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Character Discussion & Creation.

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 2 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 14:23
  • msg #1

Character Discussion & Creation

This thread is to discussion characters and start creation on your character. All players are asked to help with any new player joining us. Players should not discuss the setting in detail or the current campaign unless its directly part of the creation process.

Once a firm decision is made on a character it should be moved to the character sheet. I will need the name chosen so I can give you the rest of the access of RPoL's wonderful hosting tools available to us here.

I have a HTML sheet that will be used. If you are not familiar with this I can simply do this for you (when done with your creation) and also help show you how to use HTML. Once this is done it will become finial for the duration of the character.

Once you have chosen a Region, House and Character Name your Discussions will be moved to that Group and you will be able to discuss more about your ideas in the House Planning thread, - So that the information can stay within your chosen group.


 The character you create most be able to join the group as a whole or in some way. At some point players may choice to venture off for a solo or separate into more then one group. This is completely OK.

 Evil for now will be defined as characters with social disorders that they can not control their actions or loyal servants of some type to darkness or the underworld.

 I understand this is a tuff topic so we can use the open discuss thread to work on this more and I will change this post to reflex the same.

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:24, Tue 01 July 2014.
player, 1 post
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 16:33
  • msg #2

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

So... character concepts.

I'm thinking a Hedge Knight or possible Sell Sword, depending on the nature of the group.

I know the OP in the GM's Wanted thread mentioned setting the game in the time of Ser Duncan the Tall, is that the era you're thinking of Caladin?

Also the OP mentioned more of a wandering band of "knight errants" rather than the more typical established Noble House style of ASOIAF gameplay.  Is that the direction you are thinking of running this game Caladin?

One idea I did have for the "roaming band" concept was what if we were part of or trying to form our own "Free Company" (like a budding 2nd Sons or forming the nucleus of what will develop into our own version of the Golden Company).  Of course depending on the Era, Free Companies may be more limited in their existence on Westeros (since they're more commonly encountered across the Sea among the Free Cities).

Another take on this idea (though it might move away from the typical "knight" concept) would be if we played Ironborn who were all members of the same ship's crew (Iron Island raiders... or "pirates" from the perspective of those we raid).
GM, 14 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 16:36
  • msg #3

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I know the OP in the GM's Wanted thread mentioned setting the game in the time of Ser Duncan the Tall, is that the era you're thinking of Caladin?

I will leave this up to the Player's - My ideas are not set on anyone timeline or person. BUT once we as a group have chosen then I can add the details.
GM, 15 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 16:38
  • msg #4

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Also the OP mentioned more of a wandering band of "knight errants" rather than the more typical established Noble House style of ASOIAF gameplay.  Is that the direction you are thinking of running this game Caladin?

I will differently be using the Noble House style, I think that what separates it for other RPGs - other then the storyline.

With the "knight errants" again that will need to be discussed as a group :)
GM, 16 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 16:40
  • msg #5

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

One idea I did have for the "roaming band" concept was what if we were part of or trying to form our own "Free Company" (like a budding 2nd Sons or forming the nucleus of what will develop into our own version of the Golden Company).  Of course depending on the Era, Free Companies may be more limited in their existence on Westeros (since they're more commonly encountered across the Sea among the Free Cities).

 Another take on this idea (though it might move away from the typical "knight" concept) would be if we played Ironborn who were all members of the same ship's crew (Iron Island raiders... or "pirates" from the perspective of those we raid).

I like both ideas, I will start to read up on both and give a few ideas of my known.
player, 1 post
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 17:23
  • msg #6

Re: Character Discussion & Creation


So, heres a basic barebones sketch of a character.

The character that springs would, in D&D, probably be of the Bard or Savant class(which I say just to help convey my intent). She's an incessant wanderer, who pokes and pries into thing. Bottomless curiosity and itchy feet. Would walk into Mordor the ruins of Valyria just to see whats there. Jack of all trades, silver tongue, knows a bit about almost everything. Pokes into ancient legends, current events, interestingly shaped trees.. Strong resonance with the trickster sage archetype. I'd also like to start with a little magic and/or the Warg thing. Lady always has a trick up her sleeve and some of them are real magic.

I'm thinking she might be one of Robert's bastards, through a camp follower during the war.

Happily, she could work in almost any sort of style of SoIaF game. When you're more trouble than a bag full of cats, all sorts of potential doors open for you. Admittedly, usually someone is trying throw you out through those doors but the point remains!
player, 2 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 18:28
  • msg #7

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 6):

Well I'm somewhat flexible regarding my character concept, I can adapt to whatever style of game people have in mind (and whichever Era).

I have played PCs in different Eras, so I have a variety of backgrounds/concepts I could go with (or try something new).

Usually I play knights of some type (though I have played a Braavosi dance master and a Maester before).
player, 3 posts
Tue 25 Feb 2014
at 23:53
  • msg #8

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

So AstroTurtle, any preferences on location?

Of the 7 Kingdoms, I have to admit that I'm partial towards Dorne.

I suppose The North could be interesting (though perhaps a better setting for a Night's Watch oriented game).

Another idea would be if we didn't start out on Westeros... what if we were from the Free Cities across the Sea (though I will admit that some sort of "tweaking" would be needed regarding Languages because as the standard ASOIAF RPG rules go, it is prohibitively expensive to learn even the very basics of a 2nd language).

Obviously once a location/region/kingdom is picked, then discussions about Houses will be easier (as the Region will narrow down the available Houses).
player, 2 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:34
  • msg #9

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I do like Dorne. Lots of sand in Dorne. Good shorelines.

We could be a pirate crew!
player, 1 post
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:44
  • msg #10

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Oh dude if we do a pirate crew I'm so being a drowned priest from the iron islands.
player, 1 post
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:46
  • msg #11

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I'd prefer to be in Westeros to Essos, I just feel there is so much more background in Westeros.
player, 3 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:47
  • msg #12

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

We could sail the high seas, pirating and smuggling and performing exquisitely choreographed musical numbers!
GM, 21 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:51
  • msg #13

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I would say that most of my knowledge is Westeros, BUT I enjoy this setting so such it's not a problem for me to buckle down and read up on the rest of the world.

Also the game can start in Westeros and end up anywhere. The adventures and storyline is still very rough - all ideas so far is wonderful, I hope to incorporate into the game as we go.
player, 2 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:52
  • msg #14

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to WarynJasra (msg # 10):

An Ironborn House would be very interesting, we could sail all over and the politics of the Isles are pretty interesting when they are at home. But the GM requested no evil characters, and since the Ironborn seem to revere pillaging and raping I think they might qualify as evil by default unless our characters were very exceptional Ironborn like Baelor Blacktyde or Rodrick Harlaw.
Mustard Tiger
player, 1 post
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:54
  • msg #15

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I would like Dorne. It seems to be the most unique region, and has the added benefit of being more accepting of women, allowing for more diverse female characters if that's what we want.

But I could certainly go with any other region.

Not sure how I feel about being "pirates," unless we're an Iron Islands house doing some reaving.
player, 4 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:56
  • msg #16

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

We could try smuggling? Davos did well with that.

Of course, there's going to be a fight over who ends up as Chewbacca.
player, 3 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:57
  • msg #17

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 16):

I could be Leia! Though, I think all the Seven Kingdom's princesses are accounted for.

Question for discussing eras we might play: Has everyone here read all the books?
GM, 22 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:58
  • msg #18

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to FPSMC (msg # 14):

That's not what I exactly meant as 'evil' - but if everyone agrees to the Ironborn then I can work with it.

I'm just not interest in a detailed posting of sexually content with deep description of a rape or those types of topics.
player, 4 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 01:58
  • msg #19

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to WarynJasra (msg # 10):

An Ironborn House would be very interesting, we could sail all over and the politics of the Isles are pretty interesting when they are at home. But the GM requested no evil characters, and since the Ironborn seem to revere pillaging and raping I think they might qualify as evil by default unless our characters were very exceptional Ironborn like Baelor Blacktyde or Rodrick Harlaw.

Hmm... yeah that's true.

I generally view the Ironborn as "bad guys"... though to be fair, I'm not sure who the "good guys" are in ASOIAF.  ;)

I suppose there's really no more raping, pillaging, raiding going on with the Ironborn than there are among the other Houses (they just use "knights" like how Tywin uses The Mountain for his dirty work).

Alternatively... what if the game was set either just after or shortly after the Greyjoy Rebellion?  We could be a crew of Ironborn who refused to "bend the knee" to Robert even after Lord Greyjoy surrendered.

We would be "fugitives" (although secretly some of the Ironborn might support us) who are basically carrying on our own private guerrilla war against the Iron Throne (sort of like "The Undefeated") through raids and such.  Of course all we would own would be the clothes on our backs, the weapons in our hands, and a share of the ship we sail upon.  But perhaps when things got too hot around Westeros, we would travel across the sea to sell our "swords" as a mercenary ship (basically the nautical equivalent of a Free Company).
GM, 23 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:00
  • msg #20

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to FPSMC (msg # 17):

I have only read the wikis and RPG books not the George R. R. Martin stuff - A Song of Ice and Fire.
player, 5 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:02
  • msg #21

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Mustard Tiger:
I would like Dorne. It seems to be the most unique region, and has the added benefit of being more accepting of women, allowing for more diverse female characters if that's what we want.

Yeah that is part of the reason why I tend to be partial towards Dorne (but I too can roll with whatever region people prefer).  ;)
player, 5 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:03
  • msg #22

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I've read the series.

I favor Dorne too, though a northern setting could be fine. Zombies!
GM, 24 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:03
  • msg #23

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Don't forget that not everyone has to be Ironborn if that's what some like. As long as you can weave a story that fits we can form a group.
Mustard Tiger
player, 2 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:05
  • msg #24

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

 If I wanted a maritime-focused game, I'd probably try for a game/system designed with explicitly that in mind. Not that I'd mind an Ironborn house or a house of Blackwater Bay (i.e. the Velaryons), but swashbuckling adventures on the high seas aren't really what I'm after. The politicking and intrigue and dynastic conflicts are more what I'm after.

And we could certainly play ironborn who aren't raping and murdering types. An interesting option might be an ironborn house trying to repair the Islands' reputation and forge a new path for the ironborn after Harren's death, Balon's defeat or Dagon's rebellion.

But my vote is for Dorne, but I'm flexible as long as it's not a pirate/maritime game. If people want to go for Pirates of the Carribean in Westeros, you can count me out.
player, 4 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:09
  • msg #25

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I'd prefer the North to Dorne, but I'm okay with either.

The problem with Ironborne politics is that Ironborn are forbidden to kill other Ironborn, so if they stay in the Iron Islands any combat-based characters are going to be really bored.
player, 6 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:10
  • msg #26

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Question for discussing eras we might play: Has everyone here read all the books?

I have read the first 4 books and part of the 5th book.  I have ready the ASOIAF Wikis pretty extensively.  I am familiar with but have not actually read the "Prequels" (the Duncan the Tall & Egg stories).

Mustard Tiger:
If I wanted a maritime-focused game, I'd probably try for a game/system designed with explicitly that in mind. Not that I'd mind an Ironborn house or a house of Blackwater Bay (i.e. the Velaryons), but swashbuckling adventures on the high seas aren't really what I'm after. The politicking and intrigue and dynastic conflicts are more what I'm after.

And we could certainly play ironborn who aren't raping and murdering types. An interesting option might be an ironborn house trying to repair the Islands' reputation and forge a new path for the ironborn after Harren's death, Balon's defeat or Dagon's rebellion.

But my vote is for Dorne, but I'm flexible as long as it's not a pirate/maritime game. If people want to go for Pirates of the Carribean in Westeros, you can count me out.

That's cool with me Mustard Tiger... I have to admit that I have a small prejudice against the Ironborn (they strike me as real bastards with few redeeming qualities).  So my heart is far from "set" on playing Ironborn or pirates/raiders.

And I'm not really sure ASOIAF RPG really handles sea voyages or sea battles all that well either.

So I guess my vote joins yours (and AstroTurtle) in being in favor of Dorne.  ;)
GM, 25 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:10
  • msg #27

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mustard Tiger (msg # 24):

I would agree that some game like 7th Sea would be a better pick for a swashbuckling campaign.

but I can have an adventure that takes the PCs for a short time in that direction - maybe :)
GM, 26 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:11
  • msg #28

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Here are some of the key ideas so far;
Knight Errants
Free Company
Iron Island raiders
Fugitives of the crown
northern setting
player, 7 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:12
  • msg #29

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I'd prefer the North to Dorne, but I'm okay with either.

Well there is always the possibility of being a Ward (or marrying into) Dorne from The North.
player, 2 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:13
  • msg #30

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Yes iron born can't kill iron born..... Just like murder is illegal in this world but it still happens. Since Dorne is somewhat of a desert/Arabic feel to it, I may play something along the lines of a desert knight but we will need a lord and such
player, 5 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:14
  • msg #31

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Hmm, given Vasuvik's early mentions of Essos, a possible campaign could be supporters of the Blackfyres in the aftermath of the First Blackfyre revolt. That could take us from mercenary fighting with Bittersteel and the Golden Company to scheming in Westeros.
GM, 27 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:15
  • msg #32

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

let try to break this down so we can narrow this setting.

I think the comment before about which lands the players will start from should be the first question answered. unless you already have character in mind.
Mustard Tiger
player, 3 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:18
  • msg #33

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

My character ideas can work in any of the regions, but my first vote is for Dorne, tied with the North.

Edit: I like the idea of being Blackfyre supporters, scheming to put a Blackfyre on the throne. That cause would give us a lot of focus, and could bring various characters from various regions together. Or could be Targaryen supporters after Robert's Rebellion.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:20, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
player, 3 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:20
  • msg #34

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

I too vote for Dorne
GM, 29 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:20
  • msg #35

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Check glossary and if anyone feel the description is off let me know.
GM, 30 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:22
  • msg #36

Re: Character Discussion & Creation


Beyond the Wall
The North
The Iron Islands
The Riverlands
The Vale of Arryn
The Westerlands
The Crownlands
The Reach
The Stormlands
player, 1 post
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:23
  • msg #37

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Hi all, I'll be co-DMing the mechanics side of things to begin with while Calidan finds his stride then I'll be stepping back a bit.

You will need to read and become familar with at least the quickstart rules. They also have an excel spreadsheet available on their website that makes character creation a breeze.

As for ideas for this ruleset there are a number of different ways it can be played.

Game of Thrones: Everyone runs their own House (this is super complicated and probably doesn't lend well to our situation)

Player House: All players work together as parts of a single player created house. Not all players will be house members but vassals, sworn swords and household knights are common as well as courtiers etc. Has a good balance of Combat, Intrigue and Warfare. This is what the book suggests is the intended style of game.

Sellsword Company: This style tends to be more on the Warfare scale rather than individual charcater combat etc but can be made to work. Much less intrigue likely in these sorts of games.

Travelling Band style: Most like traditional DnD parties, go around adventuring and doing stuff except in this particular setting.

I have created a mock up of a player House that I will put into the relevant thread as well as an example of a formatted character sheet. Neither of these are concrete and are merely suggestions for the time being.
GM, 5 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:30
  • msg #38

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Also I should note, if we do go with the player house option, the book handles house creation as mostly random. We could specifically decide we want to be in Dorne or the North for example but mostly random generation leads to interesting innovation.

Likewise, consider that different locations in Westeros will lend themselves to different playstyles. The North have to deal with cold and wildlings and bandits whileDorne has to deal with the heat and are a mostly independent kingdom.
player, 6 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:34
  • msg #39

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mustard Tiger (msg # 33):

Well, it's a bit silly of me to raise concerns since I suggested it, but the problem with a Blackfyre/Targaryean exiles campaign is that it doesn't leave us with a lot of intermediate goals between the start of the campaign and overturning the entire government of the Seven Kingdoms. A noble House that secretly supports the Blackfyres/Targaryeans might work better.

I favor a player House. The House rules seem very interesting and I think it works best with the setting.

I guess I'd favor the North, or failing that the Riverlands (The Blackwood-Bracken feud has the convenience of being a potentially useful plot hook in any era.) But anywhere is good with me!

In reply to Caladin (msg # 32):

I usually play noble ladies. It's the roleplaying and intrigue that appeals to me the most.
player, 8 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:35
  • msg #40

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Mustard Tiger:
Edit: I like the idea of being Blackfyre supporters, scheming to put a Blackfyre on the throne. That cause would give us a lot of focus, and could bring various characters from various regions together. Or could be Targaryen supporters after Robert's Rebellion.

If we went Dorne, the majority of the Dornish Houses (including House Martell) actually supported the Targaryens over the Blackfyre (one of the key elements of the Blackfyre rebels was that there was too much Dornish influence over the Iron Throne).

Although there was at least 1 Dornish House who (despite anti-Dorne prejudice by the rebels) ended up supporting the Blackfyres (but this was as much about defying House Martell as supporting the Blackfyres).

That said... being Targaryen supporters after Robert's Rebellion would be very much in line with Dorne (considering that House Martell blames Robert for not punishing Tywin after the Princess and her children were killed by The Mountain).
GM, 31 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:36
  • msg #41

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

My style of GMing is heavy on the same :) the roleplaying and intrigue that appeals to me as well.
Mustard Tiger
player, 4 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:39
  • msg #42

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to Vasuvik (msg # 40):

Yes, the Yronwoods. I admit I'm partial to them, as one of my favorite characters in a SOIAF game I'm in now is a Yronwood, but that's neither here nor there. :)

Although that brings to mind: what is the GMs' stance on canon events and characters? I'm not really a fan of canon events of characters unless they're far removed from our story, in the background, or aren't central to our story. Nothing ruins a SOIAF game like a poor rendition of a well-developed canon character.
player, 9 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:40
  • msg #43

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Well, it's a bit silly of me to raise concerns since I suggested it, but the problem with a Blackfyre/Targaryean exiles campaign is that it doesn't leave us with a lot of intermediate goals between the start of the campaign and overturning the entire government of the Seven Kingdoms. A noble House that secretly supports the Blackfyres/Targaryeans might work better.

I favor a player House. The House rules seem very interesting and I think it works best with the setting.

Well FPSMC raises a good point, if we really want to delve into the intricacies of Westeros politics/scheming/intrigue... we sort of need to have a House (and one that is in "good standing").

A Free Company or band of Sell Swords may have opportunities to be a "pawn" in these games of thrones (a "tool of statecraft") but are unlikely to be allowed into the "inner circle" of noble politics.

And it should be noted that technically the Golden Company was formed after the defeat of the 1st Blackfyre Rebellion... and they have been waiting ever since for their opportunity to regain the Iron Throne.  They last got involved (historically speaking) in Westeros politics by fighting on the side of the Ninepenny Kings.

So they have had years (and generations) of working towards a goal.
Mustard Tiger
player, 5 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:43
  • msg #44

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

And yes, my vote is also for a "Player House," with the condition that we allow characters from other regions/houses to be supporters, retainers or advisers. For example, if we're a Dornish house, I'd like to have the opportunity for people to be knights, maester, ladies, wards, etc from other regions.
player, 10 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:46
  • msg #45

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Mustard Tiger:
And yes, my vote is also for a "Player House," with the condition that we allow characters from other regions/houses to be supporters, retainers or advisers. For example, if we're a Dornish house, I'd like to have the opportunity for people to be knights, maester, ladies, wards, etc from other regions.

I think that is fair.

Certainly there are enough ways to weave someone non-Dornish into a Dornish House.

That said, if people really want to play a different region, I'm sure there are ways to weave a Dornish character into another region's House.

The one nice thing about Dorne though is that it really does give female characters a lot more freedom.
GM, 6 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:46
  • msg #46

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

My style of GMing is heavy on the same :) the roleplaying and intrigue that appeals to me as well.

I'm more of a hack and slash kinda guy but I appreciate the roleplay and intrigue as well. For the record, as a player I prefer the idea of a player House style game, though I would want to play as a combatant dominant character rather than an intrigue style player. FPSMC would probably want to play the first-born daughter of the player House if we went down that road.

As far as canon goes, I really think that we should steer clear of canon characters being played by players. Original characters tend to flow a lot smoother in roleplay and are easier to play without having to go and reference something all the time to make sure you are portraying them correctly. It also means that with the introduction of non-canon players things won't proceed along canon paths and be super predictable all the time.
player, 11 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:49
  • msg #47

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

One way to avoid dealing with "canon characters" is to set the game in a time other than what is covered in the main books.  While there are "canon historical characters", except for the Dunk & Egg prequels most of the historical canon characters have not really been fleshed out by Martin.
GM, 32 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:49
  • msg #48

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 46):

There will be fighting so no worries :0

can we put to a vote some of the issues on hand?
Mustard Tiger
player, 6 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:51
  • msg #49

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Looks to me like the following issues need decided:

-Starting Region
-Game type (player house, free company, etc, etc)
-Starting time period

I'd recommend creating a new thread for these votes, or letting people just PM it straight to the GMs. The votes may get lost in the midst of other discussion.
GM, 33 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:55
  • msg #50


-Starting Region

As GM I'm open - my vote is based on the discussion and I like the ideas for Dorne

Please use the reply to manage this vote I will keep track.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:56, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
GM, 7 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 02:58
  • msg #51

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 50):

The setting set out in the Green Ronin Book is probably what would make most sense to me if we were to go with a House style game is:

Bran never saw Cersei/Jaime and never fell from tower. Eddard returned with Robert to King's Landing and is now Hand of the King. There is not the same level of friction between Stark and Lannister yet but this may eventually happen when Eddard learns about the 3 million dragon debt to House Lannister. If we went with this we could start play at the time of (or attending) the Hand's Tournament.

My vote as a player:
Starting Region: Randomly generated as in book
Game Type: Player House
Starting time period: As above
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:59, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
Mustard Tiger
player, 7 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 03:00
  • msg #52


In reply to Caladin (msg # 50):

My summarize my earlier posts.

Region: Dorne
Game Type: Player house, with options for players from other houses and regions
Starting Time Period: After the reign of Aegon III (when the last dragon died), anytime up until Robert's Rebellion. I'd rather avoid events/characters from the books, and don't want the prospect of dragons looming over the story.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:00, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
GM, 34 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 03:12
  • msg #53


Votes in Caladin, Rosslington, Mustard Tiger

Votes: 2 Region: Dorne
Votes: 1 Starting Region: Randomly generated as in book

Votes: 2 Game Type: Player house, with options for players from other houses and regions
Votes: 1 Game Type: Player House

Votes: 1 Starting Time Period: After the reign of Aegon III (when the last dragon died), anytime up until Robert's Rebellion. I'd rather avoid events/characters from the books, and don't want the prospect of dragons looming over the story.
Votes: 1 Starting time period: Based on RPG
Vote: 1 Starting time period: Open at this time
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:17, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
player, 1 post
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 03:53
  • msg #54

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Hello everyone :)  I will throw up my vote, and then go about on why in a moment.

Region: Depends on the time frame.
Game Type: Player house.  The rules are more set up for everyone to be of the same house.  Another type I like and has worked before in the past with a few games I was in, was everyone was their own house, under the bannership of another.  In the case of the most successful game I played, we were banners of a House in the Westernlands.

Starting Time Period: Just before Roberts Rebellion, or Just after the Greyjoy Rebellion.

Alright, for region, I think the Stormlands, or Kings landing would be good.  Dorne would be a sound choice, however they are very... seperate, from the rest of the kingdoms.  Very independent, and while this could go for some good RP and Intrigue, very few people go to Dorne.  Kings Landing has people from everywhere, and a house from the regions surronding kings landing would be interesting.  Stormlands because so much happens there through the history.

Time period: Just before Roberts Rebellion, because it would be a time of possible turmoil.  It allows the use of the characters from the book, and gives a plotline, while allowing the group freedom to change/alter/ignore the course of history, as they struggle themselves.

Just after Greyjoys Rebellion, because it was a time of calm, but still had region squabbaling, vieing for power.  ALlot fo political manuvering happened during this time.  Again, allows the book to have little influence unless it is wanted, as it takes place well before hand.

Type: Again, I liked my games where each player has their own house, and RP's one or two characters from within that household.  This would be my prefered vote.

However, if no one is interested, all of us being of one house, would be my next vote.  That way, we all have common goals built in already, and we would need to discuss who would be head of house, and if there would be heirs, ect.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 04:17, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
player, 2 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 04:01
  • msg #55

Re: Character Discussion & Creation

Just to give the example of the style I would vote for, I will describe the RP I was in using it.

Each player made their own house, and their own lord.  I had myself and my heir.  My house was actually in ruins, as the roller was unkind to me at the time.  However, I rolled that into the story, as my house had it's lands taken, as punishment for being a dragon supporter during the Rebellion.

The plot of it, was our Lord, had died, and he had no heirs.  As such, the Lannisters took control of his lands and titles, and offered a tournament to the banner houses to see who would take it over.

So, we were all there for that purpose, each with their own reasons for wishing the lands of their former lord, each swearing fealty to their new liege Tywin.

Many things happened in the game... some battles, as it was a tournament.  But LOTS of intrigue was spread around, some made by the players some by plot.  THe diverse nature of the characters was also interesting, and how they responded and reacted to one another while being equals was also quite something to read.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 04:17, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
GM, 38 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 04:08
  • msg #56


In reply to Rinthor_Skymoore (msg # 55):

I like the ideas but as a vote it needs to be a little bit more clear.

so far looks like your vote is -

Region: Kings landing
Game Type: Player House
Starting Time Period: After the reign of Aegon III (when the last dragon died), anytime up until Robert's Rebellion. I'd rather avoid events/characters from the books, and don't want the prospect of dragons looming over the story.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:09, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
GM, 39 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 04:16
  • msg #57


Votes in (4 out of 8) Caladin, Rosslington, Mustard Tiger, Rinthor_Skymoore

Votes: 2 Starting Region: Dorne
Votes: 1 Starting Region: Randomly generated as in book
Votes: 1 Starting Region: Kings Landing

Votes: 2 Game Type: Player house, with options for players from other houses and regions
Votes: 1 Game Type: Player House
Votes: 1 Game Type: Player House Each with their own

Votes: 1 Starting Time Period: After the reign of Aegon III (when the last dragon died), anytime up until Robert's Rebellion. I'd rather avoid events/characters from the books, and don't want the prospect of dragons looming over the story.
Votes: 1 Starting time period: Based on RPG
Votes: 2 Starting time period: Just after Greyjoys Rebellion & Just before Roberts Rebellion

A vote can be changed if needed
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:25, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
player, 3 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 04:21
  • msg #58


Region: Kings landing
Game Type: Player House Each with their own
Starting Time Period: Could be a good one to use.
GM, 40 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 04:26
  • msg #59


In reply to Rinthor_Skymoore (msg # 58):

updated in post # 57
player, 12 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 04:58
  • msg #60


Mustard Tiger:
Region: Dorne
Game Type: Player house, with options for players from other houses and regions
Starting Time Period: After the reign of Aegon III (when the last dragon died), anytime up until Robert's Rebellion. I'd rather avoid events/characters from the books, and don't want the prospect of dragons looming over the story.

MT's Votes are pretty much what I'm in favor of as well...


Player House (with options for PCs to be from other regions as long as they're somehow connected to the main PC House)

Time Period between the death of the last Dragon and before the start of the books (Game of Thrones).  While this would allow for the Greyjoy Rebellion and Robert's Rebellion, I am also cool with excluding any time starting with Robert's Rebellion and beyond (as MT suggested).
player, 4 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 11:01
  • msg #61


I'm cool with mustard tigers vote.
player, 7 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 11:02
  • msg #62


The North

Player House (with options for PCs to be from other regions as long as they're somehow connected to the main PC House)

Time Period: Sometime with some turmoil and chaos in the realm. Near the Blackfyre revolts or relatively close to the events of the books would work well.
GM, 9 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 12:02
  • msg #63


Votes in (7 out of 8) Caladin, Rosslington, Mustard Tiger, Rinthor_Skymoore, Vasuvik, WarynJasra, FPSMC

Votes: 4 Starting Region: Dorne
Votes: 1 Starting Region: Kings Landing
Votes: 2 Starting Region: The North

Votes: 6 Game Type: Player house, with options for players from other houses and regions (somehow connected)
Votes: 1 Game Type: Player House Each with their own

Votes: 4 Starting Time Period: After the reign of Aegon III (when the last dragon died), anytime up until Robert's Rebellion. I'd rather avoid events/characters from the books, and don't want the prospect of dragons looming over the story.
Votes: 2 Starting time period: Just after Greyjoys Rebellion & Just before Roberts Rebellion
Votes 1: Any turmoil/choatic time eg Blackfyre rebellion or near events of books

Rosslington changes vote to: The North, Player House with options for outsiders (connected somehow) and setting after AegonIII up to Robert's rebellion
A vote can be changed if needed

Unless people change their votes looks like the majority is:
Votes: 4 Starting Region: Dorne
Votes: 6 Game Type: Player house, with options for players from other houses and regions (somehow connected)
Votes: 4 Starting Time Period: After the reign of Aegon III (when the last dragon died), anytime up until Robert's Rebellion. I'd rather avoid events/characters from the books, and don't want the prospect of dragons looming over the story.
GM, 10 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 12:03
  • msg #64


AstroTurtle to vote and people to have chance to change vote before all finalised.

