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Character Discussion & Creation.

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
player, 2 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:13
  • msg #30

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Yes iron born can't kill iron born..... Just like murder is illegal in this world but it still happens. Since Dorne is somewhat of a desert/Arabic feel to it, I may play something along the lines of a desert knight but we will need a lord and such
player, 5 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:14
  • msg #31

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Hmm, given Vasuvik's early mentions of Essos, a possible campaign could be supporters of the Blackfyres in the aftermath of the First Blackfyre revolt. That could take us from mercenary fighting with Bittersteel and the Golden Company to scheming in Westeros.
GM, 27 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:15
  • msg #32

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

let try to break this down so we can narrow this setting.

I think the comment before about which lands the players will start from should be the first question answered. unless you already have character in mind.
Mustard Tiger
player, 3 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:18
  • msg #33

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

My character ideas can work in any of the regions, but my first vote is for Dorne, tied with the North.

Edit: I like the idea of being Blackfyre supporters, scheming to put a Blackfyre on the throne. That cause would give us a lot of focus, and could bring various characters from various regions together. Or could be Targaryen supporters after Robert's Rebellion.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:20, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
player, 3 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:20
  • msg #34

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I too vote for Dorne
GM, 29 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:20
  • msg #35

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Check glossary and if anyone feel the description is off let me know.
GM, 30 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:22
  • msg #36

Re: Character Discussion & Creation


Beyond the Wall
The North
The Iron Islands
The Riverlands
The Vale of Arryn
The Westerlands
The Crownlands
The Reach
The Stormlands
player, 1 post
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:23
  • msg #37

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Hi all, I'll be co-DMing the mechanics side of things to begin with while Calidan finds his stride then I'll be stepping back a bit.

You will need to read and become familar with at least the quickstart rules. They also have an excel spreadsheet available on their website that makes character creation a breeze.

As for ideas for this ruleset there are a number of different ways it can be played.

Game of Thrones: Everyone runs their own House (this is super complicated and probably doesn't lend well to our situation)

Player House: All players work together as parts of a single player created house. Not all players will be house members but vassals, sworn swords and household knights are common as well as courtiers etc. Has a good balance of Combat, Intrigue and Warfare. This is what the book suggests is the intended style of game.

Sellsword Company: This style tends to be more on the Warfare scale rather than individual charcater combat etc but can be made to work. Much less intrigue likely in these sorts of games.

Travelling Band style: Most like traditional DnD parties, go around adventuring and doing stuff except in this particular setting.

I have created a mock up of a player House that I will put into the relevant thread as well as an example of a formatted character sheet. Neither of these are concrete and are merely suggestions for the time being.
GM, 5 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:30
  • msg #38

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Also I should note, if we do go with the player house option, the book handles house creation as mostly random. We could specifically decide we want to be in Dorne or the North for example but mostly random generation leads to interesting innovation.

Likewise, consider that different locations in Westeros will lend themselves to different playstyles. The North have to deal with cold and wildlings and bandits whileDorne has to deal with the heat and are a mostly independent kingdom.
player, 6 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:34
  • msg #39

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mustard Tiger (msg # 33):

Well, it's a bit silly of me to raise concerns since I suggested it, but the problem with a Blackfyre/Targaryean exiles campaign is that it doesn't leave us with a lot of intermediate goals between the start of the campaign and overturning the entire government of the Seven Kingdoms. A noble House that secretly supports the Blackfyres/Targaryeans might work better.

I favor a player House. The House rules seem very interesting and I think it works best with the setting.

I guess I'd favor the North, or failing that the Riverlands (The Blackwood-Bracken feud has the convenience of being a potentially useful plot hook in any era.) But anywhere is good with me!

In reply to Caladin (msg # 32):

I usually play noble ladies. It's the roleplaying and intrigue that appeals to me the most.
player, 8 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:35
  • msg #40

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Mustard Tiger:
Edit: I like the idea of being Blackfyre supporters, scheming to put a Blackfyre on the throne. That cause would give us a lot of focus, and could bring various characters from various regions together. Or could be Targaryen supporters after Robert's Rebellion.

