til his girth is greater than an ale keg.

“Come filth, and meet your death!”
He barks in a deafening roar. [Language unknown: “Art’pr nteventic merea ndeec oulintersman ichlinderentome lar ast hoitsa!”]

OOC: Volsh will stay attentive and strike at any goblin that is quick enough to get at him this round, otherwise he will defer.

21:06, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 13 using 1d20+4. Attack Roll (Longsword).
21:07, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 9 using 1d8+3. Damage (Longsword).

Dungeon Master
GM, 76 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 25 Jul 2014
at 11:13
  • msg #23

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

On the Southeastern Side of the Ruins

Dellas looks surprised at himself for actually hitting all the goblins, and swallows hard as Volsh detaches a head, Bruenor and Farian killing their chosen targets with dispatch.

With an excess of enthusiasm, and not wanting to catch his comrades in a sheet of flame, Dellas takes his short, heavy club and attempts to swipe at the goblin who bit Bruenor.  He swings wildly, missing by a mile, but his weasel familiar Vish springs onto the goblin's face and bites him on the nose, clinging with the tenacity of a limpet.  The goblin shrieks in agony.

Clutching his nose and the weasel, the goblin tries to grab onto Vish, but just misses.

The remaining goblin begins to laugh heartily at his friend's mishap, clutching his belly and roaring his mirth.

Farian brings his mace down hard on the laughing one's head, ending his humor forever as he collapses to the earth with a cracked skull.

Bruenor is more careful this time, but with the goblin that attacked him rolling around with a weasel on his face, he's able to strike him hard through the ribs, slaying him neatly.

Volsh son of Vor:
20:20, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 5 using 1d20+2. Initiative.

Volsh is shown some of his companions’ skill as the motherless demons fall around them. Seeing that only two remain of the outlying group, Volsh turns his attention to the center of the encampment; the temple. He steps over the low wall to give himself more room. His eyes scanning for any that would come as an answer to the commotion.

The barbarian waits. Calm and focused are his senses. He ignores the remaining goblins at this encampment. Volsh inhales ‘til his girth is greater than an ale keg.

“Come filth, and meet your death!”
He barks in a deafening roar.


On the Northeastern Side of the Ruins

At the same time the rest of the group is using fire, sword, and mace to dispatch goblins, Averdante, Haazheel, Narthian, and Thunder are using a little more stealth with the same.

Averdante sneaks in from the northeastern path, heading towards the firepit at the remaining corner wall, while Haazheel, Mystique, Narthian, and Thunder try to sneak around to come in on the west side of the same firepit to prevent escapers from scrambling to the temple and alerting the shaman.

Averdante slips around the corner of the wall very quietly, peering to see a goblin feeding the fire with several sticks and some corncobs.  He looks around at his sleeping brethren, napping under an awning of petticoats, canvas scraps, and badly tanned hides, and gets a grin on his face.  He pulls out a bag from under a pile of debris and extracts a dead chicken.  Salivating, he spears the bird on a stick, douses it with brine from what seems to be a jar of pickles, rolls it in salt and then sticks it over the fire, feathers and all.

It's the last thing he ever does.

On the west side of the wall, Haazheel tip-toes over the uneven ground with some difficulty, but Narthain and Thunder, perhaps because they were watching the wizard with concern, miss their own footing.  Both rather loudly bark their shins on some loose rocks, making them clatter.

The cooking goblin looks to the west, and Averdante takes the opportunity to dart in and slit the goblin's throat.

The other goblins' heads pop up at the noisy entrance of druid, wizard, and wolf.

Haazheel, seeing five goblins just ready to spring up, and no one in the way of his magic, throws a pinches of colored sand to the wind and mutters mystic words.  A cone of clashing colors explodes from in front of his hands, and four of the five goblins stare at them in fascination, then keel over, eyes spinning.

The fifth makes a high-pitched noise, rather like a baby bird, eyes wide with shock.

Thunder, on command from Narthian, charges forward and crunches the goblin's oversized head in his jaws, then paws at his muzzle with the horrible taste.

Averdante - killed one goblin dead.
Haazhell - color spray to have made goblins unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 4 rounds, blinded and stunned for 4 more rounds, and then stunned for 1 more round.  4 goblins failed their save, one made it.
Narthian - Thunder kills last goblin standing with a bite to the face.

As the four finish their goblins, they hear Volsh shout loudly in challenge.


All Together Now!

At Volsh's shout, goblin heads begin to pop up over walls and shattered columns, some still sleepy-eyed, others wide-awake and clutching torches, makeshift blades, insect nests, and.... a snake?

From somewhere deeper in the ruins, a loud voice calls:

"[Language unknown: Ovesi weil entvenbut!  Be ion proamestr ter roas ne litaevan!  Ss in ne ounhashou hi chlare metopo t sasiwi ereessous!]"

With shrieks of laughter, a wave of goblins, stones, javelins, and a beehive come hurtling towards you!


Further East on the Path

Sir Aberlayne hears Volsh's shout and clamps her legs tightly to Valiant's side.

"[Language unknown: Herdayugh, ndhi La eepafo m besaer, Te enlin eau peson llse si ivfi ro molo heon we Tinwilblesom ckwh.  Me witderpro o ngtawh n wiur he io i, acent n ri helo stioou, kor ulta Iteset mo ek ith stawil'reaare p whiourillwit not.  U lesineith]."

With that, Sir Aberlayne shouts a command and Valiant charges forward.
Elf Archer, 87 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 25 Jul 2014
at 14:32
  • msg #24

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

With a cold thrust of his longsword Aver'e kills one of the last of that clutch of stunned goblins, even as the druid, wizard and wolf each dispatch one of the others in their own fashion as the voices of Volsh and the responding goblins begin to fill the air.

"Good enough - to the trailhead!", he whispers loudly, and, sheathing his sword to be replaced with his longbow, moves west toward the end of the path as he knocks an arrow.

"And I hear the shaman from within the ruins..."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 41 posts
Mon 28 Jul 2014
at 06:38
  • msg #25

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Sounds like we did a good job here" whispers the wizard to his companions "let's join the others and take care of the shaman". Haazheel then follows Avery and readies his crossbow.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 46 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Mon 28 Jul 2014
at 15:11
  • msg #26

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Holding his club ready, Narthian moves along the path with the others.  It was time to crack some skulls.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 112 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Mon 28 Jul 2014
at 15:33
  • msg #27

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian readies to attack the goblins that come after Volsh Vorson.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 71 posts
Tue 29 Jul 2014
at 01:40
  • msg #28

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor moves to assist Volsh, saying somewhere between him and the wall, and slightly off to the side, attempting to block the goblins' path to the rest of the party. He readies himself to receive the charge.

[OOC: Ready action to attack the first goblin in reach, using Combat Expertise again.]
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 42 posts
Thu 31 Jul 2014
at 20:24
  • msg #29

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Avery, Narthian, some goblins are going to charge us, shall we take cover behind this L shaped wall?" asks the Wizard.
Dungeon Master
GM, 79 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 1 Aug 2014
at 05:08
  • msg #30

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

As everyone gets ready to find cover, attack, or otherwise prepare themselves, some of the goblins start to sing, perhaps not surprisingly, in Common:

"Goblins chew and goblins bite,
Goblins cut and goblins fight,
Stab the dog and cut the horse,
Goblins eat and take by force!

Goblins race and goblins jump,
Goblins slash and goblins bump,
Burn the skin and mash the head,
Goblins here and you be dead!

Chase the baby, catch the pup,
Bonk the head to shut it up!
Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed,
We the goblins—you the food!

They wave their swords, beehives, rocks, sticks, javelins, and a snake menacingly, and you hear distant snarls and howls beyond the temple...
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 114 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Fri 1 Aug 2014
at 12:56
  • msg #31

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian laughs loudly at the goblins. Come eat us if you can then you little maggots! The worms will be eating your flesh this night!"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 72 posts
Fri 1 Aug 2014
at 14:29
  • msg #32

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Gathering his force of personality, Bruenor casts a hard glare at the goblin ranks, a cruel, dagger-like smile on his lips as he says, his tone light but scathing, "I dare you to cross our line; come within my reach, and I will gut you like a Ice Lake Pike."

[OOC: Intimidate check - 10:27, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 7 using 1d20+6. Intimidate.]

This message was last edited by the player at 14:29, Fri 01 Aug 2014.
Elf Archer, 89 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 2 Aug 2014
at 16:36
  • msg #33

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel Thorn:
"Avery, Narthian, some goblins are going to charge us, shall we take cover behind this L shaped wall?" asks the Wizard.

Aver'e is caught off-guard that so many goblins have appeared so nearby - the owl had missed these, and the plan is already being challenged by that bad luck.

[Language unknown: "Anyith-ncered ee Dickliev ckres!"], he says, taking a step back and towards the wizard and loosing an arrow at the nearest missile-weilding target...
This message was last edited by the player at 16:41, Sat 02 Aug 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 47 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Tue 5 Aug 2014
at 20:39
  • msg #34

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian swore.  He had not prepared entangle.  It should have been an obivious choice.  He had been more worried about the wolves and what they could do.

No, now was not the time to punish himself.  He had to do what he could and learn from his mistakes.

"Time for plan b," he called and rushed the nearest of the goblins. "Thunder, attack!"

OOC: duh! Ok so instead of casting, Thunder and I will attack the nearest goblins with claw and club
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 11:19, Thu 07 Aug 2014.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 43 posts
Tue 5 Aug 2014
at 23:12
  • msg #35

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel takes cover behind the L shaped wall and start shooting arrows to the nearest goblin.
With a whistle he also calls Mystique which was observing the scene from the top of a tree. Understanding the situation, Mystique flies toward the goblins and tries to attack the one his master is aiming at with her talons before flying back to safety.

OOC: I have one remaining color spray if things are getting bad. Otherwise I have also two ghost sound spells ready which might also be a diversion to save our butts.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:13, Tue 05 Aug 2014.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 30 posts
Wed 6 Aug 2014
at 01:36
  • msg #36

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh remains poised against attackers who might stray into the space he commanded. He expands that aura as he steps forward menacingly but slowly, growling like a fiend from some dark and secret pit. Then, suddenly he slaps the flat of his long sword against the leathern knot at the back of his head and returns it to the ready. 1

"It's almost not fair," he calls to the others as he continues, "these whelps got no idea what the sun's brought them this day... Ha!"

His stride opens up to a strong and swift motion as he advances on the closest of his foes. He hurdles and leaps fallen pillars and debris piles, urging his companions with his action. 2 & 3

1 20:24, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 21 using 1d20+3. Intimidate.
2 20:30, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 17 using 1d20+6. Jump.
3 20:31, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 16 using 1d20+6. Climb.

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 116 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Wed 6 Aug 2014
at 02:27
  • msg #37

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian advances to the rear and right of Volsh 10 feet back.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 74 posts
Wed 6 Aug 2014
at 13:29
  • msg #38

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor follows Farian's example, taking the left flank.
Dungeon Master
GM, 81 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 7 Aug 2014
at 12:07
  • msg #39

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e is caught off-guard that so many goblins have appeared so nearby - the owl had missed these, and the plan is already being challenged by that bad luck.

, he says, taking a step back and towards the wizard and loosing an arrow at the nearest missile-weilding target...

Averdante sights on the goblin who's about to throw what looks like a hornet's nest.  His bowstring thrums, and the arrow passes clean through the goblin's mouth and out the back of his oversized head.  He looks surprised, and then the hornet's nest drops out of his hands an onto his head and he falls backwards.

Behind the fallen column come a chorus of shrieks as the maddened hornets fly out.

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian swore.  He had not prepared entangle.  It should have been an obvious choice.  He had been more worried about the wolves and what they could do.

No, now was not the time to punish himself.  He had to do what he could and learn from his mistakes.

"Time for plan b," he called and rushed the nearest of the goblins. "Thunder, attack!"

Narthian moves across the uneven ground, heading for the goblins who've made it over the pillar.  He swings at one with his club, going a little high and missing.  Thunder goes after another, his strong jaws clamping on the goblin's throat and crushing it!

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel takes cover behind the L shaped wall and start shooting arrows to the nearest goblin.
With a whistle he also calls Mystique which was observing the scene from the top of a tree. Understanding the situation, Mystique flies toward the goblins and tries to attack the one his master is aiming at with her talons before flying back to safety.

Haazheel's first attempt with the crossbow goes awry, hitting off a goblin's helm (which may, in fact, be a cooking pot), but Mystique is able to rake his talons along another goblin's head, making him jump around in pain until he trips on a bit of rubble and goes rolling off down a gentle slope.

The goblins shriek and howl in dismay.  And bloodlust.  And laughter.

Goblins are a little bit not right in the head.

The one Narthian missed makes a sudden crazy leap onto Thunder's back, missing his reflexive snap, and grips onto Thunder's fur.  "[Language unknown: Inhis, ol, k mi, his unlat nd!]" he shrieks.

Another tosses a snake in Narthian's face.  The reptile hits the side of his head, but doesn't manage to get a grip with its fangs, sliding off of Narthian's armor to coil up, looking confused and stunned.

The remaining three let loose with javelins and rocks at Haazheel, Narthian, and Averdante.  Most fall short or fail to raise a bruise, but one flies straight and true, right for Averdante, scoring along his side. 


Farian Raymellie:
Farian laughs loudly at the goblins. "Come eat us if you can then you little maggots! The worms will be eating your flesh this night!"

There's a general screech of laughter from the goblins, and one of them says, "[Language unknown: Omeproher?  The nd st reahouson?  Ma ard butallbut!  Unsta usneni wihi]."  And then bends down by the column he just jumped over and begins to grub in the ground.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Gathering his force of personality, Bruenor casts a hard glare at the goblin ranks, a cruel, dagger-like smile on his lips as he says, his tone light but scathing, "I dare you to cross our line; come within my reach, and I will gut you like a Ice Lake Pike."

A couple of the goblins look confused at Bruenor's threat, which unfortunately was not exactly delivered with the resonance and conviction that Bruenor had hoped.  Actually, his voice cracked a little while saying it, courtesy of a bug that tried to fly down his throat.  One goblin turns and runs.  Another bursts out laughing.  A third throws a dead fish at Bruenor, which falls short by quite a bit and lays there, rotting and stinking.

The other goblins, minus the one looking for worms and the one who tossed a fish, hurl javelins and torches at Bruenor, Volsh, Farian, and Dellas.

All miss horribly.  Except one.  Except for the torch aimed at Dellas.  The halfling sees it and tries to dodge, but the goblin who hurled it is an expert with fire.  It strikes him, flaming end first, hard enough to drop Dellas to his knees and set his robes smoldering.

The fire wizard's familiarity with his chosen element is all that saves him from having the flames engulf him, but when he coughs after beating out his smoldering robes, bright red blood stains his lips.  The torch had hit with nearly lethal force.

Beyond the pillars, the goblins shriek with amusement.  "[Language unknown: Ast ceai!  Le pr e!  Whedi ugh korwheugh?  Santhaectvertin urouinun!]" one shouts.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh remains poised against attackers who might stray into the space he commanded. He expands that aura as he steps forward menacingly but slowly, growling like a fiend from some dark and secret pit. Then, suddenly he slaps the flat of his long sword against the leathern knot at the back of his head and returns it to the ready. 1

"It's almost not fair," he calls to the others as he continues, "these whelps got no idea what the sun's brought them this day... Ha!"

His stride opens up to a strong and swift motion as he advances on the closest of his foes. He hurdles and leaps fallen pillars and debris piles, urging his companions with his action.

The goblins watch, wide-eyed and in some kind of awe as Volsh comes bounding across the battlefield.  They look almost entranced, their toothy maws gaping and drool coming from a few loose lips.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian advances to the rear and right of Volsh 10 feet back.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor follows Farian's example, taking the left flank.

Farian and Bruenor flank just behind Volsh, crossing the broken ground and on guard for treachery.

Dellas manages to stagger to his feet and a little bit forward, taking cover behind part of the wall.  "Get... get them closer!" he calls, coughing wetly in the middle of his sentence.  "I can take out a crowd with my magic, but they have to be closer!"


Valiant comes thundering into the clearing, Sir Aberlayne and Drogo on his back.

"Dellas!" Sir Aberlayne yells, and urges Valiant on past her brother to confront the goblins who hurt him.  As she goes to raise her axe, Drogo takes a controlled tumble from the warpony's back, landing on a small rise just to Bruenor's side.  Amazingly, he comes up on his feet and fires his crossbow into one of the nearby goblins.  The goblin looks rather stupefied as the arrow enters his eye, and then slumps over sideways.

Valiant's speed takes him and Sir Aberlayne into the first line of goblins.  In her anger, Sir Aberlayne's first attack on the laughing, taunting goblin misses, but Valiant's hoof does not, and the goblin's head is crushed under the warpony's weight.

Howls sound out from behind the temple, along with harsh goblin voices chanting something unintelligible.  They're coming...
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 118 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Thu 7 Aug 2014
at 12:43
  • msg #40

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian moves in on the closest goblin and swings his mace down, but the goblin side steps the blow so deftly, Farian is dumbfounded!

08:41, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 3 using 1d20+2. to hit.1 to hit :(
Elf Archer, 92 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 7 Aug 2014
at 19:18
  • msg #41

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian Goldleaf:
"Time for plan b," he called and rushed the nearest of the goblins. "Thunder, attack!"

A hard smile crosses Aver'e's face as the hornets spread out. The enemy of my enemy... taste of their own medicine... - but the elf's train of thought suddenly jumped track.

Plan B?, but the distraction cost him as he failed to dodge a well-thrown rock, his side searing as the blow bruises ribs.

He takes another step to put himself between any charging goblins and the wizard, and lets fly another arrow, straight and true.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 44 posts
Sun 10 Aug 2014
at 19:27
  • msg #42

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The wizard make a sign in the direction of Mystique to congrats her for her first attack.
"Are you alright Master Archer?" asks Haazheel to Avery while shooting another arrow.
Mystique flies around the battlefield before swooping down on the goblins attacking Haazheel, Avery and Narthian.
12:19, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 22 using 1d20+2. Attack with light crossbow. Yay! 16 damage.
12:21, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 7 using 1d20+3. Talons attack for Mystique. Need damage roll?

This message was last edited by the player at 17:24, Wed 20 Aug 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 48 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Mon 11 Aug 2014
at 15:11
  • msg #43

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian turns his club onto the goblin near him but Thunder is not so lucky.

11:09, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 4 using 1d20+3. Thunder bite attack.
11:09, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 3 using 1d6. club dmg.
11:07, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17 using 1d20. Narthian club hit.

Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 76 posts
Wed 13 Aug 2014
at 00:45
  • msg #44

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Farian, go tend to the wizard! Drogo, cover our backs; I promised these goblins not a single one would cross me and live." Bruenor shouts as he moves to engage the nearest foe on his side, intent on stopping the goblins there.

20:41, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 24 using 1d20+4. Attack roll.
20:41, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20+4. Confirm crit.
20:44, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 8 using 2d6. Damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:05, Wed 13 Aug 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 119 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Wed 13 Aug 2014
at 01:07
  • msg #45

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian heads for Dellas to assess his injuries!

21:06, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 24 using 1d20+7. Heal Check.
Dungeon Master
GM, 86 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 21 Aug 2014
at 08:19
  • msg #46

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian Goldleaf:
"Time for plan b," he called and rushed the nearest of the goblins. "Thunder, attack!"

A hard smile crosses Aver'e's face as the hornets spread out. The enemy of my enemy... taste of their own medicine... - but the elf's train of thought suddenly jumped track.

Plan B?, but the distraction cost him as he failed to dodge a well-thrown rock, his side searing as the blow bruises ribs.

He takes another step to put himself between any charging goblins and the wizard, and lets fly another arrow, straight and true.

The goblin javelineer is already distracted by the insects swarming about him, and looks down curiously at the arrow now protruding from his middle.  Then slumps out of sight.  The goblin next to him makes a cackling sound and disappears for a moment, coming up with what looks like a glass jar of... something.  Pickles, maybe.  Gleefully he pulls the lid off and begins to cram the snack into his oversized, tooth maw, scarcely chewing, brine quickly be licked away before it can dribble down his chin. 

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian turns his club onto the goblin near him but Thunder is not so lucky.

The snake-tossing goblin's head is an irresistible target, and Narthian's club bangs against it with a satisfying thud, making a few teeth pop out.  The goblin weaves unsteadily, putting both hands on its makeshift sword as it tries to remain upright.  Thunder gnashes his teeth at the mad goblin clinging to the fur of his back, but can't quite get a grip.

Haazheel Thorn:
The wizard make a sign in the direction of Mystique to congrats her for her first attack.
"Are you alright Master Archer?" asks Haazheel to Avery while shooting another arrow.
Mystique flies around the battlefield before swooping down on the goblins attacking Haazheel, Avery and Narthian.

Haazheel's arrow flies straight and true, going right through one goblin's ear and out the other, making him collapse behind the column.  Mystique, going where he can do the most good, sinks his talons into the wounded goblin Narthian hit.  The blow is too much for the dazed goblin, and he keels over as Mystique wings back up into the air.

There are only three goblins left now near you.  The crazed one clinging to Thunder's back.  One behind the fallen column stuffing his face with pickles.  And one other behind the pillar who takes a look at the carnage, shrieks, and runs like a headless chicken away from the battlefield as far as his little legs can take him.

The one eating pickles continues to eat pickles, eyes closed in pleasure, seemingly oblivious to it all.

The one riding Thunder clings like a tick and draws a ragged-edged blade.  He smacks Thunder's flanks with it and yelps, "[Language unknown: Ss hahost, we i, tist ove llnot!]"


Volsh charges up to the goblins behind their pillar, intending to take out one with a swing of his mighty sword, but the goblin ducks behind the stone, and Volsh is barely able to check the force of his swing to avoid smashing his blade into rock.

OOC 02:51, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Volsh son of Vor, rolled 8 using 1d20+4.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian moves in on the closest goblin and swings his mace down, but the goblin side steps the blow so deftly, Farian is dumbfounded!

The priest moves in fast.  Farian's swing has all the power of his conviction behind it, but goblin paranoia makes the little wretch duck with the speed of a rat!

Bruenor Sedricson:
"Farian, go tend to the wizard! Drogo, cover our backs; I promised these goblins not a single one would cross me and live." Bruenor shouts as he moves to engage the nearest foe on his side, intent on stopping the goblins there.

The one Bruenor targets is not nearly so lucky as he finds his heart impaled on the swashbuckler's blade.  With a squeaking noise of dismay, the goblin flops down, dead.

Farian turns towards Dellas, but for the moment he's still conscious and safe. 

Dellas keeps himself low to the ground, clearly trying to make himself less of a target while he's so very wounded.

OOC:  Going total defensive.

Sir Aberlayne yells as she leans from the saddle to swing her axe at the goblin who hurt her brother, taking one's head clean off!  Valiant rears and swipes at the one next to him with his front hooves, sending another flying to land in a heap.

03:08, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 17 using 1d20+6. Attack with battleaxe.
03:09, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 6 using 1d6+1. Battleaxe damage.

03:10, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 14 using 1d20+3. Attack with hoof.
03:11, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 4 using 1d3+2. Primary hoof damage.
03:11, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 9 using 1d20+2. Secondary attack with hoof.

Drogo sights on one of the goblins with his crossbow, but his attack, to his dismay, goes flying off into the forest.

03:14, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Drogo, rolled 8 using 1d20+6. Crossbow attack.

There are only a few goblins left from the group's attack, and as the yelling and snarling from behind the temple gets louder, they all take to their heels and run like the cowards they are, withdrawing with extra care to avoid the angry retaliatory strikes of those who have entered their camp to avenge the victims of their greed.

As the goblins scatter, Volsh, Bruenor, Sir Aberlayne, Farian, Drogo, and Dellas can look up to see what all the snarling was about.

Four wolves, with elaborately armored goblin warriors on their backs are charging right for you!

OOC:  They're about forty feet away, on the other side of the fallen pillar the goblins were trying to use for cover.
Elf Archer, 95 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 21 Aug 2014
at 20:46
  • msg #47

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Despite "Plan B", things look like they're going well enough at the moment. Aver'e assesses the various threats, and, shifting forward this time, toward the enemy, sends another potentially lethal arrow at what is left of this group.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 47 posts
Thu 21 Aug 2014
at 20:59
  • msg #48

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel don't take any break after his good shot, he loads again the crossbow hiding  behind the pillar and shoots again at the closer goblin.
15:58, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 9 using 1d20+2. Attack with light crossbow.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 121 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Fri 22 Aug 2014
at 01:05
  • msg #49

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Quick, scatter caltrops to stop the charge!"

Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 79 posts
Fri 22 Aug 2014
at 01:33
  • msg #50

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor uses his free hand to open the caltrop bag, scattering them infront of himself before tossing the now empty container aside.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 33 posts
Tue 26 Aug 2014
at 02:15
  • msg #51

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The barbarian halts himself from further chase as the remains of the horde flee like roaches from a larder. When he sees the charging wolf riders emerge from behind the crumbling temple, he curses himself. Damned be fool who forgets his net at his pack.

Volsh turns his gaze to his companions, "Ready yourselves!... loose your missles if you've any. Bruenor, come forward with me and hold strong here. We can take out a few mounts before they can clear around us."

He faces the oncoming beasts and their riders and sets his stance defensively, ready to strike the first wolf that gets within range.

OOC: Volsh will swing his longsword at the first opportunity he gets, attempting to strike a wolf as opposed to a rider. He will use Power Attack at +1 to dmg, -1 to hit.

21:12, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 3 using 1d20+2. Long Sword Attack.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 122 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Fri 29 Aug 2014
at 11:28
  • msg #52

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian readies an action to attack as soon as a wolf or goblin approaches within his range.
Dungeon Master
GM, 91 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 30 Aug 2014
at 11:25
  • msg #53

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Despite "Plan B", things look like they're going well enough at the moment. Aver'e assesses the various threats, and, shifting forward this time, toward the enemy, sends another potentially lethal arrow at what is left of this group.

Averdante's arrow flies straight and true, piercing the running goblin in the back and bringing him to a top-over-teakettle death as he tumbles to a halt in the dirt.

The snake that had been thrown at the group is slithering away, having had enough of this nonsense, please.

Narthian swings his club at the goblin atop his wolf friend and hits a glancing blow.  Thunder twists as the goblin leans sideways, and gets a good grip on the little horror.  With a hard snap, he rips the goblin from his back and crunches his head between his jaws!

OOC:  05:45, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Narthian Goldleaf, rolled 15 using 1d20. Attack with club.
05:46, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Narthian Goldleaf, rolled 1 using 1d6. Damage with club.
05:47, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Thunder, rolled 14 using 1d20+3. Critical confirm.
05:47, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Thunder, rolled 20 using 1d20+3. Attack with bite.
05:48, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Thunder, rolled 5 using 2d6+2. Critical damage with bite.

The goblin eating pickles suddenly stops and looks around.  And turns pale.  And starts to shake.  And finally he grabs his abandoned spear and leaps from the top of the fallen column yowling like a feral cat as it stabs at the air!

He might have been trying to hit Narthian.  But his blow was so wild he my have just been stabbing at a passing bird.  It's hard to say.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel don't take any break after his good shot, he loads again the crossbow hiding  behind the pillar and shoots again at the closer goblin.
15:58, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 9 using 1d20+2. Attack with light crossbow.

Haazheel's shot goes wide, but Mystique is able to stoop and rake the goblin with his talon.

OOC:  05:54, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Mystique, rolled 12 using 1d20+3. Attack with talons.  Does 1 point of damage.


Farian calls out a warning, and Bruenor takes the caltrops and scatters them widely as they'd planned to do, making an area dangerous to any without good strong foot coverings.  Sir Aberlane circles Valiant back around to entice the wolves in without risking Valiant's feet, and Volsh readies himself to smash some heads.  Backing up beyond the danger zone, they only have to wait a moment before the wolves are upon them!

Drogo looses his crossbow bolt as the wolves thunder in, and it thuds hard into the fur of the one on the right, despite the desperate attempts of the goblin rider to swerve his mount.

OOC: 06:03, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Drogo, rolled 6 using 1d6. Damage with crossobw.
06:03, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Drogo, rolled 23 using 1d20+6. Attack with crossbow

Farian, Volsh, Bruenor, and Sir Aberlayne are all ready to attack with melee weapons, and Sir Aberlayne lets out a loud, yodeling cry that curdles the blood, and Valiant rears in a combat display.

As the wolves go to jump over the column towards you, you can hear someone chanting behind you.  A look back shows Dellas making some gestures.

And abruptly, the two middle goblin riders, and one of their mounts, collapse before they can jump, sound asleep.

The two remaining riders and one remaining wolf vault the fallen column and wade into the fray.  Their eyes are red-rimmed and mad-looking, and the wolves snarl with ferocity.  Two of the wolves, one with a rider, and one without, run through the caltrop patch.  The unburdened one is savvy enough to avoid the little nails of woe, but the one with a rider is not so lucky, and yelps as the nails pierce his tender footpads.

Volsh son of Vor:
He faces the oncoming beasts and their riders and sets his stance defensively, ready to strike the first wolf that gets within range.

Volsh chops down hard with his sword, but his battle lust is greater than his accuracy, and the wolf dances aside, snarling.

Farian brings his mace down with all the wrath of Pelor upon the head of the goblin rider, caving in helm and head so completely it's as if the rider had become headless!

OOC: 06:12, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Farian Raymellie, rolled 22 using 1d20+2. Attack with mace.
06:12, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Farian Raymellie, rolled 22 using 1d20+2. Critical confirm.
06:14, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Farian Raymellie, rolled 26 using 3d8+6. Critical heavy mace damage.

Bruenor thrusts his rapier at the snarling, riderless wolf near him, but it's turned by the wolf's thick fur.

OOC: 06:16, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Bruenor Sedricson, rolled 13 using 1d20+4. Attack with rapier.

Sir Aberlayne swings and misses with her axe at a nearby goblin rider, cursing steadily all the while.  Valiant lashes out with a hoof, thudding into the rider's mount, and drawing a yelp from the wolf.

OOC:  06:18, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 8 using 1d20+6. Attack with battleaxe.
06:19, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 3 using 1d3+2. Hoof damage.
06:19, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 6 using 1d20+3. Critical confirm.
06:19, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 23 using 1d20+3. Attack with hoof.

The wolves snap at those whom they can reach, missing Farian and Volsh with their teeth, but the remaining wolf with a rider manages to slash at Valiant's flank, and the spear-wielding rider slides the point between a gap in Sir Aberlayne's armor and stabs her hard in the side. 

OOC:  There are two wolves without riders, one of whom has a bolt sticking out of its side, and a third with a rider on it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:28, Sat 30 Aug 2014.
Elf Archer, 100 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 30 Aug 2014
at 19:54
  • msg #54

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e says a silent prayer of thanks to the elven goddess of archery, and to his teachers, as that last shaft strikes home.

"Last one!", he says over his shoulder to Hazheel.  Bow still in his off hand, he draws his sword, and charges at the recent pickle-eater, moving to position himself opposite Narthian and the wolf.  As he nears his target, he brings the sword in a wide arc to ensure he scores a hit, hoping to secure their flanks before moving on to the main battle.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:56, Sat 30 Aug 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 126 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sat 30 Aug 2014
at 20:02
  • msg #55

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian carefully steps forward and swings his mace at the snout of the wolf closest to him, missing badly!

16:01, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 7 using 1d20+2. to hit with mace.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 81 posts
Mon 1 Sep 2014
at 14:45
  • msg #56

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor presses the attack on the wolf, this time with greater force.

10:42, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 15 using 1d20+4. Atttack roll: Rapier.
 10:44, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 6 using 1d6. Damage: Rapier.

Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 35 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 00:59
  • msg #57

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh whirls after his wild swing to face the wolves as they pass. His nostrils flare like a bull as he exhales, enraged at his blade striking naught but air. He stays his rage for a time, channeling it, fueling his efforts to strike down his foes. He waits for another pass of one of the large dogs and chops down on it.

19:53, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 18 using 1d20+4. Longsword Attack.
19:55, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 11 using 1d8+3. Longsword Dmg.

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 49 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 16:32
  • msg #58

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel nods at Avery before the elf charges with his sword at the least goblin. The wizard readies an arrow. If the goblin doesn't fall dead after Avery's attack, he will shoot right at the goblin in order to prevent this green calamity to counter attack.

11:30, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 17 using 1d20+2. Attack with light crossbow.

In the meantime Mystique flies in circles above the battle scene.
Dungeon Master
GM, 95 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 5 Sep 2014
at 01:46
  • msg #59

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e says a silent prayer of thanks to the elven goddess of archery, and to his teachers, as that last shaft strikes home.

"Last one!", he says over his shoulder to Hazheel.  Bow still in his off hand, he draws his sword, and charges at the recent pickle-eater, moving to position himself opposite Narthian and the wolf.  As he nears his target, he brings the sword in a wide arc to ensure he scores a hit, hoping to secure their flanks before moving on to the main battle.

The pickle-eating goblin didn't stand a chance as Averdante's sword separates the goblin's head from his shoulders and sends it bouncing down the gentle slope, a confused expression still on its face.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel nods at Avery before the elf charges with his sword at the least goblin. The wizard readies an arrow. If the goblin doesn't fall dead after Avery's attack, he will shoot right at the goblin in order to prevent this green calamity to counter attack.

11:30, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 17 using 1d20+2. Attack with light crossbow.

In the meantime Mystique flies in circles above the battle scene.

Haazheel's own bolt turns out not to be needed, but Mystique shrills alarm through his master's head.  Looking up, he can see the owl darting back to the south, and hear some growls of wolves and the sounds of combat!

Narthian and Thunder both prick up their ears and begin to move towards the sounds of battle.

Haazheel sees something very peculiar out of the corner of his eye as he turns to look.  Just near the mouth of the temple, there's a crude cage, like a chicken coop made of rope and wire and bits of wood and bones.  It's stuffed with goblin young, their heads ludicrously oversized, their teeth protruding from their mouths, all of them growling and gnawing on each other and the cage.  A couple of goblin wives (only told because goblin women have hair and goblin men wear hats or hoods) have a stout stave each and are batting the cage between them out away from the sounds of battle and into the forest, careful not to let their hands get too close to the bars.

There also seems to be some smoke coming from inside the temple area.


Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh whirls after his wild swing to face the wolves as they pass. His nostrils flare like a bull as he exhales, enraged at his blade striking naught but air. He stays his rage for a time, channeling it, fueling his efforts to strike down his foes. He waits for another pass of one of the large dogs and chops down on it.

19:53, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 18 using 1d20+4. Longsword Attack.
19:55, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 11 using 1d8+3. Longsword Dmg.

Volsh's sword slashes down at the wolf already wounded by Drogo's arrow, fatally opening its hide, and the wolf writhes in its death throes at his feet.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian carefully steps forward and swings his mace at the snout of the wolf closest to him, missing badly!

16:01, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 7 using 1d20+2. to hit with mace.

Farian's mace swings high over the wolf's head, and the wolf growls in response.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor presses the attack on the wolf, this time with greater force.

10:42, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 15 using 1d20+4. Atttack roll: Rapier.
 10:44, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 6 using 1d6. Damage: Rapier.

Bruenor takes advantage of the wolf's ducking from Farian and gives him a firm stab with his sword!

Drogo sights on the same wolf carefully, as to not hit his companions, and the bolt goes flying to stick into the wolf's side, drawing a yelp of pain from him.

OOC:  20:34, Today: Drogo rolled 4 using 1d6. Crossbow damage.
20:34, Today: Drogo rolled 11 using 1d20+6. Critical confirm.
20:33, Today: Drogo rolled 19 using 1d20+6. Attack with crossbow.

Dellas keeps himself down and out of the way, watching for any treachery or opportunity.

OOC:  Delay action

Sir Aberlayne slashes down with her battleaxe on the remaining rider, and Valiant bashes at the goblin with his hoof, both drawing blood from the yowling goblin warrior.

OOC:  20:39, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 3 using 1d3+2. Hoof damage.
20:38, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 4 using 1d20+2. Attack with hoof.
20:38, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 22 using 1d20+3. Attack with hoof.
20:37, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 2 using 1d6+1. Battleaxe damage.
20:37, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 9 using 1d20+6. Critical confirm.
20:37, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 26 using 1d20+6. Attack with battleaxe.

The wolf by Farian and Bruenor cannot run far due to its injured feet, and so turns its fangs on the one who hurt it.  In its eagerness, it stumbles, piercing another paw, and misses Bruenor completely.

The goblin rider and his wolf slash and stab at Sir Aberlayne and Valiant with practiced ferocity.  The wolf goes to try to hamstring the warpony, and Sir Aberlayne guides Valiant with an expert display of horsemanship, thwarting the attack, but cannot avoid the second spear stab from the goblin that slams into her shoulder!

OOC:  There is one goblin and rider left in front of Sir Aberlayne, and one wounded wolf in front of Farian and Bruenor. 
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:48, Fri 05 Sept 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 127 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Fri 5 Sep 2014
at 01:52
  • msg #60

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian rolls double 1's, fumbling his attack on the wolf!!

21:50, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 3 using 1d20+2.
21:50, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 3 using 1d20+2. to hit with mace.

Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 82 posts
Sat 6 Sep 2014
at 23:12
  • msg #61

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Go tend to the wizard, I'll put the beast out of its misery," Bruenor says to the cleric.

[OOC: 19:09, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 1 using 1d6. damage: rapier.  19:08,
 Bruenor Sedricson rolled 12 using 1d20+4. Crit confirm.  19:08,
 Bruenor Sedricson rolled 23 using 1d20+4. Attack: rapier. ]

Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 37 posts
Sun 7 Sep 2014
at 01:37
  • msg #62

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The barbarian is reminded of his feral abilities as the wolf at his feet is called to roam the wilds of the underworld, sent there by his blade. He wastes no time. He tosses his longblade into the vise like grip of his left paw. In a flash, seemingly from nowhere, a sturdy dagger appears in his strong hand; an empty scabbard at his belt. Volsh whips the dagger overhand at the goblin mounted in front of the she-knight.

20:34, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 13 using 1d20+3. Thrown Dagger Attack.
20:34, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 5 using 1d4+3. Thrown Dagger Dmg.

Elf Archer, 102 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 7 Sep 2014
at 10:57
  • msg #63

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Beheading the last apparent threat, Aver'e does not drop his guard, but immediately takes a quick survey of the area, both to ensure there are no foes that were overlooked, but also to take account of friends, to lay eyes on each and make sure they seem ready to press on.

That done, he moves down the trail with his companions, toward the sound of battle, hoping the plan is holding together and will continue to do so, and that luck stays as much on their side as it seems to have so far.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 128 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sun 7 Sep 2014
at 12:21
  • msg #64

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Find the females and the children and kill them quickly before they escape, and the shaman too." Farian heads for the wounded wizard.

19:35, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 3 using 1d8+1. CLW .

This message was last edited by the player at 23:35, Sun 07 Sept 2014.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 51 posts
Sun 7 Sep 2014
at 23:30
  • msg #65

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

After making sure that all goblins on that side of the battlefield are dead or fleeing, Haazheel hears Mystique and looks in the direction his owl is pointing.
Already the archer is running  in that direction, reading his crossbow, Haazheel follows Avery to help his companions fighting on this other front of the battlefield.
Dungeon Master
GM, 102 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 06:29
  • msg #66

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Beheading the last apparent threat, Aver'e does not drop his guard, but immediately takes a quick survey of the area, both to ensure there are no foes that were overlooked, but also to take account of friends, to lay eyes on each and make sure they seem ready to press on.

That done, he moves down the trail with his companions, toward the sound of battle, hoping the plan is holding together and will continue to do so, and that luck stays as much on their side as it seems to have so far.

Haazheel Thorn:
After making sure that all goblins on that side of the battlefield are dead or fleeing, Haazheel hears Mystique and looks in the direction his owl is pointing.
Already the archer is running  in that direction, reading his crossbow, Haazheel follows Avery to help his companions fighting on this other front of the battlefield.

With all the enemies dead on their side, Averdante, Haazheel, and Narthian quickly move towards the sounds of combat.  The ground is rough and broken, and they are cautious to avoid getting ambushed in return, but swiftly enough they arrive to see the carnage their fellows have wrought.  They see Dellas first, the halfling still kneeling on the ground, coughing up blood.  Nearby, Drogo is firing his crossbow from a small rise, protected from the general melee.  A small distance beyond, Volsh, Bruenor, Farian, and Sir Aberlayne are fighting with wolves and goblins riding them.  From the bodies at their feel, they've been doing rather well!


Volsh son of Vor:
The barbarian is reminded of his feral abilities as the wolf at his feet is called to roam the wilds of the underworld, sent there by his blade. He wastes no time. He tosses his longblade into the vise like grip of his left paw. In a flash, seemingly from nowhere, a sturdy dagger appears in his strong hand; an empty scabbard at his belt. Volsh whips the dagger overhand at the goblin mounted in front of the she-knight.

Volsh's knife finished what Sir Aberlayne started by thunking hard into the goblin's throat as he lifts his head.  The goblin topples from the wolf's back in a clatter of armor!

Farian Raymellie:
Farian fumbles his attack on the wolf!!

Luck seems to have temporarily deserted Farian completely, and he nearly, but not quite, loses his mace to a wild swing that hits nothing.

Undeterred, and with a flash of divine insight (as else how could he have seen?), he calls out:

Farian Raymellie:
"Find the females and the children and kill them quickly before they escape, and the shaman too." Farian heads for the wounded wizard.

Bruenor Sedricson:
"Go tend to the wizard, I'll put the beast out of its misery," Bruenor says to the cleric.

Bruenor thrusts hard at the wolf, the rapier tip sinking deep into its side.  With a final yelp and whine, the badly-wounded wolf drops at Bruenor's feet.

Drogo fires his crossbow into the remaining wolf in front of Sir Aberlayne, wounding him further!

OOC:  01:20, Today: Drogo rolled 2 using 1d6.
01:20, Today: Drogo rolled 23 using 1d20+6.

Dellas looks up as Averdante, Narthian, and Haazheel arrive, and points frantically in the direction of the temple.

"My familiar Vish told me the goblin wives are getting the goblin young away, towards the woods!  I haven't seen the shaman yet, but he could be out any minute!"

Sir Aberlayne and Valiant focus their efforts on the last remaining wolf, bringing it down with slashes of her battleaxe and his hooves, yelling out wordless defiance.

OOC:  01:18, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 3 using 1d3+2. Damage with hoof.
01:18, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 4 using 1d20+2. Attack with hoof.
01:18, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Valiant, rolled 14 using 1d20+3. Attack with hoof.
01:17, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 4 using 1d6+1. Damage with battleaxe.
01:16, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 14 using 1d20+6. Attack with battleaxe.

As the last goblin falls, there's a sudden, high-pitched, mad-sounding cackle that echoes from the temple.  And suddenly a spreading stain of darkness, as if midnight has chosen to come at the shaman's bidding, shrouds the temple in deepest shadow!  From within, you can hear an ominous squeaking, chittering sound, like the biggest rats in existence are waiting in there...
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 132 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 10:28
  • msg #67

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 32 posts
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 20:33
  • msg #68

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I suppose it is a tad late to see if anyone wanted to make a bet on which of us will get to make the first kill?  So how about the last? Any takers?"

Stepping closer to Bruenor I have a few private words with the man. Falling silent if I notice the approach of anyone else.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 02:54, Wed 10 Sept 2014.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 40 posts
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 02:37
  • msg #69

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

As the clatter of the skirmish is cut to only the low rasp of his accelerated breathing, Volsh uses the lull by locating his thrown blade. He braces the fallen goblin's outsized head under his blood spattered boot. Quickly, he yanks the long dagger from the creature's spindly neck.

The shrill cry from the temple prompts the barbarian to swift action. He strops the blade across the goblin's burlap tunic, removing the sanguine ichor from its length.

Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
I suppose it is a tad late to see if anyone wanted to make a bet on which of us will get to make the first kill?  So how about the last? Any takers?

Volsh addresses the half-man while keeping his attention on the shrouded temple.

"I'll not stand in your path if it be your goal to slay those slumbering monsters, but we've a more sinister matter." He says with a nod toward the darkness.

Volsh stoops again to cleanse his longsword in the same manner as his dagger. "Whatever sorcerous devil dwell in those inky depths will not live out the zenith of the sun! Haazheel... Farian... can you combat this shroud, by spell or by godly gift?"
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 33 posts
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 03:43
  • msg #70

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 69):
with a grin up at the fighter I set out to explain.

"not at all old son not at all, I but merely suggested the option of taking book on who will be the first of our intrepid band to make a kill and who gets to be the slayer of the last of this ilk.  Nothing to do with me wanting to hog all the gory... er glory to my humble self."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 06:13, Wed 10 Sept 2014.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 52 posts
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 04:58
  • msg #71

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel arrives in time to witness the darkness coming from the temple. At the suggestion of Volsh he answers to the group "I could cast a dancing light spell, I don't know whether it will illuminate in these evil darkness, what do you think Master Cleric?"
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 51 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 05:01
  • msg #72

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"well, there is no sense in allowing ourselves to face enemies on two fronts", Narthian mutters grimly. He draws his dagger and quickly administers coup de grace on the sleeping enemies.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:37, Wed 10 Sept 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 135 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 07:53
  • msg #73

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I don't think it will help, and I have nothing for it. You can try it."
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 35 posts
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 08:08
  • msg #74

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Narthian Goldleaf (msg # 72):

"Would you like some help there Goodman Goldleaf?" Not waiting for an answer, Drogo set to the task of disposing of the sleepers.
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:57, Wed 10 Sept 2014.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 84 posts
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 11:19
  • msg #75

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"If there is nothing to be done about the darkness, then how are we to enter the temple, without walking into a trap." Bruenor pauses for a short time before turning to ask Dellas, "Wizard, can you cast that fire spell again?"
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 36 posts
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 14:57
  • msg #76

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Bruenor Sedricson (msg # 75):

"Hmm furtive, argumentative, sully, base opportunists?... Oh my goodness," he says.  He puts one hand over on his chest carefully so as not to sully myself with blood from his dagger and the other dramatically positioned on his forehead, palm out in the tragic pose of despair of a hero from a mummers' play. He adds a stagger of remorse to the effort.
"Oh my oh dear me. My family's dread secret has been finally realized, we have goblin values!  How ever can I bear the shame?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:17, Wed 10 Sept 2014.
Dungeon Master
GM, 108 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 22:06
  • msg #77

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian Goldleaf:
"well, there is no sense in allowing ourselves to face enemies on two fronts", Narthian mutters grimly. He draws his dagger and quickly administers coup de grace on the sleeping enemies.

Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
In reply to Narthian Goldleaf (msg # 72):

"Would you like some help there Goodman Goldleaf?" Not waiting for an answer, Drogo set to the task of disposing of the sleepers.

Narthian and Drogo can each quickly cut a goblin throat as the others debate what to do. 

Farian moves over to the wounded halfling wizard and invokes Pelor's power.  A brief beam of sunlight halos Dellas, and very soon he is breathing much, much easier.

"Thank you," he says, getting up.  Listening to the calls to cast spells of light, Dellas shakes his head.  "You need a more powerful spell of illumination than just dancing lights to counter a spell of darkness."

Bruenor Sedricson:
"If there is nothing to be done about the darkness, then how are we to enter the temple, without walking into a trap." Bruenor pauses for a short time before turning to ask Dellas, "Wizard, can you cast that fire spell again?"

"I have four more scrolls of burning hands," Dellas says with a nod.  "It's an indiscriminate spell, but it'll clear a small path, for fair!"

"I can try to draw him out," Sir Aberlayne volunteers.  "Goblins hate horses, and seeing me on Valiant near the temple might strain the shaman's temper enough that he springs his trap early."  With Dellas breathing more easily, she seems much more calm.  She takes a moment to press her hand into her side, a faint green glow seeming to staunch the blood from the stab wounds she's received.

OOC:  Just reminding everyone that darkness only causes people to have a 20% miss chance (which is not negated by darkvision or low-light vision).
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 13:14, Thu 11 Sept 2014.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 37 posts
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 22:53
  • msg #78

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 77):

putting the copper coins on the eyes of all the goblins I can "for the ferryman" I would not even see such as these unable to cross over...

"has anyone heard any sort of whistles or strange bird calls recently?"
This message was last edited by the player at 19:40, Fri 12 Sept 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 137 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 22:55
  • msg #79

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian heads to where the women were running with the kids, mace ready.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 52 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 00:15
  • msg #80

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Damn, and I'm fresh out of daylight spells. Thunder, I hate to ask, but can you find the goblin in the darkness by scent?"
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 39 posts
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 17:59
  • msg #81

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

giving a shrug as I rejoin the group, cleaning my blade on the way.  As the conversational merits of activities fly back and forth a certain whistle is given a trial sounding.
Elf Archer, 107 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 11:36
  • msg #82

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Upon arriving at the end of the trail, Aver'e draws his bow, ready to help the battle, only to see the last opponents fall.  He scans the area, and, seeing nothing and hearing the cries about goblins escaping, he moves back a bit, out of line of sight of any occupants in the temple itself, and uses what cover there is to circle around to the far side, in hopes of cutting off or catching those trying to escape.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:37, Fri 12 Sept 2014.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 41 posts
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 18:53
  • msg #83

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Looking around to see if the sound carried? the look of intense concentration sets over my features as my thoughts turn in ever inward to contemplate deep and worldly matters.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 138 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 18:58
  • msg #84

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian looks and listens for the escaping females and children.

14:57, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 6 using 1d20+3. Listen.
14:57, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 8 using 1d20+3. Spot.

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 54 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 19:17
  • msg #85

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Farian Raymellie (msg # 84):

Narthian gathers the group. "As I see it, we have 3 options. 1. Rush blindly (literally) into what is certainly a trap. 2. Wait out the Darkness spell. It will certainly last for at least 30 minutes but likely less than an hour. During that time, we can clean up whatever goblins remain. Unfortunately, we know not what other preparations he will make during that time. 3. Circle the temple looking for another way (or two) in. The shaman is likely not waiting within the area of darkness himself and this will give us the best chance of surrounding him before he can prepare additional 'surprises' for us.

I am in favor of the last."

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 53 posts
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 19:27
  • msg #86

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I am too" answers Haazheel "Certainly this construction has other ways in. At least another one for the aeration of the complex"
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 42 posts
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 19:36
  • msg #87

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 86):

"Unless the temple opens up into deep caverns and bottomless pits?  Why spend money on things you can just take advantage of instead?

You know I am beginning to think this wood thing is just a wood thing.  Such a pity"

This message was last edited by the player at 19:36, Fri 12 Sept 2014.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 86 posts
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 01:51
  • msg #88

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"The spell will run its course while we search anyway, and cutting off the leader's escape is wise, if he has one. I motion we move in groups." Bruenor turns to address the elf,"Averdante, you and I, along with Narthian, can circle around the one side. Farian, you take Volsh and Haazheel around the other flank. Drogo, you stay with Sir Aberlayne and Dellas."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:53, Sat 13 Sept 2014.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 43 posts
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 04:28
  • msg #89

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Bruenor Sedricson (msg # 88):

With a sigh I move over to Bruenor's side.  One day perhaps I will figure out what the goblins used the whistles for.  Best thing for me to do at this time is to be in the now.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:30, Sat 13 Sept 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 55 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 04:48
  • msg #90

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian, bow ready with an arrow nocked but not drawn, and Thunder move to join Bruenor in circling the temple.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 54 posts
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 18:38
  • msg #91

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel readies an arrow in his crossbow. "Sounds like a plan, shall we?" Asks the wizard to Volsh and Farian.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 44 posts
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 20:28
  • msg #92

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

preparing my crossbow for use
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 20:29, Sat 13 Sept 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 139 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 20:31
  • msg #93

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

From ahead where he'd already been looking, Farian answers with a head nod as he keeps looking for the females and children.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 87 posts
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 22:28
  • msg #94

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor whispers back to Drogo,
Dungeon Master
GM, 111 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 10:15
  • msg #95

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian Raymellie:
Farian heads to where the women were running with the kids, mace ready.

Farian avoids the blot of darkness and heads to where he heard the commotion of goblin young.  Partway between the temple and the trees is the curious constructions of sticks, bones, cloth, and wires that makes up a vaguely (now) ball-shaped cage.  It's stuffed to the gills with goblin young, their oversized heads gnawing, yammering, snarling, occasionally their little legs pushing the cage along the ground.  Goblin young, while not nearly as dangerous as adults, can be very dangerous in a swarm like this even caged.  The two goblin wives urging the cage along are doing it with short, stout staves to avoid being bitten by their own offspring.

Narthian Goldleaf:
"Damn, and I'm fresh out of daylight spells. Thunder, I hate to ask, but can you find the goblin in the darkness by scent?"

Thunder snorts, reassuring his companion that he can find a stinking goblin in the dark.

Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
Giving a shrug as he rejoins the group, cleaning his blade on the way.  As the conversational merits of activities fly back and forth a certain whistle is given a trial sounding.

Drogo sees no immediate effect from the whistle.

However, Farian sees the goblin wives turn suddenly, looking around with wild hope in their eyes.  Instead, they see a human priest with a mace in his hands a short distance away.  They shriek with despair and try to push the cage along faster.

Upon arriving at the end of the trail, Aver'e draws his bow, ready to help the battle, only to see the last opponents fall.  He scans the area, and, seeing nothing and hearing the cries about goblins escaping, he moves back a bit, out of line of sight of any occupants in the temple itself, and uses what cover there is to circle around to the far side, in hopes of cutting off or catching those trying to escape.

Averdante circles around, coming to the same sight as Farian.  Bow in hand, he launches an arrow at one of the goblin wives before she can get away.  The arrow, in his haste, goes high, only encouraging her to keep going.

OOC:  05:04, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Averdante, rolled 11 using 1d20+4. Attack with bow.

Bruenor Sedricson:
"The spell will run its course while we search anyway, and cutting off the leader's escape is wise, if he has one. I motion we move in groups." Bruenor turns to address the elf,"Averdante, you and I, along with Narthian, can circle around the one side. Farian, you take Volsh and Haazheel around the other flank. Drogo, you stay with Sir Aberlayne and Dellas."

Thusly decided, those not otherwise engaged with finding the remains of the goblin clan go to circle the temple.  Through Dellas is staying behind, he turns to Drogo and his sister.

"Visk might be able to see a way in, or at least if anyone is trying to escape.  He can sneak closer and keep us informed," Dellas says, petting his weasel familiar before letting him loose in the grass.  The little animal is soon lost to sight as he gets into cover and moves towards the temple.

Averdante and Farian already having gone ahead to find goblin young, Volsh and Haazheel circle around to the east, Bruenor, Narthian, and Thunder to the west.  As they flank the temple, they have no trouble seeing the goblin young and wives making it break for the trees.  They're about eighty feet away and still moving.  Of the temple, you see no part fully exposed to sunlight, and no obvious boltholes or exits.  The group going to the west does see the area where they wolves were staked, and all groups do see the various firepits where the goblins were staying (and stashing some of their loot).

From within the temple there comes only some high-pitched ominous chanting, along with more smoke and the distinct smell of a very smoky fire.

After a moment, Dellas says, "Visk says there's a lot of fire-sound, and some movement in there.  He thinks... three, maybe."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 140 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 11:59
  • msg #96

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian moves in on the females and children and attempts to crush the head of the first he comes to, but misses!

07:58, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 10 using 1d20+2. to hit with mace.

"Averdante, can you kill them all with your bow?" Farian asks. If you can, I'm going into the temple! Let none live!"
This message was last edited by the player at 12:01, Sun 14 Sept 2014.
Elf Archer, 110 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 20:31
  • msg #97

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I can if I can hit!", he says letting go another shaft that this time seems better aimed, reducing the number that is pushing the cage by one.