Just to clarify roles I personally feel will need to be filled in the house:

Core House
Lord: Narrator Character
Lady: Narrator Character (or dead?)
Heir: Male player character (female if in Dorne?)
Second heir?: male player character or  Narrator Character (female if in Dorne?)
Firstborn daughter?: female player character

Other House (can be sworn to or from within house)
Maester: if can afford it probably Narrator Character, could be player
Master-at-Arms: either, knightly sort of character
Master-of-the-Hunt: either, archery/huntery sort of character
Master-of-hounds: either, high animal handling, probably master of horse as well
master of horse: either, high animal handling
Other sworn swords/household knights

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:15, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
GM, 42 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 12:53
  • msg #65

Re: VOTE House & lands completed

GM, 43 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 12:58
  • msg #66

Re: Discussion & Creation

Using Rosslington list from post #64 player can now work on and discuss Character Concepts.
GM, 44 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 12:59
  • msg #67

Re: Discussion & Creation

With regards to the "Player House" it will be a mix of random from the books and set by DM & Co-DM so it works with the Character Creations.
player, 6 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 13:11
  • msg #68

Re: Discussion & Creation

My votes!

Done,player house, any time period with zom- wights.
GM, 46 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 13:17
  • msg #69

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 68):

The creature collection will be there so it's all good :)
player, 5 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 13:33
  • msg #70

Re: Discussion & Creation

Well I had an idea of being banner house, taking the landed merit and maybe running a house, or knightly order that is pledged to the main house
GM, 47 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 14:03
  • msg #71

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to WarynJasra (msg # 70):

If 2 players back you with character ideas then you can follow the head of house course.

The knightly order pledged to the main house you can do as well
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:04, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
player, 6 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 14:13
  • msg #72

Re: Discussion & Creation

Any one want to do either of those two?
player, 7 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 14:19
  • msg #73

Re: Discussion & Creation

Do I also need two supporting players to do the knight order?
GM, 49 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 14:23
  • msg #74

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to WarynJasra (msg # 73):

NO not for the knighthood.
GM, 50 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 14:26
  • msg #75

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to WarynJasra (msg # 72):

I would also be willing to make an NPC to fill in the gap if you get one to add to your house.

BUT it will depends on the others and what they create as I will only make one NPC that will be active with players. It has to be created last to fill in the blanks that might be needed.
player, 13 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 15:04
  • msg #76

Re: Discussion & Creation

Well I had an idea of being banner house, taking the landed merit and maybe running a house, or knightly order that is pledged to the main house

This sounds cool... I like the knightly order (and/or banner house) idea.

Of course I could also play one of the "lesser" children of the main house (2nd or 3rd son, but I don't think I want to play the Heir).

Alternatively I was think maybe Master-at-Arms or Captain of the Guard or just Sworn Sword... but if WarynJasra goes with his Knightly Order idea, I would probably go with that instead.

I will probably be making a mostly martial/warrior type character with some limited intrigue abilities (most likely a knight, Ser somebody).

Note: since we're going with Dorne, it should be noted that Dorne was conquered for a short time under King Daeron I (the "young dragon") but when Daeron died Dorne went independent again.  Dorne did not really become a part of the 7 Kingdoms/Iron Throne again until Daeron II (who married a Martell Princess and who arranged for his sister to marry the Martell Prince, this Targaryen Princess was rumored to be in love with Daemon Blackfyre and vice-versa which some say was the final spark for the Blackfyre Rebellion).

So unless we go for the brief period during Daeron I's successful conquest, likely the time period we're talking about is between the original Blackfyre Rebellion (or just before it) and before Robert's Rebellion (the early reign of Aerys II, when Tywin was still the Hand?).
player, 4 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 17:53
  • msg #77

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hmmm.  Dorne huh?  Interesting.

Would it be possible to make my own house, and play the heir, possibly looking for a marriage alliance to the player house?  (Assuming there are daughters).

I was thinking of having a worldly type of character.

Also, just curious, are languages gonna work as they do in the core, or can we make it a bit more.. relevent?
player, 8 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 17:57
  • msg #78

Re: Discussion & Creation

Could we make languages free? Because in almost every game I've played or GM'd, the only time 'Do you have X language' become important was... was..


Gimme a few minutes to think on this.
player, 5 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 18:02
  • msg #79

Re: Discussion & Creation

Well, one of the methods that I had used in the past

Buy up your rank in your primary language.  FOr every dot above two, add one language. That language proficency is one dot less then the previous.

So, if you had Westrosi 5, You could have High Valerian 4, Old Tounge 3, and Pentoshi 2.

Or, the other way it was done in a game, was If you buy up your ranks, ever rank past 2, gave you another language at your language skill.  So, a person with Language 7, would be fluent in 6 languages, at skill level 7.

I mean, in order to read and write, you need a language skill of 3.  But to be highly fluent you need your languge at a 5 really, if you want to be a statesment type (At least based on the way the system seems to work).
player, 8 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 18:19
  • msg #80

Re: Discussion & Creation

No GM I've had ever paid attention to it
player, 8 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 18:36
  • msg #81


In reply to Rosslington (msg # 64):

Well, I'd probably play the firstborn daughter. In Dorne, I could  be the heir; I'm okay with being heir or not being heir.
On the other hand, if Rinthor wants to marry into the house, it would probably be best if I wasn't the heir, since marrying heir to heir would wipe out one of our houses.
GM, 52 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:13
  • msg #82


As far as being an heir I ask that no one be 1st in line to a house. Other then that players are free to "Go for it".

Keep in mind that I want to keep the houses down to a max of 3 so players will need to work together and it would work best if we have 2 player houses. OR one player/lessor and one main/greater house.

The knightly order is completely open to any amount.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:15, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
player, 9 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:15
  • msg #83


So, what're we naming our two houses? 'cause I wanna be a royal bastard!

In the legal sense, that is.
GM, 53 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:19
  • msg #84

Discussion & Creation

Rosslington will work with me later tonight on the player houses. The more character concepts given then more we can develop that into the house(s).

I will take name ideas now for the houses.

Either we will pick our own or go with the ideas that are given. If interested in naming the house please just submit the ideas.
GM, 54 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:22
  • msg #85

Re: Discussion & Creation

FYI-reminder to change the heading of your posting - so it will be easier later to look up the stuff we are posting. Keep in mind we are already up to 112 posts and we haven't even started play. We will clean up the threads later but we are moving pretty fast so the headings will help.

BY the way I would to thank everyone's consistent interest and motivation on this and would like to say good work so far :)
player, 9 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:23
  • msg #86

Re: Discussion & Creation

Landed quality will be fun to do, Vis lets start working on that.
GM, 55 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:26
  • msg #87

Re: Discussion & Creation

FYI-to manage PM's please only use your request to join for PM contact.

When we play use the private line or secret line in the treads - again to keep track of the events and actions later during the game.
player, 9 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:42
  • msg #88


In reply to Caladin (msg # 82):

Is the actual heir not played, then?
Mustard Tiger
player, 8 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:45
  • msg #89

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 84):

I'd like to play a bastard, either a cousin or a brother to the heir. Probably a warrior type
GM, 58 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:46
  • msg #90


In reply to FPSMC (msg # 88):

The heir will be an NPC. He or She will be involved but not necessarily part of the group.

I have reason for this :)
GM, 59 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:47
  • msg #91

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mustard Tiger (msg # 89):

If later you maybe interested in a seat to a house I would recommend a son not cousin.

**Of course anything is possible
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:48, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
player, 15 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:53
  • msg #92

Re: Discussion & Creation

Landed quality will be fun to do, Vis lets start working on that.

Ok, so you're going to play a Landed Knight (a sort of banner house to the main PC house)?

I am away from my books right now so I may be limited in what I can work up (I will have more time tonight when I get home from work).
player, 10 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 19:55
  • msg #93

Re: Discussion & Creation

Yeah the idea is a Landed knight who uses his tower or what ever he will have as a head quarters for a knightly order.
player, 1 post
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 20:18
  • msg #94

Re: Discussion & Creation

If anyone ends up with a Maester slot in their house creation process I will be making one such Maester to add to the group as a fully functional PC.
player, 10 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 20:42
  • msg #95

Re: Discussion & Creation

So it sounds like so far we have:

Firstborn daughter

Bastard son

Member of another house


2 knights of a knightly order
player, 10 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 20:45
  • msg #96

Re: Discussion & Creation

Bastard daughter actually. And endless font of trouble.
player, 16 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 21:09
  • msg #97

Re: Discussion & Creation

Member of another house

2 knights of a knightly order

Just to possibly tie things in even more, my knight (a member of WJ's knightly order) may be a relative (cousin?) of RS's "other House".

Or possibly a bastard of RS's Other House.

I'm not sure yet if I want to play a Bastard or not just yet.
player, 11 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 21:13
  • msg #98

Re: Discussion & Creation

I meant Mustard Tiger as the bastard son.

Hmm, trouble how? It gives me some ideas for the connection between our characters.

So far we have:

Firstborn daughter

Bastard son

Bastard daughter

Member of another house


Head of a knightly order

Knight in said knightly order, possibly a relative of one house.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:18, Wed 26 Feb 2014.
player, 11 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 21:17
  • msg #99

Re: Discussion & Creation

I am also going for the skinwalker traits. Beyond that, an emphasis on social and rogue traits.

However mighty the knight, a knife in the spine will seriously cramp his style.
player, 11 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 21:17
  • msg #100

Re: Discussion & Creation

King in said knightly order? What?
player, 12 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 21:19
  • msg #101

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to WarynJasra (msg # 100):

I meant knight, sorry.
Mustard Tiger
player, 9 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 21:46
  • msg #102

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mustard Tiger (msg # 89):

If later you maybe interested in a seat to a house I would recommend a son not cousin.

**Of course anything is possible

I don't necessarily want control of the house. Just want to play an interesting supporting character.
GM, 60 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 22:15
  • msg #103

Re: Discussion & Creation

I just need some wiggle room on the 1st born. It's an important part of what I have in mind for the setting.

So far every thing I read looks good.
player, 17 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 22:18
  • msg #104

Re: Discussion & Creation

Question: Do we need to create brand new Houses from the ground up (or top down)... or can we use existing Houses from the books?  Especially if the game is set in an Era that is relatively outside the canon of the published books?
player, 13 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 22:38
  • msg #105

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 99):

I usually focus on social traits, though I might get stewardship and a couple of other things to help with managing the House.
GM, 15 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 22:43
  • msg #106

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Vasuvik (msg # 104):

Player house from ground up. Custom characters are less rigid and we don't have to worry about them following canon or how that character has been portrayed in the books.
player, 12 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 22:50
  • msg #107

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to FPSMC (msg # 105):

We can be social together! Makes it easier to set up backstabs.
GM, 16 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 22:51
  • msg #108

Re: Discussion & Creation

Okay so Main House:
Lord: NPC
Lady: NPC
Heir: NPC
Firstborn Daughter: PC
Bastardborn daughter: PC
Maester: PC

Alternate house:
Lord: NPC
Heir: PC looking to marry into main House, or banner house?

Knights of the Oblong Table
Head of order: PC
Knight : PC, possible relative to Main House
Knight: PC or NPC

Others that may find ties to Main House
Skinchanger (possible Master of Horse with high animal handling??)
Wizardy type?

Does this look about right? I will begin rolling up the main House soon so I may be incommunicado.

Does anyone have any particular preferences for the Names of the House?
player, 13 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 22:55
  • msg #109

Re: Discussion & Creation

Can our house have beach front property? Maybe a nice harbor?

As for names, I'm open. Though you should probably make a list for us to vote on.
GM, 17 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 23:01
  • msg #110

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 109):

I'll be rolling up the mechanics of it then we can decide what to spend stats on.
GM, 61 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 23:40
  • msg #111

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 109):

Like that idea as well leave open the sailor type for those that expressed interest in playing ironborn

Rosslington incorporate this into the house when ready.
GM, 19 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 23:52
  • msg #112

Re: Discussion & Creation

Just finished rolling up the stats for the player House so go check those out.

I have filled in what I think we should spend the stats on whoever these are up for discussion. If we bump Influence up enough (to 41) the status for our lord, heirs etc bumps up by one.

Each of the player who are in the House get to roll 1d6 and add to any stat they like. If we add 1 wealth we could afford a mine for +5 to house fortunes or get an Artisan for castleforged steel weapons.

There are some expenditures that are mandatory for the characters we want to play eg we have someone who wanted to play a Maester so we need to invest for that.
player, 14 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 23:54
  • msg #113

Re: Discussion & Creation

I rolled a five and I'm putting it in Wealth!
GM, 20 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 23:56
  • msg #114

Re: Discussion & Creation

I rolled a five and I'm putting it in Wealth!

Hang on!

We'll all do that at the same time when we decide who is definitely in the House as what role. Otherwise I have to remember everyone's rolls and update a bajillion times.
player, 15 posts
Wed 26 Feb 2014
at 23:58
  • msg #115

Re: Discussion & Creation

Okie dokie lokie.
player, 12 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 00:07
  • msg #116

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ross, when did you want to start working on the Landed Knight House/ Order House.
GM, 21 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 00:13
  • msg #117

Re: Discussion & Creation

WarynJasra - Banner House/Knightly Order leader.
Vasuvik - Knight in the Knightly Order

Rinthor_Skymoore second heir of minor House wants to marry into Main House (possible combo with FPSMC or another younger daughter if that is undesirable)

FPSMC -  Firstborn daughter (second heir as Caladin is NPCing the Heir)
AstroTurtle - Wants to be royal bastard, skinchanger style (could work well with master of horse/hounds/both)

Mustard Tiger - Warrior type cousin/brother/bastard brother to heir of main house
Hendell - Maester for main house

Rosslington: Will probably fill the gaps. Looks like I'd be running a hunter/archer style character as the Master-of-the-hunt for the main house.

Are these the roles people wanted to play? If yes then we can finalize the Main house and roll their extra stats and move to character creation.

I could then work with Waryn, Vasuvik and Rinthor on their Houses/Order or if they want to amalgamate that somehow. There are some rules specifically for banner houses they need to be aware of.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 00:14, Thu 27 Feb 2014.
GM, 22 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 00:17
  • msg #118

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ross, when did you want to start working on the Landed Knight House/ Order House.

Once we've finalized who is where I will work with you on creating the alternate House/Order.

It might be quick and easy just to use what I've already posted for House Lenn and adjust it to suit. As a banner House there are a few things like you cannot have more influence than your Liege House and you don't roll House fortunes. The Main House rolls them and can pass on a benefit or catastrophe to the banner house however.
player, 13 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 00:31
  • msg #119

Re: Discussion & Creation

Those bastards!
player, 14 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 00:42
  • msg #120

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 117):

Yes, that role should work. Combo with Rinthor should also work.
player, 16 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 00:43
  • msg #121

Re: Discussion & Creation

Can I be master of ravens?
player, 2 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 00:48
  • msg #122

Re: Discussion & Creation

That does look like the role I had in mind.

Not entirely sure we are going to need a second Maester but there is often a spot for a 'bird friendly' person to assist in their feeding and care.  Although if the house is big enough to warrant it, or the banner house has a Maester slot I do not expect to be heavily invested in the Ravens side so there may not be to much redundancy if you specialize heavily in it.
Mustard Tiger
player, 10 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 00:49
  • msg #123

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 114):

I've changed my mind a bit. I'd like to be the younger, trueborn brother of the current lord. So he'd be at a minimum third in line as far as succession goes, since the children have priority. It that's okay.

I'm terrible at deciding house names.

Using a random generator for house names, and came up with these:

GM, 24 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 00:58
  • msg #124

Re: Discussion & Creation

Reply to msg #119: Huzzah!?

Reply to msg #120: Awesome, will wait for Rinthor to confirm

Reply to msg #121: Sure if you meet the criteria to take it though if you go skinchanger you'll likely run out of qualities

Reply to msg #122: I doubt the banner house will need a maester but it could happen

Reply to msg #123: someone would need to add at least 2 to Influence with their 1d6 roll in order for a 3rd trueborn son to be available, should be easy enough.

Kolwyn: 1

Pick a house name from the list you would like for the Main House or suggest your own. My vote is for Kolwyn.
Mustard Tiger
player, 11 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 01:00
  • msg #125

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 124):

Reply to msg #123: someone would need to add at least 2 to Influence with their 1d6 roll in order for a 3rd trueborn son to be available, should be easy enough.

All right. If the rolls don't work out that way I'm also cool with a bastard. Certainly not a priority for my character to be trueborn anyways.

My vote is also for Kolwyn.
player, 17 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 01:07
  • msg #126

Re: Discussion & Creation

I vote Rue
player, 6 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 01:13
  • msg #127

Re: Discussion & Creation

Heir of another house, looking to gain an alliance.

He will be a spider type character.  With some combat ability's.

Will this be acceptable?
player, 14 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 01:15
  • msg #128

Re: Discussion & Creation

I like Ravenhowe

For qualities since we are going to be a knight House/Order, my qualities were going to be so.



Leader of Men


Defensive Engineer

Draw Backs

Honor Bound,

Flaw Stealth (Like me my character will be heavy footed as all hell)


Trying to think of others. I may swap out Defensive engineer for something else.
player, 15 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 01:23
  • msg #129

Re: Discussion & Creation

Potential mottos for the knightly order.

"Fail with honor, than succeed by fraud."

"Brothers in arms are brothers for life."

"Without honor, victory is hollow."

"The strong survive, the noble overcome."

"Courage begins by trusting oneself."

What do you think?
GM, 26 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 01:26
  • msg #130

Re: Discussion & Creation

Heir of another house, looking to gain an alliance.

He will be a spider type character.  With some combat ability's.

Will this be acceptable?

Calidan has stated that he doesn't want anyone to be the heir to a house so I imagine that's a no-no. I see no reason you couldn't be second or third in line however.

Are you interested in the suggested combo with FPSMC's character or would you prefer to be chasing after a younger sibling or cousin NPC instead?
GM, 27 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 01:28
  • msg #131

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to WarynJasra (msg # 128):

You will need to ensure you meet the pre-requisites for the qualities but I see no problem from the outset. Will have a closer look soon.

In reply to WarynJasra (msg # 129): I like "Without Honor, Victory is Hollow"

Very knightly sounding.
GM, 28 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 01:30
  • msg #132

Re: Discussion & Creation

Voted: Rosslington, Mustard, Astro, Waryn, Vasuvik

Kolwyn: 2
Rue: 1
Ravenhowe: 2
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:32, Thu 27 Feb 2014.
player, 18 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 02:28
  • msg #133

Re: Discussion & Creation

Vote for House name: Ravenhowe (my second choice would be: Kolwyn)

As for Knightly mottos:

I like: "Without honor, victory is hollow." and I like: "The strong survive, the noble overcome."
player, 7 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 02:36
  • msg #134

Re: Discussion & Creation

Oh, that is fine then.  I could play a second son looking for a political marriage to up my house.

Kolwyn sounds like a house from dorne, so I will have to vote for that one.
GM, 64 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 02:39
  • msg #135

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to WarynJasra (msg # 129):

I like "Brothers in arms are brothers for life."
GM, 33 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 02:41
  • msg #136

Re: Discussion & Creation

WarynJasra - Banner House/Knightly Order leader. Confirmed
Vasuvik - Knight in the Knightly Order

Rinthor_Skymoore second heir of minor House wants to marry into Main House  Confirmed

FPSMC -  Firstborn daughter (second heir as Caladin is NPCing the Heir) Confirmed
AstroTurtle - Wants to be royal bastard, skinchanger style (could work well with master of horse/hounds/both)

Mustard Tiger - Warrior type cousin/brother/bastard brother to heir of main house Confirmed
Hendell - Maester for main house Confirmed

Rosslington: Will probably fill the gaps. Looks like I'd be running a hunter/archer style character as the Master-of-the-hunt for the main house. Confirmed

Need Astro and Rinthor to confirm and then we can begin character creation phase.

Waryn and Vasuvik, I will PM you about building a House/Order for you and the requirements you'll have to meet.

Rinthor I'll PM you about setting up a House.

Mustard, Hendell, FPSMC and I need to roll 1d6 to add to various stats.
I personally suggest we try to add 1 to wealth to try get a mine.

If we increase influence by at least 2 we can have Mustard be trueborn, if at least 8 we raise the statuses in the House.

As for names it looks like Kolwyn is going to win for main House so far and that RavenHowe might be favored for the Knightly Order/House?
GM, 65 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 02:42
  • msg #137

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rinthor_Skymoore (msg # 134):

this will work and is OK - a second son looking for a political marriage to up my house.
GM, 66 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 02:44
  • msg #138

Re: Discussion & Creation

As for names Kolwyn is a win for main House.

Knightly Order/House can be agreed upon by those in the house - RavenHowe is fine.
Mustard Tiger
player, 12 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 02:46
  • msg #139

Re: Discussion & Creation

21:43, Today: Mustard Tiger rolled 3 using 1d6. House Roll!

That can go for Influence or Wealth as needed.
player, 15 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 02:49
  • msg #140

Re: Discussion & Creation

21:49, Today: FPSMC rolled 3 using 1d6. House Roll.
GM, 34 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 02:49
  • msg #141

Re: Discussion & Creation

13:48, Today: Rosslington rolled 1 using 1d6. House roll.

If I add my 1 to wealth and you and Astro add your cumulative +8 to Influenece we meet both objectives.

FPSMC and Hendell could then add theirs where they like. I would suggest power for more troops or Lands for more lands...
GM, 36 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 03:04
  • msg #142

Re: Discussion & Creation

New Houserule for Status has been listed in the Character Creation Thread, please read it and let me know if it makes sense to you. The reason for this houserule is to counterbalance the potential status nerf imposed by Heirs not being available as player characters.
player, 8 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 03:31
  • msg #143

Re: Discussion & Creation

Alright.  I got my house started I believe.  I will start to work on a character.

Did the GM's ever come up with an answer to languages?  Is it just the core?
GM, 37 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 03:43
  • msg #144

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rinthor_Skymoore (msg # 143):

Yes, the answer for languages is:
Note 6: Languages are HARD. This is a period in time when literacy in your own language was a big deal. If you want to learn other languages you need to invest in them. There is a reason for qualities such as Polyglot

So use the core rules for this.
player, 9 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 03:46
  • msg #145

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ok, sorry I missed that one.

Getting to work on my character :)
GM, 67 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 12:37
  • msg #146

Re: Discussion & Creation

FYI - When you do character descriptions I recommend list the one you want to be known for Virtue and/or Vice, But in the character sheet list both.

If you want to be known for both that's fine as well.
player, 5 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 13:16
  • msg #147

Re: Discussion & Creation

05:06, Today: Hendell rolled 1 using 1d6. House roll

While an unimpressive roll it is sufficient to upgrade the cavalry to a much more useful unit of personal guard if added to power.

If there is any particular land feature that we want that 1 point can get that works too, either choice is acceptable to me.
player, 18 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 14:05
  • msg #148

Re: Discussion & Creation

Do houses have scribes or is it all on the Master?
player, 11 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 18:00
  • msg #149

Re: Discussion & Creation

Man, I just looked up House Kolwyn.  Those were amazing History Rolls (I wanted to try for another 1 or 2.. dice only gave me 2 history rolls.)

Wish I had a castle... or a hall.  I wanted an Artisan.  Oh well.  Amazing rolls good job :)
player, 17 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 18:23
  • msg #150

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hey house kolwyn you want to toss some of those history things your banner houses way, we could use a little push.
player, 20 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 18:28
  • msg #151

Re: Discussion & Creation

Who's playing the Maester? Want an assistant?

Oh, and I suppose if we need my 5 for the Influence, thats fine.
player, 7 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 19:52
  • msg #152

Re: Discussion & Creation

I am not entirely sure any single minor house is really big enough for two Maesters, but if you are not a full Maester and have some writing skills I imagine you could find a place, although you would likely need to have other capabilities and take on other roles as that is hardly a full time job in a minor house.
player, 19 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 20:00
  • msg #153

Re: Discussion & Creation

Who's playing the Maester? Want an assistant?

Not sure if WJ is cool with this idea (but he may be)... however the Knightly Banner House of Ravenhowe will have a Sept.

So technically our House is entitled to either a Septa or Septon.

Septas/Septons, while not Maesters, are still fairly learned and well education (often serving as tutors)... or at least that's how they strike me.

If WJ was cool with the idea, I think it could be interesting to have a PC play the Septa/Septon of House Ravenhowe.
player, 21 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 20:03
  • msg #154

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'm in Kolwyn, actually.

Also, the idea of me playing a Septa would be.. hilarious. I'd probably be defrocked for blasphemy 100 posts in.
player, 18 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 20:04
  • msg #155

Re: Discussion & Creation

My back up character idea was actually to play the main Houses Septon, who was a retired knight. Some times the shepard must defend his flock. heh.
player, 12 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 20:08
  • msg #156

Re: Discussion & Creation

The difference between a Measter and a normal learned man, is if they took their vows or not.

Lord Bolton didn't have a measter, but one who was trained to be one, but refused to take his vows, or lost his chain i forget which.

My house has a Sept
player, 17 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 22:08
  • msg #157

Re: Discussion & Creation

Some questions:
Have we decided what time period exactly we are playing?

Can Dornish use the Blood of the Andals benefit, or only Blood of the Rhoyne? They are descended from both Andals and Rhoynar...

Also, AstroTurtle, what's your relationship to the members of House Kolwyn? Because I was thinking we might have a sort of sisterly relationship.
player, 25 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 22:10
  • msg #158

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mother was probably a cousin of the main family. Ended up knocking boots with <insert unknown royalty>. Currently deceased.

So, a sisterly relationship is possible!
player, 18 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 22:16
  • msg #159

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 158):

*Hugs* Sister!

Is my lady mother still alive?
GM, 42 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 22:41
  • msg #160

Re: Discussion & Creation

Have we decided what time period exactly we are playing?
Calidan has not yet specified (I believe he is working hard in the background) but the vote reulted in sometime between Aegon III and before Robert's rebellion

Can Dornish use the Blood of the Andals benefit, or only Blood of the Rhoyne? They are descended from both Andals and Rhoynar...You may use blood of the wildilings if you wanted, if you can roleplay a reason why that's in your family tree you can do it. Blood of Andals, Rhoynar, Valyria etc all fine
GM, 43 posts
Thu 27 Feb 2014
at 23:00
  • msg #161

Re: Discussion & Creation

I have had more than one person be confused at charcater reation by my apparant poor explanation of the House rules regarding starting ability scores at rank 1 as well as how many qualities you will be allowed.

I am currently flat chat and about to go to a meeting so this will have to serve as a temporary explanation until I can update the Houserules to be easier to understand:

A) You may take 1 ability score at rank 1 without GM preapproval
B) You will be allowed an extra 1 on top of that with preapproval.
C) Houserule has been put in place such that you get your default quality choices as per your age and in addition you may choose to take up to 3 extra flaws/drawbacks to gain up to 3 additional destiny points which you may invest in extra qualities at character creation. These will go past the 'hard cap' laid out in the book.
player, 19 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 01:10
  • msg #162

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mustard Tiger, are you going to be investing in Stewardship? If not, I'm going to; as the two with the highest status, we'll probably be rolling House Fortune for Kolwyn.
Mustard Tiger
player, 14 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 01:11
  • msg #163

Re: Discussion & Creation

Probably not. I was imagining my character more as an irresponsible, black sheep member of the family.
GM, 44 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 01:36
  • msg #164

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to FPSMC (msg # 162):

You may want to see if Caladin plans for the Lord or Heir to roll house fortunes on your behalf, I don't know what road he's taking us down.

