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[IC]  On the Road to Boltharrow - and In Boltharrow.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Elf Archer, 211 posts
Keen eyed
Thu 30 Jul 2015
at 00:18
  • msg #182

Re: Returning in Triumph

The food and company is good, the evening pleasant, and it's almost indecently luxurious to be able to relax out of armor and in clean clothes. Averdante worries a bit about Lantamori still paralyzed and missing the festivities -- but he's more than a little grateful it wasn't him trapped under such a curse.

While he, himself, has nothing to say about what happened in the tomb, watching Bruenor's precarious antics atop a bench make an amusing diversion; if the villagers want to hear tales of heroics, Dante's more than pleased to point them to the group's warriors. They, Farian, and the mages did all of the exciting things, after all.

Besides... if they're busy telling tales, he's free to find the best wine at the table, and sit back to properly enjoy it.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 247 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Thu 30 Jul 2015
at 00:53
  • msg #183

Re: Returning in Triumph

Farian sits quietly watching all the excitement around. He chuckles at the telling of the Prince's duel. He tells the story of the beautiful daughter of the Sun and her sorrowful entrapment in eternal torment until finally being released to her eternal resting place. He talked about the crazed King, how grief and madness always go hand in hand. Using it as a lesson to all the young children. He told of the battles with the skeletal beings, how the power of his Deity caused them to flee in terror from the holy light.

All in all, the tales are good, the food is better, and the company of his friends is heavenly.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 118 posts
Sat 1 Aug 2015
at 00:28
  • msg #184

Re: Returning in Triumph

Volsh joined the feast, eating and drinking with gusty.   Like Bruenor he  shared stories of their battles.  A group of children had surrounded him as he retold the battle with the Sun King.  They gasped in fright as he roared his warrior's cry, showing how he slashed the undead king with his blade.  Some laughed as he stumbled, but then realized this wss part of the story, and became expectantly silent.  "I thought for sure I was a goner! Then from behind the king..."  He paused to insure he had their attention, "Rooaar!  Dellas' hound finished the king with mighty bite and saved Volsh's life!!!"  The children erupted in laughter and cheers and Volsh raised his tankard, as bellowed, "TO THE HOUND OF DELLAS!!"
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 138 posts
Fire burns bright!
Sat 1 Aug 2015
at 13:36
  • msg #185

Re: Returning in Triumph

Dellas had spend most of the time rather quiet. With the treasure in town and his new found friends celebrating their victory he thought about what happened to Lantamori and hoped that they can help her here.
Nonetheless he quickly joined the party and was too busy eating than to retell his side of the story... anyway his friends seem to be quite good at it.
He only looked up when Volsh started to mention his name specifically, crumbs of bread hung on his cheek and are stretched to their limit with the delicious meal the villagers prepared for them. "Hmpf PF hrung" was all they could make out and some morsels even flew over the table, which some of the men and children found funny and started to laugh even louder.
Embarrassed he started to chew more and take smaller bites to talk to one or two of the more inquisitive children.
Dungeon Master
GM, 278 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Mon 3 Aug 2015
at 02:09
  • msg #186

Re: Returning in Triumph

The group can pass their night in triumph and story and good feasting.  The people are fascinated to hear their tale, gasping and cheering at the right moments, plying everyone with food and drink until the wee hours of the morning.

When everyone finally wakes up (probably getting on towards noon for some), they can congregate in the common room of the Pickled Pig.  Narthian shows up, Thunder at his side, his boots still slightly damp with morning dew.

"Good morrow, my friends.  I was talking with Brother Darius last night, and Farian, and it may be a while before Lantamori can move again.  With her uncle to care for her, she will live, but it will take a powerful spell to remove her curse.  I might know of a particular flower that could help cure her, but its location is a guarded secret of the Moonspeakers, the High Druids.  I want to petition them to let me seek out the flower, Thunder and me, and bring it back here for her.  I know Lantamori was only with us for a short while, but she was brave.  And I... I can show the Moonspeakers what I learned here, so that they know about the Tomb and whatever it may have done to the land.  I hope it is nothing, but someone should know," he says.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 141 posts
Fire burns bright!
Mon 3 Aug 2015
at 22:12
  • msg #187

Re: Returning in Triumph

Dellas' (again eating and reading at the same  time) looks up from his book and smiles. "I enjoyed our little trip together would gladly do so again. But it also showed me that I will slow you down on the way. Also isn't it that many  of these druid circles are a bit weary  of outsiders? if you need anything, don't hesitate  to ask. I'll wish you best  of luck and hope to see  you again soon."
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 185 posts
A fighter in flux
Mon 3 Aug 2015
at 23:48
  • msg #188

Re: Returning in Triumph

Bruenor makes his way to the common room, his head pounding after a long evening and many a drink.  He groans, saying, "What foul magic was slipped into the ale last night??"

He makes an effort to focus on Narthian, and nods as he speaks to the companions.  Bruenor thinks about his home, and his father, and knows without a doubt he's not ready to return there yet.