Nodding in satisfaction at that, he states in reply "It would be wiser to stay together", but remains focused on the task at hand for now.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 46 posts
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 21:39
  • msg #98

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"But then if we were wise we would not be in this line of work?  At least that is what I have heard most people say."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:40, Sun 14 Sept 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 141 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 21:50
  • msg #99

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian heads into the darkness, following the sound.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 88 posts
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 23:05
  • msg #100

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Farian, you damned fool! Don't run in blindly!" Bruenor shouts in response to the cleric's declaration, but there is little he can do to stop the priest from where he is.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 47 posts
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 23:49
  • msg #101

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Bruenor Sedricson (msg # 100):

"I think he maybe trying for a career change?  Could be thinking of becoming a Paladin or something along them lines?  Brave, Honourable, Courageous, Reckless and a little out of touch with just how nasty the world can be.

I think we should go see if he needs a little help? What say you? It never hurts to have a Priest owe ya one.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 04:53, Mon 15 Sept 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 142 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 00:02
  • msg #102

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian follows the sights and sound around him.

20:00, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 5 using 1d20+3. Spot.
20:00, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 8 using 1d20+3. Listen.

Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 49 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 04:51
  • msg #103

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Farian Raymellie (msg # 96):

"How very unsympathetic and cold that decision is... If you kill these Goblin young just because they are Goblin then what makes you any different in nature to them? Who is to say that given a chance and some stern understanding they can not be better people?  Let me try something first and if any of you are in the mood to do so, join in the fun by really looking and sounding menacing."

[Private to group Goblin: "Wenches surrender to Khan Chief O'Logo.  Your warriors are dead and your clan is defenceless submit to my will and I may find it amusing to spare you and your spawn's lives.  Fail to heed my offer and your eyes will be gouged from your heads and your bellies torn open for the wolves to play with after you have spent time writhing in pain and agony for I will have your fingers broken that you may not use a blade to ease your suffering and your teeth torn out so that you can not end the life of your kin.  This offer will only be given once choose now to keep your clan alive or see it perish with the destruction of your young as you suffer"]
This message was last edited by the player at 05:12, Mon 15 Sept 2014.
Dungeon Master
GM, 115 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 09:49
  • msg #104

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian Raymellie:
Farian moves in on the females and children and attempts to crush the head of the first he comes to, but misses!

07:58, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 10 using 1d20+2. to hit with mace.

"Averdante, can you kill them all with your bow?" Farian asks. If you can, I'm going into the temple! Let none live!"

Farian runs up to swipe at one of the goblin wives, but misses her cleanly.  She shrieks in surprise, falling to her knees and covering her head, but to her relief, the priest of Pelor reverses his route and heads for the temple instead.

However, she doesn't have long to draw a breath of relief as Averdante enters the fray.

"I can if I can hit!", he says letting go another shaft that this time seems better aimed, reducing the number that is pushing the cage by one.

Nodding in satisfaction at that, he states in reply "It would be wiser to stay together", but remains focused on the task at hand for now.

The arrow pierces the other goblin wife, the somewhat taller and sturdier-looking of the two.  Without the impetus of the staves, the cage-ball of goblin young comes to a halt.  The kneeling goblin wife screams again and runs to her wounded and dying companion, taking her in her arms.

"[Language unknown: Staforear!  Elevta!  Ad ie, inpaom!  Notovewhe wear o, ne one a esal notnotain rehe atiis linonspreect!  Wiicbe!]"


Farian Raymellie:
Farian heads into the darkness, following the sound.

Farian heads into the darkness of the temple, despite the protestations of his party.  While the shadows are thick and difficult to penetrate, and the smell of smoke is all around, it's not entirely impossible to see.  Rock walls with some kind of murals, a low dais against the far wall, a stone altar, and a darker space of a large doorway beyond.  The chanting seems to be coming from the worst of the darkness, and Farian turns that way warily.

Then he hears a rattling, and a low, eerie moan like wind through dying trees.  Farian knows this sound.  He knows it from the writings of Saint Bane, from the teachings of Pelor.

Skeletons of the dead, animated to fight the living!

Out of the darkness lurch a half-dozen shambling, desiccated corpses, nothing but bone and sinew, armed with swords and shields, their terrible gaping mouths open in a parody of a laugh as they advance upon the impulsive priest.


Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
In reply to Farian Raymellie (msg # 96):

"How very unsympathetic and cold that decision is... If you kill these Goblin young just because they are Goblin then what makes you any different in nature to them? Who is to say that given a chance and some stern understanding they can not be better people?  Let me try something first and if any of you are in the mood to do so, join in the fun by really looking and sounding menacing."

[Language unknown: "Tedonesan ineestareing p Anere Menareant Sillul.  Arher ameconeraome whsti ill ivect prof aler e haalnttoee bleresand u u ort menwe M wilri ilica ie tholinnot k ropota ticil issa thre ntomck peilec.  Bees k ssis of tessun cast weenc nios ugh i eichdi ncwa roca erosma ersul ckrut dinnteast ck it whis peer romwhiith t urman reee wasorecon wewh ingle hohool wh hastedouliou ti ofos lirut stesng ter Of he sa ort leouti ivalee sack wasen ivol te ieine en stiouress k el hiat ofesetck ngur thuli resforwas acce ospe a inwit sta inall oun ofen st ica ti pokor ceio.  Ie prckme eele ncsa me ckwaro roou derantous wh i aveto acit oread siarma o nd t viromenti nte eeil ilacar'seel ol was rutantall iv erwer etnclo".]

Sir Aberlayne turns her attention away from Dellas and towards Averdante and Drogo as Farian breaks off his assault on the goblins to storm the temple.  Looking back and forth between them, she sees Drogo step up and deliver a booming and intimidating-sounding speech in the goblin tongue.  Though she doesn't speak the language herself, the effects are obvious as the distraught goblin wife wails in response to Drogo.

"[Language unknown: Sa k ncmo etatpo, ilder fitoen itle di, chofai!]"  The goblin wife tosses aside her stick and continues to hold the body of the other female Averdante had shot.  The goblin young still wriggle and gnash at the bars, but they seems to be doing it more absently, watching Drogo with their beady eyes wide.

"[Language unknown: U arntac nest neand kormo ort fo, Eianin, set wh era hat thtio chhi lesthentinti.  Res osons.]" she murmurs to him.  Then she raises her voice, "I can guard these goblins and make sure they do not escape or harm anyone while you rescue Farian from his folly!"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 89 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 10:50
  • msg #105

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Thank you, Sir  Aberlayne," Bruenor says, "Dellas, we will need you at the entrance to the temple; your flames can secure us a path in. Anyone else who wishes is welcome to join, but speak now, for we must move."
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 51 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 11:04
  • msg #106

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Bruenor Sedricson (msg # 105):

"I am sorry Bruenor but if I leave here now the Goblins will most likely soon get over the shock of my threats.  To save a few more lives it seems that I must take on the mantle of a Goblin Chief.  I will rejoin you as soon as I can.

Sir Aberlayne if you can will you save that Goblin's life?  Her name is Makroon and it seems she holds a special place in the surviving Goblin wife's affections. Please?

Way too many things happening at once.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:10, Mon 15 Sept 2014.
Elf Archer, 111 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 11:32
  • msg #107

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e has another arrow knocked, and has taken aim on the last of the escaping goblins when things take a turn for the merciful.

"Don't fall for their tricks, Sir Aberlayne!" he says with a scowl of distaste at how events are unfolding in all directions. "Tie and gag them securely!"

He returns his arrow to his quiver, and draws his sword as he shouts "With you, Bruenor!", running to the side of that worthy and preparing to charge into gods only knows what.
Dungeon Master
GM, 116 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 12:37
  • msg #108

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor Sedricson:
"Thank you, Sir  Aberlayne," Bruenor says, "Dellas, we will need you at the entrance to the temple; your flames can secure us a path in. Anyone else who wishes is welcome to join, but speak now, for we must move."

Dellas pulls a scroll from an inside pocket of his vest and runs up next to Bruenor.  "Please don't let them shoot me," he says in a very small voice, and unfurls the scroll.  He'll move up towards the entrance (if someone will go with him), and call out, "Brother Farian, embrace the root of Obad-Hai!"

Then he waits a few seconds for the priest to react, hoping he'll interpret his message before he unleashes a sheet of fire into the temple.


Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
In reply to Bruenor Sedricson (msg # 105):

"I am sorry Bruenor but if I leave here now the Goblins will most likely soon get over the shock of my threats.  To save a few more lives it seems that I must take on the mantle of a Goblin Chief.  I will rejoin you as soon as I can.

Sir Aberlayne if you can will you save that Goblin's life?  Her name is Makroon and it seems she holds a special place in the surviving Goblin wife's affections. Please?

Way too many things happening at once.

"I'll do what I can, but if they try any treachery, their blood is forfeit," she says, prancing Valiant closer.

Aver'e has another arrow knocked, and has taken aim on the last of the escaping goblins when things take a turn for the merciful.

"Don't fall for their tricks, Sir Aberlayne!" he says with a scowl of distaste at how events are unfolding in all directions. "Tie and gag them securely!"

He returns his arrow to his quiver, and draws his sword as he shouts "With you, Bruenor!", running to the side of that worthy and preparing to charge into gods only knows what.

"I am a paladin, Averdante, not entirely a fool!" Sir Aberlayne says, a bit of grim humor in her voice as she swings down from her saddle.  The goblin wife holding Markoon seems too distraught to be afraid of the pony, and Sir Aberlayne is able to pry her free and wrap her hands behind her and bind her feet tightly without too much of a struggle, just an increase in wailing and crying.  With a grimace of distaste, Sir Aberlayne takes a small bundle of herbs from her belt, yanks out Averdante's arrow and pushes the herbs inside.  In a moment, the trickle of blood has stopped, though Markoon doesn't wake.  Sir Aberlayne ties her hands and feet as well and then rises to her own feet, battleaxe at the ready in case the cage fails and the goblin young turn into a swarm of land-piranhas.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 147 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 12:41
  • msg #109

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Dismiss your spell sorcerer and surrender that you may live. Otherwise, you die."
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 58 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 13:08
  • msg #110

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Thankyou Kind Paladin I just hope that we do not end up regretting our actions.  I fear it may be so in the end but... To assume someone is evil with no proof.  If only we had some way of determining if they were or not"
This message was last edited by the player at 13:17, Mon 15 Sept 2014.
Dungeon Master
GM, 118 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 13:26
  • msg #111

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
"Thank you Kind Paladin I just hope that we do not end up regretting our actions.  I fear it may be so in the end but... To assume someone is evil with no proof.  If only we had some way of determining if they were or not. "

Sir Aberlayne looks hard at the goblins, her eyes briefly filming over with a wash of gold, then back at Drogo before heaving out a very long and very weary sigh.

"There is darkness in their hearts, and it is a petty and cruel thing.  For all their fear, I think the wife here would eat my liver on a stick if she could, if she didn't think you or I would kill her.  But..." and here she hesitates a long moment before speaking, "There might be one of the little nippers in that cage whose heart has not entirely blackened."
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 60 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 13:51
  • msg #112

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 111):

"Indeed I had no real hope for the adults.  Too hidebound and set in their ways but the one who may yet be helped? which one is that?  we need to isolate it from the rest before they are put out of their misery to protect the world around them.  Least the very act drives it into the arms of what we try to spare it from.

The easiest and safest way at this time to do so I think would be to render it unconscious "

This message was last edited by the player at 10:53, Sat 20 Sept 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 58 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 22:00
  • msg #113

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Drogo O'Logo Underbough (msg # 112):

"Thunder, charge in, find a living goblin and attack it. Growl when you attack so I can locate you by sound."

Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 63 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 22:23
  • msg #114

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Narthian Goldleaf (msg # 113):

You are aware that these Goblin have surrendered to us as in the group. So you are killing prisoners and there is a Paladin on hand as witness?
This message was last edited by the player at 22:33, Mon 15 Sept 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 59 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 23:12
  • msg #115

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

My apologies, I meant into the temple not the prisoners. Hence my earlier question of Thunder that he could locate by scent in the darkness and needing his growls to lead me to an opponent. And since our potentially foolish cleric has gone charging in, providing backup seems wise.

To the best of my knowledge, only the women have surrendered and the younglings by proxy.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:16, Mon 15 Sept 2014.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 64 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 23:41
  • msg #116

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Narthian Goldleaf (msg # 115):

ooc lol my bad. and yarp only 2 goblin wives and by proxy a ball o'brats... er innocent victims of an oppressive society.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:40, Wed 17 Sept 2014.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 66 posts
Tue 16 Sep 2014
at 01:02
  • msg #117

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

start the extraction process by rendering the young unconscious with subdual damage. 

"[Language unknown: Hebewe, I oreal adom usetno n le ofckar hihou tio encarewhi m dereraove.  Ee aveme ilour ie oulyinund we ce o somoereen ichut is whtoma withfi he vor anin aresontra ecttioast ti waen ureratromave ee ove.  Riti ard omtin illountin ithsanwil ee ekdind resos m sticonvir ic icaalltra omeateers n ss ng tinol chel ous ereri m taioac ro.  Der ilivie Wasresous?]"
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:30, Fri 19 Sept 2014.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 41 posts
Tue 16 Sep 2014
at 04:25
  • msg #118

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh hesitates amongst the hasty advance of companions, and the squabbling of yet more. His banded head swivels, his knotted hair swinging, as he tracks them all. The thews holding his massive frame bunch like dockside ropes mooring a great vessel. He scowls at those who are fretting over the childling monsters. Deep grumblings escape his chest as he starts into the void following the others, succeeded by a thunderous roar. Volsh keeps his longblade tip forward, moving through the darkness. He looks to gain his bearing and relieve the remaining goblin of his head.

23:23, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 21 using 1d20+3. Listen check.
23:23, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 7 using 1d20+2. Spot check.
23:21, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 5 using 1d20+4. Longsword Attack.

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 55 posts
Wed 17 Sep 2014
at 16:53
  • msg #119

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

After having check the temple hoping for another entrance, Haazheel came back to the front gate of the temple in time to see his companions starting to rush inside the structure. Aware his crossbow will be useless in these darkness, he hangs back his crossbow, takes his quarterstaff and follow them inside his eyes and ears wide open expecting to see his companions or to spot any goblin trying to attack. He keeps a firm grisp on his quarterstaff ready to slam any goblin in sight.
11:42, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 20 using 1d20+1. Spot.
11:42, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 18 using 1d20+1. listen.
11:42, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 20 using 1d20+1. Attack with quarterstaff.

Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 92 posts
Wed 17 Sep 2014
at 23:18
  • msg #120

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor, leading the impromptu rescue mission, charges into the darkness flanked by Volsh and Averdante the instant the sheet of flame dies away. Counting his steps, Bruenor mentally prepares for the battle that inevitably awaits when the darkness breaks.

When the blackness clears, Bruenor shouts out, "Farian!"

19:15, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 17 using 1d20+3. Combat Expertise Attack; Rapier.
19:14, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 9 using 1d20-1. Spot.
19:14, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 15 using 1d20-1. Listen.

Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 67 posts
Thu 18 Sep 2014
at 17:15
  • msg #121

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

at a rough guestimate, How many young in this cage?
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 148 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Thu 18 Sep 2014
at 17:40
  • msg #122

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian follows the noise into the sorcerer, then swings a mighty blow when he thinks he has him found!

13:39, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 31 using 1d100. 20% miss chance. High misses.Hit
13:38, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 18 using 1d20+2. to hit with mace.
13:38, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 6 using 1d8+2. damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 122 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 19 Sep 2014
at 09:35
  • msg #123

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In the Temple

Farian Raymellie:
"Dismiss your spell sorcerer and surrender that you may live. Otherwise, you die."

The skeletons in front of Farian give him no answer but cold steel and murderous intent!  Of the sorcerer, if he is there, he says not a word, nor does Farian see him.

The skeletons, however, see Farian and crowd around him to swing their swords, their dry bones rattling like primitive chimes.  Some miss cleanly, one thuds against his armor but not does penetrate, but one slice gets through to gouge into his leg! 

Dellas, having waited and delivered his warning to Farian, screws up his courage and steps into the shadowed temple.  His eyes widen when he sees the pale bones of skeletons surrounding the priest, and with a quiet murmur of apology, shouts out the last words from his scroll as he takes a step back.  A sheet of flame washes over the skeletons closest to the entrance, just missing Farian.  Two of them are too slow to react, and take the full brunt of the fire, while one manages to writhe his old bones enough to avoid the worst of it.

"Skeletons!" Dellas yells, his voice breaking a little.  "Skeletons in the temple!

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh hesitates amongst the hasty advance of companions, and the squabbling of yet more. His banded head swivels, his knotted hair swinging, as he tracks them all. The thews holding his massive frame bunch like dockside ropes mooring a great vessel. He scowls at those who are fretting over the childling monsters. Deep grumblings escape his chest as he starts into the void following the others, succeeded by a thunderous roar. Volsh keeps his longblade tip forward, moving through the darkness. He looks to gain his bearing and relieve the remaining goblin of his head.

While the shadows of the temple are gloomy, they are not enough to fully block sight, and Volsh had no trouble seeing the skeletons surrounding Farian.  He sees no goblin, so instead turns his ire to the walking dead.  His first blow clangs off a shield one carries, and the skeleton's skull gapes at him in a mocking, ghastly grin.

Haazheel Thorn:
After having check the temple hoping for another entrance, Haazheel came back to the front gate of the temple in time to see his companions starting to rush inside the structure. Aware his crossbow will be useless in these darkness, he hangs back his crossbow, takes his quarterstaff and follow them inside his eyes and ears wide open expecting to see his companions or to spot any goblin trying to attack. He keeps a firm grip on his quarterstaff ready to slam any goblin in sight.

There are no goblins to be seen, but rather a small hoard of animated bones!  Haazheel bashes his quarterstaff at one next to Volsh, but in the gloom, he aims just a hair high, whooshing over the skeleton's helm. 

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor, leading the impromptu rescue mission, charges into the darkness flanked by Volsh and Averdante the instant the sheet of flame dies away. Counting his steps, Bruenor mentally prepares for the battle that inevitably awaits when the darkness breaks.

When the blackness clears, Bruenor shouts out, "Farian!"

The blackness does not clear, but it is not nearly as dark as Bruenor had feared.  As the flame dies away, things are still visible enough, and what's visible is the group of skeletons the others are fighting.  Moving to the fray, he penetrates gloom and the armor on the skeleton's frame to thrust his rapier through, but it clatters on more air than bones and seems not to harm him at all! 

Narthian Goldleaf:

"Thunder, charge in, find a living goblin and attack it. Growl when you attack so I can locate you by sound."

Thunder runs into the temple, not understanding the full nuances of Narthian's words, but getting the gist.  Find enemy.  Bite it.  They squeal when bitten, which brings the other member of Thunder's pack, his sadly hairless friend Narthian.  The darkness is a little disorientating, but Thunder puts his nose to work, jerking to a halt and growling when the scent of the skeletons reaches him.  There is no way he is going near such unnatural things, and tries to circle around the edges of the room, whining a bit as he hunts for anything living.  He gives a louder growl as a whiff of something wafts past his nose, coming from beyond the knot of skeletons.  Narthian can come in after Thunder, following the wolf's growls to the far side of the temple.  Beyond the skeletons is another room, but getting past them could be tricky, or even deadly.

Averdante runs in after Bruenor, and swings his sword hard at the skeletons, but his blade clangs off the shield carried by one. 

Farian Raymellie:
Farian follows the noise into the sorcerer, then swings a mighty blow when he thinks he has him found!

Farian cannot hunt the sorcerer when undead surround him, and swings his mace as he's been taught, reducing one of the skeletal warriors to powder!

There is no more sound of chanting, just the dry rasp and rattle of the skeletons in the gloom as they seek to end your lives and add you to the grave therein...


Outside the Temple

Taking up one of the sticks, Sir Aberlayne begins to sort through the cage, using the wood to make sure she doesn't get bitten as she thunks a few goblin young on the head to subdue them.

Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
"[Language unknown: Ionthuter, T yin ous osfino ne een linwhiure bleei int lediro e ingillshe.  T ent ha ie romourtho echis onete ss capapr nd maate prinma virthidin u utder iv ngsita avehaseau o pa nteintratstr ch evsi.  Deros ni rea prlewh losemo o prhiun ingek fo intaveare m tickle oveestpre e thole ca tinal derur etwi hing as larcomoun ec.  Ulca fiplic Maitet?]"

The goblin wife wails and cries and snot runs down her face as she howls her grief, but that doesn't stop her from answering "Chief Drogo the Terrible."

"[Language unknown: Manforlin ouleveven, p Ntimanntiera Re!  Ure t her, ckusie, n al ul!  Noth nocestlo le nde inewhewhi ter erear, witan one t areve!]"

Drogo can begin subduing goblin young as well, with the conscious goblin wife seeming too intimidated to protest.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:26, Sat 20 Sept 2014.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 68 posts
Fri 19 Sep 2014
at 10:01
  • msg #124

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 123):
Drogo continues his chosen course of action to secure the group's rear by knocking out goblin young.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:25, Sat 20 Sept 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 61 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Fri 19 Sep 2014
at 16:22
  • msg #125

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian, realizing that the skeletons are but a distraction--and one that appears well in hand, continues to urge Thunder to find a living goblin in the darkness. "Once the master is dead, his summoned creatures should fall", he mutters.

"Thunder, let us find the living goblin, by sight or scent and rend it together!"

11:19, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 3 using 1d20. Attack roll.
11:18, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 16 using 1d20+8. Spot for non-party members.
I saw no point in a damage or miss chance roll...

11:21, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 46 using 1d100. Thunder Miss chance, High misses.
11:21, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 2 using 1d6+1. Thunder Bite Damage.
11:21, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 14 using 1d20+3. Thunder Attack.

Elf Archer, 116 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 19 Sep 2014
at 23:20
  • msg #126

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Inexplicably delayed in joining the first charge into the undead, Aver'e steps around to flank the few remaining, keeping his ears and eyes open for more trouble but intent on eliminating this problem first.

He knows he's better with a bow than a sword, but he also knows arrows tend to whistle right through old bones, so he makes the best of it and maneuvers so someone else will benefit as well.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:21, Fri 19 Sept 2014.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 58 posts
Mon 22 Sep 2014
at 16:46
  • msg #127

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel after his eyes get used to the low light inside the temple quickly understands that his companions are surrounded by skeletons. Willing to help them and aware that arrows will be useless against these creatures, He remembered his color spray spell and how well it worked against the goblins. But these are skeletons, undeads. He is not sure the spell will affect them. No way for him to remember whether he read or not something about that. "Farian? Dellas? I cannot remember whether the color spray spell will affect them, do you?" he shouts in the diretion of the two other companions who might have knowledge in arcana.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 152 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Mon 22 Sep 2014
at 16:52
  • msg #128

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I know not! Do something if you can!"
OOC - No Knowledge Arcana
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 60 posts
Mon 22 Sep 2014
at 17:00
  • msg #129

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

OOC: last chance before casting the spell and then alea jacta est :)
This message was last edited by the player at 17:01, Mon 22 Sept 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 67 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Mon 22 Sep 2014
at 20:21
  • msg #130

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I know nothing of wizard magic, but the name 'Color Spray' sounds like it uses light to harm opponents. Very low powered light spells will not work in an area affected by a 'Darkness' spell sent by a diety, much as casting 'Light' would do nothing here."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 6 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 23 Sep 2014
at 01:14
  • msg #131

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel after his eyes get used to the low light inside the temple quickly understands that his companions are surrounded by skeletons. Willing to help them and aware that arrows will be useless against these creatures, He remembered his color spray spell and how well it worked against the goblins. But these are skeletons, undeads. He is not sure the spell will affect them. No way for him to remember whether he read or not something about that. "Farian? Dellas? I cannot remember whether the color spray spell will affect them, do you?" he shouts in the diretion of the two other companions who might have knowledge in arcana.

Dellas pipes up in obvious alarm at his fellow wizard's question.  "No!  No, it won't affect the undead!  Use it on the shaman if you see him, but it won't do anything to the skeletons!"

OOC:  20:12, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 16 using 1d20+7. Knowledge Arcana.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 42 posts
Tue 23 Sep 2014
at 01:36
  • msg #132

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

After his sword clangs off the skeleton's shield, Volsh snears at the grinning skull. He forgets his blade for the time being and throws a powerful clinched fist to stop it from mocking him. "Grin at this you dog."

20:32, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 87 using 1d100. Chance for miss.
20:31, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 16 using 1d20+3. Unarmed Attack.
20:32, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 4 using 1d4+3. Punch Dmg.

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 62 posts
Tue 23 Sep 2014
at 04:58
  • msg #133

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Thanks Master Dellas!" answers Haazheel almost ready to cast the spell. Instead, he keeps a firm grip on his quarterstaff looking at his companions fighting the skeletons and preparing himself for the confrontation with the shaman.
Dungeon Master
GM, 129 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 24 Sep 2014
at 13:24
  • msg #135

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Outside the temple

Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 123):
Drogo continues his chosen course of action to secure the group's rear by knocking out goblin young.

The remaining conscious goblin wife continues to whimper in fear as Drogo continues his campaign of rendering the piranha-like goblin young unconscious.  Sir Aberlayne joins him in the distasteful task, checking over each tooth-gnashing youngster so she doesn't miss the one she saw who was not yet corrupted.


Inside the Temple

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian, realizing that the skeletons are but a distraction--and one that appears well in hand, continues to urge Thunder to find a living goblin in the darkness. "Once the master is dead, his summoned creatures should fall", he mutters.

"Thunder, let us find the living goblin, by sight or scent and rend it together!"

Thunder looks around, whining at the space somewhat visible towards the back of the temple, beyond the group of skeletons, but is unwilling to go dashing through the animate bones.  With some reassurance from Narthian, Thunder dashes forward to snap at one of the skeleton's legs, but the greaves loosely strapped to its shins turn Thunder's teeth before he can get ahold of it.

Inexplicably delayed in joining the first charge into the undead, Aver'e steps around to flank the few remaining, keeping his ears and eyes open for more trouble but intent on eliminating this problem first.

He knows he's better with a bow than a sword, but he also knows arrows tend to whistle right through old bones, so he makes the best of it and maneuvers so someone else will benefit as well.

Averdante slashes down with his sword, but it whistles right by one of the skeletons' bony heads without even connecting.

Farian Raymellie:
"I know not! Do something if you can!"

Farian may not know much about magic, but instead calls upon the power of Pelor and the strength of Saint Bane, the scourge of the undead, to turn such evil monstrosities and make them flee the power of the sun.

However, the darkness and press of skeletons make Farian's holy words come out strained as he tries to dodge their attacks, and his holy symbol barely flickers with light.  The skeletons attack unabated, trying to hammer the priest in their midst, but their swords cannot seem to find the gaps in Farian's scale mail.

Volsh son of Vor:
After his sword clangs off the skeleton's shield, Volsh snears at the grinning skull. He forgets his blade for the time being and throws a powerful clinched fist to stop it from mocking him. "Grin at this you dog."

There is nothing like the direct approach, and Volsh punches the nearest skeleton square in the teeth, knocking its jaw clean off!  It still stands, though barely, and its head wobbles alarmingly on its neck.

Haazheel Thorn:
"Thanks Master Dellas!" answers Haazheel almost ready to cast the spell. Instead, he keeps a firm grip on his quarterstaff looking at his companions fighting the skeletons and preparing himself for the confrontation with the shaman.

Haazheel waits and bides his time, waiting until the shaman appears.

From the darkness beyond the skeletons, an unseen voice raises in a harsh chant in the goblin tongue.

"[Language unknown: Earatitic reiou lomapa heouur elevur est ouce'plin, trsta la urndoues ent est sonut urel oulhouich mi tetr ain!]"

The skeletons shiver, and the air around them seems to grow colder and more corrupt.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 71 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Wed 24 Sep 2014
at 13:25
  • msg #136

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian, annoyed that the skeletons are blocking their way, decides to try to return the bones to the graves from whence they came. He looks around and spots the nearest.

"Thunder, I know you prefer bones with a bit more meat on them, but you'll get your chance once we get rid of these foul unliving things. Attack the nearest skeleton with me."

Narthian and Thunder charge the nearest skeleton but are distracted when Narthian slips on something on the ground and slides into Thunder just as the faithful wolf is about to rend a skeleton, causing them both to miss.

01:00, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17 using 1d20+8. Spot Skeletons.
00:59, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 16 using 1d20+11. Handle Animal.

01:01, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 5 using 1d20+3. Thunder bite Skeleton.
01:01, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 3 using 1d20. Attack Skeleton.

Elf Archer, 125 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 24 Sep 2014
at 19:45
  • msg #137

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e scowls in determination as the battle continues, knowing that, blind as they are to what lies beyond, time is not on their side.

He calls out, [Language unknown: "Wh teti al prnapo tierie! It tantdi wi Somyineve m ectlinterantred ectwa ameeenica!"], and swings again, hoping that this will prove to be one of the stories where good triumphs over evil, and not the other way around.

He brings his sword down onto a skeleton, slicing through the ribcage from shoulder down to opposite hip in one perfect strike, but the rib bones merely clatter to the ground in so much dust and debris, and the skeleton, still holding his sword in a bony hand, seems unphased.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:18, Wed 24 Sept 2014.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 100 posts
Thu 25 Sep 2014
at 00:07
  • msg #138

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor, seeing his weapon is no use, withdraws from the skeletal foe, seeking a blunt instrument.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 63 posts
Thu 25 Sep 2014
at 19:30
  • msg #139

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Shouldn't we split? The sooner we stop the shamaan the better. Dellas with your fire! Narthian with Thunder! Me with color spray and my crossbow! we may be able to stop him don't you think?" asks Haazheel to the group. "All we need is to pass the skeletons to access the next room".
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 72 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Thu 25 Sep 2014
at 19:34
  • msg #140

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Thunder seems leery of passing the skeletons. "
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 19:35, Thu 25 Sept 2014.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 43 posts
Sat 27 Sep 2014
at 20:24
  • msg #141

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian Goldleaf:
"Thunder seems leery of passing the skeletons. "

"Well lets fell these unnatural beings and make haste!" The barbarian blurts in retort as he swings his longblade once again.

"That sorcerous devil best run for the ends of the known lands and beyond. I have a feeling he won't enjoy meeting your giant canine friend!" Volsh's mirth is apparent as he cuts down skeletons and imagines the shaman relenting under the jaws of the wolf. He lets out a brief laughter, deep and low, like thunder of his own.

15:15, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 85 using 1d100. Chance to Miss.
15:16, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 22 using 1d20+4. Long Sword Attack.
15:16, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 6 using 1d8+3. Long Sword Dmg.

Dungeon Master
GM, 133 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 28 Sep 2014
at 10:33
  • msg #142

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Temple Map

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor, seeing his weapon is no use, withdraws from the skeletal foe, seeking a blunt instrument.

Bruenor steps back, hunting about for anything in the dim light, letting Thunder through to try his luck.  After a moment or two, Bruenor spies a small, discarded club on the ground and can scoop it up, ready to smash more skulls!

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian, annoyed that the skeletons are blocking their way, decides to try to return the bones to the graves from whence they came. He looks around and spots the nearest.

"Thunder, I know you prefer bones with a bit more meat on them, but you'll get your chance once we get rid of these foul unliving things. Attack the nearest skeleton with me."

Narthian and Thunder charge the nearest skeleton but are distracted when Narthian slips on something on the ground and slides into Thunder just as the faithful wolf is about to rend a skeleton, causing them both to miss.

Thunder darts in under Bruenor to bite a skeleton again, but misses!

Aver'e scowls in determination as the battle continues, knowing that, blind as they are to what lies beyond, time is not on their side.

He calls out, , and swings again, hoping that this will prove to be one of the stories where good triumphs over evil, and not the other way around.

He brings his sword down onto a skeleton, slicing through the ribcage from shoulder down to opposite hip in one perfect strike, but the rib bones merely clatter to the ground in so much dust and debris, and the skeleton, still holding his sword in a bony hand, seems unphased.

The skeleton's unnatural force lets it remain standing even after Averdante's hard strike!

Volsh son of Vor:
Narthian Goldleaf:
"Thunder seems leery of passing the skeletons. "

"Well lets fell these unnatural beings and make haste!" The barbarian blurts in retort as he swings his longblade once again.

"That sorcerous devil best run for the ends of the known lands and beyond. I have a feeling he won't enjoy meeting your giant canine friend!" Volsh's mirth is apparent as he cuts down skeletons and imagines the shaman relenting under the jaws of the wolf. He lets out a brief laughter, deep and low, like thunder of his own.

Volsh's sword finishes what his fist started, and another skeleton crumples.

Farian attempts again to turn the undead, invoking Pelor's power, but in the darkness, it's hard to bring His light to bear, and the skeletons attack unabated.

Haazheel Thorn:
"Shouldn't we split? The sooner we stop the shamaan the better. Dellas with your fire! Narthian with Thunder! Me with color spray and my crossbow! we may be able to stop him don't you think?" asks Haazheel to the group. "All we need is to pass the skeletons to access the next room".

Haazheel looks, but there are still two skeletons blocking the doorway!  They must be dispatched before you can pass beyond!

The skeletons continue their mindless assault, but even such dim creatures still possess unnatural strength.  One slashes at Thunder, opening up a wound on his side.  Two attack Farian, one missing cleanly, the other stabbing him in the side, slipping through a gap in his armor, and the fourth moves up to take the place of his fallen brethren next to Averdante, but misses his swing.

Temple Map end of round
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:38, Sun 28 Sept 2014.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 73 posts
Wed 1 Oct 2014
at 18:41
  • msg #143

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 Working at having to grab the dodging goblin kits and then once he has a grip he smacks his club on their heads to clean up the pile of goblins and slowly work toward grabbing the "good one".
Dungeon Master
GM, 136 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 3 Oct 2014
at 11:38
  • msg #144

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Drogo and Sir Aberlayne continue to work their way through the goblin young, trying to avoid their very sharp teeth.  It's like plunging your hand into a frenzy of fang-fish if you aren't careful, and Sir Aberlayne is gritting her teeth as she knocks another little tyrant into la-la land.  But just then she points at something in the depths of cage, a very small barrel, maybe barely a foot high, and quite round, the ends stopped up with crude patches of firewood and vine and scraps of cloth.

"That one!  That one there!" she exclaims, and yanks her hand away from another set of sharp little chompers.

Drogo can snatch up the barrel as Sir Aberlayne closes the door behind it.  From inside the barrel, they can hear some very soft whimpering.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 157 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Fri 3 Oct 2014
at 12:14
  • msg #145

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Having little success turning the skeletons, Farian attempts to strike with his mace, with just as little success as before! :(

08:11, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 7 using 1d20+2. to hit with mace.

Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 8 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 3 Oct 2014
at 13:07
  • msg #146

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas walks around Narthian and Thunder to get a free line of sight. He knows that the quicker they defeat the undead slaves, the quicker they can deal with the Shaman. But he can't attack them without hurting his companions. He readies one of the last spells he can cast today, his mind focusing on the acidic ball that appears in his hand and aiming at the skeleton.

21:04, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 14 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 12. Acid splash skeleton
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 74 posts
Fri 3 Oct 2014
at 14:09
  • msg #147

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 With deft hands he grabbed at the barrel and lifted it out of the cage and stood back at the maelstorm of crazed goblin kids and shut his mind to what might happen to them.

 Sitting the barrel down he put pressure on the few scrape's on his hands from the bites and looked around for any crazed goblin that had been missed from the first attack.
Elf Archer, 128 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 7 Oct 2014
at 05:04
  • msg #148

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e sees several options, but each one worse than the others. 

He curses the dark gods that fuel such atrocities, and swings again, this time punching with the hilt of his weapon, as a blow to crush the bones that contend against him.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 102 posts
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 10:42
  • msg #149

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Disappointed in what he could find but seeing little alternative, Bruenor trades out his trusty rapier for the club, moving in to engage the skeletons. However, the heavier weapon feels awkward in his hands, and he fails to land the blow.

OOC: 06:37, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 5 using 1d20+1. Attack roll: Club.
Dungeon Master
GM, 138 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 16:01
  • msg #150

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Outside the Temple

Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
With deft hands he grabbed at the barrel and lifted it out of the cage and stood back at the maelstorm of crazed goblin kids and shut his mind to what might happen to them.

 Sitting the barrel down he put pressure on the few scrapes on his hands from the bites and looked around for any crazed goblin that had been missed from the first attack.

The rest of the goblin young are in the cage, several knocked out, with two goblin wives outside of it, one unconscious, the other thoroughly intimidated by "Chief Drogo the Terrible."

At the moment, most of the goblins are contained.

Sir Aberlayne turns her head at the sound of shouting from inside the temple, and starts upright.  "Drogo, they're in trouble.  Keep these vermin from running away!" she says.  Then she takes off at a run, pausing just long enough to grab up several chunks of firewood from the firepit near the temple entrance.


In the Temple

Bruenor Sedricson:
Disappointed in what he could find but seeing little alternative, Bruenor trades out his trusty rapier for the club, moving in to engage the skeletons. However, the heavier weapon feels awkward in his hands, and he fails to land the blow.

Bruenor swings out hard, but the brute force needed for a club throws off his fencing timing, and he misses cleanly.

Narthian gives over trying to attack himself, and instead tries to draw the skeleton's ire, distracting it enough that Thunder manages to bite it firmly!  Unfortunately, the wolf's sharp teeth do not make much impression upon the dry bones.

Aver'e sees several options, but each one worse than the others.

He curses the dark gods that fuel such atrocities, and swings again, this time punching with the hilt of his weapon, as a blow to crush the bones that contend against him.

Averdanate smashes his sword hilt into the skeleton he wounded earlier, and it crumbles into dust at his feet as its skull is reduced to powder!

Volsh swings his sword with a mighty roar, and despite how difficult sharp blades are to harm bare bones, Volsh puts every bit of his considerable height and strength into the blow, and the skeleton explodes into bony shrapnel that scatters all around the room!

Farian Raymellie:
Having little success turning the skeletons, Farian attempts to strike with his mace, with just as little success as before!

Farian lashes out with his mace to no avail!

Haazheel tries to slam at one of the skeletons with his quarterstaff, but the blow is deflected off its shield.

Dellas Nump:
Dellas walks around Narthian and Thunder to get a free line of sight. He knows that the quicker they defeat the undead slaves, the quicker they can deal with the Shaman. But he can't attack them without hurting his companions. He readies one of the last spells he can cast today, his mind focusing on the acidic ball that appears in his hand and aiming at the skeleton.

21:04, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 14 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 12. Acid splash skeleton

Dellas aims carefully and a blot of burning acid begins to melt the bones of the nearest of the two standing skeletons.

The two remaining skeletons lash out with their swords at Volsh and Bruenor, but one sword deflects off Volsh's armor, and the other misses almost a foot above Bruenor's head.  Both still clog the doorway, their teeth chattering and clacking as if they're laughing at you from beyond the grave...
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 66 posts
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 17:12
  • msg #151

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Damn skeletons, if only we could pass them to defeat the shaman!" curses Haazheel after missing with his attack against one of them.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:13, Wed 08 Oct 2014.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 75 posts
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 17:25
  • msg #152

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 He truly did not like the idea of being alone with all the goblin children and their mothers. He could remember too many times watching or hearing about mothers getting mad enough to do anything to defend their children, would these goblin mothers have that dire sense built into their minds?.

 He smacked another savage
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 103 posts
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 18:44
  • msg #153

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Though at first indecisive from his own failure and the ineffectiveness of the weapons the group favors, Bruenor rallies at the sight of two foes falling. "Do not retreat, one last push to turn our luck around," He shouts, before taking a more learned swing at the skeleton.

[OOC: 14:43, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20+1. Attack roll: Club. ]
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 67 posts
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 21:21
  • msg #154

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel following the rallying call of Bruenor charges a skeletons and gives a strong blow with it to the nearest skeleton. "Go back to the darkness where you belong!"
15:50, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 19 using 1d20+1. Attack with quarterstaff.
Elf Archer, 129 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 21:52
  • msg #155

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e nods, shouting only a quick [Language unknown: "Pe ceul!"], again using the sword hilt as the best weapon he has at his disposal against the fleshless foes.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 76 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 22:12
  • msg #156

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian moves slightly to ensure flanking bonus with Thunder then takes a mighty swing at the skeleton.

17:11, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 7 using 1d6+1. Thunder damage.
17:10, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 21 using 1d20+5. Thunder bite Skeleton w/flanking bonus.
17:09, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 13 using 1d20+2. Attack Skeleton w/flanking bonus.

Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 46 posts
Thu 9 Oct 2014
at 01:58
  • msg #157

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh sheaths his sword with unsuspected grace for a man so massive. He drinks in the renewed vigor being displayed by his fearless companions, refueling him like stoked embers brought back to flame. The barbarian remembers this feeling, this resurgence of life, from his existence among his clansmen.

"They're worn thin. Let's finish 'em boys!" Volsh calls, his growl echoing from the ancient stone walls. He knows they must clear the way quickly.

*A blaze of light ignites behind Volsh's eyes as he plants his foot back and transfers his weight to swing his momentum forward. He cracks like a whip at the waist and attempts to bring his banded forehead down on one of the skeletons' alabaster skulls.

OOC: *If Volsh cannot get within range to strike this way, he will hold his action and let the others commence their assault.

20:29, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 21 using 1d20+3. Headbutt Attack.
20:34, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 6 using 1d3+3. Headbutt Dmg .

Dungeon Master
GM, 139 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 12 Oct 2014
at 20:48
  • msg #158

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Outside the Temple

Drogo continues his campaign of goblin sleep unabated.


In the Temple

Bruenor Sedricson:
Though at first indecisive from his own failure and the ineffectiveness of the weapons the group favors, Bruenor rallies at the sight of two foes falling. "Do not retreat, one last push to turn our luck around," He shouts, before taking a more learned swing at the skeleton.

[OOC: 14:43, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20+1. Attack roll: Club. ]

Bruenor slams his club into the nearest skeleton with a will, ribs cracking and skull flying as the skeleton collapses under his strike! 

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian moves slightly to ensure flanking bonus with Thunder then takes a mighty swing at the skeleton.

17:11, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 7 using 1d6+1. Thunder damage.
17:10, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 21 using 1d20+5. Thunder bite Skeleton w/flanking bonus.
17:09, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 13 using 1d20+2. Attack Skeleton w/flanking bonus.

Thunder's teeth score on the remaining skeleton without bringing it down, while Narthan's next attack rebounds off the skeleton's shield.

Aver'e nods, shouting only a quick , again using the sword hilt as the best weapon he has at his disposal against the fleshless foes.

Averdante's strike misses as the skeleton staggers under Thunder's assault.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh sheaths his sword with unsuspected grace for a man so massive. He drinks in the renewed vigor being displayed by his fearless companions, refueling him like stoked embers brought back to flame. The barbarian remembers this feeling, this resurgence of life, from his existence among his clansmen.

"They're worn thin. Let's finish 'em boys!" Volsh calls, his growl echoing from the ancient stone walls. He knows they must clear the way quickly.

*A blaze of light ignites behind Volsh's eyes as he plants his foot back and transfers his weight to swing his momentum forward. He cracks like a whip at the waist and attempts to bring his banded forehead down on one of the skeletons' alabaster skulls.

OOC: *If Volsh cannot get within range to strike this way, he will hold his action and let the others commence their assault.

20:29, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 21 using 1d20+3. Headbutt Attack.
20:34, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 6 using 1d3+3. Headbutt Dmg .

And then Volsh steps in around the crowd of his companions and uses his head to send the skeleton back into his grave!  The final bony foe collapses, and the way to the chamber beyond is undefended.

Sir Averdante nods at her companions, silently congratulating them on their success, and switches her club back for her axe.

No chanting from within the inner temple is heard now.  In the gloom of the inner chamber, you can see a dark altar on a dais, four large braziers, unlit, in the corners, and two looming statues of some robed figures flanking the altar.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:55, Sun 12 Oct 2014.
Elf Archer, 130 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 13 Oct 2014
at 20:59
  • msg #159

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e sheatches his longsword and knockes an arow in his bow, staying low as he steps cautiously and quietly through the door, senses sharp for any sign of their profane quarry.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 77 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Mon 13 Oct 2014
at 22:39
  • msg #160

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian quietly calls Thunder to him, stows his scimitar, draws his bow and looks for something meaty to feather, staying behind someone more heavily armored.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:40, Mon 13 Oct 2014.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 9 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 14 Oct 2014
at 04:57
  • msg #161

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas takes a step forward and whispers: "I think we should press on, I don't like the silence" He first tries to listen if the voice really stopped and then he tries to listen to movement in the inner temple.

OOC: 12:57, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 16 using 1d20+5. listen movement.
OOC: 12:56, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 10 using 1d20+5. listen voice.

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 68 posts
Tue 14 Oct 2014
at 19:26
  • msg #162

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazhel enters quietly the room, his crossbow ready to shoot. He tries to spot the shaman in the dim light of the room or hear any signs of his presence.
14:24, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 9 using 1d20+4. spot the shaman in the shadows of the room.
14:26, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 19 using 1d20+1. Listen.

Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 104 posts
Tue 14 Oct 2014
at 22:49
  • msg #163

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor advances quietly with his companions, giving a nod to the pyromancer's whispered suggestion. He carefully discards the club, switching to his rapier as he slips quietly across the stones; his ears are open for the sound of his foe, but he tasks his eyes with casting a sharp glance in Farian's direction.

[OOC:18:44, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 7 using 1d20-1. Spot.
  18:44, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20-1. Listen.
  18:44, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20+3. Move Silently. ]

Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 47 posts
Wed 15 Oct 2014
at 00:10
  • msg #164

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh pumps his massive paws open and closed a number of times, his blood coursing with the raw energy of combat. He snorts a deep exhalation of impatience in seeing that his companions are shifting to a covert approach. Smart, he thinks, but frustrating.

His mind flashes with brief images. Ones of crushing the outsized, misshapen skull of another goblin. Images of its dusky skin darkening quickly from the trauma of his bludgeoning fists. Followed by the silence every battle knows at its end. Silence heard only by the victors, heard only by those still breathing.

Instead, the barbarous man stifles his rage. His eyes flitting through the dark reaches of the chamber ahead. He chances a glance backward to avoid being taken unaware while he allows the others to enter the chamber. Volsh takes his place in the doorway and halts in a defensive posture, ensuring the shaman cannot flee if it should get past his allies.
Dungeon Master
GM, 142 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 11:27
  • msg #165

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Sir Averdante flanks with Volsh, providing coverage both high and low in the event their quarry tries to escape, while the rest of the group spreads out inside the inner chamber, hunting for the shaman.

Thunder puts his nose in the air and begins to cast about for the freshest goblin scent, while Haazheel, Farian, Bruenor, Dellas and Averdante hunt more conventionally.  Bruenor and Averdante remains as quiet as possible, leaving the other three to attract a bit more attention.  As you approach the altar, you notice that the wall behind has some carvings on it, but they're smeared over with what looks (and smells) like a combination of mud and dung. 

Dellas weasel familiar Vish makes a soft squeaking sound in his ear  as Thunder suddenly growls at a corner by one of the braziers.  With a sudden whoosh, pale blue flames erupt from the braziers, bringing a chill instead of warmth.  Revealed on the altar is a goblin in pieced-together robes painted with something wet that has a raw flesh stench to it.  The goblin bears a crystal sword at least as long as he is, and his body looks distorted, like behind the heat waves of a summer's day.  He shouts at you from his vantage point.

"[Language unknown: Venyinthu korpa plnoplne!  Ratng llec whsape sti tialna to Wasortectica urpa Ameure'stilar, Paivnapl t Manepl ndeel Lisafo pa Ear!]"

As he shouts, the two stone hooded figures step forward and reach out to clasp each other's hand, leaving the outer fist clenched in a small boulder of woe to all who would approach.

OOC:  Nobody is surprised, as you all came loaded for bear and suspicious besides.  Let the butt-kicking commence!
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:09, Thu 30 Oct 2014.
Elf Archer, 131 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 19 Oct 2014
at 06:18
  • msg #166

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e wastes no time in sending an arrow at the target that presents itself, shifting deeper into the room as he does so.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 10 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 20 Oct 2014
at 00:23
  • msg #167

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The Whoosh from the flames was his cue to fumble out one of his last scrolls and to  unleash a cone of searing flames against the hooded figure and the Goblin on top of the altar. Hoping that his size will make it easier to hit both and maybe to turn their robes into torches.

08:22, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 2 using 1d4. Burn Goblin Burn!
11:14, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 20 using 1d20+2. Ini

This message was last edited by the player at 03:16, Mon 20 Oct 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 78 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Mon 20 Oct 2014
at 01:19
  • msg #168

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dellas Nump (msg # 167):

Finally, something with meat on it's bones...Narthian raises his bow, takes careful aim, and lets his arrow do his talking.

20:13, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 6 using 1d8.
20:12, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 18 using 1d20+3. Bow attack.
20:12, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 14 using 1d20+3. Initiative.

Dungeon Master
GM, 143 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 14:56
  • msg #169

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas Nump:
The Whoosh from the flames was his cue to fumble out one of his last scrolls and to  unleash a cone of searing flames against the hooded figure and the Goblin on top of the altar. Hoping that his size will make it easier to hit both and maybe to turn their robes into torches.

08:22, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 2 using 1d4. Burn Goblin Burn!
11:14, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 20 using 1d20+2. Ini

The two stone statues don't even seem to realize they can try to avoid the fire, whilst the nimble shaman dodges adroitly, only getting slightly scorches as Dellas sheet of flames washes over nearly the entire side of the temple!

Aver'e wastes no time in sending an arrow at the target that presents itself, shifting deeper into the room as he does so.

Averdante shifts to the side, trying to work his way around to the wall behind the altar.  He gets off an arrow at one of the stone robed figures, but it shatters against the creature's tough surface and it doesn't even seem to notice things.

Farian darts forward to swing at the figure on the opposite side, but misses as well, his mace hitting only air.

OOC:  09:26, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 13 using 1d20+2. Attack figure.

Narthian Goldleaf:
In reply to Dellas Nump (msg # 167):

Finally, something with meat on its bones...Narthian raises his bow, takes careful aim, and lets his arrow do his talking.

Narthian's arrow flies straight and true despite the distorting effects of the goblin's shield and thuds squarely into the goblin's thigh, making him shriek and dance in a ludicrous display of pain and rage.  Thunder sees the goblin and lunges through the barrier of stone statues in a high leap, but cannot set his teeth in the goblin's flesh.

09:34, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Narthian Goldleaf, rolled 5 using 1d20+3. Thunder attack.

Bruenor darts forward to join Farian in menacing the stone figure on the right, but cannot get through its tough hide.

09:36, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Bruenor Sedricson, rolled 8 using 1d20+4.

The room getting a bit crowded, Haazheel tries to fire off a crossbow, but to little effect as it arcs over and lands to sizzle in a brazier.

09:41, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Haazheel Thorn, rolled 11 using 1d20+2. crossbow attack.

Sir Aberlayne darts in over to the stone figure Averdante had attacked and strikes it with her battleaxe, a few stone chips flying.

09:45, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 18 using 1d20+6. Attack stone figure.
09:46, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 3 using 1d6+1. Battleaxe damage.

Volsh also wades in to fight high to Sir Aberlayne's low, but perhaps a bit too high, as the statue ducks slightly below his blade.

09:48, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Volsh son of Vor, rolled 7 using 1d20+4. Attack with longsword.

The stone figures lash out as one, heavy fists striking for the lithe Bruenor and the agile Volsh, both missing as their eerie silent attacks betray nothing but a breeze, no battle cry, no smell of sweat.

09:50, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Stone figure 1, rolled 10 using 1d20+2. Attack Volsh.
09:50, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Stone figure 2, rolled 5 using 1d20+2. Attack Bruenor.

The Shaman looked as if he would have liked to attack Narthian, but with Thunder in his face, he turns his crystal blade on the wolf, snarling like a rabid beast.  The crystal blade slashes down on Thunder, opening up a bloody, ugly wound and making the blade flare bright red.

09:51, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Goblin Shaman, rolled 19 using 1d20+5. Attack Thunder.
09:51, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Goblin Shaman, rolled 11 using 1d20+5. Confirm Critical on Thunder.  (fail to confirm)
09:51, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Goblin Shaman, rolled 4 using 1d8+3. Shaman damage on Thunder.

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 79 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 19:00
  • msg #170

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Seeing Thunder take another brutal hit, Narthian decides it is time for a different approach. "Thunder, come. Guard me."

As soon as he recalls Thunder, Narthian begins a quick chant, accompanied by gestures with his right hand. Giving up calm animals, he casts Summon Nature's Ally, calling forth a wolf behind the shaman and commanding it to attack.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:27, Wed 22 Oct 2014.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 48 posts
Thu 23 Oct 2014
at 01:03
  • msg #171

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh quickly coils to attempt another strike at the stone figure.

20:02, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 9 using 1d20+4. Longsword Attack.
Elf Archer, 132 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 23 Oct 2014
at 05:37
  • msg #172

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Despite being frustrated that his weapon of choice failed him the first time, Aver'e shifts a bit more to the side as he knocks another arrow and lets fly, his elven eyes intent on the target.

As he looses and prepares another, he utters a terse, businesslike comment, "[Language unknown: Orethaere pa steear intat tedcomati aioer!]"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 106 posts
Thu 23 Oct 2014
at 13:02
  • msg #173

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I will harry the shaman," Bruenor calls, breaking engagement with the stone figures.

[OOC: If possible, Bruenor will attack the shaman with combat expertise
09:00, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 15 using 1d20+3. Combat Expertise Attack: Rapier.
09:00, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 4 using 1d6. Damage: Rapier.

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 69 posts
Thu 23 Oct 2014
at 19:30
  • msg #174

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel takes aim to shoot another arrow in the direction of the shaman from the back of the room.
13:21, Thu 23 Oct 2014: Haazheel Thorn rolled 18 using 1d20+2 ((16)). attack with crossbow.
14:28, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 3 using 1d8. damage.

Hoping to give advantage to his companions, as soon as Haazheel finds an clear window to cast color spray on the direction of the shaman, he'll do so.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 12 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 24 Oct 2014
at 04:59
  • msg #175

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Seeing the statues engulfed in flames brings a smile across his face. But seeing the Goblin half evading his blast makes his smile disappear. Again he reaches in his bag and brings out another scroll and tries to burn as many foes as he can while he still can control himself and tries not to hit any of his companions.

12:58, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 3 using 1d4. Burn Goblin Burn!
Dungeon Master
GM, 144 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 27 Oct 2014
at 06:04
  • msg #176

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas, not wanting to crisp Thunder, delays just a hair to wait for the wolf to leap out of harm's way.

Narthian Goldleaf:
Seeing Thunder take another brutal hit, Narthian decides it is time for a different approach. "Thunder, come. Guard me."

As soon as he recalls Thunder, Narthian begins a quick chant, accompanied by gestures with his right hand. Giving up calm animals, he casts Summon Nature's Ally, calling forth a wolf behind the shaman and commanding it to attack.

Thunder leaps away from the shaman and back to Narthian's side, growling as Narthian begins the length process of summoning, entreating the gods of nature to send him an ally in this fight.

Dellas Nump:
Seeing the statues engulfed in flames brings a smile across his face. But seeing the Goblin half evading his blast makes his smile disappear. Again he reaches in his bag and brings out another scroll and tries to burn as many foes as he can while he still can control himself and tries not to hit any of his companions.

12:58, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 3 using 1d4. Burn Goblin Burn!

With Thunder out of the way, Dellas steps up just a hair to avoid his fellows hacking away at the stone figures, and unleashes more fire upon the goblin shaman.  With a shriek of surprise, the shaman takes the full brunt of the flames, his robes smoldering, and his face becoming black with soot and rage.

Despite being frustrated that his weapon of choice failed him the first time, Aver'e shifts a bit more to the side as he knocks another arrow and lets fly, his elven eyes intent on the target.

This time Averdante's arrow flies straight and true through the magical distortion, hitting the shaman high in the shoulder and drawing another hiss from him.