Before you roll up your character FPSMC we need to know if the influence of the House will be boosting your starting status. Likewise Mustard Tiger's Status may improve also.

I'm going to do a trawl through the posts and see who has confirmed they are spending their bonus house points on what.
GM, 45 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 01:43
  • msg #165

Re: Discussion & Creation

AstroTurtle      5 influence confirmed
FPSMC          3 unstated
Hendell          1 power to upgrade cavalry unit to personal guard
Mustard Tiger    3 influence
Rosslington      1 wealth confirmed

Use wealth to buy mine
Use influence to make Mustard trueborn (third in line)
Lord status goes up to 6, Heir + FPSMC up to 5, Mustard up to 4.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:45, Fri 28 Feb 2014.
player, 26 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 01:44
  • msg #166

Re: Discussion & Creation

5 to Influence works for me.

How do people feel about an owl for our house banner?
GM, 71 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 01:50
  • msg #167

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 164):

I prefer that players roll stuff that directly effects their characters and leave the rest to me.

If it effect not only your character but others then I should roll.

let me know what you need.
GM, 46 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 01:58
  • msg #168

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 164):

I prefer that players roll stuff that directly effects their characters and leave the rest to me.

If it effect not only your character but others then I should roll.

let me know what you need.

A house must roll for a House Fortune at least one month of every three, but no more than one House Fortune roll can take place for each month

The house fortune roll affects the entire house. The lord would roll his status d6s (6d6) plus any bonus dice from stewardship specialty (then drop lowest dice = to stewardship) then finally add the house fortune modifier (currently +12)

This is then compared to the table on page 118 of the rulebook. Good fortunes are clustered more towards the high roll end and poor fortunes more closely clustered towards the low roll end.

Possible results are Disaster, Curse, Decline, Growth, Boon and Blessing.

A Boon is a fortune of considerable benefit and value to the house. Its occurrence might signify favor from a lord or the king, a windfall, a beneficial alliance, a business opportunity, or a profitable marriage. A boon should always improve one of a house’s resources by 1–6 points or two of a house’s resources by 1–3 points.

A Blessing is a minor benefit, an upturn in events that improves the house in some way. Blessings might be useful alliances, receiving an invitation to participate in a notable tournament, a visit from a powerful lord, and so on. Blessings improve one resource by 1–3 points or two resources by 1 point each.

A Growth result reflects the improvement of one or more of the house’s resources. It might result in a gift of land, a sudden swell in population, an upturn in the economy, and so on. Growth should improve one resource by 1 point.

Decline reflects a diminishing of one or more of the house’s resources. Decline reveals a shift in the house’s fortunes, such as the loss of land, the weakening of defenses, an outbreak of sickness, and other minor but unfortunate developments. Decline should reduce one resource by 1 point.

A Curse is an unfortunate downturn in events that could weaken the house in some way. Curses are significant setbacks, and they can include brigands, bad weather, blights, desertion, lawlessness, and other effects. A Curse reduces one resource by 1–3 points or two resources by 1 point.

A Disaster is an event of catastrophic proportions and sets the house back in a significant way. Examples include the outbreak of plague, the disfavor of a lord or king, the disgrace of a staunch ally, widespread lawlessness, or a combination of any of these dire events. Disaster reduces a single resource by 1–6 points or two resources by 1–3 points.
GM, 72 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:00
  • msg #169

Re: Discussion & Creation

so you need a roll 6d6+12 right?
player, 27 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:03
  • msg #170

Re: Discussion & Creation

So, relative to other houses(other than the big ones like the Lannisters/Starks/Martells), we're pretty awesome yes?
GM, 73 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:04
  • msg #171

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 170):

from what I see you guys are pretty diesel as a Player House
player, 20 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:05
  • msg #172

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 166):

Ooh, high status.
An owl should work well.
GM, 47 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:11
  • msg #173

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 169):
If he takes no specialties in stewardship: Yes

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 1):
Pretty damn boss, yes. about 10 influence away from being considered a Major House like them.

In reply to Caladin (msg # 171):
Pretty diesel? Is that an Americanism I don't get (I'm Aussie btw everyone :P) or did you autocorrect from 'decent'?

In reply to FPSMC (msg # 171):
I likey the owl. Silver owl, displayed on an tawny (orange) field?
GM, 74 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:19
  • msg #174

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 173):

diesel American slag •strong, displaying physical power.
player, 28 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:20
  • msg #175

Re: Discussion & Creation

Orange works. Sort of a setting sun motif there maybe?

Its Dorne! Its a very sun centric place!

And here I thought that diesel comment was related to Vin Diesel.
player, 13 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:26
  • msg #176

Re: Discussion & Creation

Saying was actually for the Hemi Diesal Engines which were tough and strong.

Yes, you seem to have a pretty awesome player house.  Much better then mine :(

If one of the GM's would take a look at my character that I have so far, and comment/reply would be great :)  it's in the PM
Mustard Tiger
player, 15 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:28
  • msg #177

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 175):

Perhaps an image of an owl swooping down (as if for a kill), backlit by a Dornish setting sun?
player, 29 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:31
  • msg #178

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mustard Tiger (msg # 177):

Works for me!
Mustard Tiger
player, 16 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:31
  • msg #179

Re: Discussion & Creation

And what are the rules on starting equipment for noble members of a house? Do they still have to pay out of pocket for a sword, armor, horse, etc? Because as it stands now I won't even be able to afford a horse, which seems rather silly.
Mustard Tiger
player, 17 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:34
  • msg #180

Re: Discussion & Creation

And sticking with the swooping owl motif, a few random ideas for the house motto:

"Swift and True"

"On the Hunt"
GM, 75 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:35
  • msg #181

Re: Discussion & Creation

"Swift and True"
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:36, Fri 28 Feb 2014.
GM, 51 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:36
  • msg #182

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mustard Tiger:
And what are the rules on starting equipment for noble members of a house? Do they still have to pay out of pocket for a sword, armor, horse, etc? Because as it stands now I won't even be able to afford a horse, which seems rather silly.

You most certainly do!

13:18, Today: Mustard Tiger rolled 6 using 3d6. Status Test, money.

You only rooled 3d6s but your status is now 4 due to us boosting the influence of the house. You can roll and additional 1d6 and add that to your starting coinage!
GM, 76 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:36
  • msg #183

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 181):

Later we can edit the colors
GM, 52 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:37
  • msg #184

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 181):

Ooooh pretty...
player, 8 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:37
  • msg #185

Re: Discussion & Creation

I like "Swift and True" as well, it is far more open to interpretation.

I doubt I will have anything meaningful to spend my starting wealth on so I may very well just buy multiple horses so we can have a spare or two, depending on exactly how a 10 shakes out on the wealth system.
GM, 53 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:39
  • msg #186

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Hendell (msg # 185):

10 gold dragons is 2100 silver stages. A fully kitted out maester's kit will cost you 1000ss and a sand steed is about 1200ss from memory. You'll obviously want nice clothes and some doodads as well.

Given that a Roundsey (lesser war trained horse) is only 50ss, Mustard will be able to afford one.
Mustard Tiger
player, 18 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 02:40
  • msg #187

Re: Discussion & Creation

You only rooled 3d6s but your status is now 4 due to us boosting the influence of the house. You can roll and additional 1d6 and add that to your starting coinage!

I'd have to spend an additional 40 starting XP to get to status 4, which I didn't want to do. Went with Status 3 instead, to free up those points for other abilities.

And yes, I like that emblem! With a gold/yellow/orange background I think it'd be perfect.
GM, 77 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 03:00
  • msg #188

Re: Discussion & Creation

Character Sheets are up
player, 9 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 03:41
  • msg #189

Re: Discussion & Creation

Yes by 'horse' I was thinking several of the 50ss ones not the 20 times cost one for armored knights to use as extra weapons.
GM, 55 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 07:08
  • msg #190

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 165):

Have applied all the bonus dice to house stats except for FPSMC who has a +3 yet to allocate. Can that please be a priority for you FPSMC?

I've updated some additional non-player House sneak previews in the Houses & Lands for those who are interested.

Calidan hopes to get us rolling on Sunday so I will need you all to fill in your character sheets soonish, if you haven't already, so I can double check they are in line with the houserules.

From what little Calidan has leaked to me we're in for a good time :)
GM, 86 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 18:40
  • msg #191

Re: Discussion & Creation

the official start date is 169 - after carful reach I find this fits best for the house creation and storyline I am working on.

I request all - any and all events that happen within the timeline can be sent to me to add to the timeline. If you can try to word it as closely as you can in the style already there. Its not meant to be a complete history of the events just basic info to track the groups important events, births, deaths, and etc.
player, 19 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 19:33
  • msg #192

Re: Discussion & Creation

"Without Honor, Victory is Hollow."

GM, 87 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 19:44
  • msg #193

Re: Discussion & Creation

did you make this so cool can you make the others?
player, 20 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 19:50
  • msg #194

Re: Discussion & Creation

Yes I did make it. And sure. It took me about 30 minutes.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:50, Fri 28 Feb 2014.
GM, 88 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 19:52
  • msg #195

Re: Discussion & Creation

OK - so let's get some Descriptions, Select Portraits, and sheets started ;)
GM, 89 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 19:52
  • msg #196

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to WarynJasra (msg # 194):

excellent stuff!
player, 21 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 19:53
  • msg #197

Re: Discussion & Creation

Caladin, just post me a description of the houses you need them for, and I'll cook something up.

(Send it in a seperate pm so I can continuously reference it)

Btw. I'm a drafting and design major so this is actually fun and good practice.
GM, 90 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 19:56
  • msg #198

Re: Discussion & Creation

I have already moved your sigil to the house thread 1st thing everyone will see
GM, 91 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 19:58
  • msg #199

Re: Discussion & Creation

Coat of Arms: White sunrise upon an amaranth field.
Words: "The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors"

Coat of Arms: A yellow sun grasped in a grey gauntlet, ablaze on a crimson field
Words: "Power, Glory, Destiny"

Coat of Arms: A red crab, guardant on a field of azure.
Words: "Heed not the Omens"

when you have time :)
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:03, Fri 28 Feb 2014.
Ravenhowe, 22 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 20:31
  • msg #200

Re: Discussion & Creation

Some of those I may not be able to do, but I'll see what I can whip up. I did this one a little quick. not sure about the water yet. I need to fix it up a bit but I thought I'd post what I have.

Ravenhowe, 20 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 20:56
  • msg #201

Re: Discussion & Creation

Coat of Arms: White sunrise upon an amaranth field.
Words: "The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors"

Isn't that the religious refrain popular with the worshippers of the Lord of Light (R'hllor)?
GM, 92 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 20:58
  • msg #202

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Vasuvik (msg # 201):

Ravenhowe, 21 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 21:00
  • msg #203

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Vasuvik (msg # 201):


Hmm... interesting.  ;)

Maybe now would be a good time to mention that in a prior ASOIAF game both WarynJasra and I played worshippers of the Lord of Light (he was a Red Priest of R'hllor and I was a Fiery Hand bodyguard).  ;)
GM, 94 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 21:01
  • msg #204

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Vasuvik (msg # 203):

that's pretty cool
player, 30 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:02
  • msg #205

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hey? Can I declare an entire religion as a nemesis?
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 21 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:03
  • msg #206

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 205):

Which one?
player, 31 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:04
  • msg #207

Re: Discussion & Creation

Faith of the Seven!

I've been very naughty.
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 22 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:07
  • msg #208

Re: Discussion & Creation

Faith of the Seven!

I've been very naughty.

Clearly someone needs to have a nice chat with the Septa of Ravenhowe.

May the Mother offer guidance back to the path towards redemption.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:18, Fri 28 Feb 2014.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 22 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:14
  • msg #209

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 207):

*Gasp!* Troublesome child! Father ought to give you a spanking.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 23 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:19
  • msg #210

Re: Discussion & Creation

A couple questions: Is my lady mother still alive?

Have I met Rinthor's character before the events of the game?
GM, 95 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:21
  • msg #211

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ashara Kolwyn (msg # 210):

it's up to you and anyone else that it matters too.

I can play it either way
GM, 96 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:23
  • msg #212

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hey? Can I declare an entire religion as a nemesis?

 you can doesn't mean anyone will agree with you, then again you may start a following
player, 32 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:27
  • msg #213

Re: Discussion & Creation

Well, considering that they'd burn me at the stake if they ever found out what I was doing..

Then yes! They qualify as a drawback Nemesis! I'll have to come up with 95 Theses to nail to a Sept door.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:32, Fri 28 Feb 2014.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 24 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:30
  • msg #214

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to AstroTurtle (msg # 213):

Daaaad, Jadis is trying to start a religious schism again!
GM, 98 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2014
at 22:46
  • msg #215

Re: Discussion & Creation

Bio spot 1 & 2 should be for title and position

Biography pt 1  :  Master of the Hunt
Biography pt 2  :  Marked Retainer
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:47, Fri 28 Feb 2014.
Ronan Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 19 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 00:22
  • msg #216

Re: Discussion & Creation

Could we get a brief background/personality/bio on the current Lord Kolwyn? That might affect some of my character's background.

And is it okay if Ronan is either the Master at Arms or Master of Horse for House Kolwyn? Not sure what other position a younger brother might have at court.
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 23 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 00:25
  • msg #217

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ronan Kolwyn:
Not sure what other position a younger brother might have at court.

Resident roguish "troublemaker" and serial marriage avoider!?  ;)

Or at least that's the role I'm considering for Ser Godfrey (younger brother of WJ's Ser Hassan Ravenhowe).  ;)
Ravenhowe, 23 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 00:26
  • msg #218

Re: Discussion & Creation

Yeah I need my name changed to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 25 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 00:53
  • msg #219

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe (msg # 217):

My, it seems we have several troublemakers for me to keep an eye on. This should be interesting.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 24 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 00:55
  • msg #220

Re: Discussion & Creation

Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 10 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 01:04
  • msg #221

Re: Discussion & Creation

Given my choices in character creation I have a fairly wide range of actual age available for the character, much of which can be devoted to past service to House Kolwyn.

With that in mind I will ask how old the various Scions of House Kolwyn ended up and if you as their players have any particular preference for how long the Maester has been there.  Do you prefer something of a constant figure in your whole life, or something more like the younger friendlier Master who is filling in for the now departed Master with whom you were familiar as children?
Jadis Sand
player, 34 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 01:08
  • msg #222

Re: Discussion & Creation

Jadis is an adult and probably would've been bothering you for practical lessons constantly. Also, stealing your books.
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 24 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 02:13
  • msg #223

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe:

Over my (multiple!) paramour(s)' dead body(s)!  ;)
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 26 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 02:18
  • msg #224

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ashara is 19 or 20 and would be a careful, studious pupil. She wants to know about anything that would help her with running a household or House Kolwyn should it pass to her; she has a good head for numbers.

I could see good opportunities for storylines with a new or old maester. I supposed I'd prefer a Maester who'd been with the House for at least a few years.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:20, Sat 01 Mar 2014.
Kaldor, 14 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 04:26
  • msg #225

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mardax Kaldor, who I will become, is a pious follower of the Seven :)  Fear me :P
Makarios Lestat
Kolwyn, 1 post
Master of the Hunt
Marked Retainer
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 09:23
  • msg #226

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ashara Kolwyn (msg # 219):

Don't worry, your overly noble, unecessarily truthful master-of-the-hunt will help you keep an eye on them. Or track them down if we lose them :S

In reply to Archibald Sand (msg # 221):

My character was gored by a boar when he was young and the House Maester healed him. He's 24 now so if you've been around that long you would have healed my character and he will probably hold you in the greatest of respect.
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 11 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 09:38
  • msg #227

Re: Discussion & Creation

I can work with that.  Something like 21 years ago the then young Maester Archibald had just replaced the previous and ailing Maester.

Helps usher Ashara into the world within the first year of his service to the house, and two or three years after that fixes up the young local boy who would one day grow into the house's service as Master of the Hunt.

That puts me somewhere in the early to mid 40s, now we need a few more recent timeline features.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:38, Sat 01 Mar 2014.
GM, 58 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 10:14
  • msg #228

Character Sheets

Archibald Sand: Need to flesh out character sheet. Looks like you have one allocated specialty and one destiny point the could be turned into a quality (unless you intend to keep one handy which is a good idea too.)

Brindal: Needs formatting, mechanically seems sound.
Mardax Kaldor: As talked about via PM

Jadis Sand: I'm assuming you aren't middle aged so you need to remove one specialty. Your charcater sheet needs more fleshing out/fixing details but else looks mechanically sound. I don't know that there are "bigass desert wolves" in the setting. PM Calidan and sort out something appropriate. I'll stat it out after he's decided if it's not a creature from the rulebook.

Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe: Good god that is a nice looking character sheet. You need to go through and do a budget and see if you can actually afford all that impressive gear. Also, I would think you'd have a horse yes?

Everyone else: You need to get on top of your character build/sheet ASAP. Calidan wants to start on Sunday so we need you slackers (:P) to pick up the pace.

Most of you also haven't posted anything in your character descriptions either. Even if you don't know the ins and outs of your backstory yet, you should post things like gender, age, height, weight and other physical characteristics.
GM, 99 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 13:40
  • msg #229

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 228):

"bigass desert wolves" NO that's the north, "desert dogs" YES
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 25 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 17:30
  • msg #230

Re: Character Sheets

I'm gonna try to get my character done tonight but my debit card information was stolen and my account was swiped clean so I'm dealing with trying to get my money back and I jut got paid yesterday
GM, 104 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 17:51
  • msg #231

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 230):

That really sucks. I had that happen x2 and I stopped having a debit card all together just credit cards and I pay before interest. If stolen it's the banks problem :)

My Pay is required to be by check, and I do all my banking even payments online at the bank in person. all on line purchases by credit card

8+ years strong not a problem on any account.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 27 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 18:23
  • msg #232

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 230):

Oh no! I hope things get sorted out all right!
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 28 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 20:25
  • msg #233

Re: Character Sheets

15:22, Today: Ashara Kolwyn rolled 10 using 5d6 with rolls of 1,3,2,3,1. Status for Money.

Wow, I certain hope my luck improves during gameplay.
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 12 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 20:47
  • msg #234

Re: Character Sheets

Clearly you need to learn to shop less, or at least more efficiently, I will add that to the list of classes.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 29 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 20:51
  • msg #235

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Archibald Sand (msg # 234):

N-no shopping? But, Maester Archibald, I'll cry!

Should I get a Sand Steed, or are those only for people who need fighting mounts?
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 13 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 20:56
  • msg #236

Re: Character Sheets

Actually Destrier's make far better fighting mounts.

The Sand Steed is a light weight high endurance mount and something of a status symbol so it would work quite well for you, although it is rather costly and not particularly worth the increased cost.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 30 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 21:10
  • msg #237

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Archibald Sand (msg # 236):

That's what I'm debating. Since I rolled so terribly 6 Dragons is more than half of my money, and a palfrey is much less expensive. On the other hand, I don't really have much else to spend it on but clothing once I've bought my hunting bow and a few other minor things.

Any advice on what I should use my +3 House bonus on? Wealth could use it, as we've spent all our wealth. We could get another land holding if I spend it there (Plains, either with or without a stream), or I could use it on power to either upgrade an existing unit's training or buy a green quality unit of either Garrison, Guerrillas or Scouts.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 26 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 21:30
  • msg #238

Re: Character Sheets

I ride a courser with scale barding and  I myself wear scale.

I decided to be a smith, and that when he was young and working for the order he had duties other then being a squire and that was doing armor repairs along side the smith. Now he continues to smith, it is a vent for his creativity and his frustration.
GM, 59 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 22:05
  • msg #239

Re: Character Sheets

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe:
I'm gonna try to get my character done tonight but my debit card information was stolen and my account was swiped clean so I'm dealing with trying to get my money back and I jut got paid yesterday

That sucks hard. Real life comes first, and this is pretty major. If you don't get time to finish off your character we'll just roll with it for a little while.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 27 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 22:06
  • msg #240

Re: Character Sheets

I got it done except for listing my equipment and passives and all that, I bought everythig it's just written in my scratchpad.
GM, 60 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 22:08
  • msg #241

Re: Character Sheets

Ashara Kolwyn:
In reply to Archibald Sand (msg # 236):

That's what I'm debating. Since I rolled so terribly 6 Dragons is more than half of my money, and a palfrey is much less expensive. On the other hand, I don't really have much else to spend it on but clothing once I've bought my hunting bow and a few other minor things.

Any advice on what I should use my +3 House bonus on? Wealth could use it, as we've spent all our wealth. We could get another land holding if I spend it there (Plains, either with or without a stream), or I could use it on power to either upgrade an existing unit's training or buy a green quality unit of either Garrison, Guerrillas or Scouts.

A palfray or sand steed would be suitable, you may want to go the cheaper and have money to spend on shopping sprees.

If you add it to Power you don't need to immediately spend it. It takes power to hire mercenaries if your House wants to do some under handed things...
Makarios Lestat
Kolwyn, 2 posts
Master of the Hunt
Marked Retainer
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 22:10
  • msg #242

Re: Discussion & Creation

Archibald Sand:
I can work with that.  Something like 21 years ago the then young Maester Archibald had just replaced the previous and ailing Maester.

Helps usher Ashara into the world within the first year of his service to the house, and two or three years after that fixes up the young local boy who would one day grow into the house's service as Master of the Hunt.

That puts me somewhere in the early to mid 40s, now we need a few more recent timeline features.

It would need to be more recent than that as I was gored while on my first hunt. 3 years old may be a bit young for that. How about 16 or 17 years ago? Then I'd have been 6 or 7 years old. (My father was the previous master of the hunt so I would be out there that early)
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 31 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 22:18
  • msg #243

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 241):

We need money and power to get mercenaries, and I can only get one.

Should I buy a tent, or is that the sort of thing our House would provided if I go anywhere?
GM, 62 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 22:20
  • msg #244

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Ashara Kolwyn (msg # 243):

If you want a bright pink tent for yourself and your ladies in waiting you'd want to buy a pavilion. This might be good if you want to be able to slip out unnoticed to 'keep Jadis out of trouble'.

Generally I would expect that as the second-heir to the House you would be put up in suitable accommodation, possibly sharing with your sister or other noble ladies present.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 28 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 22:21
  • msg #245

Re: Character Sheets

I have a feeling that since Hassan is a metal smith, he probably made something to the equivalent of wedding rings for him and his wife. He's probably made little gifts for Ashara. And Probably made swords for his nephews when they came of age to begin training.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 32 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 23:02
  • msg #246

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 241):

Well, I suppose if I save the money I can always buy a Sand Steed later...  or have one bought for me as a gift *Bats her eyelashes at Mardax*

We'd need money and power to get mercenaries, and I can only add to one. Our land seems pretty small given out houses' power. On the other hand, I don't think having zero wealth on hand is a good idea. We don't want to end up borrowing a bunch of money from the Lannisters, that never ends well.

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 245):

Oh, that's sweet.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 29 posts
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 23:09
  • msg #247

Re: Character Sheets

I was always debating on say having a family that has Valyrian steel armor. I always thought that would be a cool heirloom.
GM, 63 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Sat 1 Mar 2014
at 23:35
  • msg #248

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Ashara Kolwyn (msg # 246):

Stick it in wealth then :D

Was just pointing out that the power doesn't need to be used right away.
GM, 105 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 01:39
  • msg #249

Re: Character Sheets

I was thinking does anyone need character sheets for retainers or anyone who will be sticking around as npcs? if so I want to have full character sheets for those and PCs. This does not include any positions in the house or hiers etc. etc.
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 14 posts
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 01:40
  • msg #250

Re: Character Sheets

Enough Valyrian steel to make even moderate metal armor is more than a cool heirloom it is an almost unprecedented fortune in a portable format and a huge target.
GM, 106 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 01:42
  • msg #251

Re: Character Sheets

Quick note I was checking sheets I noticed that not everyone has started them don't forget looking to start the opening post on Sunday night
Kaldor, 1 post
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 01:52
  • msg #252

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Caladin (msg # 249):

Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 33 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 01:55
  • msg #253

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Caladin (msg # 251):

I'm working, I'm working!
Jadis Sand
Kolwyn, 35 posts
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 01:58
  • msg #254

Re: Character Sheets

Ok, I *think* I have all the numbers and stats entered properly. I admit to guestimatig the costs but doing all the nitpicky number crunching makes me want to stab something.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 15 posts
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 02:17
  • msg #255

Re: Character Sheets

I will be doing various updates as I go.
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 25 posts
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 02:29
  • msg #256

Re: Character Sheets

Today has been a very busy/hectic day for me in RL, but I will try to wrap up Ser Godfrey's character sheet as soon as possible (including dealing with the cost of equipment and "balancing the books").
GM, 107 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 02:37
  • msg #257

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Brindal (msg # 252):

I'm in my country house and don't have full access to the web I will put up the sheet tomorrow when I get a chance
GM, 64 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 04:41
  • msg #258

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Jadis Sand (msg # 254):

Guesstimating is a crime punishable by death! All the information is there for you in the rulebook. Open an excel spread sheet, put in all the prices, one column for silver stags one for copper pennies. Use the =SUM(startcell:endcell) function and hey presto!
Kaldor, 2 posts
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 05:56
  • msg #259

Re: Character Sheets

I suck with Excel :(
GM, 65 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 06:00
  • msg #260

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Brindal (msg # 259):

I gave you the formula to use at the end, all you have to do is put numbers into lists >.<
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 16 posts
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 06:11
  • msg #261

Re: Character Sheets

I converted my Dragons to SS for ease of use.
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 15 posts
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 10:28
  • msg #262

Re: Character Sheets

I just did the math in my head, excel is for complex stuff.
GM, 66 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 11:38
  • msg #263

Re: Character Sheets

Archibald Sand:
excel is for complex stuff.

This made me cry with laughter. I'm a maths/IT guy so I use spreadsheets a lot. I guess for some people it's hard because they aren't used to it so I shouldn't judge. But like anything, once you know how life becomes so much simpler.
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 26 posts
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 11:46
  • msg #264

Re: Character Sheets

This made me cry with laughter. I'm a maths/IT guy so I use spreadsheets a lot. I guess for some people it's hard because they aren't used to it so I shouldn't judge. But like anything, once you know how life becomes so much simpler.

Well there are a lot of tricks and features (especially for the newer versions) for Excel but I am reasonably comfortable with the basic functions (summing up numbers and some basic formulas).

I will admit that I began creating PCs for RPGs on Excel several years ago, after I got tired of using up reams of paper to put things together (my first Excel PCs were from Shadowrun and between adding up Nuyen for gear and adding up Essence for Cyber... and then if I had to change the numbers... what a headache to do on paper).

There is actually a decent Excel character generator for ASOIAF out there on the net, although sadly it does not add up gear/equipment prices for you (though again if you use just a basic Excel spreadsheet, it really does make adding things up much easier and it easily allows one to make changes to the numbers with the calculations automatically updating to reflect the new data).
GM, 67 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Sun 2 Mar 2014
at 11:48
  • msg #265

Re: Character Sheets

Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe:
it really does make adding things up much easier and it easily allows one to make changes to the numbers with the calculations automatically updating to reflect the new data.

This is exactly what I mean. Anyways, gnight all.
GM, 120 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 3 Mar 2014
at 14:25
  • msg #266

Re: Character Sheets

House Kolwyn not sure if you have posted ideas for family but we will need this so I can use the right NPCs to interact with.

