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, welcome to Star Wars: Alpha Team

12:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by The ForceFor group 0
The Force
GM, 158 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 24 Nov 2015
at 14:30
  • msg #129


After searching around a bit more, you find an old-fashioned compass in the brush to the West of the hill in some bushes.

Several hours pass.
Forim Luk
PC, 119 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Tue 24 Nov 2015
at 15:42
  • msg #130


Forim's stomach growls and he says "Mind passing me some food?"

As he eats he says "Hey guys, since we got the droids, did you want to try to ambush our instructor?"
Jawa, 34 posts
Outlaw Tech
Wed 25 Nov 2015
at 14:22
  • msg #131


Scrounge starts to talk excitedly in reference to Forim's question.  He adds dramatic hand movements to his chittering and passionate speech.  The details are precise and well thought out.  Each team member is accounted for a utilizes their strengths while covering for weaknesses.  It's the perfect plan.  He ends his monologue with his hands expanded out to the side.  Then looks eagerly to each of them to see what they think.
Forim Luk
PC, 120 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 25 Nov 2015
at 14:37
  • msg #132


"I take it you like the idea?" Forim asks the little mechanic.
Bounty Hunter, 62 posts
Hex E7.5
Wed 25 Nov 2015
at 17:34
  • msg #133


Onyx nods his head. Count me in.
The Force
GM, 159 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 26 Nov 2015
at 08:51
  • msg #134


Another hour passes, and thunder peals. Suddenly the clouds break, and rain begins pouring down on you. You are forced to scramble for cover.
Jawa, 35 posts
Outlaw Tech
Thu 26 Nov 2015
at 13:48
  • msg #135


Scrounge tilted his head and looked confused at Forim.  Didn't the Duros understand anything he just said?!?  He shook his head and gave a thumbs down along with a spitting sound in response.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 38 posts
Fri 27 Nov 2015
at 18:25
  • msg #136


Ikki chuckled under his breath as the Duros completely misunderstood the Jawa. Although he was against the idea of trying to take down Boss, he had tried to understand the plan but didn't really get the Jawa other than the odd hand movement or bit of basic. As the thunder starts and the rain starts to pouring down, Ikki quickly scanned the area for cover from the rain "Follow me, We'll take shelter over here." He says just loud enough for everyone to here as he made his way to what he had spotted.

18:19, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 1 success, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 1A with rolls of 9(P), 8(A).  Cool to Recover Strain.

18:20, Today: Ikki Sorlock rolled 3 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D with rolls of 5(P), 2(A), 1(A), 6(D), 6(D).  Survival.

Recover 1 strain from post Encounter check, Do I add 2 more from the threats?

This message was last edited by the player at 18:26, Fri 27 Nov 2015.
The Force
GM, 162 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 28 Nov 2015
at 17:31
  • msg #137


Ikki leads the group to a rocky area that initially provides little shelter. However, with the help of his allies, they are able to lay some thick layers of branches across the top. It is serviceable enough to last for awhile. Everyone is damp and cold but at least they are prevented from having the rain land directly on them.

After a little while, the group is able to light a fire. With just a little tinder and some wood broken in half, a small blaze provides heat and light.

Another few hours pass, and the rain dies down. You can see the sun threatening to crest the horizon.
Forim Luk
PC, 121 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 29 Nov 2015
at 01:06
  • msg #138


Forim shivers and huddles next to whomever will share their warmth, but does not complain.  He spends the night staring up at space, looking at the stars.  The view from the cockpit is much better than that in a planet's atmosphere, but there was a certain amount of peace that this brought him.  It allowed him to pass the time faster in his head rather then experience the drearyness of the day.  An old pilot's trick while waiting for relapse from hyperspace.
Bounty Hunter, 63 posts
Hex E7.5
Sun 29 Nov 2015
at 01:29
  • msg #139


Onyx like the others is cold, but his environmental armor is making it a little bit better. It is so cold though that if someone wanted to snuggle Onyx won't argue.
The Force
GM, 163 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 03:54
  • msg #140


As the dawn breaks, you all hear a bell ringing from the south, near the lodge. You cautiously creep over to find that Boss has set up a grill over a fire. Some sort of meat is grilling next to some thick slices of vegetables. As you approach, he calls out.

"Someone get over here and watch the grill. I'm going to go wake up your playmates."

Everyone has a hearty breakfast as the Boss comes back with the two robots, looking somewhat sheepish. As you eat, Boss and the 'bots go into the lodge and emerge again. They are carrying several of the pellet-firing gas guns, similar to the one Bubbles has.

