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Posted by The ForceFor group 0
Jawa, 20 posts
Outlaw Tech
Sun 8 Nov 2015
at 00:30
  • msg #79


Scrounge mutters a string of what might be obscenities.  They had been given 1 hour and he had come up short.  No weapons.  Nothing else of immediate use.  It felt like failure.

He had a hill and the enemy was approaching but still out of sight.  The jawa felt trapped.  Even the training scenario brought out a sense of fear.  He turns to Forim and hands the Duros a restraining bolt.  Then with a high pitched short laugh says "Timetodie."

Scrounge moves towards Bubbles ready to go down fighting.  Skinny was probably a spotter nearby so he wasn't likely to be able to run away and certainly didn't want to get gunned down.

OOC: Move to H6 and hide using the trees for cover from Bubbles.  He's ready to melee the droid when he can get close enough.

Scrounge rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 1D - PERCEPTION

Stealth 3A to hide from Bubbles?

This message was last edited by the player at 00:33, Sun 08 Nov 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 42 posts
Sun 8 Nov 2015
at 03:51
  • msg #80


Do I see scrounge decide to try to take on a giant robot with no weapons?
Bounty Hunter, 44 posts
Sun 8 Nov 2015
at 17:17
  • msg #81


Onyx sees Scrounge turning to stab off against a robot. In his mind this isn't a test. This is survival. He turns to Ikki. You get them to safty. I should be able to take the big one out of the equation.

Onyx takes off toward where the big one is. He is at a full sprint. As he runs he pulls the spear out which he tied to his back with vines. Onyx is confident that if he can get the big one to chase him he can lead it away from the group. He is confident that he will be able to then lose it in the forest. From there he will find a weapon and then return to the group.

(OOC: what I'm doing is using my maneuver and action to sprint toward the big robot. When Onyx gets into short range he will throw the spear at the big one hopin to get it's attention. From there he will try and lead it away from the group.)
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 23 posts
Resource Acquisition
Sun 8 Nov 2015
at 18:38
  • msg #82


Sawalim gives a soft chortle. "Last I heard, the Rebellion doesn't need the sort of heroes that will rush headlong into danger. Sacrifices like this won't put a dent in the Empire. Anybody else up for crossing the river to the north and trying to lose the droid that can be heard for miles?"
The Force
GM, 131 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 03:01
  • msg #83


Some restraining bolts are configured to affix to a droid's chassis with magnetics, chemical adhesives, or mechanical clamps. After they've been removed a few times, they have to be welded with an arc welder. Scrounges' secondhand bolt has been 'repaired' with a kind of sticky gum made from desert plum skins.

It will be only a few moments before the heavy droid mounts the ridge. (One combat round)

Onyx mounts the hill and readies his wooden spear.

(If this is really what you want to do, roll for Ranged (Light) attack at Short range)
Bounty Hunter, 45 posts
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 05:00
  • msg #84


OOC: It's what Onyx would do, and I always play my character even if it seems dumb. It makes it more interesting that way.

Onyx rolled 2 successes, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 1d with rolls of 8(A), 2(A), 7(A), 1(D).  throwing spear.

3 advantages let me get him to chase me and give him a setback when he tries to kill me.

After throwing the spear Onyx takes 1 strain to start running away,
The Force
GM, 133 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 13:51
  • msg #85


Bubbles comes over the rise. It scans the hill, taking in Onyx even as the human bounty hunter hurls his makeshift weapon.

The hurled bolt catches the heavy-duty firefighter droid in the torso. It plucks the bolt out, looks it over quickly, and then tosses it aside. It doesn't seem damaged.

Bubbles raises its gas-powered sportgun and fires. With a series of *thumps*, gas pellets fly and shatter all around Onyx. Onyx ducks as he runs, trying to stay low.

Bubbles is focused on the attack. Too focused. His circuits strain as he tries to keep Onyx in sight.

One of the gas pellets shatters on Onyx's back, and before he knows it he's inhaled a bit. The impact isn't painful, but the gas immediately starts irritating his throat. He coughs, and finds his eyes tearing up.