If you have not started who is your closest family Mother Father Brothers etc.) you should once your sheets and descriptions are done.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 32 posts
Mon 3 Mar 2014
at 22:29
  • msg #267

Re: Character Sheets

So I finally decided on my fighting style, I specialize in spears like many Dornishmen, but I favor the Trident and Net. My Trident will be flavored to look like the Claws/Talons of a Raven.
GM, 69 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Mon 3 Mar 2014
at 22:31
  • msg #268

Re: Character Sheets

Oooh that trident looks pretty in my mind. Kind of all hooked and evil looking.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 33 posts
Mon 3 Mar 2014
at 22:35
  • msg #269

Re: Character Sheets

Which is better for smiting no believers.
GM, 70 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Mon 3 Mar 2014
at 22:43
  • msg #270

Re: Character Sheets

But we shouldn't smite people! We must shun the nonbelievers... shunnnnnnnnnnn....
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 34 posts
Mon 3 Mar 2014
at 22:44
  • msg #271

Re: Character Sheets

We're not magical unicorns who steal kidneys... we're smitin' men.
GM, 71 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Mon 3 Mar 2014
at 22:56
  • msg #272

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 271):

But but but, knights are kind of like unicorns right? Horsey things with something pointy sticking out in front of them?
GM, 124 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 3 Mar 2014
at 23:39
  • msg #273

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 272):

LOL well that depends on what's doing the pointing.
GM, 126 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 3 Mar 2014
at 23:46
  • msg #274

Re: Character Sheets

For those in house Kolwyn I need a quick list of the house hold can you please list father mother brothers and sister etc asap. I would like to have some present during intros and to greet those arriving.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 38 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 02:22
  • msg #275

Re: Character Sheets

Should my status be 4 or 3, because the book contradicts it's self for landed knights.
GM, 132 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 02:27
  • msg #276

Re: Character Sheets

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 275):

Rosslington can you take a look at this for me.
GM, 73 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 02:46
  • msg #277

Re: Character Sheets

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe:
Should my status be 4 or 3, because the book contradicts it's self for landed knights.

Your status should be 3 as you are the head of your order and their influence is rather low. As your influence increases it will increase too which is nice. Or was Ser Godfrey the head? Doesn't matter either way really, you'd both start with 3.

The rulebook is confusing at the best of times, and our houserules probably don't help :P.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 40 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 02:48
  • msg #278

Re: Character Sheets

*Thumbs up*
GM, 135 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 03:08
  • msg #279

Re: Character Sheets

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe how's that description coming?
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 43 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 03:17
  • msg #280

Re: Character Sheets

Completely forgotten. On it now.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 45 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 15:26
  • msg #281

Re: Character Sheets

For those Kaldors, just so you know. My mother was lady Rowena Kaldor younger sister of the lord. Thus making his sons my direct cousins.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 46 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 15:35
  • msg #282

Re: Discussion & Creation

Also Brindal what is your position in the house?
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 28 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 16:03
  • msg #283

Re: Character Sheets

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe:
For those Kaldors, just so you know. My mother was lady Rowena Kaldor younger sister of the lord. Thus making his sons my direct cousins.

That would go for Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe as well (and for Ser Ahmed Ravenhowe) as Rowena would be Godfrey's (and Ahmed's) mother as well.

Our mother is still alive (sort of a dowager) but I imagine she remained behind at Raven's Roost (unless she came with Ser Hassan?).
Kaldor, 4 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 17:16
  • msg #284

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 282):

I am the Bodyguard of Lord Mardax.  I am always at his side.  Also, I will be putting up my description shortly.  I forgot as well..
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 29 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 18:17
  • msg #285

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 282):

I am the Bodyguard of Lord Mardax.  I am always at his side.  Also, I will be putting up my description shortly.  I forgot as well..

Sort of like a "sworn shield" (ie like the Hound's position in relation to Joffrey).

Or like Ser Pyrros's position relative to Siegfried.  ;)
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 24 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 19:13
  • msg #286

Re: Discussion & Creation

More like the Hound.  Originally, I was gonna make him an Unsullied, but... the GM's didn't want me having slaves :P
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 47 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 19:50
  • msg #287

Re: Discussion & Creation

Godfrey, you just asked who our cousin is bro.
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 31 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 19:53
  • msg #288

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe:
Godfrey, you just asked who our cousin is bro.

Just because he's our cousin does not mean we have actually met him... or possibly we met him many years ago when he (and Godfrey) were still young.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 48 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 19:54
  • msg #289

Re: Discussion & Creation

Fair enough.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 26 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 19:55
  • msg #290

Re: Discussion & Creation

See, here I thought it was him nodding his head to Hassan, and was asking me for my name...
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 32 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 19:59
  • msg #291

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe:
Fair enough.

Or maybe Ser Godfrey got hit on the head harder by a bandit than he realized!?  ;)

But in all honesty, I was actually thinking that perhaps Godfrey (and perhaps Hassan as well) have either not seen Mardax before or it has been many years (back when they were still kids).

I suppose I should have asked first here in the OOC.

As an alternative... maybe Hassan has met Mardax before (perhaps even recently) but the last time Godfrey may have met Mardax was when Godfrey was till a very young boy (I think Mardax is younger than Godfrey).  Thus while Hassan may recognize our cousin, Godfrey would not.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 27 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:00
  • msg #292

Re: Discussion & Creation

Never realized I was your guys cousin....

How are we related?
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 33 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:01
  • msg #293

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mardax Kaldor:
See, here I thought it was him nodding his head to Hassan, and was asking me for my name...

You got that right, I was nodding to Hassan (acknowledging him as the "Knight of Raven's Roost") and then asking Mardax for his name (because Godfrey does recognize Mardax, it having been so long since he last saw his cousin).
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 50 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:01
  • msg #294

Re: Discussion & Creation

Our mother, is your father's sister, 1st cousins.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 28 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:03
  • msg #295

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hey, that's news to me.  I wasn't aware.  Here I thought you were related to House Kolwyn through marriage.

I am all kinds of confused :(
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 34 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:03
  • msg #296

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mardax Kaldor:
Never realized I was your guys cousin....

How are we related?

No problem... it is something we developed with the GMs nod but it was an oversight of mine not to have mentioned it earlier.

The Mother (still alive) of Ser Hassan & Ser Godfrey (and Ser Ahmed) is the younger sister of Lord Kaldor.  So technically our mother is your aunt (thus making Mardax a 1st cousin to the 3 Ravenhowe brothers).

Our mother is Lady Rowena Ravenhowe nee Kaldor (so born Lady Rowena Kaldor).
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 35 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:04
  • msg #297

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mardax Kaldor:
Hey, that's news to me.  I wasn't aware.  Here I thought you were related to House Kolwyn through marriage.

I am all kinds of confused :(

We're both... Our Mother is a former Kaldor.

Hassan's Wife is a former Kolwyn (she is a younger sister of Lord Kolwyn, thus making her Ashara's aunt and technically making Hassan Ashara's uncle).
This message was last edited by the player at 20:06, Tue 04 Mar 2014.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 29 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:06
  • msg #298

Re: Discussion & Creation

Yep, totally was not aware.  Thanks for the clarification.

Now I need to somewhat change how I act to you guys :P

And I see.  So, Hassan is currently married to Kolwyn, where as your Mother is my Aunt.  Ok.  That is coming together.

I should try to write up a history of my house and post it.  Just haven't had the time.  Ill try to have one up by the weekend.
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 36 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:12
  • msg #299

Re: Discussion & Creation

Sorry about the confusion Mardax.  The "our mother was a Kaldor" is something that just kind of evolved/developed in the House Ravenhowe PM (and the GMs did approve the idea).

But it slipped my mind that we really should have mentioned it to you as well (I do apologize, for some reason I thought you knew or maybe that the GMs had mentioned it to you).

I hope you don't feel we're stepping on your toes, we just thought it would be interesting to have a connection to House Kaldor.

I suppose I should also take this time to mention (and I was going to mention it IC in my next Godfrey post) that 1 of the members of the Raven's Claws is also a cousin to Mardax (he's actually a Kaldor):

Knight's of the "Raven's Claws"

 5) Ser Armand Kaldor (nephew of Lord Kaldor, nephew of Godfrey's mother Lady Rowena Ravenhowe nee Kaldor)

I'm thinking Armand is a 2nd or 3rd son of one of Mardax's uncles (younger brother of Lord Kaldor).
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 30 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:41
  • msg #300

Re: Discussion & Creation

If it was put up here, then I missed it and it was my fault.

And no harm done.  I think it is pretty cool.  Makes me less of an outsider, even though based on the map, I am way far away from you guys.
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 37 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:50
  • msg #301

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mardax Kaldor:
If it was put up here, then I missed it and it was my fault.

And no harm done.  I think it is pretty cool.  Makes me less of an outsider, even though based on the map, I am way far away from you guys.

Cool, I realize we ended up springing this on you by surprise (not our intention) but I do think it will make for some interesting RP connections.

As for the distance, that would actually go a long way to explaining why perhaps we have not met more regularly before now.

Speaking of which... how old is Mardax?  Godfrey is 28.

I hope to get a new IC post up for Godfrey later today (may have to wait until I get home from work).
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 31 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 20:54
  • msg #302

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mardax is 25.  Brindal is 31.

True, that could explain it.  I had worked with Ashara to have met her at a feast one time a few years ago.

Oh, as I said, no harm done.  I am sitting here thinking... of plans.  What happens if two heirs Marry?  DO the houses join, do they split their time between the houses?
GM, 75 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 22:13
  • msg #303

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 302):

It's a tricky thing because we're in Dorne and an heir can be female. It isn't something that generally happens as marrying heir to heir isn't generally advantageous. Typically either the larger house absorbs to Smaller House or the lesser House passes to a second heir so that it doesn't get 'wiped out' so to speak. If it were to be a scenario here I would have Calidan make the call.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 51 posts
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 22:18
  • msg #304

Re: Discussion & Creation

Marrying Heirs is almost unheard of in ASOIAF.
GM, 76 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 22:30
  • msg #305

Re: Discussion & Creation

Yes, though I can think of a few situations where it could happen.

The lord of a powerful house marries his son/daughter to the last heir of a lesser House instead of taking to the battlefield to conquer it. The lesser House accepts because they have no hope of succeeding in all out war. This pleases people at court because no blood was shed and the problem was solved 'peacefully'.

Likewise a landed knight might marry the female heir to a lesser House so his Family holdings become a part of the House's territory.

I don't see it being something that pops up in this campaign, at least not any time soon.

Edit: I really need more sleep. My spelling and grammar is terribad today.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:49, Tue 04 Mar 2014.
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 38 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 22:32
  • msg #306

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe:
Marrying Heirs is almost unheard of in ASOIAF.

Well I would think this scenario would be a distinctly Dornish problem in any case since Dorne is the only region where a legit female can be Heir.

As for what happens in Dorne, probably depends on which House is more powerful, I could see the 2nd child of the Lesser House becoming the new Heir (perhaps the Heir willing to be subsumed by her or his spouse's House willingly abdicates?).
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 45 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 23:03
  • msg #307

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe (msg # 306):

In the rest of the Seven Kingdoms a girl can be heir if a Lord or King has no sons; Stannis' is Shireen, for example.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:04, Tue 04 Mar 2014.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 33 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 23:13
  • msg #308

Re: Discussion & Creation

I was just curious because we are in Dorne.  I don't really expect it to come up since none of us are Heirs.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 36 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 23:48
  • msg #309

Re: Discussion & Creation

And I just realized... I am going to be offended at Dinner...
Makarios Lestat
Kolwyn, 13 posts
Master of the Hunt
Marked Retainer
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 23:49
  • msg #310

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 309):

Why would that be?
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 37 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Tue 4 Mar 2014
at 23:51
  • msg #311

Re: Discussion & Creation

Im Haughty.  If Jadis Sand is seated at the table.... she is a bastard, and so... her presence will offend me.
Makarios Lestat
Kolwyn, 14 posts
Master of the Hunt
Marked Retainer
Wed 5 Mar 2014
at 00:04
  • msg #312

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 311):

I thought Haughty only applied for people of a lower status than you. You're both status 3.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:04, Wed 05 Mar 2014.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 38 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Wed 5 Mar 2014
at 00:09
  • msg #313

Re: Discussion & Creation

You take a –1D on all Awareness tests involving Empathy. When dealing with someone beneath your station or who breaches proper conduct (such as a woman in armor, a bastard, and so on), your starting disposition must be Dislike or worse.

So, even at the same Status, I am a proper born.  She is a bastard.  To be considered equal would be a breech of proper conduct.  I don't think the women thing applies... we are Dornish.  I only made the exception for my bodyguard.. cause he is my bodyguard.  But, I would just as easily have him stand behind me the whole meal, then have him sit at the same table.

On that note, what would be a few other things that might effect that?
GM, 77 posts
Mechanical Co-GM
Boop Beep Boop
Wed 5 Mar 2014
at 00:14
  • msg #314

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 313):

Bastards aren't as poorly looked upon in Dorne either so I'd say you'd have the choice to be offended by bastards or not and then just stick to your guns.
GM, 143 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 5 Mar 2014
at 01:04
  • msg #315

Re: Discussion & Creation

But it slipped my mind that we really should have mentioned it to you as well (I do apologize, for some reason I thought you knew or maybe that the GMs had mentioned it to you).

Yup I did not because I was waiting for the list from each thinking they all agreed and know.

My error :(
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:05, Wed 05 Mar 2014.
GM, 144 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 5 Mar 2014
at 01:07
  • msg #316

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 300):

If it was put up here, then I missed it and it was my fault.

 And no harm done.  I think it is pretty cool.  Makes me less of an outsider, even though based on the map, I am way far away from you guys.

Yes it does make you far away but there are reason for this and there are other reason DM knowledge for the distance.
GM, 145 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 5 Mar 2014
at 01:10
  • msg #317

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rosslington (msg # 303):

It's a tricky thing because we're in Dorne and an heir can be female. It isn't something that generally happens as marrying heir to heir isn't generally advantageous. Typically either the larger house absorbs to Smaller House or the lesser House passes to a second heir so that it doesn't get 'wiped out' so to speak. If it were to be a scenario here I would have Calidan make the call.

There are 2 reason for the above not to happen 'True Love' and the heir release the title and slides into the other house. Another good reason for the distance being the land and holding are so far away the main larger house couldn't possibly defend that great distance.
GM, 241 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 2 May 2014
at 01:36
  • msg #318

Re: Discussion & Creation

This thread is to discussion characters and start creation on your character. All players are asked to help with any new player joining us. Players should not discuss the setting in detail or the current campaign unless its directly part of the creation process.

Once a firm decision is made on a character it should be moved to the character sheet. I will need the name chosen so I can give you the rest of the access of RPoL's wonderful hosting tools available to us here.

I have a HTML sheet that will be used. If you are not familiar with this I can simply do this for you (when done with your creation) and also help show you how to use HTML. Once this is done it will become finial for the duration of the character.


The character you create most be able to join the group as a whole or in some way. At some point players may choice to venture off for a solo or separate into more then one group. This is completely OK.

Evil for now will be defined as characters with social disorders that they can not control their actions or loyal servants of some type to darkness or the underworld.

I understand this is a tuff topic so we can use the open discuss thread to work on this more and I will change this post to reflex the same.

This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 01:36, Fri 02 May 2014.
player, 1 post
Fri 2 May 2014
at 03:08
  • msg #319

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hi guys, one of the new players here.  Looking forward to gaming with you all.

Now, to the other new player(/s), are you interested in working up a new house north of Dorne to allow our GM's to flex their story-telling muscles or do you want us to just add a few chapters to the current stories?
player, 1 post
Fri 2 May 2014
at 03:12
  • msg #320

Re: Discussion & Creation


I'm open to either. Opening up a new house and storyline north of Dorne would work better if there's at least three or four players.
player, 2 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 03:22
  • msg #321

Re: Discussion & Creation

Well mate, from a look at the cast, it appears there may be one or two other new players (or perhaps they will be adding a few more).  Would you like to discuss the possibility of creating a new house and IF it is decided that we end up with not enough players to fill it, we can always create characters for the current story arcs?!

If we do create a new house, where would you like to place the house (perhaps a few comments on why you'd prefer that) OR, is there a particular region that you do not want to explore?  I am pretty much open to any area although I'd consider the North slightly more than others.  Not for the usual reasons people might have but because I have an interesting character concept that could fit in that area.

Also, what role in the new house do you think you'd prefer to play?  My initial concept (which can be adapted to almost any region) is either a bastard or low-born character who gets noticed at a young age and raised within the family holdings.  It is a loose concept which can allow me to adapt skills and such based on everyone else's roles.
GM, 245 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 2 May 2014
at 03:23
  • msg #322

Re: Discussion & Creation

Well the good news is we have 4 in less then 12 hrs and I was looking for about 6-8 players and if you guys & gals come from north of Dorne then maybe I will need another CO-DM.

Remember there is the Stormlands, The Reach etc. when I say the north it doesn't have to be 'The North'
GM, 246 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 2 May 2014
at 03:25
  • msg #323

Re: Discussion & Creation

Don't forget to read up on the events so far.

the setting starts; Year 169 after Aegon's Landing

Prince Daeron Targaryen with Princess Myriah Martell.

To bring Dorne under the rule of House Targaryen, King Baelor the Blessed has arranged the marriage of his cousin Prince Daeron to Princess Myriah Martell of Dorne. As part of a dual marriage his own sister will wed the reigning Prince of Dorne. All the houses Martell and Targaryen have been invited to Kings Landing, for what will be the greatest celebration of all times.

for more see below;
link to a message in this game
player, 1 post
Fri 2 May 2014
at 03:48
  • msg #324

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hello, I'm also a new player!

The character concept I'm working on now is a scheming Pyke bastard, I haven't worked out much else about her at this point as I'd like to see how best to fit her in.

I'd be happy to play in a Dornish house, or one from `north'. Would a house of The Reach or Stormlands be less difficult to manage perhaps?
GM, 248 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 2 May 2014
at 03:52
  • msg #325

Re: Discussion & Creation

This is completely up you - if we get a few more new players tomorrow then I will allow for up to 2 houses to be made but they need to come from the same region.

Keep in mind we have a house rule your 1st character can not be the head of the house or the 1st born (this include the ladies).
player, 2 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 07:42
  • msg #326

Re: Discussion & Creation

What if lesser houses were being encouraged to intermarry with the Dornish, following the lead of the Targaryen and the Dornish? Some Stormlands and/or Reach houses particularly, though they may seek to offer second sons/daughters by preference.

It gives houses from different regions a reason to be allied, but due to the fresh wounds of war, it might make for some very interesting roleplaying!

What do people think about that as an option? I'd be happy to play such a daughter.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 84 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Fri 2 May 2014
at 08:30
  • msg #327

Re: Discussion & Creation

My character is currently on the prowl for a wife.
player, 3 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 09:40
  • msg #328

Re: Discussion & Creation

Well, that could work!
GM, 249 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 2 May 2014
at 11:59
  • msg #329

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to mellieb (msg # 326):

Excellent idea ash it over with the others if that's the route you all (most) agree too. We can work with that, also some houses have gaps so that there is way to weave a story to join houses by marriages and the like.
GM, 250 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 2 May 2014
at 12:00
  • msg #330

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 327):

You are such a slut - LOL JK :)

Where's your pimp, ...?
player, 4 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 13:29
  • msg #331

Re: Discussion & Creation

Huzzah, tacit GM approval! :)

I'd lean more towards The Reach as a region personally.
GM, 251 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 2 May 2014
at 14:14
  • msg #332

Re: Discussion & Creation

OK so Character Sheets are up and if you have trouble or not used to using graphs for PC sheet let me know I can help you.

The count is 5 new players so its one new house or join an existing house.

I can open up for a few more players but that will be up to the group as a whole (both original and new players). If everyone is on board for maybe 2 new houses then I will turn the Request for Players back on.

AS a little mental note new houses can create enemies and houses that stand against them, this includes the story why they are against/enemies as part of your houses background and character background. This is the part of the game that's almost like free forum. My CO-GM and I do have finial approval and will edit.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:22, Fri 02 May 2014.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 117 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Fri 2 May 2014
at 14:25
  • msg #333

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mardax Kaldor (msg # 327):

GM, 252 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 2 May 2014
at 14:27
  • msg #334

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ashara Kolwyn (msg # 333):

Don't worry if he doesn't see your value then toss him and find another its Dorne and woman don't need men :)
player, 2 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 17:43
  • msg #335

Re: Discussion & Creation


I'd be fine coming from The Reach.

Basic concept for my character:

Wallace Justman is a hedge knight and Bravosi Swordsman. Third son of a now defunct house - he and his mother fled their house's destruction after the liege they'd pledged their banner to started a small scale war.

He returned from across the Narrow Sea about three years ago, seeking to find service as a sworn sword with a house, hopefully to find his way back to knighthood, and perhaps even to the glory required to found a new house.

Everyone reading along, any thoughts, suggestions or questions?
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 85 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Fri 2 May 2014
at 17:46
  • msg #336

Re: Discussion & Creation

Awww don't cry Ashara.  Your still my first choice and if there gonna be reach girls, roses don't last long in the desert, and they are probably too high maintinence for me anyway
player, 1 post
Fri 2 May 2014
at 20:01
  • msg #337

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hey, guys. Another new player. The character I first pitched was a knight from the reach, so I would love to be involved with a house starting there. Also, the idea of "strongly suggested" intermarriage with the Dornish definitely seems like something a decent king/council would come up with.
player, 3 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 21:20
  • msg #338

Re: Discussion & Creation

Well, if we're going to create a house, then who actually wants to be core members of the house, ie family versus retainer.  I know my initial concept was more of a retainer but we can't all be just retainers.
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 37 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 22:07
  • msg #339

Re: Discussion & Creation

It is also possible that if most want to play retainers that only a small group or even single individual from an actual house be sent here for some reason with a few retainers and any extra retainers could join one of the existing houses, which are fairly lord or lodlike heavy at the moment.
player, 3 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 22:48
  • msg #340

Re: Discussion & Creation

My initial concept works best as a retainer. Kind of a Knight Errant / sworn sword concept.

Given the historical animosity between The Reach and Dorne, and given we're playing during an era when Dorne comes under the rule of the Iron Throne, the idea of a houses in the Reach and in Dorne are cross-pollinating to secure their standing and future makes a ton of sense.

Even if only one player wants to be officially from a house, there's no reason all of us new players can't be retainers to that house, and all of us sent south to Dorne (if the groups need to meet, or the action is best found in Dorne).

It's also possible that a house in the Reach could be used to generate a new set of stories for the new group, intertwined when the Dornish group comes north towards Kings Landing.

Lots of good options.
player, 1 post
Fri 2 May 2014
at 22:55
  • msg #341

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hey everyone.
I would like to play a core member of the House. My initial concept was that of the Lord's daughter (or one of them, if mellieb would also want to play a daughter). As a lady north of Dorne, she's little more than a political pawn in her family's game. She appears to be everything a proper lady from Westeros should be (beautiful, courteous and obedient), but she's not without ambition. She'll definitely share some characteristics with Margaery Tyrell from the books and TV show.
player, 5 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 22:56
  • msg #342

Re: Discussion & Creation

I think Mr. Sand & Merryweather are onto something there.

I'm just going to start throwing House ideas out there, totally open to change but it gives us a starting point.


House Garland
Realm: The Reach
Liege Lord: Lord Tyrell of Highgarden
Location: North-west of the Princes' Pass, south of Cider Hall
Home: Poppy Hall

House Crest: Wreath of red poppies upon a green field.
House Words: `Never forget'

The wealth of House Garland comes predominantly from its cultivation of herbs and flowers, particularly the poppy that adorns their crest. It is common for prospective maesters researching for their medicine or poisons links to spend time at Poppy Hall, due to the ready availability of raw materials.

Lord Ascar Garland is known as a welcoming and honorable host, and was a lynchpin in supporting the Targaryen's attempted conquests of Dorne. Poppy Hall itself had served as a hospital for many soldiers wounded at the Dornish front, with a number choosing to stay on with the house out of gratitude.

NC Lord Ascar Garland, head of house
NC Lady Garland (maybe a Tyrell or Tarly or other?)
NC Ranner Garland, house heir
PC  Garland, fourth heir (Pingo85)
PC Pella Garland, fifth heir (mellieb)
NC Aegor Garland, second heir
NC Olivar Garland, third heir


(names chosen arbitrarily, if someone wants to be part of the family, we just slot you in)
This message was last edited by the player at 23:14, Fri 02 May 2014.
player, 6 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 22:57
  • msg #343

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Pingo85 (msg # 341):

Oh good, that works, because I picture my character as being a slightly younger pain in the neck! :)
player, 4 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:01
  • msg #344

Re: Discussion & Creation

I am ok with about 95% of what you wrote only issue is the house name.  I live near Garland, Tx and I severely dislike the city and I'm not sure I'd enjoy logging in to a game each day to see that name! LOL  I know maybe not the best of reasons but there it is! :-D
player, 7 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:07
  • msg #345

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to shryke (msg # 344):

How about `Garlett'?
player, 4 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:21
  • msg #346

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to mellieb (msg # 342):

I'm good with this detail.

I don't have anything against Garland, and I don't want a fellow player to hate it - so let's come up with something better.

"Garlett" is one option

Here are a handful of others


I'm happy no matter what the name, as long as none of the other players in the new group object.
player, 5 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:24
  • msg #347

Re: Discussion & Creation

Opiate (LOL, just kidding but I had to since we have poppies as our "medicinal" drug of choice)

Pretty much open to all the options voiced so far.
player, 8 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:26
  • msg #348

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Merryweather194 (msg # 346):

My only objection to those is that `bough' and `grove' more imply trees, and I like the idea that this house's ancestral home is traditionally a more open area. Something `field' or something `vale' might be better?

Ashfield, Scarvale, Greenfield, etc.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:26, Fri 02 May 2014.
player, 2 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:26
  • msg #349

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to mellieb (msg # 342):

Sounds good to me :)

Initial PC concepts:
Shryke: A bastard or low-born who got noticed at a young age and raised within the family's holding.
Mellieb (Pella Garlett?): The Lord's youngest daughter. Can be a pain in the neck (rebellious troublemaker?).
Merryweather194 (Wallace Justman): A hedge knight and Bravosi Swordsman from a defunct House. Returned from across the Narrow Sea about three years ago and now works as a sworn sword.
Brodencrantz: A knight from the Reach.
Pingo85: The Lord's oldest daughter. A proper lady (beautiful, courteous and obedient), but also ambitious.
Bluehairedgirl: Unknown.
player, 3 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:33
  • msg #350

Re: Discussion & Creation

All of the names mentioned above works for me. Like Merryweather194, I'm happy with whatever, as long as none of the players object to the name.
player, 5 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:37
  • msg #351

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to mellieb (msg # 348):

Got it. I like all of the 'field' related ones you posit.

I think my favorite is Ashfield. All of them will work.

In reply to Pingo85 (msg # 349):

Thanks for the character concept recap.

In terms of 'roles', do we need a balanced mix?

Wallace's role is Fighter
player, 9 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:45
  • msg #352

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Merryweather194 (msg # 351):

Ashfield is fine by me, I'm guessing Poppy Hall has been at the heart of many wars in the past.

The way this is shaping up, Pella is probably going to be an Expert, specialised in healing (treating injured soldiers), probably with the Miracle Worker benefit. Spending so much time with injured northern soldiers would give her some extremely negative views on Dornish soldiers and their perversions. :D
player, 4 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:50
  • msg #353

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Merryweather194 (msg # 351):

You're welcome, Merryweather194 :)

Ashfield definitely works for me.

My character's role would be Schemer. So far it looks like we'll be getting a good and balanced mix.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 90 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:51
  • msg #354

Re: Discussion & Creation

Don't knock em til you try em love
player, 10 posts
Fri 2 May 2014
at 23:52
  • msg #355

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 354):

Ooer! :D
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 81 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Sat 3 May 2014
at 00:33
  • msg #356

Re: Discussion & Creation

Dornish soldiers and their perversions. :D

Perversions!?  You don't see us Dornish constantly invading the lands of other realms trying to force their people into abject submission with sword and the flame of dragon fire!

We Dornish live free and we enjoy our freedom... it is hardly our fault if those north of Dorne are too cold blooded or too uptight to enjoy life to its fullest.  ;)

EDIT: But on a more serious note... I believe the last invasion of Dorne was in 162 AL (7 years ago IC)... it might be interesting if some of the Reach people were involved (if they're old enough).  Both Ser Godfrey and Ser Hassan were very much involved in the fighting (and repelling of the invading would-be conquerors).
This message was last edited by the player at 00:36, Sat 03 May 2014.
player, 2 posts
Sat 3 May 2014
at 01:38
  • msg #357

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ooooh! I call dibs on the grizzled, but idealistic old knight coming back to Dorne to protect the daughters of our Lord.
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 38 posts
Sat 3 May 2014
at 02:15
  • msg #358

Re: Discussion & Creation

If you are inclined to go with old enough to have been in The Lord's service since before the birth of said daughters then you may even be a contemporary of their Maester, I imagine we could cook up some crazy stories about the old days if that is how things play out.
player, 11 posts
Ashfield of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Sat 3 May 2014
at 02:17
  • msg #359

Re: Discussion & Creation

Grizzled old knights are the best knights!
GM, 259 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 5 May 2014
at 02:25
  • msg #360

Re: Discussion & Creation

so it looks like you guys and gals are good with House Ashland

Realm: The Reach
Liege Lord: Lord Tyrell of Highgarden
Location: North-west of the Princes' Pass, south of Cider Hall
Home: Poppy Hall

House Crest: Wreath of red poppies upon a green field.
House Words: `Never forget'

The wealth of House Garland comes predominantly from its cultivation of herbs and flowers, particularly the poppy that adorns their crest. It is common for prospective maesters researching for their medicine or poisons links to spend time at Poppy Hall, due to the ready availability of raw materials.

