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11:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by The ForceFor group 0
The Force
GM, 92 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 22 Oct 2015
at 07:01
  • msg #1


It's been a long space flight. There aren't a lot of direct routes to the system in the first place, and you weren't brought by direct travel. The transport took a winding path, intended to avoid attention. It's been nearly a month of tight quarters, recycled air, low light, and MREs.

You were kept apart from the other passengers aboard the mass transit freighter. Each of you was provided with your own living space, and allowed to exit it on a rotating schedule. Inside the shuttle on the way down was the first time you were allowed to meet.

Now you step out onto the soft earth of a new planet and look up at the unfamiliar constellations. Before you, the ground drops away into a smooth, rolling valley filled with a dense forest. The trees are a beautiful mix of purple, red, and green.

To the east is a log cabin, rustic but large. It is roofed with corrugated metal, and the walls seem to be constructed of the same beige wood that fills the valley. In the soft dusk light, the small windows glow with candles. A man approaches you.

He is a human male, wearing some military surplus green fatigues. The left arm is buttoned up, indicating an arm missing at the elbow. He is bald. The right side of his face is covered with burns. The left is covered with a thick white plastic dermal replacement.

Without ceremony he approaches you. "Welcome to Dawn Base. Doesn't really meet its name right now, what with the sun setting. And it's not really a 'base' so much as a 'camp.' We appropriated it after some sympathizers got themselves apprehended by the Imps. That's Empire sympathizers; once we found out about their donations we planted a little false evidence and leaked it. If they want Imperial Justice so bad, they can have it."

The man takes out a deathstick, pops it open, and inhales a drag. "Don't ever take these up, they're garbage. I'm Colonel Huxer. Call me Colonel and I'll shoot you. Just 'Boss' will do for now."

Huxer, 'Boss,' gestures with his one arm towards the cabin. "Stow your stuff inside and be back in ten minutes. Wait. Fifteen minutes, I got to drain the lizard."

You hustle inside. The building is a country lodge, with shining varnished wood and spacious rooms. Very little furniture though; mostly metal desks and chairs, with a gun locker and filing cabinet in the foyer. Plenty of rooms though, with simple army cots & blankets aplenty.

You look over your new colleagues for the first time. Now as you choose your bunks, you have the chance to say 'hello.'
Jawa, 3 posts
Outlaw Tech
Mon 26 Oct 2015
at 16:55
  • msg #2


The accomodations of the trip weren't too bad.  Scrounge didn't have any clausterphobia as he didn't require much space to be happy.  Unfortunately he had been utterly bored.  He had attempted to disassemble anything with mechanical or electronical components and get his hands on anything that looked like it had been discarded.  A stern correction by the crew and he was left with idle hands and his own gear to reassemble multiple times each day.

Given his new surroundings when they landed, Scrounge had paced around during the Bosses announcement checking every direction he could for something interesting.  The Jawa immediately bee-lines for the bunk in the darkest corner or furthest one from the door once in the barracks.  He crawls up on it and jumps once, then twice and chitters something in jawaese while shaking his head.  He crawls under the bunk and sniffs around, checking clearance and tapping on the floor.  Finally he starts to examine the frame of the bed itself in an attempt to disassemble it.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:55, Mon 26 Oct 2015.
Tuhr Poku
Hired Gun, 4 posts
Ground Superiority
Mon 26 Oct 2015
at 17:19
  • msg #3


Tuhr, with his heavy blaster rifle slung across his back, saunters into the lodge and drops the rifle in the locker. He carries his bag into the bunk room, and snags the bunk under the window. He took off his environmental protective gear and sits on the bunk.
Bounty Hunter, 8 posts
Mon 26 Oct 2015
at 18:40
  • msg #4


Onyx is glad to be off of the ship. He hates when he isn't in control and when it comes to ships he knows very little, so he feels his life is in other people's hands.

He is intrigued by this planet because he has rarely traveled to places that were unsettled. Then again he hasn't liked cities so maybe this is a change for the better. Either way he's a survivor. He'll adapt.

As he walks in he picks a bed close to an exit. He quickly takes off the normal clothes and puts on his environmental gear. After that he puts a case on the bed. He pulls out a pair of vibroknuckles and his sporting rifle. He grabs anything he sees as valuable from his bag and puts it on his person. After doing that he takes a look around the group accessing the party. As soon as he is done he exits the cabin.

OOC: Onyx is a human who has blue eyes black hair. His hair is cut short. He looks musculer, but not bulky. As he changes those who care to look notice that he has gashes across his back. He holds himself well. If he sees you watching him he stairs at you unblinking untill you look away or he feels that you deserve his respect. he respects people who he can rely on, or that he feels hold themselves with convidence. 
This message was last edited by the player at 18:56, Mon 26 Oct 2015.
Jawa, 4 posts
Outlaw Tech
Mon 26 Oct 2015
at 22:51
  • msg #5


Deciding he had time later to fix the bed, Scrounge shuffled back towards the others to see what was what.  He paused and stared at Tuhr Poku trying to figure out if he had ever seen one of his race before.  The Jawa rattled off something and not seeing any comprehension, commented in basic while pointing to himself, "Scrounge."

The sporting rifle then caught his eye.  He moved over toward Onyx and gave the weapon a visual inspection while chattering to himself.  After what appeared to be affirmation for the weapon, the Jawa held up his Ionization Blaster for the human to view and waited for a critique.
Forim Luk
PC, 81 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 02:18
  • msg #6


Forim spent most of the journey relaxing.  While normally used to be the one piloting the vessel, it was nice to have someone else take the stick.  Besides, if something happened, Forim just happened to know the most direct route to the cockpit at all times... not that they would have let him in anyway.  It made him feel better just knowing.

Forim did not like the open spaces of the world as much as the confined spaces of a ship.  When told to store their gear, Forim went to use the head first.  This way when he got back all the others had chosen their bunks first and Forim was happy to take what was left.

Forim has a large toolkit which straps onto his back when needed and a duffel back of clothing.  What some might find odd, is he does not carry a blaster - but a slug thrower.  He stows his kit under his bunk, not thinking he would need it for orientation.

"Nice to meet you Scrounge.  My name is Forim."  He pauses for a moment before continuing "I am guessing I am going to be your guys chauffeur.  On the ground I can act as a backup mechanic or ranged support.  I'm better at throwing this knife" he says pulling out his combat knife "then using it in close combat.  I'll do my best to support the group on our missions."  He figured that the best way a team could work together is if they knew each other's strengths and weaknesses.  "Also, my tool kit is off limits to anyone but me." he says pointing at everyone "I'll know if you used anything."

He surveys the crowed and is glad for the diverse species represented here.  It wasn't going to be another human focused group - not that he minded either way.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 4 posts
Resource Acquisition
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 02:43
  • msg #7


Sawalim is towering, but the smooth curves and soft pastels of her clothing help to deaden the effect. She endures the Colonel's introduction as though it were a rainstorm, with head lowered and a weary patience. Once released, she finds a room with a window, lays her satchel on the cot, and plucks a candle from the windowsill; then, with a new sense of calm, she leaves the cabin and steps deep enough into the trees that the light from the cabin is indistinguishable from twilight.

Sawalim breathes deep, deeper than she has in nearly a month, and runs her hand across rough bark as her mind maps the contours of memory. It is said that wisdom sits in places, and that thought cannot be divorced from the site which birthed that thought - her memory is a dozen landscapes floating in the dark, and she remembers how each was, and is, scarred. When she can hear the calm on each planet, when the sound begins to accuse, she finds her resolve again and returns to the cabin to sit just outside the door. She slowly traces geometric patterns in the dirt, and listens.
Bounty Hunter, 9 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 03:00
  • msg #8


When Onyx first saw Scrounge coming over he was a little disgusted, but as scrounge came over and introduced itself he couldn't help a rare grin appearing on his face. He liked the little guy. When Scrounge introduced himself Onyx smiled. My name's Lannyx, but everyone calls me Onyx.

Onyx was a little surprised he gave up his real name up so easily. Normally he didn't like people to know his real name. As he pondered why he was giving up important information. The creature went over and gave his rifle a look over. Onyx was at first alarmed, but then Scrounge came and offered Onyx to look at its ionizing blaster. Onyx hadn't seen one of these for a while but he knew first hand that these packed a punch.

Haha. You know what Scrounge I like you. your just the kind of person I want backing me up. As Onyx says this he picks up his stuff and moves it over next to Scrounge.

As he was moving his stuff Onyx thought "you know what. Life as a rebel might not be so bad.

Just as he was moving his stuff. A Duros walked in. As the Duros began his speech Onyx whispered to Scrounge That guy's gonna be a leader.

After the Forim finished Onyx stood up walked over to him gave a nod  and said I'm Onyx and I'm a survivor. Whatever this fucked up world throws at me I find a way to make it.

After saying that Onyx marches out to wait for the "boss" it's been about 15 minutes and Onyx figures it's good to get on the boss' good side.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:09, Tue 27 Oct 2015.
Tuhr Poku
Hired Gun, 5 posts
Ground Superiority
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 15:00
  • msg #9


Tuhr mimic's Scrounge's introduction. A thumb pointed into his chest, "Tuhr Poku." His Basic seemed better than Scrounges, but not up to par with Onyx and Forim's. Noticing the time on his wrist chrono he headed back to the meeting, leaving his rifle on the rack.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 3 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 16:14
  • msg #10


Ikki absolutely hated the last month, being stuck in a tincan in space was mind-numbing for him. The air was stale and looking at metal was making him feel like he was stuck in a cage. Also his lights in his room had cut out suddenly while cleaning his rifle followed by alot of shouting from the crew. Seeing the fresh and open landscape for him was heaven.

The unknown planet was a treasure trove to Ikki, it took every fiber of his mental strength to stop himself from simply wandering off into the wilds. The Boss seemed like a man he could respect, he respected battle wounds after all.

Sorlock walked inside and placed his old bolt action rifle into the locker, but kept his knife on his belt, noticing the slugthrower on Forim. Ikki offered him a nod as a fellow slug-user. As the introductions started, he spoke when it was his turn "Name's Ikki Sorlock, I'm your Scout and Spy." It was short and sweet, they oculd bond as a team later. Ikki wasn't great at interacting with people from the get go anyway.

On the way out, Ikki locked eyes with Onyx, having stared down other predators, he made it a practice to never look away first. Trusting his feet to move right as he made his way outside.
Bounty Hunter, 11 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 17:21
  • msg #11


Onyx didn't look away. His blue eyes bore into Ikki as he tried to read him. He didn't get a lot. He didn't like the way the spy stared right back at him. Not many people could hold his gaze. "I don't trust him" Onyx muttered under his breath. "He's more likely to get me shot then cover me. "
The Force
GM, 103 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 18:50
  • msg #12


You return from the lodge to find Boss Huxer waiting for you. He is no longer alone. Standing with him are a pair of droids. One is eight feet tall, covered with chrome armour. It has thick arms and legs, and its 'head' is a dome that meets its torso to create a massive block of metal. It stands tall, bold, and silent.