"Now we're going to play a different sort of game, called 'Marker Tag.' Anyone ever play before? No? Okay. Now these ones are loaded with regular paint, not gas. I don't have enough for everyone."

"Pick two team leaders and divide into teams. When you're ready, the boundaries are on the hill in the centre. Two hits and you're out. Crystal?"
Bounty Hunter, 64 posts
Hex E7.5
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 04:02
  • msg #141


Ah god another one of these games Onyx thinks a frown obviously on his face. I vote Sawalim and Scrounge. He shrugs his shoulders as he points out they kicked some serious robo ass
Forim Luk
PC, 123 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 05:16
  • msg #142


"Hey" Forim says "I should get credit for one of those!  Scrounge just pressed the button!"  There is obvious mirth in his voice, so it is obvious that he did not take any offence.

"I think Ikki showed herself well out there, I would be happy to travel with her.  Do we get a droid on our team?  If so I say we take Skinny"
The Force
GM, 164 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 06:07
  • msg #143


"'Droids are the refs," Boss says. "What, you think I'm going to be alone out there, chasing after all of you?"

There appear to be just enough gas guns for each of you.
Forim Luk
PC, 124 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 12:58
  • msg #144


"Oh, you are going to be chasing us?  What is our objective?" Forim asks.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 41 posts
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 22:28
  • msg #145


Ikki happily tucked into the meal, eating a balance of a lot of veggies and few bits of meat. As they split into the teams, Sorlock simply chews as he listens to the team split into the two groups.

Ikki simply eyed up the Boss "Why are we shooting up our allies on the second day, Boss?" He asked simply, keeping his eyes locked with the scarred man as he popped some more of his food in his mouth.
Bounty Hunter, 65 posts
Hex E7.5
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 23:49
  • msg #146


In reply to Forim Luk (msg # 142):

Onyx gives Forim a surprised look. He then slowly chuckles. Oh my bad. When I came back I saw you covered in dirt and figured you were the distraction or something. Onyx then walks over to the guns. He tries to see which one seems most similar to his sniper rifle.

Onyx rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1P with rolls of 2(A), 6(A), 12(P).  perception.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 31 posts
Resource Acquisition
Mon 30 Nov 2015
at 23:56
  • msg #147


Sawalim rumbles exhaustedly, and shivers a bit from her still-wet clothing. She slowly rises back to her feet after finishing off a round slice of something like zucchini, and trundles over to one of the guns.

"Pneumatics?" Sawalim sighs. "Fun."

"You may not want to elect me team leader based on my voice, because I've never shot... well, anything before."
Jawa, 37 posts
Outlaw Tech
Tue 1 Dec 2015
at 02:48
  • msg #148


Scrounge dives into the meat.  He sniffs the veggies and eventually turns his nose up at them given something more interesting to eat.  After he is full, he turns to the boss and holds out his hand waiting for the restraining bolts to be returned.
The Force
GM, 168 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 2 Dec 2015
at 16:15
  • msg #149


"Listen up, gang. Team One will be on the east side of the hill. Team A will be on the west side. The hill is the boundary; if you fall off, you're out. If you take two hits, you're out. If you forget my birthday, you're out. Any questions? Keep them to yourself, I hate answering questions."

"Now. Leaders, choose your team-mates."
Forim Luk
PC, 126 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 2 Dec 2015
at 16:20
  • msg #150


In reply to Onyx (msg # 146):

Forim flashes Onyx a winning smile and says "Just because I did it with Style, doesnt mean I didn't succeed!  I am not so good in hand to hand as you might know"

Forim nods and picks up an air cannon and checks it over to see if maybe he can make some quick adjustments to the air pressure for better range or speed.

(11:20, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 3D.  Rolling Mechanics.)
The Force
GM, 169 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 2 Dec 2015
at 16:31
  • msg #151


Forim raises an eyebrow as he examines the pressure valve. He guesses that, with a careful adjustment, he can increase the power of the weapon. The downside is that the extra power might cause the weapon to misfire.

(These Gas guns have a range of Short. With this mechanics roll, the range can be upgraded to Medium. But beware...)
Forim Luk
PC, 127 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 2 Dec 2015
at 16:47
  • msg #152


In reply to The Force (msg # 151):

Forim carfully adjusts the valve, noting the potential issues.

(ooc: if Forim isint falling on his face, it isint a training mission lol)
This message was last edited by the player at 16:47, Wed 02 Dec 2015.
Bounty Hunter, 68 posts
Hex E7.5
Thu 3 Dec 2015
at 04:54
  • msg #153


In reply to Forim Luk (msg # 150):

Onyx nods and sarcastically says Style. He then goes and picks up whichever gun he believes is the best.
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