Lord Ascar Garland is known as a welcoming and honorable host, and was a lynchpin in supporting the Targaryen's attempted conquests of Dorne. Poppy Hall itself had served as a hospital for many soldiers wounded at the Dornish front, with a number choosing to stay on with the house out of gratitude.

NC Lord Ascar Garland, head of house
NC Lady  (maybe a Tyrell or Tarly or other?)
NC Ranner , house heir

I noticed that players start at 4 and 5 heir, ** Player are permitted to be 2nd heir etc.

NC Aegor , second heir
NC Olivar Garland, third heir
PC  , fourth heir (Pingo85)
PC Pella , fifth heir (mellieb)

Need confirmation on house name and first names to update your profiles
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:26, Mon 05 May 2014.
player, 13 posts
Ashfield of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Mon 5 May 2014
at 10:51
  • msg #361

Re: Discussion & Creation

House Ashfield, not Ashland :)

Pella Ashfield will be my character
player, 8 posts
straight as an arrow
quick as a fox
Mon 5 May 2014
at 12:25
  • msg #362

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'll be Wallace Justman, in service to house Ashfield as a sworn sword.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 91 posts
Mon 5 May 2014
at 12:35
  • msg #363

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to mellieb (msg # 359):

How do you feel about zealous, religious old grizzled knights?
GM, 270 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 5 May 2014
at 13:27
  • msg #364

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Pella Ashfield (msg # 361):

Looked over your sheet I notice you put second daughter,

To put on the charts does this mean 2nd in line or the '2nd daughter born' but maybe further in line of heirs.
Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 14 posts
Ashfield of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Mon 5 May 2014
at 20:44
  • msg #365

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 363):

If they drink, swear and tell good stories, they are also fine!
GM, 275 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 5 May 2014
at 20:50
  • msg #366

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Pella Ashfield (msg # 365):

Its Cinco de Mayo its a drinking day :)

I go with the drinking for now. then the other stuff after. LOL

!@#$%^& sorry this should have been in chit chat :)
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:51, Mon 05 May 2014.
Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 15 posts
Ashfield of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Mon 5 May 2014
at 20:52
  • msg #367

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 364):

Yes, correct - 2nd daughter but 5th in line in terms of heirs.

If its simpler, its no skin off my nose to lose the redundand NPC brothers and go to 3rd in line (Pingo85 as 2nd, NPC boy as 1st)
GM, 277 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 5 May 2014
at 21:01
  • msg #368

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Pella Ashfield (msg # 367):

No that fine hell you can be 12 in line and 6th daughter, the house can be as big as you like.

I just wanted to add you to the chart in your house & lands thread.

Also I am weaving the story for your intros :)
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 9 posts
straight as an arrow
quick as a fox
Mon 5 May 2014
at 21:27
  • msg #369

Re: Discussion & Creation


I can't seem to reply to the PM threads appropriately.

So, I'm posting the results of my house history rolls:


Here's the results of the house history rolls.

It's a very old house.

Here are the historical events



Note, we each of us get to add +1d6 to the house holding state of our choosing. Law, Population and Wealth are woefully low. I choose to add my +1D6 to wealth.

We need a story around these events - as Wallace is a recent addition as a sworn sword, I think those who are actual members of the household should chime in first.
GM, 278 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 5 May 2014
at 21:32
  • msg #370

Re: Discussion & Creation

In addition to Wallace Justman I would need your character names so I can update your profile to reflect the same and add you to the grouping as part of House Ashfield.

Once the house is created I will create a thread that just for your house to keep information about the house and detail stories events that may not be commonly known - but known with the family. This is group D
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:33, Mon 05 May 2014.
player, 5 posts
Mon 5 May 2014
at 22:05
  • msg #371

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Wallace Justman (msg # 369):

Hey Wallace. I think you forgot to add the modifiers for starting in The Reach.

Starting Realm (The Reach) modifiers:
- 5 Defense
+ 10 Influence
- 5 Law
+ 5 Population
+ 5 Wealth

House stats (before the d6 from every House member):
Defense 20
Influence 52
Lands 32
Law 9
Population 16
Power 32
Wealth 22
player, 6 posts
Mon 5 May 2014
at 22:06
  • msg #372

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 370):

Name: Alianna Ashfield
Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 17 posts
Ashfield of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Mon 5 May 2014
at 22:20
  • msg #373

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'm happy to have a go at putting together a House history for people to play with; I really love that we've got a Villain to work with!

Villain, Revolt, Victory, Decline - sounds like we won the war but lost the battle!
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 10 posts
straight as an arrow
quick as a fox
Mon 5 May 2014
at 22:33
  • msg #374

Re: Discussion & Creation

Pingo85: thanks for the catch!

Pella: yes, have a go.
player, 3 posts
Tue 6 May 2014
at 00:43
  • msg #375

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'll by Dyllan Redbrush, sworn sword. Putting my 1d6 towards power.
GM, 283 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 6 May 2014
at 03:32
  • msg #376

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Pingo85 (msg # 372):

Your name is updated and you can fill in your sheet as well as your PC Description
GM, 284 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 6 May 2014
at 03:35
  • msg #377

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Brodencrantz (msg # 375):

Your name is updated and your sheet is ready to fill in as well as Description
GM, 285 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 6 May 2014
at 03:38
  • msg #378

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Wallace Justman (msg # 369):

I had the same issue. I also like to try to keep PMs limited to one per player or character so not to over load the PMs - it gets really easy to mix stuff up.

So each player should use the access request PMs to speak to me when needed by PM or use the private or secret line in a thread to relay message in OOC and the like.
GM, 286 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 6 May 2014
at 03:39
  • msg #379

Re: Discussion & Creation

Bluehairedgirl how are things working out?
Dyllan Redbrush
Ashfield, 4 posts
Tue 6 May 2014
at 03:43
  • msg #380

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'll do some thinking tomorrow and get a sheet put up tomorrow evening.
Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 18 posts
Ashfield of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Tue 6 May 2014
at 12:11
  • msg #381

Re: Discussion & Creation

OK, here's what I've put together for the house to play with.


Ascar the Wise and his Andal kin formed a settlement on the edge of the Dearwood in the central Reach. Ascar's settlement traded with the Children of the Forest that lived within the Dearwood, and the First Men that claimed the scrub around it, becoming a centre of trade for furs, weapons and other valuable commodities on their way to the heart of Westeros. (Ascent)

For generations, Ascar's settlement suffered from constant banditry and brutal moonlit attacks to wrest the settlement from its Andal ruler. Upon his ascent to lordship of the settlement, Garren the Grim inspired his Andal brethren of the eastern Reach to gather and cleanse the lands of the unruly natives. However, rather than fight the Children and First Men in open warfare, Garren directed his forces to create a broad front and systematically burn the entirety of the Dearwood to the ground, working from east to west, with the Andal forces under his command directed to murder any man, woman or child that tried to escape their fiery fate.

At the heart of the now scorched and tortured fields, Garren hacked down the charred remnants of a huge heart tree (now the ruin known as Old Stump), and declared himself Garren of the Ashfield, celebrating the death of the Dearwood, and warning that none would hide from the wrath of the Andals again. (Villain)

A few years after the Charring, a poisoner murdered Garren the Grim, leaving his teenage son Ranner to rule the Ashfield. Within months, a host of the First Men gathered and razed the settlement as its Andal inhabitants fled. (Revolt)

Older and stronger, Ranner the Rider returned with a year with a host of cavalry lured from nearby regions of the Reach to scour the First Men from the Ashfield forever. The First Men had once been convinced that Garren the Grim had only defeated them through dishonorable tactics, but Ranner the Rider showed them the superiority of honorable Andal tactics. The Riders manipulated their prey; herding them into ever more compromising positions until the few rundown survivors were cornered and slaughtered in the Bloody Valley. Poppy Hall now overlooks this famous battleground. (Victory)

The natural and ethnic diversity of the area now diminished, House Ashfield suffered as a centre of trade, now being just another Andal settlement surrounded by fields in a kingdom of Andals surrounded by fields. The Lords of the Ashfield in this time ate well and achieved little. (Decline)

With the arrival of the Rhoynar in Dorne, House Ashfield's relative proximity to the Princes Path saw it become a more significant centre of trade between north and south. Lord Ascar VII sensed a great opportunity, and dedicated a significant part of House Ashfield's holdings to the growth of herbs and plants essential to the healing arts, adopting the poppy as House Ashfield's formal emblem, and pioneering the trade that his house is best known for today. (Ascent)

Having heard rumours from the east of Westerosi being brought under the thumb of invaders by dragonfire, Sarian the Heavy, a keen student of history, saw in the invading Targaryen forces a similarity to the origins of his own house - a dominance forged by the cleansing presence of flame. Despite all assurances given by Sarian to King Mern IX of the Reach, Ashfield forces were mysteriously absent from the event that came to be known as the Field of Fire. (Treachery)

Having retained the majority of their forces at a time when many Reach lords has been left decimated, House Ashfield rose significantly in prominence within the Reach, becoming a key part in House Tyrell's enforcement of Targaryen dominance and extending their lands, though at the cost of losing some significant portion of their forces to aid the Dragon Kings in their conquest of Westeros & Dorne. (Ascent)



* House Ashfield is traditionally cunning and ruthless, and is very good at being on the winning side.
* They often consider deceit on the part of their opponents to be an open invitation to act dishonorably in return.
* Ashfield lords tend to be passionate speakers, capable of commanding fierce loyalty from their allies.
* Followers of the Old Gods are rarely trusted at Poppy Hall.
* Criminals found guilty of particularly dishonorable acts are executed on the pyre by immolation, and their ashes scattered in the fields.
* Since the marriage treaty of the Targaryens and Martells, former soldiers have begun to resort to banditry on Ashfield lands rather than return to their homes.



Old Stump
Plains +5
Grassland +1
Ruin +3 - `Old Stump'

Once a heart tree at the centre of the Dearwood, the blackened `Old Stump' remains to this day, as do the knotted remains of other felled trees around it. It is common for smallfolk of Ashfield lands to take their lovers to `see the stump', though few venture as far as the ruin itself, settling for stumps of other kinds.

The Bloody Valley
Plains +5
Grassland +1
Stream +1
Hamlet +10 - `Ashfield Town'
Road +5

On the crest above the Bloody Valley stands Poppy Hall, the home of House Ashfield. The Redpass, a road linking the Highgarden road to the Princes Path, runs alongside the hall; the hamlet and market of Ashfield Town stands opposite the hall.


That's enough from me for now. Thoughts? Comments? Contributions?

Also if its OK with everyone, I'd like to change the house words to `None Shall Hide', referring to Garren the Grim's purge of the Dearwood.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:19, Tue 06 May 2014.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 11 posts
straight as an arrow
quick as a fox
Tue 6 May 2014
at 12:22
  • msg #382

Re: Discussion & Creation

I love the history.

Should you post that in the thread the Narrator set up for discussion of our House?
Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 19 posts
Ashfield of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Tue 6 May 2014
at 12:25
  • msg #383

Re: Discussion & Creation

Thanks! :)

I'd like to get some feedback/agreement/buy-in first
GM, 296 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 6 May 2014
at 12:56
  • msg #384

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Pella Ashfield (msg # 383):

The story is very good.

Do you think we can put some dates to the vents and then I will add them to our charts.

Also when I read it its sounds like all the events seem to be with in 2 or 3 generations, I think with the dates it will read better for newbie and myself.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 12 posts
straight as an arrow
quick as a fox
Tue 6 May 2014
at 12:57
  • msg #385

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'm bought in.

I think adding a paragraph about the recent banditry makes sense. If I get time today, I'll work on that.

Also, we have 7 dice to distribute to the house stats. We have one for Power, I originally dedicated mine to wealth.

Power, at 32, could allow us to have some significant military units already, frankly.

And, the wealth where it is now can get us a couple of decent holdings to build additional wealth.

I would strongly urge putting at least a couple of dice into Law, and then maybe the rest into defense?
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 13 posts
straight as an arrow
quick as a fox
Tue 6 May 2014
at 18:41
  • msg #386

Re: Discussion & Creation

I added dates to the story.

~ca 1200
Ascar the Wise and his Andal kin formed a settlement on the edge of the Dearwood in the central Reach. Ascar's settlement traded with the Children of the Forest that lived within the Dearwood, and the First Men that claimed the scrub around it, becoming a centre of trade for furs, weapons and other valuable commodities on their way to the heart of Westeros. (Ascent)

~ca 900
For generations, Ascar's settlement suffered from constant banditry and brutal moonlit attacks to wrest the settlement from its Andal ruler. Upon his ascent to lordship of the settlement, Garren the Grim inspired his Andal brethren of the eastern Reach to gather and cleanse the lands of the unruly natives. However, rather than fight the Children and First Men in open warfare, Garren directed his forces to create a broad front and systematically burn the entirety of the Dearwood to the ground, working from east to west, with the Andal forces under his command directed to murder any man, woman or child that tried to escape their fiery fate.

At the heart of the now scorched and tortured fields, Garren hacked down the charred remnants of a huge heart tree (now the ruin known as Old Stump), and declared himself Garren of the Ashfield, celebrating the death of the Dearwood, and warning that none would hide from the wrath of the Andals again. (Villain)

A few years after the Charring, a poisoner murdered Garren the Grim, leaving his teenage son Ranner to rule the Ashfield. Within months, a host of the First Men gathered and razed the settlement as its Andal inhabitants fled. (Revolt)

Older and stronger, Ranner the Rider returned with a year with a host of cavalry lured from nearby regions of the Reach to scour the First Men from the Ashfield forever. The First Men had once been convinced that Garren the Grim had only defeated them through dishonorable tactics, but Ranner the Rider showed them the superiority of honorable Andal tactics. The Riders manipulated their prey; herding them into ever more compromising positions until the few rundown survivors were cornered and slaughtered in the Bloody Valley. Poppy Hall now overlooks this famous battleground. (Victory)

~ca 800-700
The natural and ethnic diversity of the area now diminished, House Ashfield suffered as a centre of trade, now being just another Andal settlement surrounded by fields in a kingdom of Andals surrounded by fields. The Lords of the Ashfield in this time ate well and achieved little. (Decline)

~ca 600
With the arrival of the Rhoynar in Dorne, House Ashfield's relative proximity to the Princes Path saw it become a more significant centre of trade between north and south. Lord Ascar VII sensed a great opportunity, and dedicated a significant part of House Ashfield's holdings to the growth of herbs and plants essential to the healing arts, adopting the poppy as House Ashfield's formal emblem, and pioneering the trade that his house is best known for today. (Ascent)

~10 AC
Having heard rumours from the east of Westerosi being brought under the thumb of invaders by dragonfire, Sarian the Heavy, a keen student of history, saw in the invading Targaryen forces a similarity to the origins of his own house - a dominance forged by the cleansing presence of flame. Despite all assurances given by Sarian to King Mern IX of the Reach, Ashfield forces were mysteriously absent from the event that came to be known as the Field of Fire. (Treachery)

Present Day
Having retained the majority of their forces at a time when many Reach lords has been left decimated, House Ashfield rose significantly in prominence within the Reach, becoming a key part in House Tyrell's enforcement of Targaryen dominance and extending their lands, though at the cost of losing some significant portion of their forces to aid the Dragon Kings in their conquest of Westeros & Dorne. (Ascent)
Dyllan Redbrush
Ashfield, 5 posts
Tue 6 May 2014
at 21:13
  • msg #387

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'd like to drop the 'note' about being so willing to turn to dishonorable action. I'm going for a 'overly chivalrous' knight and could see having problems swearing my sword to a currently treacherous house. On the other hand, I like the history - particularly the dodge of the field of fire - and most of the rest of it.

If that's really where we want to go, I'll say I pledged myself in an attempt to redeem the current lords.
Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 20 posts
Ashfield of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Tue 6 May 2014
at 21:30
  • msg #388

Re: Discussion & Creation

Sure thing!

I may have written it poorly - I see Ashfield as being perfectly fair and open the majority of the time, but when they are crossed by someone acting dishonorably towards them, then every option is open in response, whether fair or not. Things like resorting to `enhanced interrogation' after a terror attack.

Is tha ok or still crossing a line?
Dyllan Redbrush
Ashfield, 6 posts
Tue 6 May 2014
at 21:33
  • msg #389

Re: Discussion & Creation

Sure, I'm fine with that. I'll resort to 'voice of reason' if it comes up.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 94 posts
Tue 6 May 2014
at 21:49
  • msg #390

Re: Discussion & Creation

Dyllan join us we're actually honorable :D
Dyllan Redbrush
Ashfield, 7 posts
Tue 6 May 2014
at 21:50
  • msg #391

Re: Discussion & Creation

Aye, but you're also dornish. No flower-born son of the reach would willingly throw in with you sand eaters.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:51, Tue 06 May 2014.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 95 posts
Tue 6 May 2014
at 21:52
  • msg #392

Re: Discussion & Creation

And so quickly is the honor tossed to the side
GM, 300 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 6 May 2014
at 21:57
  • msg #393

Re: Discussion & Creation

Don't forget players are not against each other. But name calling is fine :)

Also don't forget that thou most don't forget in Westeros the stuff did happen more then a generation ago so some (at all) will not hold the sons of today for the actions of the sons of yesterday. But of course a stigmatism will hold in courtly matters and noble houses don't tend to let those types of things fade away.

Of course then again that could be the challenge - that the new lords are not going to let this happen again (or they hope they can stop it)
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:09, Tue 06 May 2014.
Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 21 posts
Ashfield of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Tue 6 May 2014
at 21:58
  • msg #394

Re: Discussion & Creation

Dyllan Redbrush:
Aye, but you're also dornish. No flower-born son of the reach would willingly throw in with you sand eaters.

So true, so true.
Ser Godfrey Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 84 posts
Knight, Younger Brother
Leader of Raven's Claws
Tue 6 May 2014
at 22:16
  • msg #395

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Pella Ashfield (msg # 394):

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe:
And so quickly is the honor tossed to the side

So true, so true.  ;)
Alianna Ashfield
Ashfield, 7 posts
Wed 7 May 2014
at 05:40
  • msg #396

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Pella Ashfield (msg # 381):

I love the House history. Great job :)
GM, 323 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 8 May 2014
at 17:09
  • msg #397

Re: Discussion & Creation

Qyraen need a character sheet to be done :)
GM, 324 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 8 May 2014
at 17:11
  • msg #398

Re: Discussion & Creation

Alianna Ashfield also need that character sheet to go up :)
GM, 335 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 9 May 2014
at 20:16
  • msg #399

Re: Discussion & Creation

Alianna Ashfield how's the character sheet coming?
GM, 336 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 9 May 2014
at 20:18
  • msg #400

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mardax Kaldor looks like a few items are missing on your sheet, I know your still waiting on net service its just an FYI.
GM, 337 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 9 May 2014
at 20:19
  • msg #401

Re: Discussion & Creation

Qyraen I know were talking about magic and your waiting, if you can fill in the minor stuff (as much as you can for now) that would be great.
GM, 338 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 9 May 2014
at 20:23
  • msg #402

Re: Discussion & Creation

Dyllan Redbrush you need to fill in the 'Description'
Dyllan Redbrush
Ashfield, 8 posts
Fri 9 May 2014
at 21:40
  • msg #403

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 402):

Painted him in broadish strokes, but I think I got most of the important bits across. Will probably take another swipe at it on sunday.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 95 posts
High Born Lord
Second Son
Fri 9 May 2014
at 22:26
  • msg #404

Re: Discussion & Creation

Mostly math stuff, isn't it?
GM, 1 post
Tue 13 May 2014
at 12:23
  • msg #405

Re: Discussion & Creation

We seem to be hitting a wall, does anyone need a hand with character creation?
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 17 posts
straight as an arrow
quick as a fox
Tue 13 May 2014
at 13:44
  • msg #406

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'm done, and as near as I can tell, my character writeup has been approved.
GM, 359 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 14 May 2014
at 14:57
  • msg #407

Re: Discussion & Creation

With regards to character creation it looks like the sheets are done, now the background stories and information you want me to have to develop good interesting plots for the Players are needed.

I will post in your house threads the story information. Things of a sensitive, secret or private nature about your Character will be noted so only CO-GMs can see. This background story can be sent by PMs if there is stuff you don't want everyone to know about.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 19 posts
straight as an arrow
crazy like a fox
Thu 15 May 2014
at 15:16
  • msg #408

Re: Discussion & Creation

Here's my new concept for Wallace. This will be a fun character to play, and opens up an opportunity for someone else among the Ashfield players to take on a knightly/militaristic role.

He's 45 years old, and currently holds the title of Castellan (fancier title for Steward). He's lived in the house since age 6, when he was taken from his family as a ward to ensure a peace amongst warring banner houses in the Reach. Within the first year, he'd run away from the Ashfields. He spent a fortnight try to survive in the wilds and evade the house guards pursuing him. By they time they caught up with him, he was near starved to death, feverish, and scared witless. To add injury to injury, the Ashfield Horsemen who caught up with him allowed his horse to kick Wallace, breaking several of his ribs.

It took him almost a year to recover his health. He never thought about his other family after that. He worked odd jobs around the castle. He mucked stables until, despite having no facility with the animals. He worked with the scullery maids. He spent time in the kitchen. He acted as a squire for the occasional knight (mostly at tournaments). He became a favorite of the house staff, and the family, because he was courteous, well behaved, and always eager to help.

Over the years, he continued to rise in responsibility within the domestic staff of the house. Seven years ago, when the house's long serving Castellan died, Wallace was serving as the man's deputy, and his only logical replacement.

How does that sound? He's kind of a con-artist. He learned how to keep his true thoughts and feelings to himself. How to lie, and cheat his way into positions of responsibility. The thing of it is, along the way, he actually became competent at the job of running a noble's household. And he has genuine affection for the entire family. Equally at home with the nobles, the sworn swords and the house staff.

Comments? Suggestions?
GM, 369 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 15 May 2014
at 15:47
  • msg #409

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Wallace Justman (msg # 408):

see your house thread for some add on I have made.
GM, 420 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 26 May 2014
at 19:00
  • msg #410

Re: Discussion & Creation

So Bannacor do you plan to change his name or are you keeping Mathys?

I will update your profile and start added your info.
Ashfield, 12 posts
3rd son of House Ashfield
Young, Skilled Woodsmen
Mon 26 May 2014
at 19:08
  • msg #411

Re: Discussion & Creation

 Hello Bos,
 I am going to keep the name, why not. But what I man going to do is advance his age a year, to 18. And I would like Ser added to him name. Thank you. :)
GM, 421 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 26 May 2014
at 19:10
  • msg #412

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mathys (msg # 411):

You got it

Is he still going to be a woodsMen?
Ser Mathys
Ashfield, 13 posts
3rd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Woodsmen
Mon 26 May 2014
at 19:11
  • msg #413

Re: Discussion & Creation

 No, I am turning him into more of a tin can, ergo a traditional Knight.
GM, 422 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 26 May 2014
at 19:13
  • msg #414

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Mathys (msg # 413):

Part of his fathers house guards? Or perhaps an order?

Can be just a knight and is waiting for his father to give him a position?
Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 35 posts
Healer of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Mon 26 May 2014
at 19:14
  • msg #415

Re: Discussion & Creation

FYI, Mathys is the second son of Ascar

Pella is also 18, twins??? :D

Ok I will Change that -

twins sound cool or 9 months apart born the same year.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:15, Mon 26 May 2014.
GM, 423 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 26 May 2014
at 19:22
  • msg #416

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ok so now we need a description to go up.

Should include common knowledge in the description and things that everyone or most people know about him.

The rest should be in the house thread and if you have secrets or stuff you want yo keep Hidden it should be to put under private so only GMs will know the info.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 14 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Mon 26 May 2014
at 19:43
  • msg #417

Re: Discussion & Creation

 Let's do twins. The pic is not what I really wanted, but it was the best I could do.
GM, 443 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 30 May 2014
at 21:22
  • msg #418

Re: Discussion & Creation

Qyraen has not been around and has not replied to my PMs or rmail. unfortunately its been a few weeks and his character really wasn't even started. As he was never properly introduced to the setting I think it maybe best to just remove.

As he is member of House Ashfield I will leave what to do with him up the current player of the house.

Please try to let me know by the end of this weekend so I can make changes by Monday night.
GM, 444 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 30 May 2014
at 21:31
  • msg #419

Re: Discussion & Creation

Alianna Ashfield also has not been around and has not replied to my PMs or rmail. unfortunately its been a few weeks and this character is part of the House. As she is not an heir but is 1st born daughter, I will either switch her over to a NC or if someone steps up with a really good background to add to her, (if the rest of the house members approve)I will allow her to be taken as a PC.

She has not yet taken a strong role in the setting, but she is not up to be removed and will stay as a personality in our game.

 As she is member of House Ashfield I will leave what to do with her up the current players of the house.

 Please try to let me know by the end of this weekend so I can make changes by Monday night.
player, 2 posts
Fri 30 May 2014
at 22:02
  • msg #420

Re: Discussion & Creation

I spoke to Lord C about the possibility of taking over Lady Alianna. My version of her would have her as an adult maybe 22, sh has recently returned from the King's Court where she has been a hand maiden to the Queen. The King was betaken by her beauty, and declared her one of the most beautiful women in Westeros.

Those who knew her before she went knew that she was a sweet and loving daughter that tended to be a little soft hearted.

I was wondering what people thought if the Ashfields are already strong on Intrigue based characters, than I can make another concept for what ever house is available.
GM, 447 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 30 May 2014
at 22:22
  • msg #421

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to hegemon (msg # 420):

Quick FYI

The king is to marry - to would be a lady of the court and I have to check the history charts to see if his mother is still alive.
player, 3 posts
Fri 30 May 2014
at 22:33
  • msg #422

Re: Discussion & Creation

that works too. Good reason to scoot her home as well from the new queen
GM, 449 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 30 May 2014
at 22:34
  • msg #423

Re: Discussion & Creation

Some of the new Players are asking about a new house. I recommend a banner house loyal or heavily linked to Ashfield so that players can work together.

My preference is still to add to the current houses.

to get an idea about the houses see the thread House & Lands.

to get some info on history see thread Aegon's Landing or on the Player Houses read up on Player House Events thread.

If there is a few that are fixed on a new house a knightly order will be cool. House Ashield is also known to be on the frontline with the recent war with Dorne.
GM, 3 posts
aka Pella Ashfield
Fri 30 May 2014
at 22:59
  • msg #424

Re: Discussion & Creation

I spoke to Lord C about the possibility of taking over Lady Alianna. My version of her would have her as an adult maybe 22, sh has recently returned from the King's Court where she has been a hand maiden to the Queen. The King was betaken by her beauty, and declared her one of the most beautiful women in Westeros.

Those who knew her before she went knew that she was a sweet and loving daughter that tended to be a little soft hearted.

I was wondering what people thought if the Ashfields are already strong on Intrigue based characters, than I can make another concept for what ever house is available.
There isn't one! The original Alianna was going to be schemey, but never started, so it would be a perfect fit.