The other could not be more different. It crouches low, its thin wiry limbs resembling pipes fitted with hydraulics. It might be about five feet standing tall. Its reptillian head flits back and forth, with two glowing yellow eyes. The entire thing is painted a mix of dark colours: brown, blue, green, and black. Even sitting in plain sight, it's hard to see in the low light.

Huxer sees you coming and starts laughing. "Oh, ho ho ho! Look at the holly jaxes, all geared up with their lunchboxes and ready for the first day of school! What's that, big man?" Huxer points with his one arm at Onyx's weapon.

"You're in the Rebellion, precious. We earn our guns. Think you can just walk into an Imp stronghold armed to the teeth?"

"You're prey now, and don't forget it. Those little popguns are more likely to get you killed than save you. That's one thing you're here to learn."

Given no choice, you disgorge yourselves of your weapons. Huxer promises to keep them safe until you return. While smiling.

Huxer waves his hand over the wooded valley behind him. "This valley is your home for the night. You'll be out there in the dark, making friends with insects until dawn. By the way, on this planet night is about point-eight standard days."

"Good. Now kids, meet your babysitters. This big guy is Bubbles, and his little friend is Skinny. They're going to be keeping an eye on you during your first training mission. And when I say 'keeping an eye...'

"... Bubbles, show them your marker."

The big droid, Bubbles, raises his right arm. On it is attached an odd gun-like device that seems to have a big plasteel reservoir and a tank of compressed air.

"Bubbles' marker is loaded with little breakable balls filled with Dispersal Gas. Anyone ever breathe it? Anyone want to try now?" He glances around, with a leering smile. "No? That's okay, you'll get your chance if he catches you."

"Skinny doesn't have a weapon, so she's probably less of a threat to you, right?" Skinny tilts her head, her glowing eyes leaving light-trails in the growing dark. You can see her oversized three-fingered hands resting in the dirt as she crouches low.

"Now, I was told that Command doesn't want you all to die right away, so I prepared the area for you. If you keep your eyes open, you'll find a few goodies I scattered around for you. Might save you a little time that you'll need for running."

"In the spirit of fairness, the last dose you'll ever receive, we'll wait for an hour while you make yourselves at home. Bubbles was sharing his recipe for grilled gorg wrapped in manak leaves."

Counter-Intel: Break the 'scent trail'
Ground Superiority: Defeat one of the robots
Intelligence: locate the robots without yourself being located
resource acquisition: acquire a food cache
Tech procurement: acquire a hidden device

Forim Luk
PC, 83 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 19:15
  • msg #13


Forim nods to each one as they introduce each other and says "Nice to meet you"

Forim listens to the briefing trying to commit everything to memory.  He was a pilot, not a ground assault troop.  But the Rebellion needed every able and willing being to pull their weight.  Forim would do his best to keep up.

After the meeting Forim says "I think we should have a quick bite, then grab a few minutes of shuteye.  We are going to need the extra rest I think."

He is shortly interrupted from what he thought was going to be a pleasant nap.

Taking his own suggestion has a quick bite to eat, then goes down for a 45-minute power nap.  Having had many such naps in hyperspace on the way to a hot engagement zone, he does not take long to go down.

He awakes refreshed and ready to head out.  He takes 10 minutes to stow his gear and go out into the wilderness.  "I am better suited on a spacecraft, so I will take your leads.  My Gut says to start looking in section G6.5 - these rocks at the top of this hill."

ooc: I am assuming the lack of weapons applies to my combat knife.  Planning on going out with just the clothes on my back
This message was last edited by the player at 23:36, Tue 27 Oct 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 13 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 20:33
  • msg #14


Question 1: Are my vibroknuckles taken away?

Question 2: Do I have any idea where my weapon and other people's weapons were taken?

As we are heading back to the cabin I secretly pull Scrounge away from the group. I saw the way you are able to take your gear apart and put it back together. If I get my rifle to you will you be able to make it into small enough that we could hide it?
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 5 posts
Resource Acquisition
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 21:23
  • msg #15


Sawalim seems to take the assignment in stride. She moves away, but still within earshot of the rest of the group, and back through the tree line. As an afterthought, she calls out, "I will be over here, if needed."

An hour is scarce time, but she might be able to glean a few essentials about the planet's flora and fauna in that time and cross-reference what she knows of the team's physiology. She looks for food sources and threats in equal measure. She's no tactician, but she also looks for anything that might offer an edge in tonight's challenge; large root structures that might serve as an effective hiding place, or any aggressive lifeforms whose traits might be exploited to hinder the droids.

If it makes sense, I'd like to make a Xenology check to find what advantages the planet might provide. Maybe with a Setback, since it's by candlelight? What would the difficulty for that be?
Jawa, 6 posts
Outlaw Tech
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 22:49
  • msg #16


"Oooooooo."  Scrounge coo's at the sight of the droids.  He makes no attempt to be subtle in his examination.  He walks close and looks them over without touching all the while chattering to himself.  After a short time in self discussion, his head sweeping back and forth between the two, he pulls out a restraining bolt.  The Jawa points to 'Skinny' and asks, "Mine?"

The confiscation of the restraining bolt is met with indignant chattering followed by pouting.  He crosses his arms and an imaginary protrusion of his lower lip can be envisioned inside his brown hood.  He sullenly listens to the rest of Colonel Huxer's spiel.

OOC: 22:16, Today: Scrounge rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2P 2A 1S 2D ((5(P), 2(P), 8(A), 5(A), 5(S), 4(D), 2(D)))
Ok, still new to this die system.  What does he learn?

Suddenly they were dismissed.  Scrounge wasn't keen on staying the night in the woods and certainly not interested in being hunted.  He needed his cabin mates if he was to survive.

When Forim attempts to head back inside, the Jawa erupts, "Ahda da Da DA!  No. Run."  He grabs the Duros' sleeve, tugs urgently and points north into the woods.  He waves for the Ilthorian to follow.

Assuming Onyx makes his request while they are headed into the woods, Scrounge nods.  He points north again and eeks out, "Find.  Find.  Utinni!  Utinni!"

He will follow anyone who seems to know their way around the wilderness.  He keeps his eyes open for those caches Huxer mentioned and is ready to scurry and search anything that looks promising.

OOC: Let me know when you need a perception roll to search.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:50, Tue 27 Oct 2015.
Forim Luk
PC, 86 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 23:35
  • msg #17


Forim looks down at the little Jawa and understanding dawns on him.  "Oh, We are supposed to leave now," it becoming obvious that this is his first time going through this type of training.

"I am better suited on a spacecraft, so I will take your leads.  My Gut says to start looking in section G6.5 - these rocks at the top of this hill." he says making his way towards the woods with his new companions.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:37, Tue 27 Oct 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 17 posts
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 23:41
  • msg #18


After getting confirmation from Scrounge that he can take the weapons apart and put them back  together again Onyx brings the group close enough that he can whisper,

The way I see it we have 2 options. Run find supplies and survive, or we take our weapons back and use those to make our "boss" stop playing games with us. Either way we need to chose one and go with it. We have the advantage of numbers. We can't give that up.

He surveys the group getting their reactions to him. I vote we get our guns back and take the fight to the boss, but what do you guys think?
Tuhr Poku
Hired Gun, 11 posts
Ground Superiority
Tue 27 Oct 2015
at 23:52
  • msg #19


Tuhr scratches his head, "Droids look very hard. Not easy to damage with rocks. Blaster much better." Though his Basic is basic, at best, he hopes that others can follow his thinking.
Jawa, 9 posts
Outlaw Tech
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 00:00
  • msg #20


Scrounge looks at Onyx and cocks his head to the side as he listened.  He then waves his hand back and forth as if slapping the man's face.  If he could have reached, he might have tried it.  He points back at Huxer and the droids and then at the group.  "Same side."  He chitters for a bit before trying basic again.  "Train.  Shoot Imps later."

He nods excitedly at Tuhr and points to the woods.  "Blaster.  Find.  Win game."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:04, Wed 28 Oct 2015.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 8 posts
Resource Acquisition
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 00:21
  • msg #21


Seeing that the group has gathered and is heading out, Sawalim takes up the rear, but most of her attention is spent looking at the surrounding forest. She still has her candle in hand, but it's not much good now that the shadows have lengthened.

"I know from experience that attempting to circumvent one's lessons isn't usually appreciated, and this Boss doesn't seem like the exception to prove the rule. My intention is to give the Colonel an idea of my capabilities."

Still planning on making that Xenology check, just while mobile.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 7 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 00:37
  • msg #22


Ikki smirked at the task they were presented with. 8 days of darkness on unknown planet with 2 droids chasing them? That was a challenge that the young thrill-seeker could sink his teeth in. However he didn't like the look of the droids, a tracker and heavy hitter. Plus Boss didn't mention much about 'Skinny' which made him think there's more to her.

Sorlock gazed into the wilderness, he didn't have a light or did he want one in the darkness where it would stick out like a sore thumb. He'd just have to let his eyes adjust. Step one was to find tools, a place to hide, maybe some food and clean water. Scouting the area would be a priority. That was his job.

Ikki turned to the others that were still around "Search around, find what you can. I'm going to scout the area, don't be too obvious. I'll meet you in the forest." He simply tells them what he plans on doing, advising them to do the same. He was never really a people person, that was clear by his attitude. However relying on only his own strength and cunning is what got him through life. He sets off at a controlled pace into the forest, planning to head towards the river bank to look for a sharp stone or something else to use as a tool. His pace and posture showed that he was used to it.

He didn't tell them how he'd find them, he just assume they would figure that he track them. In his eyes this game of attrition had already begun.
Bounty Hunter, 18 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 04:03
  • msg #23


Onyx realized he wasn't going to get his new team to break the first orders given to them, so he decided to work on setting up a home base for them.

Scrounge and Sawalim you 2 start heading over to G6.5. We'll make our home base there. Hopefully the 2 of you can find a way to make some shelter. Tuhr you stick with them. Help them with the heavy lifting and protect them. Me Forim and...where did Ikki go? Whatever me and Forim will try to find some food/supplies. Hopefully we manage to run into Ikki. Alright we have 45 minutes to get this done. We've already wasted 15 sitting around talking.
Tuhr Poku
Hired Gun, 12 posts
Ground Superiority
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 04:26
  • msg #24


Tuhr nods to the Jawa and the Ithorian, "Good. You lead, or me?"

He shoulders his climbing gear and prepares for the hike ahead.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:27, Wed 28 Oct 2015.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 10 posts
Resource Acquisition
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 10:08
  • msg #25


Sawalim scratches her hump. "I'm not certain how you know my name, but before you give me orders, perhaps you'd be interested in also knowing about my proficiencies?" Her tone is only mildly chiding.

She turns to everyone that is left. "I am Sawalim Oord-herd. My degrees are in xenobiology, archeobiology, and chemistry, but I also have considerable medical training and experience in the wilderness from my childhood in planet revitalization." She pauses a moment. "I might also be the best armed of us for the moment. Perk of having four throats."