Bruenor Sedricson:
"I will harry the shaman," Bruenor calls, breaking engagement with the stone figures.

Bruenor attacks the shaman with caution, and it's good he did, because as he tries to thrust his sword over the stone figures' joined hands, they try to slam him across the room.  He dodges adroitly, but it would have been a terribly blow if they had connected.  His blade slides in, but it seems to catch on a hardened shell of air in front of the shaman and it turned aside, instead of being able to sink into flesh.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel takes aim to shoot another arrow in the direction of the shaman from the back of the room.

Haazheel's arrow strikes next to Averdante's, and the shaman is now a-bristle with feathered shafts.

Farian tries to attack the stone figure on the left, but swings wide again in his excitement.

OOC: 00:53, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 9 using 1d20+2. Attack stone figure.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh quickly coils to attempt another strike at the stone figure.

Volsh's attack on the right spangs off the stone figure's rocky skin with a metallic ringing sound.

Sir Averdante manages a strong hit below where Volsh hadn't quite been able to penetrate, and her axe sends a few more chips flying.

OOC: 00:55, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 24 using 1d20+6. Attack stone figure.
00:56, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 2 using 1d6+1. Battleaxe damage.

The stone figures lash out, one at Bruenor, missing, the other at Sir Aberlayne, catching her in the stomach with a loud clang.

OOC:  00:57, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Stone Figure, rolled 25 using 2d20+1 with rolls of 8,16. Attacks on Bruenor and Sir Aberlayne.
00:59, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Stone Figure, rolled 3 using 1d6+1 with rolls of 2. Slam damage.

The goblin shaman cackles wildly and steps back on the altar top, just out of Bruenor's range.  Then he points his sword at one of the braziers.  A ball of fire as big as a human leaps from it and tries to mow Bruenor now.  Startled, Bruenor's reflexes save him from painful burns, but the room is now even more crowded with the large ball of flame rolling around inside it!


Outside the Temple

Drogo finishes knocking out the last of the goblin young, just leaving one bawling goblin wife, snot running down her noise, quietly wailing wordlessly as she crouches on the ground.

"[Language unknown: Iv oshat heter t ha Maeksi, Antmenave ng Holleihi?]" she asks, pounding her chest and rocking back and forth.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 80 posts
Listen to the Wind
You can't go wrong, much
Mon 27 Oct 2014
at 16:39
  • msg #177

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian draws his bow  and lets fly at a stone figure, missing dramatically. His summoned wolf appears behind the shaman, but is is an exceedingly clumsy example of it's kind. As it lunges toward the shaman, it trips on it's own paws and faceplants right behind the shaman with a thud and a whimper of pain.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 77 posts
Mon 27 Oct 2014
at 16:58
  • msg #178

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 The goblin voice that touched his ears and the question rang in uneasiness thru his mind...What are we going to do with this goblin child?, the paladin said there was good within it, he had doubts but for now he go along with the guided one and hope he was right.

 Turning to the wailing goblin and would have felt sympathy for the violence done to her children of hers. "We will take him and see if we can give it guidance, if not then he dies." He knew she would not trust anything he said if he was not hard to her.

 He looked to the old ruins to see if any were returning back to here.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 14 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 28 Oct 2014
at 01:56
  • msg #179

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Seeing that his second attack was more successful than the first makes him laugh, loud and a little maniacal. Those who look at him, can clearly see a fire in his eyes, bright and flickering it seems to have a life of its own.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 71 posts
Tue 28 Oct 2014
at 17:39
  • msg #180

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel tries to find a clear shot to cast color spray on the shaman and the stone figures. Finding one, Haazheel concentrates on his spell, remembering each word of the incantation and casts it.
Elf Archer, 136 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 29 Oct 2014
at 06:46
  • msg #181

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Encouraged by finally seeing results, Aver'e knocks another shaft, draws the barbed head back to the bow, and lets fly, but perhaps his eagerness is his undoing as luck is not with him this time.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 108 posts
Wed 29 Oct 2014
at 13:55
  • msg #182

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

With a better understanding of his foe's defenses, Bruenor readies his rapier, pointing it directly at the shaman's heart, waiting until his foe is most distracted before lashing out.

[OOC: I ready an attack of oppertunity for when the shaman concentrates on his spell, forgoing my feat in order to break his concentration.If Haazheel's spell comes through, I will attack instead.]
This message was last edited by the player at 13:56, Wed 29 Oct 2014.
Dungeon Master
GM, 145 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 30 Oct 2014
at 12:14
  • msg #183

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian draws his bow  and lets fly at a stone figure, missing dramatically. His summoned wolf appears behind the shaman, but is is an exceedingly clumsy example of its kind. As it lunges toward the shaman, it trips on it's own paws and faceplants right behind the shaman with a thud and a whimper of pain.

The shaman doesn't even seem to notice the pratfalling wolf.

Dellas Nump:
Seeing that his second attack was more successful than the first makes him laugh, loud and a little maniacal. Those who look at him, can clearly see a fire in his eyes, bright and flickering it seems to have a life of its own.

Dellas laughs uproariously at the little pleasures of life.

Encouraged by finally seeing results, Aver'e knocks another shaft, draws the barbed head back to the bow, and lets fly, but perhaps his eagerness is his undoing as luck is not with him this time.

Averdante's arrow flies wide to shatter against the wall, and the shaman chortles wildly.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel tries to find a clear shot to cast color spray on the shaman and the stone figures. Finding one, Haazheel concentrates on his spell, remembering each word of the incantation and casts it.

Haazheel has to shift over and actually balance on one of the legs of a brazier to get an angle that won't hit Bruenor, but he finally finds what he's looking for and lets loose a cacophonous blast of color to confuse and disorient the shaman!  But as the colors leave Haazheel's hand, they are swallowed up in the shadows still clinging to the air.  The shaman roars with laughter at the young wizard's mistake.

That's when Bruenor makes his move.

Bruenor Sedricson:
With a better understanding of his foe's defenses, Bruenor readies his rapier, pointing it directly at the shaman's heart, waiting until his foe is most distracted before lashing out.

Bruenor goes to take advantage of the shaman's mirth, raising his sword.  But the stone statues are still flanking him, their stone hands joined in front of them, and though he was able to dodge them once, this time he isn't so lucky.  Their combined fist slam into him, and he hears several ribs snap with wet snaps under the force.

But that doesn't deter him, and he pushes through the pain, through the shaman's protective spells, and skewers the shaman right through the heart.  There's a moment of surprise on his face.  A bark of laughter.  And then he keels over sideways.

The stone statues fall forward and collapse into gravel, narrowly missing Farian, Volsh, and Sir Averlayne.  The ball of fire and the gloom of shadow evaporate from the air, leaving morning sunlight now streaming through the doorway.

You have won!


Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
The goblin voice that touched his ears and the question rang in uneasiness thru his mind...What are we going to do with this goblin child?, the paladin said there was good within it, he had doubts but for now he go along with the guided one and hope he was right.

 Turning to the wailing goblin and would have felt sympathy for the violence done to her children of hers. "We will take him and see if we can give it guidance, if not then he dies." He knew she would not trust anything he said if he was not hard to her.

 He looked to the old ruins to see if any were returning back to here.

Kubal looks a little confused, and ventures timidly, "[Language unknown: Ear prsom en tio ioomet ce Hewiunad.  Lo pl oresoncon.]"
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 50 posts
Thu 30 Oct 2014
at 23:25
  • msg #184

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh lets out a deep growling laugh that echoes in the now silent chamber, "Well placed thrust master Bruenor!" He utters proudly. "I'd say that calls for a foamy jug of ale good sir, my treat, whenever you'd collect." He chortles again. A wide grin makes apparent the extreme mirth he is feeling; there is no hiding it.

"Let us gather the dead and set them ablaze. No reason their stink and rot should poison this area further. Master Dellas, maybe you should have the honors of working the flames once a heap is formed." A jovial chuckle lets forth from behind his teeth. Volsh sheaths his blade and turns to leave the chamber but pauses, "Perhaps some should begin gathering the valuables that belong to the villagers." With his foes slain, he exits the chamber with a new purpose.

OOC: Volsh will begin with the furthest bodies from the temple and pile them near a central point, stripping them of any valuables that look salvageable. Once all the goblins and wolves are piled he will leave it to someone else to handle the fire. 
Elf Archer, 138 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 30 Oct 2014
at 23:56
  • msg #185

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e does not release his draw on the next arrow.

"Hold Volsh! There is a secret door behind the alter, there", he indicates with a toss of his head in the direction his bow is now pointed.

"I do not know if the Shaman knew of it or no, or if more enemies may lay beyond it, but this room nor us are secure until we know what is behind it."

He keeps his aim toward that area, and then adds, "If you will watch the door, I will retrieve Drogo - this is his sort of work, and I council that none other approach it until he is satisfied that it is safe to do so."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 17 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 31 Oct 2014
at 02:07
  • msg #186

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

He laughed and only stopped when he saw the shaman fall, which turned his laughing into a sour smile. He wanted to be the one who killed the shaman but hearing that he still can set him on fire makes almost up for it. He opened his mouth as he wanted to say something but was interrupted by Averdante. "You have good eyes Averdante, I agree, we should wait and then open it. But not after searching the shaman at least. Maybe he has the key or another useful item."
With this he walks over and searches the shaman first, making sure not to miss hiding spots like inside the boots.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:08, Fri 31 Oct 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 82 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Fri 31 Oct 2014
at 07:56
  • msg #187

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian kneels to give Thunder a scratch behind his ears and to examine his wounds. "Before we go opening any doors, does anyone command their deity's favor for a healing blessing? I ask not for myself, but for Thunder. He has sustained two deep wounds and I fear to take him into danger once again. Alas, healing is not my specialty."

02:53, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 10 using 1d20+3. Heal check on Thunder.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:58, Fri 31 Oct 2014.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 72 posts
Fri 31 Oct 2014
at 20:09
  • msg #188

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"hummmmm sounds like the color spray spell does not work when a darkness spell is already casted around, good to know... Anyway the shaman is dead, that's all matter" says the wizard looking at the dead shaman body that Dellas is searching. "Anything interesting Master Dellas?"
"I'm afraid my druidish friend that I do not have any spells to help out valiant companion, but if you think it might help at some point, I can cast mage armor on him to help him" Haazheel answered to Narthian's request.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:10, Fri 31 Oct 2014.
Dungeon Master
GM, 146 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 1 Nov 2014
at 12:54
  • msg #189

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh lets out a deep growling laugh that echoes in the now silent chamber, "Well placed thrust master Bruenor!" He utters proudly. "I'd say that calls for a foamy jug of ale good sir, my treat, whenever you'd collect." He chortles again. A wide grin makes apparent the extreme mirth he is feeling; there is no hiding it.

"Let us gather the dead and set them ablaze. No reason their stink and rot should poison this area further. Master Dellas, maybe you should have the honors of working the flames once a heap is formed." A jovial chuckle lets forth from behind his teeth. Volsh sheaths his blade and turns to leave the chamber but pauses, "Perhaps some should begin gathering the valuables that belong to the villagers." With his foes slain, he exits the chamber with a new purpose.

OOC: Volsh will begin with the furthest bodies from the temple and pile them near a central point, stripping them of any valuables that look salvageable. Once all the goblins and wolves are piled he will leave it to someone else to handle the fire. 

Volsh circles the room, and finds some places in the corners where the shaman and his favored riders must have slept.  He gathers up their things, and circles the room for anything else.  The skeletons had shields and longswords, but they are rather old and not in terribly good repair.  There's also the usual sort of goblin "treasure," a red hat festooned with insects skewered to it, a blue wooden stick thrust through a bunch of mushrooms, a necklace of pointy teeth, a ball of thorns, a dried snake tied in a knot, a pig snout made into a broach.

He also finds several of the items he heard talked about that had been stolen from the village - the wolf pelts, the golden aurmvorax pelt, the jewel coffer, and the festival drums.

But unrelated to what the goblins had stolen, there are a couple of metal vials full of some liquid, the bottles delicately etched with flowers, assorted coin (roughly four hundred and fifty gold in assorted coin, scattered across many belt pouches and what not), the shaman's crystal sword (a longsword of exceptional craftsmanship), a vial of alchemist's fire, two tanglefoot bags, a bundle of a dozen torches, three sets of flint and steel, and finely-carved set of oars.

What a set of oars are doing here, you're not entirely sure, but here they are.

Aver'e does not release his draw on the next arrow.

"Hold Volsh! There is a secret door behind the alter, there", he indicates with a toss of his head in the direction his bow is now pointed.

"I do not know if the Shaman knew of it or no, or if more enemies may lay beyond it, but this room nor us are secure until we know what is behind it."

He keeps his aim toward that area, and then adds, "If you will watch the door, I will retrieve Drogo - this is his sort of work, and I council that none other approach it until he is satisfied that it is safe to do so."

Averdante can leave the temple and seek out Drogo.  It seems as if all of the goblin young and one of the goblin wives are unconscious, and one other is still conscious, but looking cowed.  Drogo has a small barrel under his arm.

Dellas Nump:
He laughed and only stopped when he saw the shaman fall, which turned his laughing into a sour smile. He wanted to be the one who killed the shaman but hearing that he still can set him on fire makes almost up for it. He opened his mouth as he wanted to say something but was interrupted by Averdante. "You have good eyes Averdante, I agree, we should wait and then open it. But not after searching the shaman at least. Maybe he has the key or another useful item."
With this he walks over and searches the shaman first, making sure not to miss hiding spots like inside the boots.

Dellas examines the shaman's body with exacting care.  After several minutes, he does manage to find two slim vials tucked away in the shaman's hat.  They glow slightly blue through their thin glass walls.

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian kneels to give Thunder a scratch behind his ears and to examine his wounds. "Before we go opening any doors, does anyone command their deity's favor for a healing blessing? I ask not for myself, but for Thunder. He has sustained two deep wounds and I fear to take him into danger once again. Alas, healing is not my specialty."

02:53, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 10 using 1d20+3. Heal check on Thunder.

Thunder is sorely wounded, but Narthian can clean his wounds and bandage them, providing his friend with at least some relief.

Farian can come forward as he sees Bruenor hurt, and Sir Aberlayne too rummages around in her belt pouch, bringing out vials that are softly glowing blue, marked with Yondall's cornucopia.

"Brother, I'll take care of Thunder, if you will take care of Bruenor?" she suggests.

Farian steps forward, holding his hands out to Bruenor.  "Pelor's grace, close your wounds," he intones.  Sunlight spills from his hands, and some of the pain eases.

Sir Aberlayne kneels down next to Thunder, and looks up at Farian briefly.  "Drink this down, there's a good wolf.  Yondalla's power heal you for your courage in protecting us."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 111 posts
Sun 2 Nov 2014
at 00:49
  • msg #190

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor rises, the pain of his wounds abated for now, but his expression is still dour as he turns to the priest. "I thank you for the healing, but this fight could have ended far worse." Bruenor affixes the priest with a stern glare, his blue eyes glinting.

"Gods, man, have you no head?! What were you thinking, running in here alone? You not only knew that the shaman was awaiting us, not only were we in his lair, but you did not know what traps he could have laid out for you to stumble into! If not for the swiftness and skill of the rest of us, you would have joined those skeletons in their unhallowed dance!"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 18 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sun 2 Nov 2014
at 07:15
  • msg #191

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

He looks curiously at the two slightly blue glowing vials and says "Hey, I found some potions or maybe just a midnight drink..." while putting them carefully away in his pack.
He paid no attention to Bruenor... Dellas knows that it could have been much worse, maybe they disturbed the shaman in summoning something bigger.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 51 posts
Sun 2 Nov 2014
at 14:45
  • msg #192

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The barbarian makes a hasty pile of the goods outside the chamber entryway. He keeps hold of the crystal sword however, and attaches its scabbard opposite his other two on his right hip.

Volsh approaches his companions and gestures with a meaty paw at the hidden portal, "If we are ready," he grumbles, "that passage still awaits if we are to find out what concerns lay beyond. We can make a pyre of the dead when we are satisfied all dangers are dealt with."

OOC: Volsh remains in place, waiting for Drogo to identify any hazards with the door itself. Once pronounced clear, he will enter.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 158 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Tue 4 Nov 2014
at 14:30
  • msg #193

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor rises, the pain of his wounds abated for now, but his expression is still dour as he turns to the priest. "I thank you for the healing, but this fight could have ended far worse." Bruenor affixes the priest with a stern glare, his blue eyes glinting.

"Gods, man, have you no head?! What were you thinking, running in here alone? You not only knew that the shaman was awaiting us, not only were we in his lair, but you did not know what traps he could have laid out for you to stumble into! If not for the swiftness and skill of the rest of us, you would have joined those skeletons in their unhallowed dance!"

"I was not about to wait and let that rat have any more time to prepare himself with his rituals!  He could have been summoning creatures or setting traps, and the longer we waited, the greater advantage he would have had!  I might have stumbled into a trap, but it would have been far worse if we'd given him even more time to plot against us!" Farian says.  He crosses his arms.  "He is dead now anyway.  The darkness has been banished."
Elf Archer, 139 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 5 Nov 2014
at 00:39
  • msg #194

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dungeon Master:
Averdante can leave the temple and seek out Drogo.  It seems as if all of the goblin young and one of the goblin wives are unconscious, and one other is still conscious, but looking cowed.  Drogo has a small barrel under his arm.

Aver'e jogs to where Drogo waits, and relays the victory and the secret door...
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 83 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Wed 5 Nov 2014
at 00:59
  • msg #195

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian moves in front of the door, a few feet back, and nocks an arrow. Once it has been examined and found safe--and ready to be opened, he will fully draw the arrow ready to fire upon what is concealed behind it.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 112 posts
Thu 6 Nov 2014
at 00:27
  • msg #197

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian Raymellie:
"I was not about to wait and let that rat have any more time to prepare himself with his rituals!  He could have been summoning creatures or setting traps, and the longer we waited, the greater advantage he would have had!  I might have stumbled into a trap, but it would have been far worse if we'd given him even more time to plot against us!" Farian says.  He crosses his arms.  "He is dead now anyway.  The darkness has been banished."

"Yes, he is dead, because we spared no time in chasing after you into the night. Your argument is naught but supposition, but you know what would have happened had you been alone. You would be spread on the ground, wrapped in Nerull's shroud," Bruenor states. He then says, "When one man runs into the unknown, he can lead others into death," before turning to join the rest of the group.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 52 posts
Thu 6 Nov 2014
at 02:57
  • msg #198

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"You're both right by the Gods." Volsh offers, his manner gruff and stern. "Bruenor, by the sense that allows you to think as sharp and quick as that rapier you wield. And Farian, by the bravery that hastens you into the fray as a hound of your deity."

He strokes his gnarled beard, picking flecks of road dust or goblin offal or leftovers of the morning's repast. His nostrils flare with impatience. "We worked well together today. We can rest knowing that. The good is won by vanquishing the evil, no matter the path taken."
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 78 posts
Thu 6 Nov 2014
at 03:42
  • msg #199

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 He glanced at the barrel for a second and back at the goblin mothers, "That is the child with a changed heart, it comes with us and to no harm unless it reverts to its old nature. Now what about this door and why is the paladin not with you?, he said she would return..i think she said so."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 84 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Thu 6 Nov 2014
at 04:27
  • msg #200

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 198):

"Yes, but we cannot rest until we clear the area. Who will examine and open the door?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 73 posts
Thu 6 Nov 2014
at 21:59
  • msg #201

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

I think we should wait our expert to take care of that door answered the wizard to Narthian. I found that strange this door closed where the shaman was hiding. He could have escaped that way when we where fighting his stone protectors.
Elf Archer, 140 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 6 Nov 2014
at 23:36
  • msg #202

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Drogo O'Logo Underbough:
" Now what about this door and why is the paladin not with you?, he said she would return..i think she said so."

"I  cannot speak for her - she chose to stay behind with the others. The door is near the altar in the temple - we can bring these inside I suppose," gesturing to the cage and the adult goblins, "or you could send the paladin back here while I wait. But I think it would be wise if I were there with you, both to assist and for my eyes and ears."
Dungeon Master
GM, 147 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 8 Nov 2014
at 12:04
  • msg #204

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The door, should anyone care to examine it, looks like just part of the wall at first glance.  Letters are deeply graven into it, and have been plastered over with what looks and smells like mud and dung.  As goblins hate and fear writing, that's not at all unusual.  If they couldn't have destroyed the words, they could have covered it over.

It's only with very careful looking that the seams of the door become apparently as barely-larger gaps in the stone on either side.

Assuming Drogo, as the resident expert on all things tricky, would like to examine the door once he figures out what to do with the goblins, he can take a close look around the edge.  Other than the stink, he doesn't notice anything about it that would hurt him, and can, with a flourish, open the door.

It swings out, barely missing the altar.

In front of the door for about thirty feet the normally square and precise flagstone that had pervaded the temple stops and is replaced with a thirty foot long relief carving of various creatures, from butterflies to tigers.  Beyond the carvings are a large set of intricately carved double doors flanked by braziers that flare into life as the secret door opens.  Carved into the floor almost at your feet is a series of lines that flow organically from one to another.  The language is an ancient form of the Common tongue, a little difficult to read, but not impossible.
It reads - "One foot in a shell quite tight, six feet with wings of night, six feet with wings of light, and a hungry one with many who never takes flight.  A hundred with poison, a thousand without, a kiss from eight will knock you out.  Quiet as such, and blind as this, the eyes of this one never miss.  I live in the earth and feast on her flesh, drowning in rain, but cut me in half and I feel no pain, but live again, twice as strong but half as long.  
"Step on us, we won't hurt you you'll see, but fail to find us and dead you'll be, for our brothers and sister are not as kind as we."
The relief carving has dozens of creatures on it, each one in their own space.  They are not in proportion, as you see the butterfly is as large as the whale, and the rabbit looks face-to-face with a sparrow.

Looking at the relief on the floor you discover it has the following animals in this order:

~~~~You Are Here~~~~

Each of the animals is in a square that meets the ones around it, so it's fairly easy to step from one creature the other, even diagonally.  However, it would be a bit tricky to skip an entire square.  You would have to be a good jumper.  The walls here are fairly smooth as well, which means that climbing them would be fairly hard.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:08, Sat 08 Nov 2014.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 19 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sun 9 Nov 2014
at 01:29
  • msg #205

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas takes a step back and hides half behind the altar, ready to cast one of his last spells as the door opens. But relaxes when he notices that there are no enemies behind it but a corridor. Waiting for another one (warrior type) to take the lead, he follows as close second and at once goes to the inscription. Reading it out loud he ponders about it for half a minute before turning around to the others: "I believe that if we wish to continue we should step only on those animals that are described here. The first line goes: 'One foot in a shell quite tight, six feet with wings of night' and we have a snail, a ladybug and a whale here.... I guess it should be the snail first and then the firefly... or the moth?" For a few minutes he seems to be occupied with thinking about the riddle.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 85 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Sun 9 Nov 2014
at 07:39
  • msg #206

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Agreed. Snail, moth, firefly, alligator, centipede, millipede, spider, mouse, bat, hawk worm. The only thing I see as confusing is why there are 2 in the second row and only 1 in each of the others.  And the jump from firefly to alligator looks tricky. "

12:03, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17 using 1d20+2. Int  check on old languate.
12:02, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 15 using 1d20+8. Knowledge (nature) to decipher the ancient common tongue.

Sorry, I was on my phone when I originally posted and wasn't able to cut/paste the riddle or the tiles easily.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:07, Sun 09 Nov 2014.
Elf Archer, 142 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 9 Nov 2014
at 12:06
  • msg #207

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"There are 10 rows of tiles, but 11 clues - there is no jump, but a sidestep on the second or third row..."

He reads off the clues, and points to the animals...

    1) One foot in a shell quite tight

    2) six feet with wings of night
    3) six feet with wings of light
    4) and a hungry one with many who never takes flight.  

    5) A hundred with poison
    6) a thousand without
    7) a kiss from eight will knock you out
    8) Quiet as such
    9) blind as this
    10) the eyes of this one never miss
    11) I live in the earth and feast on her flesh, drowning in rain, but cut me in half and I feel no pain, but live again, twice as strong but half as long.  
      1 = Snail~~~~~~Ladybug~~~~Whale

      ? = Firefly~~~~~Moth~~~~~~Mole
      ? = Butterfly~~~Dragonfly~~~Alligator

      5 = Caterpillar~~Centipede~~~~Lion
      6 = Bear~~~~~Tiger~~~~~~Millipede
      7 = Raccoon~~~~Deer~~~~~~Spider
      8 = Rabbit~~~~Sparrow~~~~Mouse
      9 = Duck~~~~~Bat~~~~~~~Snake
      10= Hawk~~~~Beetle~~~~~~Turtle
      11= Trout~~~~Worm~~~~~~Clam

"That leaves 3 clues for 2 lines. The dialect is old - the 'hungry one with many'  - many teeth, since the only one on the third row that 'never takes flight' is the alligator.  And that leaves clue #2 for the second row, and Clue #3 for either second or third - and it must refer to either the moth or dragonfly, to get us to the alligator.

"What are 'wings of night'?... both the moth and firefly are night creatures - but I suppose more a firefly, as it is solely a  night-flyer, and you do have moths in light...

"But 'Wings of light'?... that could be either a moth or a dragonfly, as either one gets us to the alligator... it could fit either, and there appears to be no clue from the breaks in the lines...

"So it could be... Firefly/Moth, or Firefly/Dragonfly, or Moth/Dragonfly. And any of those could fit, depending what the ancients meant by their choice of words."
This message was last edited by the player at 12:16, Sun 09 Nov 2014.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 113 posts
Sun 9 Nov 2014
at 12:55
  • msg #208

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Yes, but 'hungry one who never takes flight' could also refer to the caterpillar, as it possesses the many feet to maintain the riddle, though I'll admit it is a slight stretch. This opens the snail-firefly/moth-butterfly/dragonfly-caterpillar path, with the side step in the fourth row to centipede," Bruenor interjects. He then turns back to kneel at the floor and read more closely.

[OOC: Bruenor attempts an Int check to obtain a more accurate interpretation of the first line, but fails.
07:52, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 10 using 1d20+2. Int check. 

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 86 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Sun 9 Nov 2014
at 18:18
  • msg #209

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Yes, 11 clues for 10 rows. the answer to the mystery may lie in the translation. I agree that most of the answers are pretty apparent. I wonder if there is a reason that they are grouped 4-3-4. We may be missing-or misinterpreting-something." Narthian studies words and thinks about what he knows of the creatures listed.

1 - One foot in a shell quite tight,
2 - six feet with wings of night,
3 - six feet with wings of light,
4 - and a hungry one with many who never takes flight.

5 - A hundred with poison,
6 - a thousand without,
7 - a kiss from eight will knock you out.

8 - Quiet as such,
9 - and blind as this,
10 - the eyes of this one never miss.
11 - I live in the earth and feast on her flesh, drowning in rain, but cut me in half and I feel no pain, but live again, twice as strong but half as long.


~~~~You Are Here~~~~

12:03, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17 using 1d20+2. Int  check on old languate.
12:02, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 15 using 1d20+8. Knowledge (nature) to decipher the ancient common tongue.

Sorry, I was on my phone when I originally posted and wasn't able to cut/paste the riddle or the tiles easily.

Elf Archer, 143 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 9 Nov 2014
at 20:35
  • msg #210

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Actually... if the whole of the first stanza is speaking of 'feet"  one, six, six, many feet - then 'caterpillar' is the only one to make sense, and not 'alligator'.

He sighs, and considers a bit more...

"We could send one of the surviving goblins across to test one theory or another" he suggests, tho' his elven face betrays no evidence of whether in jest or no.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 20 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 10 Nov 2014
at 08:23
  • msg #211

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas started to walk up and down while thinking and listening, for a brief moment he stopped when he heard Averdante's idea but he wasn't sure if he could do such a thing. letting a living creature run into possible traps. "I don't think we could trust a Goblin... and it is wrong of course" he adds and quickly looks around to see if his sister heard him, before going back to the writing and trying to figure out the rest.

16:22, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 15 using 1d20+3. Int check old language.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 114 posts
Mon 10 Nov 2014
at 13:48
  • msg #212

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I've got it!" Bruenor exclaims as he rises. "The theme of feet is too strong to discard, as it continues beyond the first stanza into the second. I therefore propose the path is snail to moth to butterfly to caterpillar to centipede and on."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:30, Mon 10 Nov 2014.
Dungeon Master
GM, 150 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 10 Nov 2014
at 15:15
  • msg #213

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Between Bruenor's guess, Narthian's knowledge of the natural world, and Dellas' careful reading of the old Common script, you think you have a working solution.  Snail, yes, then moth, then butterfly, as the moth is more noted for flying at night, while the butterfly's colorful wings have sometimes poetically been called "wings of light."  A caterpillar is indeed a many-footed creature who is always hungry, so that makes sense indeed.

The hundred-footed poisonous centipede is next, then the thousand-footed non-toxic millipede.  A spider's poison (on eight feet) can kill some, so that would seem to be the next one.  A mouse is known for silence, a bat traditionally known for being blind (not true, but a popular perception), and the eyes of a hawk are known to miss nothing.  And only the inoffensive worm could take most of the abuse heaped on it in the last line.

So... which lucky person is going across first to test their theory?
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 115 posts
The Daring Challenger
Mon 10 Nov 2014
at 17:37
  • msg #214

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"If we are ready, I will test the path," Bruenor offers, walking up to the threshold of the trap.

If no one stops him or speaks, Brunor proceeds to follow the path, from snail to moth and so on.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:40, Mon 10 Nov 2014.
Elf Archer, 144 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 10 Nov 2014
at 19:42
  • msg #215

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Aver'e advocates that they tie a rope onto him, and handle it to keep the slack off the tiles. Perhaps a vain gesture, but if the wrong tiles leads to pits, just perhaps enough to save him if something goes wrong.

Ultimately up to Bruenor, and Aver'e will bow to his preference.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 87 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Mon 10 Nov 2014
at 23:26
  • msg #216

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Averdante (msg # 215):

"Whomever goes first, I endorse the idea of a tether of some sort. It is hard to know the nature of the threat of death--whether it is better to have someone heavily armored or someone nimble of reflexes. I doubt that it is some kind of trap door since the script refers to 'our brothers and sister', indicating that the threat would be some kind of animal."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 21 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 11 Nov 2014
at 05:06
  • msg #217

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

After deciphering the last pieces of information and listening to Bruenor to go first, he steps forward and turns towards Haazheel: "Don't you still have a mage armor spell prepared? We could send someone nimble and give him extra protection."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 74 posts
Tue 11 Nov 2014
at 19:30
  • msg #218

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel was listening to his companions proposing solutions to the riddle. But in fact, more than cracking the secret of this riddle that he was sure his friends will come up with something, Haazheel was more interrested in finding out what is this place and which kind of trap a mistake while stepping on the tiles might activate. Is this place filled with magic? Is there a curse? Who built it? Why? Is there a magical spell on these tiles? These are the questions he wants to answer for his curiosity and the safety of his companions.
13:21, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 15 using 1d20+4. Dungeoneering check.
13:20, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 15 using 1d20+7. Arcana check.

While investigating around, Haazheel hears Dellas asking him about the mage armor spell. "Yes I do and will be happy to cast it for the benefice of whomever wants to try to step on these tiles. I'm just trying to know what kind of magic might be in use here and what could be the consequences of a mistake."
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 79 posts
Tue 11 Nov 2014
at 21:44
  • msg #219

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 He smiles at the puzzle ahead of them and smiles at the glyphs of the animals. He points at the different tiles and says, "Compared to the goblin kits, this should be much more fun then those biting kids. I will see if my luck is still good then i shall make it across."

 He will move to the edge of the puzzle arena, "Make sure to keep my leash loose,in case i have to move fast."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:45, Tue 11 Nov 2014.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 53 posts
Thu 13 Nov 2014
at 01:34
  • msg #220

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Let the little rogue-ling go first." Volsh chuckles. "He does not suffer for a lack of stones. Sure as my sword arm. Ha!"

Volsh laughs a bit and claps his hands together with a crack, sharp and loud. The sound echoes and trails down the hall as fast as it had come. "On with it then." He stands steadfast ready to observe the sequence chosen by whomever takes the first go.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 80 posts
Thu 13 Nov 2014
at 22:23
  • msg #221

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 Glancing over to Bruenor with a raised eyebrow, "That is if you do not wish to go first, i am open to who ever wants to go across the puzzle arena."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 117 posts
The Daring Challenger
Fri 14 Nov 2014
at 01:02
  • msg #222

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"By all means, go ahead if you wish, Drogo," Bruenor says.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 81 posts
Fri 14 Nov 2014
at 01:15
  • msg #223

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 Letting himself be secure and then sitting his dagger closer to the rope, just in case he has need to cut the rope in a hurry.

 He lets a smile lighten his face and begins jumping from one to the others as they had been called out by those smarter with puzzles then himself.

 As he jumps across to the correct(hopefully) squares he calls back to the others. "Say, what do i do when i get over to the other side?."
Dungeon Master
GM, 151 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 14 Nov 2014
at 06:37
  • msg #224

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Drogo, rope about his waist and paid out behind to the party just in case something very untoward happens, begins his hopscotch across the carved tiles.  Snail, moth, butterfly, caterpillar, centipede, millipede, spider, mouse, bat, hawk, worm.

With a final flourish, Drogo is in the clear at the far end of the corridor, in front of the massive carved doors at that end.  The two self-illuminating braziers show the magnificence of the all the detail.  A great gilded sun-in-glory with its rays outstretched dominates the door in the upper center, partially forming the crown of a noble, bearded king.  Wearing elaborate robes and jewelry and seated upon a throne, he holds a scepter topped with a gem in one hand, and a golden orb in the other.  To his left, slightly smaller, is a woman in a smaller crown and elaborate robes, and on his right, a man in similar, both on their own, less-ostentatious thrones.

Below them, the feet of the king rest on what looks like a silvery moon.  Under the moon, at the lower border of the door, are a series of smaller figures holding trays, urns, or drapes of cloth, raising their arms to the king and royalty above them.

The king and the man and woman on either side of him have closed eyes.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 88 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Sat 15 Nov 2014
at 10:04
  • msg #225

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 224):

Assuming Drogo describes what he sees, Narthian calls out, "Drogo, is there any writing that you see? have you examined the door for any traps?"

Narthian looks around to see if Drogo's weight on the last stone triggered any change to or additional text to appear.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:06, Sat 15 Nov 2014.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 82 posts
Sat 15 Nov 2014
at 13:26
  • msg #226

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 With a careful quiet search of the massive doors, he examines to bias relief carvings for those shaded lines next to the carvings that might show a button that has been pushed down or moved in some way.

 Finished he steps back a half step before calling back to the others, "Twin doors, heavy wood, several carvings on its face. Could be a king or ruler and his queen and someone else sitting on thrones. There is a carved bias relief at the bottom of what could be a rising or sitting moon with the rays splayed out and the kings feet resting on this moon. Then i can see smaller figures along the bottom of his workers or such waving their arms."

05:16, Today: Drogo O'Logo Underbough rolled 11 using 1d20+6. Search for trap
This message was last edited by the player at 13:27, Sat 15 Nov 2014.
Dungeon Master
GM, 153 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 15 Nov 2014
at 16:29
  • msg #227

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The door is remarkably writing-free, and also, after Drogo's careful examination, seems to be trap-free.  There is a space of approximately twenty feet in front of the door which is free of the puzzle-tiles.

What is perhaps slightly more disconcerting is the fact that there doesn't seem to be any keyhole or latch in this peculiar door.

"The sun?" Farian says, perking up slightly.  "Mayhaps some ancient kingdom beholden to Pelor.  History was never my strong suit, but such things did happen, even if they didn't call Pelor by his proper name.  I'd like a closer look"

Farian looks over the tiles and begins to tread the same places Drogo had so he can get closer to the door, brow furrowed in concentration.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 89 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Sat 15 Nov 2014
at 16:45
  • msg #228

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 227):

Narthian likewise takes his time to carefully leap across the trapped tiles to examine the door more closely.

10:44, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 20 using 1d20+8. Knowledge (nature) to examine the door glyphs.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 23 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sat 15 Nov 2014
at 23:44
  • msg #229

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Watching as the others get across, Dellas thinks about it for a minute and says: "Well, I will wait here until you open the door, it is no use for all of us to stand there and look around." He learned to love adventures and is very interested in new things and places, but for the moment he seems to have enough.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 118 posts
The Daring Challenger
Mon 17 Nov 2014
at 16:53
  • msg #230

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Hmm, another puzzle in our path...does anyone have knowledge of the history or royalty of this area?" Bruenor asks, with a slight scowl of irritation.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 24 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 18 Nov 2014
at 06:00
  • msg #231

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Looking up at Bruenor he only shakes his head and puts Vish on the floor and tells him to help to check the walls and the floors for anything out of place. Maybe something that could indicate a trap, secret door or just if it is likely to crash down on him.

13:56, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 23 using 1d20+6. knowledge dungeoneering, examine walls, floor and ceiling.

OOC: I love being a mage, but I every time forget my familiar... poor little thing.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:06, Tue 18 Nov 2014.
Dungeon Master
GM, 154 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 19 Nov 2014
at 10:18
  • msg #232

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Vish and Dellas take a look around at the floors, ceiling, and walls as far as they can see, but they note no loose tiles, tripwires, or anything else they've ever heard of in tales of traps in tombs.  Granted, their expertise is magic, not traps, but they don't see anything obviously dangerous.

Narthian notes the door looks heavy, but has no obvious lock or latch.  There's a wax seal across the middle of the door, gilded like the carvings and in the same pattern as the king's robes.  It may be that the door simply swings open, though doing so would break the seal.

None of you hear anything beyond the door, though there is the faintest of breezes, scented with spice, that seem to be coming through the cracks in the door and making the flames in the brazier dance.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 83 posts
Wed 19 Nov 2014
at 14:27
  • msg #233

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 With a slight frown on his face as he looked at the doors, he muttered softly "Come on, open up."

 He looked at the seal across the doors and had to make the obvious conclusion that it was placed on the doors from this side but for what purpose?.

 Surprised he found his fingers caressing his dagger as his mind worked thru the problem of the doors. "I find myself tempted to just cut this seal and see if it is to keep people out or to keep something within. I might guess it is the later, still we need to do something and touching the bias relief's doesn't seem to be the key."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 159 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Wed 19 Nov 2014
at 14:54
  • msg #234

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Just touching doesn't open it..." Farian repeats.  Then cocks his head.  "What about shoving it?  We might just need to put our backs in to it.  Or perhaps... It shows the sun.  Maybe if I were to try to infuse the door with Pelor's holy power?"
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 54 posts
Wed 19 Nov 2014
at 23:32
  • msg #235

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh grows impatient and delicately carries himself over the puzzle inlaid on the floor. He moves with uncanny precision despite his massive frame. Arriving at the other side with his companions, he can see more clearly what they have been considering.

"Perhaps Farian is right. If his holy touch does not affect it, and if no traps are apparent, we should try might. I am always up for smashing in a door."
Dungeon Master
GM, 155 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 22 Nov 2014
at 15:17
  • msg #236

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian takes his holy symbol in hand and raises it to the door.  He chants firmly, a song of praise to the Holy Sun of Pelor, and a glow of light surrounds his holy symbol.  There's a faint, echoing glow from the door, but it does not move.

Looking a bit frustrated, Farian nods to Volsh.  "Shall we try something more direct, then?"

If no one objects, the two can put their back into shoving at the door.  It takes a few moments, and some straining, but eventually the doors move, the seal cracks, and with a hollow thud that echoes throughout the chamber, the doors slam open.

The corridor beyond is dark, but from what little light is coming from the entrance to the temple behind you, you can make out one door on either side of the corridor, carved of heavy stone, about ten feet in.  The floor is tiled in blue and gold and continues on into darkness.  A scent of spice wafts through the air, and there's a faint, hollow echo from somewhere deeper into the shadow.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 25 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 24 Nov 2014
at 05:47
  • msg #237

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas, seeing the door opens, gets across the tiles quickly but carefully. Once he is on the other site he looks down the corridor and whistles silently: "So who will go first?" He asked without looking at anyone.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 84 posts
Mon 24 Nov 2014
at 14:53
  • msg #238

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 The view he had did not set off any alarms in his head,still the faint scent of spice had him wondering if that was where the kitchen might be located.

 The two doors would need to be cleared of course and he did not like the way the two doors were directly across from each other, so both doors would need to be watched when they opened the other door.

 "Does not matter to me, if someone else is better at scouting for trouble then my humble self i would gladly let them go first." He offered with a barely held smile in check.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:54, Mon 24 Nov 2014.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 90 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Mon 24 Nov 2014
at 16:31
  • msg #239

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Drogo O'Logo Underbough (msg # 238):

"Drogo, I bow to your greater expertise in this matter" states Narthian, literally bowing and lifting his arm in an 'after you gesture.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 160 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Tue 2 Dec 2014
at 10:04
  • msg #240

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian squints into the darkness, and takes a moment to pull a torch from his pack and light it.  As the light throws back the darkness, beyond the two doors on either side of the corridor, you can see two more, also on opposites sides, beyond them.  And at the end of the hall, a heavily-carved set of double doors which gleam with gilding.  All of the doors are carved from stone, and with the better light, you can at least see the two nearest you each have a different scene on them.

The one on the left has a series of small figures at the bottom, all holding trays or carrying instruments or holding quills and paper, all in positions of subservience to an unseen figure on a throne.  Curiously, the back of the throne is to the viewer, and several of the figures in the carving are on their knees, tears running down their faces.  A sunburst is carved on the back of the throne, and gilded.  The figures all have faint touches of silver inlay on them.

The door on the right shows a warrior in shining silver armor, with shield and sword dropped at his feet.  Circles and crescents decorate his breastplate, and tears picked out in silver run down his face.

The other doors are too far away to make out their themes clearly.

The two close doors seem heavy, and their edges have wax on them, though the door on the left has a broken seal.  Both doors have substantial locks on them, though they seem discolored and somewhat corroded.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 92 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Tue 2 Dec 2014
at 18:29
  • msg #241

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Someone, or something, has broken the seal. Perhaps they did not survive to return to the other door. I think right would be the more prudent choice. What say you all?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 26 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 2 Dec 2014
at 22:36
  • msg #242

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas was almost ready to burst with excitement. He looks up at the others and then again down the corridor. "I agree, we should try the door on the right and 2 should maybe keep an eye on the other 2 doors at the same time. I will support whoever I can, but I do feel exhausted from today's fun." He will follow anyone who dares to enter and keep an eye out for anything unusual along the wall and floor.

06:36, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 16 using 1d20+2. Spot sth unsual.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 119 posts
The Daring Challenger
Wed 3 Dec 2014
at 14:06
  • msg #243

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"That raises an important matter, Dellas. Judging from the seal on the previous door, the goblins never ventured down here, and in that our job is done. I too am curious as to what lies within this ruin, but we should report back to Boltharrow for now, rest for the night, and return here fresh in the morning," Bruenor says.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:08, Wed 03 Dec 2014.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 55 posts
Wed 3 Dec 2014
at 23:30
  • msg #244

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Bruenor has a point." Volsh offers.

"We haven't the slightest clue of what to expect rambling around in here." He pauses for a brief moment, looking back past the puzzle floor they crossed over. "We still have to destroy those filthy carcasses, return the lost goods, and mend the wounds some of you have sustained. It makes little difference to me what is next but it is something to consider."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 93 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Wed 3 Dec 2014
at 23:40
  • msg #245

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 244):

"Agreed. We have many tasks to which we need to attend before we can indulge our curiosity. "
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 27 posts
Fire burns bright!
Thu 4 Dec 2014
at 09:53
  • msg #246

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas looks up from one to another: "But..but what about" he takes a quick glance towards the doors. "How can we be sure that nobody will come and claim whatever is behind these doors?" His limbs were tired but more was his mind. Of course he needed rest, but he is also reluctant to leave this place.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 94 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Thu 4 Dec 2014
at 18:43
  • msg #247

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dellas Nump (msg # 246):

Narthian looks at the youth grimly, trying to remember the enthusiasm and carefree nature of those who have not yet learned caution and responsibility, "I, too, am curious as to what lies behind these doors. However, we must first return the stolen property and report back to those who have hired us. Rest would not be a bad thing either. Before we depart these environs, I agree that a pyre of the bodies should be started now so that we don't need to fight through the scavengers in the morning." Narthian hoped that the prospect of a large pile of flaming bodies would appease Dellas.

True to his word, Narthian jumped through the trapped tiles to begin carrying the bodies to a location where a pyre wouldn't pose a danger to either the buildings or any surroundings.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 56 posts
Fri 5 Dec 2014
at 04:45
  • msg #248

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh tracks his gaze to Narthian as he steps nimbly across the tiles. Each footfall is ordered and counted against his memory. Each emblem in sequence burned into his mind.

“It’s time to decide.” He states, addressing those near him again. “I suggest we move on for the night. There are no more dangers here for now. A well won fight deserves a hearty celebration.”

The barbarian turns and steps onto the enigma, assembling in his head the path led by the elf. When across, he exits the temple and works to stack the slain into a mound.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 28 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 5 Dec 2014
at 06:44
  • msg #249

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

With one last look at the door, he turns around and follows Volsh and the others. Of course they were right. But Narthian's mentioning the pyre brought a smile on his face and he quickly prepared to make a big fire.
Drogo O'Logo Underbough
Halfling Rogue, 85 posts
Sat 6 Dec 2014
at 15:14
  • msg #250

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

 The words of their mission being done did sound good to him, a warm bed and fresh tankard of that dark ale lurked back at the end of their mission, and add to that this gobb encampment/tribe was ruined, not counting the gobs that had managed to escape the raid.

 "Fine, then lets us finish this and get back to our base."
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 13 posts
of Yondalla
Sat 6 Dec 2014
at 15:15
  • msg #251

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Thusly decided, the group can close the door to the puzzle-floor and leave the temple.  Sir Aberlayne is standing guard over the cage of goblin young, her pony Valiant at her side, and smiles (with more than a hint of relief) when she sees her younger brother Dellas emerge unharmed.

"You triumphed!  Well done!  As is well?  Good, good."  As Volsh and any other who wish start to stack the bodies, she pipes up with, "I have been interrogating this one here," she gestures to the remaining conscious goblin wife, "and though I do not speak the goblin tongue, she speaks a little Common, enough for me to have located some of the loot that's been carted off from town."  She gestures to a small pile of goods off to one side.  "I've had her make herself useful.  Valiant was guarding the young while Kubal and I hunted down the things her tribe had taken.  She refused to touch the shaman's stash around back of the temple due to curses, however, and I didn't want a building in between me and Valiant in case the other wife, Makroon, came around or the young managed to get over their fear of horses long enough to try to escape."

It will take a couple of hours before you can gather up the last of goblin and wolf bodies to make a goodly stack for a pyre.  You can also search amongst the sleeping places to ferret out the rest of the items stolen.  It takes some doing, but with diligence and sharp eyes, you're able to recover all the things that Bolthaven had on the list of things stolen.  And also a great deal more, looted from unknown place.  You find the following:

388 pieces of gold, tucked into odd corners, in pieces of looted furniture, in boots, belt pouches, lightly buried under bundles of cloth that serve as beds, etc.

A fox fur talisman set with hematite beads (found on the shaman) - the workmanship is exquisite. 

A breastplate for a human-sized person, plain and of decent workmanship, that was serving one goblin as a rain shelter.

A magnifying glass, that one goblin had strapped to his head as a monocle. 

A very well-made bastard sword for a human-sized creature, the hilt wrapped in red-dyed leather, that was acting as a flag pole.

A very fine light steel shield embossed with a green dove, that was serving as a frying pan. 

A bench, the sort one might see on a town street, solidly made, set on end to serve as a lookout post.

Nine bolts of fine linen in differing colors, all piled together to make the shaman's bed. 

A portable cabinet about three feet high, two feet wide, and one foot deep, carved with leaves and vines.

A carriage, tilted over on its side behind the temple and buried beneath a pile of brush.  It was serving as the shaman's private quarters, and it's still in decent shape.  It's plain, but serviceable, and would seat four, plus a driver and footman, and would need two horses to pull it. 

Two plain farm carts that one horse would pull, being used as shelters for higher-ranking goblins. 

The entire contents of someone's wig shop, twenty-seven of them all together, ranging from small men's wigs to longer women's wigs, in several colors.  They are of serviceable quality, the kind bought by commoners to cover a balding pate or by actors for a role.  One goblin had the collection stacked up in his bolt hole. 

Twenty-four lengths of rope, fifty feet each, that one goblin had arranged in a little fort-like formation for himself. 

A velvet and silk noble's outfit in blue and deep green, meant to be worn by a man, that had been being used as wall art by one goblin. 

Six pairs of oars, set up as a crude fence. 

A winter sled, used for transporting goods in ice and snow, meant to be pulled by one horse.  How it got here, you're not entirely sure. 

A weapon rack, being used to hold a collection of sticks.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:17, Sat 06 Dec 2014.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 29 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sun 7 Dec 2014
at 05:03
  • msg #252

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

When Dellas emerges from the Temple and sees his big sister, a smile broadens across his face and he waves to her. "It seems, playing babysitter is your true calling. First us now those... things." Listening to his sister's adventures outside the temple he continued "We found another door, going deeper into the temple and a little puzzle. After solving the puzzle we decided that it might be better to rest first and then to come back later... maybe tomorrow?" He added the last part while looking around at his companions and then again his sister. "So how do we deal with the stuff here?"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 120 posts
The Daring Challenger
Mon 8 Dec 2014
at 15:02
  • msg #253

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor, after everything had been gathered up, considered their situation.

"A fine profit could be turned on some of these items; certainly the fabrics and the vestments we recovered would be valuable to any tailors in Boltharrow, given a proper wash, and while I'm not certain who would be interested, the shaman's talisman's craftsmanship cannot be denied," Bruenor muses aloud, before continuing, "The carts too could fetch good coin in auction, but with only the Paladin's mount to pull them, we simply don't have the strength."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:03, Mon 08 Dec 2014.
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 14 posts
of Yondalla
Mon 8 Dec 2014
at 15:51
  • msg #254

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"And what do we do with Makroon, Kubal, and the rest of these goblin young?  None of them are clean-hearted, but the children haven't been let out of this cage in a while, so while they may not be... inclined to do the right thing, I do not believe they are guilty of the attack on the farm or town.  Kubal claims she and Makroon were the chief's women, and thusly tended the hearth and defended the campsite.  I do not doubt they would have slit throats if they thought they could have ambushed someone, but they were tasked to escape with the young so that the tribe might survive," Sir Aberlayne says, her mouth tight with disapproval at what is sure to be a dirty task.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 96 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Sun 14 Dec 2014
at 21:26
  • msg #255

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Sir Aberlayne Nump (msg # 254):

"Sir Aberlayne, I share your concerns. Do we let the women continue with the young? They will either starve, fall to predation, or join with another goblin clan. If they do survive, will they not grow up to become raiders in the future? I am torn, is is more evil to exterminate those who have not (yet) done wrong or to set them loose upon future victims? Would we not then be responsible for the future acts?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 31 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 15 Dec 2014
at 06:24
  • msg #256

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Looking up from the heap and stepping towards his sister and Narthian he looks at him: "So you are saying that these things either starve to death, fall prey to a predator and die or they join with another clan and continue their, more or less, evil schemes... DO we have any other option but to make sure they won't continue?" raising his voice and looking at his sister he continues "Do you plan to lead them all the way to Boltharrow? And then? Is there a camp that will make them friendly and respectable citizens?" shaking his head and looking over to the goblins "Did you even have a plan before deciding to 'spare' them?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 77 posts
Thu 18 Dec 2014
at 00:25
  • msg #257

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel for all the time was more captivated by the temple architecture and decorations. Hos goal has always been to unravel lost secrets and he has a good feeling that deeper inside this dungeon there is something to discover. But for now, he is out of useful spells to explore further and his companions speak wisdom when they decided to stop the exploration for the day.

Back outside the temple, he was surprised to see the paladin guarding young goblins. After the horrific scenes he witnessed during his travels and recently back at the farm and the village, he is perplexed about the decision to let them survive.

What a horrible thought to kill a living being just to make sure that it will not anything wrong in the future. Could he kill "in case of?", no. He believes in redemption and your social environment is more responsible of your future actions than your nature. "I think we are facing a unsolvable dilemma. Killing them now would be as evil as the horrible creatures we just fought, letting them go? This option has been well described by our Druid companion. But Narthian, do you know if the druid people could be of any help? Could them try to educate them in the respect of nature if we turn them to your people? I know this perspective could look strange to the elves but you are experts in ways to respect and live in osmosis with the Nature. " asks the wizard to the druid.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 124 posts
The Daring Challenger
Sun 21 Dec 2014
at 00:08
  • msg #258

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"And what do you say, Drogo? This was, after all, your endeavor; you should have some idea what we do with them," Bruenor says, glancing at the rogue.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:09, Sun 21 Dec 2014.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 57 posts
Sun 21 Dec 2014
at 05:37
  • msg #259

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh continues his hauling duties, carrying two or three corpses at a time. The wolves he had dragged. His fists had been bunched at their scruffs.

The savage strides past those chattering, dragging a lifeless goblin by the throat. "Just release 'em from their cage and let 'em run. If they prove to be murderous schemers like their sires, they'll be reunited in hell."

When he reaches the piled bodies, he flings the goblin onto it effortlessly and turns to collect more.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 98 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Sun 21 Dec 2014
at 05:51
  • msg #260

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 259):

Upon hearing Volsh's suggestion, Narthian is moved. "Wisely spoken, good sir. Let nature herself decide the path for this lot. By releasing them from the cage, we greatly reduce the risk of any or all of them reaching a new tribe, but we are not acting as executioner to those who have not yet done wrong."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 32 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 22 Dec 2014
at 03:52
  • msg #261

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas kicks a stone and nods: "So we decide to let them starve to death or get eaten or maybe even finding another tribe to join... fine by me. But I do hope that you know what you are doing." With this he steps a few steps back and lets the others handle this.
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 14 posts
of Yondalla
Mon 22 Dec 2014
at 07:06
  • msg #262

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas Nump:
Looking up from the heap and stepping towards his sister and Narthian he looks at him: "So you are saying that these things either starve to death, fall prey to a predator and die or they join with another clan and continue their, more or less, evil schemes... DO we have any other option but to make sure they won't continue?" raising his voice and looking at his sister he continues "Do you plan to lead them all the way to Boltharrow? And then? Is there a camp that will make them friendly and respectable citizens?" shaking his head and looking over to the goblins "Did you even have a plan before deciding to 'spare' them?"

Sir Aberlayne sighs.  "My plan, in the moment of battle, when I wasn't even fully certain all of us would survive, was to simply prevent the goblins from running into the woods.  If, by some horrible twist of fate, the goblin shaman had been able to kill you, brother, or any of the rest of you, if that wretch had emerged triumphant from the temple, then I had his offspring and wives at my mercy with which to bargain for his retreat from the area, or to lure him into my reach to slay him.

"Now, thanks to the gods of luck and battle that you've all survived, we have this dilemma.  If we let them go?  I would say most would die, but some would survive.  It could be that we'd be fighting them again some day, or if not us, some other poor soul.  Should we slaughter a cage full of children instead, however black-hearted and murderous?  It would prevent that future fate for certain, but leave us with a stain on our soul that we would ever after have to guard against.  The only bright spot is that Drogo has found a single female goblin child who is not black-hearted.  It may be that Yondalla guided us to the one spot of light in the darkness we must do to secure Bolthaven's survival."
This message was last updated by the player at 07:06, Mon 22 Dec 2014.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 161 posts
of Saint Bane
(and Pelor)
Mon 22 Dec 2014
at 07:09
  • msg #263

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian frowns fiercely.  "No good is going to come of them.  I say a cleansing is in order.  You saw the horrors at the farm, and the only reason Bolthaven wasn't the same way was because they'd been forewarned and were forearmed.  There's nothing else to say," he says, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 99 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Mon 22 Dec 2014
at 23:40
  • msg #264

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Farian Raymellie (msg # 263):

After a short period of meditation, asking for guidance from Corellon Larethian, Narthian again speaks. "Friend Haazeel, I regret to tell you that there are no Druidic encampments close enough to safely transport the young goblins. It pains me to say this, but I see no realistic alternative than to put them out of their misery now. It may cause me nightmares in the future, but this is for the greater good."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 58 posts
Fri 2 Jan 2015
at 06:45
  • msg #265

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Master woodsman!" the barbarian snaps from a distance in retort to Narthian's shifting manner, "Were you not just certain that releasing them was the course?"