ATM my understanding of players sort of active within House Ashfield is (still a lot of debuts to go though!):

* Pella Ashfield - Expert (Healer, second daughter)
* Ser Mathys Ashfield - Warrior (Knight, second son))
* Rikard Ashfield - Expert (Ranger?, third son)
* Dyllan Redbrush - Warrior (Sworn Sword)
* Wallace Justman - Rogue (Castellan/Steward)
* Corinne Flowers - Warrior (Master of Horse, bastard daughter of Lady Ashfield)

There are currently no PC `Leader' or `Schemer' types

Also we can always expand the family!
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:53, Fri 30 May 2014.
player, 6 posts
Sat 31 May 2014
at 06:14
  • msg #425

Re: Discussion & Creation

quick question what is max advantages that you can have. In original character creation it was 3, but I believe I am reading that with additional drawbacks you can trade those destiny points into advantages if you wish. Of course suggested toalways keep 1 to avoid death
GM, 457 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 31 May 2014
at 06:30
  • msg #426

Re: Discussion & Creation

I can't remember, check the notice for PC creation if not there I have to leave that to be answered by Rosslington. Unless someone remembers
for sure what was agreed to.
player, 7 posts
Sat 31 May 2014
at 06:50
  • msg #427

Re: Discussion & Creation

from character creation

Note 3:
At character creation you may take up to an additional 3 drawbacks to gain 3 additional destiny points. You my invest these in qualities at the start of the game if you like but we recommend holding on to at least 1 at all times so you can pull it out to avoid a grisly death!

Looks like I read right.
GM, 468 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 14:31
  • msg #428

Re: Discussion & Creation

Need to know a few things to update groups and names etc.

Who will be part of House Neumann, names with titles and positions held in house?

Who is being added to other existing houses?

Then I need a sells pitch for each house, the last effort to recruit and fill in the blanks for existing houses was good but not what I expected. I'm not upset in fact it turn out just fine. I just think the next round of recruiting I would like it to be more focused and when new player join then have info to choice which house they maybe interested in.
Ashfield, 2 posts
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 14:57
  • msg #429

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to mellieb (msg # 424):

I had raised the idea of Rikard being a ward of the Ashfields but from another house. I am not married to that idea. I am ok with being 3rd son of Ashfield.  Not sure if anyone else has any thought or preferences on that? It would simplify things to keep it as it originally started.
Gabriel Laurent
Kolwyn, 6 posts
The Raindrop Knight
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 15:19
  • msg #430

Re: Discussion & Creation

I think Gabriel is about finished.

Those from Kolwyn: he's only been an active bannerman of the household for the past several months. He's capable but fairly odd; his lack of appearance at social gatherings or without armor marks him as an outlier though. He's destitute and nearly landless. Rumor has it that his father abandoned their holdings and pissed away the family fortune (though it was small already) on the drink - choosing to hide at the bottom of a bottle after his wife's death.

Others: The Raindrop Knight has participated in a few minor tourneys in the Reach and Stormlands. He seems a competent sort. He's done well: preferring the melee and long blade to the joust or lance. Overall though, most will likely not know of him. He is by no means famed.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:23, Sun 01 June 2014.
GM, 471 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 1 Jun 2014
at 15:56
  • msg #431

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Rikard (msg # 429):

I posted before but had to delete the post I got confused on the houses.

Because Rikard had not been played your free to run with either idea. But if your a ward then I would go with a new name and keep Rikard open for another future player as the 3rd son.
Wulfgang Tannard
Kolwyn, 1 post
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 00:27
  • msg #432

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hello everyone, I'm new here and will join House Kolwyn. A little birdie told me to ask you guys (other Kolwyns) where to put me.
Wulfgang is a Squire (at the moment) so he would probably need an anointed knight to be my mentor. Or maybe that I will be anointed soon.

Just so you know it, it's my first time playing the Game of Thrones.
Gabriel Laurent
Kolwyn, 11 posts
The Raindrop Knight
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 01:12
  • msg #433

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'd say you could hang with Gabriel, but he's not an anointed knight unfortunately!

He'll be guarding Ashara as they depart North though - maybe you can help Gabriel guard and keep the lady company?
Rikard Ashfield
Ashfield, 4 posts
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 06:01
  • msg #434

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 431):

Ok. I would rather just stick with Rikard, if that's still fine. Someone else said they were going to play that character.
Wulfgang Tannard
Kolwyn, 2 posts
Squire to Kolwyn
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 06:06
  • msg #435

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Gabriel Laurent (msg # 433):

Well if there is no anointed knight in Kolwyn, I might join up with Gabriel. Trying to make a name for myself so that I get anointed. If I read your description right than Gabriel is rather famous, so it should be easy to integrate Wulfgang.
Gabriel Laurent
Kolwyn, 17 posts
The Raindrop Knight
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 06:09
  • msg #436

Re: Discussion & Creation

Gabriel isn't hugely famous, but he's made something of a name for himself at a few tourneys.

That sounds fun, Wulfgang! Two characters trying to make a name for themselves and earn the title, "ser". :)
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 5 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 06:15
  • msg #437

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'm playing an anointed Knight if your truly looking to squire for one. Not famous yet, but hey House Neumann is always looking for new additions, plus we have cookies.
Mara Neumann
Neumann, 12 posts
Famous, Attractive
Daughter of House Neumann
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 06:25
  • msg #438

Re: Discussion & Creation

could still be part of kolwyn, but because of family relations you were sent to Edric. Would be good cross over between regions
Wulfgang Tannard
Kolwyn, 3 posts
Squire to Kolwyn
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 06:58
  • msg #439

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mara Neumann (msg # 438):

This sounds good. Being send to House Neumann to establish or strengthen relationship.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 140 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 07:06
  • msg #440

Re: Discussion & Creation

There aren't any knight PCs in House Kolwyn specifically, but our banner house House Ravenhowe has two, Hassan and Godfrey Ravenhow. You might want to talk to them.
Mara Neumann
Neumann, 13 posts
Famous, Attractive
Daughter of House Neumann
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 15:15
  • msg #441

Re: Discussion & Creation

The neat think is maybe there is a conflict for you as a squire. With the recent war. Who will you join your Doenish brothers, or uphold your oath.  Of course the big thing is would someone from your region send to the reach
GM, 518 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 17:04
  • msg #442

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Wulfgang Tannard (msg # 435):

With regards to knights there is House Ravenhowe - all knights in fact, .....
GM, 519 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 17:08
  • msg #443

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mara Neumann (msg # 438):

Unfortunately there are no relations with Dorne the war/fighting is just now coming to an end. Doesn't mean that is couldn't have just been done, and the start of friendly relations :)

But that wouldn't make you House Kolwyn, maybe ties too, but it would be House Ashfield.
GM, 520 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 17:10
  • msg #444

Re: Discussion & Creation

Wulfgang Tannard:
In reply to Mara Neumann (msg # 438):

This sounds good. Being send to House Neumann to establish or strengthen relationship.

Well you could be the Squire that is traveling with Kaldor to House Ashfield. And this is your hand off too House Ashfield. I kinda like that :)

your intro is then up if you accept the above, .....?
GM, 521 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 3 Jun 2014
at 17:12
  • msg #445

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Mara Neumann (msg # 441):

These question have been answered ,.... (hahahah lol and so my evil mind is now at work)
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:12, Tue 03 June 2014.
Wulfgang Tannard
Kolwyn, 4 posts
Squire to Kolwyn
Wed 4 Jun 2014
at 07:33
  • msg #446

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 444):

Well you could be the Squire that is traveling with Kaldor to House Ashfield. And this is your hand off too House Ashfield. I kinda like that :)  your intro is then up if you accept the above, .....?

Sounds good to me, where do I start?
GM, 544 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 4 Jun 2014
at 11:43
  • msg #447

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Wulfgang Tannard (msg # 446):

IC: Preparing for Peace msg #62 your intro
player, 1 post
Wed 4 Jun 2014
at 20:12
  • msg #448

Re: Discussion & Creation

Heya All!

New player here (as you all have guessed!). I'm thinking at this point in playing a PC member of the Neumann house, but not related by any family ties to the Neumann's.

The PC I'm considering would be some form of sellsword coming from the free cities with a small company of horse. A form of miniaturized Black Company, one of the many mercenary bands that operate in the free cities. I believ this would fit the profile of the house, as if they are keen on expanding they need first to be able to secure what is theirs by right... and flex a strong arm with a mailed fist when needed.

Any thoughts from fellow house members are appreciated!
GM, 547 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 4 Jun 2014
at 20:18
  • msg #449

Re: Discussion & Creation

So this will be you with a band of men?

Or your solo as a sellsword?
player, 2 posts
Wed 4 Jun 2014
at 20:22
  • msg #450

Re: Discussion & Creation

So this will be you with a band of men?

Or your solo as a sellsword?

If it can be accommodated, it would be me with a small company of men. It will make for interesting NPC's. If we agree on this I will flesh out the main NPC's a bit so that people can include them in their posts / stories.
GM, 549 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 4 Jun 2014
at 20:30
  • msg #451

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to jmlima (msg # 450):

Im ok wit this is it become the 3rd house for the Reach and its a knighly house like House Ravenhowe.

So regardless of house rolls it need to be kept small and in service to one of the 2 player houses, or too both.

Also the spot should be open for player in the future to join up or take over key positions.

I ok with this if the rest are.
GM, 12 posts
aka Pella Ashfield
Wed 4 Jun 2014
at 21:21
  • msg #452

Re: Discussion & Creation

During the war with Dorne, Poppy Hall (House Ashfield) was a behind-the-lines staging point for Targaryen troops, specifically for badly-injured troops to be brought to and treated/cured.

Now that we are at treaty with Dorne, no doubt there could be any number of ex-soldiers hanging around looking for work. It certainly would be feasible for jmlima's to be in the area, and perhaps helping to clear out those ex-soldiers that have turned to banditry on Ashfield lands.
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 16 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Wed 4 Jun 2014
at 21:35
  • msg #453

Re: Discussion & Creation

well your in luck if you want to be part of house neumann. They have a calvary unit know as the blue lances and Ser Edric has been to the free cities.
GM, 551 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 4 Jun 2014
at 22:43
  • msg #454

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Edric Neumann (msg # 453):

That would be cool if you like you can work with some of the other new players and create a knightly house/order, .....
GM, 552 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 4 Jun 2014
at 22:48
  • msg #455

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to mellieb (msg # 452):

This will work together with the knightly/order basely very similar to house Ravenhowe.

they are landed
trying to get the bandits out of their land
and have pledge to a house
player, 3 posts
Thu 5 Jun 2014
at 08:07
  • msg #456

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Edric Neumann:
well your in luck if you want to be part of house neumann. They have a calvary unit know as the blue lances and Ser Edric has been to the free cities.

Oh... that kind of pre-empts my idea. Back to the drawing board.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:30, Thu 05 June 2014.
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 20 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Thu 5 Jun 2014
at 13:23
  • msg #457

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to jmlima (msg # 456):

How so?
player, 4 posts
Thu 5 Jun 2014
at 14:10
  • msg #458

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Edric Neumann:
In reply to jmlima (msg # 456):

How so?

I'm assuming the blue lances are fully defined?...
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 21 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Thu 5 Jun 2014
at 15:00
  • msg #459

Re: Discussion & Creation

Nope they are just a name, no members have been named and no background created. You could even change the name to something else. Only requirement is that they hunt bandits, that's all.
player, 5 posts
Thu 5 Jun 2014
at 15:12
  • msg #460

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Edric Neumann:
Nope they are just a name, no members have been named and no background created. You could even change the name to something else. Only requirement is that they hunt bandits, that's all.

I'm your man then. I'll get things fleshed out over the weekend and will post then.
Mara Neumann
Neumann, 22 posts
Famous, Attractive
Daughter of House Neumann
Thu 5 Jun 2014
at 16:57
  • msg #461

Re: Discussion & Creation

could all players joining House Neumann please contact Edric or me to help flesh out our Family List like Lord Caladin asks. Also, I believe that each of you need to roll for resources for the house creation, but please speak to Edric and Lord C to verify that
player, 1 post
Fri 6 Jun 2014
at 14:45
  • msg #462

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hello everyone. I'm thinking of various concepts, but would like to know if you have a preference. I'm up for a spy master or young knight /squire.
GM, 569 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 6 Jun 2014
at 19:47
  • msg #463

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to kensai (msg # 462):

I have to say there are a few knights, warrior, fighter types and not to many spy types.

If it was my call I say spy. The issue really is what house?

I think they are almost all open for a spy type except the knightly houses, OR maybe :)
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 42 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Fri 6 Jun 2014
at 20:42
  • msg #464

Re: Discussion & Creation

 So, going with the last post of the boss, Mathys is more like his father, then his older brother. Interesting. And I guess he ignored Mathys last comment, since he rode away.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:07, Fri 06 June 2014.
GM, 578 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 6 Jun 2014
at 21:06
  • msg #465

Re: Discussion & Creation

This stuff we are adding to the storyline really needs to be put together for your house history and storyline. It's good stuff.
GM, 579 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 6 Jun 2014
at 21:07
  • msg #466

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Mathys Ashfield (msg # 464):

Well he's short tempered which seems to be a quality that most Ashfield men of the house have. But he is less quick to express it. Keep in mind smart remark with the Lord Ashfield normally meant a beating for his sons.
GM, 20 posts
aka Pella Ashfield
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 07:10
  • msg #467

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hello everyone. I'm thinking of various concepts, but would like to know if you have a preference. I'm up for a spy master or young knight /squire.

I feel greedy approaching you for House Ashfield, but if you want to be a spy, we could do with a Master of the Pyre (which I just made up).

House Ashfield's method of execution is often to burn offenders on a pyre - this goes back to the foundations of the house, killing First Men and Children of the Forest who defied the Andals by burning down the entire Dearwood.

Master of the Pyre would/could be a secret honor within the house, rounding up those who would harm the house or its people to be brought to the justice of Lord Ascar IX for judgement & suitable punishment. You'd also be responsible for administering the fire, in a hooded robe so none could know your true identity. By day, you'd just appear to be a regular ranger attached to the house.

Alternately, any other house could probably use a spy! Dodgy characters are fun.
Mara Neumann
Neumann, 30 posts
Famous, Attractive
Daughter of House Neumann
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 07:36
  • msg #468

Re: Discussion & Creation

For a spy character, I think I have a cool idea. Basically, Neumann is a pretty honorable house. You could be like middle aged uncle that gives advice and acts as spy, but most of house including the PC are somewhat oblivious.
player, 6 posts
Sat 7 Jun 2014
at 20:19
  • msg #469

Re: Discussion & Creation

Right, first rough draft of my PC and the Blue Lances.

Merius Basso

How old is he? Late thirties.

Did he participate in any wars? Yes, many inter-city wars in the free cities.

If so, for whom did he fight? The winner, most of the time...

Did he distinguish himself in these wars ? Yes, he showed an innate ability to survive the battlefield and to direct his forces.

Does he have any extended family? No

What was his relationship with his father? Lukewarm. Son of a Pentosi Magister, Merius left his family for a life of adventure, with his head full of grandiose schemes that never bore fruit.

Does your lord have any rivals or enemies ? As commander of the Blue Lances, in the free cities there is always the danger of finding a former enemy...

Any strong allies ? The Blue Lances. And himself.

Did he have any moments of failure or shame? His family shun him for the mercenary he was, the last defeat of the Legion of Dead was an horrendous embarrassment for all its commanders that shook their reputations (and took the lifes of most)...

Did he have any moments of glory or greatness? When the Legion of the Dead destroyed a troublesome kalhasar.

How is he perceived in your realm? As an adventurer.

What does he look like? Mid height, older for his years, looks more like a man at ease in a war campaign than in a great hall.

Name one ambition? To return to the free cities with a renewed Legion of the Dead and pay back in kind.

Describe one mannerism. Tumbling his fingers when deep in thought.

Describe one virtue and one flaw. Loyal but merciless.

The Blue Lances

The Legion of the Dead were a notorious mercenary outfit on the free cities. Its history started when a series of minor Lords grouped the remnants of their armies after losing their lands, but not their armies, in the on-going scuffles between the state cities. The Legion was grouped into a series of companies, divided between the heavy infantry, light infantry and light cavalry. The bulk was formed by the 4 companies of heavy infantry, followed by 2 of light infantry and 2 of light cavalry, one of them lancers (the Blue Lances). The Legion become notorious by its high standard of training and men, and by the fact that they delivered the intended results irrespective of the cost. Their price grew exponentially, but such was their fame, that their very presence on a side became enough to determine the outcome without battle being joined. This was also to be their doom.

Some of the cities begun to grew restless at this power and concerted to make a, seldom seen, unified move against it. Not even the fabled Legion of the Dead was enough to withstand this combined power, and thus the Legion was routed and virtually annihilated in battle, with several of its components running in different directions and beginning their own history.

And this is where Merius, supported by some of the chests of gold of the original Legion, took the reins of one of the spin-offs of the remains of the Legion, which he called Blue Lances. This much reduced outfit, what remained of the original lancers company, found life increasingly hard in the free cities. Competition was stiff, the name of their predecessors made people wary of them and so their dwindling fortunes led Merius to the difficult (and expensive) decision of moving their fortunes to Westeros. In here they found life no easier. But hardy people always survive. Helped by the natural bellicosity of Westero’s Lords the lances managed to make a living. As light cavalry this life was mostly one of plunder. Which only increased their fortunes. In the meanwhile, as he matured, Merius began to develop some form of conscience. As he felt the Lances perilously close to turn into ordinary banditry he decided to make a stop and re-group. Find somewhere where they could settle and work from a base of operations. The solution came naturally. The Neummans had a problem, the Blue Lances had a solution.
player, 7 posts
Sun 8 Jun 2014
at 10:07
  • msg #470

Re: Discussion & Creation

On another note, the character creation states 'The rest of the steps for character creation will be posted when all players have finalized the start up and timeline.' .

So how does not complete the char sheet? Is there a set of full creation instructions somewhere?
GM, 601 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 8 Jun 2014
at 12:37
  • msg #471

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to jmlima (msg # 470):

I got into the game and I think, ... I forgot that one. Now I have to go back and read up.

If I remember right the timeline was referring to the House Events thread that must start no later than the year when the last dragon died to present date

Start up is the following;
Character Sheet
Player House-update if any or creation if approved
Background Story
Family History

Some may not apply or be combined.
GM, 602 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 8 Jun 2014
at 12:38
  • msg #472

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to jmlima (msg # 469):

Like the info provided :)
player, 8 posts
Sun 8 Jun 2014
at 19:41
  • msg #473

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to jmlima (msg # 469):

Like the info provided :)

Great. I've tarted up the pc description, just needs the posting name changed from jmlima to my pc name. I'll keep adding information, but I'm fundamentally ready to get the nitty gritty of the pc done, just need some guidance on the char sheet.
GM, 605 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 8 Jun 2014
at 21:51
  • msg #474

Re: Discussion & Creation

On another note, the character creation states 'The rest of the steps for character creation will be posted when all players have finalized the start up and timeline.' .

 So how does not complete the char sheet? Is there a set of full creation instructions somewhere?

I got into the game and I think, ... I forgot that one. Now I have to go back and read up.

I still need to update that thread but basically it comes almost straight from the books, .... I will work on that later
A Dinosaur
player, 1 post
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 01:46
  • msg #475

Re: Discussion & Creation

Yo. I'm the new guy. I have read the source material but I've never actually played before and I'm looking to start in the Reach.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 144 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 01:50
  • msg #476

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to A Dinosaur (msg # 475):

GM, 611 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 01:55
  • msg #477

Re: Discussion & Creation

A Dinosaur:
Yo. I'm the new guy. I have read the source material but I've never actually played before and I'm looking to start in the Reach.

The Reach it is. I will open some new threads for you and you should start talking with others in the The Reach group to flush out your character.
GM, 612 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 01:58
  • msg #478

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to A Dinosaur (msg # 475):

Which House?
A Dinosaur
player, 3 posts
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 02:09
  • msg #479

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'm thinking I want to join House Nuemann.
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 33 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 02:16
  • msg #480

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Edric Neumann:
I'm playing an anointed Knight if your truly looking to squire for one. Not famous yet, but hey House Neumann is always looking for new additions, plus we have cookies.

I'm telling you guys, just post abut how you have cookies and they will come.

Anyway what are you thinking of playing?
A Dinosaur
player, 4 posts
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 02:21
  • msg #481

Re: Discussion & Creation

I kind of want to play as someone foreign to the Reach that's come to the Reach for whatever reason as a retainer to House Nuemann. Maybe a bastard of a minor house from the North or the Riverlands.
GM, 615 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 03:00
  • msg #482

Re: Discussion & Creation

For some of the new comers if you have picked a character name please let me know so I can change it for you.
GM, 616 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 03:00
  • msg #483

Re: Discussion & Creation

Please welcome Goldor to our game.
player, 1 post
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 03:03
  • msg #484

Re: Discussion & Creation


Ello everyone.
A Dinosaur
Neumann, 6 posts
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 03:05
  • msg #485

Re: Discussion & Creation

Yo there, Ho-I mean Goldor
GM, 617 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 03:06
  • msg #486

Re: Discussion & Creation

Sorry should have put the welcome in Chit Chat, but since were her Welcome again.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 145 posts
Highborn Lady
First-born Daughter
Mon 9 Jun 2014
at 03:18
  • msg #487

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Goldor (msg # 484):

*Curtsies* Welcome to the game!
GM, 646 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 23:12
  • msg #488

Re: Discussion & Creation

Information that's still needed;

Polina Ashfield: Status
Corinne Flowers: Status & age
Dyllan Redbrush: Status & age

During house creation some of the NCs do not have important info for IC, The player or Players that created the house need to supply for the follow, status and age with notes for the chart in thread House & Lands

Lady Alianna Ashfield
Ser Victarion Ashfield
Lady Iliria Ashfield
Lord Ascar Ashfield
Corinne Flowers
Ashfield, 3 posts
Lady Iliria's Bastard
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 23:17
  • msg #489

Re: Discussion & Creation

Thank you very much Ashara.

Boss, I'm not sure what you mean by my Status shouldn't that be on my character sheet? But as to age, if my character is Lady Iliria's bastard daughter then I'm thinking 22 or 23, not sure which would be better.
GM, 36 posts
aka Pella Ashfield
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 23:19
  • msg #490

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 488):

That info is on page 1 of House Ashfield thread
Corinne Flowers
Ashfield, 5 posts
Lady Iliria's Bastard
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 23:24
  • msg #491

Re: Discussion & Creation

Oh! I didn't realise what you were referring to so its the fact that I'm Mistress of the Horses.
GM, 647 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 11 Jun 2014
at 23:25
  • msg #492

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to mellieb (msg # 490):

TY - all the reading and updating and I past that up dozens of times, lol

Man I feel old and my sight is going but guess what my creative juices are flowing. :)
GM, 721 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 20 Jun 2014
at 21:48
  • msg #493

Re: Discussion & Creation

So don't forget that this thread is to discuss character ideas and character creation questions, so for some of the new players .... if your not sure which house yet this would be the place to discuss what you would like to make and the current active players can fill you in on how it could fit their house.
Bruce the Strong
player, 5 posts
King's Solider
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 00:20
  • msg #494

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hey guys, I've pretty much finished up my character, so somethings other than what I have in my description should be tossed up here. I like several of the characters in House Neumann (at least what I know of them) and am rather interested in joining up with them.

Bruce the Strong is a well-meaning type of guy, with average intellect, he struggles with his rage and he uses his fist in combat to be more physical and feel the connection to his victims.

Born and raised in the city of White Harbor, Bruce the Strong holds more to the ideals of the North than he does with men of the south, including the worship of the old gods (which is what has kept him from becoming a knight). His childhood was one of hard labor and fisticuffs, with the local boys, especially those that were older than him who thought they could get away with beating him, this taught him how to fight and toughened him up even better than the hard labor and hard living already had.

He first started to develop his reputation due to an incident on the farm he lived and worked on where a angry bull charged and bucked at Bruce several times, finally when he had enough of its behavior and the next time the bull charged him Bruce caught it by the horns, threw it to the ground began to beat upon it until he realized he was doing nothing more than simply beating the gore into the ground. When it was found what he had done, he was thrown off the farm and told to never return.

With the only life he knew no longer available to him, and his reputation for violence spreading before he arrived to look for work he found it (acceptable work) at every corner unavailable to him. That was until he was discovered by a merchant seeking him out just as he was starving. With nothing left to him but the rage that had caused him to take down the charging bull he was recruited by the merchant who was heading to Kings Landing as a "sell-sword" in return for the food and life offered by the man he had to accompany him and work for him.

He spent the next two years working as a sellsword for the merchant. This greatly helped in building his reputation through word of mouth--from lifting a wagon he was guarding, so that a broken wheel could've be replaced, to defending the same wagon with his bare hands. Bruce shied away from utilizing weaponry in combat, as he preferred a physical connection with his victims.

With the war against Dorne planned, Bruce was conscripted in King's Landing, regardless of both his and his employer’s protests he fought on the frontline. Due to his unusual fighting style (a shield, yet no swords--but his fists alone), Bruce combated numerous troops on the frontlines by surprise, that is, until his notoriety had spread. He performed admirably and was recognized for his deeds in combat.

Bruce is famous as one of the strongest, if not the strongest men currently active in the Seven Kingdoms. There are stories circulating of him lifting fully laden wagons to help replace wheels, crushed shields and armor with his bare hands, and other generally unbelievable feats of strength.

If you have any questions please let me know.
Brandon Snow
Neumann, 18 posts
Blue Lancer Member
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 03:37
  • msg #495

Re: Discussion & Creation

Northbros unite!
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 52 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 04:06
  • msg #496

Re: Discussion & Creation

Maybe Bruce and Brandon can be friends, explaining how House Neumann ended up with two Northmen. Also for my wealth trait and for House income when should I roll those. They are monthly in game time rolls.
GM, 722 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 04:09
  • msg #497

Re: Discussion & Creation

Not sure you realize but it still day one for some Ayer and only day two for others.

I think in game time one thread is at day 5

But yes you will get to roll when it's time
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 54 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 04:10
  • msg #498

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ok just wondering if I got a roll for the start or not.
GM, 723 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 04:12
  • msg #499

Re: Discussion & Creation

That's a good question

So I say to those of Dorne did we roll when we started?
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 63 posts
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 08:40
  • msg #500

Re: Discussion & Creation

We rolled a whole bunch of stuff, which thing are you trying to roll for?
GM, 724 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 12:00
  • msg #501

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Archibald Sand (msg # 500):

Monthly resources -I'm pretty sure I said that we would roll after the first story plot which would be a month. (Or/so)
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 65 posts
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 15:37
  • msg #502

Re: Discussion & Creation

Yes income and adjustment to the House stats is generally not rolled at the beginning of a game unless there is some sort of prequel story done quickly to help integrate the house into the surrounding lands prior to the start of full RP, which we did not opt for.
GM, 759 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 21:50
  • msg #503

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Archibald Sand (msg # 502):

In game time from start it's been 3 days for the Dorne region and day one for those in The Reach. Good news is once we are done with the the current threads time will pass and resources will be rolled.
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 64 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 21:51
  • msg #504

Re: Discussion & Creation

Sounds good. Just new to the system and didn't know if you roll at the start of the game or the next in game month
player, 19 posts
Wed 2 Jul 2014
at 11:57
  • msg #505

Re: Discussion & Creation

Can someone explain to me how Acrobatic Defense is supposed to work? Because I found nothing on the mechanics of adding bonus dice to a static(ie, unrolled) value...
GM, 11 posts
Wed 2 Jul 2014
at 13:15
  • msg #506

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to inirlan (msg # 505):

Acrobatic Defense Martial
You are extraordinarily mobile in combat. By flipping and
somersaulting, you make yourself a difficult target.
Requires Agility 4 (Acrobatics 1B)
You gain a new combat maneuver. Spend a Lesser Action to add a number
equal to twice the number of bonus dice you possess for Acrobatics to
your Combat Defenses until the beginning of your next turn. You cannot
use this maneuver if you are wearing armor with Bulk 1 or greater

This means that if you have bonus dice in Agility say 1b, you would add 2 to your combat defense, if you have 2b you add 4, 3b add 6 etc etc. It allows light armored fighters to not get wrecked.
player, 20 posts
Wed 2 Jul 2014
at 17:44
  • msg #507

Re: Discussion & Creation

Thanks for clarifying! Now please excuse me, I have to repeatedly facepalm at failing to grasp such an obvious mechanic.
Saltwind, 44 posts
Tue 8 Jul 2014
at 17:05
  • msg #508

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hey, can you start with Superior Quality weapons? If so, how much would they cost? If the rules for that are in the book I'm too oblivious to notice.