She focuses back on Onyx. "Now that I've all but handed you my CV, will you agree that I'm more suited to food procural than shelter construction?"

Sawalim will suggest heading to H4, then hopping in the stream for a bit of travel to make their path harder to follow. She rolled a success and advantage on the Survival check.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:46, Wed 28 Oct 2015.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 9 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 12:18
  • msg #26


Ikki had been making good time already. Making his way north at a reasonable pace, taking in the surroundings as he explored the alien planet. The leaves were interesting shades, if it wasn't for the looming fact of being hunted it would be like a walk in the park for him. Sorlock had lost his weapon of choice but nature would provide, plus boss's 'gifts' would surely come in handy should they find one. Resuming his march, he continued to head to I-9.

Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 3 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D 1B ((2(P), 2(A), 7(A), 5(D), 2(D), 4(B))).

Bounty Hunter, 22 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 12:39
  • msg #27


In reply to Sawalim Oord (msg # 25):

Alright then. Alright then. Sawalim you join me. Forim you join Scrounge and Thur. Anyone else got any talents i should know about?

After he says this he go and stands bySawalim. So where do you think we should start?
Forim Luk
PC, 88 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 12:52
  • msg #28


ooc: I was just finished typing up a survival post!

Forim nods and says "Sounds good.  I will keep my eyes open for edible things on our way over.  I will wait for Sawalim to confirm that they aren't the local poison berries before eating some.  I agree, let's travel up the stream for a bit so we can try to mask or scent trail.  I have a few other ideas too, Ill tell you guys on the way"

ooc: 08:40, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A.  Rolling Survival.
08:40, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 successes, 4 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A.  Rolling Stealth.

17:33, Today: Forim Luk rolled no successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1d.  Stealth Difficulty.
17:33, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 failure, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d.  Survival Difficulty.

Total 0 success, 1 advantage for Survival
Total 1 success, 3 advantage for Stealth

I am very stealthy today, and I think I will use my 4 advantages to mask our scent trail.

Forim quickly heads into the woods, almost disappearing from his companions sights.  He leads them toward the stream and then starts to travel up stream.  At a random point, he leads the group south for about 15 minutes then back-tracks into the stream again hoping their pursuers will be thrown off their scent and it will have longer to disperse.

Forim also manages to find a bush of berries that the group is able to harvest.  He keeps a sample of the leaves attached to the berries for their xenobiologist to identify them.

"Never done this before" he thinks to himself with a chuckle "Doesnt seem that hard"
This message was last edited by the player at 21:34, Wed 28 Oct 2015.
Jawa, 11 posts
Outlaw Tech
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 16:52
  • msg #29


Scrounge follows Forim into the Vale.  He is quickly distracted as he searches the rocks nearby for signs of disturbance and any likely hidden caches that may have been stashed there.

He turns up the river staying in the shallows and walks along it checking rock formations as he goes.  He's like some strange insect on Booster Blue as he quickly scurries over and around the nooks and cranies checking for anything useful.

Scrounge rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1B 1S 3A 2D ((6(B), 3(S), 2(A), 6(A), 5(A), 6(D), 1(D))).  Survival.

He wants to search the following J7 J8 H5 G3.5 E2.5 E3.5 on his way to Starting Point E3.5.

Bounty Hunter, 23 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 18:31
  • msg #30


2 successes (survival)

It is just me and Sawalim. You seen to be a little more comfortable than me in this environment, so I will follow you. Take us to where you think we will find resources. I will follow you and try to make it harder for them to track us. 

I make fake trails that seem to vanish by walking in random directions and then walking back in those foot prints. I also find a stick with leaves on it and use that to cover up our footprints. I am constantly on the lookout for enemies.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 13 posts
Resource Acquisition
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 20:48
  • msg #31


Sawalim leads Onyx to what appears to be an open clearing in H4, with the intention of crossing over to H5 and eventually heading up onto the hill. As she walks, she watches for animal behavior - what the insects are feeding on, whether scavengers or fliers grow silent in the presence of unusual interlopers, and so forth.

While studying the forest she talks strategy. "The hill is a good place to start, I think. We can scope out the vale that way. But if I were the droids, I'd start any search from there; I think it's dangerous to stay up there for too long."
Bounty Hunter, 24 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 21:29
  • msg #32


I nod my head in agreement.

OOC: I'm gonna make a Survival 2 difficulty check to cover our tracks. Onyx rolled 3 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1p 2d with rolls of 4(A), 8(A), 3(P), 4(D), 6(D).  Survival to cover my tracks.

My extra successes make it so that one of the fake trails I have made throws off the robots sending them in the wrong direction for a little bit.
Bounty Hunter, 25 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 21:31
  • msg #33


What is the difficulty going to be for our perception check on top of the hill?
The Force
GM, 111 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 29 Oct 2015
at 03:47
  • msg #34


The sun remains only a faint glimmer when the new rebels set out into the forest.

The beige-trunked trees have brightly coloured foliage. The tall hardwoods remind Sawalim of the degura tree of the Mother Jungle. It's a comforting thought.

Sawalim and Onyx make their way to a clearing south of the hill (H4)

(Xenobiology will have a difficulty of 2. 1 extra Boost for the Ithorian)

Scrounge thinks over what he has learned. The droids were customized somewhat, but were still recognizable as their original models:

Bubbles was obviously a T-series "Dependable," a droid used in firefighting. Its unbreakable chassis and great strength allowed it to push through collapsing buildings. Normally it carries a water reservoir in its torso.

Skinny is a Cybot-Galactica "Wild Rescue" droid. Designed for search-and-rescue in extreme conditions such as avalanches and forest fires. Its hydralic 'muscles' allow it to move unhindered by terrain. It also has an infrared sensor to detect trapped people.

Scrounge and Tuhr make their way to the rocks at the top of the hill. These silvery rocks are covered with moss and mold, giving them a rich, heady scent. This is probably the biggest rock pile on the hill. (G6.5)

(Searching Difficulty depends on where you are searching. Searching the field is 1. Searching the trees is 2. Searching the rocks is 3. Searching the river is 4.

A good search takes about 15 minutes. A hurried search imposes 2 Setbacks.

Ikki lurks near the starting point, taking good cover and keeping low (I-9).

(Perception to locating the droids is difficulty 3. 1 boost for using the high ground. 1 boost for locating Bubbles specifically. 2 Setbacks for locating Skinny)

Swalim & Onyx are at H4.

Forim, Scrounge, and Tuhr are at G6.5

Ikki is at I9.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:01, Thu 29 Oct 2015.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 15 posts
Resource Acquisition
Thu 29 Oct 2015
at 11:37
  • msg #35


As she walks, she begins to make connections. With a tone of unmistakable delight, she begins to talk. "This is an old-growth forest. Haven't seen too many of these, but the signs are there. Wood debris, gaps in the canopy; it should boast a lot of biodiversity, both plant and animal. There's at least eight different species of tree."

She reaches down and carefully trims a long stalk of thin jade grass and splits it in the middle. She holds it up to the side of her neck and experimentally takes a bite. "Oh! High sugar content. Sap is sweet - vaguely like sorghum?" She quickly trims a few more off and stows them in her satchel. There doesn't appear to be much growth in this clearing. "We need more than this, but it should help for the beginning of the night."

"There's the sound of running water. Let's take a look at it and then regroup with the rest; we'll need to stay in motion tonight."

Forgot to note, got two successes and one advantage on that Xenology check.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:29, Thu 29 Oct 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 26 posts
Thu 29 Oct 2015
at 12:46
  • msg #36


Onyx goes up and mimics what Sawalim did.

Not bad. This should do.

Onyx is on the lookout for flexible vines.  He plans on using those to make traps.
Forim Luk
PC, 91 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 29 Oct 2015
at 13:23
  • msg #37


Forim says "Let's search this quick, and work together.  Then the droids should be out, so let's look for them on our way down"

ooc: 1A 1P perception - probably just adding 1 boost dice to Tuhr's roll
This message was last edited by the player at 19:26, Thu 29 Oct 2015.
The Force
GM, 113 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 29 Oct 2015
at 19:18
  • msg #38


Sawalim quickly notes a weird-looking root that is edible and a bush that can be made into tea. Some of the berries that she sees are poisonous to mammals, so she advises Onyx not to bother collecting them. Pretty soon they have an armload of delicious vegan food.
Jawa, 12 posts
Outlaw Tech
Thu 29 Oct 2015
at 19:54
  • msg #39


Scrounge nods approval at Forim's statement.  He starts to go over the large rock pile seeking for any recently moved rocks, the scent of hardware, the imperceptible buzz of a power core, anything that indicates something was hidden here.  He rushes

OOC: Scrounge rolled 2 successes, 3 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 3D.  Search.  Utinni(2 ranks) cancels the 2 setback dice for hurried and takes 1/2 time.

He can move on to another spot if you allow.  I'm guessing about 3 hexes searched in 15min   I have no problem with GM making incidental rolls as needed.  His perception is PAA with Utinni to cancel setbacks.

The Force
GM, 114 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 29 Oct 2015
at 20:01
  • msg #40


In the rocks near the stream's split, at the west side of the hill's base, Scrounge finds something. Tucked into a hollow, he finds an electronic thermometer.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 11 posts
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 00:39
  • msg #41


Ikki lurked silently in the shadows as he kept his keen eyes, watching as he chewed on the top of his heavy leather jacket. He knew that he wasn't as well hidden as he possible could be so close to the start but locating the enemy took priority in his head as he searched for the tracker of the two droids. If he could track that one and with help take it down or at least pin it down for a while, that would make hiding that much easier.

Which almost statue like stillness, Ikki remained still apart from the movements that came from readjusted his stance due to comfort.

Looking for the Skinny one.

00:35, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 2 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 1B 3D 2S with rolls of 11(P), 3(A), 4(A), 1(B), 5(D), 6(D), 1(D), 4(S), 1(S).  Perception - Last one was wrong.

Jawa, 13 posts
Outlaw Tech
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 01:50
  • msg #42


"Oooooo."  Scrounge coo's at his find.  This certainly wasn't natural to the area and likely planted.  He turned it around in his hands and thought of all the ups and downs of the device.  He muttered to himself in jawa and after showing anyone nearby pocketed the treasure.  He then continued his searching seeking more mysteries.
Bounty Hunter, 28 posts
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 02:07
  • msg #43


As he is walking Onyx suddenly comes to a thought.

Sawalim those berries is there anthing we can do to them to get say another mammel that we want to eat to eat them?  Wait if the animal ate the berries would it be fine for us to eat to eat them?
This message was last edited by the player at 03:59, Fri 30 Oct 2015.
The Force
GM, 116 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 03:55
  • msg #44


As you all search around and find a good position for yourselves, an hour passes. Then you hear the crackling discharge of a blaster, off to the south. Apparently the game is on.
Bounty Hunter, 30 posts
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 04:09
  • msg #45


When Onyx here's the gun go off he turns to Sawalim

Lets go catch up to the rest of the group.