Volsh approaches the group, only slightly bent from his finished task. "They are but babes, goblin or no. They cannot yet slay. Tiny and wobbly-headed, they are feral critters. Let them be wild and discover their own way. Be it evil or be it true. The wonders and horrors of nature shall shape them." His eyes glow with fire.

Turning, he waves a hand in dismissal over his broad shoulder. "I go to ready the cart." His tone softens. "Sir paladin, mind you ready your nag to help me drag this large transport? We should be able to bear all the townsfolk' belongings and some leftover trinkets to barter."

Set to his task, Volsh gathers the missing goods from the fore of the temple and loads them onto the large wheeled cart.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 128 posts
The Daring Challenger
Tue 6 Jan 2015
at 15:50
  • msg #266

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I can't help but agree with Volsh. As much as I hate their kin, I would prefer not to kill the little devils. Let them loose and let nature sort them out. They're little more than beasts anyway," Bruenor adds.

He then goes to aid Volsh in loading the cart.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 81 posts
Tue 6 Jan 2015
at 17:05
  • msg #267

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"If there is no one we could have entrusted these creatures with, I also agree with Volsh. Let's free them and hope for the best. Nature has its own ways to keep balance in this world." Haazheel replies after Bruenor. "Mystic my friend, could you have a look around to see whether our way back to the village is safe?" he says to his owl which was looking at the scene from a low branch of a tree nearby.
Then, he joins Volsh and Bruenor to help to load the cart.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:06, Tue 06 Jan 2015.
Dungeon Master
GM, 160 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 8 Jan 2015
at 06:44
  • msg #268

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Sir Aberlayne turns to the goblin wives.  "You are lucky this day.  Run away, and don't come back.  If you harm anyone, fate will not be so kind to you a second time."  With that she takes a dagger and cuts open the cage of goblin young.  The little bobble-headed terrors boil out of the cage and dash about almost comically, banging into each other and snarling like a pack of uncoordinated and overly fierce puppies.

Makroon and Kubal both take to their heels and run directly away from the party and soon disappear into the forest.  Giggling, some of the goblin young wrestle with each other, and others toddle off into the underbrush until a roar from Sir Aberlayne sends the rest scattering into the woods.

Within a few moments, you cannot even hear them.

The paladin turns back to the others.  "I thank you for that.  Volsh, my Valiant is no nag, but he can help us get the villagers' goods back to them."  With a bit of re-rigging and a few substitutions for the right kind of harness and can get Valiant in between the traces.

Mystique takes to the air, flying back along the path to the village, and within a few minutes Haazheel gets the feeling that the way is safe.  Mystique flies back, nods his beak at the road and fluffs his feathers in a signal of contentment.  The way is clear.

Farian says, "Dare we leave the area unsecured?  We should at least close the secret door again so no one could try to enter the tomb before we have a chance to make sure it is safe."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 82 posts
Thu 8 Jan 2015
at 18:59
  • msg #269

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"You're perfectly right Farian" says the wizard. Then he enters again the temple, has a last glance beyond the secret door, deep inside him he wants to explore it more, lost temples had always this effect on him. He carefully closes the door and joins back his companions.
"Mystique informs me that the way back appears to be safe. The door is closed, let's head back to the village?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 37 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 13 Jan 2015
at 09:24
  • msg #270

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas stays away from those little buggers and watches them run away. He walks next to his big sister and watches the surrounding forest: "Well that's it. I'm sure mom and dad would be proud" he says without mock or sarcasm. "I don't know any spell that could be useful here... But I agree, closing the door seems sensible. Do we want to spend some time covering it with something? Or are the chances low that someone would discover it? Anyway we should return as soon as possible." With this he helps as much as he can and plays a bit with Vish who behaved very well.
Dungeon Master
GM, 161 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 14 Jan 2015
at 15:52
  • msg #271

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The group can close the door carefully, and do as much as they can to conceal how to open it.  Loading the rest of the stuff in the wagon, Sir Aberlyane will cluck to Valiant.  Lead by Mystique, they wend their way back on the path to Boltharrow.  Part of the way there, Varick Forrester meets them with a look of relief on his face, a smile lighting his craggy features.

"Ehlonna favors you!  And everyone alive?  Gods be praised!" he says.  Walking back with them with a great spring in his step, he ask the group their tale, it is later in the afternoon when the wooden walls of Boltharrow loom.  Varick gives a victory yell, and the visible silhouettes of the guards on the walls cheer back.  The gates are thrown open as the group walks and drives the wagon into the town square.  There are many of the townfolk there in what seems to be the daily market, and they set up a cheer of their own.  Pandemonium reigns for a few minutes until Mayor Harrow finally waves his hands and calls out for silence.

"You're a sight for sore eyes, Guildsmen," Mayor Harrow says.  "Tell us what happened, or the lot of you won't get a wink of rest and barely a bite to eat from all the questions you'll be getting at the feast tonight!"

OOC: Please everyone move to the Boltharrow thread for continuation of this discussion!
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:52, Fri 23 Jan 2015.
Dungeon Master
GM, 178 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 7 Feb 2015
at 16:01
  • msg #272

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The morning sunlight shines down upon the ruins, thick and golden, illuminating sparks of light from the tumbled and fallen stones.  Several animals perk up at your approach, foxes, crows, even a grumbling wild pig, who had been sorting through the trash that had been left behind.  The animals scatter as you draw nearer, and you can see a night and the natural order of things has quite a bit of the evidence of goblin occupation already gone.

Looking about the toppled columns and half-walls, you don't notice any goblins who have slunk back, nor anyone else who has decided to take up residence.

The only solid structure in the place is the temple in the middle, a large square building with a cavernous entrance that throws the interior into deep shadow.  Inside, the stink of goblin blood lingers, as does the ash stain outside in the courtyard where you burned the goblins bodies.  Rubble from the defeated stone guardians and dust from the destroyed skeletons litters the floor as you make your way back into what was the sanctum.

The secret door behind the altar is still securely shut, though the mud and dung the shaman had smeared on its surface is beginning to flake off.  Sir Aberlayne dismounts Valiant and leads the pony inside, murmuring for him to guard the area, and pulls a torch from her backpack.  She absently puts it in front of Dellas, knowing her brother's touch with flint and steel is downright magical.

"So, let us see what we truly have here," she says, taking a firm grip on her battleaxe.  No breeze stirs the leaves outside, and it's painfully quiet inside.  Quiet enough that maybe, just maybe, you thought you heard the faintest of moans from behind the secret door.

Or not.  Surely not...
Elf Rogue, 7 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 7 Feb 2015
at 16:50
  • msg #273

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori was wearing the necklace that her uncle had given her. While she did not suspect it was magical, she was glad to have it. The turquoise hue of the quartz accented her green eyes, and she had spent a few minutes admiring it in her reflection on her blade. Once at the door to the lower levels, and a torch available, she begins looking for any hidden devices or traps.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 170 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sat 7 Feb 2015
at 16:58
  • msg #274

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian presses his ear to the stone, trying to make out the faint sound and being careful to stay out of Lantamori's way. Finally satisfied he takes a step back and turns to his companions.
"I have prepared a spell that can detect the presence of the undead...I can cast it if you all wish? Seems little point to me though, I have a feeling I know what awaits us behind that door" he said grimly, pulling his mace from his belt.

((Farian rolled 6 for Listen check))
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 112 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Sat 7 Feb 2015
at 22:28
  • msg #275

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Farian Raymellie (msg # 274):

Narthian takes up his customary spot in the rear, best to have those with close up skills and armor near the front, and nocks an arrow in preparation to launch into the hall beyond.
Elf Archer, 147 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 8 Feb 2015
at 03:21
  • msg #276

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Hanging at the back, but off to the side in hopes of seeing past the others, Averdante has an arrow readied on his bow as well. Hopefully whatever's on the other side of the door isn't more skeletons. Arrows simply weren't effective on the vile things.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 48 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sun 8 Feb 2015
at 06:34
  • msg #277

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas came again on Honeybee, he dismounts and leads the donkey near Valiant.
With a big smile, he takes the torch from his sister and with some flint and steel sets it alight in no time. For a moment he watches the flame, how it greedily burns and flickers... Only seconds later he snaps out of it and walks behind his sister. The weight of his new crossbow seems a bit odd to him, but he is glad to have a weapon that doesn't require magic. "I hope you all remembered to have a good breakfast?" He asks in jest. With his free hand he pets Vish and whispers something to him.

(He will give the torch to another person and walk in the middle or walk behind his sister and another melee fighter to light the way)
This message was last edited by the player at 04:17, Mon 09 Feb 2015.
Dungeon Master
GM, 180 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 10 Feb 2015
at 03:16
  • msg #278

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Past the secret door behind the altar is the nature riddle-puzzle you had figured out yesterday, all but Lantamori.  Keeping to the safe path you'd discovered, not really willing to learn what would happen if you didn't, you go to the doors beyond and open them.  Sir Aberlayne lifts her torch to illuminate what she can.

As the light throws back the darkness, you see two doors on either side of the corridor, and then you can see two more, also on opposites sides, beyond them.  And at the end of the hall you spy a heavily-carved set of double doors which gleam with gilding.  All of the doors are carved from stone, and with the better light, you can at least see the two nearest you each have a different scene on them.

 The one on the left has a series of small figures at the bottom, all holding trays or carrying instruments or holding quills and paper, all in positions of subservience to an unseen figure on a throne.  Curiously, the back of the throne is to the viewer, and several of the figures in the carving are on their knees, tears running down their faces.  A sunburst is carved on the back of the throne, and gilded.  The figures all have faint touches of silver inlay on them.

 The door on the right shows a warrior in shining silver armor, with shield and sword dropped at his feet.  Circles and crescents decorate his breastplate, and tears picked out in silver run down his face.

 The other doors are too far away to make out their themes clearly.

 The two close doors seem heavy, and their edges have wax on them, though the door on the left has a broken seal.  Both doors have substantial locks on them, though they seem discolored and somewhat corroded.  The moaning is a little louder now, but it's difficult to tell exactly where it's coming from.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 63 posts
Tue 10 Feb 2015
at 05:15
  • msg #279

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh, at the front of their parade, approaches cautiously over the puzzle of tiles. Though no weapon yet appears in his hands, his stature poses defensive. "How then shall we proceed?" a small grumble expels from his massive chest with question.

"Two entries at a time? We have the souls and ability to cover such an approach. I'll cover the main hall whilst these two doors are breached."

The giant human steps past the first set of doors and tries to fill the corridor with his frame.
Dungeon Master
GM, 181 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 10 Feb 2015
at 12:04
  • msg #280

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh almost succeeds in filling the corridor, because he's Volsh, and big enough to wrestle an orc who's also wrestling a boar, but the corridor is a good ten feet wide, and perhaps eighty feet long.  It slopes downward, and you realize most of it must be underground, which would account for the relative smallness of the temple behind you.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 173 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Tue 10 Feb 2015
at 19:38
  • msg #281

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"That sounds fair to me, I will stay in the corridor where I can rush to the aid of whoever requires me. Who will take the second door?" Farian said as he stepped forward peering at the carvings with some interest, in particular those bearing sun motifs.
Are these religious in nature? Perhaps some offshoot of Pelor? he wonders to himself.

((19:36, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 18 using 1d20+5. Knowledge Religion check on door carvings. ))
Elf Archer, 149 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 10 Feb 2015
at 20:56
  • msg #282

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Averdante casts a glance over at Narthian. With everyone bottle-necked at the door, there was no way to see what lay on the other side. Nor to sight in on a target; that'd be something to keep in mind, if this door led to some underground complex with more doorways to pass through. Outside, things could be approached from different angles. Indoors, that option wouldn't likely exist.

Wanting to see what lay beyond the door, and knowing he'd have to wait until the others had cleared it, Averdante took time for an attentive look back over his shoulder, to be sure nothing was creeping up behind the group.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 88 posts
Tue 10 Feb 2015
at 21:07
  • msg #283

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel introduced himself and Mystic (his owl) to Lantamori on the way back to the temple. Haazheel was clearly excited to come back to this mysterious place, lost temples have this effect on him. He spent the all evening preparing spells that will hopefully help him and his companions in this exploration.
Haazheel seeing at the light of Sir Aberlayne torch the figures carved in the doors, approaches them to study the carvings.
13:53, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 23 using 1d20+4. Knowledge History check on the carvings.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 113 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 05:17
  • msg #284

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 283):

If it's all the same to you, I suggest one door at a time. If we take the door that already has a broken seal, I think we can be reasonably sure that nothing will come OUT of the sealed door. After all, if it could leave, wouldn't have already?

Narthian keeps Thunder nearby as he examines the statuary.

23:16, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 21 using 1d20+8. Knowledge (nature) on the off chance...
Elf Rogue, 11 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 05:33
  • msg #285

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori takes several minutes examining each door as well, though she isn't trying to figure out what the symbols mean but rather is seeing if they have been rigged up to hurt the group. She carefully examines each, making sure they are safe.
Dungeon Master
GM, 182 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 16:10
  • msg #286

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian Raymellie:
"That sounds fair to me, I will stay in the corridor where I can rush to the aid of whoever requires me. Who will take the second door?" Farian said as he stepped forward peering at the carvings with some interest, in particular those bearing sun motifs.
Are these religious in nature? Perhaps some offshoot of Pelor? he wonders to himself.

((19:36, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 18 using 1d20+5. Knowledge Religion check on door carvings. ))

Farian ponders the door carvings carefully.  The sun and moon motifs seem somewhat familiar, and he recalls an old story about very early Pelorian worship.  There was a kingdom that existed almost five hundred years ago, before all of Low'verok was united under a single monarch, and the nobility not only worshiped Pelor, but also a minor moon goddess who watched over their subjects.  He recalls the moon goddess was eventually phased out of Pelorian worship shortly after that kingdom fell, due to a tragedy with the last dynasty.

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel introduced himself and Mystic (his owl) to Lantamori on the way back to the temple. Haazheel was clearly excited to come back to this mysterious place, lost temples have this effect on him. He spent the all evening preparing spells that will hopefully help him and his companions in this exploration.
Haazheel seeing at the light of Sir Aberlayne torch the figures carved in the doors, approaches them to study the carvings.
13:53, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 23 using 1d20+4. Knowledge History check on the carvings.

Haazheel also recalls what Farian did, but remembers several more relevant details.  The Kingdom of the Sun and Moon died out because the last monarch and his children all came to tragic ends, leaving the country without a leader.  The "People of the Moon House," those who worshiped the moon goddess, had served the "House of the Sun," the nobility, for many generations, and were well-trusted.  When the King went to war, he left his adult daughter and son with his Moon Knights as well as their moon servants, to await his call.  His daughter was known to be a sorceress, her brother a fine warrior.

But both died by the treachery of poison in their drinking cups.

The King went mad after that, it is said, and had the Moon Knights and the servants of the Moon House build a grand tomb for his children and himself.  He also forced them to build tombs for the three servants responsible and for the head of the Moon Knights, who should have been guarding them.  It is said he sacrificed them and had them turned into guardians for the tomb.  The King also had himself walled up in his tomb, so he could look over his children, always.

This is the tomb of King Kosar, Princess Alexandria, and Prince Dathian, the last of the Sun's Children.

Averdante casts a glance over at Narthian. With everyone bottle-necked at the door, there was no way to see what lay on the other side. Nor to sight in on a target; that'd be something to keep in mind, if this door led to some underground complex with more doorways to pass through. Outside, things could be approached from different angles. Indoors, that option wouldn't likely exist.

Wanting to see what lay beyond the door, and knowing he'd have to wait until the others had cleared it, Averdante took time for an attentive look back over his shoulder, to be sure nothing was creeping up behind the group.

Averdante keeps a watch out behind them, and Sir Aberlayne does the same for the front, while other consider the side doors.  At the moment, nothing seems to be sneaking up you.

Narthian Goldleaf:
In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 283):

If it's all the same to you, I suggest one door at a time. If we take the door that already has a broken seal, I think we can be reasonably sure that nothing will come OUT of the sealed door. After all, if it could leave, wouldn't have already?

Narthian keeps Thunder nearby as he examines the statuary.

23:16, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 21 using 1d20+8. Knowledge (nature) on the off chance...

The carvings on the door are well-done indeed, but aside from the sun and moon motifs, he doesn't notice any other nature symbols or representations on the two closest doors.  He does note the moon cycles on the left door seem to go through a whole year, while the one on the right seem halted on the new moon (represented by a circle rather than a disk of silver).

Lantamori takes several minutes examining each door as well, though she isn't trying to figure out what the symbols mean but rather is seeing if they have been rigged up to hurt the group. She carefully examines each, making sure they are safe.

Both door are sturdy, with heavy locks.  While the one on the right is still securely sealed with wax with the lock intact and locked, the one on the left is broken, and the lock is unlocked.  She doesn't think either have been rigged with traps, as she doesn't noticed any pressure plates, small magical runes, tripwires, or other indicators of immanent danger.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 174 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 16:18
  • msg #287

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I propose we breach the door on the left first, with it's wax seal already broken. It most likely poses the least chance of danger. If no one is brave enough to go first then I shall volunteer, Pelor will shield me. Lantamroi do they appear without traps to you?"
Farian steps to the left hand doorway, the comfortingly large bulk of Volsh behind him. Gripping his mace and shield firmly he silently mouths a prayer to his patron saint.
Elf Archer, 150 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 11 Feb 2015
at 16:32
  • msg #288

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Once the others had passed into the corridor beyond, Averdante moved into the doorway to watch. The place looked as it had yesterday on their brief perusal, with no evidence anyone, or anything, else had passed through. Except for the moaning sound. That, he didn't recall from yesterday. Tuning out the others' discussions, he drifted a few steps into the hallway, trying to focus on the sound and pinpoint where it was coming from.

09:30, Today: Averdante rolled 5 using 1d20. Listen skill check on moaning sound.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 64 posts
Thu 12 Feb 2015
at 04:57
  • msg #289

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Aah... 'tis glory you seek then good Farian. You would be the first to enter but know that I would be there with you."

The savage flexes and tightens his thews in anticipation of a match with entities unknown. With paws bare, he awaits the cleric's breaching of the portal. "I must admit servant of Pelor, your insight and tactic lay unsurpassed. On a brief second thought, your plan is far more precise than I'd considered."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 114 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Thu 12 Feb 2015
at 05:16
  • msg #290

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 289):

OOC: Sure, the cleric repeats what I said and gets the credit...grump.
Elf Rogue, 12 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Thu 12 Feb 2015
at 05:43
  • msg #291

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Standing up and returning to the back, she answers Farian: "I do not see any traps or their usual triggers. The sealed door is locked, and the other is not. While the lock is sturdy I think I have a decent chance of being able to pick it. I cannot speak to what lies behind the doors, but they themselves are safe." She begins to play with her dagger again, something she does when a bit nervous.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 89 posts
Thu 12 Feb 2015
at 06:01
  • msg #292

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel after studying the carvings turn in the direction of the cleric and the barbarian, waving his quarterstaff: "Master Farian, Courageous Volsh, I should warn you before you two open these doors. I studied the carvings and I recognized them. They describe the last days of the Kingdom of the Sun and Moon. This is fantastic! (his tone gets more and more excited), I know now where we are, we are in the tomb of King Kosar and his children, the last of the Sun's Children. It is said that the guardians of the Moon  who failed to protect them have been sacrificed and burried here to protect and guard the Sun's children. The King also had been walled up in here to look after his childre for eternity.". Then Haazheel describe succintly to the group the rest of his knowledge about this historical event. "Perhaps the legend is true and they are still guarding the tomb?!"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 55 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 13 Feb 2015
at 01:49
  • msg #293

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas was too busy to look around than to pay much attention to the others, but Haazheel's little story time brought him right back "So for all these years they had been standing here and protected the children? This must be boring.. so do you want to leave the "children" alone? We could take a look at the other stuff. I for one think that people create items to use them.. not to let them rot in some tomb or cellar." he says, while also looking at the sealed door.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 90 posts
Fri 13 Feb 2015
at 02:29
  • msg #294

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dellas Nump (msg # 293):

"I don't say we should not investigate, in fact I would love to, I just recommend caution" says the Wizard to his colleague. "I'm sure the children have been burried with interresting "toys"..." he added with a wink to Dellas.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 176 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 13 Feb 2015
at 07:23
  • msg #295

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian's blood quickened as Haazheel told his story, the prospect of defeating undead abominations in the name of his Lord was the greatest service he could perform.

"Well then, let us not tarry longer" he said, grinning widely "Saint Bane, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard from the evils of the world and guide my strong right arm in the name of our Lord, PELOR"

The cleric shouted the name of his God and pushes his way into the room beyond, mace and shield at the ready.
Elf Archer, 151 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 13 Feb 2015
at 15:29
  • msg #296

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel's story had made Averdante even more certain that there were other undead things waiting down here. Four doors, and three servants and this leader of the moon order killed... the symmetry seemed obvious. And the gilded doors at the end of the long hallway -- royalty was ever fond of gold.

And then Farian opened the unsealed door and barged through it.

"So much for being careful," the elf muttered, shifting back so that the opposing door wasn't at his back. "Ehlonna watch over us."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 115 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Sat 14 Feb 2015
at 00:01
  • msg #297

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian listens with disgust. Undead. Unnatural, revolting abominations.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:31, Mon 16 Feb 2015.
Elf Rogue, 13 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 14 Feb 2015
at 00:52
  • msg #298

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori watches as the man barges into the hall. She takes a quick glance at the other's reactions, noting that some are displeased for one reason or another. The talk of guardians worried her. She had a knack for hitting vital spots and things that could survive for untold years sealed up tended to lack them. Still, she gripped her dagger tightly and waited for the others to go in before her.
Dungeon Master
GM, 185 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 16 Feb 2015
at 12:04
  • msg #299

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian bursts into the broken-locked room on the left with all the subtlety of a charging bull.  Light floods in from the hall behind him, illuminating the scene of what seems to be a partial crime.  A dozen niches stretch along the back wall of this room, twenty feet long and deep.  Two of the niches are empty, a pile of tattered wrappings heaped on the floors in front of them, the rest contain human-like figures wrapped in swaths of desiccated bandages, propped upright on their feet, their arms bound crossed over their chests.  Three of the figures are disturbed, one fallen flat on its face, another leaning drunkenly in its niche, the third with the wrappings ripped away from its face, revealing a dried, leathery corpse.  In front of each niche is a white porcelain teacup with a gold sunburst embossed on it.

The room is ringed with silver-inlaid bas relief that stretches all around the room, and on a plinth in the center of the room are two similar teacups under a dome of glass.

The room is silent, thick with the dust of ages, yet carries a palpable feeling of horror and loss.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 177 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Mon 16 Feb 2015
at 14:50
  • msg #300

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Faraian glances around the room, taking note of the mummified corpses and unusual display of teacups before each alcove. Stepping to the left to free up the doorway for his companions to enter he calls out a description of the chamber to the group.
"A dozen alcoves are on the back of this room, there are several mummified corpses within some of them. More pressing however are the two missing corpses. An unusual  display of porcelain cups embossed with a golden sunburst lay before them all, a more intricate altar with two of these cups are in the centre of the room on a plinth beneath a glass dome"

Steeling himself the cleric watches the room for any sight of movement. At the fist sign of undead he would call to Saint Bane and unleash a blast of Holy fury upon them.

Readied Action to Turn Undead if any appear in the room

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 116 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Mon 16 Feb 2015
at 18:05
  • msg #301

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Narthian moves into the room a bit more cautiously, but nevertheless ready to put an arrow into any non-party member that moves."Teacups? he asks. He looks around to see if there are any other tea related accessories. Perhaps there is some sort of ritual around these undead whereupon they must be served tea. after all, these are the burial grounds of royalty. Perhaps showing the bodies respect will prevent an attack

12:05, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 25 using 1d20+8. Spot.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:07, Mon 16 Feb 2015.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 65 posts
Mon 16 Feb 2015
at 23:23
  • msg #302

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh steps into the room as the elf passes lithely by. His eyes, guided by the cleric's narration, affirm the sights before them. His footfalls rest him near the encased cups at the center. He bends to observe the fragile things with his face all but touching the glass. A clever laugh forms and resounds. "Hahaha... Look at these tiny baubles", he offers quietly to those already in the room.

His finger taps the glass indicating the treasures inside. "Was this king of old a tiny man as well, Hahaha. I could hold a half-dozen of these in one grip."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 57 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 17 Feb 2015
at 04:47
  • msg #303

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas could barely stand still, the excitement was almost too great. He, a young Halfling wizard experiences it first hand when the tombs of these people are opened and their secrets are revealed. He liked the story, it is sad and an explanation... but he knows that stories like these are usually only half true. He jumps a bit when Farian's strength opens the door and he tries to get a peek between the mass of bodies in front of him.
When Volsh moved he could finally see a bit more, the bodies are less interesting to him, he focuses on the porcelain cups and tries to remember if he ever heard anything about using them for magical rituals or similar.

12:46, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 10 using 1d20+7. knowledge Arcana, porcelain cups.
Elf Archer, 154 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 17 Feb 2015
at 17:28
  • msg #304

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Teacups? Averdante wasn't sure he'd heard that aright, so moved over to the open door for a quick glance inside. He watched Volsh take a very close look at the pedestal and shook his head. Teacups indeed.

Shifting his attention to the mummies in their niches, he looked more closely for any hint of movement.

10:26, Tue 17 Feb 2015: Averdante rolled 14 using 1d20+9 ((5)).
This message was last edited by the player at 17:29, Tue 17 Feb 2015.
Dungeon Master
GM, 186 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 17 Feb 2015
at 17:43
  • msg #305

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

No bodies leap out to attack anyone at the moment, but Farian remains vigilant.  To say an undead knows how to "play dead" is about as on the rotted nose as it gets.

Narthian Goldleaf:
Narthian moves into the room a bit more cautiously, but nevertheless ready to put an arrow into any non-party member that moves."Teacups? he asks. He looks around to see if there are any other tea related accessories. Perhaps there is some sort of ritual around these undead whereupon they must be served tea. after all, these are the burial grounds of royalty. Perhaps showing the bodies respect will prevent an attack

12:05, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 25 using 1d20+8. Spot.

Narthian looks around the room very carefully, and notices something in the very bottom of each of the teacups, including those two under glass.  There is a filmy, white residue in each cup, not something you've ever seen included in a cup of tea.

Dellas takes a look at the cups too, and while he wracks his brain, cannot recall any arcane significance to the cups.

But, recalling the history of this tomb, it doesn't take too long to sink in what the residue might be.  Poison.  The prince and princess were killed by poison, and apparently all of the people in the niche were forced to drink from the same cup, as it were.

Narthian does notice the bas relief carvings on the wall are not mere decoration, but rather tell a story.  You see more of the silver figures waiting on two larger, more lordly ones in gold, tending to their every need, and being safe and cared for in return.  But as the panels draw nearer to the niches, you begin to see the hollow silver circle over the heads of the silver figures, the symbol of the new moon, the dark moon.

It does not, however, show where this dark moon came from.

The dark moon appears again over cups given to the golden figures, who appear stretched out on biers in the next panel, a kingly figure grieving over them.  Then the King's face is from thereon portrayed in black, as the silver figures labor over creating a tomb for the children.  The last panel shows cups being laid before the silver figures, cups with dark moons over them.

But just below that is a hastily crafted addition, done with crude tools, showing two figures crawling from the tomb...
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 92 posts
Tue 17 Feb 2015
at 17:52
  • msg #306

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel enters the room and examines quietly the scene. He then approaches a bit closer to have a better look on the tea cups "Tea cups, hum..... could these tea cups be a reminder of the poisoning of the children? If I recall correctly, they have been poisoned in their cups. Maybe these mummies are the one of the Moon Knights who failed to protect them? And the two under the glass dome are the children's cups perhaps? Interesting..." Haazheel then tries to study more closely the cups and the altar and the bas relief carvings.
11:48, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 23 using 1d20+7. Arcana.
11:50, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 19 using 1d20+4. History.

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 178 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Tue 17 Feb 2015
at 18:10
  • msg #307

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Two children, two teacups and two missing corpses" muttered Farian darkly "We best be careful"
Elf Rogue, 14 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Tue 17 Feb 2015
at 18:11
  • msg #308

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori follows the group into the room, and begins going about the room looking at the various curiosities and decorations. More importantly, she is looking for signs of hidden alcoves, loose stones, or even a door. Her father told her that places like this held many secrets and if she looked closely enough she could find them. To that effect, she slowly goes around the room examining all of the walls and the fixtures on them.
Elf Archer, 155 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 17 Feb 2015
at 18:14
  • msg #309

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Since the mummies appear to be properly dead, Averdante leaves the doorway. He goes to take another look back into the puzzle room, then finds a place where he can keep watch on the rest of the long hall and the other doorways awaiting them. The murals on the walls in the opened room looked interesting, but now that he knew they were in there, he could wait a bit longer to go look at them himself. For the moment, he'd keep guard with Sir Aberlayne and just listen to the others.
Dungeon Master
GM, 187 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 19 Feb 2015
at 13:02
  • msg #310

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel enters the room and examines quietly the scene. He then approaches a bit closer to have a better look on the tea cups "Tea cups, hum..... could these tea cups be a reminder of the poisoning of the children? If I recall correctly, they have been poisoned in their cups. Maybe these mummies are the one of the Moon Knights who failed to protect them? And the two under the glass dome are the children's cups perhaps? Interesting..." Haazheel then tries to study more closely the cups and the altar and the bas relief carvings.
11:48, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 23 using 1d20+7. Arcana.
11:50, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 19 using 1d20+4. History.

After considering everything, Haazheel thinks his speculations might have been right.  The dozen niches here would likely represent the twelve servants who had been attending the prince and princess that fatal day.  After having been forced to build the tomb for those whom they had failed to protect, the servants must have been forced to drink the same poison as the children, and then remain here for all time...

Lantamori follows the group into the room, and begins going about the room looking at the various curiosities and decorations. More importantly, she is looking for signs of hidden alcoves, loose stones, or even a door. Her father told her that places like this held many secrets and if she looked closely enough she could find them. To that effect, she slowly goes around the room examining all of the walls and the fixtures on them.

She examines the walls carefully as the slowly traces around the room, looking for unnecessary cracks and crevices, anything out of place.  With diligence and care, she finds two things.  One, by the door to the room, there are faint letters carved under a hasty carving a full moon, in an old but readable form of Common:

"Our family's spirits will be free."

And in the niche where one body had fallen, she finds a hidden trap door in the floor that leads to a tunnel!  Investigating that further, the tunnel looks very hastily constructed in comparison to the tomb, and has collapsed some twenty feet in.  But apparently it once lead out away from the tomb.


In the hallways with Averdante and Bruenor, Sir Aberlayne looks over her shoulder, and points to the door with the crying knight on it.  "That moaning we heard earlier?  I am damn near certain it's coming from there," she whispers to the others.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 58 posts
Fire burns bright!
Thu 19 Feb 2015
at 13:46
  • msg #311

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

While watching the others, Vish, Dellas's weasel familiar crawled down his arm and smells the stuffy air. Only a few seconds later he crawls back and tries to stay hidden. Dellas walks back to his sister "Vish doesn't like it here." He tries to pay more attention to the moaning. "Okay should we help this poor person to rest in peace? Or should we move on?"
Elf Archer, 156 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 19 Feb 2015
at 15:37
  • msg #312

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

At Sir Aberlayne's words, Averdante steps over by the door in question and closes his eyes to listen carefully. The skeletons hadn't moaned, leaving him worried that anything undead that does is perhaps more dangerous.

If she's right, hopefully Farian can be convinced to hold back and let someone else open this door, so he and the paladin together can be prepared to confront whatever's inside immediately. They'll have the best chance to render it harmless before anyone is badly hurt.

08:29, Today: Averdante rolled 22 using 1d20+9. Listen.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:38, Thu 19 Feb 2015.
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 17 posts
of Yondalla
Fri 20 Feb 2015
at 14:29
  • msg #313

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas Nump:
While watching the others, Vish, Dellas's weasel familiar crawled down his arm and smells the stuffy air. Only a few seconds later he crawls back and tries to stay hidden. Dellas walks back to his sister "Vish doesn't like it here." He tries to pay more attention to the moaning. "Okay should we help this poor person to rest in peace? Or should we move on?"

Sir Aberlayne considers, and sighs.  "If the goblins had managed to get in here, they might have unleashed some undead thing.  And if the goblins hadn't time may have done the job on its own.  Could we in good conscience leave it here knowing it could escape some day?  I think we need to try to put it to rest," she says.
Dungeon Master
GM, 189 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 20 Feb 2015
at 14:32
  • msg #314

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

At Sir Aberlayne's words, Averdante steps over by the door in question and closes his eyes to listen carefully. The skeletons hadn't moaned, leaving him worried that anything undead that does is perhaps more dangerous.

If she's right, hopefully Farian can be convinced to hold back and let someone else open this door, so he and the paladin together can be prepared to confront whatever's inside immediately. They'll have the best chance to render it harmless before anyone is badly hurt.

08:29, Today: Averdante rolled 22 using 1d20+9. Listen.

Averdante listens closely.
Elf Archer, 158 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 20 Feb 2015
at 16:15
  • msg #315

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Stepping back from the door, Averdante glanced through the opened doorway across the hall and couldn't help wondering what everyone inside had found to hold their attention. But he turned to Sir Aberlayne and Dellas, keeping his curiosity in check. It would do him no good if he didn't survive indulging it.

Besides, this door was still closed, locked, and sealed. Probably the goblins had breached the other door, and hadn't dared to risk opening another after releasing the skeletons. Certainly their idea of sealing a doorway had been more... odiferous... than this.

Turning to the paladin and fire mage who were in the hall with him, he told them, "Whatever's making the noise in there isn't alone. I think I heard more skeletons moving about as well." He glanced down at his bow, arrow held against the arrow rest with one finger, and sighed. Useless, against skeletons, and likely as bad or near against most other dead things.

Still, he didn't put it away just yet.

To the halflings, he added, "There does seem to be only one creature making the noise, and it may not be in the room beyond. Through and behind another door yet, or perhaps in a sarcophagus. It seems too muffled to be right on the other side of this door."

Either way, he had no intention of attempting to unlock the door, let alone opening it, until Farian and the others were present and ready for whatever would come out.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:17, Fri 20 Feb 2015.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 117 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Fri 20 Feb 2015
at 18:21
  • msg #316

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Satisfied that there was no threat, at least for now, from this room, Narthian moves back to outside of the door and shuts it after everyone was out, "In case anything in there decides to come out, we will at least have the warning of the door opening." he then takes up position behind the armored ones and draws his bow in preparation.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 21:49, Fri 20 Feb 2015.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 180 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sun 22 Feb 2015
at 11:30
  • msg #317

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian exited the room and rejoined has comrades in the hall, mace swinging low by his side.
"I cannot in good conscience leave an undead abomination behind us, it is against the tenants of my faith. I wish to get access to this room if possible and vanquish the threat" he growled, a frown creasing his weathered face.
"Lantamori would you be so kind and check this sealed door for any signs of traps?"
Elf Rogue, 15 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sun 22 Feb 2015
at 18:22
  • msg #318

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori nods silently and begins surveying the door.  She goes over every nick, crack, blemish, and scuff that she can find. They brought her along for just this and she really did not want to mess it up.
Elf Archer, 159 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 23 Feb 2015
at 16:19
  • msg #319

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

From where he remained near the door's hinges, Averdante watched Lantamori going over it looking for triggers or other discrepancies, not only to see if she found something, but to see if she used any methods with which he was unfamiliar. If he thought she'd missed something, he'd speak up, or if she couldn't trip the lock, but otherwise it could be helpful to watch her work.

When they got ready to open the door, he'd move to the back. Then, if skeletons did come out, he'd have time to switch to his sword before needing to engage the things.

And he really, really hoped he was right that the thing moaning was secured behind another door or lid or something, and so wouldn't be coming out with the skeletons.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 93 posts
Mon 23 Feb 2015
at 20:48
  • msg #320

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel after examining the previous room joins back the group. The wizard is not really keen to be near the front line in case something is really going to jump on them when the doors open. He remains at the back of the group, his crossbow ready and thinking about what spell to cast in case something is waiting behind the door.

11:02, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 8 using 1d20+2. Attack with crossbow.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:52, Thu 26 Feb 2015.
Dungeon Master
GM, 191 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 24 Feb 2015
at 14:48
  • msg #321

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori nods silently and begins surveying the door.  She goes over every nick, crack, blemish, and scuff that she can find. They brought her along for just this and she really did not want to mess it up.

Lantimori takes her time carefully examining the door, taking what might seem to be an utterly inordinate amount of time.  It takes diligence, particularly when Sir Aberlayne has to light another torch partway through the process.  But it pays off when Lantimori discovered a cunningly-hidden trap hidden in the wax.  It's a bespelled rune, meant to use fear against those who would attempt to violate the door.

Taking a deep breath, Lantimori takes the very tip of her dagger and has to carefully, carefully, scrape at certain parts of the rune to render it inactive.  It takes several long, tense minutes, but finally she sees a tiny flare as the pent-up magic discharges harmlessly.  Relieved, she picks up her lockpicks to attempt the door lock itself.  She twiddles one one way, the other another, and there's a funny ka-chunk of a tumbler resetting itself.  Oops.

No worries, she can try again, but the noise seems to have attracted whatever is on the other side of the door.  The shuffling feet pick up pace, and ghastly, airy groans start to fill the air.  There are heavy thuds as several things begin to strike the door, the ancient wax crumbling and releasing the scent of the grave.

On the carvings on the door, a silver liquid begins to flow from the eyes of the knight, as the door shudders in its frame, banging and crashing fit enough to wake the dead.

It seems it already has.

It looks as if the door could be wrenched of its hinges soon, mere moments at best!

Sir Aberlayne looks at Farian and Volsh, and sets herself behind the front-line fighters, ready to charge with him.
Elf Archer, 160 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 24 Feb 2015
at 15:44
  • msg #322

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Giving the weakening hinges a wary look, Averdante moves back to leave the more heavily armored members of the group at the fore. Giving his bow a regretful look, he goes with his instincts and puts it up in favor of his sword. Considering how awkward the weapon feels in his hand, he suspects he ought to spend more time practicing with it, however much he dislikes acquiring bruises.

12:51, Thu 26 Feb 2015: Averdante rolled 8 using 1d20+2 ((6)).
This message was last edited by the player at 19:55, Thu 26 Feb 2015.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 118 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Tue 24 Feb 2015
at 18:16
  • msg #323

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Averdante (msg # 322):

Noticing the archer trade his bow for steel, Narthian tips his head, gives a mental nod, and follows suit, drawing his scimitar but staying near the back.

Of course, since Narthian is more used to the bow, he badly misses anything that isn't already incapacitated.

12:48, Thu 26 Feb 2015: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 3 using 1d20 ((3)).

This message was last edited by the player at 18:50, Thu 26 Feb 2015.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 181 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Tue 24 Feb 2015
at 19:27
  • msg #324

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian's eye lit up as the door began to shudder and shake, he squared his shoulders and stretched his neck to one side and then the other, giving a satisfying crack. Hanging his mace on his belt he pulled forth his holy symbol and kissed it reverently before turning to the barbarian on his left.
"I will call forth the holy might of Saint Bane and rebuke these foul creatures. If I succeed they should cower and flee before me, making them much easier to cut down"

Readied action to Turn Undead when door opens
21:32, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 8 using 2d6+2. Turn Damage .
21:31, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 18 using 1d20+1. Turn check.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:36, Thu 26 Feb 2015.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 59 posts
Fire burns bright!
Wed 25 Feb 2015
at 00:35
  • msg #325

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas watched Lantimori the whole time. Sometimes thinking what if he had trained other skills than magic, but the last "ka-chunck" told him that being a wizard is better... and safer. He finally takes his crossbow, loads a bolt, guesses the height of a human and will shoot whatever comes through that door. (Hoping that it won't be skeletons)

Readied action to shoot the undead
14:27, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 6 using 1d20+3. attack with crossbow.

This message was last edited by the player at 06:28, Fri 27 Feb 2015.
Elf Rogue, 16 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 07:16
  • msg #326

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

With the old door about to give way, and really not wanting to be the first to meet whatever had been locked inside, Lantamori moves out of the way and pulls out her shortbow. She knocks an arrow and prepares to shoot at whatever comes out of the door, assuming it is as hostile as it sounded. Her bow shook slightly, betraying her nervousness about her first time in a situation like this.
Dungeon Master
GM, 195 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 13:14
  • msg #327

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The door finally loses its battle to stay on its hinges, and bursts off to slam into the ground with a hollow boom, letting loose a horde of skeletal warriors, still clad in rusted chainmail and toting shields and maces marked with a silver moon.  There are over a half-dozen of them, a phalanx of horror from beyond the grave.

Farian wastes not a moment, but fill his heart and mind with the glory of Pelor and the righteous purpose of Saint Bane to destroy these hideous mockeries of life.  His holy symbol blazes with light, throwing back the shadow, and the skeletons' bony maws gape in silent screams as they cringe away from the light, throwing up their arms in useless defense against Pelor's holy power. 

The rest of the ground takes advantage of the skeletons' distress to hammer them with arrows and swords, but Dellas and Haazheel's bolts whip through a ribcage, hitting nothing, and Narthian and Averdante's strikes miss cleanly.

Bruenor rattles his rapier in a skeleton's rib cage with great accuracy, but alas not doing much damage to the dry bones.

Volsh uses his hammer to smash the nearest cringing skeleton, bashing away part of its skull.  It reels but remains upright, its half-head wobbling precariously.

Sir Aberlayne smashes into Volsh's skeleton with the flat of her battleaxe, finishing what he started and scattering the skeleton to fragments!

"Remember the temple, use your hilts, the flats of your blades, bash them!" she calls.

OOC: 07:11, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 15 using 1d20+2. Attacking flat-bladed with battleaxe.
07:12, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 5 using 1d6+1.

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:18, Fri 27 Feb 2015.
Elf Archer, 161 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 15:24
  • msg #328

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Figuring he can't do much worse just then than to use his sword as a club, Averdante tries to follow Sir Aberlayne's advice with his next swing.

08:21, Fri 27 Feb 2015: Averdante rolled 21 using 1d20+2 ((19)).
08:23, Fri 27 Feb 2015: Averdante rolled 4 using 1d8+2 ((2)).

Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 183 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 15:33
  • msg #329

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"The power of Pelor compels you!" Farian cried triumphantly as the skeletons cowered before the glorious power of his God.
"I cannot advance or attack these abominations without breaking the power I have over them. I shall heal remain here and heal any who receive wounds"
Elf Rogue, 17 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 19:59
  • msg #330

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori realizes that the arrows would not be the ideal weapon to hurt the skeletons with, she would need to make that one in a million shot to actually do any real harm. She puts her bow on her back as she draws one of her daggers and begins looking for a way into the fight.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 95 posts
Fri 27 Feb 2015
at 20:25
  • msg #331

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel curses himself for not having thought earlier about skeletons. The wizard then puts his crossbow back and mumbles an incantation, his left hand half covering his face giving the impression he is in deep concentration. Shortly a blue light starts to glow around his right hand that Haazheel then extends in the direction of the skeletons projecting a blue ray toward them. Haazheel then draws his quarterstaff.

OOC:  05:14, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Haazheel Thorn, rolled 18 using 1d20+2. Attack with ray.

14:23, Fri 27 Feb 2015: Haazheel Thorn rolled 1 using 1d3 ((1)).

This message was last edited by the GM at 11:15, Mon 02 Mar 2015.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 130 posts
The Daring Challenger
Sat 28 Feb 2015
at 11:59
  • msg #332

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor pulls his rapier from the ribcage of the charging skeleton before him, and silently vows to get a stouter weapon at the next opportunity.  He sees several of his companions frantically changing weaponry, realising the arrows and bolts were not effective against this mob.

Not having a flat weapon of substance, he lunges at the skeleton again; letting his rapier slice against the bones…trying to pull the undead form apart.

22:55, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 11 using 1d20+4. Attack with rapier.
22:56, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 6 using 1d6. Damage from rapier.

Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 63 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sat 28 Feb 2015
at 14:38
  • msg #333

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas, being new with the crossbow, misses wide and is just happy not to have hit any of his companions. He puts it away and thinks about everything he knows about skeletons.

(No action, just thinking and then saying any useful bit of information)
22:16, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 16 using 1d20+3. Knowledge religion: skeletons.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:44, Sat 28 Feb 2015.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 67 posts
Mon 2 Mar 2015
at 03:32
  • msg #334

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The barbarian squints his eyes to hold his already adjusted vision as the cleric's holy right is bestowed upon the undead mass.

His hammer, having done its work, continues to swing away as he attempts to grasp the neck of one of the leading skeletons to hold it steady. He uses his might and size to force the skeletons inward. "Keep moving!" shouts Volsh.

21:30, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 15 using 1d20+4. Hammer Attack.
21:32, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 4 using 1d4+3. Hammer Dmg.

Dungeon Master
GM, 198 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 2 Mar 2015
at 11:21
  • msg #335

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The skeletons cringe away from Farian's light, scrambling away into the room, this one large as the one across the hall, the walls just as decorated, but lacking niches and instead containing a huge stone sarcophagus, which the skeletons cling to in their fear.

Figuring he can't do much worse just then than to use his sword as a club, Averdante tries to follow Sir Aberlayne's advice with his next swing.

08:21, Fri 27 Feb 2015: Averdante rolled 21 using 1d20+2 ((19)).
08:23, Fri 27 Feb 2015: Averdante rolled 4 using 1d8+2 ((2)).

Averdante advances in and bashes the flat of his blade against the nearest skeleton, cracking ribs and vertebrae as he does.

Farian Raymellie:
"The power of Pelor compels you!" Farian cried triumphantly as the skeletons cowered before the glorious power of his God.
"I cannot advance or attack these abominations without breaking the power I have over them. I shall heal remain here and heal any who receive wounds"

Farian's light continues to shine, and the skeletons cower, their mouths open in silent moans of panic.

Lantamori realizes that the arrows would not be the ideal weapon to hurt the skeletons with, she would need to make that one in a million shot to actually do any real harm. She puts her bow on her back as she draws one of her daggers and begins looking for a way into the fight.

Lantamori shoulders her bow and draws her dagger, reversing it so the heavy hilt will be the first to strike when she finds a good target. 

Narthian darted in to bash the hilt of his scimitar on the same one Averdante had been harrying, and struck a solid and palpable hit that separated skull from shoulders and made the creature slump into dust!

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel curses himself for not having thought earlier about skeletons. The wizard then puts his crossbow back and mumbles an incantation, his left hand half covering his face giving the impression he is in deep concentration. Shortly a blue light starts to glow around his right hand that Haazheel then extends in the direction of the skeletons projecting a blue ray toward them. Haazheel then draws his quarterstaff.

OOC: 05:14, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Haazheel Thorn, rolled 18 using 1d20+2. Attack with ray.
 14:23, Fri 27 Feb 2015: Haazheel Thorn rolled 1 using 1d3 ((1)).

Haazheel's ray of freezing light hits a third skeleton squarely, but spreads its frost without doing any seeming damage at all.

Dellas Nump:
Dellas, being new with the crossbow, misses wide and is just happy not to have hit any of his companions. He puts it away and thinks about everything he knows about skeletons.

(No action, just thinking and then saying any useful bit of information)
22:16, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 16 using 1d20+3. Knowledge religion: skeletons.

The most important things about skeletons is that bashing weapons are the best to use on them - being mostly dry bones, weapons that slice or pierce do very little unless swung with an excess of skill and strength.  They are also immune to cold, poison, and anything affecting their minds.

Volsh son of Vor:
The barbarian squints his eyes to hold his already adjusted vision as the cleric's holy right is bestowed upon the undead mass.

His hammer, having done its work, continues to swing away as he attempts to grasp the neck of one of the leading skeletons to hold it steady. He uses his might and size to force the skeletons inward. "Keep moving!" shouts Volsh.

21:30, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 15 using 1d20+4. Hammer Attack.
21:32, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 4 using 1d4+3. Hammer Dmg.

Volsh bulls in to where Haazheel's ice had spread upon a skeleton with no effect, and finds his hammer works just fine, smashing a skeleton's jaw clean off and making it ricochet off the wall.

Sir Aberlayne roars in under Volsh's tall stance and finishes up with Volsh started, batting the skeleton to follow its jaw in bouncing off the walls.

OOC:  05:19, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 21 using 1d20+2. Bashing with battleaxe.
05:19, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 3 using 1d6+1. Battleaxe damage.

There is a dreadful loud moaning coming from the sarcophagus as the sounds of battle increase, and it sends a tendril of cold down each of your spines.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 64 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 2 Mar 2015
at 13:45
  • msg #336

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas calls out to Haazheel: "Ice and poison and ineffective, as are mind altering spells" He wanted to prepare a spell he had chosen especially against undead, but the moaning had him his head spinning to the direction of the noise. Seeing how his new friends have the skeletons under control, he looks and listens if anything comes from the other direction (down the corridor or the other room) to join their undead friends.

21:42, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 14 using 1d20+5. Listen for newcomers.
21:45, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 4 using 1d20+2. Spot sth moving.
I'm not sure if there is any penalty for the ongoing battle

Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 68 posts
Tue 3 Mar 2015
at 05:11
  • msg #337

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Ha ha!" Volsh hollers, the boom from his exultation ringing from the walls of the mausoleum as the bones of the undead.

"You and I make a fair team mistress paladin!"
He spouts as he yet presses the ranks of the guardians, brought to fright by the cleric. His hammer seeks more dust, splinters, and fragment.

23:09, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 12 using 1d20+4. Hammer Attack.
23:09, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 7 using 1d4+3. Hammer Dmg.

Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 123 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Tue 3 Mar 2015
at 07:32
  • msg #338

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 337):

Narthian takes another swing to bash a skeleton, but the awkward movement makes hitting difficult.

01:29, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 0 using 1d20-4. Bash with scimitar .
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 132 posts
The Daring Challenger
Tue 3 Mar 2015
at 11:46
  • msg #339

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor takes a cue from the others and this time lashes out, swinging his hand in the basket hilt of the rapier...aiming for the skeleton's head.  He lets out a yell of frustration as he struggles to do any notable damage to the undead before him.

22:42, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 10 using 1d20+4. Bash with rapier basket hilt.
22:43, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 5 using 1d6. Dmg.

Elf Archer, 163 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 3 Mar 2015
at 16:26
  • msg #340

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Relieved and encouraged by the skeleton crumbling to the floor from his and Narthian's hits on it, and knowing they don't dare stop while any of the foul things are still moving, Averdante moves on to attack another. Best to take them down while Farian's holy strength holds out.

And before they can dislodge the lid of the sarcophagus, by design or accident. He'd rather they not meet whatever's inside while distracted with skeletons.

09:23, Tue 03 Mar 2015: Averdante rolled 21 using 1d20+2 ((19)).
09:24, Tue 03 Mar 2015: Averdante rolled 9 using 1d8+2 ((7)).

This message was last edited by the player at 16:27, Tue 03 Mar 2015.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 101 posts
Tue 3 Mar 2015
at 16:31
  • msg #341

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"You're right Master Dellas, I'm afraid we cannot be very helpful for now. But I'm starting to be worry about the sound coming from that sarcophagus!" answers Haazheel to Dellas while looking at the coffin. Unfortunately, the wizard is so far from the coffin that he has difficulties to examine it clearly.
10:28, Tue 03 Mar 2015: Haazheel Thorn rolled 5 using 1d20+4 ((1)). History check.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:31, Tue 03 Mar 2015.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 185 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Wed 4 Mar 2015
at 10:46
  • msg #342

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Frustrated at having to stay back and watch his companions fight Farian finally gave in to his instincts, with a growl the cleric pulled forth his mace. With a cry to Pelor he leapt forward and swung his mace at the nearest skeleton.

10:43, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 11 using 1d20+2.
10:43, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 6 using 1d8+2.

Dungeon Master
GM, 201 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 6 Mar 2015
at 06:11
  • msg #343

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian Raymellie:
Frustrated at having to stay back and watch his companions fight Farian finally gave in to his instincts, with a growl the cleric pulled forth his mace. With a cry to Pelor he leapt forward and swung his mace at the nearest skeleton.

10:43, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 11 using 1d20+2.
10:43, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 6 using 1d8+2.

Farian drops his holy symbol back around his neck as he advances.  Though his mace crashes down upon a skeleton with punishing force, smashing its skull deep into its ribcage and destroying it, the skeletons, free from the light of Pelor, begin to stir with murderous intent!

Relieved and encouraged by the skeleton crumbling to the floor from his and Narthian's hits on it, and knowing they don't dare stop while any of the foul things are still moving, Averdante moves on to attack another. Best to take them down while Farian's holy strength holds out.

And before they can dislodge the lid of the sarcophagus, by design or accident. He'd rather they not meet whatever's inside while distracted with skeletons.

09:23, Tue 03 Mar 2015: Averdante rolled 21 using 1d20+2 ((19)).
09:24, Tue 03 Mar 2015: Averdante rolled 9 using 1d8+2 ((7)).

Averdante turns to the fifth skeleton and slams his hilt into it as it starts to rise, breaking one arm and half the ribs with a single blow.  It continues to get up, but at a slower pace.

Narthian Goldleaf:
In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 337):

Narthian takes another swing to bash a skeleton, but the awkward movement makes hitting difficult.

01:29, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 0 using 1d20-4. Bash with scimitar .

Narthian misses everything and everyone with his hit, thrown off by trying to use the flat of the blade and skeleton's unexpected movement.

Lantamori darts in to take advantage, squirming in over the already unmoving bones to smash her dagger hilt against the spine of the skeleton Averdante had weakened.  The blow is precisely placed, and the skeleton falls before it can rise further.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor takes a cue from the others and this time lashes out, swinging his hand in the basket hilt of the rapier...aiming for the skeleton's head.  He lets out a yell of frustration as he struggles to do any notable damage to the undead before him.

22:42, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 10 using 1d20+4. Bash with rapier basket hilt.
22:43, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 5 using 1d6. Dmg.

Bruenor swings again, but the basket hilt skids off the bony dome of a rising skeleton, and does no appreciable damage at all!

Dellas Nump:
Dellas calls out to Haazheel: "Ice and poison and ineffective, as are mind altering spells" He wanted to prepare a spell he had chosen especially against undead, but the moaning had him his head spinning to the direction of the noise. Seeing how his new friends have the skeletons under control, he looks and listens if anything comes from the other direction (down the corridor or the other room) to join their undead friends.

21:42, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 14 using 1d20+5. Listen for newcomers.
21:45, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 4 using 1d20+2. Spot sth moving.
I'm not sure if there is any penalty for the ongoing battle

Dellas looks about for trouble, but luckily it seems nothing is coming at the moment.  That could be a disaster...

Haazheel Thorn:
"You're right Master Dellas, I'm afraid we cannot be very helpful for now. But I'm starting to be worry about the sound coming from that sarcophagus!" answers Haazheel to Dellas while looking at the coffin. Unfortunately, the wizard is so far from the coffin that he has difficulties to examine it clearly.
10:28, Tue 03 Mar 2015: Haazheel Thorn rolled 5 using 1d20+4 ((1)). History check.