Bubbles begins to knuckle after Onyx as he flees down the hill. Onyx slides down the slope, narrowly avoiding some rocks at the base.

(Onyx is at E7.5. Bubbles is in the clearing at F7.)
Forim Luk
PC, 99 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 14:36
  • msg #86


ooc: For the record, I think you are all insane.... but Forim supports his team.

Forim's eyes go wide as the droid starts to barrel toward them.  He gets ready to bolt when Onyx does the stupid thing and charges the droid with a stick.  Forim takes the time to try to get around behind bubbles and affix the 'repaired' restraining bolt.

Gave myself 2D to stealth up to him with the distraction of Cobmat
09:35, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 2D.  Rolling Stealth.

Not sure difficulty of a melee attack - but better then It could have been
09:35, Today: Forim Luk rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A.  Not good at this AT ALL, lets attach a restraining bolt.
18:12, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 failures using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d.

Net: 2 failure, 2 advantages - advantages nutralize the failures and I come out net 0!
This message was last edited by the player at 23:13, Mon 09 Nov 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 46 posts
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 21:44
  • msg #87


(When my next action comes up I am going to use a maneuver to run burn a strain to run farther and use my action as a survival role that would be me trying to lose bubbles.)

Onyx rolled 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1P with rolls of 7(A), 2(A), 12(P).  Lossing bubbles.

(I didn't roll difficulty because I figured it would be against bubble's perception and I don't know that. If I succeed I lose him. Triumph makes it so that even if he loses me he continues looking for me which means he is lead away from the others.)

After throwing his spear Onyx is on the move. As he is running he feels something hit him in the back. He uses his environmental gear to cover his mouth greatly reducing it's efficiency. All he can think is thank god that's not a real gun. As he continues through the woods he leaves enough distance between him and bubbles so that bubbles will give chase. Onyx tricks bubbles by pushing a rock to roll down a hill and diving behind cover. Onyx silently stays there and waits for bubble to follow the rock down the hill.

(If I don't succeed Bubbles is still chasing me but because of the triumph the forest is rough terrain and it trips him up making him fall to his back. This will force him to get up allowing me to run farther away.)
This message was last edited by the player at 23:19, Mon 09 Nov 2015.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 26 posts
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 21:46
  • msg #88


Ikki groans as the lot of them are quickly drawn into combat with Bubbles, this wasn't the sort of hunt that you would do head on! Part of him was almost ready to leave the lot of them and sneak out and report to the others, however watching the lumbering droid carry on chasing down Onyx towards the slope. He had been shown his chance, a challenge brought a grin to his face as he stood up and prepared himself.

Breaking into a charge at the droid, his voice roaring as he psyched himself for the attack. Sorlock brought Bubbles within his reach, using his momentum he leapt into the air and kicked the droid towards the slope, landing on his feet as he watches the results of his attack. After he turns to the other two, Onyx would catch up later "Get out of here!" Despite not talking much, Ikki had a loud voice when he needed one.

Maneuver - Charge Bubbles
Action - Flying kick Bubbles

21:38, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2D with rolls of 2(A), 5(A), 2(A), 6(D), 2(D). Brawling .

This message was last edited by the player at 21:48, Mon 09 Nov 2015.
The Force
GM, 137 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 23:10
  • msg #89


The big firefighter 'bot stumbles backwards. "Inefficient!" it cries as it stumbles backwards. Not much, but enough that its next backpedalling step is over a slight decline. Its weight overbalances it, sending it bouncing down the hill.

It doesn't go all the way down. After two rotations, it slams into the soft earth and protruding stones. Now partway down the hill, the chrome-bodied droid stands up again.

"This model is designed to endure a collapsing building and carry injured beings in excess of 137 kilograms," Bubbles remarks. It aims its pellet gun at Ikki. "It is not programmed to hold grudges. However, I have chosen to enjoy this."
Jawa, 22 posts
Outlaw Tech
Tue 10 Nov 2015
at 00:20
  • msg #90


The jawa cocked his head sideways in a look of confusion when the primitive spear came flying at the droid.  Onyx must have had a good reason for it, but maybe he had seen too many holovids or something.  The droid ignored Scrounge and moved on firing at his attacker.  Onyx must have realized his poor choice in weapons and fled.  Scrounge maneuvered in stealthily behind Bubbles and began to stalk his prey.