OOC: I am an expert tracker, so tracking them takes half the time.

I figure it's an average check with 2 setbacks due to trying to do it while being stealthy and fast. I also am gonna give myself a boost because we did know that they were heading to G6.5. Btw one setback cancels out because I am an expert tracker,

Onyx rolled 1 success, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1b 1s 2a 1p 2d with rolls of 2(B), 4(S), 4(A), 6(A), 3(P), 8(D), 4(D) Tracking (survival).
Bounty Hunter, 31 posts
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 04:11
  • msg #46


Threat will be that while tracking his group Onyx gets down on my hands and find one of there tracks. In his excitement on finding there trail he remembers to cover his track, but not his own.
The Force
GM, 117 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 04:15
  • msg #47


It only takes a minute or two for Onyx to locate Forim and Scrounge on the hill. They have ensconced themselves in good cover in the rocks. Scrounge is happily cradling his new treasure. Apparently the temperature is fine and the humidity is falling.
Bounty Hunter, 32 posts
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 04:34
  • msg #48


Onyx is instantly cautious of the thermometer.

Scrounge make sure that thing isn't bugged.

As Onyx walks around trying to decide what to do next he realizes that whatever happens he needs a weapon. Onyx walks over to someone who has a knife. He asks to borrow it to make himself a weapon. If he can find the materials he makes spiky brass knuckles, and a spear for throwing. If he can't make either of those he begins sharpening twigs that he can find into sharp points.
if he hears any noise from the woods he drops instantly silent.

Overall Onyx is pleased with the group. Sawalim is much more of an asset to this team than Onyx first anticipated. Onyx won't admit it, but without Sawalim Onyx would be dead from eating the poisonous berries. So far the only disappointment is Ikki. Onyx hopes the kid is alright, but he knows from experience that you never want to be alone at night. That's when death feels a whole lot closer than life.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 17 posts
Resource Acquisition
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 10:31
  • msg #49


As they head back to the group, Sawalim bobs her head. "Theoretically. But I imagine there are easier ways to incapacitate an animal than feeding it a poison it's probably already familiar with. The poison isn't likely to be deadly, but it all depends on who is doing the eating."

"Scrounge could probably eat it and be fine; those berries probably disseminate seeds via the digestive tract of avian mammals or reptiles, and jawas process food at similar rates. Forim's reptilian physiology might be able to handle it, but there's no reason to risk it tonight."

Sawalim happily greets Forim, Scrounge and Tuhr. "We have already found suitable foodstuffs for our diverse squad! Scrounge - Onyx has a berry appetizer for you. For the rest of us, I have a lovely, raw sapgrass and root dish."
Jawa, 14 posts
Outlaw Tech
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 21:41
  • msg #50


The Jawa was chatting with the Duros and wondering where Tuhr had ended up.  He was checking out the rocks as they conversed.  "Find blaster.  Pew.  Pew."  He made a finger gun and pretended to shoot.  He was talking about theoreticals of what could be hidden in the vale.  "Ship.  Pew.  Pew."  This time he made both hands shoot.  "Grenade.  Boom."  His hands expanded out to simulate the explosion.  Of course all he had so far was a thermometer, but it was a good start.  Maybe there is a Sand Crawler buried beneath this hill!!!  Fix it up.  Drive it out.  That would impress the Boss!

Scrounge looked quizzically at Onyx's statement when they arrived.  "No bugs."  The mention of food did bring his mind around to the last time he ate and that they had to scrape out their own from the vale.  He wasn't sure what he would find or if it would be edible, but he certain wouldn't go hungry.

At Sawalim's mention of a appetizer, he perked up and started examining Onyx's hands for the treat.  He chittered something that sounded upbeat that might have been a thank you.

OOC:  Hurried Search of G6.5.  Scrounge rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 3D.  Hurried Search G6.5.
Forim Luk
PC, 92 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Fri 30 Oct 2015
at 22:57
  • msg #51


18:54, Today: Forim Luk rolled no successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1b.  Assist search.

Forim assists Scrounge on his search
The Force
GM, 120 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 31 Oct 2015
at 05:41
  • msg #52


Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything of interest at that specific point. While searching, however, you see something else nearby.

Nestled in the trees at the edge of the hill is something shiny, like polished tin.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 14 posts
Sat 31 Oct 2015
at 15:28
  • msg #53


Ikki watched the droid in the tree, slightly odd for him to witness as he didn't encounter a lot of mechanical beings in his adventures. But to act now would be foolish, he should get the lay of the land a little better, maybe search for some fauna or game to eat. If he got lucky he would even find something useful but night was approaching so he should hurry before the long dark settled in.

Checking his equipment, he decided to scout a little more and then hunt down the others and regroup before the droids found them. Looking north, Sorlock started making his way to other stack of rocks before heading even further north. Hopefully he'd find something.

Ikki is heading E8.5 via G9.5 so he's not taking the elevation for speed.
Jawa, 15 posts
Outlaw Tech
Sun 1 Nov 2015
at 13:29
  • msg #54


"Oooooo.  Shiny."  Scrounge croons at the sight of the metal glint.  It could be something useful.  He makes note of the location.  He is hesitant if it is to the south though.  The odds of him being spotted are high as that seems to be the danger zone right now.  He would wait for confirmation from the Intel guys that it is safe to search.  If the tin is too the north, he takes off to search the area.

The shiny thing is located at F7, just inside the trees.

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:04, Sun 01 Nov 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 33 posts
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 00:03
  • msg #55


As everyone seems to be settling in Onyx whispers I got first watch. If anyone's got some electrobinocs or something similar let me know. If no one speaks up he finds a place higher up on the pile of rocks that he can sit on and watch the surrounding area. He knows how important first watch is and plans to do it to the best of his abilities.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 18 posts
Resource Acquisition
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 00:14
  • msg #56


Sawalim blinks. "I'm not going to sleep for the next nineteen hours. And I don't think we should remain at any place in the forest for any length of time."
The Force
GM, 122 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 05:50
  • msg #57


This forest is very loud.

The people that owned this estate used it for hunting. The larger animals were either made into trophies or learned to avoid this region. The smaller animals must not have been worth the bother of hunting, so they found it a safe haven. Now birds and critters have the vally to themselves. The night is full of their sound.

Separated from modern conveniences like illuminators and chronos, it's easy to lose track of time. You sit quietly, counting your breaths, and wondering where the hunters are in the dark.

The group is joined by Ikki, who quietly moves up the north face of the hill. He crouches down next to the rest of you, and whispers some information. He sighted the smaller droid, Skinny, in the trees at the south of the forest. (K-8.5)

It's hard to know exactly how long that was, but he estimates that it took him about fifteen minutes to get to the hill.
Bounty Hunter, 34 posts
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 06:02
  • msg #58


After Ikki mentions that he saw the smaller droid in K-8.5 Onyx comes down from his perch among the rocks.

Nice work kid. Any idea which direction it was going?
Jawa, 16 posts
Outlaw Tech
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 11:18
  • msg #59


That is all the information Scrounge needs.  He jibbers something positive back to Ikki.  He heads for that glint of tin that was spied earlier.  He's with the same thinking as Sawalin.  This is a hunt and knowing that 'Skinny' can see in IR, simply holding up will likely end in failure.  They needed something to fight back with and that was his job.  If a gun was hidden around here, he hoped to find it.  If not, well any treasure would make his day, but 'Bubbles' would easily take him out.  The clock was ticking....

OOC: Head to F7 and search.  If darkness would give a setback dice, he will do a thorough search.

Today: Scrounge rolled 1 success, 3 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D.  Search F7.

Forim Luk
PC, 93 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 17:51
  • msg #60


Forim agrees "I can go much longer without sleep - and since our task is just until sunlight I suggest we keep moving.  Scroungespotted something over there, I am going to go with him to help find it.  I think we should keep looking for the presents we were told were in here."

ooc: Boosting Scournge's roll.  2 advantages to cancel out two of his threats:

12:50, Today: Forim Luk rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1b.  Assist Scrounge.

Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 19 posts
Resource Acquisition
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 19:51
  • msg #61


Sawalim agrees. "I'll move to the northwest and look around. We should probably move within the next half hour."

Sawalim moves to F5 and searches the area. She gets one success and one advantage, even with a potential setback.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 16 posts
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 23:08
  • msg #62


Ikki stayed crouching as Onyx asked him where the Skinny droid was heading, he turned his head to the dim silhouette of Onyx as his eyes started to adjust to the darkness "Let's assume its heading towards us, best way to think." The Scout answered, not seemingly bothered by being called Kid, he was probably the youngest here anyway. Sorlock nodded towards the Jawa, not really knowing what he had said, but it sounded positive.

Ikki looked at Forim, if the Duros could see his face, he'd see his slightly surprised look on the young man's face "Boss said that night is point eight of a standard day. That's pretty much a whole day out here." He points out as he stands to scan the area quickly.

Ikki stands up "I'm going to head back south, leave some fake trails, throw them off our trail for a bit." The loner points towards the directions he's heading, indicating somewhere near H4.5. "I'll regroup with you at those Rocks Northeast of here." Ikki pointed towards E8.5, before he prepared himself to move again. A Spy's job was dangerous, getting caught could be the end. However it was that thrill that had lured him into the job in the first place.

Moving towards H4.5, I rolled Stealth if I needed it, not looking good if I need to.
Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 1B with rolls of 1(P), 5(A), 5(A), 2(B).  Stealth.

Bounty Hunter, 35 posts
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 23:23
  • msg #63


As Ikki goes out to head back into the wilderness Onyx grabs his shoulder.

I'll come with you. I'm good with fake trails and I think I've figured out how to move stealthily on this planet. Anyway It's not safe to be out there on your own.

No matter what Ikki does Onyx plans to come with him. He doesn't want Ikki to be alone because if yo're alone and you make a mistake your screwed. If someone else is there at least you got a chance.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 18 posts
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 23:36
  • msg #64


Ikki turns around as Onyx grabs his shoulder, slightly worried he was about to get an earful. Listening to his fellow human talk as he insist that was going with him, the grip on his shoulder suggested he wasn't going to take a no for an answer.

Ikki turned back around, a sense of happiness inside him as he was offered company "Fine, Let's go." He simply told Onyx as he shouldered his stuff once again and headed out. As per normal, his feelings didn't translate well.
Bounty Hunter, 36 posts
Tue 3 Nov 2015
at 23:49
  • msg #65


Before leaving Onyx turns to the group. Stay safe don't do anything risky untill we get back

He then turns and follows Ikki into the wilderness

Onyx rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 triumph (stealth)

OOC: I just want the triumph to cover Ikki's lack of success.

As they make there way into the wilderness Onyx mutters to Ikki So what do you have in mind? We finding the robots and leading them away or are we setting traps and making fake paths?
The Force
GM, 124 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 4 Nov 2015
at 06:06
  • msg #66


Ikki and Onyx head down the north face of the hill, intending to make some false trails and throw off their hunters.