With all the chaos going on, Haazheel can't determine anything specific from this distance.

Volsh son of Vor:
"Ha ha!" Volsh hollers, the boom from his exultation ringing from the walls of the mausoleum as the bones of the undead.

"You and I make a fair team mistress paladin!"
He spouts as he yet presses the ranks of the guardians, brought to fright by the cleric. His hammer seeks more dust, splinters, and fragment.

23:09, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 12 using 1d20+4. Hammer Attack.
23:09, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 7 using 1d4+3. Hammer Dmg.

Volsh's grin matches that of the skeleton he targets, swinging his hammer up so that the head lodges on it, the mouth gaping in surprise around Volsh's hand as its body collapses into a heap!

Sir Aberlayne grins grimly.  "Let's see them broken down for kindling for the holy fires!"  She slams the flat of her axe down, and the seventh and penultimate skeleton collapses to the ground.  Just one remains!

OOC: 00:05, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 13 using 1d20+2. Bashing with battleaxe.
00:05, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 7 using 1d6+1. Battleaxe damage.

The last remaining skeleton, no longer afraid of Farian's holy power, tries to crush the priest with its silver mace.  The blow is deflected off of Farian's shield, doing little harm.

In the next moment, the last remaining skeleton is brought down by blows from every angle, from everyone in the party, scattering its body far and wide.

Now the only sound is the moaning in the sarcophagus, a moan of hunger and pain over centuries of years...
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 68 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 6 Mar 2015
at 06:48
  • msg #344

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas takes another bolt and loads his crossbow, maybe the next thing that climbs out of there will have some meat on it... or how else could it make this sound?
He didn't like what he hears, it's like pain and hunger, a century old hunger. He doesn't approach the Sarcophagus and is just glad not to be a fighter. "Whew, who wants to open that thing?" he says in an eerie chipper voice. Vish, his animal companion, shows its head from behind Dellas's back for a moment before quickly crawling back.
Elf Archer, 164 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 6 Mar 2015
at 15:11
  • msg #345

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

When the last skeleton went down, Averdante backed up a few steps, looking around to be sure there's nothing moving -- any not-quite-dead skeletons trying to crawl across the floor, any clutching, bony hands.... Thankfully, none of the bones move any longer, although he still side-steps away from the remains of an arm too-near his foot for comfort.

Relieved, he gives his sword a hard shake to rid it of any bony grit. After a close look at it for damage, he puts it back in his scabbard. Then, having seen his sleeve, he shudders and fussily brushes splintered shards of bone and the gritty, whitish bone dust from his sleeves. It helps hide the slight tremble of his hands. And, well, ick.

With another shiver, and a wary look at the closed sarcophagus still moaning in the room's center, Averdante takes a better look around the room. He thought he'd seen a flash of silver in the torchlight, right there at the end of the fighting....

08:09, Fri 06 Mar 2015: Averdante rolled 28 using 1d20+9 ((19)). Spot check
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 187 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 6 Mar 2015
at 17:18
  • msg #346

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian stepped towards the coffin, putting his armoured bulk between it's occupant and his comrades.
"Let us spread out my friends, Volsh and I can approach the tomb. Ready your weapons and spells, we shall overwhelm this foul abomination with force" 
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 125 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Fri 6 Mar 2015
at 23:31
  • msg #347

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Farian Raymellie (msg # 346):

"Thunder. Stand ready by my side. You may yet get to rend flesh and not be thwarted by these dry bones."
Narthian takes a point far from the sarcophagus yet near the door.
Elf Rogue, 20 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 6 Mar 2015
at 23:42
  • msg #348

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori finds a place near the head of the sarcophagus from which to strike. She had gotten a good blow from the hilt of her dagger and aimed to do so again.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 134 posts
The Daring Challenger
Sat 7 Mar 2015
at 00:18
  • msg #349

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor renews his grip on his rapier and finds a clear spot near the sarcophagus on the opposite side from Farian.

His knees bent slightly and ready to spring...a thin trickle of sweat falls down his neck as he awaits whatever is inside.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 69 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sat 7 Mar 2015
at 03:12
  • msg #350

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Wait a moment" Stepping carefully around any bones he gets closer to the sarcophagus and wants to examine it a little closer. He will not go too close to touch it but just enough to make out any carvings before going back and hiding behind the others. But the light and the whirled up dust doesn't make it easy.

11:11, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 9 using 1d20+2. Spot sth
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 126 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Sat 7 Mar 2015
at 15:50
  • msg #351

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dellas Nump (msg # 350):

Recognizing Dellas' wisdom, and realizing that there was little imminent danger that it would open iteself, Narthian moves to also examine the sarcophagus.

09:50, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 14 using 1d20+8. Knowledge (nature) to interpret any markings or runes.
09:49, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 14 using 1d20+8. spot check on sarcophagus.

Dungeon Master
GM, 204 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 8 Mar 2015
at 12:26
  • msg #352

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

When the last skeleton went down, Averdante backed up a few steps, looking around to be sure there's nothing moving -- any not-quite-dead skeletons trying to crawl across the floor, any clutching, bony hands.... Thankfully, none of the bones move any longer, although he still side-steps away from the remains of an arm too-near his foot for comfort.

Relieved, he gives his sword a hard shake to rid it of any bony grit. After a close look at it for damage, he puts it back in his scabbard. Then, having seen his sleeve, he shudders and fussily brushes splintered shards of bone and the gritty, whitish bone dust from his sleeves. It helps hide the slight tremble of his hands. And, well, ick.

With another shiver, and a wary look at the closed sarcophagus still moaning in the room's center, Averdante takes a better look around the room. He thought he'd seen a flash of silver in the torchlight, right there at the end of the fighting....

08:09, Fri 06 Mar 2015: Averdante rolled 28 using 1d20+9 ((19)). Spot check

Averdante looks about the room, and sees more of the baas relief carvings that had decorated the other room.  They show a phalanx of silver armed-and-armored warriors around a pair of golden figures with crowns, either riding around them on horseback, or standing around them as they were seated on thrones, or ranged around them on a battlefield.  The silver warriors seems to guard the children from their birth, some standing over their cradles, all the way to the final panels.  These depict the warriors standing around a tent.  A dark moon rises over the tent, and in the next panel the golden figures are lying on the ground inside the tent.  A very tall golden figure seems to direct the silver warriors to lay the two golden figures to rest inside a palace, and then you see the tall golden figure shut the door so that the silver warriors are inside.


While Averdante looks, and everyone else makes ready for instant action, Sir Aberlayne lays down her battleaxe and picks up one of the silver-headed maces.  Though oversized for her hands, the mace is quite suited for more skeleton-bashing.  She looks at the sarcophagus, and shakes her head slightly.

"My friends, unless that abomination within is far stronger than it has a right to be, I think we will have to lift that lid ourselves if we want to face it and destroy it," she says.  With a self-deprecating grimace, she indicates she is a bit short to really get any leverage to do the lifting herself without a stepstool.


Dellas Nump:
"Wait a moment" Stepping carefully around any bones he gets closer to the sarcophagus and wants to examine it a little closer. He will not go too close to touch it but just enough to make out any carvings before going back and hiding behind the others. But the light and the whirled up dust doesn't make it easy.

11:11, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 9 using 1d20+2. Spot sth

Narthian Goldleaf:
In reply to Dellas Nump (msg # 350):

Recognizing Dellas' wisdom, and realizing that there was little imminent danger that it would open iteself, Narthian moves to also examine the sarcophagus.

09:50, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 14 using 1d20+8. Knowledge (nature) to interpret any markings or runes.
09:49, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 14 using 1d20+8. spot check on sarcophagus.

Both examine the sarcophagus with more care.  The effigy on the lid depicts a knight in silver armor, tears running down his face.  On the sides it shows silver warriors ranged about the knight as he is stripped of his armor by a tall golden crowned figure, made to kneel and expose his chest.  His face is depicted as being dark, black, as the tall golden figure raises a dagger above his head, poised to bring it down on the knight's unprotected heart.

Then the carvings stop.

Narthian, you know the new moon, or the black face as is shown here, can be used to represent death.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 127 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Sun 8 Mar 2015
at 17:12
  • msg #353

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Ruminating on the runes, Narthian begins, "This one seems to be singled out amongst all the others. I surmise that this was the head of the Moon Knights, the one who was most directly in charge of security for the children. From the noise coming from within, it seems that death did not fully want him either. Friend Farian, might Pelor again bless us by repelling this abomination to make it's extermination easier?"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 188 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sun 8 Mar 2015
at 17:17
  • msg #354

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Pelor has many more blessings yet to offer me friend Narthian. If the creature is powerful it may shake off the effects however. Volsh is the strongest amongst us, if someone were to assist him in moving the lid I will call upon the aid of my God"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 135 posts
The Daring Challenger
Mon 9 Mar 2015
at 00:16
  • msg #355

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor steps up to offer his assistance to Volsh in moving the sarcophagus lid.  As a nobleman's son, his training has always focused on dextrous, nimble fighting and fencing.  Challenges like they have faced in just the short time he's been away from home, and the ones they face now, have led him to see the folly of not embracing his natural strong physique and placing his focus there.  He silently vows as he makes it through the challenges of the ruins, that he will make an effort to use the gifts the gods have given him in ways that are most useful.

11:14, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 4 using 1d20. STR check.

As soon as the others step up, Bruenor puts his hands to the edge of the sarcophagus and pushes...feeling as if it will never move.
Elf Archer, 165 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 9 Mar 2015
at 03:16
  • msg #356

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Sir Aberlayne may have the right of it, Averdante thinks, but he doesn't pick up one of the maces just yet. After the thing in the sarcophagus is dead, though....

For now, he'll stick with his sword; he knows how to use it, at least, and hopefully anything that can moan and carry on as the dead moon knight is, will be more substantial than a skeleton. They just clattered.

Eyeing the heavy lid as he moves up near the head of the sarcophagus, he offers, "I've not Volsh's strength, but I'm at least tall enough to assist, if you think you'll need more help." If not, he'll draw his sword again and be ready for when the thing inside is released. As soon as it sits up, he'll have a nice shot at its backside.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:24, Mon 09 Mar 2015.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 71 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 9 Mar 2015
at 09:08
  • msg #357

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas steps back to hide behind the meat shields. The carvings only told the story of these poor souls, nothing else... He takes up his crossbow, aims and will wait with firing it until he knows what's inside the sarcophagus.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 103 posts
Mon 9 Mar 2015
at 16:26
  • msg #358

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel tries to examine more closely the sarcophagus in order to find more clues about what is happening. Deciphering the carvings he ends up with the same conclusions as his other wizard colleague. He then readies his crossbow and step back behind the others, ready to shoot an arrow or cast a spell to help them in the possible coming fight.

Haazheel rolled 11 for knowledge arcana and 12 for knowledge religion.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 69 posts
Mon 9 Mar 2015
at 23:36
  • msg #359

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In anticipation of the feat, Volsh stows his hammer into its place near the back of his wide belt. He takes a moment to interlock his fingers and crack them free of tightness. That being all the preparation he requires, he bends to the task.

He quickly sets his feet when Bruenor steps in to help. As he meets the eyes of the lithe swordsman, he offers a fractional nod; something burns in his eyes. When Bruenor begins to strain, the thews of the barbarian's shoulders, arms, and back bunch and knot as lends his might.

18:29, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 18 using 1d20+3. Strength Check.
Dungeon Master
GM, 206 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 10 Mar 2015
at 15:30
  • msg #360

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh son of Vor:
In anticipation of the feat, Volsh stows his hammer into its place near the back of his wide belt. He takes a moment to interlock his fingers and crack them free of tightness. That being all the preparation he requires, he bends to the task.

He quickly sets his feet when Bruenor steps in to help. As he meets the eyes of the lithe swordsman, he offers a fractional nod; something burns in his eyes. When Bruenor begins to strain, the thews of the barbarian's shoulders, arms, and back bunch and knot as lends his might.

18:29, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 18 using 1d20+3. Strength Check.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor steps up to offer his assistance to Volsh in moving the sarcophagus lid.  As a nobleman's son, his training has always focused on dextrous, nimble fighting and fencing.  Challenges like they have faced in just the short time he's been away from home, and the ones they face now, have led him to see the folly of not embracing his natural strong physique and placing his focus there.  He silently vows as he makes it through the challenges of the ruins, that he will make an effort to use the gifts the gods have given him in ways that are most useful.

11:14, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 4 using 1d20. STR check.

As soon as the others step up, Bruenor puts his hands to the edge of the sarcophagus and pushes...feeling as if it will never move.

Volsh and Bruenor strain at lifting the sarcophagus lid.  The thing must be eight feet long, a good four wide, almost a foot thick, and it resists their initial attempts to budge it.  It takes them several more tries before they can coordinate with both of their strength to lift and slide the lid open with immense effort.

As soon as a hint of light breaches the darkness of the interior, the moaning stops.  You initially cannot see what is inside, and everyone strains to look, ready for danger as Bruenor and Volsh inch the lid to the side with great heaves of muscle.

Haazheel isn't quite sure what manner of undead (that being by far the most likely sort of creature to be contained within a sarcophagus that moaned) lay within - the carvings were not particularly explicit.  Sometimes undead can spontaneously arise if the burden upon their hearts and souls is great at the time of their death, especially if the dying has strong will.  An incorporeal undead like a phantom or a ghost is amongst the most common spontaneous undead - the corporeal undead are more likely to be created by evil priests or mages to serve some dark purpose, or else created by a neutral priest of Wee Jas as a punishment whose bounds could not be exceeded in life.  The sorts of undead created in those rituals are legion, and the secrets to creating them are close-guarded.

The rest stand ready for whatever horror is within, ready to strike.  Volsh and Bruenor don't drop their guard, but a pale-skinned bony hand shoots out from the sarcophagus interior with preternatural speed, wrapping itself around Volsh's throat in an iron grip.

Farian shouts and holds forth his holy symbol, his faith illuminating it with the gold of Pelor's sun and the silver filigree skull of Saint Bane.  The hand withers slightly from the touch, the flesh seeming to blister, but its relentless grip does not loosen!

The creature rises from the tomb, the corpse of a man, with gray flesh and hollow, sunken pits for eyes and lips peeled back from its gaping mouth.  It only wears the padded gambeson typically worn under metal armor, and dagger with a golden handle is still lodged in its breast, staining its white garment black where it had pierced the skin.

Averdante steps forward to slash at the creatures back to get it to let Volsh go, and it arches with a low moan, then slumps limp, still clinging to Volsh's throat.

There's a brief pause as Volsh tries to pull the hand away where it constricts his air, and suddenly the supposedly dead corpse rears up, moaning in pain.  The sight is terrifying, and waves of icy fear batter everyone in the room, but no one gives in to it.  Dellas fires his crossbow, but watches his solid hit barely penetrate the creature's leathery dried skin and seem to do it no harm.  Haazheel's bolt doesn't even stick in the creature, instead shattering against a wall.  Sir Aberlayne mistimes her swing and jars her oversized mace against the sarcophagus itself, much to her disgust.  Lantamori tries to swing into the fray, her dagger stabbing firmly into the creature, but she sees it skin sealing up as she withdraws the blade!

It's crowded around the sarcophagus, but the creature seems to be unaware or uncaring of everyone trying to kill it.

The creature throttles Volsh unmercifully, and you can see the barbarian's face is turning a dark shade of purple.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:49, Wed 11 Mar 2015.
Elf Archer, 166 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 10 Mar 2015
at 23:42
  • msg #361

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Alarmed now that the creature is still moving, and still has hold of Volsh, Averdante puts his longsword to use with another strike at the creature. He doesn't have much hope, at this point, of killing it -- permanently -- but it seems possible to distract the creature. That might give the big barbarian a chance to break free.

16:37, Tue 10 Mar 2015: Averdante rolled 17 using 1d20+2 ((15) Attack with longsword).
16:39, Tue 10 Mar 2015: Averdante rolled 4 using 1d8+2 ((2)). Damage, if applicable.

Elf Rogue, 21 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 11 Mar 2015
at 04:38
  • msg #362

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori takes another stab at the reanimated remains, aiming for the arm and using a cutting motion in an attempt to help loosen the grip it had on one of her companions.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 128 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Wed 11 Mar 2015
at 05:49
  • msg #363

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Lantamori (msg # 362):

Seeing the horror attack Volsh, Narthian looses is readied arrow and draws another. "Thunder, attack!"

00:47, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 5 using 1d20+3. Thunder attack.
00:46, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 3 using 1d8. Damage.
00:46, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 15 using 1d20+3. Bow attack.

Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 136 posts
The Daring Challenger
Wed 11 Mar 2015
at 07:22
  • msg #364

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor jumps back as the grotesque hand shoots out of the sarcophagus and grasps Volsh's throat.  He pulls his rapier from his belt as the others start loosing attacks on the undead creature.

Seeing Volsh's peril, he lunges at the creature with the point of his thin blade, hoping to skewer it.

18:17, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 22 using 1d20+4. Attack with rapier.
18:17, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 3 using 1d6. Dmg.

18:20, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 10 using 1d20+4. Rolling for critical hit.
18:21, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 5 using 1d6. Critical dmg (if successful).

Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 73 posts
Fire burns bright!
Wed 11 Mar 2015
at 13:42
  • msg #365

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

His feeling was right, that.. thing seems to be as good as immune to most attacks. Vish, his weasel familiar, runs towards the door and stands around a foot away from it. With his mind racing he finally shouts: "Maybe it's the dagger, pull it out"
He reloads his crossbow as quickly as his nervous fingers let him.

OOC: Anyone following Dellas's advice would have to make a touch attack(it would get an AOO) and then make a Str check.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:43, Wed 11 Mar 2015.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 104 posts
Wed 11 Mar 2015
at 18:09
  • msg #366

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel curses himself for not having prepared the mage hand spell to pull out the dagger from the creature's chest. The wizard casts a ray of frost, trying to hit the arm of the creature holding Volsh. He then will ready another arrow for his crossbow, stepping back with Dellas.

13:08, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 2 using 1d3. Ray of frost cold damage.
Dungeon Master
GM, 208 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 14 Mar 2015
at 05:32
  • msg #367

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh grabs at the hand and pulls hard, jerking its unnaturally strong grip off his throat, gasping for air.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor jumps back as the grotesque hand shoots out of the sarcophagus and grasps Volsh's throat.  He pulls his rapier from his belt as the others start loosing attacks on the undead creature.

Seeing Volsh's peril, he lunges at the creature with the point of his thin blade, hoping to skewer it.

18:17, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 22 using 1d20+4. Attack with rapier.
18:17, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 3 using 1d6. Dmg.

18:20, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 10 using 1d20+4. Rolling for critical hit.
18:21, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 5 using 1d6. Critical dmg (if successful).

Bruenor's rapier hits the creature's back squarely, but the blade doesn't seem to harm it, sliding in and out harmlessly. 

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel curses himself for not having prepared the mage hand spell to pull out the dagger from the creature's chest. The wizard casts a ray of frost, trying to hit the arm of the creature holding Volsh. He then will ready another arrow for his crossbow, stepping back with Dellas.

Haazheel tries to track the creature with his ray, but the spike of magical cold overshoots and splashes harmlessly against the wall.  Quickly he moves back to give others some room, ready to grab another bolt.

Farian continues to hold his holy symbol forth, and the creature's flesh continues to blister and smoke in Pelor's light.  It moans again, sounding in agony, and turns its face away from the priest.

Alarmed now that the creature is still moving, and still has hold of Volsh, Averdante puts his longsword to use with another strike at the creature. He doesn't have much hope, at this point, of killing it -- permanently -- but it seems possible to distract the creature. That might give the big barbarian a chance to break free.

16:37, Tue 10 Mar 2015: Averdante rolled 17 using 1d20+2 ((15) Attack with longsword).
16:39, Tue 10 Mar 2015: Averdante rolled 4 using 1d8+2 ((2)). Damage, if applicable.

Averdante swings down, his sword creasing the creature's flesh, but like Bruenor's failing to actually make an impression!

Narthian Goldleaf:
In reply to Lantamori (msg # 362):

Seeing the horror attack Volsh, Narthian looses is readied arrow and draws another. "Thunder, attack!"

00:47, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 5 using 1d20+3. Thunder attack.
00:46, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 3 using 1d8. Damage.
00:46, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 15 using 1d20+3. Bow attack.

Thunder jumps up, growling, but snaps his jaws too soon to get ahold of the creature's dried flesh.  Narthian's arrow smacks into the horror's leather skin, but it rebounds instead of sinking in.

Lantamori takes another stab at the reanimated remains, aiming for the arm and using a cutting motion in an attempt to help loosen the grip it had on one of her companions.

Lantamori ducks in from below, stabbing hard, but her dagger also slides along its tough flesh, failing to penetrate.

Dellas Nump:
His feeling was right, that.. thing seems to be as good as immune to most attacks. Vish, his weasel familiar, runs towards the door and stands around a foot away from it. With his mind racing he finally shouts: "Maybe it's the dagger, pull it out"
He reloads his crossbow as quickly as his nervous fingers let him.

OOC: Anyone following Dellas's advice would have to make a touch attack(it would get an AOO) and then make a Str check.

Dellas gets his crossbow loaded again, and his sister's head comes up at his advice.

"Anything to get this thing properly dead!  Budge over, fuzzy!" Sir Aberlayne says, and clambers onto the sarcophagus, ducking under Thunder to lunge for the dagger.  She manages to get her hand on it, dodging the creature's swipe, but can't get the leverage to pull it where it's solidly planted in the creature's breastbone.

OOC:  00:28, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 3 using 1d20+1. Pull out dagger.
00:25, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 22 using 1d20+5. Touch attack on undead.

The undead abomination tries to grab at Sir Aberlayne again, but misses her by a whisker, its long, bony fingers grasping as it seeks to wrap them around her neck.

OOC: 00:30, Today: Dungeon Master, for the NPC Undead, rolled 12 using 1d20+4. Undead attack Sir Aberlayne.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 70 posts
Sat 14 Mar 2015
at 21:24
  • msg #368

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The barbarian inhales sharply and deep. His neck purpling from the vise-like grip of the dead knight. The color of his face in sharp contrast as it flushes with the blood and rage of his kin. Volsh's eyes widen and rush with madness. The view from them narrow onto his target.

The undead monster before him has sealed its fate. Volsh swells in chest and thew with the might of his ancestors. They were a hardy woodfolk; molded by the wild; tempered by the driving rain; honed in sport and drink. Suddenly, his frame explodes with a deafening roar as his crystalline blade appears in his jug-sized fist. "HHRRRRRAAAAAGHHHH!" Volsh strikes with the ferocity and strength of a charging bull.

Volsh flies into a fit of rage.
16:18, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 22 using 1d20+7. Att w/Crystal Sword (enraged).
16:21, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 13 using 1d8+5. Crystal Sw. Dmg (enraged).

Elf Rogue, 22 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sat 14 Mar 2015
at 23:32
  • msg #369

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Realizing she cannot pierce the monsters skin, she decides to try to impair it instead. She rapidly sheathes her dagger and removes her travelling cloak, trying to hold it over the creatures head to obscure it's vision.
Elf Archer, 167 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 15 Mar 2015
at 02:12
  • msg #370

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh stumbled free, and normal blades, Averdante realized with alarm, seemed to have little affect on the crypt creature.

Then he heard Volsh bellow like an angry bear, sweeping back into the fray swinging the crystal sword.

The elf backed away. He couldn't affect the undead thing, and he didn't want to be in the way of the enraged barbarian. Better to stay back and watch for anything else showing up!
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 75 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sun 15 Mar 2015
at 04:45
  • msg #371

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh's outburst actually started Dellas and made him (and Vish) jump backwards. He had heard that some warriors, barbarians, can harness their anger but he had never experienced it until now. Still holding his crossbow he watches Volsh unleashing his fury.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 137 posts
The Daring Challenger
Sun 15 Mar 2015
at 10:50
  • msg #372

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor, realising his weapon is useless against the undead creature, drops it and attempts to take advantage of Volsh's rage and Lantamori's distraction to pull out the dagger in the creature's chest.

As the halfling paladin moves off from trying, he lunges in and grabs the handle...straining to pull it free, but finding it near impossible to budge!

21:46, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 22 using 1d20+4. Touch attack - reach for dagger.
21:47, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 5 using 1d20. Pull out dagger.

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 105 posts
Tue 17 Mar 2015
at 23:26
  • msg #373

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel is momentarily startled by the strength of Volsh attack. Still curious about the dagger, he waits to see whether Bruenor removes it and what will happen if he succeed, his crossbow ready to shoot at the undead.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 129 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Wed 18 Mar 2015
at 04:59
  • msg #374

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 373):

Realizing that his weapons are useless against this undead creature, Narthian stows his bow and begins looking for some kind of clue to defeating it, starting with anything in the room that looks out of place (besides the sarcophagus itself).

23:55, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 28 using 1d20+8. Spot Check.
23:55, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 13 using 1d20+4. Search check.

Dungeon Master
GM, 210 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 19 Mar 2015
at 10:57
  • msg #375

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The others realize their weapons are less effective and start to back off, hunting for alternatives to destroy the undead abominations.  Bruenor tries to tug out the knife, nearly crawler over Sir Aberlayne to do so, but finds it lodged in tight.  Farian continues to project his holy power, burning the creature further.  Narthian begins to look around the room for any hint as to how to undo the undead's animation.  He spies a smaller panel near the knight's "sacrifice" that shows a crying knight standing watch over two tombs, and you have an inkling that as powerful as the creature is, if you had disturbed the children's graves before dealing with him first, he and his fellow knights might have fallen on you from behind and driven you deeper into the tomb to die.

Realizing she cannot pierce the monsters skin, she decides to try to impair it instead. She rapidly sheathes her dagger and removes her travelling cloak, trying to hold it over the creatures head to obscure it's vision.

Lantamori takes a proactive approach, trying to blind the creature, distract him, and inadvertently gives a very angry Volsh an even greater opening.

Volsh son of Vor:
The barbarian inhales sharply and deep. His neck purpling from the vise-like grip of the dead knight. The color of his face in sharp contrast as it flushes with the blood and rage of his kin. Volsh's eyes widen and rush with madness. The view from them narrow onto his target.

The undead monster before him has sealed its fate. Volsh swells in chest and thew with the might of his ancestors. They were a hardy woodfolk; molded by the wild; tempered by the driving rain; honed in sport and drink. Suddenly, his frame explodes with a deafening roar as his crystalline blade appears in his jug-sized fist. "HHRRRRRAAAAAGHHHH!" Volsh strikes with the ferocity and strength of a charging bull.

Volsh flies into a fit of rage.
16:18, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 22 using 1d20+7. Att w/Crystal Sword (enraged).
16:21, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 13 using 1d8+5. Crystal Sw. Dmg (enraged).

Volsh's sword swings down as if guided by the spirits of the clan and the strength of his entire bloodline.  There's a flash of light from the blade, and suddenly the creature's head is cloven in twain by the blade and ripped from its neck by shear brute force!  The creature's body goes limp, and falls back into the sarcophagus, nearly dragging Lantamori with it.  Sir Aberlayne bows her head to Volsh with respect.  She does this while getting well out of the range of his sword, and encouraging others to do so as well.

"Bruenor, Lantamori, Narthian, call Thunder back, get clear of him until his senses return!  Volsh, you did it, you destroyed it!" she calls loudly.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 138 posts
The Daring Challenger
Thu 19 Mar 2015
at 11:07
  • msg #376

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor lets go of the dagger's hilt and scrambles off the sarcophagus in a rush as Volsh brings the magic sword down on the undead creature...rolling and falling to the ground beside the sarcophagus in his haste.

Once on the ground, he scrambles back on his hands and feet, getting well clear of Volsh before slowly standing and retrieving his rapier.

'Gods above,' he thinks, 'I've never seen the likes of that before.'
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 130 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Thu 19 Mar 2015
at 15:30
  • msg #377

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Thunder, come!" Narthian calls as he backs away from Volsh.

After the barbarian returns to his senses, Narthian returns to the sarcophagus to check for hidden/useful items. If the dagger handle appears to be metal, he wraps it with strips torn from the undead's apparrel and attempts to pull it out.

10:02, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17 using 1d20. Strength check to pull dagger. .
10:02, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 23 using 1d20+4. Search recently re-dead undead. .

Elf Archer, 168 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 19 Mar 2015
at 15:45
  • msg #378

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The bright flash of light is more startling than the crazed barbarian slamming his sword into the creature. There was a little warning of Volsh's attack, and it was pretty much expected, all things considered. The light, though... Averdante's glad for the wall at his back as he blinks spots out of his eyes.

Opting to hold still and not draw the barbarian's attention before he's recovered himself, Averdante uses the time to look around. It'd be rather inconvenient if the undead thing's apparent destruction triggered a secondary event.

08:45, Today: Averdante rolled 20 using 1d20+9. spot check.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 106 posts
Thu 19 Mar 2015
at 20:55
  • msg #379

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel approaches the sarcophagus to have a better look at the dagger and what is inside the sarcophagus. If Narthian removes the dagger he politely asks the druid whether he may have a closer look to the weapon.

15:53, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 8,19,24 using d20+7,d20+4,d20+4. Arcana, History, Religion Checks on the dagger.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 76 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 20 Mar 2015
at 14:55
  • msg #380

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Again being happy not to be a melee fighter, Dellas stands back and watches the show. A shame, he had hoped that they could have tested his theory with the dagger but maybe now, with something to focus on, he can recall more useful information about the dagger and rituals that would require a weapon or focus to be stuck in the body.

OOC: I'm not sure if I can do that, but now I have a focus and a better hunch... if not, just ignore it.
22:52, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 26 using 1d20+7. knowledge Arcana, dagger ritual.
Dungeon Master
GM, 212 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 22 Mar 2015
at 13:18
  • msg #381

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor lets go of the dagger's hilt and scrambles off the sarcophagus in a rush as Volsh brings the magic sword down on the undead creature...rolling and falling to the ground beside the sarcophagus in his haste.

Once on the ground, he scrambles back on his hands and feet, getting well clear of Volsh before slowly standing and retrieving his rapier.

'Gods above,' he thinks, 'I've never seen the likes of that before.'

All back off from Volsh as he deals with the rage of his ancestors.

This is a good and wise thing to do.

Narthian Goldleaf:
"Thunder, come!" Narthian calls as he backs away from Volsh.

After the barbarian returns to his senses, Narthian returns to the sarcophagus to check for hidden/useful items. If the dagger handle appears to be metal, he wraps it with strips torn from the undead's apparrel and attempts to pull it out.

10:02, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17 using 1d20. Strength check to pull dagger. .
10:02, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 23 using 1d20+4. Search recently re-dead undead. .

The dagger gleams gold, and with care and a wrench of effort that came with a cracking of dry bones, Narthian frees the dagger.  It has a golden blade as well as a golden handle, inscribed with symbols of an eclipsed sun along its blade and hilt.  Also in the sarcophagus is what appears to be an ancient strip of cloth embroidered with stylized letters in an ornate, very old form of Common.

The bright flash of light is more startling than the crazed barbarian slamming his sword into the creature. There was a little warning of Volsh's attack, and it was pretty much expected, all things considered. The light, though... Averdante's glad for the wall at his back as he blinks spots out of his eyes.

Opting to hold still and not draw the barbarian's attention before he's recovered himself, Averdante uses the time to look around. It'd be rather inconvenient if the undead thing's apparent destruction triggered a secondary event.

08:45, Today: Averdante rolled 20 using 1d20+9. spot check.

Looking about, Averdante doesn't see anything at first.  Then he realizes the fragments of bone from the skeletons they fought?  Are twitching.  Slowly, but they are moving...

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel approaches the sarcophagus to have a better look at the dagger and what is inside the sarcophagus. If Narthian removes the dagger he politely asks the druid whether he may have a closer look to the weapon.

15:53, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 8,19,24 using d20+7,d20+4,d20+4. Arcana, History, Religion Checks on the dagger.

The dagger is a common sort of style of blade, not terribly different in gross form than what you could find today.  However, the materials and symbols tell a different story.  A eclipsed sun, from this era of tomb, meant eternal disgrace.  Specifically it meant a death curse.  Someone called upon the power of the gods to bind this corpse into service to make up for its betrayal in life.

Dellas Nump:
Again being happy not to be a melee fighter, Dellas stands back and watches the show. A shame, he had hoped that they could have tested his theory with the dagger but maybe now, with something to focus on, he can recall more useful information about the dagger and rituals that would require a weapon or focus to be stuck in the body.

OOC: I'm not sure if I can do that, but now I have a focus and a better hunch... if not, just ignore it.
22:52, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 26 using 1d20+7. knowledge Arcana, dagger ritual.

Working with Haazheel, Dellas comes to the same conclusion about the dagger.  But he also looks at the strip of cloth Narthian found.  The words take a little deciphering, but eventually he can determine they say, "I and my brothers stand for a thousand years as faithful guardians, until the anger of our king is assuaged and his children rest."
Elf Archer, 169 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 22 Mar 2015
at 22:52
  • msg #382

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Oh, hells, Averdante thinks with alarm, seeing the bones moving. Not again! "Arm up, everyone," he calls out loudly. "The skeletons aren't yet destroyed!"

He looks for one of the maces the things were using earlier, such as Sir Aberlayne had taken up, wanting something that will do more damage to the bones. As he does, it occurs to him that perhaps all their weapons should be gathered up, simply to keep the undead things from using them again.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 77 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 23 Mar 2015
at 04:33
  • msg #383

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas inspects the piece of cloth and finds writing on it. "Here's something" He mumbled. After he deciphered the text he turns to the others and reads it aloud: "I and my brothers stand for a thousand years as faithful guardians, until the anger of our king is assuaged and his children rest." As soon as he uttered the last word, Averdante calls his attention towards the skeletons. He quickly drops the cloth and gets away from them (towards the door). He shouts: "Friends! I believe that these guardians only give up when we quench the anger of the king and help the children to rest."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 139 posts
The Daring Challenger
Mon 23 Mar 2015
at 11:10
  • msg #384

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor, a bit out of his element, as the others study the runes, rituals and artifacts, watches and waits.

At Averdante's warning, he looks down to see a twitching skeleton arm near his boot.  He gives it a kick with his toe, sliding it across the floor and further away from him.  While the remnants of the skeletons don't seem to be posing any immediate threat...just twitching and flopping on the doesn't hurt to be prepared.  And he'd rather not have a stray hand grabbing his leg.

"Bloody hell...the undead won't stay dead!"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 107 posts
Mon 23 Mar 2015
at 16:34
  • msg #385

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"The dagger... It's a death curse! Cleric do you have any spell to break this kind of curse?" shouts the Wizard to the cleric before getting away from the coming melee field joining Dellas.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 72 posts
Tue 24 Mar 2015
at 00:11
  • msg #386

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

After the unliving falls under his blade, Volsh glares upon its bifurcated remains until his vision begins to clear. Slowly his eyes regain some semblance of humanity. He reveals a toothy grin and spits at the creature with obvious mirth. "Huhuh-ha..." he audibly snickers to himself.

The madman seems to recover easily. He sits for a moment leaning against the sarcophagus. Although he is grinning, Volsh is noticeably worn out, his arms hanging at his flanks. He catches his breath as his massive chest expands to its limits, threatening to pop the studs from his leather armor.
Elf Rogue, 24 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 25 Mar 2015
at 14:37
  • msg #387

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

With the shouting about the undead returning, Lantamori quickly grabs all of the intact skulls, placing them in her cloak before wrapping it up and tying it off with the corners. "Hopefully they will be easier to put back down if they cannot see. We can lay them to proper rest once we figure out how to appease their king's anger." she says. She wasn't too happy to split their remains, but also didn't want to have to continually put these skeletons down.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 131 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Wed 25 Mar 2015
at 20:52
  • msg #388

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Lantamori (msg # 387):

Narthian appraises the young woman's odd behavior for a few moments before she spoke and revealed her plan. "Rather than keeping them in your cloak, where they could bite you, perhaps we should place those skulls into the sarcophagus and replace the lid?"
Elf Rogue, 25 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 25 Mar 2015
at 23:01
  • msg #389

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"That could work. I was merely acting on instinct to try to prevent us from having to go through the effort of putting the skeletons down again. If anyone has other suggestions on how to deal with them please speak up." she says. She didn't like having to carry a bunch of skulls around and figured the others might have better options.
Elf Archer, 170 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 25 Mar 2015
at 23:30
  • msg #390

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Holding up one of the maces, Averdante suggests flatly, "Smash them. Heads and hands. And if that's not enough, kneecaps and elbows." He looks at the shifting bones and shakes his head. "It's ill done to have the remains of the dead under such a curse to begin with."

"The skeletons we killed yesterday were still..." his voice trails off. More quietly, he mutters, "I wonder if that's changed." Turning toward Hazeel and Dellas, he calls, "Watch your backs over there. There are those skeletons outside we cut down yesterday, too."

To Narthian and Lantamori, Dante adds, "Maybe the effect doesn't extend that far, but it's better to be prepared than surprised."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:31, Wed 25 Mar 2015.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 78 posts
Fire burns bright!
Thu 26 Mar 2015
at 02:02
  • msg #391

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

He thought himself save near the door, but Averdante did remind him of something he had totally forgotten. He quickly sticks his head out of the room and scans the immediate area while mumbling "I'm not so sure if they would find their way through the animal corridor." Vish climbed on top of Dellas's head and keeps a second pair of eyes out for any danger.

10:02, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 16 using 1d20+2. Spot sth moving
Dungeon Master
GM, 214 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 28 Mar 2015
at 06:20
  • msg #392

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian can employ more of Pelor's power to quell the bones long enough to separate the heads out and drop them into the sarcophagus.  With a great deal of effort, those not hunting for more skeletons can get the lid back in place, leaving the heads to gnaw on stone walls.

Averdante and Dellas move out to see if the skeletons killed yesterday are still in the temple room.  They, disturbingly, are not there.  There is actually no trace of them, just some very faint drag marks in the dust, heading back into the tomb.  However, from the age of the bones you recall, you don't think they're of the same vintage as the ones in the dishwasher.  They were fresher, more recently stripped of flesh.  Maybe the shaman brought them with him, or killed bandits in the woods, or they're captured villagers or homesteaders.

With the sarcophagus closed and the skeletons gone, there are two more rooms in the corridor, and a third at the end of the hall, all still closed.

"Do you think we should press on, or rest?  If the wrath of the old king awaits us behind one of these doors, I would rather be in the best of shape to do it!" Sir Aberlyane asks.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 79 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sat 28 Mar 2015
at 06:45
  • msg #393

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

A frown was visible in Dellas's face, the temple seems to be more of an annoyance than he had thought. Though on the other hand he was glad that he and his sister had taken the job with the goblins. As he returned to the others he pointed with his thumb backwards: "The skeletons disappeared, we found some drag marks but I'm not sure where they're leading." Looking at the others he realized that even though he did a bit of fighting, he actually still had all his spells and was full of energy. "I'd be ready to continue, though I don't know about good Volsh over there. Is anyone else hurt?"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 140 posts
The Daring Challenger
Sun 29 Mar 2015
at 11:31
  • msg #394

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor relaxes a bit as they push the lid closed on the sarcophagus...the skulls resting safely inside now.

The danger temporarily gone, and the adrenaline waning, he takes a moment to sag against the wall and answers Dellas, "I've taken a few scratches...although I'll be damned if I can remember where.  I could do with a bit of rest or healing, especially if things are going to get nasty."

(Bruenor lost 1/3 of his hit points sometime before I took him over.  Must've been a tough fight!) :-)
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 18 posts
of Yondalla
Sun 29 Mar 2015
at 11:31
  • msg #395

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas Nump:
A frown was visible in Dellas's face, the temple seems to be more of an annoyance than he had thought. Though on the other hand he was glad that he and his sister had taken the job with the goblins. As he returned to the others he pointed with his thumb backwards: "The skeletons disappeared, we found some drag marks but I'm not sure where they're leading." Looking at the others he realized that even though he did a bit of fighting, he actually still had all his spells and was full of energy. "I'd be ready to continue, though I don't know about good Volsh over there. Is anyone else hurt?"

"I wanted to make sure everyone was still feeling well.  When I first started adventuring, sometimes people would forge on boldly ahead, ignoring their wounds in favor of glory.  Some of those didn't come home again, and I promised you I'd help keep your head on straight, little brother.  If everyone is feeling well, then we can continue to solve this ancient mystery," Sir Aberlayne says affectionately.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 73 posts
Mon 30 Mar 2015
at 02:59
  • msg #396

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I'm ready." Volsh offers. "My neck feels like it's been stomped on, but I will drive forth."

Elf Rogue, 26 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Mon 30 Mar 2015
at 05:33
  • msg #397

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I am okay to continue. We should still proceed with caution, I cannot guess what might be in store for us so stay sharp." she says with a smile before adjusting her cloak and daggers. She felt they could press onward, but if those who had actually received blows and injuries needed to rest then that is what they should do.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 108 posts
Mon 30 Mar 2015
at 20:40
  • msg #398

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel feels pretty frightened by the idea of skeletons wandering around but his curiosity for the secrets hiding deeper in the temple is stronger than his fear. "I'm also in favor to keep going. I still have some protective spells in case of a bad encounter" says the wizard, with Mystique looking at the scene from the ceiling.
Elf Archer, 171 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 30 Mar 2015
at 22:02
  • msg #399

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Crouched down beside the sarcophagus, checking cautiously for hidden compartments in the pedestal or floor around it, Averdante pauses to look up. "I'm willing to check at least another room today, although I'd as soon leave the royal crypt for last. It's obvious there's some of these undead things most of us cannot harm, and it seems likely such dark magics would have been laid on the royals -- Haazheel, didn't you say the princess was reputed to be a sorceress?

"Perhaps we'll find something like Volsh's sword in one of the other secondary rooms, that will allow more of us to damage the more dangerous undead."
Arrows, preferably; Narthian and he could both put those to effective use.

Dante greatly regretted they'd not taken the time to search inside the sarcophagus before they'd filled it with chomping skulls -- surely the moon knight had been buried with a weapon? -- but he wasn't eager to let the skulls out again, either. So for now, he inspected the pedestal and floor. Just in case.

15:00, Today: Averdante rolled 25 using 1d20+9. Spot hidden on the sarcophagus pedestal & immediate floor around it.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 132 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Mon 30 Mar 2015
at 23:05
  • msg #400

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Averdante (msg # 399):

"I agree that Thunder and I are up to the task of another room or two before retreating to a safer resting place. However, it may be possible that the dark magics that animated these skeletons my work just fine without the skulls as well. While close quarters is not my style, would one of you like to try wielding the enchanted dagger? Metal in general is not my friend. Even if you choose not to use it, I would prefer not to be the possessor." Narthian proffers the dagger to whomever wants to carry it.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 109 posts
Thu 2 Apr 2015
at 20:50
  • msg #401

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Narthian Goldleaf (msg # 400):

Haazheel approaches Narthian: "I would be curious to study more this weapon, so if anyone don't mind, I would be interresting in carrying it for the moment".
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 141 posts
The Daring Challenger
Thu 2 Apr 2015
at 22:37
  • msg #402

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor pushes off the wall, and says, "Well, I guess let's be off then.  I'll live." muttering 'I hope' under his breath.

He looks around the room at the group of adventurers, his first thought (almost by instinct) is to pick fault with each one...a throw back to his noble upbringing and competitive sibling rivalry.  He keeps his mouth shut, though, not saying anything 'smart'...after all these guys did ok in the battles they've faced thus far.  His eyes stop on Volsh, one of the bunch he truly admires...or is that envies?  Such strength and power in a human.  He looks with disgust at the rapier in his hand...thinking he'll exchange it for something of more substance as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Before they head out, he walks over beside the barbarian, and says quietly, "Volsh, I've learned to wield a weapon, but the strength with which you do it...what training must a man go through to achieve such as that?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 80 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 3 Apr 2015
at 01:09
  • msg #403

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Haazheel Thorn (msg # 401):

Looking up to Haazheel: "Take it, I'm more interested in scrolls. With daggers I'd have to get close." He steps out into the corridor and looks at the doors, trying to find any sign that could help him to determine what's behind those doors.

09:07, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 18 using 1d20+2. Spot sth.
09:08, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 18 using 1d20+6. Dungeoneering knowledge.
09:08, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 9 using 1d20+7. knowledge Arcana, symbols.
OOC: Just in case you need any, though I hope that you don't need Arcana...

This message was last edited by the player at 01:09, Fri 03 Apr 2015.
Dungeon Master
GM, 215 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 3 Apr 2015
at 03:48
  • msg #404

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor relaxes a bit as they push the lid closed on the sarcophagus...the skulls resting safely inside now.

The danger temporarily gone, and the adrenaline waning, he takes a moment to sag against the wall and answers Dellas, "I've taken a few scratches...although I'll be damned if I can remember where.  I could do with a bit of rest or healing, especially if things are going to get nasty."

(Bruenor lost 1/3 of his hit points sometime before I took him over.  Must've been a tough fight!) :-)

"Here," Sir Aberlayne says, handing Bruenor a potion marked with a symbol of Yondalla, her deity.  "We found healing potions in amongst the shaman's things, so I shan't miss this, and I'd rather Farian save his strength for the wrath of the old king.  Drink up!"

The potion has the consistency of mead, smells of freshly-baked bread, and bubbles lightly with a pale blue color.  Downing it, it tastes of wildflower honey, and Bruenor's wounds close cleanly.

Sir Aberlayne nods at the others and heads out with Dellas (and anyone else who's curious) to take a cautious look at the rooms further down the corridor.  The next door on the left shows a woman in golden robes and a crowned head, her arms upraised, a circle of crescent moons arcing between her palms.  Golden stars dots the door in a dazzling display, glowing faintly, making the door shimmer and shine.  There is no visible lock or even latch on this door.

The door on the right shows a man in golden armor, his helm crowned, his sword grounded point-down between his feet, his gauntleted hands over the hilt.  He stares out at the viewer with a noble, stern visage.  The lock on this door is particularly massive, made of an intimidating black metal.

Dellas considers the doors carefully. 


Back in the Moon Knight's room, Averdante scans the room carefully.  He regrets possibly losing whatever treasures were buried with the disgraced dead, but considering he might have been sacrificed in shame, perhaps his goods were kept separately, ah!  There, at the base of the sarcophagus, are stone sealed not with fine mortar, but instead thin lines of dark lead.  They are about three feet long and six inches high, marked with small glyphs of the phases of the moon in a continuous cycle.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 189 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 3 Apr 2015
at 03:59
  • msg #405

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Moving towards the exit along with everyone, I pause to look back at those in the room still. "Are we ready to move onwards and rid this accursed place of its undeath plague?"

Noting that Averdante apparently discovered something, I hold back to see if he needs any assistance or not before moving on to rejoin our allies. "If you need help Averdante, just let me know. Otherwise if you would rather continue to explore this room I will rejoin our allies down the hall."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 133 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Fri 3 Apr 2015
at 06:54
  • msg #406

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Farian Raymellie (msg # 405):

Narthian gladly passes the dagger on to the wizard. Perhaps he can determine more information about it and the magics imbued into the weapon.

Also noticing Averdante studying the pedestal, Narthian comments, "Perhaps our new expert should examine this. Lantamori, would you come here please?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 81 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 3 Apr 2015
at 08:30
  • msg #407

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

With a steady, yet careful pace, he walks down the corridor to the next doors. The door on his left attracts his attention and he examines it carefully.
His memory, already strained, doesn't serve him well and he doesn't know how to open a door without a latch or lock. But remembering the story Haazheel told him, about the princess Alexandria being a sorceress, he is almost sure that magic is required. With this he hurries to him, past his sister and the others and in an rather excited voice he rambles about the door to Haazheel: "Haazheel I found something. The door on the left must be the princess's room, but I believe that we'll need magic to open it. Maybe you know something about doors without a lock? Maybe a light spell, would be useful here since she belonged to the house of the sun. But I didn't prepare it, who would think of preparing a light spell? Anyway If you come now, then we can continue."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 134 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Fri 3 Apr 2015
at 14:23
  • msg #408

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dellas Nump (msg # 407):

Narthian calls out, "Well, I have a light spell prepared, but we are checking out the sarcophagus pedestal first." Narthian suits his actions to his words as he goes to one knee for a better look at the pedestal.

09:22, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17 using 1d20+8. Knowledge (nature) to interpret any markings or runes.
Elf Rogue, 27 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 3 Apr 2015
at 16:33
  • msg #409

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori nods at the request and moves to the doors. She spends her time examining them, particularly the one without a lock to try and determine it's function. Slowly going around the frame, getting very close to the door, she tries to find some indication of how it opens.
Elf Archer, 172 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 4 Apr 2015
at 00:49
  • msg #410

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Mean anything to you?" Averdante questions Narthian, giving the other elf time to peruse the symbols. He takes the chance to consider how the leaded "mortar" integrates into the rest of the pedestal, estimating the likelihood of the whole thing collapsing if the lead is pried loose. And to look for any sign of a trap that might be sprung. Those lunar markings would be a good place to hide needle or dart traps. They appear solid, though that might still just be a bit of plastering over holes.

He'll just have to be careful when he starts prying out the lead.

17:43, Today: Averdante rolled 10 using 1d20+8. Search markings for traps. (Not sure if he should be using this skill or Spot for this; but spot would only be another +1.)
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 190 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sat 4 Apr 2015
at 01:25
  • msg #411

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Watching Averdante and Narthian, Farian finally moves into the hallway where everyone is gathered around the Princess' door. "Anything interesting out here guys? Seems that Averdante might have found a secret compartment near the pedestal. He and Narthian are looking into it."

Farian looks at the door as well to see what he can make of it. No locks showing, probably magic would be needed, or perhaps there is a secret switch like a pressure latch on the wall near the door.

[ooc: Farian Raymellie rolled 12 using 1d20+1. searching wall for possible latch release for door.]
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 142 posts
The Daring Challenger
Sat 4 Apr 2015
at 11:48
  • msg #412

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor drinks the potion from Sir Aberlayne, finding the aroma and taste surprisingly good.  His wounds instantly close over, and he feels as if he's just woken from a good sleep.  "Thanks for that," he says to the paladin.

He makes his way out into the hallway and watches Lantamori examining the odd handle-less door for a bit.  Having nothing else of substance to contribute, he says, "I don't suppose that magic dagger's some sort of key?  Is there a place to insert it into the door somewhere?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 82 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sat 4 Apr 2015
at 14:01
  • msg #413

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

With his sister and Farian being nearby, Dellas decided to speak his question out loud for everyone near the door to hear: "Is there a better way to bring skeletons or other undead their deserved rest? Or is destroying them the only way?" Vish, who had climbed on Dellas' arm, enjoyed extra attention from the wizard and sniffs the air.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 191 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sat 4 Apr 2015
at 14:09
  • msg #414

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Pausing in his examination of the archway and wall around the Princess' door, Farian turns towards Dellas, "Interesting question my little friend. As most lower forms of undead are mindless, just animated bodies, destroying them would be the most logical choice. There are spells that might prevent one's body from being used in such a blasphemous way, but for those poor beings who's bodies are violated in such a fashion, if you can't sever the corrupt energies that animate them, then we do what we do and destroy it."

Looking towards the Paladin for further input, "Do you have anything else to add my friend?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 216 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 5 Apr 2015
at 13:07
  • msg #415

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In the Moon Knight's room

Narthian Goldleaf:
In reply to Dellas Nump (msg # 407):

Narthian calls out, "Well, I have a light spell prepared, but we are checking out the sarcophagus pedestal first." Narthian suits his actions to his words as he goes to one knee for a better look at the pedestal.

09:22, Today: Narthian Goldleaf rolled 17 using 1d20+8. Knowledge (nature) to interpret any markings or runes.

The full cycles of the moon are a symbol of wholeness, completion.  Considering that the House of the Moon was forced to build this tomb, and the odd, out of the way placement of these markings, you think perhaps the builders tried to bury something with the Moon Knight that his disgrace might otherwise not let him have.

"Mean anything to you?" Averdante questions Narthian, giving the other elf time to peruse the symbols. He takes the chance to consider how the leaded "mortar" integrates into the rest of the pedestal, estimating the likelihood of the whole thing collapsing if the lead is pried loose. And to look for any sign of a trap that might be sprung. Those lunar markings would be a good place to hide needle or dart traps. They appear solid, though that might still just be a bit of plastering over holes.

He'll just have to be careful when he starts prying out the lead.

17:43, Today: Averdante rolled 10 using 1d20+8. Search markings for traps. (Not sure if he should be using this skill or Spot for this; but spot would only be another +1.)

Examining it carefully, Averdante doesn't think there is any underhandedness at work.  Thusly he goes to work prying the lead out.  No poison darts thwip into his flesh, and no noxious gasses pour out to suffocate him, so that's a plus.  The lead comes out in a long strip, just leaving the stones to be worked out.  Averdante starts to use his dagger to tease the stones out when a sudden stab of pain clutches his stomach.  He feels nauseated, and his stomach cramps agonizingly.  He wonders what brought this on, and his eyes fall on the soft strip of lead he'd pulled out.

Oh.  Well, that's a nasty way to poison a body. 


In the corridor

Lantamori nods at the request and moves to the doors. She spends her time examining them, particularly the one without a lock to try and determine it's function. Slowly going around the frame, getting very close to the door, she tries to find some indication of how it opens.

With great patience and expenditure of time, Lantamori minutely examines each door.  She comes to the conclusion that the prince's door will probably need very, very big and sturdy lockpicks, with some heft and effort to make the lock trip.  The oversized mechanism, in its way, is just as devious as a small, finely-crafted one.

On the Princess' door, Lantamori thinks she's found a pattern where the little golden lights shine just a bit brighter.  Pressing them, she thinks, will make the door open.

Farian Raymellie:
Watching Averdante and Narthian, Farian finally moves into the hallway where everyone is gathered around the Princess' door. "Anything interesting out here guys? Seems that Averdante might have found a secret compartment near the pedestal. He and Narthian are looking into it."

Farian looks at the door as well to see what he can make of it. No locks showing, probably magic would be needed, or perhaps there is a secret switch like a pressure latch on the wall near the door.

[ooc: Farian Raymellie rolled 12 using 1d20+1. searching wall for possible latch release for door.]

Farian looks closely, but doesn't see any latch.  The walls are smooth, even masonry.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor drinks the potion from Sir Aberlayne, finding the aroma and taste surprisingly good.  His wounds instantly close over, and he feels as if he's just woken from a good sleep.  "Thanks for that," he says to the paladin.

He makes his way out into the hallway and watches Lantamori examining the odd handle-less door for a bit.  Having nothing else of substance to contribute, he says, "I don't suppose that magic dagger's some sort of key?  Is there a place to insert it into the door somewhere?"

"May be.  I don't see a place, but you never know.  At least that will give the old king a nasty shock if we find him though," Sir Aberlayne opins.

Dellas Nump:
With his sister and Farian being nearby, Dellas decided to speak his question out loud for everyone near the door to hear: "Is there a better way to bring skeletons or other undead their deserved rest? Or is destroying them the only way?" Vish, who had climbed on Dellas' arm, enjoyed extra attention from the wizard and sniffs the air.

Farian Raymellie:
Pausing in his examination of the archway and wall around the Princess' door, Farian turns towards Dellas, "Interesting question my little friend. As most lower forms of undead are mindless, just animated bodies, destroying them would be the most logical choice. There are spells that might prevent one's body from being used in such a blasphemous way, but for those poor beings who's bodies are violated in such a fashion, if you can't sever the corrupt energies that animate them, then we do what we do and destroy it."

Looking towards the Paladin for further input, "Do you have anything else to add my friend?"