His thoughts then turn to Lantamori, and the state she's in..."Should you need my assistance, you need only ask...I can imagine no worse fate then paralysis.  But as our friend Dellas suggested, if you must do this alone, I wish you a speedy return."
Elf Archer, 213 posts
Keen eyed
Tue 4 Aug 2015
at 18:17
  • msg #189

Re: Returning in Triumph

Head aching mildly -- he'd not stopped drinking quite early enough last night; that last cup of wine had been just too savory to neglect -- Averdante looks up from the food he's been idly rearranging on his plate to listen to Narthian. An unexpected pang of regret touches Dante, hearing the druid's plans.

While he's glad to learn someone is pursuing further aid for Lantamori, he's going to miss Narthian. The two of them had more in common than Dante did with any of the others. That's enough to get him on his feet for a more formal farewell, regardless of how the movement offends his head.

 he tells the other elf. "I hope the Moonspeakers grant your request quickly, for Lantamori's sake."
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 142 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 03:55
  • msg #190

Re: Returning in Triumph

Haazheel comes down to the common room. Still a bit sore from the last exploration in the temple. Even if the wizard remained pretty silent during the feast, he enjoyed the hospitality, the wine and dishes the townsfolk generously offered.
Mystic on his right shoulder, the wizard sits at the table with the others. At the announce of Narthian, he answers: "while I wish to keep adventuring with you my friend. Your decision is admirable and the quest on which you are embarking honorable. I will proudly say that I met you. May the eternal wisdom of Boccob suggest you the right path, the Moonspeakers grant you your request and Lantamori be cured thanks to your noble heart."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 121 posts
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 04:51
  • msg #191

Re: Returning in Triumph

Volsh had little to say, as the parting of comrades was uncomfortable for him.  So he simply said, "Good fortune!" and gave a friendly pat on the back.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 253 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Thu 6 Aug 2015
at 14:22
  • msg #192

Re: Returning in Triumph

Farian walks into the common room and nods towards his companions. "Greetings Narthian. Although like the rest I am sorry to see you go, your task is as important as the rest of ours. I wish Pelor's blessing on your path. Let our Morning Lord protect you in your travels and speed your blessed return with good news. Please do keep us updated on Lantamori's status. I will keep both of you in my prayers."

Farian gives him a hearty hug and then turns away. "I feel a good portion of our monetary treasure should go with him to assist in what needs might be required for our elven friend."
Dungeon Master
GM, 287 posts
Font of All Knowledge
Tue 11 Aug 2015
at 03:47
  • msg #193

Re: Returning in Triumph

"Then thank you my friends.  I shall go make preparations for my departure.  For my share of what we recovered, I would favor the Ring of Pearly Pines - the plants have much to teach us.  I'll be back soon, we can divide what we have, and then fare you well," Narthian says.

He leaves, but returns in less than half an hour, looking both sheepish and happy.  The reason for this is evident, as he is supporting a walking (a walking!) Lantamori on one side, her uncle Alerik on the other, with Brother Darius walking behind, looking triumphant.

"The Sun!" Brother Darius says, waving his arms and pointing out the doorway to the lovely morning sunlight.  "This was Lantamori's first dawn since leaving that foul tomb, the first dawn since the evil had fled!  The true Sun has banished the curse of the Sun King's rage!  If I were a scholar, I might have known it from the first," he says, grinning.

Lantamori is a little wobbly on her feet, but that is an enormous improvement from the total immobility of the day before!

"Then it seems I need not undertake any quest, but can continue with you, my friends," Narthian says.
Bruenor Sedricson
Human Fighter, 188 posts
A fighter in flux
Tue 11 Aug 2015
at 23:22
  • msg #194

Re: Returning in Triumph

Bruenor jumps to his feet as the others walk in supporting Lantamori, his eyes wide in surprise and a smile on his face...before quickly sliding back to form, still smiling as he sits down again, saying "Lantamori! So glad you decided to join us for breakfast."

Not being the gushy type, some time later, he pats Narthian on the shoulder with a nod and leaves it at that.

If he's honest with himself, he must admit to being glad they've got the whole party back together once more.  After finishing his meal, he returns to his room to pack up his belongings and prepare for the ride to Redhaven.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 258 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Wed 12 Aug 2015
at 02:08
  • msg #195

Re: Returning in Triumph

Smiling at Lantamori, Farian opens his arms wide, "See my Lord answers prayers. I told you that I would continue to pray for your salvation and my Lord provided. All glory goes to the Morning Lord. Welcome back to the land of the moving my friend. Welcome indeed."

With that Farian greets Brother Darius warmly and nodding towards Alerik.
Elf Rogue, 31 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Wed 12 Aug 2015
at 02:10
  • msg #196

Re: Returning in Triumph

Lantamori tried to smile, but some of the muscles on her face were a bit stiff. Even through the odd face, she was clearly elated to be mobile again. A loud rumble comes from the small elf's stomach. "It seems that breakfast is exactly what I need. Thank you all for everything you did to get me back here. I am glad to have met kind people as well."
Elf Archer, 216 posts
Keen eyed
Wed 12 Aug 2015
at 15:36
  • msg #197

Re: Returning in Triumph

It's a decidedly pleasant surprise to see Narthian return with a mobile Lantamori. And to hear the druid is going to continue traveling with them.