If we went Dorne, the majority of the Dornish Houses (including House Martell) actually supported the Targaryens over the Blackfyre (one of the key elements of the Blackfyre rebels was that there was too much Dornish influence over the Iron Throne).

Although there was at least 1 Dornish House who (despite anti-Dorne prejudice by the rebels) ended up supporting the Blackfyres (but this was as much about defying House Martell as supporting the Blackfyres).

That said... being Targaryen supporters after Robert's Rebellion would be very much in line with Dorne (considering that House Martell blames Robert for not punishing Tywin after the Princess and her children were killed by The Mountain).
GM, 31 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:36
  • msg #41

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

My style of GMing is heavy on the same :) the roleplaying and intrigue that appeals to me as well.
Mustard Tiger
player, 4 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:39
  • msg #42

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to Vasuvik (msg # 40):

Yes, the Yronwoods. I admit I'm partial to them, as one of my favorite characters in a SOIAF game I'm in now is a Yronwood, but that's neither here nor there. :)

Although that brings to mind: what is the GMs' stance on canon events and characters? I'm not really a fan of canon events of characters unless they're far removed from our story, in the background, or aren't central to our story. Nothing ruins a SOIAF game like a poor rendition of a well-developed canon character.
player, 9 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:40
  • msg #43

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Well, it's a bit silly of me to raise concerns since I suggested it, but the problem with a Blackfyre/Targaryean exiles campaign is that it doesn't leave us with a lot of intermediate goals between the start of the campaign and overturning the entire government of the Seven Kingdoms. A noble House that secretly supports the Blackfyres/Targaryeans might work better.

I favor a player House. The House rules seem very interesting and I think it works best with the setting.

Well FPSMC raises a good point, if we really want to delve into the intricacies of Westeros politics/scheming/intrigue... we sort of need to have a House (and one that is in "good standing").

A Free Company or band of Sell Swords may have opportunities to be a "pawn" in these games of thrones (a "tool of statecraft") but are unlikely to be allowed into the "inner circle" of noble politics.

And it should be noted that technically the Golden Company was formed after the defeat of the 1st Blackfyre Rebellion... and they have been waiting ever since for their opportunity to regain the Iron Throne.  They last got involved (historically speaking) in Westeros politics by fighting on the side of the Ninepenny Kings.

So they have had years (and generations) of working towards a goal.
Mustard Tiger
player, 5 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:43
  • msg #44

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

And yes, my vote is also for a "Player House," with the condition that we allow characters from other regions/houses to be supporters, retainers or advisers. For example, if we're a Dornish house, I'd like to have the opportunity for people to be knights, maester, ladies, wards, etc from other regions.
player, 10 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:46
  • msg #45

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Mustard Tiger:
And yes, my vote is also for a "Player House," with the condition that we allow characters from other regions/houses to be supporters, retainers or advisers. For example, if we're a Dornish house, I'd like to have the opportunity for people to be knights, maester, ladies, wards, etc from other regions.

I think that is fair.

Certainly there are enough ways to weave someone non-Dornish into a Dornish House.

That said, if people really want to play a different region, I'm sure there are ways to weave a Dornish character into another region's House.

The one nice thing about Dorne though is that it really does give female characters a lot more freedom.
GM, 6 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:46
  • msg #46

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

My style of GMing is heavy on the same :) the roleplaying and intrigue that appeals to me as well.

I'm more of a hack and slash kinda guy but I appreciate the roleplay and intrigue as well. For the record, as a player I prefer the idea of a player House style game, though I would want to play as a combatant dominant character rather than an intrigue style player. FPSMC would probably want to play the first-born daughter of the player House if we went down that road.