"Mincing the physical body to bits, burning the undead's corpse with blessed salt, using holy energy to break their unholy bond to life, or dousing them in holy water are all fairly common ways of destroying common undead.  Very powerful undead may need blessed weapons, but the gods forfend we come across an evil that ancient and powerful," Sir Aberlayne says with a shudder.
Elf Rogue, 29 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Sun 5 Apr 2015
at 16:44
  • msg #416

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Lantamori gets up and moves more towards the middle of the group. She knew her father had a big set of lockpicks back home for things like vault doors, and that was exactly what she needed. Sighing, she explains what she found. "The door with the lock on it will be very difficult to open. It is well constructed and I am not sure that I can do it without an appropriately sized lockpick set, but I will try if you would like. I just think it will be worth some time to try and find a key. The door without a lock will be much easier I think. If my guess is right, we just have to touch the bright golden lights painted on the door."
Elf Archer, 174 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 6 Apr 2015
at 00:35
  • msg #417

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dropping from his crouch to his knees and wrapping one arm over his cramping stomach, Averdante tells Narthian, "Perhaps you might see if Farian is busy?" He sets his knife down to examine his fingertips for discoloration. "And don't touch the lead. It's... not safe."

This was definitely worse than the food poisoning he'd gotten at that one inn, what had the place been called? He couldn't remember. Maybe age had diluted the poison? He'd only handled it for a moment. Where was his waterskin? It might not matter now, but it couldn't hurt to wash his hands. He tried to remember what he'd learned about treatments for contact poisons.

(No idea what skill would apply for that, since none seem to quite apply. Heal, just on general principle?)
This message was last edited by the player at 00:42, Mon 06 Apr 2015.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 136 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Mon 6 Apr 2015
at 01:48
  • msg #418

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Averdante (msg # 417):

Narthian swiftly moves to the door, "Farian! Averdante seems to have handled something poisonous. Come quickly!" As Narthian steps out of the way to let Fairan enter, he continues, "Unfortunately, poisons and the elimination of them are not in my capabilities."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 193 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Mon 6 Apr 2015
at 03:01
  • msg #419

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian rushes in after hearing Narthian's call and looks over Averdante. "Contact poison huh. Let me look and see what I can figure out."

[ooc:Farian Raymellie rolled 23 using 1d20+7. to treat for poison using heal skill.]

Examining the skin and very carefully examining the strip, Farian pulls some herbs out of his pouches. Saying a quick prayer to Palor for healing and protection on his Elven ally, he gives Averdante the herbs to place under his tongue to help get it into his bloodstream quicker.

"This might help you, I will stay close to monitor your progress till I know for sure we have the poison beat. "
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 85 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 6 Apr 2015
at 08:34
  • msg #420

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Listening to his sister only validated his thoughts "I meant if there are some other, less destroying, ways of giving a cursed person peace. I heard that some ghosts stay because they have something like an unfinished task." He takes Vish in his hand and pets him, he opens his mouth as if he wanted to add something, but stops as he hears narthian's voice. With Vish in his hand, he hurries back to the door to see what exactly happened, but stays out of everybody's way.
Dungeon Master
GM, 218 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 8 Apr 2015
at 02:32
  • msg #421

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dropping from his crouch to his knees and wrapping one arm over his cramping stomach, Averdante tells Narthian, "Perhaps you might see if Farian is busy?" He sets his knife down to examine his fingertips for discoloration. "And don't touch the lead. It's... not safe."

This was definitely worse than the food poisoning he'd gotten at that one inn, what had the place been called? He couldn't remember. Maybe age had diluted the poison? He'd only handled it for a moment. Where was his waterskin? It might not matter now, but it couldn't hurt to wash his hands. He tried to remember what he'd learned about treatments for contact poisons.

(No idea what skill would apply for that, since none seem to quite apply. Heal, just on general principle?)

Averdante remembers something about washing the poison off, at least so it can do less harm, and washes his hands forthwith to take off some of the lethal stuff that had been smeared upon the lead to kill the unwary.

Farian Raymellie:
Farian rushes in after hearing Narthian's call and looks over Averdante. "Contact poison huh. Let me look and see what I can figure out."

[ooc:Farian Raymellie rolled 23 using 1d20+7. to treat for poison using heal skill.]

Examining the skin and very carefully examining the strip, Farian pulls some herbs out of his pouches. Saying a quick prayer to Palor for healing and protection on his Elven ally, he gives Averdante the herbs to place under his tongue to help get it into his bloodstream quicker.

"This might help you, I will stay close to monitor your progress till I know for sure we have the poison beat. "

At Narthian's call, Farian and Sir Aberlayne comes in to aid Averdante.  While Farian is the more experience healer, Sir Aberlayne has a healer's kit to aid in cleansing and treating the poison.  With clear water and an application of herbs where Averdante's skin has now darkened to deep purple, he feels no further weakness or nausea.  With time and good, competent care, he should recover fully, though it will take it him a day or three.

Dellas Nump:
Listening to his sister only validated his thoughts "I meant if there are some other, less destroying, ways of giving a cursed person peace. I heard that some ghosts stay because they have something like an unfinished task." He takes Vish in his hand and pets him, he opens his mouth as if he wanted to add something, but stops as he hears narthian's voice. With Vish in his hand, he hurries back to the door to see what exactly happened, but stays out of everybody's way.

As the immediate crisis fades, Sir Aberlayne puts her thinking cap on to consider her brother's question.  "The lore goes that completing an unfinished task can free a ghost, though that usually only works if the ghost is still aware of what's going on.  The longer they stay tied to this world after their death, the more likely it is that they'll go mad.  Eventually they just lash out at everything living, hating everything and everyone.  That's why it's usually safer to turn first and ask questions later when it comes to undead.  It would take someone with great strength of will to survive death and remain sane.  I would worry that since the old king already punished the Moon House to death and beyond, he gave up sanity long before death.  Though..." she looks thoughtful, "If his children linger and remain in control, they could mitigate their anger.  Only if they stuck around sane, though.  I do not relish facing the ghost of a mad sorceress or knight if they stayed here and lost their minds."  She shudders at the thought.

Lantamori gets up and moves more towards the middle of the group. She knew her father had a big set of lockpicks back home for things like vault doors, and that was exactly what she needed. Sighing, she explains what she found. "The door with the lock on it will be very difficult to open. It is well constructed and I am not sure that I can do it without an appropriately sized lockpick set, but I will try if you would like. I just think it will be worth some time to try and find a key. The door without a lock will be much easier I think. If my guess is right, we just have to touch the bright golden lights painted on the door."

As Lantamori leaves the door, she smells a faint scent of something sweet and spicy.  Perhaps perfume, perhaps... incense?
Elf Archer, 176 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 8 Apr 2015
at 15:02
  • msg #422

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Gingerly flexing his fingers and eying his discolored skin with distaste, Averdante tells the priest and paladin, "These people had an indecent fondness for poison. My thanks, for your quick assistance." His stomach is still twinging, but the serious cramps have passed. Hopefully he's past the worst of it. At any rate, he hasn't worsened since Farian and Sir Aberlayne attended him.

As he reclaims his dagger from the floor, he says, "Might as well see what I've suffered for. Stand clear, though, in case they felt the need for some other danger." The space looks right for a sword, which would fit, if the revenant had been a knight. They were never much for bows.

Shifting back up to the balls of his feet -- to better react if he sensed or heard some hint of another trap being tripped -- and ignoring the flicker of complaint from his gut, Dante resumed prying bricks loose from the pedestal. Sword or not, he still wanted to see it. He'd paid his dues for that much, after all.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:04, Wed 08 Apr 2015.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 195 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Wed 8 Apr 2015
at 15:08
  • msg #423

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Moving backwards towards a corner, Farian waits to see if his services are furthered required. Watching Averdante continues removing bricks as he clears the hidden cubby hole.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 138 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Thu 9 Apr 2015
at 00:33
  • msg #424

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

With Averdante clearing out the bricks, and most of the rest watching him, Narthian and Thunder move to the larger room to make sure nothing else was sneaking up on them. The druid longed to be outdoors, surrounded by the natural world of plants and animals, not in this stale mausoleum filled with undead abominations.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 144 posts
The Daring Challenger
Thu 9 Apr 2015
at 01:13
  • msg #425

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor watches with concern as Farian and Narthian tend to Averdante's state.  He relaxes a bit once it appears to be under control, and Averdante resumes digging at the bricks.

He leans to the side to see over Averdante's shoulder, curious as to what might be hidden under the pedestal.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 87 posts
Fire burns bright!
Thu 9 Apr 2015
at 01:18
  • msg #426

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas nods at his sister's explanation "Mmh, with the sister as sorceress, I believe that it is possible that she might have retained her sanity. Her brother might also have kept his wits about for longer than imagined... but I agree, it is probably better to turn first and ask questions later." With nothing to do at the moment, he joins Narthian and listens to anything unusual.

23:02, Yesterday: Dellas Nump rolled 21 using 1d20+5. Listen for anything.
OOC: I wrote a very nice text, submitted it... but it didn't work. So this is No.2

Dungeon Master
GM, 220 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 11 Apr 2015
at 05:46
  • msg #427

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Gingerly flexing his fingers and eying his discolored skin with distaste, Averdante tells the priest and paladin, "These people had an indecent fondness for poison. My thanks, for your quick assistance." His stomach is still twinging, but the serious cramps have passed. Hopefully he's past the worst of it. At any rate, he hasn't worsened since Farian and Sir Aberlayne attended him.

As he reclaims his dagger from the floor, he says, "Might as well see what I've suffered for. Stand clear, though, in case they felt the need for some other danger." The space looks right for a sword, which would fit, if the revenant had been a knight. They were never much for bows.

Shifting back up to the balls of his feet -- to better react if he sensed or heard some hint of another trap being tripped -- and ignoring the flicker of complaint from his gut, Dante resumed prying bricks loose from the pedestal. Sword or not, he still wanted to see it. He'd paid his dues for that much, after all.

With Narthian and Dellas and Sir Aberlayne keeping watch outside, Averdante carefully clears the stones away from the cache he paid so dearly for.  Inside is a bundle wrapped in ancient cloth.  The cloth tears even as he touches it, revealing a fine suit of chainmail, the links clear and free of rust as the day they were made.  It is so finely made the links look like knitted silk, and it is backed with padding that is gratifyingly soft and cool to the touch.  The straps on the armor are faintly purple, and still supple leather despite their years in storage.  Also within the bundle is a silver necklace of a crescent moon, slightly starred with twinkling sapphires.

Outside the room, there is no sound, though the smell of sweet perfume (or is it incense?) is getting stronger.  Not overpowering, just decidedly there.
Elf Archer, 177 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 11 Apr 2015
at 21:11
  • msg #428

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Setting the necklace on the floor, Averdante shakes out the chainmail and holds it up, wincing slightly, so the others can see it. Beautiful, he thinks admiringly. Exquisitely made. And likely enchanted, to have survived the centuries in such pristine condition. "If the armor's not cursed, one of you might want to consider upgrading before we face the next round of skeletons. Or other dead things."

He sets it aside to lift up the necklace. "Why a cresent moon instead of a full moon?" Haazheel or Farian might have some ideas. It's as beautifully made as the armor, and he rather likes the sapphire accents. Shrugging off the puzzle, he adds, "It's either magicked or magical, since it's not tarnished at all." Leaving it aside, he makes one last check of the hole, to be sure there's nothing left inside. A bow would have been too much to hope for, but another sword that could take down things like the knight's corpse overhead would have been good.

Not for him, because he had every intention of staying well to the back for a while. He still felt as if he'd spent a night up with a bad case of  food poisoning.

13:59, Today: Averdante rolled 24 using 1d20+8. Search compartment.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 88 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sun 12 Apr 2015
at 01:56
  • msg #429

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

After making sure that nothing crawls up on them, he turns and takes a look at Averdante's find. Dellas whistles quietly and smiles: "Looks nice, but too big and too heavy for me" Though the necklace attract his attention. he walks over to him to take a closer look at it. "Now this looks interesting..."

09:55, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 24 using 1d20+6. Determine magical aura (if).
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 145 posts
The Daring Challenger
Sun 12 Apr 2015
at 12:18
  • msg #430

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor watches Averdante pull the exceptional-looking armor from the pedestal, followed by the unique necklace.

He raises a curious eyebrow at the necklace, but finds his eyes going straight back to the suit of armor.  He observes aloud, but almost to himself, "The chain mail...what exceptional workmanship..."  Looking down at his slightly damaged scale armor, he offers, "I'd not turn down an upgrade should there not be a better use for it.  For what it's worth, I'll throw myself into the front lines to do my part."

He knows they may not have even scratched the surface of what undead surprises await them in this place.  Well, he wanted adventure and challenge...what was his old teacher's saying...? 'Be careful what you wish for'

Then, his brow furrowed, he echoes Averdante's comment, adding, " long as it's not cursed, that is."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 75 posts
Sun 12 Apr 2015
at 18:04
  • msg #431

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh could still feel weariness in his muscles, but it was not a new experience for him.  He had lived a hard life, and working beyond the point of weariness was simply a fact of life.  While he rested himself, he gave some thought the problems and questions that faced them.  It seemed that if they wished to lay these dead to rest then it all started with the anger of the king.  The man's children had been poisoned by the Moon folk, and yet he had cursed them with undeath to guard their corpses.  Volsh knew what he would do to anyone who killed his children, had he any, and this was not it.  The only thing that would give him peace would be to get his children back, to be reunited with them.  Well, that and to see the wrong doers punished.  He shook his head, as this was beyond his understanding.

Volsh gave Bruenor an small smile, "City folk are not used to hard work.  This is what builds strength.  That and practice with a heavy sword.  It makes swinging a lighter sword easier."

Fatigued: A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:16, Mon 13 Apr 2015.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 196 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Mon 13 Apr 2015
at 03:58
  • msg #432

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Nodding towards the chainmail. "Obviously magical, fine craftsmanship, there is nothing here I can do to help identify any other possible magical abilities that might reside in the armor or amulet. I could examine to determine what kinds of auras or schools might be associated with each. Determine if it is more protection, offensive, defensive, things like that. I might be able to determine if it is cursed or not, if I pray for the proper spell. But other than that, we might just need to wait till our excursion from this dreaded location back to civilization and study them at our leisure."
Dungeon Master
GM, 222 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 13 Apr 2015
at 12:00
  • msg #433

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Setting the necklace on the floor, Averdante shakes out the chainmail and holds it up, wincing slightly, so the others can see it. Beautiful, he thinks admiringly. Exquisitely made. And likely enchanted, to have survived the centuries in such pristine condition. "If the armor's not cursed, one of you might want to consider upgrading before we face the next round of skeletons. Or other dead things."

He sets it aside to lift up the necklace. "Why a cresent moon instead of a full moon?" Haazheel or Farian might have some ideas. It's as beautifully made as the armor, and he rather likes the sapphire accents. Shrugging off the puzzle, he adds, "It's either magicked or magical, since it's not tarnished at all." Leaving it aside, he makes one last check of the hole, to be sure there's nothing left inside. A bow would have been too much to hope for, but another sword that could take down things like the knight's corpse overhead would have been good.

Not for him, because he had every intention of staying well to the back for a while. He still felt as if he'd spent a night up with a bad case of  food poisoning.

13:59, Today: Averdante rolled 24 using 1d20+8. Search compartment.

Averdante searches the compartment thoroughly, and under his questing fingers, at the far back corner, he finds a small bundle.  Taking it out, he finds a half-dozen silvery arrowheads, lethally sharp-looking and inscribed with more moon symbols.

Dellas Nump:
After making sure that nothing crawls up on them, he turns and takes a look at Averdante's find. Dellas whistles quietly and smiles: "Looks nice, but too big and too heavy for me" Though the necklace attract his attention. he walks over to him to take a closer look at it. "Now this looks interesting..."

09:55, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 24 using 1d20+6. Determine magical aura (if).

While a spell of detect magic would be more accurate, Dellas is fairly certain that armor, arrowsheads, and the necklace all have some magic within them.  As to what sorts, that's more difficult to tell.  Armor and weapons typically are made more resistant to attack and more lethal to hit, respectively, while a necklace could be any number of things.  As it lacks any visible words or symbols inscribed upon it, the easiest way of figure out what it does would be to put it on an see what happens!

Of course, if it's cursed, that might be inadvisable.

Sir Aberlayne peers into the Moon Knight's room a little before continuing to guard the corridor.

"Are we going after these two doors here?  I think Lantamori has the princess' door figured out," she says.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 198 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Mon 13 Apr 2015
at 12:46
  • msg #434

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Should I try to determine what kind of auras are given off with one of my detection spells given to me by Pelor himself?"
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 139 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Mon 13 Apr 2015
at 12:48
  • msg #435

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

If Lantamori can open a door with no visible handle or lock Narthian will be most impressed! "Besides, something that smells like perfume can't be scary, right?"
Elf Archer, 179 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 13 Apr 2015
at 16:31
  • msg #436

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Leaving the necklace and armor to the mages and priest, Averdante keeps the arrowheads. Not as good as complete arrows ready to shoot, but that could be remedied with a little time. With one hand on the pedestal to steady himself, he shoves himself to his feet.

Ow. Wrapping one arm across his waist over the internal complaints, he hoped Farian and the paladin had really been able to arrest the poison's effects, because otherwise... Dante shuddered at the prospect of a slow, lingering death. Better a blade than an end like that!

With that cheery thought, he headed out to the corridor to find Narthian, where nothing seemed to have changed. "What smells like perfume?" Not waiting for an answer though, Averdante held up arrowheads for the druid to see. [Language unknown: "Oundaytic ersdinndeall no nast atai, tifor st maort. Mawit Fo uree m whtrmo ndout, ne ent miiotewe ee ilaite Paitos n. P shehasvirome onsressti."]
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 141 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Mon 13 Apr 2015
at 23:29
  • msg #437

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Averdante (msg # 436):

Narthian examines the arrowheads. "I look forward to getting them mounted on shafts and properly fletched, then we'll see what special properties they might have. Are you well, my friend? You still look a little greenish." Narthian places his left hand on Averdante's right shoulder as he sways slightly.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 79 posts
Tue 14 Apr 2015
at 00:32
  • msg #438

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh figured he was not going to feel any better than hedid now. So he stood, putting his long sword over his shoulder.  "So which door are we kicking down next?"
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 112 posts
Tue 14 Apr 2015
at 05:47
  • msg #439

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Thinking about Dellas comment about the legend of the sorceress legend and contemplating alternatively the door with the moons and the artifacts the other just retrieved, Haazheel has a bad feeling about all of this. "companions let me know cast a spell on these artifacts and our surrounding environment to detect and identify any magic. This tomb is full of deadly traps and inhabited by tormented souls of a grieving king and also the sorceress daughter." Then Haazheel takes his quarterstaff and start to mumble an incantation.

Haazheel casts detect magic on the artifact and surroundings with a particular interest in the door with moons carved on it.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 147 posts
The Daring Challenger
Tue 14 Apr 2015
at 08:18
  • msg #440

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor nods at Haazheel…”Yes, not a bad idea…  Let’s see what magic abounds and then, we try one door or another.”  As he speaks his handles his rapier, tossing it from hand to hand…feeling the flimsy blade to be quite inadequate for what they’re facing.  He feels foolish for having run off to adventure with a fencing toothpick.  His skills learned practicing in the yard seem so far away, and somewhat irrelevant, now.

He looks at the chainmail once more, the quality calling out to his refined tastes, but leaves it for the moment to allow the wizard to work in relative peace.

He returns to Volsh’s side, answering almost defensively at first, but then settling down, “I’ll admit to a distinct lack of manual labour in my past, but I can handle a sword well enough.  Should we find a more substantial weapon along the way, I’ll certainly give your suggestion a try.  Thank you.”
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 90 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 14 Apr 2015
at 15:07
  • msg #441

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas tells Haazheel about the aura he felt from each of the items and  gives the necklace to him to identify the magic. Dellas quietly scolds himself for not being better prepared, most spells he prepared are meant to harm the undead.
He takes the time to whisper to Vish and to take another look at his crossbow.
Elf Archer, 181 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 14 Apr 2015
at 15:59
  • msg #442

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

[Language unknown: "Te essorttio t allourtio ie onsectasthat his wasiom butonsith bleaveion ing, Linthoera stievetho,"] Averdante answers Narthian, looking at his discolored hands and praying that neither that, nor the somewhat... fragile... way he was still feeling was permanent. [Language unknown: "Teiloues linin er relepl lat i een isntiv esntbe."]

He wanted to know how to treat himself, should he be so unfortunate again in the future. And perhaps investing in a good pair of kidskin gloves would also be advisable? Or would doeskin be better? Less sensitivity than kidskin, which would be less permeable? That would clearly need researching, as well.

For now, however, Farian and Sir Aberlayne had seemed confident he'd recover, so he pushed the worry aside -- again -- and rubbed his palms against the heavy leather protecting his thighs. "I'll be better tomorrow, I think. 'Til then, I'd best keep to my bow and a comfortable distance."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:59, Tue 14 Apr 2015.
Dungeon Master
GM, 223 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 14 Apr 2015
at 20:37
  • msg #443

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel Thorn:
Thinking about Dellas comment about the legend of the sorceress legend and contemplating alternatively the door with the moons and the artifacts the other just retrieved, Haazheel has a bad feeling about all of this. "companions let me know cast a spell on these artifacts and our surrounding environment to detect and identify any magic. This tomb is full of deadly traps and inhabited by tormented souls of a grieving king and also the sorceress daughter." Then Haazheel takes his quarterstaff and start to mumble an incantation.

Haazheel casts detect magic on the artifact and surroundings with a particular interest in the door with moons carved on it.

The arrowheads, golden dagger, and armor have the minor aura of transmutation, an orange glow, about them, common enough for minor enhancements.  The arrowheads also have a minor aura of an additional transmutation effect upon them, perhaps to focus their purpose towards one particular enemy.  The golden dagger also has a minor necromancy effect, a black glow, upon it.  The moon necklace also has minor transmutation, though the glow is a little bit different than what was upon the weapons.  Most magical necklaces are meant to enhance the wearer in some way, so that's not entirely unexpected.

The doors to the Moon Knight and moon servants' rooms both have fading auras of necromancy about them, fainter on the servants' room by far.  The golden door presumably leading to the princess' room has medium conjuration upon it, while the one leading hopefully to the prince's room is, oddly, not magical in any way.

Do you head any further down the corridor to see the King's doors?  You only need to get within sixty feet.  If so, they show the black pulse of powerful necromancy behind them, and the minor aura of conjuration upon the doors themselves.
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 19 posts
of Yondalla
Fri 17 Apr 2015
at 14:19
  • msg #444

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Sir Aberlayne moves up gingerly towards the doors of the prince and princess, one of the skeleton's silver clubs in her hands, looking outsized in her small grip.  "I'm ready when you are.  Let us hope the children have retained some spark of sanity."
Elf Archer, 182 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 17 Apr 2015
at 15:06
  • msg #445

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Seeing that the others appear to be getting ready to open another door, Averdante puts the arrowheads into his belt pouch for the present, and takes his bow in hand again. Ehlonna grant that whatever hostile undead awaits is something vulnerable to arrows, he thinks, laying one in place. He'd seen enough of combative skeletons for a while.

With a glance at Narthian to see if the druid is coming, Dante moves down toward the second pair of doors to find a place to watch and wait for a target.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 142 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Fri 17 Apr 2015
at 15:24
  • msg #446

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Averdante (msg # 445):

Hoping it will be of use, Narthian readies his bow. Signalling for Thunder to walk beside him, Narthian brings up the rear.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 199 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 17 Apr 2015
at 16:15
  • msg #447

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Keeping his Heavy Mace nearby on his belt, Farian takes his holy symbol in his hand, "If more undead are behind the door, I will attempt to drive them away with Pelor's power. If they are not swayed, then my mace will do the next round of talks."

Farian takes his place near the front, but off to the side for those with arrows to have a clear shot.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 113 posts
Fri 17 Apr 2015
at 17:50
  • msg #448

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel describes his findings to the group. Turning to Dellas: "Do you have by any chance some knowledge in necromancy. Conjuration is my specialization. I'm curious about the necklace, I will need to study it to determine its properties..." To the group: "I would say the prince's door seems the safest one to start with. I haven't detected any magical aura on it. The sorceress princess has already a conjuration aura protecting her door like her fathers down the corridor. For the king's door I detect a very powerful necromancy aura behind it, I don't think we shall disturb him before being more prepared."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 201 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 17 Apr 2015
at 18:21
  • msg #449

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Then our friends most skilled in finding and removing possible traps are the most likely for this task. If there is nothing there warranting a possible issue, then Volsh and our holy champion should go in first and spread out, I will go in next with one of the spellcasters. The rest come in as you please, but move away from the door. I would suggest we stay clear of the door so our archers have clear shots."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 80 posts
Fri 17 Apr 2015
at 19:26
  • msg #450

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh stood aside while the rest decided on which door and how it would be opened.  He would be ready to move into position when the time came.   Meanwhile he considered what might put this king at peace.  He was a simple man, and his thoughts seemed to continually circled back to the removal of the what was likely to be some undead monster's head.  Death was typically a means to put one's foe at rest, but these were undead.  He harrumphed under his breath at the idiocy of the situation.  Whomever was responsible for undeath should be put to rest for the creation of such a vile state.
Elf Rogue, 30 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 17 Apr 2015
at 20:39
  • msg #451

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I think I can open the princess' door without too much trouble, but the prince's door needs a key or a lot of strength," Lantamori says.  She points at the massive, heavy construction of the lock on the prince's door with a wince.  "No tool I have would be able to budge something like that."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 91 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sat 18 Apr 2015
at 00:11
  • msg #452

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas shook his head "Not more than any other area... I prefer not to specialize too much... Maybe we should hold on to it until we find someone who can tell us what kind of magic it has." He thinks for half a minute "Though I am intrigued what it would do if I were to put it on." he said more to himself than anyone else. As he notices that the others are ready to advance, he pats Vish one last time before joining up with Farian. Dellas itches to use one of his spells... and if the princess hasn't lost all of her marbles yet, then he might be able to talk to her.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 148 posts
The Daring Challenger
Sat 18 Apr 2015
at 11:16
  • msg #453

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor looks around at the others and says, "Are there any other weapons about?  Sir Aberlayne, I note your club...from the skeletons?  My rapier seems rather inefficient should we encounter more of the undead."

Looking to Dellas he adds with a bit more confidence than he feels, "I'm willing to try the armour.  Surely if one's enchanted, the other won't be far off.  What's the worst that could happen?"; an eyebrow raised and a grin at the halfling.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 93 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sat 18 Apr 2015
at 14:46
  • msg #454

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Looking up to bruenor, Dellas smiles "I tend to agree, though I should maybe ask my sister if she thinks that this is a good idea." With that he turns toward his sister "What do you think? Should I try it on? Though you all might want to take a step back." If his sister agrees, then he will put Vish down first and put on the necklace. If his sister is against it, then he will be a little unhappy but since he respects his sister, he will put the it in his pocket and resumes his position behind the holy man.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:47, Sat 18 Apr 2015.
Sir Aberlayne Nump
Halfling Paladin, 20 posts
of Yondalla
Sat 18 Apr 2015
at 20:42
  • msg #455

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Sir Aberlayne looks over at Bruenor.  "Oh yes, the skeletons in the Moon Knight's room had them, and there are plenty left.  For the moment, if we're going to encounter any more of these walking dry bones, I do not mind borrowing a grave weapon," she says.  When Dellas pipes up, she squints at the moon necklace and considers for a moment.  "I doubt the king would have wanted the Moon Knight to have anything nice, and since that stuff came out of a secret compartment... I'm wondering if his fellows in the Moon House stashed that there for him for his journey.  I don't think it'll be dangerous."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 81 posts
Sat 18 Apr 2015
at 22:05
  • msg #456

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh nodded as well, "If there is a club or mace, good for smashing skeletons, i woudl like one as well."  Seeing one on the ground he picked one up, testing its weight, then shoved it through his belt.

Edit: Dellas pointed out some clubs were lying on the floor.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:12, Sun 19 Apr 2015.
Elf Archer, 183 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 19 Apr 2015
at 00:58
  • msg #457

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Relaxing again, since it seemed there would be a delay while some of the others shuffled weaponry, Averdante let his bow rest against his side and leaned against the wall to wait. The idea of taking on an undead sorceress next was unsettling. He'd have rather waited to confront her after they'd rested up, and gone after the warrior brother today instead.

Except, he was also disinclined to personally examine the prince's door more closely right then, too. That had more to do with the lingering effects of being poisoned, he knew... and found himself annoyed by that awareness.

It couldn't hurt to have a look. They'd need to get into the prince's tomb eventually. He'd just not touch anything.

Sighing, he pushed off the wall and walked over to the prince's door for a look at the lock Lantamori had mentioned, and then at and around the door itself. If it needed a key, perhaps one was stashed nearby.

He gave the door, and framing wall and floor, a careful visual inspection -- but kept his hands determinedly off. Why so large a lock, anyway? It looked more sized for giants than humans. Or ogres, at least.

17:52, Today: Averdante rolled 12 using 1d20+8. Visual search for hidden compartment/door near prince's door.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 149 posts
The Daring Challenger
Sun 19 Apr 2015
at 23:05
  • msg #458

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor also retrieves a club from the littered floor, sliding his rapier into its sheath.  He hefts the club in his hand, feeling its more substantial weight.

Returning to the sarcophagus, he looks at Dellas and Sir Aberleyne, and says, “Well, let’s give it a go then, shall we?  May need all the help we can get with this king and his family…”

He places his newly acquired club on the ground, quickly shrugs out of his nicked up scale armor, and flashing a grin at the others, pulls the chainmail shirt over his head.  In spite of his apparent confidence and laissez faire attitude, he can’t help but hold his breath as he pulls the mail shirt down…
Dungeon Master
GM, 228 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 21 Apr 2015
at 04:07
  • msg #459

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas slips on the necklace on over his head, the chain seeming to shorten so the moon lies in the center of his chest.  It feels vaguely cool, and Dellas monitors himself carefully for any changes.  He blinks his eyes as he looks down the hall, and realizes something.  There's a blue tinge to the air, and everything around him has a faint blue tinge.  But more importantly, the darkness beyond the range of the torches... it's no longer dark.  Halflings have better vision than humans, and can see in dim light, but Dellas realizes he can see beyond even the dim light.  He can see in the dark!

Those around him can see Dellas' eyes have turned a clear shade of blue.

Sir Aberlayne watches him closely, and cocks her head.  When Dellas doesn't fall down convulsing, or go mad, she cocks her head and grins.  "Nice eyes, little brother!  What are you seeing?"

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh nodded as well, "If there is a club or mace, good for smashing skeletons, i woudl like one as well."  Seeing one on the ground he picked one up, testing its weight, then shoved it through his belt.

Edit: Dellas pointed out some clubs were lying on the floor.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor also retrieves a club from the littered floor, sliding his rapier into its sheath.  He hefts the club in his hand, feeling its more substantial weight.

Returning to the sarcophagus, he looks at Dellas and Sir Aberleyne, and says, “Well, let’s give it a go then, shall we?  May need all the help we can get with this king and his family…”

He places his newly acquired club on the ground, quickly shrugs out of his nicked up scale armor, and flashing a grin at the others, pulls the chainmail shirt over his head.  In spite of his apparent confidence and laissez faire attitude, he can’t help but hold his breath as he pulls the mail shirt down…

The maces are heavy ones, inlaid with silver and decorated with engravings of the moon cycles.  They're beautiful, but also quite properly lethal as well.  Before their fall from grace, the Moon Guard had been well-outfitted.

As Bruenor pulls on the chainmail, he braces himself for a reaction.  Unlike Averdante and the secret compartment however, nothing untoward happens.  The chainmail is cunningly made and far easier to move in than any he'd ever tried on before.  It seemed to be just his size, not pinching, binding, or overly loose anywhere, and is actually quite comfortable despite its protective weight.

Relaxing again, since it seemed there would be a delay while some of the others shuffled weaponry, Averdante let his bow rest against his side and leaned against the wall to wait. The idea of taking on an undead sorceress next was unsettling. He'd have rather waited to confront her after they'd rested up, and gone after the warrior brother today instead.

Except, he was also disinclined to personally examine the prince's door more closely right then, too. That had more to do with the lingering effects of being poisoned, he knew... and found himself annoyed by that awareness.

It couldn't hurt to have a look. They'd need to get into the prince's tomb eventually. He'd just not touch anything.

Sighing, he pushed off the wall and walked over to the prince's door for a look at the lock Lantamori had mentioned, and then at and around the door itself. If it needed a key, perhaps one was stashed nearby.

He gave the door, and framing wall and floor, a careful visual inspection -- but kept his hands determinedly off. Why so large a lock, anyway? It looked more sized for giants than humans. Or ogres, at least.

Averdante looks about carefully for a hidden lock, or compartment, or something similar, and cannot find anything about the door.  The door is so substantial it's sort of a statement in and of itself - "try to pick this with your little lockpicks, you thieves."  No, no lockpicks made for a regular door would work here, and no key seems to be nearby.

Lantamori looks once more at the others, and then reaches out to the princess' door.  She touches several stars, and each one glows as her hand passes.  As she touches the last in what seems to be a sequence (one Haazheel and Dellas recognize as an arcane rune for the sun), the door glows brightly.  Briefly, each one of you glows, and then the light fades to just a gentle glow on the door.  The door swings open soundlessly, revealing a room warmly lit.

The walls are covered with a layer of gold, and engraved with scenes that must have been from the princess' life.  A huge sun-in-glory covers the back wall, glowing like the dawning sun.  In front of it is a gilded throne, and upon it is a golden woman in a finely-embroidered red gown.  All that can be seen of her flesh is gold, her face a serene mask.  She looks almost as if she were sleeping, as if her eyes could open at any moment.  The smell of incense is a little stronger here, spice and mystery upon the air.

OOC:  Room is twenty by twenty, and bare of all other items other than princess statue (?) or corpse (?) and the throne.  So far.  Maces that everyone picked up are Medium heavy silver maces.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:27, Wed 22 Apr 2015.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 204 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Tue 21 Apr 2015
at 13:17
  • msg #460

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Saying a prayer to Pelor for safety, Farian steps into the room after Volsh and Averlayne and then takes towards one of the corners of the room, keeping this sitting "goddess" in plain view, ready to summon the holy power of Pelor to turn this monstrosity if it were to move.

"Spread out once you come in, don't bottleneck and keep the wall to your back if at all possible."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 117 posts
Tue 21 Apr 2015
at 16:55
  • msg #461

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel enters the room among the lasts. First surprised by the glow then excited by this new phenomenon he encounters for the first time in real, he starts to examine the walls to look for information, clues about the princess and the mysterious glow, keeping a safe distance from the princess. The wizard will then, if he has the time, cast detect magic trying to identify what kind of magic lies inside the room.

11:51, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 19 using 1d20+4. knowledge History.
11:51, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 17 using 1d20+7. knowledge arcana.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:46, Wed 22 Apr 2015.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 82 posts
Tue 21 Apr 2015
at 20:06
  • msg #462

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh held his newly acquired blade before him in a defensive position as he stepped carefully into the room, one careful step at a time.   As he took that first step past the doorway he paused and made a visual circuit of the room, his senses straining to catch any sign of movement or threat.   Not gawking at the glittering gold that seemed to drape the walls, or stare at the woman and her throne, took an act of will.  He exhaled, controlling his breathing, and took note of every detail, including the floor, placing each step carefully, and only moving in enough to allow some of the others to move in behind him, then stopped.  He kept his eyes on the room as he spoke, "Can that door be opened from in here?  If not, maybe someone should wedge it open.  I don't fancy getting trapped in 'ere with princess goldy locks for the rest of m'days"  He had to wonder how much of what they saw was actual gold.  If it was as it seemed, the value must be staggering, and that made him a bit uneasy.  Like the rest of this place, it felt like a trap, to lure the greedy to some gruesome demise.

OOC: So did Volsh pick up a club, a mace or a heavy mace?  The description  seems to imply a heavy mace.  Also about how big is this room, and are the ceilings and floor covered in gold as well?  Lastly, am I right in assuming there is nothing else beyond the throne and woman in this room, in terms of objects?
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 144 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Wed 22 Apr 2015
at 03:43
  • msg #463

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 462):

Narthian carefully watches Lantamori as she presses the door plates to open it, memorizing the sequence--just in case. Moving to the door, Volsh's words strike a chord in Narthian. He stops outside of the path of the swinging door and examines the gap between the door and the floor. Depending on how big the gap might be, he wedges a club, a dagger or something to keep the door from closing without living intervention.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 96 posts
Fire burns bright!
Wed 22 Apr 2015
at 06:43
  • msg #464

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas' mind just hopes for the best as the necklace descends. He actually flinched a little as the necklace touched his skin. He blinks twice as the blue gets stronger and his dark sight developed within seconds. Staring into the former dark he notices things he hadn't before. "I see... blue." Was the short yet precise answer. He looks around a bit longer and added "I believe my eyesight got a lot better. I can see in the dark."
But before he could say more, Lantamori already opens the door. Dellas used to time to take Vish back and prepare for the next chamber.
He follows the holy man closely and tries not to stay too far away from him. His abilities have proven to be effective this far.
Dellas looks around to try to see more of the princess and the throne without approaching them while speaking in hushed tones: "Better don't take anything.."

14:42, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 14 using 1d20+2. Spot sth.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 150 posts
The Daring Challenger
Wed 22 Apr 2015
at 15:09
  • msg #465

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor takes a few testing steps in the chain mail and shrugs his shoulders to help everything settle in to place.  He leaves his battered scale armor on the ground and picks up the heavy mace, following the others in to the princess's room.

As he steps in, he lets his gaze travel around the room...taking in the golden walls, and stopping in awe at the seemingly golden woman on the throne.  "Incredible..." he lets out in a gasp, before hefting the mace in his hand, getting used to its weight, and taking some comfort in the solid feel of the weapon.

The smell of incense makes the room smell 'lived-in' and not like a long-dead tomb.  He keeps a nervous eye on the golden woman...relieved that Volsh and Narthian are working to keep the door from closing.

He steps to the side at Farian's suggestion, and quietly stands at the ready.
Elf Archer, 184 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 22 Apr 2015
at 15:33
  • msg #466

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Trailing after the others, Averdante remains in the doorway, an arrow loosely pointed at the floor, as he looks over the room. The angry, grieving king certainly spared little expense in this room, plating the walls in worked gold.

His attention shifts to the others; the golden glow that had marked them all hasn't come back. It hadn't hurt, but he still didn't trust it. Not from a people so proficient in poison. And just because it's no longer visible to his eyes doesn't mean there's nothing visible by some other means....

Which brings him back to the -- effigy? sarcophagus? -- of the princess herself, across the room. She was the victim of betrayal once, when trusted servants poisoned her. Was she betrayed again in death, cursed with magic into unlife, like the skeletons and revenant of the likewise betrayed moon knights?

Haazheel's and Farian's recollections hadn't included any reason for the poisoning of the king's children. There'd been no mention of whether the children were good people or cruel. Perhaps that was irrelevant, though; could anyone be brought back as something undead and be in any way wholesome?

If the king went to the expense of ensuring the leader of the fallen knights rose from the dead, how could he have done less for his children? Most of his attention on the enthroned figure, Dante waited for that first hint of movement, ready to call a warning to his friends.

08:31, Today: Averdante rolled 24 using 1d20+9. Spot check for movement or other changes.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:35, Wed 22 Apr 2015.
Dungeon Master
GM, 231 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sat 25 Apr 2015
at 05:19
  • msg #467

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel enters the room among the lasts. First surprised by the glow then excited by this new phenomenon he encounters for the first time in real, he starts to examine the walls to look for information, clues about the princess and the mysterious glow, keeping a safe distance from the princess. The wizard will then, if he has the time, cast detect magic trying to identify what kind of magic lies inside the room.

11:51, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 19 using 1d20+4. knowledge History.
11:51, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 17 using 1d20+7. knowledge arcana.

The relief carvings on the wall seem to show the princess' life from birth to her confirmation as heir.  It does not show her death.  It seems Princess Alexandra was the elder of the two siblings, and showed her precocious ability for magic very early in life.  It shows her studying and making arcane gestures as a girl, studying tomes, speaking with not just people in costumes of other countries, but also with fauns and nymphs and other magical creatures.  When Prince Dathian was born, she seemed to dote on him, and protected him until he was skilled enough to protect her.

The Princess seemed to have been a woman of diplomacy and great arcane power, devoted to her family and her kingdom.

Volsh, Bruenor, and Averdante spread out along the far wall, and Narthian can use one of the maces to wedge the door open against inadvertent closure.  They eye the effigy of the princess closely, but there is no movement as of yet.  Dellas looks around the room as well, but can't spy anything about to pounce.

The effigy is incredibly detailed, every hair and line exquisitely rendered.  As everyone pauses, the eyes of the effigy open, softly glowing gold.

"You who are of good hearts, be welcome and do not fear."  The woman's mouth moves as it speaks, but the silvery voice seems to come from everywhere in the room at once.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 97 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sat 25 Apr 2015
at 14:33
  • msg #468

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Seeing nothing that indicates any danger, he focused more on the princess. But maybe exactly that's why he almost jumped backwards when her eyes suddenly open and her lips began to move. Half hiding behind the holy man he peeks at the princess for a few seconds, before his mind realizes that it could be a trap or a friendly invitation. He takes it as the latter and  bows while cursing himself not to have thought about to assign someone to talk to the princess. "If anyone knows how to talk to her, then you should probably do it now." He whispered to the others. Dellas is eager to talk to her, but he knows that talking is not his strongest skill.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 205 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sun 26 Apr 2015
at 02:32
  • msg #469

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Freezing as the eyes open and the mouth moves, but noticing that the words seem everywhere. Farian clears his throat and speaks quietly but firmly, "Greetings Princess of the Moon. We come in peace, but will defend ourselves if necessary. If you are an abomination that is undead, then understand I will attempt to grant you your final rest. I do this not for torment, I do this because it is the will of my Lord Pelor."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 152 posts
The Daring Challenger
Sun 26 Apr 2015
at 05:59
  • msg #470

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor stands inside the room, staring at the golden woman on the throne, finding himself marvelling at the amazingly detailed craftsmanship of the statue.  He casts his gaze about, looking for any signs of danger, and suddenly twitches as a voice seems to boom right out of the walls.

The words do not sound threatening, but if he's picked up one thing since entering these ruins, it's to relax his guard...ever.

He watches as Farian responds to voice, and waits to see what happens...finally, realising he's holding his breath, he lets it out...
Sun 26 Apr 2015
at 10:38
  • msg #471

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian Raymellie:
Freezing as the eyes open and the mouth moves, but noticing that the words seem everywhere. Farian clears his throat and speaks quietly but firmly, "Greetings Princess of the Moon. We come in peace, but will defend ourselves if necessary. If you are an abomination that is undead, then understand I will attempt to grant you your final rest. I do this not for torment, I do this because it is the will of my Lord Pelor."

The voice laughs.  "Priest of my patron god, your devotion to the cause of good is comforting and well-deserved.  But I am no Princess of the Moon.  I am the Daughter of the House of the Sun.  I am Princess Alexandra.  Why have you and your companions come to this place?"

For the paranoid, the door has not tried to shut, no other doors have opened, and you do not note any movement or unusual sound, at least at the moment.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 206 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sun 26 Apr 2015
at 14:23
  • msg #472

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Smiling slightly Farian bows towards the Princess, "My apologies fellow worshiper of the Sun God. Princess Alexandra, I am Farian, Priest of our Lord Pelor, and devotee of Saint Bane. I will let others explain the purpose of our visit. My task is to put to rest those who have been cursed with undeath."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 84 posts
Mon 27 Apr 2015
at 01:36
  • msg #473

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh had expected the princess to come "alive" at some point, but honestly, he expected mayhem.  He groaned as the priest started in with the putting undead to rest bit, as it sounded too much like an ultimatum, and he was pretty sure her highness would quickly outclass them.

He sighed in relief when she seemed to take his comments in stride.  He was not sure that he would call himself one of good heart...did the good of heart seek vengeance?  "I am Volsh son of Vor, and I am here to seek those who have slain my family, and my people.  Like your family, I have been wronged, and shall not find rest until this wrong is set right."  He figured lying would be pointless, and if she decided to end things, well, he would not go easy.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 99 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 27 Apr 2015
at 01:43
  • msg #474

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

All his senses are tingling, the smell of incense lies heavy in the air, the golden walls and princess sitting on her throne, her laughter still rings in his ears, the taste of years old dust on his tongue and the feeling of magic surrounding him... Looking at the others he bows again and speaks in the most solemn voice he can muster: "Your Royal Highness, my name is Dellas Nump, Wizard and adventurer of trade. Together with my esteemed friends and my sister, we came to eradicate a Goblin infestation. They camped before your secret door and raided a farmstead not too long ago. We found the entrance by accident and wanted to explore this place further in case something unholy or dangerous resides here. I'm sure that all of us have their own reasons to follow here; for my part I came to uncover lost knowledge. But the more I learned of your tale, the more I thought about it and wanted to help if possible. Now we know that you are indeed no mindless undead, yet I believe we would like to know a little more about you, your situation and maybe how to help you to find eternal peace."
He feels awkward after such a long speech and hopes that by mentioning his sister the princess will feel empathy for them and be of better disposition.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:46, Mon 27 Apr 2015.
Elf Archer, 186 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 27 Apr 2015
at 03:44
  • msg #475

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Unsettled, Averdante eyes the talking statue, then glances again about the room. He wasn't sure if the princess was yet another kind of undead, or a magicked statue. Either way, she didn't seem hostile; at least, not so far. If she were undead though, she might not take too kindly to Farian's words, even if they did have a preference for the same deity.

Since it wasn't too likely arrows would do much to harm a statue, Averdante sincerely hoped she didn't take offense at the priest's aggressive words.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 154 posts
The Daring Challenger
Mon 27 Apr 2015
at 21:22
  • msg #476

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor remains silent, waiting to see if the unearthly voice responds to any of the others.

After Volsh and Dellas speak, he gets a sense that the princess (or her spirit) seem to be waiting for each of them to respond; so he takes a small step forward and says, "Princess, I am Bruenor Sedricson of Forestrun...and I carry no ill will toward you or this place.  I am merely here to find my way."

He steps back and watches intently, keeping the heavy mace in his right hand, and his body tensed.
Princess Alexandra
Tue 28 Apr 2015
at 13:36
  • msg #477

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian Raymellie:
Smiling slightly Farian bows towards the Princess, "My apologies fellow worshiper of the Sun God. Princess Alexandra, I am Farian, Priest of our Lord Pelor, and devotee of Saint Bane. I will let others explain the purpose of our visit. My task is to put to rest those who have been cursed with undeath."

The expression on the effigy's face doesn't change, though the voice becomes tinged with sadness.  "You will find many such tasks in this sorrowful place, Brother Farian."

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh had expected the princess to come "alive" at some point, but honestly, he expected mayhem.  He groaned as the priest started in with the putting undead to rest bit, as it sounded too much like an ultimatum, and he was pretty sure her highness would quickly outclass them.

He sighed in relief when she seemed to take his comments in stride.  He was not sure that he would call himself one of good heart...did the good of heart seek vengeance?  "I am Volsh son of Vor, and I am here to seek those who have slain my family, and my people.  Like your family, I have been wronged, and shall not find rest until this wrong is set right."  He figured lying would be pointless, and if she decided to end things, well, he would not go easy.

"An admirable goal, Volsh son of Vor.  I hope your wrongs are righted more cleanly than my family's were."

Dellas Nump:
All his senses are tingling, the smell of incense lies heavy in the air, the golden walls and princess sitting on her throne, her laughter still rings in his ears, the taste of years old dust on his tongue and the feeling of magic surrounding him... Looking at the others he bows again and speaks in the most solemn voice he can muster: "Your Royal Highness, my name is Dellas Nump, Wizard and adventurer of trade. Together with my esteemed friends and my sister, we came to eradicate a Goblin infestation. They camped before your secret door and raided a farmstead not too long ago. We found the entrance by accident and wanted to explore this place further in case something unholy or dangerous resides here. I'm sure that all of us have their own reasons to follow here; for my part I came to uncover lost knowledge. But the more I learned of your tale, the more I thought about it and wanted to help if possible. Now we know that you are indeed no mindless undead, yet I believe we would like to know a little more about you, your situation and maybe how to help you to find eternal peace."
He feels awkward after such a long speech and hopes that by mentioning his sister the princess will feel empathy for them and be of better disposition.

There is a soft, silvery sigh as Dellas speaks, and the Princess' voice sounds more serious.  "I thank you.  We of the Sun House prepared for death in our life, and I had the making of some of what you see.  No ward, no lock, no spell lasts forever, and I thought to punish those who came to rob wantonly, yet be able to reason and reward those who came to aid us in our final long hour.  You bear Sebren's moon talisman upon your breast, Dellas Nump.  I know my father, in his madness, would not let such a token be taken into death of his disgrace, so you must have defeated the horrid shell my father's anger left of our guardian and found what his friends left behind.  You must have seen the walls, the horrors that happened here.

"For the pain of the deaths of us two, hundreds of the Moon House were killed after they had been forced to labor to build this temple to despair.  But I knew they would try to conceal aids and comfort to the spirits of those killed.  They were killed in rage and madness and for what?  I do not believe the Moon House conspired to kill me or Dathian.  It was a time of war against orcs whose hearts had been twisted by dark and demonic powers, and I do not think they had a scruple amongst them.  Yet the failure of the Moon House to detect their treachery supreme was the same as if they had delivered the poison themselves.  If goodness still exists in this world, then my father must have used his wrath to rid the kingdom of the demonic clans before entombing himself here to watch over us.

"There can be nothing of my father left.  The foul magic would have destroyed what remnant of his spirit remained.  Please, for the sake of his shell, cleanse him before he can escape to cause sorrow on the world above." The Princess' voice is sorrowful, a hint of tears in its tone.

"I can offer small tokens to aid you, not just in this quest, but elsewhere in the world.  My brother could offer more martial help, if you will fight him bravely.  Seek under my throne; you will find there what you need."

The eyes of the princess close again, and the echo of her words fades away.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:37, Tue 28 Apr 2015.
Elf Archer, 187 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 28 Apr 2015
at 15:18
  • msg #478

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

That was intriguing information. And promising, too. Not only did they not need to fight an undead sorceress, but she meant to aid them. And said her brother would do the same -- after a martial contest.

Averdante eyed Volsh, who would surely be up for that task, and then Bruenor, with the mace he'd picked up -- and wearing the armor from under the moon knight's tomb. He didn't seem too comfortable with the mace, but his usual rapier wouldn't likely be of much aid against an undead. He, Volsh, and probably Farian would be the ones best suited to any succeed at a test of arms with the dead prince.

Turning his attention back to the throne, Dante slide his arrow back into his quiver and moved across the room. What was under the throne, he wondered, and would it help against her brother?
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 207 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Tue 28 Apr 2015
at 19:17
  • msg #479

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Princess Alexandra (msg # 477):

"I know that the task is daunting, alas it is a task that I have been sworn to uphold. I do inquire of you before you go back to rest, the undead in this temple, is there anything specifically that is needed to be done to put them eternally at peace? The skeletons we encountered reformed after being defeated. If there shall be a true way to put all those uneasy spirits to rest in this temple, then I implore you to share your wisdom and knowledge so I can better carry our Sun God's instructions."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 145 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Tue 28 Apr 2015
at 20:19
  • msg #480

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Farian Raymellie (msg # 479):

Narthian silently observes the interaction between the princess and the party and breathes a sigh of relief that no battle against an undead sorceress was needed. And the promise of aid as well? AND the possibility of help from her brother? This almost seemed too good to be true. "Princess, I who have never been a parent cannot directly know thy father's pain, but can only faintly imagine what he went through, losing both you and your brother to treachery. I have seen people go mad for far less. Is there no hope that we can persuade him to let his soul go to rest? And if not, how best can we prevent him from carrying forth is rage upon the world many generations removed from your passing?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 100 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 28 Apr 2015
at 22:50
  • msg #481

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

As Averdante walks towards the throne, probably to see what the princess left them. He bows again and steps back, taking her silence as a sign that enough words had been spoken and now is a time of action. Dellas turns towards the fighters in their group. "Is this like a duel? Should we choose one of us to fight him?" He hopes that her brother too, remained his sanity and will be able to tell them what he wants them to do.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 85 posts
Wed 29 Apr 2015
at 03:28
  • msg #482

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

As teh princess's words faded, Volsh exhaled, only then realizing he had been holding his breath.  He was curious why the other spoke, as it seemed she had said all that she had meant to, and would not awaken again.  "I think she is gone now."

With that he moved closer to the throne to see what she meant by 'seek under it'.  There was nothing there, so his guess was that they would have to move it.  She had seemed nice enough, despite being encased in gold, but the other areas had been filled with traps and poisons, so it was probably wise to be wary.  "Lantamori, maybe you should take a look at the throne and see if there are traps, or dare we hope some mechanism to move it?"  He was no weakling, but a golden throne would have considerable weight.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 155 posts
The Daring Challenger
Wed 29 Apr 2015
at 06:35
  • msg #483

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor absorbs the princess's words, thinking about a pending battle with some form of her undead brother.  Well, perhaps not undead...spirit?  Who knows what they might encounter.  In any case, they'd need to pass this 'challenge' to progress into the tomb, and possibly get the prince's assistance.

He swings the mace loosely around in his hand...almost as if 'twirling' it...staying loose.  As an aside, he thinks, 'The others are eager to press on, yet I feel I should meditate and reflect on what I've learned since leaving my home...It's bound to bring a sharper focus to my fighting...evolve my technique.'  Bruenor shrugs off the thought, resigned to following the group's coming when it can.

He edges closer to the throne, watching as the others near the base, and keen to see what's hidden within.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 146 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Wed 29 Apr 2015
at 14:39
  • msg #484

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Bruenor Sedricson (msg # 483):

Narthian moves away from the throne, keeping an eye on the door to ensure they didn't get trapped. Just because the princess's (or what seemed to be the princess or her spirit) words were kind and full of support did not mean that was truly the case. Unlike the animals and plants of the forest, humans (and other higher species) showed remarkable propensity for deception & treachery.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 208 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Wed 29 Apr 2015
at 16:33
  • msg #485

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Well if there is nothing else here to do, perhaps it would be best to rest for the night and prepare for the upcoming conflict between the Prince and the King."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 120 posts
Thu 30 Apr 2015
at 00:41
  • msg #486

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel was listening with great attention to the answers of the princess to each of his companions. The wizard preferred to stay silent during this verbal exchange as talking is not really his forte. "I have to say I'm intrigued by the revelations of Princess Alexandra. If the Moon House is innocent, as we suspect since the beginning of our investigations, which clan is responsible of this tragedy? I ask this because if another clan, still existing today, is responsible, perhaps the recent goblin infestation and strange activities reported in this area are not just a coincidence. Is this clan preparing something? Is the tragedy of the death of the Princess and Prince of the Sun House, the destruction of the clan of the Moon, the wrath of the king after the death of his children all part of a scheme which is still on its way right now?
Dungeon Master
GM, 233 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 30 Apr 2015
at 03:14
  • msg #487

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian Raymellie:
In reply to Princess Alexandra (msg # 477):

"I know that the task is daunting, alas it is a task that I have been sworn to uphold. I do inquire of you before you go back to rest, the undead in this temple, is there anything specifically that is needed to be done to put them eternally at peace? The skeletons we encountered reformed after being defeated. If there shall be a true way to put all those uneasy spirits to rest in this temple, then I implore you to share your wisdom and knowledge so I can better carry our Sun God's instructions."

Narthian Goldleaf:
In reply to Farian Raymellie (msg # 479):

Narthian silently observes the interaction between the princess and the party and breathes a sigh of relief that no battle against an undead sorceress was needed. And the promise of aid as well? AND the possibility of help from her brother? This almost seemed too good to be true. "Princess, I who have never been a parent cannot directly know thy father's pain, but can only faintly imagine what he went through, losing both you and your brother to treachery. I have seen people go mad for far less. Is there no hope that we can persuade him to let his soul go to rest? And if not, how best can we prevent him from carrying forth is rage upon the world many generations removed from your passing?"