Forim moved in and attempted to attach the restraining bolt.  He wasn't sure where the others were.  Then Ikki came out of nowhere with a flying kick and actually toppled the thing.  Bada wa?

The Duros must have been unsuccessful as the droid stood up again and made some uncharacteristic comment for a droid.  Circling behind the droid, Scrounge stepped out of the shadows and attempted to attach his other restraining bolt.  "Mine."  He says to the droid.

OOC: I'm guessing on dice.  Are there any boosts for all the action around him?
Stealth move - Scrounge rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2D.  Stealth.

Brawn didn't make sense since he is simply trying to touch and not use muscle.  I took a simple Agility roll here.  Let me know if you want something different.
Attach bolt - Scrounge rolled 1 success, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2D.  Attach restraining bolt.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:21, Tue 10 Nov 2015.
The Force
GM, 138 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 11 Nov 2015
at 05:43
  • msg #91


Scrounge's plan is superceded by Onyx's plan and Ikki's improvisation. Bubbles runs by Scrounge's position at a full-pelt, and is then knocked down the hill. Scrounge tries to keep up, following through the brush until he sees Bubbles stand up on the packed-dirt hillside. There's no cover between them. Scrounge, still hidden, chitters softly in annoyance.
Forim Luk
PC, 102 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 11 Nov 2015
at 14:33
  • msg #92


Forim sees Scrounge try the same thing he thing he did without success, he tries a different tactic.  He quickly moves over to Onyx and says "Here, attach this two inches above that port mark on his left upper chest" describing where the port can be attached.

With that he moves back away from the engagement zone and looks around for the other droid but comes up blank.  "Where are you" he mutters to himself

09:33, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 failure using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 1A 2D.  Rolling Perception.

Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 26 posts
Resource Acquisition
Thu 12 Nov 2015
at 03:23
  • msg #93


Sawalim rushes toward the sound of Bubble's firearm. She is already warming up her throats, and a low thrum emanates in flowing crescendos from her neck. She comes skidding to a halt at the top of the hill, and the sound intensifies. In a symphonic burst, she unleashes a wave of sound against the bulky droid. It slams into him, overloading sensors and systems that weren't built for this sort of assault. Unfortunately, it doesn't prevent his march forward as she might have hoped.

She turns, her voice now wispy and ragged. "Can we run now?"

Sawalim uses her Ithorian Bellow and gets 4 successes, no advantages (unfortunately, else I could have activated Concussive). It does 10 strain damage, and Sawalim takes 3 strain in the process.
The Force
GM, 141 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 12 Nov 2015
at 08:21
  • msg #94


Bubbles reels from the auditory onslaught. Sawalim's powerful howl echoes across the valley, awakening every creature for miles. Birds burst out of their nests, screeching in protest. Insects begin chirping rapidly. Various small animals join in the howl. The night is suddenly alive with sound.

(Perception checks have 1 setback until the damn critters calm down.)
Forim Luk
PC, 103 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 12 Nov 2015
at 15:06
  • msg #95


Forim winced as the sound comes out and says a bit louder than he intended "Ask the crazy humans" he gestures to both humans slugging it out with a droid.

He continues to look around for the other droid and says "Where is his partner..."

(10:05, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 failure, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 1A 2D 1S.  Rolling Perception.

No way I am going to see him.
Jawa, 24 posts
Outlaw Tech
Fri 13 Nov 2015
at 11:13
  • msg #96


The jawa sat and stewed.  He would have to wait until the Bubbles bodyguards cleared the area to take another shot at it.  This was the kind of story you tell around a table at the cantina.  Scrounge missed the cantina.  The fellowship of other spacers...

Then a deafening noise appeared.  Scrounge had never heard an Ilthorian's bellow before.  After he recovered from the shock, he noticed the wildlife all in a tizzy.  Perhaps that would throw off the droids long enough to allow for some stealth.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 29 posts
Fri 13 Nov 2015
at 16:50
  • msg #97


Ikki's previous feeling surprised achievement was now met with a sinking feeling as he stared down the barrel of the pellet gun. The annoyance was that he didn't knock the droid back and now it seemed to hold a grudge against him. However the sonic roar of the Ilthorian's bellow had made him cover his ears. That noise would make his ears bleed if he had taken it head on.