Scrounge and Forim head east a few paces and find a small pile of MREs, still in their shiny containers. Unfortunately, all to familiar to them. These military-grade rations are hardly appetizing, but they do provide essential calories and vitamins. Worth collecting, anyway.

Scrounge is heading towards them when the ground breaks away. Giving a small hoot of surprise, Scrounge falls into a hidden hole as planks of wood break under his tiny weight.

Dust still settling, he picks himself up and checks around. It's a wide, semicircular trench dug into the hill and concealed with breakaway planks and sod. Only about eight feet deep, and with no spikes or anything. Also, no monsters. He does smell and hear the creeping of bugs, though.

Sawalim, Tuhr, Ikki, and Onyx could all hear the cracking of wood and Scrounges' distressed cry. It seems likely that the 'bots could as well.
Bounty Hunter, 37 posts
Wed 4 Nov 2015
at 21:48
  • msg #67


By Tarkin's teeth Onyx mutters as he realizes that the loud noise was coming from camp. He immediately turns around and begins silently moving back to their camp. If Ikki tries to take off toward the camp Onyx grabs him What do you think your doing? If you run in there blindly it takes away our surprise. Those robots have found our group. We need to use them as a distraction so that we have a shot at doing some damage to the droids.

OOC: Earlier I said I was making a weapon with someone's knife. Do I have to roll for that or is it just figured that I have a melee weapon that isn't very good?
Jawa, 17 posts
Outlaw Tech
Wed 4 Nov 2015
at 23:11
  • msg #68


Scrounge starts to pat himself all over to see if he's alive.  Checking each foot he let's out a small sound that might have been relief.  Luckily he didn't break anything.  The faint sky above proved the pit wasn't too shallow.  Eight feet would prove a bit of work to get out.  But in the meantime, he had a trench to explore.  Bugs might provide a tasty treat or indicate some other treasure hidden down here.  At the very least it might be enough to trap a droid.  Bubble didn't look too coordinated.  It would at least slow the big one down.

What he really wanted was a blaster so the others could defend themselves or a hidden access chamber to a hideout below.  He started to search the trench to see what else might be found.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 20 posts
Resource Acquisition
Wed 4 Nov 2015
at 23:17
  • msg #69


Sawalim's search had already seemed fruitless, but the sudden cry broke her concentration. She rushed toward the sound, paying no heed to silence. As she ran she patted her traveling sack; she knew her medical supplies were there, but she couldn't help but double-check. "Not the droids, not yet..." she droned to herself. "Did I miss the signs of a large predator?"
The Force
GM, 125 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 5 Nov 2015
at 05:37
  • msg #70


Onyx reassures himself that his wooden spear is intact. He was able to find quite a good wood for this; weighty and strong, but still green enough for a little flex. Might not puncture armour but would make anything soft think twice.

The little trench is all but empty. It seems to have been cleared out by tools, not nature. The only thing down here is the trapdoor that broke under his weight.
Jawa, 18 posts
Outlaw Tech
Thu 5 Nov 2015
at 11:18
  • msg #71


Scrounge muttered something in jawaese.  The tone wasn't all that positive.  So far he wasn't pulling his own weight in this little game.  Then again he didn't weigh much so maybe a thermometer and pit qualified.  It didn't seem useful enough though.

What he needed was a junkyard.  THEN he could gleen useful stuff out of the bounty that others had discarded.  This crawling around the woods wasn't his strength.  He needed a tracker to find out where the 'Boss' had been already and provide search coordinates.

On the plus side, they could probably hide down here to foil the IR vision on Skinny.  At least from afar.

He returned to the opening and held up his hands like a little kid wanting to be picked up.  He had some MRE's to collect.  "Hide?"  He said indicating the pit.
Forim Luk
PC, 94 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 5 Nov 2015
at 13:21
  • msg #72


Forim mutters "Sithspit" under his breath and quickly goes over to check on Scrounge.  He is pleasantly surprised that the pit is not filled with spikes.  Forim will reach down (or remove his shirt to use as a rope) "No" he responds to the question to hide in the pit "We have to get moving quickly, the droids will be here soon."
The Force
GM, 126 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 5 Nov 2015
at 20:41
  • msg #73


As soon as these words are uttered, a rhythmic sound can be heard in the forest.

(Everyone on the hill roll Perception with difficulty 1. Everyone North of the hill roll Perception difficulty 2 for the added distance & obstacles)
Forim Luk
PC, 95 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 5 Nov 2015
at 20:58
  • msg #74


15:58, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 failure, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 1A 2D.  Rolling Perception.

Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 21 posts
Resource Acquisition
Thu 5 Nov 2015
at 21:10
  • msg #75


Sawalim stops running and listens to the sound.

Sawalim got 1 success and 1 advantage on her Perception.
Bounty Hunter, 38 posts
Thu 5 Nov 2015
at 21:32
  • msg #76


(1succes 1 advantage)

As Onyx heads back to the camp he notices one of the robots. He uses his advantage so that he has a path that will keep him hidden and get him behind the coming robot.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:43, Thu 05 Nov 2015.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 20 posts
Thu 5 Nov 2015
at 23:42
  • msg #77


Ikki made no movement to rush back to the others, no sense in everyone crowding around the noise and getting shot. However since he was interrupted by the shouting and Onyx had already started to move back, Sorlock wanting to repay the company in turn, followed him through the forest.

He kept his eyes alert but the darkness was still heading his sight back as they carried on adjusting.

23:40, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 1 failure, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 1D with rolls of 11(P), 7(A), 1(A), 3(D).  Perception.
The Force
GM, 127 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 6 Nov 2015
at 18:22
  • msg #78


Forim works himself into the earth, trying to reach down and grab ahold of Scrounges' hand. He manages to get a good grip and pulls the jawa up to the edge of the pit. It's not terribly hard to climb out of the pit.

Onyx & Sawalim pause and listen closely. The sound they hear is a rhythmic pumping and the occasional rush of branches scraping on someone moving. It's undoubtedly the large droid, and it's coming up the hill.

They're pretty sure it's located around I6.5, not far from the Duros and the Jawa's position and getting closer. You have a sick feeling that it knows exactly where they are.

Where Skinny the rescue droid is, no one can say for sure.
Jawa, 20 posts
Outlaw Tech
Sun 8 Nov 2015
at 00:30
  • msg #79


Scrounge mutters a string of what might be obscenities.  They had been given 1 hour and he had come up short.  No weapons.  Nothing else of immediate use.  It felt like failure.

He had a hill and the enemy was approaching but still out of sight.  The jawa felt trapped.  Even the training scenario brought out a sense of fear.  He turns to Forim and hands the Duros a restraining bolt.  Then with a high pitched short laugh says "Timetodie."

Scrounge moves towards Bubbles ready to go down fighting.  Skinny was probably a spotter nearby so he wasn't likely to be able to run away and certainly didn't want to get gunned down.

OOC: Move to H6 and hide using the trees for cover from Bubbles.  He's ready to melee the droid when he can get close enough.

Scrounge rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 1D - PERCEPTION

Stealth 3A to hide from Bubbles?

This message was last edited by the player at 00:33, Sun 08 Nov 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 42 posts
Sun 8 Nov 2015
at 03:51
  • msg #80


Do I see scrounge decide to try to take on a giant robot with no weapons?
Bounty Hunter, 44 posts
Sun 8 Nov 2015
at 17:17
  • msg #81


Onyx sees Scrounge turning to stab off against a robot. In his mind this isn't a test. This is survival. He turns to Ikki. You get them to safty. I should be able to take the big one out of the equation.

Onyx takes off toward where the big one is. He is at a full sprint. As he runs he pulls the spear out which he tied to his back with vines. Onyx is confident that if he can get the big one to chase him he can lead it away from the group. He is confident that he will be able to then lose it in the forest. From there he will find a weapon and then return to the group.

(OOC: what I'm doing is using my maneuver and action to sprint toward the big robot. When Onyx gets into short range he will throw the spear at the big one hopin to get it's attention. From there he will try and lead it away from the group.)
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 23 posts
Resource Acquisition
Sun 8 Nov 2015
at 18:38
  • msg #82


Sawalim gives a soft chortle. "Last I heard, the Rebellion doesn't need the sort of heroes that will rush headlong into danger. Sacrifices like this won't put a dent in the Empire. Anybody else up for crossing the river to the north and trying to lose the droid that can be heard for miles?"
The Force
GM, 131 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 03:01
  • msg #83


Some restraining bolts are configured to affix to a droid's chassis with magnetics, chemical adhesives, or mechanical clamps. After they've been removed a few times, they have to be welded with an arc welder. Scrounges' secondhand bolt has been 'repaired' with a kind of sticky gum made from desert plum skins.

It will be only a few moments before the heavy droid mounts the ridge. (One combat round)

Onyx mounts the hill and readies his wooden spear.

(If this is really what you want to do, roll for Ranged (Light) attack at Short range)
Bounty Hunter, 45 posts
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 05:00
  • msg #84


OOC: It's what Onyx would do, and I always play my character even if it seems dumb. It makes it more interesting that way.

Onyx rolled 2 successes, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a 1d with rolls of 8(A), 2(A), 7(A), 1(D).  throwing spear.

3 advantages let me get him to chase me and give him a setback when he tries to kill me.

After throwing the spear Onyx takes 1 strain to start running away,
The Force
GM, 133 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 13:51
  • msg #85


Bubbles comes over the rise. It scans the hill, taking in Onyx even as the human bounty hunter hurls his makeshift weapon.

The hurled bolt catches the heavy-duty firefighter droid in the torso. It plucks the bolt out, looks it over quickly, and then tosses it aside. It doesn't seem damaged.

Bubbles raises its gas-powered sportgun and fires. With a series of *thumps*, gas pellets fly and shatter all around Onyx. Onyx ducks as he runs, trying to stay low.

Bubbles is focused on the attack. Too focused. His circuits strain as he tries to keep Onyx in sight.

One of the gas pellets shatters on Onyx's back, and before he knows it he's inhaled a bit. The impact isn't painful, but the gas immediately starts irritating his throat. He coughs, and finds his eyes tearing up.

Bubbles begins to knuckle after Onyx as he flees down the hill. Onyx slides down the slope, narrowly avoiding some rocks at the base.

(Onyx is at E7.5. Bubbles is in the clearing at F7.)
Forim Luk
PC, 99 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 14:36
  • msg #86


ooc: For the record, I think you are all insane.... but Forim supports his team.

Forim's eyes go wide as the droid starts to barrel toward them.  He gets ready to bolt when Onyx does the stupid thing and charges the droid with a stick.  Forim takes the time to try to get around behind bubbles and affix the 'repaired' restraining bolt.

Gave myself 2D to stealth up to him with the distraction of Cobmat
09:35, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 2D.  Rolling Stealth.

Not sure difficulty of a melee attack - but better then It could have been
09:35, Today: Forim Luk rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A.  Not good at this AT ALL, lets attach a restraining bolt.
18:12, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 failures using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2d.