As far as canon goes, I really think that we should steer clear of canon characters being played by players. Original characters tend to flow a lot smoother in roleplay and are easier to play without having to go and reference something all the time to make sure you are portraying them correctly. It also means that with the introduction of non-canon players things won't proceed along canon paths and be super predictable all the time.
player, 11 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:49
  • msg #47

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

One way to avoid dealing with "canon characters" is to set the game in a time other than what is covered in the main books.  While there are "canon historical characters", except for the Dunk & Egg prequels most of the historical canon characters have not really been fleshed out by Martin.
GM, 32 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:49
  • msg #48

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 46):

There will be fighting so no worries :0

can we put to a vote some of the issues on hand?
Mustard Tiger
player, 6 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:51
  • msg #49

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Looks to me like the following issues need decided:

-Starting Region
-Game type (player house, free company, etc, etc)
-Starting time period

I'd recommend creating a new thread for these votes, or letting people just PM it straight to the GMs. The votes may get lost in the midst of other discussion.
GM, 33 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:55
  • msg #50


-Starting Region

As GM I'm open - my vote is based on the discussion and I like the ideas for Dorne

Please use the reply to manage this vote I will keep track.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:56, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
GM, 7 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:58
  • msg #51

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 50):

The setting set out in the Green Ronin Book is probably what would make most sense to me if we were to go with a House style game is:

Bran never saw Cersei/Jaime and never fell from tower. Eddard returned with Robert to King's Landing and is now Hand of the King. There is not the same level of friction between Stark and Lannister yet but this may eventually happen when Eddard learns about the 3 million dragon debt to House Lannister. If we went with this we could start play at the time of (or attending) the Hand's Tournament.

My vote as a player:
Starting Region: Randomly generated as in book
Game Type: Player House
Starting time period: As above
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:59, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
Mustard Tiger
player, 7 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 03:00
  • msg #52


In reply to Caladin (msg # 50):

My summarize my earlier posts.

Region: Dorne
Game Type: Player house, with options for players from other houses and regions
Starting Time Period: After the reign of Aegon III (when the last dragon died), anytime up until Robert's Rebellion. I'd rather avoid events/characters from the books, and don't want the prospect of dragons looming over the story.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:00, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
GM, 34 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 03:12
  • msg #53


Votes in Caladin, Rosslington, Mustard Tiger

Votes: 2 Region: Dorne
Votes: 1 Starting Region: Randomly generated as in book

Votes: 2 Game Type: Player house, with options for players from other houses and regions
Votes: 1 Game Type: Player House

Votes: 1 Starting Time Period: After the reign of Aegon III (when the last dragon died), anytime up until Robert's Rebellion. I'd rather avoid events/characters from the books, and don't want the prospect of dragons looming over the story.
Votes: 1 Starting time period: Based on RPG
Vote: 1 Starting time period: Open at this time
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:17, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
player, 1 post
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 03:53
  • msg #54

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Hello everyone :)  I will throw up my vote, and then go about on why in a moment.

Region: Depends on the time frame.
Game Type: Player house.  The rules are more set up for everyone to be of the same house.  Another type I like and has worked before in the past with a few games I was in, was everyone was their own house, under the bannership of another.  In the case of the most successful game I played, we were banners of a House in the Westernlands.

Starting Time Period: Just before Roberts Rebellion, or Just after the Greyjoy Rebellion.

Alright, for region, I think the Stormlands, or Kings landing would be good.  Dorne would be a sound choice, however they are very... seperate, from the rest of the kingdoms.  Very independent, and while this could go for some good RP and Intrigue, very few people go to Dorne.  Kings Landing has people from everywhere, and a house from the regions surronding kings landing would be interesting.  Stormlands because so much happens there through the history.

Time period: Just before Roberts Rebellion, because it would be a time of possible turmoil.  It allows the use of the characters from the book, and gives a plotline, while allowing the group freedom to change/alter/ignore the course of history, as they struggle themselves.

Just after Greyjoys Rebellion, because it was a time of calm, but still had region squabbaling, vieing for power.  ALlot fo political manuvering happened during this time.  Again, allows the book to have little influence unless it is wanted, as it takes place well before hand.

Type: Again, I liked my games where each player has their own house, and RP's one or two characters from within that household.  This would be my prefered vote.

However, if no one is interested, all of us being of one house, would be my next vote.  That way, we all have common goals built in already, and we would need to discuss who would be head of house, and if there would be heirs, ect.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 04:17, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
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