The Princess' voice is but a thin thread, and the eyes of the effigy do not open.  "He only lived to avenge us.  Show him we are avenged..."

Dellas Nump:
As Averdante walks towards the throne, probably to see what the princess left them. He bows again and steps back, taking her silence as a sign that enough words had been spoken and now is a time of action. Dellas turns towards the fighters in their group. "Is this like a duel? Should we choose one of us to fight him?" He hopes that her brother too, remained his sanity and will be able to tell them what he wants them to do.

Sir Aberlayne breathes out slowly, her grip relaxing only slightly as the Princess proved not to be hostile.  "Maybe more like a practice bout?  I pray her brother is as clear in mind as her sister.  If no one else wishes to fight, I can, though I think we have warriors aplenty."  She takes a moment to consider the Princess' words.  "Maybe the Prince's room would have a mural showing the enemies the House of the Sun was fighting when he was killed.  If we can learn the name or symbol of these demon-ridden orcs, maybe we could figure out something to slow down the king's wrath."

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel was listening with great attention to the answers of the princess to each of his companions. The wizard preferred to stay silent during this verbal exchange as talking is not really his forte. "I have to say I'm intrigued by the revelations of Princess Alexandra. If the Moon House is innocent, as we suspect since the beginning of our investigations, which clan is responsible of this tragedy? I ask this because if another clan, still existing today, is responsible, perhaps the recent goblin infestation and strange activities reported in this area are not just a coincidence. Is this clan preparing something? Is the tragedy of the death of the Princess and Prince of the Sun House, the destruction of the clan of the Moon, the wrath of the king after the death of his children all part of a scheme which is still on its way right now?

Sir Aberlayne shudders slightly.  "I pray that is not so.  I would not care to witness the wrath of a centuries-old grudge of demonic orcs.  We cannot discount that, though goblins are common enough that I sense no malicious hand.  Still..."  She gives a small shrug that indicates the world is a vast and often cruel place where anything can happen.

Volsh son of Vor:
As teh princess's words faded, Volsh exhaled, only then realizing he had been holding his breath.  He was curious why the other spoke, as it seemed she had said all that she had meant to, and would not awaken again.  "I think she is gone now."

With that he moved closer to the throne to see what she meant by 'seek under it'.  There was nothing there, so his guess was that they would have to move it.  She had seemed nice enough, despite being encased in gold, but the other areas had been filled with traps and poisons, so it was probably wise to be wary.  "Lantamori, maybe you should take a look at the throne and see if there are traps, or dare we hope some mechanism to move it?"  He was no weakling, but a golden throne would have considerable weight.

Lantamori had been looking around at the walls with a sort of helpless avarice of one who is in the presence of wealth they will never be able to possess.  How could one do it?  Pry out slabs of gold?  Scrap off gold leaf?  The artistry is much of its value, and who would pay to own an undead-cursed tomb in the backwoods?  The takers for that are few and far between.

"Right, let me take a look.  With Royal Permission?" Lantamori says, and bows briefly before circling the throne, examining minutely.  It takes some time, but eventually she drops to her belly at the back of the throne and runs her fingers along some markings near the base.  With infinite patience, and a quick consultation with Haazheel and Dellas about arcane markings, she slowly presses certain parts of the carvings like she did on the door.  They light up in soft blue, and then a section of the base simply ceases to exist.  Inside is a golden box, beautifully worked with red enamel, a butterfly picked out on top.  Lantamori slowly eases it out, as it clearly is heavy.  Another careful check of the box itself, and she actually starts in surprise before simply putting a hand to the lid and opening it with no fuss.

Inside there are ancient gold coins, gemstones, pearls, and several beautiful objects wrought of metal and glass.  Examining them, they have a curious property.  Held in the hand, they whisper their names and purposes in the mind of the holder.  Inside the box are:

The Bloodsaver Ring - This ring is carved from a single ruby.  It will protect the wearer from losing blood or perishing through bloodloss.

Ring of Pearly Pines - This silver ring bears a leaf with pearl berries.  This allows the wearer to speak with plants for a short time each day.

The Butterfly Bottle - This gold butterfly is enameled with red, and inlaid with diamonds and rubies with exquisite workmanship.  The thorax is a small perfume bottle.  The perfume inside will be a boon in any social situation as long as the scent lasts.

Belt of Luck - This silver belt has silver orbs placed around it at regular intervals.  A larger man could use it as a necklace.  This will provide luck, allowing the wearer to get through scrapes she might otherwise not survive.

Silver Leaf - This silver cloak clasp is in the shape of an ivy leaf.  This will allow someone to track like a master ranger.

Minature Mirror - This small mirror bears an elegant gold frame.  The word Orsonion is engraved on the back.  The mirror expands to a two foot by four foot mirror and back to a miniature again upon utterance of the command word.

Arcanasoul - This small bracelet is formed from hematite beads with small carved steel beads dotting it at intervals.  It can be wrapped around a hilt or bowstock easily. This will allow any weapon to strike as if it were enchanted.

Bracelet of the Sea - This gold bracelet bears many painted metal carvings of sea creatures.  This allows the wearer to breath underwater and beg favors of sea and water creatures.

There are a total of fifty-two ancient gold pieces between the chest and the purse.  The old gold is worth ten to twenty gold each, by Lantamori's best guess.

There are five each of rubies, sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, and topazes, each worth five hundred gold each.

There are twenty each of the small pink and blue pearls, each worth fifty gold.

And most importantly there are three song pearls within, two with strong healing magic, and one with powerful arcane magic within.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:15, Thu 30 Apr 2015.
Elf Archer, 188 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 30 Apr 2015
at 15:21
  • msg #488

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Generous, gracious, and wise," Averdante says quietly from where he'd been watching Lantamori's progress. He gives the statue of the princess another, considering look. "Truly her kingdom suffered twice over, for having lost her untimely and for being then subjected to her grieving father's madness."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 86 posts
Thu 30 Apr 2015
at 18:50
  • msg #489

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh was amazed by the wealth they had uncovered, as he had never seen so much in all his life.   He was wise enough to know however, that all thsi was worth little if their corpses were found in this place by the next hapless adventurer to make his or her way here.

"If there is fighting to be done, I volunteer myself.  You all seem to have varying skills in magic, knowledge, the gods, but I have only my wits and a strong arm.  No doubt if I fail, the rest of you can get along well enough.  All I ask is that you not leave my remains to rot in this place of despair.  It would be helpful to have a night's rest before taking on such a duel, but I will do what needs to be or no."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 121 posts
Thu 30 Apr 2015
at 19:33
  • msg #490

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel is excited by the discoveries made by Lantamori, but hearing Volsh, the wizard turn around in the barbarian direction "Friend Volsh, your strength is as extraordinary as your bravery, yes some of us are skilled in magic and you can be sure that this magic will be used to keep you and our companions alive. I can also see that some of these artifacts will become very handy to us in our future confrontation. If you need some rest, I'll vote in favor of that."
Haazheel then walks toward Lantamori and asks politely whether he may inspect the pearls.
14:27, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 20 using 1d20+7. Arcana check on the pearls.
Elf Archer, 189 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 1 May 2015
at 15:57
  • msg #491

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"If there's to be a contest of arms, then it might be best to insure our warriors, particularly, are well rested for it," Averdante said. "I'd be glad of a night's rest, as well. And while this room might be safe enough, it is still a tomb. I'd rest more easily with a fresh breeze and the sky overhead."

A closed door between himself and any stray skulls that might come clattering out of the dark would be comforting, too.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 211 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 1 May 2015
at 16:48
  • msg #492

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"I would also prefer to get rest. I think since we are going to be dealing with both the Prince and the King, perhaps a more refined selection of spells might be in order if at all possible. Still I don't know about resting outside. If this door can be opened from the inside, then all the better. She has not proven to be hostile, in fact, she has provided us beneficial items to assist us."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 157 posts
The Daring Challenger
Fri 1 May 2015
at 18:38
  • msg #493

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor listens to the comments of the others, and adds, "I know little of the occult or the afterlife, but something about this room gives me a sense that we'd not be harassed while in the princess's domain.  As Farian said, though, let's make sure we can get out this door once it's closed...I'd prefer not to spend eternity here."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 212 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 1 May 2015
at 19:01
  • msg #494

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Lantamori, since you have discovered how to open the door, could you show one of us the pattern to use? That way a couple can stay on the outside of the door and let it shut. If you can see if there is another way inside the room to open the door, then we have our resting place. If not, then those outside can reopen the door and we can exit this tomb for rest under the stars."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 103 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 1 May 2015
at 21:11
  • msg #495

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas holds his breath as Lantamori opens the box and continues to hold his breath as he sees what is in the box. He bows to the princess and takes a closer look at these items. More talking to himself he utters: "This bracelet looks interesting, but..." he looks up to Farian and nods. "I think that we should probably rest for a while, your plan sounds good. Let's divide whatever we have here and sleep."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 214 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sat 2 May 2015
at 03:14
  • msg #496

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Where I am not too concerned with these magical items, other than the two pearls that seem attuned to healing magic or the Ring that will prevent one from bleeding out. Other than that I have no care who gets what. The money and gems might be best to hold onto till we get back to the Guild and divvy up accordingly."

Farian continues to look around the room, looking at the murals and at the various other implaments, looking for any religious texts that might be in the room as well.

[ooc: 23:13, Today: Farian Raymellie rolled 20 using 1d20+1. Searching the room for possible hidden religious texts.]
Dungeon Master
GM, 238 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 3 May 2015
at 14:15
  • msg #497

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian Raymellie:
"Lantamori, since you have discovered how to open the door, could you show one of us the pattern to use? That way a couple can stay on the outside of the door and let it shut. If you can see if there is another way inside the room to open the door, then we have our resting place. If not, then those outside can reopen the door and we can exit this tomb for rest under the stars."

"Let me go look," Lantamori said, and went to examine the back of the door.  And then she giggled slightly.  From behind the door, which had swung all the way open when you had all entered the room, she emerges holding an oversized black-and-silver key.  "For the Prince's room.  And there are more marks on the back, like the ones on the front.  I'm pretty sure I can open it."

A quick experiment proves Lantamori right.  The room can be opened from the inside.  You may sleep inside the room or retrace your steps over the nature puzzle-trap to instead sleep in the outer temple, where the air is fresher and there is probably less chance of being stabbed by a disembodied skeletal hand while one sleeps.

For those who choose to sleep outside, the night is cool and damp, the air full of the lingering smells of goblins, but also old smoke from the campfires, and the underlying smells of earth and growing things.  The songs of nightbirds lull you to sleep, and it seems that this night nothing troubles the camp.

Those who choose to sleep inside find the Princess' room to be close and warm, thick with the smell of incense, and occasionally punctuated by the faintest vibration of a hollow moan from somewhere...
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 215 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Mon 4 May 2015
at 02:01
  • msg #498

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Dungeon Master (msg # 497):

"I for one will stay the night here in peaceful slumber. I will pray to Pelor in the morning for new spells that might benefit our task. Hopefully my Diety will grace us and protect us as we continue to cleanse his servent's resting place."

Farian goes to the corner and stretches out his legs, keeping his back to the wall facing the door. Staying awake for a couple hours after everyone falls asleep, he talks quietly to the Princess.

"I don't know if you can still hear me, Your Highness, I do vow to do what I can to put to rest those poor souls still cursed under your father's vengeful wrath. And once I complete this task I will try to bring peace to this community that has arisen in the ashes of your resting place. If possible I will try to watch over this place and protect it, if it is in my power."

Upon saying those words Farian drifts off to slumber, aware of the watchful presence of the Princess.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 105 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 4 May 2015
at 04:59
  • msg #499

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Having to choose between a night outside with the stench of Goblin everywhere or in a tomb with undead still roaming. He chose the tomb, not only was he protected (or better, he hoped that he was protected) by a powerful sorceress but Farian too chose to rest here.
The next morning, he doesn't know if it was because he slept in the tomb or if the world just became clearer but as he looks over his spell book his mind seems to be able to grasp more than it did before. With new vigor he studies his spell book and has a simple breakfast with a smile on his face.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:03, Tue 05 May 2015.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 160 posts
A fighter in flux
Mon 4 May 2015
at 06:56
  • msg #500

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

(inserting previous post in game thread)

Bruenor remains in the tomb and the apparent safety of the princess's room.  He excuses himself and settles into a secluded corner.  He exhales a long breath as he sits down, letting the tension drain from his shoulders.  He reflects on everything that's happened since he left his home and family, and thinks about his path through the goblin camp and ruins thus far.  He realises he probably hasn't been the best companion, coming in with an over-inflated ego and sense of his own abilities.  The others he found himself travelling with deserved far more respect and credit than he originally thought.

As a fighter, he thinks back on what he's witnessed of Volsh's unbridled rage and strength.  He knows he has that strength in him (well, not that exact strength) and can see a path to unlocking it.  While not normally a religious man, Bruenor closes his eyes as he sits motionless, and calls upon his patron diety Kord - asking the god to help him embrace his physicality, his strength, his courage.  After a while of what could best be described as meditating, Bruenor's mind seems to travel through his body...each of his limbs...his heart...his rushing blood...sensing every part of himself, almost as if learning himself anew.

After a bit, his mind becomes a bit of a blank, not really thinking...just he passes the bulk of the night; until finally passing into a fitful slumber.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 87 posts
Mon 4 May 2015
at 23:12
  • msg #501

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh settled himself down with his back to a wall, his blade across his knees.  He let his head sit back gently and closed his eyes, and controlled his breathing, in through his nose, out through his mouth.  He emptied his mind, focusing on a single point of light.  It was the only way he would get to sleep.  It was the only he could stop his mind from spinning out of control, from losing himself in anger and frustration.  His body needed rest, so she had to control his mind.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 147 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Tue 5 May 2015
at 05:31
  • msg #502

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 501):

Narthian would FAR rather be out under the stars, but he and Thunder recognize that this enclosed space seems safe enough. Laying out his bedroll, Narthian makes sure that Thunder gets a share of his rations, then settles down with the wolf at his side.
Elf Archer, 190 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 5 May 2015
at 15:44
  • msg #503

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Still feeling the effects of the ancient poison, Averdante finds it impossible to settle himself to rest inside the tomb. Accordingly, he takes himself outside to find a sheltered place to seek the peace of trance. It takes little effort, with the familiar sounds a nighttime forest filling the air. Even the pungent smell lingering in the area from the goblins doesn't disturb; miserable as the creatures are, they're still natural beings and not magically raised dead.

Later, he spends the darkest hours of the morning on a higher perch, simply listening and breathing in the fresh air. He came close enough to death yesterday, with that poison, to need to savor the sound and scent and sight of the world he lives in. Even now, so many hours later, he can still feel it affecting him; the poison has not yet been purged.

Only when the darkness has lightened to soft grays, the predawn light softening the hard shadows of night, does he finally rise and go back inside to rejoin the others.
Dungeon Master
GM, 240 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 6 May 2015
at 14:40
  • msg #504

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In the morning, those outside are slightly dew-bespeckled, but otherwise all right.  No one was murdered in their bedrolls, and you don't note any tracks or obvious sighs of disturbance nearby.  If there were any stray goblins, they apparently gave this place a wide berth.  There is still a linger smell of scorched goblin from the burning of the bodies, so perhaps that helped keep people away.  Starting a fire, if you wish, you can break your fast as the sun slowly climbs, the sunlight touching the stones to reveal very faint carvings in the style of the tomb.  You think that maybe some time ago there had been lesser tombs around the greater one, though time has reduced them mostly to rubble.

Those inside passed a very quiet night, and a somewhat warmer one.  There were occasional odd noises, faint, distant moans, the occasional scratching sound, just enough to keep one one their toes.  No one noted anything in the hall other than what disturbances you had made yesterday, and some faint scratches on the floor.

After some food, and tending to everyone's wounds, you can meet in front of the Prince's heavy door.  Lantamori holds up the key, ready for last night's plan if everyone else was.  Once she got the nod, and everyone was in place, she heaves the key in.  She had to put every ounce of strength she possesses to turn it, but finally the key turns with a loud clunk.  The lock clamps down on it and pulls the key into the door.  There are some mechanical sounds, and finally the door splits down the middle.

Inside, torches flare to life, revealing what looks like a knight in golden armor, his beautiful sword held upright in front of his helmed face, in the exact middle of the large room.  There is a throne against the far wall, carved stone inlaid with gold and iron, the walls carved in the style you've seen so far.  Except this room shows the prince in training and contests of arms and battles with fiendish orcs, standing forth to protect his sister as she seems to cast rays of light from her hands.

The armored figure takes a single step forward as the door opens, and swings his sword in a salute before bringing it up in a duelling position.  Waiting.

OOC: Assuming Farian and anyone else with the Heal skill was willing to provide some care for any wounded, everyone gets back 4HP plus your Con bonus in hit points.  Anyone down some ability scores (Averdante) get back 2 points instead of one in whatever score is down.

If anyone wants to do anything else before going into the tomb, just lemme know and I'll edit.

Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 161 posts
A fighter in flux
Wed 6 May 2015
at 21:50
  • msg #505

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor wakes feeling 'different' after last night's rest.  That's really the only way he can explain it.  Perhaps Kord had heard his thoughts, and the experiences faced in his short journey have impacted him more than he knew.

As Lantamori opens the heavy door, Bruenor watches the golden knight - he assumes it's the prince, or what remains of him - come to life.  As the knight steps into the familiar duelling position, memories flood back of his home...the hours spent in the practice yard...and the approval he always sought but never got from his father.  He glances down and is keenly aware of the rapier and the heavy mace hanging at his sides, wondering if they would be up to the challenge.

He turns his head to look over their party, not with the sense of ego he may have come in with, but still with a flicker of something haughty in his eyes...old habits are hard to break, and his upbringing carved him out in his father's mold whether he likes it or not.  His eyes come to rest on Volsh.  With a nod towards the barbarian, he says, "I suppose one of us is best suited to this challenge?  I'm not sure my rapier is the best duelling weapon against an armored knight, but I'm willing to test my mettle here.  What say you, Volsh?"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 218 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Wed 6 May 2015
at 22:10
  • msg #506

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

After waking up in the morning and praying to his Patron and Lord, Farian felt a new beginning in his life. He felt closer to Pelor. That is the best way he could describe it. He felt closer and stronger in his belief. As he got up from his morning prayers he turned towards his friends. "I assume it will be either Bruenor or Volsh who will be testing the Prince. Or possibly even our holy warrior Sir Aberlayne. Although she is the fairer sex, she is still skilled in martial training. Who ever does decide to test the mettle of the Prince, then if they do not have a magic weapon, then I suggest they use that Arcanasoul on their weapon, just in case of possible resistance to damage."
Elf Archer, 191 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 6 May 2015
at 22:31
  • msg #507

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Slipping closer to Bruenor, Averdante taps him on the shoulder. "If you intend to duel with the prince," he says to the human quietly, "perhaps a change of blades is in order? I will loan you my longsword, which with the princess's gift bound to it should fare better against that armor than your lighter blade."

He looks at the figure in gilded armor and adds firmly, "I won't be getting within sword's reach of that revenant."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 107 posts
Fire burns bright!
Thu 7 May 2015
at 06:27
  • msg #508

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Watching the door open he goes over the spells he prepared today, no spells to increase the probability of winning the duel, since this would probably only enrage the prince or offend him. Turning towards their fighters "I believe this is where you can shine, we probably shouldn't intervene in any way... I wish you best of luck."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:34, Fri 08 May 2015.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 126 posts
Thu 7 May 2015
at 17:35
  • msg #509

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel spent the night in the princess chamber believing that she will protect them if anything happened in the night. Early in the morning, the wizard prepared his spells hoping to be ready for the confrontations which are coming.
Looking at the prince ready for duel, Haazheel turns toward the fighters. "I think Dellas is right, if we intervene with magic, the prince might take it as an offense. Boccob taught us that magic has to be wisely used and I think this is a place where we have to be careful when we use it. I would recommend to the challenger to also wear the belt of luck".
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 162 posts
A fighter in flux
Sun 10 May 2015
at 12:08
  • msg #510

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor nods at Averdante as the elf leans in and offers his longsword for the duel.

"Yes, that would be most welcome...  I think this rapier not up for the task."  He glances at Volsh, and offers up, "Perhaps my training with a sword will fare us better against this knight?"...thinking the barbarian's brute force may be lost in the trained techniques of swordplay.

"I put myself forward for this challenge...should the group agree," he adds.  "I will gladly accept any of the treasures we acquired, but I concur...magic should not play a part.  Our noble prince would not take kindly to that sort of interference, I think."

Should the group agree, Bruenor will take the offered longsword from Dante, as well as the Arcanasoul and the belt of luck.  He keeps an eye on the waiting knight as the party discusses the situation.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 109 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sun 10 May 2015
at 15:25
  • msg #511

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas nods "I have no idea about dueling nor swordplay, but I for one trust Bruenor to be able to defeat him and help him to rest peacefully". With this he takes a closer look around without moving away from the group.

23:25, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 8 using 1d20+3. Spot sth, walls
Dungeon Master
GM, 242 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 11 May 2015
at 08:06
  • msg #512

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Fight with honor, Bruenor," Sir Aberlayne says, and stays at the fringes of the room in case the Prince should prove less stable than his sister.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor nods at Averdante as the elf leans in and offers his longsword for the duel.

"Yes, that would be most welcome...  I think this rapier not up for the task."  He glances at Volsh, and offers up, "Perhaps my training with a sword will fare us better against this knight?"...thinking the barbarian's brute force may be lost in the trained techniques of swordplay.

"I put myself forward for this challenge...should the group agree," he adds.  "I will gladly accept any of the treasures we acquired, but I concur...magic should not play a part.  Our noble prince would not take kindly to that sort of interference, I think."

Should the group agree, Bruenor will take the offered longsword from Dante, as well as the Arcanasoul and the belt of luck.  He keeps an eye on the waiting knight as the party discusses the situation.

If Bruenor accepts the longsword, Arcanasoul, and belt of luck, the Prince's effigy moves forward, bladetips crossing with Bruenor.  The Prince brings his sword back with a shiiiiing of ringing metal, and then the duel is joined!  Bruenor's concentration and focus from last night seems to have paid off, because his blows ring true, the longsword whipping through the Prince's guard to touch (but carefully not penetrate) the weak spots in his armor.  Even those blows Bruenor knows wouldn't have gone through the plate still touch in vital spots, showing his prowess.  The Prince's blows are a little slower, but much more powerful.  Bruenor ducks one blow, but two other slap him bruisingly on the side and thigh.

Should the fight have been for real, Bruenor may have been in dire straits, but he likely would have taken the Prince with him.

At the last ringing clash, the Prince grounds the point of his sword for a moment, signally the end of the bout, and then salutes Bruenor with his blade.  He stares down at Bruenor, and for the first time you can see a faint, pale glow marking where eyes would be within the visor.  He nods, as if inviting a question.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 163 posts
A fighter in flux
Mon 11 May 2015
at 12:33
  • msg #513

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor lets the tip of Dante's longsword dip as the prince ends the duel.  He has a sheen of sweat on his brow and face, and his free hand clutches his side.  The prince's sword gave him a couple good doubt he'll have some nasty bruises tomorrow; but in spite of the discomfort, he can't keep the hint of a smile from his lips.  Fortunately, this was not a lethal bout; still, he thinks to himself, 'Looks like all that training in the yard was not a waste after all, Father.'

Bruenor, well trained in the civilities of noble life, kneels before the knight...a slight grimace flashing across his face as he lowers himself.  Looking up into the glowing orbs inside the prince's visor he says, "You fought well and most honourably your royal highness...I salute you.  Please know that we seek only to bring peace to you and your family."  Pulling the Arcanasoul from the hilt of the longsword, he holds it up, saying, "See here one of several gifts from your sister.  We would be most grateful for any guidance or help you, too, see fit to provide."
Elf Archer, 193 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 11 May 2015
at 15:32
  • msg #514

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Averdante's ears were still ringing from Bruenor's match with the prince. That had been, he thought admiringly, an impressive display of swordsmanship. He hadn't expected such finesse and speed from a human. While Volsh's brute strength certainly made him formidable with a blade, Bruenor's precision would be just as lethal in a fight.

And it seemed he'd satisfied the dead prince's challenge. That would, hopefully, provide some benefit when they took on the mad king, as the princess's effigy had promised.

While he waited with the others to hear what that might be, Averdante took the chance to look over the rest of the prince's crypt.

08:27, Today: Averdante rolled 25 using 1d20+10. Spot check of room.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 91 posts
Mon 11 May 2015
at 21:19
  • msg #515

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh was usually a light sleeper, but his dreams were disturbing, awakening him in the night until finally he must have finally slept close to dawn.  He awakened to the sounds of voices, realizing he had slept longer than he intended.  He strode up to the Prince's door, muffling a curse, as he watched Bruenor stride into the room.  This was supposed to be his fight, but it was his own fault that he now at the sideline, a spectator.

Brueneor had fought with skill and honor, and it seemed had succeeded, leaving Volsh to wonder if he would have done the same.  He was not sure that he would have restrained his strikes, and if that might have had an impact on the outcome.  He did not fight in tournaments or for fun.  When he fought his life, and his opponent's were in the balance.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 110 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 12 May 2015
at 15:53
  • msg #516

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Knowing little to nothing about sword fights and dueling, Dellas just stands there and watches the speed of Bruenor and the slow but powerful swings of the brother. Even Vish sat on Dellas' shoulder and watched the two fighters dancing.
Not for the first time and surely not for the last time, Dellas is glad not to have taken up the sword as his sister did, sticking a piece of metal into something is effective, but only if you can get close enough. He looks at his sister for a moment before watching the end of the duel.
Dungeon Master
GM, 244 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Thu 14 May 2015
at 14:32
  • msg #517

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor lets the tip of Dante's longsword dip as the prince ends the duel.  He has a sheen of sweat on his brow and face, and his free hand clutches his side.  The prince's sword gave him a couple good doubt he'll have some nasty bruises tomorrow; but in spite of the discomfort, he can't keep the hint of a smile from his lips.  Fortunately, this was not a lethal bout; still, he thinks to himself, 'Looks like all that training in the yard was not a waste after all, Father.'

Bruenor, well trained in the civilities of noble life, kneels before the knight...a slight grimace flashing across his face as he lowers himself.  Looking up into the glowing orbs inside the prince's visor he says, "You fought well and most honourably your royal highness...I salute you.  Please know that we seek only to bring peace to you and your family."  Pulling the Arcanasoul from the hilt of the longsword, he holds it up, saying, "See here one of several gifts from your sister.  We would be most grateful for any guidance or help you, too, see fit to provide."

The Prince's voice is hollow, spectral, seeming to come from all corners of the room.  "My sister saw you have heart.  I can see you have skill.  You will need both to destroy the evil that has taken over our father.  His anger is all that is left, and it grows with every hour.  Left long enough, I fear he will roam, seeing and slaying enemies everywhere.  It is fear he emanates now, and you must be brave.  Shield your hearts, and let your fires of passionate good guide you to victory.  We are already avenged.  Let him know we are avenged, and then release him..."

He reverses his sword and holds out the hilt in his right hand, the sword chased with gold and red and green and black in a prince's ransom of artistry.  "It is a heavy burden, but I am too long gone to carry it out myself.  I pass it now to you, and with it, my thanks."

Averdante's ears were still ringing from Bruenor's match with the prince. That had been, he thought admiringly, an impressive display of swordsmanship. He hadn't expected such finesse and speed from a human. While Volsh's brute strength certainly made him formidable with a blade, Bruenor's precision would be just as lethal in a fight.

And it seemed he'd satisfied the dead prince's challenge. That would, hopefully, provide some benefit when they took on the mad king, as the princess's effigy had promised.

While he waited with the others to hear what that might be, Averdante took the chance to look over the rest of the prince's crypt.

08:27, Today: Averdante rolled 25 using 1d20+10. Spot check of room.

Averdante looks about the room with keen eyes. 

Dellas Nump:
Knowing little to nothing about sword fights and dueling, Dellas just stands there and watches the speed of Bruenor and the slow but powerful swings of the brother. Even Vish sat on Dellas' shoulder and watched the two fighters dancing.

Not for the first time and surely not for the last time, Dellas is glad not to have taken up the sword as his sister did, sticking a piece of metal into something is effective, but only if you can get close enough. He looks at his sister for a moment before watching the end of the duel.

Abby gives Dellas an encouraging smile, and ruffles Vish's head a bit.  "We were lucky," she murmured, "it seems the prince did not die angry.  But I think the old shell of the king will be quite a fight.  Is your fire ready, little brother?"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 112 posts
Fire burns bright!
Thu 14 May 2015
at 15:14
  • msg #518

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Still not being used to these ghostly voices, his head tries to locate the origin of the sound but he gives up only short time later. The sword did not interest him, but his sister's voice brought a smile on his face and he talks to her in a low voice "I prepared a bit more than just fire, I just hope that it works what I have planned." he holds his hands up and looks at them for a moment, he was itching since yesterday to use one of his many prepared spells "As long as you don't let him come near me... do you think he will be alone there? Or will he have some guards?"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:05, Thu 14 May 2015.
Elf Archer, 195 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 14 May 2015
at 15:39
  • msg #519

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Thoughtful, Averdante watches the dead prince offer up his sword. What will happen to the revenant now, he wonders. Will he retire in some way, now that his purpose is finished? Or simply stand as he'd been, as much a statue as his sister's golden effigy, forever on guard?

Despite the continued lingering effects of yesterday's events, curiosity isn't easy to set aside.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 93 posts
Thu 14 May 2015
at 19:46
  • msg #520

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh walked up to Bruenor, and pointed to the outstretched hand holding the sword.  "You should be the one to take it, as it was your skill that won it from the prince."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 164 posts
A fighter in flux
Thu 14 May 2015
at 23:30
  • msg #521

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor nods to Volsh, then rises from his knee, switches Dante’s longsword to his left hand and reaches out to grasp the hilt of the prince’s offered sword with his right.  He holds it up, admiring the craftsmanship that went into this weapon…truly fit for a prince.  He tests its weight and balance with a flick of his wrist and a raised eyebrow.

He bows his head to the prince, and says, “My thanks, your highness.  We will do all we can for your father’s spirit.”  Thinking for a moment, almost as if reading the question on Averdante’s face, he adds, “What becomes of you and your sister now?  Will you find peace when your father does?”

After waiting for the prince’s response (assuming he does respond), Bruenor  turns to hand Dante’s sword back to the elf, adding, “And my thanks to you, friend.  I fear the duel may not have gone as well without your blade.”  He was slowly gaining an appreciation for each of those who travelled with him...even the halflings.  His father would have said archers and magic users were a waste of space, but Bruenor was coming to see the benefits and unique talents each of them brought to this group.  It seemed there were a great many things he learned from his father that bore reconsidering.
Elf Archer, 196 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 15 May 2015
at 20:21
  • msg #522

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Although he's a little unsettled about going so near the formidable figure of the prince while it might still be... aware, Averdante moves forward to accept his sword back from Bruenor. "I'm pleased it was useful. I suspect we'll have great need of your new blade, when we face the king."

Retreating again to a safer distance, Dante checks his sword for any damage or nicks that might need tending before sheathing it. While he hopes very much not to need it anytime soon, he's none too hopeful that there will be much vulnerable to arrows beyond the king's door. Truthfully, he's not sure what's there will be vulnerable to any unenchanted weapon -- which leaves the coming battle resting on the others' skills.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 220 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 15 May 2015
at 22:38
  • msg #523

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian watches the entire display and listened to what the Prince has said so far. Although he did not know what the King would be like, he knew that all their skill would probably be needed in order to lay the King to rest.

"I do not know what to expect from our immediate meeting with the King. I will suggest that since Bruenor now has the Prince's blade and Dante has his magical blade as well. Either Volsh or Layne will need the Arcanasoul to use on their weapon. I will be the protector and healer as needed. Our wizards will provide whatever support they can give. I would hope you have memorized single targeted spells. I would hate to see one of our own caught in a backwash of arcane power. With skill and some luck we will be able to lay the Spirit of the King to rest. Our Archers can provide whatever fire support they can muster."
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 150 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Mon 18 May 2015
at 03:20
  • msg #524

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Farian Raymellie (msg # 523):

"Aye. I only hope that my small skill with a bow, and a mundane one, will aide in the battle to come."

Narthian does not feel the need to echo Farian's words, but privately he fears that his bow will be of little use against the king.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 165 posts
A fighter in flux
Mon 18 May 2015
at 08:36
  • msg #525

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor nods in response to Farian as his eyes still take in the magnificent sword in his hand.

Still waiting to see if the prince will respond any further, Bruenor turns his head slightly to look at the cleric, saying, "Yes, the Arcanasoul should be used where it can be of greatest benefit.

"Same with the belt,"
he adds, nodding down towards his waist which still sports the Belt of Luck.
Dungeon Master
GM, 245 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 20 May 2015
at 11:09
  • msg #526

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor nods to Volsh, then rises from his knee, switches Dante’s longsword to his left hand and reaches out to grasp the hilt of the prince’s offered sword with his right.  He holds it up, admiring the craftsmanship that went into this weapon…truly fit for a prince.  He tests its weight and balance with a flick of his wrist and a raised eyebrow.

He bows his head to the prince, and says, “My thanks, your highness.  We will do all we can for your father’s spirit.”  Thinking for a moment, almost as if reading the question on Averdante’s face, he adds, “What becomes of you and your sister now?  Will you find peace when your father does?”

After waiting for the prince’s response (assuming he does respond), Bruenor  turns to hand Dante’s sword back to the elf, adding, “And my thanks to you, friend.  I fear the duel may not have gone as well without your blade.”  He was slowly gaining an appreciation for each of those who travelled with him...even the halflings.  His father would have said archers and magic users were a waste of space, but Bruenor was coming to see the benefits and unique talents each of them brought to this group.  It seemed there were a great many things he learned from his father that bore reconsidering.

The prince doesn't move further, but his voice echoes once more around the room.  "We will pass to the West, once the danger is past.  The sun's favor upon you, brave ones..."

The echoes fade, and the group is left alone.

In Bruenor's hand, he can feel the sword is warm, as if it had lain in sunshine, rather than being taken from a cold tomb.  It glows with golden light ever-so-faintly.  At Volsh's side, the crystal sword he had taken from the shaman seems to amplify the remaining glow, reflecting off of the the walls of the tomb to illuminate the darkness.

In the corridor outside, the faintest of moans is heard.  Though you did not get an answer as to who else the king may have had with him, you are fairly certain there was more than one voice in that terrible chorus.  No king would be buried alone, and it sounds like he had taken others to join him in his eternal, vengeful vigil.

If you bring light a little further down the corridor, you can see the large double doors at the end of the corridor.  They hold one image, that of a king upon a throne, scepter in one hand, orb in the other, a sword across his lap and a crown upon his head.  He is inlaid with exquisite gold work, but as the light plays upon the carving, you can see the outline of a black figure within the king's form that only shows up in certain angles of light, a shadow within.

Lantamori creeps forward slowly.  "I'll see if there's a trap upon the door.  Wish me luck," she says quietly.  Taking a deep breath, she very carefully examines the door with slow and careful movements, taking her time.  She gets down on her belly to examine the floor, scrapes the stone with her dagger, presses her eye to the wall to check for lines of hatches or opening for darts, runs thin sticks to check for poison residue on different surfaces, and hovers her fingers over some of the carvings to check for magical runes.  After a long time, she slowly backs away, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"There's a magical trap to cause wounds on the door.  I think I can disable it, but it's going to be tricky.  Here we go."  Lantamori takes a deep breath and approaches the door again, removing slim tools from a belt pouch and carefully positioning them on either side of a seemingly meaningless flourish in the carvings.  She gently scrapes  at part of it, being very careful where her hands are.  Then with a cry of pain, there's a flash of dark light, and Lantamori crumbles at the door, her face gray, her green eyes wide open and staring, her blonde hair the only patch of light about her.  She doesn't move, doesn't even seem to be breathing...
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 113 posts
Fire burns bright!
Wed 20 May 2015
at 22:42
  • msg #527

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Happy to be finally on the way, Dellas follows the others to the large double door. He's stretching his fingers and awaits eagerly the opening... when he hears Lantamori scream. "NO" escapes his own lips and his arm shoots forward. "She needs help!" Is the only thing he can shout as he takes a step forward. Vish, climbed up on his master and stretches his little head towards Lantamori. Not knowing if she's dead or maybe just paralyzed he realizes that something like this can happen to any of them. That in this line of work, not only the bad guys kick the bucket but that their line of work is dangerous.
Elf Archer, 197 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 20 May 2015
at 23:39
  • msg #528

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Averdante flinches at Lantamori's cry, then watches wide-eyed as she collapses. Alarmed, his fingers clench on his bow as his stomach tightens, yesterday's experience with the poison rushing back in on him. This had been a magical trap though, taking her down instantly.

He watched nervously, refraining from going forward to check on her only because Farian and Sir Aberlayne were already closer, and certainly able to offer better aid. They had helped him, yesterday. They'd be able to help her, too.

Except... she already had the pallor of death.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 221 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Thu 21 May 2015
at 03:28
  • msg #529

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Rushing over to her I lean down to do what I can and see if there is anything I can do to revive or see if she is just frozen. Looking at her frozen expression and knowing it was necromantic energy that did the damage, and fearing the worse, I slowly make my examinations.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 166 posts
A fighter in flux
Thu 21 May 2015
at 14:32
  • msg #530

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor sheathes the prince's sword and walks over to stand behind Lantamori as she works her magic on the door.  He can't be of much help now, so tries to stay out of the way, and out of her light.

He starts, though, as it becomes clear something's gone wrong...the elf crumpling to the ground, looking ashen.  He instinctively moves towards her, but stops, knowing he can't be of much help, and steps aside as the cleric moves to kneel beside her inert form.

They weren't even inside the king's chamber yet, and were already under attack!
Dungeon Master
GM, 248 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 24 May 2015
at 11:31
  • msg #531

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian makes his examinations with his heart in his throat, Sir Aberlayne coming to his aid.  They examine her hands, her limbs, checking for her heartbeat, her breathing.  She is still and cool and gape-mouthed, a frightening picture.

Breathing a sigh of relief Farian leans back and smiles at everyone. She is just paralyzed is all. She will be fine in a bit. "You gave us a scare there Lantamori. Just relax. The effect will wear off soon."

"Paralysis," Sir Aberlayne says in explanation, helping prop Lantamori up against the wall.  "Maybe to make death more frightening.  I could imagine the horror of being unable to move while some undead thing shuffled down the corridor to take you."

Lantamori cannot move a muscle yet, not even her eyes, but she yet lives!  The trap on the door had been a cunning one, and well-disguised.  The old king had been a devious and bitter man during the devising of his own tomb.

"I guess the trick now would be if the trap is still live.  And if so, how we get past it while Lantamori is a statue," Sir Aberlayne comments.

It's hard to tell, but there might be a gleam of annoyance in Lantamori's eyes.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 222 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sun 24 May 2015
at 12:07
  • msg #532

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Nodding at Layne, Farian gets up. "If the trap reset itself, I thought an elf could open the door. I seem to recall that they are supposed to not affected by paralysis. At least my studies of the paralytic touch of certain undead don't affect them. I guess that doesn't hold true for divine or arcane spells."
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 114 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 25 May 2015
at 05:13
  • msg #533

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas relaxes and exhales audibly when his big sister told him that Lantamori was "just" paralyzed. "Now we have two problems, the trap and our good Lantamori here... I mean, can we just leave her here while we fight whatever is with the king? Maybe it would be better to ask the princess to take her in her tomb" He stops a moment to look at the "statue" he couldn't help but again to feel happy to be a wizard and not a fighter or rouge. "Though what if we are all slain or paralyzed? Then she would stay there with the princess until she starves to death?"
Elf Archer, 199 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 26 May 2015
at 20:10
  • msg #534

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Paralysis. Averdante sighs with relief. Distant as Lantamori had been since joining them, he didn't want to see her killed in here -- nor anyone else for that matter. And she'd been skilled enough figuring out the rest of the magical traps in here before this.

Of course, then Sir Aberlayne raised the inevitable question of how they were to get past the trap now....

Dante glanced at the elf propped against the wall and tightened his grip on his bow again, not liking the choice he had. He had no desire to end up like that -- or worse, if the trap increased in potency when triggered in close succession. At the same time, it would be unfair to wait and force her to chance the same fate a second time when, possibly, he could prevent it.

So with a heavier sigh, he tells the others, "I've some limited experience with traps. I may be able to see if it's still active, and if so, attempt to disarm it." His stomach is not happy with his decision, and this time it's not the vague sense of imbalance left by yesterday's poison still lingering in his system.

Moving up to the door and the ornamental decoration Lantamori had been working at, Dante sets his bow carefully aside and crouches down to study it more closely himself. The exam tells him nothing; if he hadn't known it was there, he'd have never have spotted it.

Well, damn. Now he's a little annoyed that he's missing it, especially since he knows it's there. He studies the ornamental again, then huffs softly. It's there, and might have only had one charge in it. Considering Lantamori's tools, he chooses a couple picks, but pauses one more time to close his eyes and make a short, silent prayer to Ehlonna to please watch over his hopelessly curious self. Then before he unnerves himself, he tries slipping one of the picks behind the trim.

12:58, Today: Averdante rolled 11 using 1d20+4. Disable trap.
12:57, Today: Averdante rolled 10 using 1d20+9. Search trap

LOL Yep, not his specialty!

Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 167 posts
A fighter in flux
Tue 26 May 2015
at 23:59
  • msg #535

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor glances at the frozen female elf with concern, and perhaps a tiny bit of curiosity.  He'd never seen someone magically paralyzed before.  He shudders imperceptibly thinking about being fully aware, but locked in a body you can't move...the panic one must feel.

While it's not in his nature to comfort, he kneels down beside Lantamori and whispers, "I'm not sure if you can hear, but we won't leave you alone."

He pats Lantamori somewhat awkwardly on the shoulder before getting up and watching Dante fumble with the same trap.  He thinks, 'Gods, please don't let us have two statues to watch over...'
This message was last edited by the player at 00:00, Wed 27 May 2015.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 96 posts
Wed 27 May 2015
at 05:32
  • msg #536

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh watched what unfolded with grim silence.  Lantamori was a victim of what Volsh would consider an almost unbearable condition.  He relied so much upon his strength and speed, that to be utterly unable to move was nearly unfathomable.  He grimaced when Aberlaynbe mentioned teh idea of being helpless like that while mindless undead consumed your flesh...alive and unable to even cry out.  He shook himself, and shuffled his feet just to prove that he could still move.

The elf was going to try next, based on the theory that an elf might not be affected by the trap.  Volsh knew nothing of these things, but it seemed foolish, and risky, but he was not sure that it was his place to say.  Afterall, what did he know about magic?  So he stood there watching, his one hand gripping his sword hilt too tightly, the other clenching into a fist then unclenching it, making his anxiety apparent.  He wished they could just get to fighting the king.  He could be useful then, and give in to the passion of battle.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 223 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Thu 28 May 2015
at 19:51
  • msg #537

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 536):

Watching as Dante tried his luck on the door, hopefully the trap would have been deactivated, but it would be hard to tell. Granted either him or one of the other wizards might have had a detect magic memorized. It would be better once he had a better access to new divine given spells. But it would be hard and a long process.

"Take care Dante. I am hopeful that by discharging the spell, it was negated and now the door is only locked. If something happens though Dante, I assure you we do all we can to help you."
Dungeon Master
GM, 250 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Fri 29 May 2015
at 14:59
  • msg #538

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Sir Aberlayne drags the paralyzed elf woman further up the corridor, just in case anything untoward should happen.  Averdante moves forward to examine the door, though it is clear he is moving faster and a bit less confidently than Lantamori.  He looks for the trigger, for the trap, but can't make out exactly what Lantamori was going for.  But as he reaches forward for his best guess, there is a loud moan from the other side of the door, and then a terrific bang as something slams into the door hard enough to rock it in its frame.

More deathless moans of pain and fury fill the air, and harder strikes start to hammer on the far side of the door.  Whatever Lantamori or Averdante had done, it seems to have woken something up!

With a final deafening crash, the doors slam open, revealing a pale mockery of light that doesn't really illuminate, just highlights the horrors of the five walking corpses shuffling out of the king's tomb, dressed in remnants of gold armor, spattered with ichor, and carrying shattered swords that seem to be embedded in their hands.  Eyeless sockets, glowing with dim purple light, turn towards the party, and their mouths open to moan again, showing an inner darkness meant to shadow the world.

OOC: I'll need your initiative and attack rolls (and alternative attack options, if more than one might be appropriate in case of changing circumstances).  I'll assume people had at least one round to position themselves/prepare before the baddies came out.  Corridor is twenty feet wide, doors are twenty feet wide, we have four baddies in a line in the doorway, and the fifth is slightly ahead of the others in the middle.  None of the baddies are wearing a crown.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 224 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 29 May 2015
at 16:13
  • msg #539

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Grabbing Dante, I pull him back away from the 5 monstrosities with one hand while holding out my medallion with the other, screaming in a loud holy voice, putting my faith in Pelor to the test against these dark abominations.

"BE GONE FROM MY SIGHT O FOUL EVIL ONES!! In the name of Pelor, my holy God, I banish you back to the darkness from where hence you have spawned!! Fear the Morning Lord and flee from His glorious light!!"
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 97 posts
Fri 29 May 2015
at 20:34
  • msg #540

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh drew his blade and mace at the sound of the first crash into the doors, and shuffled his feet into a fighting stance., He was not sure if there would be skeletons or something else, but he wished to have the mace handy in his off hand should it be needed.  It seemed that the best course was to wait and see what would happen, taking a more defensive position.

When the doors crashed open, he was positioned to be the first in the line of attack.  If the undead stopped or some magic from the group stopped them before they reached him, he would hold. If not, then he would hack down these shambling abominations and give them their final rest, or whatever destruction meant to the undead and the damned.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 115 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sun 31 May 2015
at 01:07
  • msg #541

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Hearing the moaning and strikes against the door, Dellas readies himself and takes out his crossbow, loads a bolt and hopes that at least once it could be useful. Waiting patiently, he flinches every time a little when he hears something banging against the door. But as the doors gave up and those 5 monstrosities threatened to swarm them he took his shot without aiming.
He didn't exactly see where the bolt went, staying behind taller companions can have its disadvantage, but he is pretty sure that it went too high.

08:58, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 22 using 1d20+2. Initiative.
08:58, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 4 using 1d20+2. shoot Undead.

If the undead are stopped and there are at least 3, then Dellas will drop his crossbow and shout to the others to step aside while casting burning hand
Today: Dellas Nump rolled 4 using 1d4. Burn undead burn
(I'm writing this from my phone, sorry but I can't copy any dice roll)
This message was last edited by the player at 00:35, Tue 02 June 2015.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 169 posts
A fighter in flux
Mon 1 Jun 2015
at 00:44
  • msg #542

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor jumps when the pounding on the other side of the door begins.  The ominous thudding indicating someone…or something…really wants to get out.  He takes a step back and grips the prince’s longsword in his hand; knuckles white as he prepares for whatever comes out.

He grunts an exclamation as the door finally slams open, revealing a horde of undead soldiers; these ones with rotting flesh, and not just animated bones.

09:32, Yesterday: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 14 using 1d20+6. Initiative.

With Volsh in line to attack the foremost soldier, Bruenor is standing off to his right, and attacks the next closest undead guardian – he tries to lunge in and use his legs and strength to trip the abomination and slow its approach.

09:37, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20+5. Trip attack at closest undead.
09:38, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 25 using 1d20+7. Trip STR check (+4 Improved Trip).

09:39, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 25 using 1d20+6. Impr Trip Attack longsword +1. (this is the attack roll if trip is successful)
09:41, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 9 using 1d8+3. Dmg.

09:41, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 11 using 1d20+6. Crit confirm.

Elf Archer, 200 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 1 Jun 2015
at 22:04
  • msg #543

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

As Farian pulls at him, Averdante willingly drops Lantamori's picks, snatches up his bow, and gets clear of the door.

Coming to his feet behind the priest, he backs up further, drawing an arrow and readying it as the doors crash open. His first look at the shambling corpses doesn't help settle his stomach; even in that first glimpse, the things are disgusting to look upon. They're not skeletons and the clinging remnants of flesh makes them look far more appalling. He has the unhappy suspicion though, that they'll be no more vulnerable to arrows than the skeletons were -- but he intends to test that notion before giving up his bow.

If the priest can turn the evil creatures, Dante will hold his fire. If not, he'll hope he's wrong about the usefulness of an arrow against the things.

14:54, Today: Averdante rolled 24 using 1d20+4. Initiative.
14:59, Today: Averdante rolled 7 using 1d8. Damage if hits.
14:55, Today: Averdante rolled 11 using 1d20+5. Shoot undead.

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 130 posts
Tue 2 Jun 2015
at 01:55
  • msg #544

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

After leaving the prince and amazed by Bruenor performance in the duel, Haazheel followed the group staying at the back of the party. Lantamori petrification curse quiet surprised him, it was the first time he ever witnessed such a curse effect. The undead entrance made the wizard jump. Haazheel, uncertain of which spell to use in this situation, prefered to draw his crossbow and shoot toward the undead.

20:39, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 13 using 1d20+2. Initiative .
20:44, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 13 using 1d20+3. Attack with crossbow.
20:46, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 1 using 1d8. Damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 253 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 7 Jun 2015
at 15:11
  • msg #545

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

As Farian pulls at him, Averdante willingly drops Lantamori's picks, snatches up his bow, and gets clear of the door.

Coming to his feet behind the priest, he backs up further, drawing an arrow and readying it as the doors crash open. His first look at the shambling corpses doesn't help settle his stomach; even in that first glimpse, the things are disgusting to look upon. They're not skeletons and the clinging remnants of flesh makes them look far more appalling. He has the unhappy suspicion though, that they'll be no more vulnerable to arrows than the skeletons were -- but he intends to test that notion before giving up his bow.

If the priest can turn the evil creatures, Dante will hold his fire. If not, he'll hope he's wrong about the usefulness of an arrow against the things.

14:54, Today: Averdante rolled 24 using 1d20+4. Initiative.
14:59, Today: Averdante rolled 7 using 1d8. Damage if hits.
14:55, Today: Averdante rolled 11 using 1d20+5. Shoot undead.

Averdante snaps out a shot quick as summer lightning, and watches it ting off the undead's armor, shattering against the wall.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh drew his blade and mace at the sound of the first crash into the doors, and shuffled his feet into a fighting stance., He was not sure if there would be skeletons or something else, but he wished to have the mace handy in his off hand should it be needed.  It seemed that the best course was to wait and see what would happen, taking a more defensive position.

When the doors crashed open, he was positioned to be the first in the line of attack.  If the undead stopped or some magic from the group stopped them before they reached him, he would hold. If not, then he would hack down these shambling abominations and give them their final rest, or whatever destruction meant to the undead and the damned.

Volsh readies his sword for a mighty swing as the first of the dead warriors shuffle into view, stepping up to swing down, fit to sever head from shoulders.  But these warriors are better armored than the wretched skeletons guarding the Moon Knight's tomb, and the crystal blade makes a ringing sound as it slides along their golden plate and chain, skittering off without doing damage.

Dellas Nump:
Hearing the moaning and strikes against the door, Dellas readies himself and takes out his crossbow, loads a bolt and hopes that at least once it could be useful. Waiting patiently, he flinches every time a little when he hears something banging against the door. But as the doors gave up and those 5 monstrosities threatened to swarm them he took his shot without aiming.

He didn't exactly see where the bolt went, staying behind taller companions can have its disadvantage, but he is pretty sure that it went too high.

08:58, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 22 using 1d20+2. Initiative.
08:58, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 4 using 1d20+2. shoot Undead.

If the undead are stopped and there are at least 3, then Dellas will drop his crossbow and shout to the others to step aside while casting burning hand
Today: Dellas Nump rolled 4 using 1d4. Burn undead burn
(I'm writing this from my phone, sorry but I can't copy any dice roll)

Dellas' shot goes high and wide, smashing against the ceiling as the undead pour out of the tomb.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor jumps when the pounding on the other side of the door begins.  The ominous thudding indicating someone…or something…really wants to get out.  He takes a step back and grips the prince’s longsword in his hand; knuckles white as he prepares for whatever comes out.

He grunts an exclamation as the door finally slams open, revealing a horde of undead soldiers; these ones with rotting flesh, and not just animated bones.

09:32, Yesterday: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 14 using 1d20+6. Initiative.

With Volsh in line to attack the foremost soldier, Bruenor is standing off to his right, and attacks the next closest undead guardian – he tries to lunge in and use his legs and strength to trip the abomination and slow its approach.

09:37, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20+5. Trip attack at closest undead.
09:38, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 25 using 1d20+7. Trip STR check (+4 Improved Trip).

09:39, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 25 using 1d20+6. Impr Trip Attack longsword +1. (this is the attack roll if trip is successful)
09:41, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 9 using 1d8+3. Dmg.

09:41, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 11 using 1d20+6. Crit confirm.

Bruenor lunges in with speed and strength, kicking out at the undead's leg and bringing the creature to its knees.  He follows it up with a strike with his longsword, slashing across a weakened section of the armor to part the undead flesh and send ichor sheeting across the floor.  While the abomination is still moving, Bruenor has struck the first solid blow! 

Haazheel Thorn:
After leaving the prince and amazed by Bruenor performance in the duel, Haazheel followed the group staying at the back of the party. Lantamori petrification curse quiet surprised him, it was the first time he ever witnessed such a curse effect. The undead entrance made the wizard jump. Haazheel, uncertain of which spell to use in this situation, prefered to draw his crossbow and shoot toward the undead.

20:39, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 13 using 1d20+2. Initiative .
20:44, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 13 using 1d20+3. Attack with crossbow.
20:46, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 1 using 1d8. Damage.

With more luck than Dellas, Haazheel's shot actually sticks into the undead on the left, the bolt making a horrible sound as it penetrates the rotting flesh.

Narthian grabs Lantamori from Sir Aberlayne and hauls her farther down the corridor.  "Go, go, I have her!"

Sir Aberlayne charges the undead with a yell, her momentum carrying her battleaxe into the one Haazheel had hit, slicing more gray meat from the decaying bones.

09:56, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 5 using 1d6+1. Battleaxe damage.
09:54, Today: Sir Aberlayne Nump rolled 12 using 1d20+6. Attack zombie with battleaxe.  +2 from charging.

Farian Raymellie:
Grabbing Dante, I pull him back away from the 5 monstrosities with one hand while holding out my medallion with the other, screaming in a loud holy voice, putting my faith in Pelor to the test against these dark abominations.

"BE GONE FROM MY SIGHT O FOUL EVIL ONES!! In the name of Pelor, my holy God, I banish you back to the darkness from where hence you have spawned!! Fear the Morning Lord and flee from His glorious light!!"

Farian presents his holy symbol with conviction and vigor and the strength of unyielding faith.  Holy light blazes from the metal, falling upon the undead, and they moan and writhe in fear and pain of a light of life.  All turn and flee into the dimness of the tomb, their cries echoing off the stone as they shuffle away as fast as their feet can take them.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:24, Sun 07 June 2015.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 98 posts
Sun 7 Jun 2015
at 16:22
  • msg #546

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh watched the creatures flee, taking a few steps forward, but then stopping.  He wanted to chase his foe, and hack them down, but leaving his companions behind and charging into a dark chamber against who knew what would be the epitome of foolhardiness.   Since these creatures seemed more substantial than the skeletons they had fought earlier he slipped the mace back into his belt and prepared to move ahead as soon as the others were ready.

"We should not tarry...his guardians are weakened, but I doubt this will work on the king himself.   We have a slight advantage let's not lose it."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 225 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Mon 8 Jun 2015
at 02:29
  • msg #547

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Nodding in grim agreement, Farian takes his mace in one hand, his shield in the other, then nodding at the warriors of the group, "Let us finish this task that was set before us, and lay to rest these tortured souls once and for all. Their King awaits his holy judgement."