Also, could you mechanically have non-metal armor that works like Castle-forged armor if you provide a fluff reason for it's superior quality? I'm thinking about using lizard-lion hide for leather armor.
GM, 895 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 8 Jul 2014
at 17:11
  • msg #509

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to inirlan (msg # 508):

I think we can work on a Superior Quality weapons for leather and I think with all GMs agreeing we can put together something.

Lighter then leather, stronger then leather, lizard-lion hide makes sense.
GM, 900 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 8 Jul 2014
at 20:46
  • msg #510

Re: Discussion & Creation

Gabriel Tallanvor if you can put a description to read it would help a bit. Even if its just a few basics like height, weight, hair/eye color etc etc....
Saltwind, 3 posts
Wed 9 Jul 2014
at 04:14
  • msg #511

Re: Discussion & Creation

So I was looking through the Drawbacks section and had a wild hair of an idea.  Would the GMs frown on me taking the Mute drawback?  I'd take it as a unique kind of role playing challenge for myself but I can totally see how it would be frustrating for other players or the GMs to have to deal with.

Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 73 posts
Wed 9 Jul 2014
at 05:31
  • msg #512

Re: Discussion & Creation

Having already bumped into the mute problem once, keep in mind that without literacy or any kind of sign language it is a far more significant drawback than you may expect at first.

While it is surely possible to play a Mute character, and to good effect, the inability to communicate in detail can be more troublesome than it is worth in the already sometimes confusing or deceptive medium of text games.
Saltwind, 10 posts
Wed 9 Jul 2014
at 10:12
  • msg #513

Re: Discussion & Creation

I was debating taking mute for my cohort character just to avoid having to roleplay him :)
GM, 903 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 9 Jul 2014
at 13:15
  • msg #514

Re: Discussion & Creation

House Ashfield & House Saltwind

I will need a 'Players Wanted' for your houses. Please read the others for ideas on the wording and you can be as creative as you like to recruit new players (within reason).
GM, 934 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 11 Jul 2014
at 18:04
  • msg #515

Re: Discussion & Creation

Gabriel Tallanvor still need a Character Description to be added.
player, 2 posts
Wed 16 Jul 2014
at 18:16
  • msg #516

Re: Discussion & Creation

So as of right now here is my "gerneal" idea.

If the GM okays it I plan to take the Cadres
This will allow me a small little band of brothers that I fight with. (We are sworn swords...

I plan to create a house for the Westerlands (I'll give more once I roll events to give the house flavor)

My character will be either a bastard from that house or perhaps the brother of a lord maybe....some sort of realive but as of now thinking bastard son.

Because my general idea is a sworn sword fighting will be the primiary however I put a good amount of weight in PERSUASION as well. So I like well rounded (flawed) characters to play out.

I'm not sure if the GM wants to put me "already" working with whichever house I join or if perhaps we meet unpon my introduction into the game.
Saltwind, 18 posts
Wed 16 Jul 2014
at 21:06
  • msg #517

Re: Discussion & Creation

I believe cadre is one squad (a tenth of a unit more or less). So it's a very small group if that's all you have. I could be wrong though, I haven't looked too closely at it.
player, 4 posts
Thu 17 Jul 2014
at 01:18
  • msg #518

Re: Discussion & Creation

After looking I think I'm going to maybe just go with Cohort

But again have to check with GM. I'm working on a rough draft of my character to send and see what he thinks
player, 5 posts
Thu 17 Jul 2014
at 13:30
  • msg #519

Re: Discussion & Creation

ANd now I'm not going with either because I have a different idea for my character then to be a leader or have followers right away.

Once I get the okay from the GM I will post some details about the characer (not any stats)
GM, 1257 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 19 Aug 2014
at 15:27
  • msg #520

Re: Discussion & Creation

There's a few Lurkers, and some that are holding out for this next group.

We will be starting this newest group in the Stormlands
GM, 1435 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 6 Oct 2014
at 18:01
  • msg #521

Re: Discussion & Creation

Massive can no longer be taken by players in the southern campaign
GM, 1454 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 13 Oct 2014
at 14:58
  • msg #522

Re: Discussion & Creation

We should be using this thread and discuss the future PCs then move form this thread to PM to finish them off.
player, 1 post
Tue 14 Oct 2014
at 01:01
  • msg #523

Re: Discussion & Creation

totally lost. I was told that we were starting to build a house or game in stormlands. Been sitting awhile just becoming frustrated. Sorry to be so direct.
GM, 1467 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 14 Oct 2014
at 02:13
  • msg #524

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CoolGirl (msg # 523):

thats fine, ..... we are getting the house for the stormlands and you can be part of that.

There has been some delays due to RL for many players in the last few weeks we are getting orginized and will be gettingthis done.
player, 1 post
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 01:08
  • msg #525

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hi there everybody!

Nice to meet you all!  I'm new to the game system, but not the setting!

I've got a rough idea of what I would like to play but I am still open to suggestions or invitations for certain openings!

I have a possible concept for a female who is a talented sailor and possible commander of her own vessel.  I'm thinking she would either be of House Velaryon or House Greyjoy, both being nautical powers, though I am unsure if she would enjoy more freedom as a legitimate daughter or a bastard.  Likely I'd go legitimate though, just to open up more court and house interactions.

It's also not a bad thought that I could be operating in another area, even if I am from either of those House, if that helps geographic placement?  I'm really wanting to get involved with an active chance for glory and recognition, both in the more martial side of things, and also maybe get nudged into the court lady side of things as well.

Hope to talk with y'all more!
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 254 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 02:25
  • msg #526

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 525):

*Curtsies* Welcome, my lady.
GM, 1486 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 02:45
  • msg #527

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 525):

Reading your post and I was thinking maybe House Kowlyn can use a captain for one of their ships.
Cyra Vyraes
Kolwyn, 55 posts
Silk Merchant
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 02:48
  • msg #528

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 527):

She'll need to watch out for Dio Dio, or will Dio Dio need to watch out for her?

GM, 1495 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 19:52
  • msg #529

Re: Discussion & Creation

For the new players

We normally start with PCs then move to house creation because player can talk about the type of PC they want to play and then mold that into the house.

House Fell of Timberwood located near the Dornish Marches in the stormlands, Close to Blackhaven.
player, 2 posts
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 20:20
  • msg #530

Re: Discussion & Creation

I think I am confused.
player, 2 posts
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 20:43
  • msg #531

Re: Discussion & Creation

Looking forward to working with players to form House Timberfell
GM, 1499 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 21:13
  • msg #532

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 530):

What are you confused about?
GM, 1500 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 21:14
  • msg #533

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CoolGirl (msg # 531):

And its House Fell of Timberwood, not sure if you where joking on the name, ...
player, 3 posts
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 21:39
  • msg #534

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 530):

What are you confused about?

This part kind of confused me.
We normally start with PCs then move to house creation because player can talk about the type of PC they want to play

Part of character concept for me is who a character stands with, where they are from, what their family and homeland are like.  I have a hard time understanding how you can pick their House last?
GM, 1502 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 21:47
  • msg #535

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 534):

Well are you going to play a member of the new Player House (House Fell of Timberwood) or are you playing a ward from another house or a sellsword, then there is a knight sworn to Timberwood etc. so I guess what I wanted to say was what type of PC were you thinking of and then as we do the house creation we can keep this in mind. Another example is if no one wants to be a Maester then maybe you don't have to pay for it in creation etc etc. - Did that make sense?

I assumed that everyone was going to be a Fell, but your right if you are not going to be a Fell then yes, we should do houses first.
player, 4 posts
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 21:58
  • msg #536

Re: Discussion & Creation

Oh okay, that's part of the confusion.  I think I didn't understand that you intended everyone to be part of House Fell.

I thought when I was directed to this thread, I was supposed to describe what my basic concept ideas/desires were and then everyone would sort of help tack onto it to coalesce and flesh the character out then fit her in with a group of PC's.  Did I misunderstand?

*edited to add*

The idea of a ward/hostage from another House sounds like a very good possible hook, if it will allow me to play the Velaryon or Greyjoy idea I had.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:59, Tue 21 Oct 2014.
GM, 1503 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 21:58
  • msg #537

Re: Discussion & Creation

@ CanadianRomeo

have you thought of a character concept yet?
GM, 1504 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 22:07
  • msg #538

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 536):

Yes again your correct, Let me first say that our last round of recruits were unhappy with the delays in creation. So I will tend to push a little more then normal to get this rolling along. In this game it can take sometime to develop the storyline in the creation phase and I and others may tend to get impatient. :)

So yes - you can still post your ideas and the other players may want to recruit you to there house. So that should happen first. If your not interested in joining an existing house then House Fell of Timberwood would be the default and we will then start Player House creation - which will be PC type and storyline for the new house.

All those currently interested in House Fell just let me know and I will add you to that grouping.

So I will slow down, LOL - I will take it out of 3rd gear now and let it coast in 1st until I get replies. :)

player, 3 posts
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 22:12
  • msg #539

Re: Discussion & Creation

Has a house thread for creation been made for House Fell
GM, 1505 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 22:14
  • msg #540

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CoolGirl (msg # 539):

YES it has - if thats your choice I will add you now.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:15, Tue 21 Oct 2014.
player, 5 posts
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 22:31
  • msg #541

Re: Discussion & Creation

Okay, so how about this then?  I scavenged some of my previous Velaryon concept's bio and rewrote parts, and could use this as the basis of something to work with?

Back Story:

Eldest child of two children born to Ser Llydian of House Velaryon and Lady Eryadora (nee of House Sunglass), Acired grew up in the sheltered bays of her family home of Sudal, a tiny islet in  the southern mouth of the Gullet.

Her father Ser Llydian, spent a long career as a knight of minor note at best, serving his greater kin and cousins of House Velaryon with loyal if undistinguished service.  Lady Eryadora was the seventh daughter of her household and her marriage to Ser Llydian, while not unhappy, was the best match that could be arranged in her youth when she reached marriagable age, and so she spent many of her days thereafter pining for the richer and more cosmopolitan life of Aegon's Landing.

As the eldest of two girls, Acired was by practical necessity more of her father's daughter, taking much after him and spending much of her childhood learning things from attending his daily duties.  She learned her letters at his side, as he tended to the ravens from Dragonstone and wrote his reports on his regular watches upon the distant seas' horizon.  She helped him with his armor, his weapons, and when he took injury on the infrequent sortees against coastal raiders, she learned how to clean wounds with saltwater and sew them shut with fish sinew.

From her mother, Acired learned precious little of courtly life, showing talent only for the musical lessons Eryadora tried to pass onto her.  Showing a predisposition for the ancient and traditional historical ballads, she would play her mother's heirloom lyre for her mother and father at the end of every evening, bringing small comfort through music to the weary couple before sleep.

Life for the family was simple and modest, and yet the young girl spent many happy Summer days never knowing much of the world that lay a few days sail from their shores.  Her lessons were practical for the most part, though lore of lineages, heraldry, and landholdings were not ignored by her father as part of her learning, he was a pragmatic knight in service and knew well the value passing on the skills of counting numbers, bushels of grain, catties of dried fish, and barrels of fresh water.

As she grew older towards womanhood, the wishes of her mother for Acired to marry well put pressure upon her father to stop taking out on his daily excursions and occasional sorties to the neighboring isles.  But for a chance foray against Ironborn raiders which left her father with a vicious wound that would not heal properly, Acired's destiny might have followed a different path altogether.

Sent to fetch her wounded father from the campaign and bring him home, Acired was present when the battle escalated, and their longboatss were overun.  Taking up a spear to defend her father, Acired showed her mettle and acted as a worthy second, crying out to the men of the Driftmark to rally to her father's banner.  Even after the tide of battle turned and the Ironborn were driven off, she remained by her father's side, tending to his letters and nursing his wounds along with those of her kinsmen.  The mariners and warriors jokingly began to call her "The Lord's Shadow" as she never strayed far from his side as the campaign wound to a close.  Eventually she acted as his crutch when he finally returned home to peace.

But the wounds taken in battle took a grievious toll on the man, and his health soon failed.  Shortly after returning home, Ser Llydian awoke unable to move one side of his body, and remained bedridden thereafter.  Unable to complete Acired's training, Ser Llydian sent ravens to his distant comrades from the (Stormlands?), asking to foster his daughter with them in Aegon's Landing where she could continue her education and hopefully find a place for herself.  Lady Eryadora took kindly this opportunity as well, hoping that the fostering of her eldest girl in a more courtly environment might make more of a proper maiden out of her, and lead to suitable marriage prospects.

And so in this season of peace, like the calm before the storm, young Acired Velaryon has come to (somewhere in the Stormlands?) to be presented to the Lord and Lady (fill in the blanks), to be fostered and groomed, eventually to be introduced into Court...

player, 4 posts
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 23:18
  • msg #542

Re: Discussion & Creation

thank you. I look forward to seeing the House thread.
player, 1 post
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 23:43
  • msg #543

Re: Discussion & Creation

Couple ideas come to mind... Are the land ell into the mountains or farther south towards the river?
GM, 1506 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 23:52
  • msg #544

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 541):

That's pretty cool, nice background. I think this would fit just fine in the setting and Fells of Timberwood would be a good place to put you in.

So you can be a new added member of their house hold. what age were you thinking? And with these houses going to King's Landing for a royal wedding this fits nicly.
player, 6 posts
Tue 21 Oct 2014
at 23:57
  • msg #545

Re: Discussion & Creation

Well as far as age is concerned, if this were the books, she'd be around fourteen to fifteen years of age.

However, even in a setting as free as RPOL, most roleplaying games that involve the slightest hint of mature content tend to insist on the characters involved being the modern legal age of majority.  So I guess I'd go with the minimum possible, which since RPOL is in Australia, and I think in the past and present Commonwealth the AoM is seventeen, that's what I'd go with?
GM, 1507 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:00
  • msg #546

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CanadianRomeo (msg # 543):

I was thinking south of Grandview, east of Summerhall, west side of the river at the base of the mountains. a bit far for their main house but I didnt read that there were any strong bad feeling with those in that area with the Fells so it should work well.

If you would like a different place on the map let me know were and why.
GM, 1508 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:12
  • msg #547

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 545):

Use your best judgement. I dont remember that being noted and or clearly defined. I don't plan to be graphic so if something happens in an adult nature it will not be as graphic too through a red flag by the RPol.
player, 7 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:15
  • msg #548

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 547):

Well if everything potentially risque is done in "Fade to Black" scenes, then I will go with my first instinct and make the character fourteen then.  Sound good?
player, 2 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:24
  • msg #549

Re: Discussion & Creation

In that case would a nautical bent fit? If they're close enough to the river they might possess some kind of river patrol.
GM, 1509 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:31
  • msg #550

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CanadianRomeo (msg # 549):

I would be careful on making a water base charater (sailor or captain etc) we have ironborn and its very hard to make it interesting for them.
player, 8 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:34
  • msg #551

Re: Discussion & Creation

Wait, does this mean my character wouldn't be able to make use of her island/nautical heritage?
GM, 1510 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:42
  • msg #552

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 551):

You would be able to, but just understand that the focus right now is a wedding. Their are a few from other lands in Essos so your island/nautical heritage could be needed. And some of the Player Houses have ships and so on. I just dont want you to feel that you made a PC thats uselss, .... if they storyline doent take you inthe direction you expect. The good news I do beleive their will be more ship related events as well as the an ironborn group will be part of this stroyline.

The game is really open so it all depends on the PCs and their actions.
player, 9 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:44
  • msg #553

Re: Discussion & Creation

Cool! Cool!

I'm actually looking forward to the gathering and introductions!

Now that I've gotten a concept solidified, how do I actually make a character since I am new to this system?

*Edited to add*

Also, should my posting name be changed now?  LOL!  Somehow I don't think Chinese names lend themselves to Westeros!

This message was last edited by the player at 00:46, Wed 22 Oct 2014.
player, 5 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:46
  • msg #554

Re: Discussion & Creation

hi, caladin. Hate to be a butt especially with my BF saying be nice. I stilol can not see house building Thread. I know how busy you are, but really am jonsing as it is said to make character. But, I really want to do it in the feel of whatever house I join.
player, 6 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:48
  • msg #555

Re: Discussion & Creation

do you have excel if you do there is a program to help generate characters.  best to have books because it sometimes misses options
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 251 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:52
  • msg #556

Re: Discussion & Creation

 JOIN HOUSE ASHFIELD,   It never works, but worth a shot.
GM, 1511 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:53
  • msg #557

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 553):

sure what you full PC name
GM, 1512 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:53
  • msg #558

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CoolGirl (msg # 554):

I will do that right now
GM, 1513 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:57
  • msg #559

Re: Discussion & Creation

I need a post/reply from everyone that will be joining HOuse Fell of timeberwood so i can add you there threads
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 252 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:58
  • [deleted]
  • msg #560

Re: Discussion & Creation

This message was deleted by the player at 01:02, Wed 22 Oct 2014.
player, 10 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 01:26
  • msg #561

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ming-Ming (msg # 553):

sure what you full PC name

Acired Callipygia of House Velaryon is her full name, but you could just use Acired Velaryon I suppose?
I need a post/reply from everyone that will be joining HOuse Fell of timeberwood so i can add you there threads

Does this include me?
This message was last edited by the player at 01:26, Wed 22 Oct 2014.
player, 3 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 01:31
  • msg #562

Re: Discussion & Creation

Lachland Fairbrother reporting, Sir!

I'm assuming we would have had the chance to participate in the war.
GM, 1515 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 01:37
  • msg #563

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CanadianRomeo (msg # 562):

thats based on age
Acired Velaryon
player, 11 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 01:39
  • msg #564

Re: Discussion & Creation

What war?

I was trying to find the current time and setting of the campaign, but couldn't find a sticky/notice with the current date/year of Westeros that we're in.

I thought we were in the period just after the union of the Targaryens and the Martells?
GM, 1516 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 01:44
  • msg #565

Re: Discussion & Creation

GM, 1517 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 01:48
  • msg #566

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CanadianRomeo (msg # 562):

so with that name i guessingyour not part of the Fell family, so you are going to be what Type?
player, 4 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 01:53
  • msg #567

Re: Discussion & Creation

Oh I thought we couldn't be part of the family to start out.  I'll be a Fell in that case.

And specifically I was speaking about the War with Dorne.  I would have been 16 in the last year of the war.  Chances are I may have accompanied the family there as a Young Adult?
GM, 1519 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 01:56
  • msg #568

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CanadianRomeo (msg # 567):

I'm sorry if I was not clear, new players can not be heads of the house or 1st heirs. so you can be uncles, aunts, brothers sister and brothers, 2nd 3rd heirs etc.
GM, 1522 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 14:09
  • msg #569

Re: Discussion & Creation

@ CanadianRomeo

let me know when you pick a new name since your interested in a Fell member.

I was thinking a second cousin, your father is the uncle of the current lord who is the son of the founding lord to This House, and the house is new so the history on the Timberwood side is short, but the Fells have a long line which you guy share as well for history's sake.

Nothing is firm yet this is all just planning and discussion so if anyone doesn't like what they are hearing they need to speak up. This is a group effort not a dictatorship as GM :)
GM, 1523 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 14:15
  • msg #570

Re: Discussion & Creation

By the way the short history doesn't mean you don't roll for history it just means most of the events are recent. And maybe one or two are a little older that leads to the making of House Fell of Timberwood.
player, 5 posts
Thu 23 Oct 2014
at 17:32
  • msg #571

Re: Discussion & Creation

I like the sound of that. Since its a fairly young house its unlikely to change the last name so I'll go with Lachlann Fell.
Vanna Storm
player, 10 posts
Thu 23 Oct 2014
at 19:29
  • msg #572

Re: Discussion & Creation

Calling Lachlann Fell to the House Fell discussion thread.

Hi, I am vanna would love your input in that thread about the house and characters in general
Hotho Thrice
Saltwind, 38 posts
Drowned Man, priest
harder and stronger
Thu 23 Oct 2014
at 20:50
  • msg #573

Re: Discussion & Creation

Moving the discussion here so as not to jam up the IC thread.

I mean the obvious magic for a drowned priest to have is that of calling up or calming storms. It would either have to be a difficult check or actually be a trick (basically weather forecasting). Depends how much magic you want.

I think there are some rules for divination type abilities (green dreams is it?) that might be possible to work a variant of - maybe the devout drink a lot of seawater and then get watery visions (in addition to feeling sick / weak)?
Acired Velaryon
player, 12 posts
Ward of House Fell
Thu 23 Oct 2014
at 23:35
  • msg #574

Re: Discussion & Creation

So... would anyone be willing to help me with the actual nuts and bolts of character creation?  I do not own the books nor can I seem to find any pdfs online.
Hotho Thrice
Saltwind, 39 posts
Drowned Man, priest
harder and stronger
Fri 24 Oct 2014
at 00:33
  • msg #575

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Acired Velaryon (msg # 574):

I thought the quickstart guide and a decent excel sheet was available on the green ronin site. Is that no longer the case?
Maester Solveig
Saltwind, 34 posts
Fri 24 Oct 2014
at 02:13
  • msg #576

Re: Discussion & Creation

A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying fan Philip Dack created a fillable character creation and advancement spreadsheet, and has offered it up for us to provide to you. This .xls file is usable in Excel,, and (probably) more spreadsheet programs.
Acired Velaryon
player, 13 posts
Ward of House Fell
Sat 25 Oct 2014
at 22:51
  • msg #577

Re: Discussion & Creation

I am trying to read through the rules now, and there's a LOT to take in.

I have certain 'ideas' that I don't know are possible or practical in this system, and it's hard to find the rules for.  If anyone knows or can point me to the correct chapter/page for the following:
  • Are spears a one-handed or two-handed weapon?
  • Is it possible to play a shield and spear style combatant?  Or is this just a stupid idea?
  • Is there a limit on how many benefits you can start with as a Young Adult?
  • I was also considering the Brawler chain of Benefits, is unarmed combat lame or might it be something worthwhile?  Can punches and kicks be combined with weapon attacks?
  • Are shields purely for defense or can they be used to bash with?
  • Is it acceptable to take a Flaw and tweak the flavor text to better suit a concept, keeping the mechanics unchanged?
  • Is there a limit to the number of Flaws a Young Adult can start with?
  • What exactly are the limitations and benefits of a Young Adult (I can't find the actual rules anywhere, though it's mentioned lots of places)

GM, 5 posts
Sat 25 Oct 2014
at 23:18
  • msg #578

Re: Discussion & Creation

will respond in private shortly.
Acired Velaryon
player, 14 posts
Ward of House Fell
Sun 26 Oct 2014
at 02:33
  • msg #579

Re: Discussion & Creation

I was asked if I was in the House Creation thread?  Should I be able to see it?
Acired Velaryon
player, 25 posts
Ward of House Fell
Tue 28 Oct 2014
at 11:54
  • msg #580

Re: Discussion & Creation

So hey!  I am nearly finished with my sheet, just waiting on word back on one possible Quality and am looking at starting equipment.  Is there a flat amount to work with or are we following the book's randomized method of a Status Roll for your gold dragons?
GM, 1542 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 28 Oct 2014
at 20:37
  • msg #581

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Acired Velaryon (msg # 580):

following the book for now.
GM, 1543 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 28 Oct 2014
at 20:38
  • msg #582

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Acired Velaryon (msg # 579):

Yes you should
Acired Velaryon
player, 28 posts
Ward of House Fell
Tue 28 Oct 2014
at 22:24
  • msg #583

Re: Discussion & Creation

Okey dokey!

Another question is on weapon grades, are we restricted to Common Grade for our equipment?  Or presuming we are nobles, are we able to afford "Castle Grade" gear?

If so, what is the price difference?
This message was last edited by the player at 22:24, Tue 28 Oct 2014.
Acired Velaryon
player, 29 posts
Ward of House Fell
Tue 28 Oct 2014
at 22:48
  • msg #584

Re: Discussion & Creation

And again... another silly question from me...  apologies for so many posts!

Are we expected to account for the little items of our daily lives, such as candles, food, and so forth?  It's micro-accounting to be sure, and I understand if we should list it all, but I just wanted to be sure.  After all, we are a noble house of some wealth and the minutae does tend to distract from the roleplaying immersion.
GM, 1544 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 28 Oct 2014
at 23:11
  • msg #585

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Acired Velaryon (msg # 584):

you should list it so that you have it, you will not need to keep track of it until its needed to be.

An example - you can list you have food rations when traveling, but food will not be an issue unless the storyline starts to lead to starving then we will start counting food supplies.

Or darkness you will always have a light source until i say one is not around then we go to your supplies and if you have that candle then you have light.

just be realistic about your picks. as noble there are few common items i will not allow - weapons and special items you think you will need should be listed
Acired Velaryon
player, 30 posts
Ward of House Fell
Wed 29 Oct 2014
at 00:21
  • msg #586

Re: Discussion & Creation


But what about my question regarding Castle-Forged weapons?  I can't find a price difference in the book.
player, 2 posts
Thu 30 Oct 2014
at 15:57
  • msg #587

Re: Discussion & Creation

So I'm looking to come in with a Maester, Septon/Priest or courtier. I know some houses are covered. But I figured it might be advisable to gauge interest.

I am eying the new house being formed but I don't know who is in it...
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 262 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Thu 30 Oct 2014
at 16:03
  • msg #588

Re: Discussion & Creation

 Welcome to the game. I shall do my usual pitch to new players. I RP Ser Mathys of House Ashfield. We had been reduced in numbers, due to player Attrition. We can always use a good player, with dedication to the game. Please ask any question you might have of me. I shall do my best to answer you inquiries. And again, welcome to the Madness of Westeros. :0)
GM, 1562 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 30 Oct 2014
at 16:57
  • msg #589

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Anaxemenies (msg # 587):

If you check the cast list we label tags by house, that one way to gauge who is with who.

Also it require a bit of reading you can look under House & Land thread or Who's Who thread.
Fell, 16 posts
Knightly Cousin
Sun 2 Nov 2014
at 15:18
  • msg #590

Re: Discussion & Creation

How does this look for Lachland Fell?


Youth (1-9)
His was a typical childhood for a noble child of a minor house.  Life was not harsh, compared to
the common man, though being the member of a minor house brought with it its own issues. As the
youngest child there was every likelyhood he would become only a token to be used in political

Adolescent (10-13)
As he grew older life continued much as it always did, though his training became more intensive.
Though he seemed to only possess a middling ability with a sword he took well to the spear, which
he enjoyed greatly.

Young Adult
In his 16th year King Daeron summoned his banners and marched to war agains the Dornishmen. His
father, ever a devout supporter of the crown, gathered a small force of arms and marched south with
the rest of the Fell men. With holdings along the river dividing the Stormlands from Dorne the
house had a keen interest in the outcome. Though he was barely a man he was able to convince his
father to bring him along as he was the younger son and thus was less valuable if lost in the
fighting.  However dispite his zeal he fought little, though he learned a great deal about war as
they fought the Dornish tooth and nail across the coast, before pushing south as the main bulk of
the army shattered their forces.

Eager to win increasing fame and prestige, as most young men are, he remained with the occupational
forces with a token force of Fell armsmen. Over time they came to trust each other and became well
known for their tenacity and ability to seekout the enemey despite the inhospitable terrain.

He spent the next several years assisting the occupational forces in keeping the peace, both in the
Dornish capital and in the surrounding lands. It was a time of his life that he truely enjoyed.  He
was constantly challenged both physically and mentally by the every day trials of occupational life,
but also had a cadre of trustworthy companions he could lean on and share enjoyable nights with.
Unfortunately this period of his life was not to last as the Dorns managed to rally themselves and
thrust back against a force that in all honesty had become complacent during the years of relative

His greatest moment of triumph came as the royal forces were being force to retreat from the
capital. Many men had become trapped between the sea and the forces assaulting the city, as they
tried to board ships. With his companions at his side he rallied a group of spearmen and bought
time for the men to retreat. Unfortunately as they themselves made to retreat he found himself face
to face with a monstrously huge Dornman with a wicked looking trident. The prongs of which soon
found themselves burried in his guts. With the steely resolve of youth he wrapped his hand around
the head to prevent the man from moving away and buried his dagger in the man's throat as they both
fell into the sea.

He awoke several weeks later upon a ship making speed for home in a small cabin possessed by an
elderly knight and friend of the family. Though noone, even the old knight himself, expected him to
live but miracuoulsly he managed to survive the incident, though the jagged scars remain to this
day.  As he finally rose from his sick bed he found his companions waiting, who presented him with
the Trident as a macrabe trophy. He decided to keep it, viewing it as a reminder of all the things
that final battle had taught him. A year or so later the Old Knight visited their holdings to check
about his health and bade him take the Oath.