Net: 2 failure, 2 advantages - advantages nutralize the failures and I come out net 0!
This message was last edited by the player at 23:13, Mon 09 Nov 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 46 posts
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 21:44
  • msg #87


(When my next action comes up I am going to use a maneuver to run burn a strain to run farther and use my action as a survival role that would be me trying to lose bubbles.)

Onyx rolled 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1P with rolls of 7(A), 2(A), 12(P).  Lossing bubbles.

(I didn't roll difficulty because I figured it would be against bubble's perception and I don't know that. If I succeed I lose him. Triumph makes it so that even if he loses me he continues looking for me which means he is lead away from the others.)

After throwing his spear Onyx is on the move. As he is running he feels something hit him in the back. He uses his environmental gear to cover his mouth greatly reducing it's efficiency. All he can think is thank god that's not a real gun. As he continues through the woods he leaves enough distance between him and bubbles so that bubbles will give chase. Onyx tricks bubbles by pushing a rock to roll down a hill and diving behind cover. Onyx silently stays there and waits for bubble to follow the rock down the hill.

(If I don't succeed Bubbles is still chasing me but because of the triumph the forest is rough terrain and it trips him up making him fall to his back. This will force him to get up allowing me to run farther away.)
This message was last edited by the player at 23:19, Mon 09 Nov 2015.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 26 posts
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 21:46
  • msg #88


Ikki groans as the lot of them are quickly drawn into combat with Bubbles, this wasn't the sort of hunt that you would do head on! Part of him was almost ready to leave the lot of them and sneak out and report to the others, however watching the lumbering droid carry on chasing down Onyx towards the slope. He had been shown his chance, a challenge brought a grin to his face as he stood up and prepared himself.

Breaking into a charge at the droid, his voice roaring as he psyched himself for the attack. Sorlock brought Bubbles within his reach, using his momentum he leapt into the air and kicked the droid towards the slope, landing on his feet as he watches the results of his attack. After he turns to the other two, Onyx would catch up later "Get out of here!" Despite not talking much, Ikki had a loud voice when he needed one.

Maneuver - Charge Bubbles
Action - Flying kick Bubbles

21:38, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2D with rolls of 2(A), 5(A), 2(A), 6(D), 2(D). Brawling .

This message was last edited by the player at 21:48, Mon 09 Nov 2015.
The Force
GM, 137 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 9 Nov 2015
at 23:10
  • msg #89


The big firefighter 'bot stumbles backwards. "Inefficient!" it cries as it stumbles backwards. Not much, but enough that its next backpedalling step is over a slight decline. Its weight overbalances it, sending it bouncing down the hill.

It doesn't go all the way down. After two rotations, it slams into the soft earth and protruding stones. Now partway down the hill, the chrome-bodied droid stands up again.

"This model is designed to endure a collapsing building and carry injured beings in excess of 137 kilograms," Bubbles remarks. It aims its pellet gun at Ikki. "It is not programmed to hold grudges. However, I have chosen to enjoy this."
Jawa, 22 posts
Outlaw Tech
Tue 10 Nov 2015
at 00:20
  • msg #90


The jawa cocked his head sideways in a look of confusion when the primitive spear came flying at the droid.  Onyx must have had a good reason for it, but maybe he had seen too many holovids or something.  The droid ignored Scrounge and moved on firing at his attacker.  Onyx must have realized his poor choice in weapons and fled.  Scrounge maneuvered in stealthily behind Bubbles and began to stalk his prey.

Forim moved in and attempted to attach the restraining bolt.  He wasn't sure where the others were.  Then Ikki came out of nowhere with a flying kick and actually toppled the thing.  Bada wa?

The Duros must have been unsuccessful as the droid stood up again and made some uncharacteristic comment for a droid.  Circling behind the droid, Scrounge stepped out of the shadows and attempted to attach his other restraining bolt.  "Mine."  He says to the droid.

OOC: I'm guessing on dice.  Are there any boosts for all the action around him?
Stealth move - Scrounge rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2D.  Stealth.

Brawn didn't make sense since he is simply trying to touch and not use muscle.  I took a simple Agility roll here.  Let me know if you want something different.
Attach bolt - Scrounge rolled 1 success, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2D.  Attach restraining bolt.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:21, Tue 10 Nov 2015.
The Force
GM, 138 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 11 Nov 2015
at 05:43
  • msg #91


Scrounge's plan is superceded by Onyx's plan and Ikki's improvisation. Bubbles runs by Scrounge's position at a full-pelt, and is then knocked down the hill. Scrounge tries to keep up, following through the brush until he sees Bubbles stand up on the packed-dirt hillside. There's no cover between them. Scrounge, still hidden, chitters softly in annoyance.
Forim Luk
PC, 102 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 11 Nov 2015
at 14:33
  • msg #92


Forim sees Scrounge try the same thing he thing he did without success, he tries a different tactic.  He quickly moves over to Onyx and says "Here, attach this two inches above that port mark on his left upper chest" describing where the port can be attached.

With that he moves back away from the engagement zone and looks around for the other droid but comes up blank.  "Where are you" he mutters to himself

09:33, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 failure using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 1A 2D.  Rolling Perception.

Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 26 posts
Resource Acquisition
Thu 12 Nov 2015
at 03:23
  • msg #93


Sawalim rushes toward the sound of Bubble's firearm. She is already warming up her throats, and a low thrum emanates in flowing crescendos from her neck. She comes skidding to a halt at the top of the hill, and the sound intensifies. In a symphonic burst, she unleashes a wave of sound against the bulky droid. It slams into him, overloading sensors and systems that weren't built for this sort of assault. Unfortunately, it doesn't prevent his march forward as she might have hoped.

She turns, her voice now wispy and ragged. "Can we run now?"

Sawalim uses her Ithorian Bellow and gets 4 successes, no advantages (unfortunately, else I could have activated Concussive). It does 10 strain damage, and Sawalim takes 3 strain in the process.
The Force
GM, 141 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 12 Nov 2015
at 08:21
  • msg #94


Bubbles reels from the auditory onslaught. Sawalim's powerful howl echoes across the valley, awakening every creature for miles. Birds burst out of their nests, screeching in protest. Insects begin chirping rapidly. Various small animals join in the howl. The night is suddenly alive with sound.

(Perception checks have 1 setback until the damn critters calm down.)
Forim Luk
PC, 103 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 12 Nov 2015
at 15:06
  • msg #95


Forim winced as the sound comes out and says a bit louder than he intended "Ask the crazy humans" he gestures to both humans slugging it out with a droid.

He continues to look around for the other droid and says "Where is his partner..."

(10:05, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 failure, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 1A 2D 1S.  Rolling Perception.

No way I am going to see him.
Jawa, 24 posts
Outlaw Tech
Fri 13 Nov 2015
at 11:13
  • msg #96


The jawa sat and stewed.  He would have to wait until the Bubbles bodyguards cleared the area to take another shot at it.  This was the kind of story you tell around a table at the cantina.  Scrounge missed the cantina.  The fellowship of other spacers...

Then a deafening noise appeared.  Scrounge had never heard an Ilthorian's bellow before.  After he recovered from the shock, he noticed the wildlife all in a tizzy.  Perhaps that would throw off the droids long enough to allow for some stealth.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 29 posts
Fri 13 Nov 2015
at 16:50
  • msg #97


Ikki's previous feeling surprised achievement was now met with a sinking feeling as he stared down the barrel of the pellet gun. The annoyance was that he didn't knock the droid back and now it seemed to hold a grudge against him. However the sonic roar of the Ilthorian's bellow had made him cover his ears. That noise would make his ears bleed if he had taken it head on.

After he recovered from it, the night was alive with yelling, apparently Sawalim had some admirers who wanted to join in. Young Sorlock took the chance and slipped back into the night, he'd catch up with everyone later hopefully the grudge of dropkicking Bubbles would be strong enough for him to be chased. But Sawalim was also a candidate. Ikki smirked, he couldn't believe he'd actually pulled that off.

(Stealthily moving back into the night to D3

16:46, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 2 successes, 6 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 1B with rolls of 5(P), 8(A), 8(A), 5(B).  Stealth.)

17:36, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled no successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2D with rolls of 6(D), 4(D).  Stealth Difficutly that I forgot :(.

So overall 2 Successes and 4 Advantages. Can I get Bubbles to follow me with some of my advantages. Any left over could be used on some good luck.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:37, Fri 13 Nov 2015.
The Force
GM, 144 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 15 Nov 2015
at 00:01
  • msg #98


Before Bubbles can get a shot off at Ikki, the young man runs off. As Bubbles is down the hill, he quickly loses sight. The big 'bot runs up the hill with surprising speed.

Not a dozen meters from Forim, Skinny the search & rescue droid stands up out of the brush.

"Bubbles!" She cries in a high-octave, sonorous . "Small organic in bushes there!" She points at Scrounge, still concealed in the brush.

Bubbles continues to climb the hill. Rather than attacking the jawa that is hiding only a few meters away from him, the firefighter droid ignores Scrounge and chases after Ikki.

Bubbles has lost a lot of distance, having to climb the hill. He aims & fires his gas gun anyway.

(Bubbles rolled 3 successes, 1 threat.
6 damage.

(Forim: H7
Sawalim: F6
Scrounge: F6
Ikki: F5
Onyx: D6
I don't know where Tuhr is. He can be just about anywhere he wants.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:38, Tue 17 Nov 2015.
Forim Luk
PC, 107 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 16 Nov 2015
at 01:40
  • msg #99


Without thinking form keeps running and tries to slap the restraining bolt onto Skinny

(ooc: 20:29, Today: Forim Luk rolled 3 successes, 3 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 2D 1S.  Attach Restraining Bolt.)

Just as he gets close, Forim trips on the a root and falls toward Skinny.  "Sithspit!" he shouts on his way down but the bolt lands home!  Unfortunately Form is now lying face down in front of the droid...
Bounty Hunter, 53 posts
Hex E7.5
Tue 17 Nov 2015
at 03:43
  • msg #100


Onyx hopes he provided enough distraction to give the others an edge in their escape. He continues heading in the direction he is going. After walking a little ways away he searches to see if he can find anything of use.

Onyx moves to D7

Onyx rolled 4 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1p 2d with rolls of 7(A), 4(A), 5(P), 8(D), 7(D).  Searching D7 (Perception).
Jawa, 26 posts
Outlaw Tech
Tue 17 Nov 2015
at 11:04
  • msg #101


There was a small amount of fascination that Ikki could piss off a droid to the extent it ignored a threat and chased the human.  He didn't dwell on it long.  Forim looked to be attempting to distract Skinny so the jawa was free to chase Bubbles.  Hopefully he could keep up with a plodding fire fighting droid.

The jawa burst out of the bushes and sprinted after Bubbles once it passed by.  He thought the duros would be proud of him sweeping in behind an enemy just like a fire fight.  Except he was too short and couldn't get a good placement.

Scrounge rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2D 1S

The Force
GM, 148 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 18 Nov 2015
at 04:44
  • msg #102


Scrounge stays tight on Bubbles' tail, but can't quite catch up.