Farian casts Light on his shield, creating a glowing 20' radius centered on his shield, providing the equivalent of torchlight. Keeping his shield in front of him, Farian boldly steps into the room and then lets the warriors flank him before moving farther into the room.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 131 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2015
at 03:29
  • msg #548

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel wa reading another bolt in his crossbow when he saw the undead fleeing in front of Farian's holy symbol. "That was really impressive my friend Cleric! "He says. "But before you and Volsh walk further in the chamber, allow me the time to cast a spell and detect any magic roaming in there." Haazheel then concentrates and casts detect magic focusing on the chamber lying ahead and illuminated by Farian's shield.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 170 posts
A fighter in flux
Mon 8 Jun 2015
at 07:30
  • msg #549

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor wrinkles his nose in disgust as he slashes the undead soldier before him...the smell almost overpowering.

Moments later, the grotesque forms retreat before the cleric's holy light.  He uses the pause to regain his composure and adjust his grip on the prince's longsword.

He says nothing, but stands ready to follow Farian into the chamber, positioning himself just to the cleric's right, as they wait for the wizard to cast his detect magic spell.  He peers into the dark chamber, but sees nothing of any detail.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 117 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 8 Jun 2015
at 08:57
  • msg #550

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Gripping his crossbow, he curses and reloads. Before Using his magic he would have loved to actually hit something with his crossbow. "I shall concentrate on my magic, but want to try my crossbow at least one more time." he proclaims and adds quietly "Though wouldn't it have been easier to fight his servants now, then to let them regroup?" Nonetheless he follows behind the warriors.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 99 posts
Mon 8 Jun 2015
at 16:14
  • msg #551

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh stepped in to position covering Haazheel's flank, once teh man had set his shield to glowing.  The light would make it far easier to fight effectively against whatever lay before them.  "I am ready."
Elf Archer, 201 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 8 Jun 2015
at 23:28
  • msg #552

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

With another arrow laid ready, Averdante was prepared to follow the others into the room. The king's undead were clearly going to be much harder to take down than the skeletons had been -- and much... messier, too. He still wasn't certain just how damaging arrows were to the things, but he wasn't eager to get into melee with them, either. That was the province of warriors and priests.

Although, if Farian could turn them again, it would probably be wise to close in and dismember as many as possible while they were at a disadvantage. And have Dellas indulge his pyromania to burn the pieces immediately. If the skeletons could rise again, odds were strong these undead would, too.
King Kosar
Tue 9 Jun 2015
at 12:15
  • msg #553

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

As Farian advances inside the tomb, the gleam of gold throws back his light and multiplies it.  The walls of the tomb shimmer with precious metal, a vast room easily triple the size of the Prince and Princess' tombs.  Yet the gold here seems tarnished, blackened, the scenes in relief on the walls looking sinister.  The five rotting warriors are cowering at the far side of the room, behind a vast throne of polished stone and gold, upon which is the desiccated corpse of a powerful and regal man in blackened armor.  A tall crown sits upon his brow, blistered with black gems and sable pearls.  He bears a huge spear, the head made of jagged obsidian, and looking wickedly cruel.

As Farian's light touches the old king, he raises his head, and arm, and spear, until it points straight at Farian's heart.  Then he abruptly turns his eyes, wells of pure darkness, on Dellas.

"It has been long since I have looked into the eyes of a moon-born.  Almost as long as it's been since I have killed one," the king grates, his voice rasping over a throat dry as leather.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 118 posts
Fire burns bright!
Thu 11 Jun 2015
at 09:44
  • msg #554

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Feeling the black eyes of the king nearly piercing through the deepest parts of his heart, Dellas fights the urge to hide behind his new best friend, Farian. He promises himself to find some time and talk about religion with him.. but now he feels small and after looking at his sister for a second he regains his posture and answers rather flimsy: "We found it and it proofed to be useful in a place where light is scarce." he clears his throat and takes a step forward (still behind our holy man) "Do you know that your children are still suffering? That they can't find their well-deserved rest among your ancestors?"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 171 posts
A fighter in flux
Fri 12 Jun 2015
at 12:16
  • msg #555

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor watches the animated corpse before them...the strong magic allowing some fragment of the king's soul to remain, much as it did for his children.  How corrupt or black it was, time would tell.

He holds the prince's sword down at his side, keeping it from clear view until they ascertain the king's disposition and purpose.  He's not sure how the king will react to seeing his son's sword in a stranger's hand.  The king would have no way of knowing it was given voluntarily.
Dungeon Master
GM, 254 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 16 Jun 2015
at 09:01
  • msg #556

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas Nump:
Feeling the black eyes of the king nearly piercing through the deepest parts of his heart, Dellas fights the urge to hide behind his new best friend, Farian. He promises himself to find some time and talk about religion with him.. but now he feels small and after looking at his sister for a second he regains his posture and answers rather flimsy: "We found it and it proved to be useful in a place where light is scarce." he clears his throat and takes a step forward (still behind our holy man) "Do you know that your children are still suffering? That they can't find their well-deserved rest among your ancestors?"

The king rises, his arm coming up, the spear following to point at Dellas' heart.  Sir Aberlayne takes a few steps closer to her brother as the king speaks again his raspy voice.

"They are suffering?" he thunders, "You, who killed them, make them suffer still?  I placed them here to preserve them, to make you protect them as you should have done.  And yet you burst your bonds I placed on you and torment them?  Demon, fiend in human flesh, moon-born scum!"

"Yondalla preserve," Sir Aberlayne said, her axe angled out, her legs tensed to move.

There seems to be some dark power gathering around the king, blackening his armor, making his eyes glint red and black, fires in their depths.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 226 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Tue 16 Jun 2015
at 11:45
  • msg #557

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Your Daughter, the Princess, assisted us of her own free accord. She found a fellow follower of the Sun God. Your son, the Prince, tested the mettle of our own as well. We passed their tests in proving our cause is just. As a holy follower of my God, Pelor, I will not let you continue to darken their paths. They have asked for release. I will ask of you only once, since you are King. Will you release your spell on your children to let their souls move on to their loving kin, or will we have to assist you in moving onto the abyss since you heart has fallen into the darkness and dragged this entire tomb along with it."

Farian steps more firmly in front of Dellas, raiding his shield to cover his chest and tightening his grip on his mace.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 100 posts
Tue 16 Jun 2015
at 21:43
  • msg #558

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh was very attentive, but kept silent, knowing that his words would likely only incent violence.  As such, he kept to Farian's flank, prepared to act should the situation get sideways.  In particular he did not wish to get ambushed by the undead, they had encountered earlier, or any new foes that might appear during this dialogue.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 172 posts
A fighter in flux
Wed 17 Jun 2015
at 08:11
  • msg #559

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor raises the prince's longsword before him, and calls out, "We are not your Moon-born, highness...merely travellers who have been called upon to help your children find some peace. They in turn asked our assistance to help you, their father, find your own peace.  Let us help your family."

Seeing the gathering darkness around the king, Bruenor widens his stance and grips the longsword in both hands...hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 120 posts
Fire burns bright!
Thu 18 Jun 2015
at 07:09
  • msg #560

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

He still feels the eyes focusing on him, but the darkness rising made him take a second look. "Attack! He is casting a spell" Is the only warning the others get before stepping in front of his sister and unleashing a cone of flames towards the undead king. Aiming for the King and trying to give him no place to escape, he channels his magical forces while remembering the suffering of those that rely on him and his companions.

15:02, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 6 using 2d4. Burn Undead Burn!
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 132 posts
Thu 18 Jun 2015
at 14:21
  • msg #561

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel hearing the Dellas' call, shoots at the undead King. Unfortunately the flames created by his colleague's spell prevent him to aim correctly.

09:17, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 10 using 1d20+3. Attack with crossbow.
09:18, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 3 using 1d8.

Elf Archer, 202 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 00:56
  • msg #562

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas' claim that the dead king is casting a spell serves to confirm Averdante's personal suspicions. He takes a shot at the corpse in the wake of the halfling's expected fire spell -- and then moves sharply aside. If he's lucky, he'll get beyond the edge of the door frame where the stone wall might block most, if not all, of the effect of any spell.

17:54, Today: Averdante rolled 16 using 1d20+5. Attack with bow.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 229 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 02:51
  • msg #563

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Knowing as soon as all started their attacks that the time for words and attempted reason has passed, Farian steps in for a swing. Moving swiftly and surely he strikes out from the side with his mace, trying to keep an opened path for possible arrows and/or other possible ranged assaults.

"IN THE NAME OF PELOR, prepare your soul for the lowest level of the Abyss, where it surely belongs!"

OOC: Farian Raymellie rolled 14 using 1d20+3 ((11))

Swinging as Farian moved in, he hit a very glancing blow on the King causing nothing more than sparks, doing no real damage. Then pulling back after the blow, Farian gets ready preparing for another swing.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 101 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 03:50
  • msg #564

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh moved as warning of the spell was given, surging forward with a roar, heedless of the ranged attacks, or for that matter his own safety.  He lifted the crystal sword overhead and brought it down with strength born of the anger and pain, fueled by his own losses and shame.  There was nothing now, just the wildness of battle.  Either he, his foe, or maybe both would lie stricken by the time his senses returned.
Dungeon Master
GM, 257 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 15:16
  • msg #565

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas Nump:
He still feels the eyes focusing on him, but the darkness rising made him take a second look. "Attack! He is casting a spell" Is the only warning the others get before stepping in front of his sister and unleashing a cone of flames towards the undead king. Aiming for the King and trying to give him no place to escape, he channels his magical forces while remembering the suffering of those that rely on him and his companions.

15:02, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 6 using 2d4. Burn Undead Burn!

The king does not seem interested in fencing words.  He is too far gone in his insane morning for reason.  But you tried, you truly tried, and that is more than most would have done.

Dellas doesn't wait for the result of the king's anger, and steps forward, barking out a few words as a fan of flames flashes forth from his fingers.  The fire catches the king squarely, and sparks race across the resin-dry form of the king's body.  Fire explodes from the king as he roars in anger, staggering forward, hands crooked to bony claws.

Haazheel's arrows goes wide, smashing against the opposite wall.

Averdante's arrow, on the other hand, hits squarely, thudding somewhere in the flaming king's chest and causing another gout of sparks.

Farian steps forward, lowering his holy symbol and he lashes out with his mace.  He just misses the king, but more importantly, with the lack of holy power continuing to be channeled forth, the five remaining undead start to turn back from their cowering positions against the wall.

Volsh charges forward with all the rage of his ancestors, the crystal sword lashing down in a punishing blow that nearly lays open the king's chest to his backbone.  Grotesquely, that is not enough to fell the abomination the king has become, and sparks scatter as the fiery corpse somehow remains upright and moving.

The king lashes out with bony claws, golden rings flashing in the fire's light as he rakes across Volsh's chest, bringing a freakishly cold, withering pain in its wake. 

Sir Aberlayne and Bruenor see the other undead about to make their move, and go to flank Fairan and Volsh.

"We'll keep them off your backs!  Destroy the abomination!" Sir Aberlayne shouts, as Bruenor raises the prince's sword, ready to hack at undead necks.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 123 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 15:49
  • msg #566

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Seeing how he, a little Halfling, unleashed such a fury surprised him only for a moment. He grabs in his pouch and produces a small bag with a candle sticking out from it; focusing on the items in his hand he mumbles something before stretching his hand out towards the Undead king and channeling his energy to open a gate from another plane and summon a celestial dog right behind the undead king (flanking) The dog doesn't waste time and attacks this abomination at once with all the fury of the gods (smite evil)

23:47, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 21 using 1d20+4. Summoned dog atk.

Sorry, but I'm not sure how much more damage this is, since the dog used smite evil... is this an extra 1d8+2 to damage?

This message was last edited by the player at 16:11, Tue 23 June 2015.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 102 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2015
at 03:20
  • msg #567

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volosh clenched his teeth, his face a rictus grin, eyes wide with a maniacal gleam, seeming to thrive on the pain his foe had dealt.  Blood dripped down his chest, but Volsh did not seem to notice, as he swung his blade about in a circle over his head, arcing the crystal edge at the dead king's neck with strength born of fury.  "DIE!!"
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 173 posts
A fighter in flux
Wed 24 Jun 2015
at 15:03
  • msg #568

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor steps up beside Farian and Volsh, casting a nervous glance at the darkening form of the king.  He holds the prince's longsword before him and gives it a lazy swing to loosen his arms and wrists, eyes straight ahead now at the approaching undead.

He had to give it to the paladin, it was a wise move, suggesting he and she deal with the undead minions...hopefully leaving the others to dispatch the king, or what was left of him.

Bruenor holds steady until the undead come within range, stepping 5 feet to meet them with a two-handed grip on his longsword, slashing broadly and hoping to give the others a bit of space and precious seconds.

01:01, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 11 using 1d20+6. attack longsword (2h).
01:02, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 5 using 1d8+4. dmg longsword (2h).

Elf Archer, 203 posts
Keen eyed
Sat 27 Jun 2015
at 00:41
  • msg #569

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Checking back around the door frame and seeing that the undead king's attendants are back on the offensive, and noting the others  have necessarily opted for splitting to deal with each separately, Averdante isn't sure which side to back. The numbers decide it, though; there's no easy shot at the king without risking hitting his companions.

So he draws back and fires at one of the undead at the back of the group shambling rapidly toward the paladin and Bruenor.

Rolled a 7 to atack; even with a keypad for my tablet, copying and pasting between pages is evidently not an option. :P
Pretty sure I missed, though! Today seems to be my day for 2s....

Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 133 posts
Sat 27 Jun 2015
at 08:01
  • msg #570

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

After the hazheel deception passed for having missed his shot toward the king, he took a couple of seconds to acertain the situation. Seeing that Dellas already summoned a celestial dog to help in fighting the royal foe, Haazheel thought it was wise to help his other companions busy fighting the undead. To bring them the advantage, the wizard starts to mumble an incantation, waving his hands in swift and precise gestures to finally cast a grease spell on the zone separating the undead from the others.
Dungeon Master
GM, 260 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 28 Jun 2015
at 13:39
  • msg #571

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas Nump:
Seeing how he, a little Halfling, unleashed such a fury surprised him only for a moment. He grabs in his pouch and produces a small bag with a candle sticking out from it; focusing on the items in his hand he mumbles something before stretching his hand out towards the Undead king and channeling his energy to open a gate from another plane and summon a celestial dog right behind the undead king (flanking) The dog doesn't waste time and attacks this abomination at once with all the fury of the gods (smite evil)

23:47, Today: Dellas Nump rolled 21 using 1d20+4. Summoned dog atk.

Sorry, but I'm not sure how much more damage this is, since the dog used smite evil... is this an extra 1d8+2 to damage?

Dellas begins his summoning, chanting with bell and candle to summon forth a celestial dog.  A complicated spell, it will take him a little time to complete his entreaty.

Haazheel Thorn:
After the hazheel deception passed for having missed his shot toward the king, he took a couple of seconds to acertain the situation. Seeing that Dellas already summoned a celestial dog to help in fighting the royal foe, Haazheel thought it was wise to help his other companions busy fighting the undead. To bring them the advantage, the wizard starts to mumble an incantation, waving his hands in swift and precise gestures to finally cast a grease spell on the zone separating the undead from the others.

The best foe is one who cannot reach you, and as Haazheel throws out his hands, a sheet of magical grease appears before the group of foes on the left, just in front of where three of them are shuffling.

Checking back around the door frame and seeing that the undead king's attendants are back on the offensive, and noting the others  have necessarily opted for splitting to deal with each separately, Averdante isn't sure which side to back. The numbers decide it, though; there's no easy shot at the king without risking hitting his companions.

So he draws back and fires at one of the undead at the back of the group shambling rapidly toward the paladin and Bruenor.

Rolled a 7 to attack; even with a keypad for my tablet, copying and pasting between pages is evidently not an option. :P
Pretty sure I missed, though! Today seems to be my day for 2s....

Averdante fires more hastily than he wanted, and his arrow shatters against the far wall instead of thudding into undead flesh.

Farian swings with his mace, but the king's erratic movements mean his mace slams down on the floor instead, jarring his hand and calling up an ache in his shoulder.

The zombies start to shuffle forward.  The three in Haazheel's grease zone stumble forward onto the floor, but the two closer to Bruenor are not so impeded.  They are slow, but their fists are still solid and murderous.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volosh clenched his teeth, his face a rictus grin, eyes wide with a maniacal gleam, seeming to thrive on the pain his foe had dealt.  Blood dripped down his chest, but Volsh did not seem to notice, as he swung his blade about in a circle over his head, arcing the crystal edge at the dead king's neck with strength born of fury.  "DIE!!"

Volsh slashes through the king's neck, but amazingly doesn't sever the head with the fury of his attack.  The king's neck, still burning, yawns in a second sinister grin.  Shredded to pieces, the king still scarcely clings to his form.

He flails out with his burning arms, lashing at Volsh like a wind-driven tree during a storm, a high-pitched scream harmonizing with itself.  His burning claws catch Volsh's chest and arms, opening up more wounds and cauterizing them with the same blow. 

Though Sir Aberlayne is wise enough to not leave her side, lest the undead find a way past the grease to attack Farian or Dellas, Bruenor has two foes to choose from.  Neither are hard to hit, slow and stupid as they are, and he opens the rotting side of one of them with a sideways slash of his sword.

Another arrow arcs over everyone's heads to shatter over the far wall, and those looking behind can see Narthian in the doorway, a bow in his hand and a look of chagrin and disgust on his face, chagrin for the poor shot, disgust for the undead.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 103 posts
Sun 28 Jun 2015
at 16:09
  • msg #572

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh seemed immune to the pain, despite the morass of blood and burnt flesh, that was the remains of his chest.  Wisps of smoke drifted from the wreckage, filling the air with the unique aroma of charred flesh.  Volsh followed the arc of his blade, turning his body, as he spun to deliver the final blow.  With his last step, his foot slid in a pool of his own blood...
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 231 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sun 28 Jun 2015
at 19:04
  • msg #573

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Arm still ringing from the blow on the floor, (that will teach it to get in Farian's way) he rears back for another blow from his mace on the King. TO THE ABYSS WITH YOU!! Feel the holy power of Pelor and begone from this land!!"

Only to hit the wall this time with his mace.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 174 posts
A fighter in flux
Sun 28 Jun 2015
at 22:18
  • msg #574

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor pulls the prince's longsword from the side of the undead with a disgusting sucking sound...not to mention the smell released.  Seeing he has two undead foes to contend with, he leans into the uninjured (if one could call them that?) walker and shoves with his elbow, leg lunging out to trip him.

08:12, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20+5. Trip attack.
08:13, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 10 using 1d20+7. Trip attempt on hit (+STR mod, +Impr Trip).
08:15, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 21 using 1d20+6. Attack longsword +1 (if trip successful).
08:15, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 6 using 1d8+3. Dmg.

Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 126 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sun 28 Jun 2015
at 23:32
  • msg #575

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Chanting and focusing on the items in his hands he finally finishes and a dog appears. Exceptionally beautiful with a kind of inner light, radiating from the dog. It doesn't think long and followes it's instincts, biting the undead creature in front of it (flanked)
Dellas smiles as his first summoning spell works perfectly, he puts the items quickly away and prepares one of his damaging spells, should the king move away from the others or somehow be free to shoot at.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:36, Sun 28 June 2015.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 134 posts
Mon 29 Jun 2015
at 20:14
  • msg #576

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"Good Job!" says Haazheel to Dellas when the dog appears. The wizard then cast a ray of frost spell on one of the undead Bruenor is fighting, hoping to weaken it.

15:13, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 19 using 1d20+3. Ray of frost attack on undead.
15:13, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 3 using 1d3. damage with Ray of Frost.

Elf Archer, 205 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 29 Jun 2015
at 23:46
  • msg #577

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The dead should stay dead, Averdante thought as he nocked another arrow. The damned things just made his skin crawl, which did nothing for his aim. And he still had the unhappy idea that the things weren't really vulnerable to arrows.

Despite that, he wanted more surety before he gave up on it. Better to attack from a distance than at sword-range, if at all possible. He took the time to take another, settling breath this time, before loosing the arrow, not wanting to miss again. And this time, at least, his aim was better.

16:40, Today: Averdante rolled 23 using 1d20+5. Attack with arrow.
16:44, Today: Averdante rolled 8 using 1d8. arrow damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 265 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 1 Jul 2015
at 15:08
  • msg #578

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas Nump:
Chanting and focusing on the items in his hands he finally finishes and a dog appears. Exceptionally beautiful with a kind of inner light, radiating from the dog. It doesn't think long and follows its instincts, biting the undead creature in front of it (flanked)
Dellas smiles as his first summoning spell works perfectly, he puts the items quickly away and prepares one of his damaging spells, should the king move away from the others or somehow be free to shoot at.

Dellas' hound, glowing with the pure light of the celestial realms, appears behind the king in a haze of heavenly light.  Jaws glowing with power, it lunges at the king's back with devastating power, crunching its spine and finishing what Volsh had started.  The hound howls in triumph as the vile mockery of life crashes to the ground in a heap of ashes and fiery sparks.  The remaining dead howl and seem to move into a frenzy, thrashing and clawing frantically at the living.

In a turn of fate, the sparks from the king's fallen body wash over the sheet of magical grease, and the three undead that had fallen are now engulfed in flames!

Thinking quickly, Dellas turns and focuses a ray of glowing energy against one of the unburned ones near Bruenor, but his eagerness makes him miss.

Haazheel Thorn:
"Good Job!" says Haazheel to Dellas when the dog appears. The wizard then cast a ray of frost spell on one of the undead Bruenor is fighting, hoping to weaken it.

15:13, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 19 using 1d20+3. Ray of frost attack on undead.
15:13, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 3 using 1d3. damage with Ray of Frost.

With the king down, Haazheel makes a better job at attacking one of the more threatening undead than his fellow magician, and a shard of ice freezes within the gut of one of the undead near Bruenor, making it move even more stiffly than normal.

The dead should stay dead, Averdante thought as he nocked another arrow. The damned things just made his skin crawl, which did nothing for his aim. And he still had the unhappy idea that the things weren't really vulnerable to arrows.

Despite that, he wanted more surety before he gave up on it. Better to attack from a distance than at sword-range, if at all possible. He took the time to take another, settling breath this time, before loosing the arrow, not wanting to miss again. And this time, at least, his aim was better.

16:40, Today: Averdante rolled 23 using 1d20+5. Attack with arrow.
16:44, Today: Averdante rolled 8 using 1d8. arrow damage.

Averdante's arrow strikes true at the one Haazheel had hit, the undead still clinging to its wretched existence even as the arrow protrudes grotesquely from its skull.

Farian Raymellie:
Arm still ringing from the blow on the floor, (that will teach it to get in Farian's way) he rears back for another blow from his mace on the King. TO THE ABYSS WITH YOU!! Feel the holy power of Pelor and begone from this land!!"

Only to hit the wall this time with his mace.

Farian shifted overly slightly to aid Bruenor with the remaining undead, but alas it is only floor that takes the full force of his righteous fury.

The two remaining standing undead slam their fists into Bruenor and Farian, but their armor takes the brunt of the blows, leaving them still standing and mostly unbruised.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor pulls the prince's longsword from the side of the undead with a disgusting sucking sound...not to mention the smell released.  Seeing he has two undead foes to contend with, he leans into the uninjured (if one could call them that?) walker and shoves with his elbow, leg lunging out to trip him.

08:12, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 18 using 1d20+5. Trip attack.
08:13, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 10 using 1d20+7. Trip attempt on hit (+STR mod, +Impr Trip).
08:15, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 21 using 1d20+6. Attack longsword +1 (if trip successful).
08:15, Today: Bruenor Sedricson rolled 6 using 1d8+3. Dmg.

Bruenor response with a ripost of his own, tripping it flat and slicing into its back, letting lose a horrid stench of ages long past remembering.

Volsh son of Vor:
Volsh seemed immune to the pain, despite the morass of blood and burnt flesh, that was the remains of his chest.  Wisps of smoke drifted from the wreckage, filling the air with the unique aroma of charred flesh.  Volsh followed the arc of his blade, turning his body, as he spun to deliver the final blow.  With his last step, his foot slid in a pool of his own blood...

Volsh turned to focus his fury on the remaining undead, but instead crashed to one knee painfully, his sword slashing downward and leaving a furrow in the floor instead of in undead flesh. 

Sir Aberlayne shifts slightly forward and slams her axe into the moaning head of one of the burning undead that tries to crawl from the flames, putting the wretched creature out of its misery.

From the doorway, Narthian bends his bow with more care, but in an effort to avoid Farian, Bruenor, and Volsh, misses the undead again.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:24, Tue 07 July 2015.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 135 posts
Wed 1 Jul 2015
at 15:29
  • msg #579

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Amazed by the power of the celestial dog, Haazheel promises himself to summon a celestial creature next time. Alternating between attack spells and his crossbow, he aims at one of the last standing undead. Hoping for the best to help his companions ending this battle and putting to rest these abominations facing them, the wizard concentrates and shoots.

10:14, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 23 using 1d20+3. Attack with crossbow.
10:14, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 6 using 1d8.

Elf Archer, 206 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 1 Jul 2015
at 23:53
  • msg #580

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Arrows, Averdante decides regretfully as he lowers his bow, are pretty much useless against undead. He'll bear that in mind, in the future... and be certain to put in some more time at sword practice.

It appears the king is at last dead in truth, although those who were fighting him seem to have been afflicted with some kind of spell adversely affecting their coordination. Only because of this does Dante draw his own sword and warily advance, circling around to flank the king's rotted minions. Preferably the others, or the fire burning several of them, will finish them off while he's still moving into position, but if not, he'll step in to attack.

[Just moving & readying to attack this round; he's not really keen to go hand to hand with these things if there's no need!]
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 106 posts
Thu 2 Jul 2015
at 00:02
  • msg #581

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh flailed wildly for a minute, as he attempted to get back on his feet.  His eagerness for battle making his efforts perhaps less efficient than they could have been.

Now on his feet, his breath coming in ragged gasps through clenched teeth, looked for his next victim, as the summoned beast had stolen the killing blow from his grasp.  He swung his blade in a downward arc at the nearest zombie.

17:00, Today: Volsh son of Vor rolled 18,7 using 1d20,1d8 with rolls of 18,7. Attack +8 Damage +5 (Rage).
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 128 posts
Fire burns bright!
Thu 2 Jul 2015
at 16:13
  • msg #582

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas is grinning from ear to ear, his summoned creature killed... or re-killed the undead king. Without thinking he shouts and points at one of the (not burning) Zombies "Attack"
While reloading his crossbow and shooting at a free target.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:50, Thu 02 July 2015.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 237 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Thu 2 Jul 2015
at 23:28
  • msg #583

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Farian steps towards one of the zombies, attempting to flank a zombie with on of his allies, then swinging his mace again, willing to put an end to the pitiful existence of another abomination.

At least this time he didn't get distracted with possible shadowy creatures or invisible cockroaches. His blow connects, but these zombies seem tougher and the blow doesn't seem to do any damage.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 177 posts
A fighter in flux
Fri 3 Jul 2015
at 11:45
  • msg #584

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

The erratic movement of the undead soldiers makes them difficult to hit...Bruenor recovers his balance from the attempt at tripping the undead shambling before him.  Now, with reinforcement from the others, he raises the longsword over his head and brings it down in an arc before him trying to cleave the nearest walker in two.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:47, Fri 03 July 2015.
Dungeon Master
GM, 268 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 7 Jul 2015
at 14:33
  • msg #585

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

With crystal sword and battleaxe, longsword and crossbow bolt, mace and summoned heavenly hound, along with magical fire, the last of the undead fall to the friends' fury, their corrupted flesh withering from rot into ash and finally to dust as their forms fall and the unholy magic preserving them runs out.  The dark power that had permeated the very walls shudders and suddenly seems to all run out, like water out of basin, rushing to the king's crown.  The golden points turn to obsidian bolts, the golden circlet to ebon metal, the pearls and jewels turning to jet points and sable domes.

The blackened armor and jagged black spear lay discarded beside what had been the king's corpse, but the golden throne and walls now seem to have regained the luster that had once made the Sun Kingdom famous.

As you watch, a light gathers in the doorway, spinning to form into three distinct shapes.  One is the princess in her robes.  The second, the prince in his armor.  The third is a man in light mail with blue eyes, who gazes at Dellas and smiles.  He assumed a protective posture in front of the two Royal children as an incandescently bright light appears behind them.  All three turn and slowly walk into glory, hand in hand in hand.

With a feeling of hope and warmth filling the room, the light suddenly vanishes, leaving you alone once again.  Totally alone, with no feeling of ghosts lingering in the corners and scrabbling at sealed doors.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 129 posts
Fire burns bright!
Tue 7 Jul 2015
at 16:24
  • msg #586

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Dellas wanted to ready another spell, but looking around he saw that non of the opponents survived... or remained undead... or whatever. He didn't have to see anything in the dark, because he felt it. The darkness retreated and left this tomb to it's inhabitants.
Quickly turning around, he sees the figures of the prince and princess together with a third (who he guesses must be the king) He bows before them and a big smile can be seen on his face, he loves happy endings.
He continues to look at the door for a while, as if he could see more than the others and finally speaks up "Well, this went well. Though do you think that there is something here to help our paralyzed friend out there?"
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 238 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Wed 8 Jul 2015
at 01:23
  • msg #587

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

"With the King finally put to rest, the necromantic energy that powered the spell might be fading as we speak. We can bring in our friend now and prop them up till the spell fully wears off."

Looking around Farian smiles, "Well done one and all. All is right in the crypt now. The evil has been vanquished, and the lost souls are finally at peace. Well done indeed. "

Walking over to the various corpses Farian starts saying last rites.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 179 posts
A fighter in flux
Wed 8 Jul 2015
at 12:32
  • msg #588

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Bruenor drops to one knee in the spot where he fought the undead moments earlier...sagging with relief as the dark presence leaves the tomb, and is quickly replaced by the glowing forms of the royal family.

His hand still wrapped around the prince's longsword, point on the ground...he pushes himself up and nods at his companions.  While he came into this expedition with a bit of a chip on his shoulder, doubting the abilities and resolve of the others; he has quickly reached a new appreciation for each of them...even the magic users who previously he may not have valued.

He must admit a swelling of pride in his chest at what they've accomplished together.  A malevolence has been lifted from this place, leaving it the quiet tomb it deserved to be.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 137 posts
Wed 8 Jul 2015
at 19:27
  • msg #589

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Haazheel puts down his crossbow and leans on his quarterstaff. The wizard is glad to see the fight over. At the sight of the spirits of the king and the royal children leaving in peace, Haazheel feels glad and rejoiced, he helped to bring them peace and rest.
Haazheel feels very proud of his new companions. Strength, wisdom and magic composed this group. He only has one regret, not having the time to cast a summoning spell, but who knows what the future is made of.
After catching his breath, the wizard hangs back his weapon at his belt and starts to explore the royal chamber.

20:01, Wed 08 July 2015: Haazheel Thorn rolled 14 using 1d20+4 ((10)). Search check to explore the royal chamber.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:03, Thu 09 July 2015.
Elf Archer, 207 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 9 Jul 2015
at 00:51
  • msg #590

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Averdante watches the spirits of the royal trio manifest, and depart. He's glad they've been released to pass on, as they should have done centuries ago. But as the glow of their presence fades, he can't help but wonder if the slaughtered Moon Knights have also been granted the freedom of release and peace. They'll need to check the sarcophagus before they depart.

Gladly sheathing his sword, relieved not to have been needed with it, he turns his attention to looking over the room. The king's crown, spear, and armor, he has no intention of handling. Whatever evil power flowed back into them isn't something he wants to risk. Roaming slowly around room, he looks for any sign of hidden compartments.

17:49, Today: Averdante rolled 23 using 1d20+10. Spot check.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 107 posts
Thu 9 Jul 2015
at 01:08
  • msg #591

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Volsh whirled around looking for his next opponent but saw only his allies.  He lowered his sword, seeming to physically deflate, though his chest heaved, and he grimaced with the pain that he was no longer immune to.  He flopped down to the ground and began to clean his blade, albeit slowly, before putting it away.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 239 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Thu 9 Jul 2015
at 17:44
  • msg #592

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

After saying final rites, Farian will assist those who have been wounded by casting cure light wounds in order to heal or at least close up any open wounds. Then he will wait for those of his friends to finish searching the room and collecting any possible treasure they might have found.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 131 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 10 Jul 2015
at 23:37
  • msg #593

Re: [IC] The Ruins and Goblin Camp

Deciding that he should probably follow his esteemed colleague, he puts Vish down and tells him to help finding anything magical or that smells different. While He stands in the middle of the room, his head sunk on his chest for a moment and whispering. His fingers perform a difficult looking dance and suddenly come to a stop. He looks up again and takes some time to look at the different corners of the room but mostly towards the throne and behind it.
Dungeon Master
GM, 271 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 12 Jul 2015
at 13:58
  • msg #594

All that glitters, really is gold!

Haazheel Thorn:
Haazheel puts down his crossbow and leans on his quarterstaff. The wizard is glad to see the fight over. At the sight of the spirits of the king and the royal children leaving in peace, Haazheel feels glad and rejoiced, he helped to bring them peace and rest.

Haazheel feels very proud of his new companions. Strength, wisdom and magic composed this group. He only has one regret, not having the time to cast a summoning spell, but who knows what the future is made of.

After catching his breath, the wizard hangs back his weapon at his belt and starts to explore the royal chamber.

20:01, Wed 08 July 2015: Haazheel Thorn rolled 14 using 1d20+4 ((10)). Search check to explore the royal chamber.

Haazheel begins to search the elaborate chamber.  Now with the gloom of death gone, and the Prince, Princess, and Moon Knight freed to their eternal reward, the true glory of the Sun House is evident.  Golden crystals embedded in the ceiling begin to shed what looks like sunlight, illuminating the room and its dazzling display.  Looking around, Haazheel spots something of interest on the throne.  Seeming just to be grooves in the engraved arms, he realizes there are actually two gold leaf covered wands, one on each arm, contained within the design.  Lifting them out and examining them, he finds them engraved with their command words.  One says, "Vedarra," and the other says, "Bashalt."

Averdante watches the spirits of the royal trio manifest, and depart. He's glad they've been released to pass on, as they should have done centuries ago. But as the glow of their presence fades, he can't help but wonder if the slaughtered Moon Knights have also been granted the freedom of release and peace. They'll need to check the sarcophagus before they depart.

Gladly sheathing his sword, relieved not to have been needed with it, he turns his attention to looking over the room. The king's crown, spear, and armor, he has no intention of handling. Whatever evil power flowed back into them isn't something he wants to risk. Roaming slowly around room, he looks for any sign of hidden compartments.

17:49, Today: Averdante rolled 23 using 1d20+10. Spot check.

While Haazheel examines the front of the throne, Averdante walks around to the back, then all around the base.  Remembering the Princess' room, after some time looking amongst the carvings, he finds a large hatch in the side of the throne.  There is, he is quite relieved to note, no lead sealing it in.  With caution and some wiggling with a dagger to loosen it, he is able to pry it open.  Likely the reason it is not better concealed because this room was always supposed to be guarded by things more lethal than mere traps.

Inside the hatch is a sturdy iron coffer embossed with golden suns.  Inside the coffer, only held by a simple latch, is gold.  Hundreds and hundreds of gold coins stamped with the sign of the House of the Sun, each a small work of ancient art in its own right.

Farian Raymellie:
After saying final rites, Farian will assist those who have been wounded by casting cure light wounds in order to heal or at least close up any open wounds. Then he will wait for those of his friends to finish searching the room and collecting any possible treasure they might have found.

Farian bends his healing talents to Volsh, his hands glowing with warm, golden power, sealing over the barbarian's grievous wounds until he feels and hale and healthy as he had before starting out.  The scars left behind are small, but have the faintest golden tinge to them.

OOC:  08:20, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Farian Raymellie, rolled 9 using 1d8+2. CLW.
08:19, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Farian Raymellie, rolled 3 using 1d8+2. CLW.
08:19, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Farian Raymellie, rolled 10 using 1d8+2. CLW.

Dellas Nump:
Deciding that he should probably follow his esteemed colleague, he puts Vish down and tells him to help finding anything magical or that smells different. While He stands in the middle of the room, his head sunk on his chest for a moment and whispering. His fingers perform a difficult looking dance and suddenly come to a stop. He looks up again and takes some time to look at the different corners of the room but mostly towards the throne and behind it.

Dellas examines the magical auras in the room.  The blackened armor and obsidian spear both hold an aura of minor transmutation, an extremely common aura in magical weapons and one you could identify in your sleep.  The crown, on the other hand, holds a medium aura of both evocation and necromancy.  Vish gives the thing a cautious sniff, and you get the impression, through your empathic link, that it smells of storms and death.

There is also minor illusion magic in the crystals in the ceiling, as well as in the sun design that takes up most of the back wall of the tomb.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 109 posts
Sun 12 Jul 2015
at 16:27
  • msg #595

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Volsh thanked Farian for the blessings of his god.  He was still weary from his exertions, but the pain was gone, and that made moving less a chore.  Once done with the care of his weapon, he sheathed it and looked to see how he might help his comrades.

"I know little of these things, but if you tell me what to look for I shall aid your search.  I have a strong back, and can carry things if needed."  He was smart enough to know that gold and gems were valuable, and adding to his wealth would aid him in his quest.  Coin might not solve all one's problems, but it made things easier, and significantly more comfortable.  He was not a soft-bellied city man, but he enjoyed ale, and willing women, like any other.  Coin could also buy information, when folks were not intimidated by force.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 240 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Sun 12 Jul 2015
at 23:59
  • msg #596

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Thanking his Lord, Farian stretches and looks around with the rest, gathering what bags he can that are not worn and rotted out in order to help collect any items that his companions deem worthy. He then looks around at the various armor and equipment, finally he will look around at all the works and edgings. Trying to see if there is a story or tale engraved within.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 132 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 13 Jul 2015
at 14:29
  • msg #597

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

He looks around a little longer before helping Vish to climb back on his shoulder. He talks to the others: "The spear and the armor are enchanted. I'm not sure but it should be safe to take them. The crown seems to have more powerful magic.. maybe I could... Well we should take it with us anyway. It's better than to leave it here where Goblins or other things could get it easily."
I also noticed that those crystals in the ceiling have a minor illusion magic on them.... And this..."
He walks towards the sun design that takes up most of the back wall.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:16, Tue 14 July 2015.
Elf Archer, 208 posts
Keen eyed
Mon 13 Jul 2015
at 20:58
  • msg #598

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

"These might be worth more as antiques than merely the metal they're made from," Averdante observes, stirring the coins in the coffer. Although with so many of them... probably it wouldn't make a great deal of difference. He looks up at Volsh's words to remark, "This coffer right here will certainly need your aid to haul out. The iron seems sturdy enough to use for transporting it, but it's not a light load."

Rising, he adds, "There's also something below the floor in the prince's room. It might only be a sarcophagus with his mortal remains, but there could be something more of value there, as well."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 138 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2015
at 21:29
  • msg #599

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

"This is very interesting, I just found two wands in the arms of the throne. What a beautiful work. I'm going to study them a little bit if you don't mind." Then the wizard starts to look at them, examining every inches of these wands in order to recall what "Vedarra" and "Bashalt" could mean and so deduce the properties of these wands.
16:24, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 15 using 1d20+8. Knowledge arcana on the wands.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 180 posts
A fighter in flux
Mon 13 Jul 2015
at 22:49
  • msg #600

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Bruenor sheathes his sword and stands there watching the others find things that his own eyes picked up no trace of.  He thinks this must be a learned skill…and one it would behove him to work on.  He watches in awe as the wands are pulled from the throne arms, and secret compartments are opened on the throne.  He wonders what else this chamber might be hiding?

At Averdante’s words, he perks up…finally, some way he can be of use…He steps closer to Volsh, saying, “I will help carry.” – his eyes lighting up a bit as he sees the coffer of gold coins.  Bruenor comes from a relatively wealthy family, but seeing treasure like this in a tomb beneath goblin ruins…well, it just felt different.  Too, he wanted to make his own way in this world; not get handouts from mother and father.  Adventuring seemed like a fine way to do it.

Inspired by the others, and seeing they were not ready to haul things yet, he talks a slow walk around the chamber…scanning the room for anything of interest.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 110 posts
Mon 13 Jul 2015
at 23:55
  • msg #601

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Volsh moved to help withteh transport of the items and wealth found, but had a question.  "Where should we put everything?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 272 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Sun 19 Jul 2015
at 12:33
  • msg #602

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Farian Raymellie:
Thanking his Lord, Farian stretches and looks around with the rest, gathering what bags he can that are not worn and rotted out in order to help collect any items that his companions deem worthy. He then looks around at the various armor and equipment, finally he will look around at all the works and edgings. Trying to see if there is a story or tale engraved within.

He can gather up a few bags, but it seems age has rendered most of them very fragile.  The iron coffer the coins are in, however, seems quite sturdy.  And heavy.  From the doorway, Narthian looks in on everything and comments: "One of us should head back into town and borrow the cart again.  I don't think the goblins will be back, but nevertheless I should not like to leave everything hanging around, waiting for the first opportunist.  I would like to think nothing of the best for the citizens of Bolthaven, but all it takes is one unscrupulous person, and knowledge of our absence, and what we have won, we could lose.  I would not care for any overlooked trap to take another life in someone's quest for loot.  I can ask Thunder to stay here while I head cross-country.  Over rough ground, I would say few are faster than I."

Farian can take a closer look at the carvings as Narthian talks.  The carvings show the grand court of the Sun in all of its glory, the nobles and the royal family existing in harmony.  It shows the Sun Throne and a distant royal figure upon it ruling over a huge mass of people, with geographical marks of rivers, mountains, and forests showing the diversity and breadth of the land that the Sun Kingdom rules.  The carvings wrap around to the back wall, where they turn to scenes of war, of triumph, of the armies of the Sun fighting against demonically-depicted orcs and driving them back from their country.

Nowhere do you see the silver of the Moon House.  Nowhere do you see the death of the Prince and Princess.  Nowhere do you see a hint of failure or death or trouble.  It is... strangely sanitized, an idealized view of what the King's life would have been.

Haazheel Thorn:
"This is very interesting, I just found two wands in the arms of the throne. What a beautiful work. I'm going to study them a little bit if you don't mind." Then the wizard starts to look at them, examining every inches of these wands in order to recall what "Vedarra" and "Bashalt" could mean and so deduce the properties of these wands.
16:24, Today: Haazheel Thorn rolled 15 using 1d20+8. Knowledge arcana on the wands.

Because of their location, Haazheel is thinking these wands were supposed to be used for impressing those coming to see the king (likely originally when the man had been sane).  The first, "Vedarra" is a command word for unseen servant and "Bashalt" is a command word for glitterdust.

Dellas Nump:
He looks around a little longer before helping Vish to climb back on his shoulder. He talks to the others: "The spear and the armor are enchanted. I'm not sure but it should be safe to take them. The crown seems to have more powerful magic.. maybe I could... Well we should take it with us anyway. It's better than to leave it here where Goblins or other things could get it easily."

I also noticed that those crystals in the ceiling have a minor illusion magic on them.... And this..."
He walks towards the sun design that takes up most of the back wall.

The symbol is a fairly basic one, one for "sun/light," a common enough design you've seen around the tomb.  The crystals in the ceiling are likely imbued with a variation on the continual flame spell.  As for the history of the sun symbol, it was, obviously, the personal symbol of the House of the Sun.  The symbol was co-opted by the rest of the reamining clergy (for at this time the king was also the high priest) and developed into the symbol of Pelor when the religion moved from a royal religion to one of the people.  With the fall of the House of the Sun, there was a dark period in the history of what became Low'verok, and the Peloran clergy (along with other religions) cared for people until a new royal emerged and was crowned.

As Dellas touches the sun symbol, he realizes that there is more to it than it seems.  The sun itself... is an illusion!  When he closes his eyes, he feels he's reaching into open air, into a cavity behind the wall, and in it is a bundle of heavy, soft cloth.  With care and caution (and as many tests as he cares to make) he realizes there is a set of robes, a scepter, and an orb, the regalia of the House of the Sun.  The robes are cloth-of-gold worked with an embroidered sun in run, trimmed with golden aurumvorax fur, the scepter a two-foot-long rod of exquisite gold topped with a faceted golden topaz with a filigreed sun around it, and the orb a smooth weight of gold the size of an orc's fist, topped with a sun design mounted with a golden diamond.  It is, indeed, a king's ransom, all imprinted with the ancient sun symbol.

"These might be worth more as antiques than merely the metal they're made from," Averdante observes, stirring the coins in the coffer. Although with so many of them... probably it wouldn't make a great deal of difference. He looks up at Volsh's words to remark, "This coffer right here will certainly need your aid to haul out. The iron seems sturdy enough to use for transporting it, but it's not a light load."

Rising, he adds, "There's also something below the floor in the prince's room. It might only be a sarcophagus with his mortal remains, but there could be something more of value there, as well."

Averdante can suit words to actions and head back to the prince's chamber.  Thunder is lying down next to the unmoving Lantamori, her eyes half-closed in her paralyzed state.  He can check on her, finding her seeming to be well enough, and Thunder seems content that there is no further danger.  Inside the prince's room he can hunt for the hidden compartment, and carefully tease open a trick stone in the floor.  Inside he finds a pale wooden bow with a clean, smooth arc, the end-caps mounted with gold-chased silver.  In elven culture, this is known as a "Moonbow" due to its shape.  Despite the fact the pure design is not as powerful as a more modern recurved bow, a Moonbow is sacred to Ehlonna and Corellon Larethian.  Because of it contains both gold and silver, it may be that the bow was a gift to the prince from the Moon House, and hence may have been inserted into the design by the Moon House servants forced to build the tomb, as it never would have been buried here by the king.

Bruenor Sedricson:
Bruenor sheathes his sword and stands there watching the others find things that his own eyes picked up no trace of.  He thinks this must be a learned skill…and one it would behove him to work on.  He watches in awe as the wands are pulled from the throne arms, and secret compartments are opened on the throne.  He wonders what else this chamber might be hiding?

At Averdante’s words, he perks up…finally, some way he can be of use…He steps closer to Volsh, saying, “I will help carry.” – his eyes lighting up a bit as he sees the coffer of gold coins.  Bruenor comes from a relatively wealthy family, but seeing treasure like this in a tomb beneath goblin ruins…well, it just felt different.  Too, he wanted to make his own way in this world; not get handouts from mother and father.  Adventuring seemed like a fine way to do it.

Inspired by the others, and seeing they were not ready to haul things yet, he talks a slow walk around the chamber…scanning the room for anything of interest.

Bruenor examines the room carefully, but doesn't note any further secret compartments or hidden items.  He is, perhaps, a tad distracted by what the others were finding.  But he can organize what is found as his compatriots bring them together.  The items from the princess' room are mostly small and light, easily carried.  The armor from the prince's room, now being used, mean they have an extra set of armor to carry, as well as the king's armor, spear, and crown (if they choose to take them).  There is the regalia, the arrows from the Moon Knight's room, the half-dozen silver maces from the same place, the bow Averdante just found, along with the heavy coffer.  There's also Lantamori.  You think the coffer will take two people to lift it easily, or one strong person to stagger out with it.  The armor is not insignificant in weight, but one person could carry is easily enough.

You think, considering you have two halflings with your group, it will take you two trips to get everything (and everyone) out without overburdening anyone, as well as make a final sweep and shut everything up behind you (if that is what you wish to do).  But the cart that Narthian is bringing back will be able to carry everything easily.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 134 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sun 19 Jul 2015
at 13:19
  • msg #603

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Dellas holds his breath. The illusion disappears and his hands reach into the cavity and produce a robe, a scepter and an orb. He turns around and asks the others: "Hey, does anyone know what this is?" He doesn't know what it is but he has a feeling that he should probably leave it there. As Narthian speaks he nods: "I agree, we should probably send 2 back to Boltharrow and they can bring the cart, while the others have some time to look around and figure out a way to seal this tomb for good." Even with his new discovery still in his hands, his eyes quickly find the crown again.
Elf Archer, 209 posts
Keen eyed
Sun 19 Jul 2015
at 14:46
  • msg #604

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

It's troubling that Lantamori's still paralyzed, even if she's otherwise unharmed. Something else for Averdante to research when he's back in town. Is there a potion that can undo such a thing? Or if it's caused by a spell, can only another spell undo it? That would be a problem, given his complete lack of arcane skill.

"The tomb seems truly empty now,"
he tells the stricken elf , because he would want to know, were he in her position. "I think we'll be heading back to town today. If you've not recovered before then, we'll find aid for you there." There's not much else he can do for her, as she should already know, so he leaves her there under the watchful eyes of Narthian's wolf companion.

In the prince's chamber Dante finally has the chance to invesigate the space beneath the floor he'd noticed earlier. What he finds therein, however, leaves him stunned with wonder. Once, he'd seen a Moonbow, an artifact sacred to his own goddess -- but to actually hold one in his own hands? He'd barely dared dream of such a thing. Someday, maybe... it would be a blessing in itself, to be so gifted. Now, in this forgotten tomb, he's discovered one. And it's beautiful. Light in his hands, smooth as silk to touch yet he can feel the strength of it. Can feel the purity of it. No matter the centuries it's lain here in the dark, the bow is as untouched by time as the moon itself.

This, to him, is a treasure so far beyond any other within the tomb that there is no comparison in value. Not even if all the sculptured gold of the walls were removed wholly intact could the worth of this holy relic be equaled.

Forgetting the others, Dante settles to the floor with the bow, examining with delight every inch of it.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 241 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Mon 20 Jul 2015
at 01:56
  • msg #605

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Looking over towards Dellas and noting the items he is holding. "If the King was indeed the High Priest, then those might be holy items dedicated to Pelor. If that is the case, I would like to further examine them to see if they might be beneficial to myself or not. I think I would also like to collect one of those silver maces. I seem to have a issue with hitting solidly with mine. Perhaps the evil magic of this place had warped my normal weapon. I have not a clue."

Upon collecting the robes, scepture, and orb, alone with the spear, crown, and armor of the King, Farian starts to examine each looking for any divine script or any sense of divine power of his Diety.

As much as Farian looked over the items, he could tell if any piece was indeed magical and what school each might be from, but other than the basic information he was still at a loss. "Perhaps getting these back to be properly identified by someone who is more knowledgeable and skilled in the history of the House of the Sun could be of better help than I could be."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 181 posts
A fighter in flux
Mon 20 Jul 2015
at 08:27
  • msg #606

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Bruenor pauses and looks up from his organising to look at Narthian, nodding his agreement as he does.  Glancing at the heavy coffer nearby, he says, "Yes, it makes sense to come back with a wagon.  I think we'll struggle to get everything out, otherwise.  Too, I'd hate to be accosted on the road burdened down as we would likely be."  While not necessarily tuned in to these things, he adds, "It seems the evil has fled this place.  I have no issues staying behind to watch over everything until your return."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 139 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2015
at 05:24
  • msg #607

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

"A wand of glitterdust and one of unseen servant, these might get handy in some situations to create a diversion. I agree we should gather the loot and bring a wagon to carry everything back to the village. I will send Mystic to scout the way back to make sure nothing dangerous waits on us on the road. She is waiting for me outside."
This message was last edited by the player at 05:24, Thu 23 July 2015.
Narthian Goldleaf
Elf Druid, 151 posts
Even paranoids
have enemies.
Fri 24 Jul 2015
at 11:53
  • msg #608

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

"Good.  Mystic should be able to spot me from above.  Have her hoot to warn me if something is amiss on my journey.  If all goes well, I should be back by midafternoon," Narthian says.  With that, he will pat Lantamori encouragingly on the shoulder, rough up Thunder's fur as he looks into his eyes, murmuring for him to guard her, and take his leave.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 136 posts
Fire burns bright!
Fri 24 Jul 2015
at 16:40
  • msg #609

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Dellas had a minute to think before he speaks up "Wait, I'll accompany you. I don't think that anything should happen but I believe that it's safer on and off the road if there are two of us." With that he quietly talks with his sister for a moment before making sure that Vish is still with him he runs behind Narthian "I'll take 'Honeybee' she can help us to pull a cart" With this he follows Narthian.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 114 posts
Sat 25 Jul 2015
at 00:24
  • msg #610

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Volsh was sweating slightly, making trips back and forth from the crypt back to their base camp.  The talk of magic and whatnot was over his head, but he did not mind as he found a way to make himself productive.
Dungeon Master
GM, 276 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 29 Jul 2015
at 11:48
  • msg #611

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Narthian nods to Dellas.  "We may travel a bit slower, but likely safer with you along.  Come, let us depart."

The two travel along the forest path, eyes ever alert for danger.  With Vish's senses and Narthian's woodcraft, they keep watch as they travel along the path.  The morning sun is pleasant, and the day seems so much brighter in contrast to the gloom of the tomb.  It takes a couple hours to return to Bolthaven, and the guards wave enthusiastically when they draw closer.  Their expressions fall when they only see the two.

"What happened?" one called, looking entirely grave.

Narthian blinks, then hastens to reassure the man.  "We are all alive, I assure you!  We have destroyed the undead that had been trapped in a tomb hidden under the old temple, and claimed what was given to us.  But there were heavy things, and we need loan of a cart to bring it back.  Ah, and tell Brother Darius that we may have need of him.  Lantamori was paralyzed by some curse or poison.  She lives!  She does live, but we will need to carry her back, so let her uncle Alerik things are not dire.  She just needs better care than we could give her back there."

The guard sighs in relief and signals the gates to open.  He runs down the stairs to the ground, meeting Mayor Harrow and Varrik Forester and relaying the news before dashing off to the Pickled Pig.  The Mayor speaks with Varrik for a moment as Narthian and Dellas enter, and Varrik heads off as the Mayor comes to meet them.

"We were lucky when you decided to rescue our town from goblins, because most would have missed the signs of undead, or fled when they found them.  Our thanks to you!  Here, I've sent Varrik back for one of the carts you sold to us, and you can use that to bring back Lantamori and whatever you've found.  Luck go with you, my friends," he says warmly.

A little while later, Dellas and Narthian have Honeybee in the traces and back on the road.  By noon they've returned to the tomb, the forest very quiet.

"The scent of smoke from yesterday's use of fire likely has scared off most of the wildlife.  And not even most scavengers will brave tomb-stench, at least not around here," Narthian opins.

Back at the tomb, the group can load up their loot and Lantamori.  Once they've decided if they're going to seal the tomb or just leave it open, they can return to the road, coming back to Boltharrow by late afternoon.

OOC:  Please go to the Boltharrow thread once you've finished up here.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:48, Wed 29 July 2015.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 245 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Wed 29 Jul 2015
at 16:44
  • msg #612

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

"I prefer to lock the temple and leave it in peace. The less people who know about this and the wealth that is inside still, the better for those that were entombed here."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 182 posts
A fighter in flux
Wed 29 Jul 2015
at 23:10
  • msg #613

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Bruenor nods at Farian and says, "I agree...Now that this tomb is at peace, it should be sealed up so it is not disturbed ever again."  He pictures an unsealed tomb, and scavenger or raiders chipping away at the golden walls...desecrating what's left.

"I, for one, will be glad to get back to some comforts and rest."
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 246 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Thu 30 Jul 2015
at 00:46
  • msg #614

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

"Perhaps we can use either magic or divine power to reseal it. Perhaps it will just take time till we can properly reseal. If nothing else, the entrance can be closed and we can check on it from time to time to make sure there are no desecrations done."

Helping load up everything, Farian prepares to return to the village with their new found wealth.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 117 posts
Sat 1 Aug 2015
at 00:03
  • msg #615

Re: All that glitters, really is gold!

Volsh smiled and gave a little chuckle,  "A heavy rock would work as well." He considered that they might take this as an offer to move the heavy rock and his smile diminished somewhat.
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