Thus began his time as one of the rare Fell Knights.
GM, 1574 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 3 Nov 2014
at 00:49
  • msg #591

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CanadianRomeo (msg # 590):

I like your background, its approved.

Put it on you PC sheet for now
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 112 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Mon 3 Nov 2014
at 01:22
  • msg #592

Re: Discussion & Creation

Acired Velaryon:

But what about my question regarding Castle-Forged weapons?  I can't find a price difference in the book.

Castle-forged Weapons cost twice as much.
GM, 11 posts
Mon 3 Nov 2014
at 01:44
  • msg #593

Re: Discussion & Creation

7–3: Weapon Grade

Poor           –1D on Fighting or Marksmanship tests
Common                     No modifiers
Superior                   Add +1 to the result of all Fighting or Marksmanship tests
Extraordinary              As Superior, plus increase the

Most sell swords, city watch and hedge knights have common weapons

Castle forged weapons are either bought or made by the Artisan Wealth Holding. These weapons are considered Superior

Valyrian Blades are gotten by the Heirloom Quality. They are considered extraordinary weapons by SIFRP rules
GM, 1575 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 3 Nov 2014
at 02:35
  • msg #594

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Edric Neumann (msg # 592):

X3 to X5 the cost, thats based on who, what, where, ..............

Who is making it
What type of weapon is made
Where in the world
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:36, Mon 03 Nov 2014.
Acired Velaryon
Fell, 60 posts
Ward of House Fell
Mon 3 Nov 2014
at 06:31
  • msg #595

Re: Discussion & Creation

Muse had the right of it, he pointed me to the right chapter and reference in the books.  It's gained from House Creation, requiring the Artisan holding.

If your house has invested in Artisan AND selects the upgrade from the choice of options, it automatically upgrades the weapons of the house members to Artisan quality.

I would presume that most noble Houses would keep artisan quality smiths a closely guarded secret and resource for their own security and relatively few would be available on the open market, much in the same manner that hi-tech military grade hardware can be difficult for people to find who are not in the know.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:33, Mon 03 Nov 2014.
GM, 12 posts
Mon 3 Nov 2014
at 08:40
  • msg #596

Re: Discussion & Creation

The warfare system for units really does not use an exact weapon to determine damage.

Example there is no difference  in calling Infantry  Spearman or swords man. When, a unit is upgraded I do believe it is a improvement in weapons, but on a lesser degree than issuing castle forged weapons.  Like a infantry unit gets upgraded, it goes from lighter weapons like long sword to heavy 2 handed swords. Still all common grade weapons. Castle forged weapons are rare and expensive to the point that it would be a really major endeavor for a house to arm a few unit/
Acired Velaryon
Fell, 61 posts
Ward of House Fell
Mon 3 Nov 2014
at 08:59
  • msg #597

Re: Discussion & Creation

The warfare system for units really does not use an exact weapon to determine damage.

Example there is no difference  in calling Infantry  Spearman or swords man. When, a unit is upgraded I do believe it is a improvement in weapons, but on a lesser degree than issuing castle forged weapons.  Like a infantry unit gets upgraded, it goes from lighter weapons like long sword to heavy 2 handed swords. Still all common grade weapons. Castle forged weapons are rare and expensive to the point that it would be a really major endeavor for a house to arm a few unit/

Yea, I wouldn't presume that common NPC's would have them.  I presumed the ARtisan benefit to refer to player characters when I read it.
GM, 1576 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 3 Nov 2014
at 21:34
  • msg #598

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CanadianRomeo (msg # 590):

By the way is Lachland Fell his official name I would like you change it for you and I see you picked a Picture for him so I would like to start adding your info. to the Private thread.
Fell, 17 posts
Knightly Cousin
Mon 3 Nov 2014
at 22:32
  • msg #599

Re: Discussion & Creation

Yes.. 100% Official.
GM, 1577 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 3 Nov 2014
at 23:28
  • msg #600

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to CanadianRomeo (msg # 599):

ok you name is done :)
Maester Solveig
Saltwind, 35 posts
Thu 13 Nov 2014
at 21:24
  • msg #601

Re: Discussion & Creation

With the Ironborn thread on hiatus I'm looking for a house.  Is there a house interested in another player and what profession would you like my character to have?
GM, 1743 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 18 Nov 2014
at 21:56
  • msg #602

Re: Discussion & Creation

Past Ironborn Players - you guys looking to start your new PCs. If not done by Friday you will miss the chance to be introduced with the others. This is, if your picked was the Stormlands. If you have not picked a new house, and its not going to be the Stormlands, then you can do so at you own pace.

Maester Solveig
Hotho Thrice
Raul the Silent
Rhaella Saltwind
Simon Saltwind

New players I need to add threads for you, .... so once you have picked a house please let me know, - 2 new threads will open based on which house you pick.


Current PCs of the Stormlands

Acired Velaryon
Eryyk Tyrol (need your Character Description done)
Lachland Fell
Loranth Fell
Vanna Storm (need your Character Description done)

we are almost there to start.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:59, Tue 18 Nov 2014.
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 120 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Wed 19 Nov 2014
at 04:53
  • msg #603

Re: Discussion & Creation

Welcome Desiderata and Kingjawa.

To everyone looking for a new house the Reach is looking to refill its ranks. We did have a solid group that has since dwindled down to four with the addition of Leon. There are two well fleshed out houses to chose from and due to recent events, things are starting to get interesting as far as our plot line goes. They are many roles to choose from of course! Will you be a noble knight sworn to one of the houses, an accomplished lancer under the command of Merius of the Blue Lances, or perhaps Mathys little brother? I for one am jealous of how Mathys has gotten his squire before me so I'll put an offer out and see if anyone is willing to be my squire, but if not their is plenty of other roles for you to fill.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 302 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Tue 25 Nov 2014
at 00:58
  • msg #604

Re: Discussion & Creation

 House Gsrdail?
GM, 1772 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 25 Nov 2014
at 00:59
  • msg #605

Re: Discussion & Creation

OK if I get 3 replies to this request we will start a new Player House (2nd) from the Stormlands.
GM, 1773 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 25 Nov 2014
at 00:59
  • msg #606

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Mathys Ashfield (msg # 604):

I thought that house was in the westerlands?

That house would be for the northern campaign.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:00, Tue 25 Nov 2014.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 303 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Tue 25 Nov 2014
at 01:12
  • msg #607

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 606):

 You are correct. Sigh
player, 2 posts
Tue 25 Nov 2014
at 09:05
  • msg #608

Re: Discussion & Creation

Second New House in Stormlands

Hello there! I was told there are some other plyers who don't have characters yet, so I am looking for others, who would be interested in creating and playing in the seconds new house in Stormlands. I would play the heir of the house and we could all create the house together from the ground-up. So, is anyone interested?
player, 1 post
Wed 26 Nov 2014
at 12:15
  • msg #609

Re: Discussion & Creation

A new house starting up sounds like a perfect opportunity for me. I am interested.
player, 3 posts
Wed 26 Nov 2014
at 12:26
  • msg #610

Re: Discussion & Creation

A new house starting up sounds like a perfect opportunity for me. I am interested.

Great! Anyone else?
GM, 1786 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 26 Nov 2014
at 21:39
  • msg #611

Re: Discussion & Creation

Great House
House Arryn
House Arryn of the Eyrie is one of great houses of Westeros, and is the principal noble house in the Vale. Their main seat is the Eyrie, but they have many other holdings, including their winter castle at the Gates of the Moon. Both of these fortifications sit astride the Giant's Lance, the tallest mountain in the Vale, and the Eyrie is considered impregnable. Their sigil is a white moon-and-falcon on a sky-blue field, and their words are "As High as Honor". Their line dates back to the old Andal peoples that invaded Westeros. Usually marrying other Andal nobles, House Arryn to this day has the purest line of Andal nobility.

FOUNDEDVery Old History, Andal Invasion
LOCATIONMountains of the Moon
LORDLord Jasper Arryn
LIEGE LORDHouse Targaryen
MOTTO As High as Honor
HERALDRYa white moon-and-falcon on a sky-blue field

House Members and Retainers (Bastards are not all listed)
Lord*NCJasper Arryn16 Lord of House
Lady*NC   Lord's Wife
 *NC   1st son, Heir to House
 NCJeyne Arryn39 Widow of Lord Ronnel Arryn
 NCLeonella22 1st daughter
 NCMarsella21 older sister
 NCJonella19 older sister
 NCLord Danwell Arryn36 Uncle to Lord Jasper
HunterNCLady Carolei29 Lord Danwell's wife
 NCDonnel Arryn9 1st son of Danwell
 NCMariya Arryn7 1st daughter of Danwell
 NCPetyr Arryn3 2nd son of Danwell
 NCSer Artys Stone39 Knight of the Vale of Danwell
SeptonNCGilwood64 Great-uncle to Lord Jasper, his grandfather’s youngest brother
* Denotes Non-Playable, for new players considering to join or take over a NC.


GM, 1787 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 26 Nov 2014
at 21:43
  • msg #612

Re: Discussion & Creation

The above is just to show you what I have been up to the last 2 weeks +. Is heavy stuff. I have been researching and putting together who would be alive during this time.


What the Great houses and their top vassals would have and their families.

The northern campaign is almost ready and I wanted to give you a sneak peek at what the southern campaign will be looking forward too, ..... as this and much more will go in effect soon.
GM, 1788 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 26 Nov 2014
at 21:45
  • msg #613

Re: Discussion & Creation

Sorry Ashara they only get married to other Andal nobles :)

You sex pot, LOL
Hotho Thrice
Saltwind, 40 posts
Drowned Man, priest
harder and stronger
Wed 26 Nov 2014
at 23:42
  • msg #614

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'd like to be in the new Stormlands house too. Is there a planning thread / group I can be added to?
player, 4 posts
Wed 26 Nov 2014
at 23:50
  • msg #615

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hotho Thrice:
I'd like to be in the new Stormlands house too. Is there a planning thread / group I can be added to?

So far we only have PMs.
GM, 1793 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 00:45
  • msg #616

Re: Discussion & Creation

I will start one now that we have 3 or more for the house.
GM, 1794 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 00:48
  • msg #617

Re: Discussion & Creation

Actually I could use a house name first - so lets do that, then I will open some  threads.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 310 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:00
  • msg #618

Re: Discussion & Creation

 Gardail, :)>
player, 5 posts
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:01
  • msg #619

Re: Discussion & Creation

So, any suggestions for the name?
GM, 1795 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:09
  • msg #620

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Mathys Ashfield:
Gardail, :)>

I thought that was for the northern campaign?
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 311 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:11
  • msg #621

Re: Discussion & Creation

Never mind, I keep getting North and South areas mixed up.
player, 2 posts
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:30
  • msg #622

Re: Discussion & Creation

I rolled a random animal and object for inspiration and got a fox and a flaming heart.

We don't have to go with it but had to start somewhere.

player, 6 posts
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:33
  • msg #623

Re: Discussion & Creation

I rolled a random animal and object for inspiration and got a fox and a flaming heart.

We don't have to go with it but had to start somewhere.


Flamecrest maybe? Or Fireheart?
player, 3 posts
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:34
  • msg #624

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 312 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:38
  • msg #625

Re: Discussion & Creation

 What about House Balgair.......... Balgair is old  Gaelic for fox.
player, 7 posts
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:40
  • msg #626

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ser Mathys Ashfield:
What about House Balgair.......... Balgair is old  Gaelic for fox.

Sure, that sounds good :)
player, 4 posts
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:41
  • msg #627

Re: Discussion & Creation

I also like Balgair

Thanks Ser Mathys
Loranth Fell
Fell, 78 posts
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:42
  • msg #628

Re: Discussion & Creation

That is sort of cool.
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 313 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 01:59
  • msg #629

Re: Discussion & Creation

 If you go with the a fox and Flaming heart, as a potential house motto, you have the fox's cunning, and the great passion of the flaming heart. Or perhaps the flaming heart means a passion for deeds. Just a few thoughts.
GM, 1798 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 04:38
  • msg #630

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Hotho Thrice (msg # 614):

ok i will move you over
player, 1 post
Thu 27 Nov 2014
at 22:16
  • msg #631

Re: Discussion & Creation

I would like to join the new House also. I am new to the game, so have not created a charactert yet.
GM, 1804 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 28 Nov 2014
at 03:28
  • msg #632

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Eber (msg # 631):

OK, done I have up dated your group.
Acired Velaryon
Fell, 86 posts
Ward of House Fell
Fri 28 Nov 2014
at 17:21
  • msg #633

Re: Discussion & Creation

Grats to the new house and I wish you luck and fortune!  :-)
GM, 1811 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 28 Nov 2014
at 17:47
  • msg #634

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Acired Velaryon (msg # 633):

being that you're both from the stormlands I would recommend tying storylines together you guys can freely work on this
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:48, Fri 28 Nov 2014.
GM, 1852 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 1 Dec 2014
at 23:03
  • msg #635

Re: Discussion & Creation

So players may archive info in their Re: Access to Game of Thrones: To Rule the Kingdoms by RPoL rules I must keep this if you are a player.

Storyline/background stories bwt PCs are kept in what is and will be the Private house thread. Every house will have one. The Planning house thread is for chatter that is bwt players of that house.

When needed NC sheets and info will also be kept in their private house thread.

Basically the Private house thread is for official house info. and some archives. The planning is your chit chat for that house.

In IC you post OOC in orange and/or use the private or secret if needed.

Players interested in IC conversations that are a break away form their current IC may use the 'Lord and Ladies' thread. You must request to enter this thread and only the players involved in that conversation will every get to read them. This is were you plot, and IC your secrets. all other ICs will open for everyone to read when the IC is done. Keep this in mind - recommend using [private] when you need to.

All this and a lot more is listed in the RTJ thread. Please take the time to read them. I know its a lot but it will help with playing in this game.
GM, 1950 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Fri 12 Dec 2014
at 16:14
  • msg #636

Re: Discussion & Creation


He has a few ideas but is not yet sure of which house to go with. I recommend that if you have spots to fill in your house to touch base with him.
Sherlyne Brosha
player, 2 posts
Sat 15 Aug 2015
at 21:15
  • msg #637

Re: Discussion & Creation

How much is a Braavosi Blade if your background will allow one to buy one in Braavos? The book price is for that cost in Westeros which would seem to be higher.
Dio Diosanta
Kolwyn, 10 posts
Sat 15 Aug 2015
at 21:59
  • msg #638

Re: Discussion & Creation

I would argue it costs as much as a Westerosi longsword but then again when I was building my pirate I payed book price for mine just to avoid the discussion so....
Sherlyne Brosha
player, 3 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2015
at 01:25
  • msg #639

Re: Discussion & Creation

I'm cheap, I can't find prices on Castle-Made Weapons my guess they aren't cheap. But anyway money IS an issue for my character she's not bad in a fight for a young adult, if pressured to.
Dio Diosanta
Kolwyn, 11 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2015
at 01:37
  • msg #640

Re: Discussion & Creation

You could pick a fighting style that focuses on cheaper small blades maybe.
Sherlyne Brosha
player, 4 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2015
at 01:48
  • msg #641

Re: Discussion & Creation

I can afford one just doesn't see the need to pay full price when she was in the city the blades are common during her adolescence and she studied fencing.
Acired Velaryon
Fell, 154 posts
Fostered by House Fell
Sun 16 Aug 2015
at 04:19
  • msg #642

Re: Discussion & Creation

There is no price listed for Castle-Grade weapons because you can't get them on your own like that.  You have to have access to a Castle Grade Smith which is an extra created through House Creation traits in the House Creation process.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:19, Sun 16 Aug 2015.
Sherlyne Brosha
player, 5 posts
Sun 16 Aug 2015
at 04:23
  • msg #643

Re: Discussion & Creation

Awwww, or acquire one in game play by other means. ;)

Anyway a common weapon is fine she's a performer not a warrior, but can defend herself some.
GM, 2469 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Sun 16 Aug 2015
at 14:19
  • msg #644

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Sherlyne Brosha (msg # 643):

I would focus on the stats and background story, with some well worded Character Description. Then we can discuss what you have.

I don't really get to into items unless it's valyrian steel, armor or a horse. Because those items are really expensive. If you came from a house with a Artisan, Master Smith and you have has castle forged steel it's most likely you would have a castle forged item, at least a weapon.

The rules for valyrian steel are house rules and you can look it up under the thread Magic & Mysticism post #8
GM, 2480 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 18 Aug 2015
at 19:30
  • msg #645

Re: Discussion & Creation

LOL I was going through some old post and found House Balgair Events, but nothing else on them, I know this was going to be a player house, what happen to this house?

Well I just found that House Kolwyn Events, never finished their event list, so player from this house please look over the other posts and provide similar information to be added. TY

Also before we start the new IC I ask that all player houses do the same so we can keep this properly updated.

link to a message in this game
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:34, Tue 18 Aug 2015.
GM, 2483 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 18 Aug 2015
at 20:04
  • msg #646

Re: Discussion & Creation

So I have some info for the new players;

Rank 1 — Deficient

 This rank in an ability means you’re deficient. Routine tasks are a challenge. Generally, an ability at this rank is the result of some other physical or mental deficiency.

I have include the link to more info on how we RP these ranks. POST #6

link to a message in this game
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:05, Tue 18 Aug 2015.
Sherlyne Brosha
player, 8 posts
Status 2
Tue 18 Aug 2015
at 20:09
  • msg #647

Re: Discussion & Creation

Or in my case she never left urban areas so why would she have Survival, until she's exposed to such skills with people who are good in them, then can use experience to raise it. And maybe get a specialty. But for now cities and towns good, and the wild is bad. Its a role-playing point.

Now to finish picking out equipment.
GM, 2485 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 18 Aug 2015
at 20:30
  • msg #648

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Sherlyne Brosha (msg # 647):

ok sounds good, :)
Sherlyne Brosha
player, 9 posts
Status 2
Tue 18 Aug 2015
at 20:39
  • msg #649

Re: Discussion & Creation

Done, I just wanted to double check the numbers and tweaked. Should be good to go for an okay or not.
GM, 2488 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 18 Aug 2015
at 21:51
  • msg #650

Re: Discussion & Creation

For our new players, I think its would be best for the game if we stick to the current active players houses with your PC creations. So as you use your creative juices please focus on being added to the houses of the following;
link to a message in this game
GM, 2489 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 18 Aug 2015
at 21:53
  • msg #651

Re: Discussion & Creation


you can come from another house, you just are sworn or in service for some reason to one of the player houses. its just to save some time on house creation and that development for us is very detail which takes a great deal of time. I'm sure we can make it work with any ideas you may have.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:54, Tue 18 Aug 2015.
GM, 2499 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 19 Aug 2015
at 18:02
  • msg #652

Re: Discussion & Creation

For the new player if you have picked a name, house and a position in the family please let me know so I can add the info to your Bio lines and player tags.

Setting Up on this Site

Character Bios, all players should have a simple bio, I will edit or add these details on for the player. The Bio-Lines are for information about the character such as, title, position in a house, or even the type of PC (warrior, sellsword, solider, etc)

Character Descriptions, this info does not need to be region specific but an idea of the personality, morals and why they are the way they are is needed if you want good quality Roleplaying and the quests and adventures to be more than just a treasure hunt.

Character Sheets, in this portion of the site you should have your character sheets and also if you are using the link to the off-site host place the link at the top of the sheet.

 Under "Character Details" for Caladin is a sample character sheet. Players are asked that all PCs and NPCs sheets be kept in full and undated via this site. A player may host his character on any other off-site and link it to this game if they so wish.
GM, 2505 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 18:01
  • msg #653

Re: Discussion & Creation

New players,

I hoping that we can get the basics ready so you can start posting by Monday.

The finial PC sheet is really last on our needed list unless you get into combat or want to contest a roll of a PC/NC.

Keep in mind its a heavy role play game not a heavy roll playing game. So background and history details are more important then stats and numbers. Of course we will need them its just not necessary for when we start.
GM, 2506 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 18:17
  • msg #654

Re: Discussion & Creation

One last thing before I end my posting for today. Can I please get solid age numbers. I know the charts don't ask but I do need them so I can fill in our house charts. Unless your PC doesn't even know, .... then we can post an age like 17-19 meaning that they are bwt that age and no one really knows exactly. Tthis is not normal for those with status of 3 or better, those with families etc as these things are closely kept by the maesters and stewards of a house, so heirs and the like are clear.
Sherlyne Brosha
Brosha, 11 posts
Musician & Singer
Merchant Prince's House
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 19:06
  • msg #655

Re: Discussion & Creation

18 Years Old
Bron Snow
Kolwyn, 116 posts
Garrison Elite Guard
Threatening Drawback
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 19:14
  • msg #656

Re: Discussion & Creation

Kosta 'Bones'
player, 1 post
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 19:29
  • msg #657

Re: Discussion & Creation

Hello, all.

The age is 29
Ser Mathys Ashfield
Ashfield, 555 posts
2nd son of Ascar
Young, Skilled Knight
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 20:08
  • msg #658

Re: Discussion & Creation

 Mathys is 23
GM, 2507 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 20:57
  • msg #659

Re: Discussion & Creation

Kosta 'Bones':
Hello, all.

The age is 29

 and do you have a family name or are you a bastard, son of a bastard, ... and I mean no foul when I say that, LOL :)
Kosta 'Bones'
player, 2 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 21:18
  • msg #660

Re: Discussion & Creation

Me'lord I am just but a Sell sword.....I even don't add "son of" shit. All no families have only 1 name (Varrus, Shea and all wildings .)
GM, 2508 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 22:23
  • msg #661

Re: Discussion & Creatiion

okie dokie

so you dont came from a family, house, or an estate, which means your small folk breed, aka commoner. Which is totally cool sine your good at fighting, and who knows maybe you can earn some fancy titles.
Ser Edric Neumann
Neumann, 187 posts
2nd son to Henry Neumann
Former foster of Ashfield
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 22:31
  • msg #662

Re: Discussion & Creatiion

Looks like Edric the baby of the group at 19!
GM, 2509 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 22:34
  • msg #663

Re: Discussion & Creatiion

In reply to Ser Edric Neumann (msg # 662):

so we are talking age or personality, LOL, jk
GM, 2510 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 22:36
  • msg #664

Re: Discussion & Creatiion

In reply to Caladin (msg # 663):

plus you have one of the coolest avaters, love Heath L.
Kosta 'Bones'
player, 3 posts
Thu 20 Aug 2015
at 22:42
  • msg #665

Re: Discussion & Creatiion

In reply to Ser Edric Neumann (msg # 662):

Uhhhh....Da pertiest birds gets plucked first.
player, 1 post
Tue 25 Aug 2015
at 03:12
  • msg #666

Re: Discussion & Creatiion

Hey cool cats!

Saw the ad and here I am :)

I've gotten a pretty solid grasp of my concept, and would like to see with all of you how they would fit. I'm still reading through most of these threads so please forgive me for any trespasses.

Ûk is a one-eyed, half-Dothraki ‘handyman’ who stands out in a crowd with his somewhat exotic look. He is a remarkable brawler and improviser, carrying out tasks of shadow and blood with keen familiarity. He seems to have a thirst for revenge against a man named Nees the Wheel, the wealthy slaver that had his mother raped to death. His master/lord (whoever that may be) favors him for his ability and loyalty. Ûk possesses little educated knowledge, but has learned a lot through the school of hard and harder knocks.

I was dfinitely going with a Dornish House at first, but it does seem a bit overcrowded.

I would like for Ûk to play as a grunt and/or a bodyguard, sidekickey position. Possibly a bastard? He comes from a rather delinquent background, and definitely has an anti-hero bend.

Any houses offering to take ole Ûk in?

And he's 27 by the way. I'll be writing up his physical description soon. Pleasure meeting you dudes.
Mardax Kaldor
Kaldor, 232 posts
High Born Lord
2nd Son of Kaldor
Tue 25 Aug 2015
at 03:45
  • msg #667

Re: Discussion & Creatiion

Well, Mardax spent 5 years in Essos, and I had my own 'slave bodyguard'.  Though his fate is, atm unknown to me.

I also have no other players in my house, so if you would like to sign up with the Blood of the Rhyone, we can take you.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 403 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Tue 25 Aug 2015
at 11:47
  • msg #668

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Caladin (msg # 654):

Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 209 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Tue 25 Aug 2015
at 23:32
  • msg #669

Re: Discussion & Creation

Old man over here.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 404 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Wed 26 Aug 2015
at 01:16
  • msg #670

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Ser Hassan Ravenhowe (msg # 669):

You still have plenty of good years ahead of you, dear uncle.
Altair Fowler
Balgair, 70 posts
Ward of House
Thu 27 Aug 2015
at 22:16
  • msg #671

Re: Discussion & Creation

Young adult 14-18. Let's say 16.
GM, 2522 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 31 Aug 2015
at 12:38
  • msg #672

Re: Discussion & Creation

I need each new player to confirm which house they are part of?

Please list full name and aliases
Position and tiles
House you are part of

Please do this before posting in IC. TY
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:38, Mon 31 Aug 2015.
player, 3 posts
Mon 31 Aug 2015
at 13:08
  • msg #673

Re: Discussion & Creation

Ûk (aka Hard Ûk)

Retainer/guard, 14 year veteran of Mereen Fighting Pits

House Kaldor
GM, 2523 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Mon 31 Aug 2015
at 14:05
  • msg #674

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Boogs (msg # 673):

Your info is updated and we will review your sheet next. Your good to post in IC TY
player, 3 posts
Tue 1 Sep 2015
at 02:52
  • msg #675

Re: Discussion & Creation

I need each new player to confirm which house they are part of?

Please list full name and aliases
Position and tiles
House you are part of

Please do this before posting in IC. TY

Name = Zekial Selmy
Position = hand of justice
House = House Selmy of Harvest Hall
GM, 2526 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 1 Sep 2015
at 13:35
  • msg #676

Re: Discussion & Creation

OK so new players we are doing well :)

Kosta, I still need you info if you want to start with this next IC. If I missed the post with the info please re-post it in PM so I can move the info over to the proper places.

Uk, your pretty much completed just need to move the info from PMs to the official sheets and take a look that the info matches as discussed

Zekial, looks like you still need the PC sheet, if you have something please re-post it in PM for review.

Sherlyne Brosha, you look done :) nice work I will double check but looks really good.
Sherlyne Brosha
Brosha, 13 posts
Musician & Singer
Merchant Prince's House
Tue 1 Sep 2015
at 14:08
  • msg #677

Re: Discussion & Creation

Please list full name and aliases: Sherlyn Brosha
Position and tiles: Guest of the House
House you are part of: Kolwyn
GM, 2527 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Tue 1 Sep 2015
at 15:09
  • msg #678

Re: Discussion & Creation

In reply to Sherlyne Brosha (msg # 677):

I was thinking about your PC. I think it would makes sense that you know Cyra Vyraes who is also a Noble Merchant Lady from Essos.

If the two of you can come together and make some history together that would be cool.

The start up for your character would be that you traveled recently from your lands to Westeros. You could have been here before if you like and are returning. You boarded the Kolwyn ship with Cyra and a few others. She choice to travel by land with the house and you stayed on board to get to kings landing first. The ship now anchored and not leaving any time soon - the ship will not make it to kings landing, you decide to leave with the 20 to find House Kolwyn and your Essos allies. You can build on this idea as you like and you will start with the group camping outside of Blackhaven. Once you have this backdrop story flushed out please post freely in IC.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:45, Tue 01 Sept 2015.
GM, 2528 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 2 Sep 2015
at 14:23
  • msg #679

Re: Discussion & Creation

New PC's .....

I still need some missing info, BUT I do not want to delay the IC any longer. Please begin posting your intros in IC: Escaping the Boneway (18)

link to a message in this game

All players should be in group 1 for their current IC.

The rest of the Players should have finish there final post in the last IC. IC: The Slaughter House (16) or IC: 'Poppy Ale' Tavern (17)

You may also begin posting in IC: Escaping the Boneway (18). Please add to the top of your post. AT THE MANOR so we know were the IC is taking place, since I plan a quick joining of the PC groups I wanted the same IC and this will also give a grasp to the new player how we post.
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