"It's good to see you free again," Averdante tells Lantamori honestly. "Welcome back."

He turns and grins at Narthian. "You, too. A short quest, but a successful one!"

Once it's decided that it's time to return to Redhaven, Dante takes a few minutes to be certain his pack is balanced and secured, and his waterskin full. Really though, now that his earlier headache has faded, there's nothing to do but wait until the others are ready.
Dellas Nump
Halfling Wizard, 148 posts
Fire burns bright!
Thu 13 Aug 2015
at 13:55
  • msg #198

Re: Returning in Triumph

Dellas gets up and walks towards Lantamori "Praise Pelor, his sun and your good luck. I am truly glad to see you up... and walking" he quickly added, while being on his legs he stretches himself and  makes a mental note of the paralyzing trap. He turns towards everyone and grins wide "Now after our good Lantamori had something to eat, I believe that we can return to the guild. I am itching to get my hands on something new."
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 124 posts
Thu 13 Aug 2015
at 21:29
  • msg #199

Re: Returning in Triumph

Volsh gave Lantamori a wide smile and rough sort of pat on the back.  It was always good to see a companion recover from illness and injury.  He was in no way surprised that she awakened with an appetite, as it seemed that he always did after being ill.

Volsh packed his things and made ready to leave.
Haazheel Thorn
Human Wizard, 145 posts
Thu 13 Aug 2015
at 22:03
  • msg #200

Re: Returning in Triumph

Haazheel stands up at the sight of Lantamori cured from the evil curse, Mystic still perched on his shoulder."Good grief Narthian, this was the fastest accomplished quest I ever heard of." Approaching Lantamori, the wizard says "I'm glad to have you back with us companion as certainly our next adventure is going to start".
Haazheel then packs his belongings and gets ready for the travel back to Redhaven.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:03, Thu 13 Aug 2015.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 259 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 00:39
  • msg #201

Re: Returning in Triumph

"Before we depart I would like to discuss the Kings items." Looking at Volsh, "I know that you would wish the armor and spear" looking at the others, "although I have no issues with him using them, I would request that they are not touched until after we discover whether or not that they might have some negative effects on them from being on an Undead being as long as they have been."
Elf Rogue, 32 posts
Locksmith Extraordinaire
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 04:14
  • msg #202

Re: Returning in Triumph

Lantamori thanks everyone again and inhales some food before getting her gear in order. Things felt heavier, but that was no surprise after what she just went through. She is just as eager to hit the road as everyone else, ready to start their next adventure.
Elf Archer, 218 posts
Keen eyed
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 14:54
  • msg #203

Re: Returning in Triumph

The thought of someone with Volsh's strength and ferocity becoming as madly evil the undead king is enough to make Dante pale. He looks at Farian. "I would favor that. It is not worth the risk of becoming cursed when a few days wait can establish the safety or hazard of those things."

He glances at Volsh, adding, "We can take the expense of having those things examined out of the treasure we've gained. Whether the armor and spear prove safe or cursed, we will all benefit from discovering this before anything goes awry."

If the king's effects are cursed, they won't have to fight their friend; if safe, having their strongest warrior equipped with it will help them win future battles.
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 127 posts
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 21:36
  • msg #204

Re: Returning in Triumph

Volsh was not altogether pleased with the idea, but he could not argue that it would be best to know if the items were cursed or not before he donned them.  Still, he did not want to wait forever for this to occur.  He grumble a bit, and his tone was a bit sharp given his irritation, but it would do no good to argue against good sense.  "What needs to be done to verify this?  Will it take long?"

OOC: Okay 3rd time is a charm...what kind of armor is teh blackened Armor...Light, medioum, heavy?  Leather, Chain??  Etc.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:56, Fri 14 Aug 2015.
Farian Raymellie
Human Cleric, 262 posts
Devoutee of Saint Bane
Banisher of the Undead
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 22:06
  • msg #205

Re: Returning in Triumph

In reply to Volsh son of Vor (msg # 204):

"Hopefully it won't be too long. Once we get to Redhaven we can see about either a Priest or Priestess in the Temple District or a Guild Magus to look over the items and verify no lingering effects will befall on you upon donning the items."

[OOC: unknown on my end. the DM will have to make a ruling on the size, etc.]
Volsh son of Vor
Human Barbarian, 129 posts
Fri 14 Aug 2015
at 22:23
  • msg #206

Re: Returning in Triumph

Volsh groaned, but tried to cover it up by clearing his throat.  "Well, if that is what must be done, then that is what we shall do."  He hoped something like this would not cost too much.  If this priest or priestess tried to swindle them, then they had best hope their god would protect them against his blade.
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