Forim's diving lunge plants the restraining bolt on Skinny's torso-plate. She squeals in alarm.
Bounty Hunter, 54 posts
Hex E7.5
Wed 18 Nov 2015
at 05:06
  • msg #103


(Did I find anything?)
The Force
GM, 149 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 18 Nov 2015
at 05:20
  • msg #104


Onyx is doing a quick search while he is sure where the 'droids are. His eye catches something glittering in the water of the nearby stream.

He lies down on the bank of the stream and reaches into the water. After a few moments of flailing he touches something that is hard, but much smoother than a rock. He yanks it out.

Onyx shakes the water off his new glowrod.
Bounty Hunter, 55 posts
Hex E7.5
Wed 18 Nov 2015
at 21:43
  • msg #105


Onyx smiles at his find. He has an idea that he thinks might just work. For now he has a weapon to find.

(Onyx continues to C6. Once here he makes another perception check.)

Onyx rolled 3 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1p 2d with rolls of 6(A), 3(A), 4(P), 7(D), 6(D).  Searching for supplies.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 27 posts
Resource Acquisition
Thu 19 Nov 2015
at 00:09
  • msg #106


Sawalim moves to keep pace with Bubbles; with the group scattered like this, the possibility of somebody getting cornered alone with the big droid was the biggest threat, and she knew at least Ikki and Scrounge would be in the vicinity. She flexed her raw throats and made a loud, phlegm-clearing hooomph. She'd be ready to shout again soon, and maybe this time she'd stun the droid for long enough to achieve a group retreat.

Sawalim will double-maneuver if need be to stay within Short range of Bubbles; let me know if I need to spend strain.
Jawa, 28 posts
Outlaw Tech
Thu 19 Nov 2015
at 02:06
  • msg #107


Scrounge turns at the sound of a droid in alarm.  "Oooooo."  He exclaims as he quickly puts Forim's face plant together with the attached restraining bolt.  Knowing he had to shut her down quickly he gave up the chase of Bubbles.

Instead he tossed the second restraining bolt to Sawalim to make the heroic takedown of the big droid.  His encouragement (or curse) was lost in translation as he chittered in her direction.

Then pulling out the controller for Skinny's bolt, hit the shutdown command.

OOC: Let me know if there is a roll you need.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:14, Thu 19 Nov 2015.
Forim Luk
PC, 110 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 19 Nov 2015
at 02:51
  • msg #108


Forim reaches out and shouts "Hit the button! Hit the button!" as he grabs at the droids feet to trip it up.

21:47, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2D.  Rolling Brawl.
+1 strain

The droid's heavy limb comes down hard on Forim's squishy organic fingers.  "Son of a bantha that hurts".  However, the droid does fall to the ground... if that makes the situation better or worse, Forim does not know.
The Force
GM, 152 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 20 Nov 2015
at 02:16
  • msg #109


In a much deeper, more robotic tone of voice, Skinny recites, "Shut-Down Process Initiated." She goes limp while still standing, her head and arms hanging down loosely. The hydraulics in her limbs hiss as they release tension.
Bounty Hunter, 57 posts
Hex E7.5
Fri 20 Nov 2015
at 03:07
  • msg #110


(Did I find anything?)

(GM: Let's let everyone post, and then we'll get to your search)
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:22, Fri 20 Nov 2015.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 33 posts
Fri 20 Nov 2015
at 14:57
  • msg #111


Ikki felt the pelt clip his left arm, inhaling the fumes was only slight but it wasn't much as he grunted through the pain. He had only caught a whiff of the gas and it felt like his nose was on fire. Using the momentum he had and the fact that Bubbles was losing sight of him. He purposely through himself into some trees, causing his clothes to rip off in small part and once again through a sharp bush. Leaving those bits as bait to the droid. Suddenly and carefully heading north to move around the droid and regroup with the others.

It seemed like the droid was truly pissed off with him.

14:50, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 3 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D with rolls of 7(P), 6(A), 4(A), 7(D), 5(D).  Survival.
The Force
GM, 153 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 21 Nov 2015
at 06:17
  • msg #112


Bubbles hears Skinny's loud, hardcoded shutdown sound and immediately breaks off pursuit. He heads back over towards her, glancing this way and that as he does. He quickly sees Forim getting himself up from in front of her. As Bubbles nears Skinny, he aims his gas gun and fires at Forim.

(Bubbles rolled 3 successes, 1 threat.
Six damage pre-soak

Sawalim continues to be ignored by the droids. Scrouge is still on Bubbles' tail, although the large droid is moving more slowly now as it approaches its partner. Forim is prone, and suddenly covered in choking gas. Onyx busily checks the bushes.

Bubbles, Skinny, and Forim are at G5.5.
Sawalim is at F5.
Onyx is at C6.
Ikki is at E4.5

Onyx checks the open area and comes up empty.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:17, Sat 21 Nov 2015.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 28 posts
Resource Acquisition
Sat 21 Nov 2015
at 10:44
  • msg #113


Sawalim skids to a halt as Bubbles turns, and watches in some wonder as it rushes past her. She turns around slowly and sucks in air, then sends another cacophonic burst hurtling toward Bubbles. It's not quite as loud this time, but what it lacks in sheer decibel is gained in discordancy. A viscous wave of noise slams into Bubbles and leaves the droid momentarily overwhelmed.

She gives a ragged grunt of approval, then walks up next to the droid with the restraining bolt brandished.

One success and two advantage on that check, so Bubbles takes 7 strain damage and is Concussed, leaving it Staggered for the next round. I move to be Engaged with Bubbles. And, of course, I take three strain.
Bounty Hunter, 58 posts
Hex E7.5
Sat 21 Nov 2015
at 14:50
  • msg #114


After finding nothing again Onyx hears the bellow of Sawalim. Realizing that they are either still fighting or were unable to get away Onyx begins running back toward the sound of the bellow.
The Force
GM, 154 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 21 Nov 2015
at 23:30
  • msg #115


Bubbles is knocked over forward. He collapses next to Forim, who rolls out of the way just before being crushed. The droid struggles for a moment, but can't seem to get up.

Forim, half-shocked, peers at the droid. It seems as though its optics have shut off. Bubbles spasms for a few more moments. It doesn't settle down, but it also doesn't get up or do anything useful.

The group gathers uneasily around the spasming droid and the stationary one at the top of the hill.

(Battle over.)
Jawa, 31 posts
Outlaw Tech
Sun 22 Nov 2015
at 00:24
  • msg #116


Scrounge shook his head and a finger disappeared into his hood to try and clear the ringing in his ears.  After he recovered a bit, the tech walks up brushing his hands together and looks at their handy work.  "Ba da boo do."  He congratulates the others and then stands looking at the raw material spasming in front of him with hands on hips.  If he had tools there was so much that could be done.  Without them, things were more limited.

The jawa checked his non-existent chronometer and then checked the sky.  He jabbered something else and not seeing comprehension wondered to himself if they had set a record for how quickly these droids were taken down.  He hoped the challenge ended here rather than have to spend the night, but that was unlikely.

He went to work looking at the droids and seeing if he could shut down Bubbles.  The second restraining bolt should work.  Then if he could disassemble that bubble gun, one of the others could use it to defend them this evening if needed.
Forim Luk
PC, 114 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 22 Nov 2015
at 01:08
  • msg #117


Forim starts to get up, but then looks up and sees bubbles leveling his rifle "Oh bloah" some hear Forim say before he gets pelted in the chest and falls over coughing (ooc: 5/12 wounds).

Just as he starts to regain his breath he looks up through bleary eyes at a mass of metal falling at him and JUST rolls away in time.

After getting the worst of the gas and residue out of his clothes, face and eyes, he helps Scrounge to remove the pellet gun.  This would help in the night to come if there were any predators.

"You should attach the second bolt to that droid too, just in case" Forim suggests
The Force
GM, 155 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 22 Nov 2015
at 06:21
  • msg #118


After the second restraining bolt is applied and Bubbles is shut down, his spasming stops. Then he is still, peaceful as a stone, lying on the ground next to Skinny.

Scrounge can figure out how to get the pieces of the gas pellet gun off Bubbles' arm with his tools. However, doing so would remove the structure of the gun. It would simply be a collection of a few parts, rather than a weapon. Holding them all at once would be a chore. Firing it would be even more difficult. Holding the hopper higher than the receiver so that the gravity feed works, and then holding the barrel with some other hand to aim at a target while also pulling the trigger?
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 36 posts
Sun 22 Nov 2015
at 14:02
  • msg #119


As Bubbles stops having a spasm on the ground, Ikki relaxes as bit letting out a sigh of relief as the droid with a grudge is shut down. Looking around at the droid, it seems they were all a bit exhausted from the battle. "I guess we should lay low till sun up..." the scout's voice was low still, just in case Boss hadn't told them anything. He scanned the area around them, despite the fauna of the night going wild after the bellows, he could still see and hear pretty well. The gas was taking a toll on his senses however.

14:01, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 1 success, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1S 2A 1P 2D with rolls of 5(S), 3(A), 4(A), 1(P), 2(D), 8(D).  Perception.

Bounty Hunter, 59 posts
Hex E7.5
Sun 22 Nov 2015
at 16:41
  • msg #120


Onyx arrives. He sees the two droids collapsed on the ground. His mouth drops in shock. He steps out to his companions H...How?
Jawa, 32 posts
Outlaw Tech
Sun 22 Nov 2015
at 17:12
  • msg #121


The jawa looks at Onyx and flexes his bicep in answer.  He rattles off some long explanation in jawa that might have been some scientific reasoning or bardic monologue of the heroics.  Whatever the statement he seemed proud of being prepared.  The boss probably should have confiscated those restraining bolts.  Things might not have turned out as well as they had.

Scrounge goes on to describe the problem of the gas gun removal pantomiming the issue as he chatters on.  It comes across as a strange game of twister.  It seems the thing won't function easily and likely three of them would be needed to make it work.  He stands with hands on hips and shakes his head on whether to proceed.

Or he could leave it and continue searching the area.  He turns to the others and queries, "What do?"
The Force
GM, 156 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 23 Nov 2015
at 14:33
  • msg #122


Now that the fight is over, everyone feels the adrenaline letdown start to hit them. Suddenly you're anxious, tense, achy, tired, hungry. It's especially hard on the people who are from races singularly unaccustomed to battle.

(Everyone roll Cool 2D. Scrounge and Sawalim have 1 setback)

The group gathers on the hilltop, unanimously decided to be a good place for a campsite. It lets them keep an eye on the droids, as well as having the high ground for watching the rest of the forest. It is surrounded by streams water for easy drinking, as well. The gatherers drop their freshly-picked foods, and Scrounge retrieves the MREs that he discovered earlier as bait in the pit trap.
Forim Luk
PC, 115 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 23 Nov 2015
at 14:49
  • msg #123


Forim keeps his head about him and says "I don't really want to leave these droids un-supervised but we really should move on.  There should be hidden caches in here somewhere, so lets start searching for them.  Maybe we will get some real food."

