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Character Discussion & Creation.

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 2 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 14:23
  • msg #1

Character Discussion & Creation

This thread is to discussion characters and start creation on your character. All players are asked to help with any new player joining us. Players should not discuss the setting in detail or the current campaign unless its directly part of the creation process.

Once a firm decision is made on a character it should be moved to the character sheet. I will need the name chosen so I can give you the rest of the access of RPoL's wonderful hosting tools available to us here.

I have a HTML sheet that will be used. If you are not familiar with this I can simply do this for you (when done with your creation) and also help show you how to use HTML. Once this is done it will become finial for the duration of the character.

Once you have chosen a Region, House and Character Name your Discussions will be moved to that Group and you will be able to discuss more about your ideas in the House Planning thread, - So that the information can stay within your chosen group.


 The character you create most be able to join the group as a whole or in some way. At some point players may choice to venture off for a solo or separate into more then one group. This is completely OK.

 Evil for now will be defined as characters with social disorders that they can not control their actions or loyal servants of some type to darkness or the underworld.

 I understand this is a tuff topic so we can use the open discuss thread to work on this more and I will change this post to reflex the same.

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:24, Tue 01 July 2014.
player, 1 post
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 16:33
  • msg #2

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

So... character concepts.

I'm thinking a Hedge Knight or possible Sell Sword, depending on the nature of the group.

I know the OP in the GM's Wanted thread mentioned setting the game in the time of Ser Duncan the Tall, is that the era you're thinking of Caladin?

Also the OP mentioned more of a wandering band of "knight errants" rather than the more typical established Noble House style of ASOIAF gameplay.  Is that the direction you are thinking of running this game Caladin?

One idea I did have for the "roaming band" concept was what if we were part of or trying to form our own "Free Company" (like a budding 2nd Sons or forming the nucleus of what will develop into our own version of the Golden Company).  Of course depending on the Era, Free Companies may be more limited in their existence on Westeros (since they're more commonly encountered across the Sea among the Free Cities).

Another take on this idea (though it might move away from the typical "knight" concept) would be if we played Ironborn who were all members of the same ship's crew (Iron Island raiders... or "pirates" from the perspective of those we raid).
GM, 14 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 16:36
  • msg #3

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I know the OP in the GM's Wanted thread mentioned setting the game in the time of Ser Duncan the Tall, is that the era you're thinking of Caladin?

I will leave this up to the Player's - My ideas are not set on anyone timeline or person. BUT once we as a group have chosen then I can add the details.
GM, 15 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 16:38
  • msg #4

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Also the OP mentioned more of a wandering band of "knight errants" rather than the more typical established Noble House style of ASOIAF gameplay.  Is that the direction you are thinking of running this game Caladin?

I will differently be using the Noble House style, I think that what separates it for other RPGs - other then the storyline.

With the "knight errants" again that will need to be discussed as a group :)
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