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09:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The World of Low'verok.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 2 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Wed 28 May 2014
at 13:16
  • msg #1

The World of Low'verok

Low'verok is a vast country, primarily forest in the north and west, plains in the east and south, with a large mountain range (the Firespines) in the west, and a smaller one (the Dragonspines) in the south.  The capitol city is Andeluvay, which straddles the large Tonver River in the northeast of the country.

In the west there is a large freshwater sea known as the Sea of Song.  It is a warm sea, unusually so, and from its depths come song pearls.  Song pearls are clear spheres about the size of a marble.  Colorless ones are used as currency, worth 100gp each, and are the most common type.  Colored ones can have a variety of magical effects if consumed, from healing the body to removing curses.

In the southwest there is a large peninsula that extends into the Endless Sea.  It is separated from the rest of the country by a cliff that drops 300 ft. down to a barren desert floor.  These are the Forbidden Lands.  It is a harsh, unforgiving landscape with cliffs on all sides.  It's known to be full of horrors, or so people say, for anyone who goes there doesn't come back.

The country is separated into five large Duchies, one for each cardinal direction, and one surrounding the Sea of Song.  No Duchy encompasses the Forbidden Lands.  Within the Duchies, various Barons rule smaller areas.  All bow to the rule of King Xargo, who governs from the capital of Andeluvay.  Despite this widespread governance, there are vast parts of Low'verok which are not well-explored, often containing ruins from older kingdoms and empires from Low'verok's distant past.  In these wilder lands, monsters are not uncommon, and the brave are needed to keep people safe.

Outside the country to the west, north, and east are known as the Unexplored Lands, wilds without any one ruler.  They are the homes of orc hordes, bugbear and hobgoblin clans, or stranger creatures.

The one peculiar thing about Low'verok is the presence of small gods.  While the great gods, like Heironeous or Boccob, manage widespread affairs and concepts and generally stay in their otherworldly realms, there are a great deal of small gods, with very tiny spheres of influence.  One might meet the Oak Tree of Stone Hill, a god in his own right, but whose power only extends to his tiny demesne.  One can beg favors of small gods, or be vexed by their wrath, should they cross them on their own ground.  A average Low'verokan is fairly polite, because you never know when you might meet a god, however tiny.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:20, Mon 02 June 2014.
Dungeon Master
GM, 288 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 11 Aug 2015
at 04:15
  • msg #2

Temples of Low'verok

Temples and shrines to the greater gods can be found all over Low'verok, along with the various shrines and churches to the numerous small gods that dot the land.

Roadside shrines to Fharlanghn can be found along any roadway or path, with those on larger roadways often including larger temples that are a cross between inns and churches.  Travelers can find inexpensive lodgings there, along with simple meals.  Fharlanghn's priests, if they are not traveling between various shrines or temples (as they do regularly), bless wagons, mounts, beasts of burden, and boots.  They are also expert healers of foot ailments.

Shrines to Ehlonna are elusive and found only in the deep woodlands, though those who can read the subtle signs are guided right to them.  Those lost in the woods have stumbled upon a shrine to Ehlonna with fervent thanks.  There are a rare few in places of natural beauty, and one or two in cities, usually because the city grew up around a protected grove.

Boccob’s temples tend to be libraries, schools, and research centers, and thusly tend to be in either very large cities, or in isolated locales.  One might find a shrine in smaller cities or towns, a sort of satellite outpost looking to attract young minds who might not otherwise have the means to get to a larger temple, but these are far less common than temples or shrines to Pelor, Obad-Hai, or Kord.

Pelor has temples and shrines all over Low'verok, from the largest cities to the smallest hamlet.  His priests are warmly welcomed for their healing knowledge wherever they go.  More militant branches of the church (such as those dedicated to Saint Bane, a great foe of undead) are found in more populated areas.

Temples to Obad-Hai are primarily found in isolated, unspoiled areas, but many, many shrines can be found on farms, ranches, or stables as their owners invoke Obah-Hai for greater understanding of the land and its creatures.

Heironeous' temples are found usually in larger cities, and are enormous.  They serve as training schools for knights and judges, and are highly respected by the nobility of the land.  The church is enormously wealthy because of frequent noble patronage.

Kord's temples are always arenas or gymnasiums, with frequent daily wrestling matches.  They can be found in any populated area, though larger temples are attached to larger cities.  Sometimes they are attached to temples of Pelor, particularly if those who have just done healing are in need of regaining their strength.

St. Cuthbert has scattered monasteries across Low'verok where the priests and laypeople live acetic lives of hard training.  The church's faithful wait until they hear of an injustice that the law was not able to even out, then are dedicated to a cause to level the scales and extract retribution.  Those with grievances often make the hard and grueling treks to a monastery of St. Cuthbert to beg for its special brand of justice.

The temples of Wee Jas are scattered and secretive.  They do not advertise their locations, and often employ magic to hide their location from casual searchers.  They conduct their research in privacy, and take great pains to not be known.  Those who find their way there have usually been directed there - those who stumble upon the place could be considered a great potential ally... or enemy.

Olidammara's temples are primarily in cities, and usually disguised as inns, festhalls, or gambling dens.  Of course, what goes in the back rooms of such establishments is usually less than legal, but all of is it entirely fun.

Temples to Corellon Larethian, Gruumsh, Garl Glittergold, Moradin, and Yondalla are usually found in communities of the races they protect, or in cities with large populations thereof.

Temples and shrines to the gods of chaos and evil, Vecna, Nerull, Hextor, and Erythnul are never seen openly.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:39, Thu 20 June 2019.
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