(09:47, Today: Forim Luk rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 2D.  Rolling Cool.)
Bounty Hunter, 60 posts
Hex E7.5
Mon 23 Nov 2015
at 22:18
  • msg #124


Onyx looks at Scrounge. I think if we can salvage some of the sharp bits for weapons should, but we should also smash what we leave behind. I don't want these things turning back on.

Onyx rolled 1 success, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 2d with rolls of 2(A), 4(A), 8(D), 8(D).  Cool.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:18, Mon 23 Nov 2015.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 37 posts
Mon 23 Nov 2015
at 23:06
  • msg #125


Ikki raised an eye at Onyx "Don't think Boss would think highly of that..." He points out that in the end, the two droids on the floor were on their side for now. Ikki picked up an edible herb and crammed it into his month, chewing the bitterness slowly not being picky about the taste as he swallows it down.

"We can have a look around in a bit, I'll head out soon if you want." He volunteers to search the area after a bit of food. Still he was just glad to be on the ground again.

23:01, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 3 successes, 3 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 1A 2D with rolls of 5(P), 2(A), 5(D), 7(D).  Cool.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:07, Mon 23 Nov 2015.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 29 posts
Resource Acquisition
Mon 23 Nov 2015
at 23:38
  • msg #126


Sawalim steps over to the base of a tree and takes a seat, breathing a low sigh of relief. She's composed, just weary.

"I think we should leave the droids as-is. They're not ours to mess with; not worth the risk of angering our mentor on day one. We should probably focus on survival, and prove that we can manage fine on our own."

Sawalim rolled 3 successes, 2 threats on the Cool check. I made a Discipline check to recover strain and got 3 successes.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:50, Tue 24 Nov 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 61 posts
Hex E7.5
Tue 24 Nov 2015
at 03:14
  • msg #127


True. I keep forgetting that this is just a test.
Jawa, 33 posts
Outlaw Tech
Tue 24 Nov 2015
at 14:23
  • msg #128


Scrounge starts shaking as the fight ends.  That wasn't the kind of stuff he enjoys doing.  He quickly retrieved the MRE's and broke into one.  He gnawed on the rations in an attempt to calm his nerves.

OOC: Scrounge rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 2d 1s
The Force
GM, 158 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 24 Nov 2015
at 14:30
  • msg #129


After searching around a bit more, you find an old-fashioned compass in the brush to the West of the hill in some bushes.

Several hours pass.
Forim Luk
PC, 119 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Tue 24 Nov 2015
at 15:42
  • msg #130


Forim's stomach growls and he says "Mind passing me some food?"

As he eats he says "Hey guys, since we got the droids, did you want to try to ambush our instructor?"
Jawa, 34 posts
Outlaw Tech
Wed 25 Nov 2015
at 14:22
  • msg #131


Scrounge starts to talk excitedly in reference to Forim's question.  He adds dramatic hand movements to his chittering and passionate speech.  The details are precise and well thought out.  Each team member is accounted for a utilizes their strengths while covering for weaknesses.  It's the perfect plan.  He ends his monologue with his hands expanded out to the side.  Then looks eagerly to each of them to see what they think.
Forim Luk
PC, 120 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 25 Nov 2015
at 14:37
  • msg #132


"I take it you like the idea?" Forim asks the little mechanic.
Bounty Hunter, 62 posts
Hex E7.5
Wed 25 Nov 2015
at 17:34
  • msg #133


Onyx nods his head. Count me in.
The Force
GM, 159 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 26 Nov 2015
at 08:51
  • msg #134


Another hour passes, and thunder peals. Suddenly the clouds break, and rain begins pouring down on you. You are forced to scramble for cover.
Jawa, 35 posts
Outlaw Tech
Thu 26 Nov 2015
at 13:48
  • msg #135


Scrounge tilted his head and looked confused at Forim.  Didn't the Duros understand anything he just said?!?  He shook his head and gave a thumbs down along with a spitting sound in response.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 38 posts
Fri 27 Nov 2015
at 18:25
  • msg #136


Ikki chuckled under his breath as the Duros completely misunderstood the Jawa. Although he was against the idea of trying to take down Boss, he had tried to understand the plan but didn't really get the Jawa other than the odd hand movement or bit of basic. As the thunder starts and the rain starts to pouring down, Ikki quickly scanned the area for cover from the rain "Follow me, We'll take shelter over here." He says just loud enough for everyone to here as he made his way to what he had spotted.

18:19, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 1 success, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 1A with rolls of 9(P), 8(A).  Cool to Recover Strain.

18:20, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 3 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D with rolls of 5(P), 2(A), 1(A), 6(D), 6(D).  Survival.

Recover 1 strain from post Encounter check, Do I add 2 more from the threats?

This message was last edited by the player at 18:26, Fri 27 Nov 2015.
The Force
GM, 162 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 28 Nov 2015
at 17:31
  • msg #137


Ikki leads the group to a rocky area that initially provides little shelter. However, with the help of his allies, they are able to lay some thick layers of branches across the top. It is serviceable enough to last for awhile. Everyone is damp and cold but at least they are prevented from having the rain land directly on them.

After a little while, the group is able to light a fire. With just a little tinder and some wood broken in half, a small blaze provides heat and light.

Another few hours pass, and the rain dies down. You can see the sun threatening to crest the horizon.
Forim Luk
PC, 121 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 29 Nov 2015
at 01:06
  • msg #138


Forim shivers and huddles next to whomever will share their warmth, but does not complain.  He spends the night staring up at space, looking at the stars.  The view from the cockpit is much better than that in a planet's atmosphere, but there was a certain amount of peace that this brought him.  It allowed him to pass the time faster in his head rather then experience the drearyness of the day.  An old pilot's trick while waiting for relapse from hyperspace.
Bounty Hunter, 63 posts
Hex E7.5
Sun 29 Nov 2015
at 01:29
  • msg #139


Onyx like the others is cold, but his environmental armor is making it a little bit better. It is so cold though that if someone wanted to snuggle Onyx won't argue.
The Force
GM, 163 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 03:54
  • msg #140


As the dawn breaks, you all hear a bell ringing from the south, near the lodge. You cautiously creep over to find that Boss has set up a grill over a fire. Some sort of meat is grilling next to some thick slices of vegetables. As you approach, he calls out.

"Someone get over here and watch the grill. I'm going to go wake up your playmates."

Everyone has a hearty breakfast as the Boss comes back with the two robots, looking somewhat sheepish. As you eat, Boss and the 'bots go into the lodge and emerge again. They are carrying several of the pellet-firing gas guns, similar to the one Bubbles has.

"Now we're going to play a different sort of game, called 'Marker Tag.' Anyone ever play before? No? Okay. Now these ones are loaded with regular paint, not gas. I don't have enough for everyone."

"Pick two team leaders and divide into teams. When you're ready, the boundaries are on the hill in the centre. Two hits and you're out. Crystal?"
Bounty Hunter, 64 posts
Hex E7.5
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 04:02
  • msg #141


Ah god another one of these games Onyx thinks a frown obviously on his face. I vote Sawalim and Scrounge. He shrugs his shoulders as he points out they kicked some serious robo ass
Forim Luk
PC, 123 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 05:16
  • msg #142


"Hey" Forim says "I should get credit for one of those!  Scrounge just pressed the button!"  There is obvious mirth in his voice, so it is obvious that he did not take any offence.

"I think Ikki showed herself well out there, I would be happy to travel with her.  Do we get a droid on our team?  If so I say we take Skinny"
The Force
GM, 164 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 06:07
  • msg #143


"'Droids are the refs," Boss says. "What, you think I'm going to be alone out there, chasing after all of you?"

There appear to be just enough gas guns for each of you.
Forim Luk
PC, 124 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 12:58
  • msg #144


"Oh, you are going to be chasing us?  What is our objective?" Forim asks.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 41 posts
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 22:28
  • msg #145


Ikki happily tucked into the meal, eating a balance of a lot of veggies and few bits of meat. As they split into the teams, Sorlock simply chews as he listens to the team split into the two groups.

Ikki simply eyed up the Boss "Why are we shooting up our allies on the second day, Boss?" He asked simply, keeping his eyes locked with the scarred man as he popped some more of his food in his mouth.
Bounty Hunter, 65 posts
Hex E7.5
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 23:49
  • msg #146


In reply to Forim Luk (msg # 142):

Onyx gives Forim a surprised look. He then slowly chuckles. Oh my bad. When I came back I saw you covered in dirt and figured you were the distraction or something. Onyx then walks over to the guns. He tries to see which one seems most similar to his sniper rifle.

Onyx rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1P with rolls of 2(A), 6(A), 12(P).  perception.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 31 posts
Resource Acquisition
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 23:56
  • msg #147


Sawalim rumbles exhaustedly, and shivers a bit from her still-wet clothing. She slowly rises back to her feet after finishing off a round slice of something like zucchini, and trundles over to one of the guns.

"Pneumatics?" Sawalim sighs. "Fun."

"You may not want to elect me team leader based on my voice, because I've never shot... well, anything before."
Jawa, 37 posts
Outlaw Tech
Tue 1 Dec 2015
at 02:48
  • msg #148


Scrounge dives into the meat.  He sniffs the veggies and eventually turns his nose up at them given something more interesting to eat.  After he is full, he turns to the boss and holds out his hand waiting for the restraining bolts to be returned.
The Force
GM, 168 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 2 Dec 2015
at 16:15
  • msg #149


"Listen up, gang. Team One will be on the east side of the hill. Team A will be on the west side. The hill is the boundary; if you fall off, you're out. If you take two hits, you're out. If you forget my birthday, you're out. Any questions? Keep them to yourself, I hate answering questions."

"Now. Leaders, choose your team-mates."
Forim Luk
PC, 126 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 2 Dec 2015
at 16:20
  • msg #150


In reply to Onyx (msg # 146):

Forim flashes Onyx a winning smile and says "Just because I did it with Style, doesnt mean I didn't succeed!  I am not so good in hand to hand as you might know"

Forim nods and picks up an air cannon and checks it over to see if maybe he can make some quick adjustments to the air pressure for better range or speed.

(11:20, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 3D.  Rolling Mechanics.)
The Force
GM, 169 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 2 Dec 2015
at 16:31
  • msg #151


Forim raises an eyebrow as he examines the pressure valve. He guesses that, with a careful adjustment, he can increase the power of the weapon. The downside is that the extra power might cause the weapon to misfire.

(These Gas guns have a range of Short. With this mechanics roll, the range can be upgraded to Medium. But beware...)
Forim Luk
PC, 127 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 2 Dec 2015
at 16:47
  • msg #152


In reply to The Force (msg # 151):

Forim carfully adjusts the valve, noting the potential issues.

(ooc: if Forim isint falling on his face, it isint a training mission lol)
This message was last edited by the player at 16:47, Wed 02 Dec 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 68 posts
Hex E7.5
Thu 3 Dec 2015
at 04:54
  • msg #153


In reply to Forim Luk (msg # 150):

Onyx nods and sarcastically says Style. He then goes and picks up whichever gun he believes is the best.
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