After he recovered from it, the night was alive with yelling, apparently Sawalim had some admirers who wanted to join in. Young Sorlock took the chance and slipped back into the night, he'd catch up with everyone later hopefully the grudge of dropkicking Bubbles would be strong enough for him to be chased. But Sawalim was also a candidate. Ikki smirked, he couldn't believe he'd actually pulled that off.

(Stealthily moving back into the night to D3

16:46, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 2 successes, 6 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 1B with rolls of 5(P), 8(A), 8(A), 5(B).  Stealth.)

17:36, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled no successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2D with rolls of 6(D), 4(D).  Stealth Difficutly that I forgot :(.

So overall 2 Successes and 4 Advantages. Can I get Bubbles to follow me with some of my advantages. Any left over could be used on some good luck.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:37, Fri 13 Nov 2015.
The Force
GM, 144 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 15 Nov 2015
at 00:01
  • msg #98


Before Bubbles can get a shot off at Ikki, the young man runs off. As Bubbles is down the hill, he quickly loses sight. The big 'bot runs up the hill with surprising speed.

Not a dozen meters from Forim, Skinny the search & rescue droid stands up out of the brush.

"Bubbles!" She cries in a high-octave, sonorous . "Small organic in bushes there!" She points at Scrounge, still concealed in the brush.

Bubbles continues to climb the hill. Rather than attacking the jawa that is hiding only a few meters away from him, the firefighter droid ignores Scrounge and chases after Ikki.

Bubbles has lost a lot of distance, having to climb the hill. He aims & fires his gas gun anyway.

(Bubbles rolled 3 successes, 1 threat.
6 damage.

(Forim: H7
Sawalim: F6
Scrounge: F6
Ikki: F5
Onyx: D6
I don't know where Tuhr is. He can be just about anywhere he wants.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:38, Tue 17 Nov 2015.
Forim Luk
PC, 107 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 16 Nov 2015
at 01:40
  • msg #99


Without thinking form keeps running and tries to slap the restraining bolt onto Skinny

(ooc: 20:29, Today: Forim Luk rolled 3 successes, 3 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 2D 1S.  Attach Restraining Bolt.)

Just as he gets close, Forim trips on the a root and falls toward Skinny.  "Sithspit!" he shouts on his way down but the bolt lands home!  Unfortunately Form is now lying face down in front of the droid...
Bounty Hunter, 53 posts
Hex E7.5
Tue 17 Nov 2015
at 03:43
  • msg #100


Onyx hopes he provided enough distraction to give the others an edge in their escape. He continues heading in the direction he is going. After walking a little ways away he searches to see if he can find anything of use.

Onyx moves to D7

Onyx rolled 4 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1p 2d with rolls of 7(A), 4(A), 5(P), 8(D), 7(D).  Searching D7 (Perception).
Jawa, 26 posts
Outlaw Tech
Tue 17 Nov 2015
at 11:04
  • msg #101


There was a small amount of fascination that Ikki could piss off a droid to the extent it ignored a threat and chased the human.  He didn't dwell on it long.  Forim looked to be attempting to distract Skinny so the jawa was free to chase Bubbles.  Hopefully he could keep up with a plodding fire fighting droid.

The jawa burst out of the bushes and sprinted after Bubbles once it passed by.  He thought the duros would be proud of him sweeping in behind an enemy just like a fire fight.  Except he was too short and couldn't get a good placement.

Scrounge rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2D 1S

The Force
GM, 148 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 18 Nov 2015
at 04:44
  • msg #102


Scrounge stays tight on Bubbles' tail, but can't quite catch up.

Forim's diving lunge plants the restraining bolt on Skinny's torso-plate. She squeals in alarm.
Bounty Hunter, 54 posts
Hex E7.5
Wed 18 Nov 2015
at 05:06
  • msg #103


(Did I find anything?)
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