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11:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mission 1: Red Jester.

Posted by The ForceFor group 0
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 10 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Thu 7 Jan 2016
at 18:35
  • msg #60

Mission 1: Red Jester

Talking about drawing a weapon, Caddy's features darken and despite her normally iron self control, she glares at Cassidy.  "I.... am not an Arkanian and I'd appreciate if you keep your sudo-racist comments to yourself."   She nods to the other two, acknowledging them, "Caddy.  Pleased to meet you."  She holds up a tag that proves her identity and, if they know their stuff, will also mark her as a rebel agent.

[OOC: Arkanian Offshoot (note, not Arkanian) look human though will have very pale, almost albino skin colouring.  Caddy has pink hair which tells you nothing about her race.   If you want to be deceived - or not be deceived, I've 1A 2P and will flip token to make that 3P! :)]
This message was last edited by the player at 18:36, Thu 07 Jan 2016.
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 66 posts
Thu 7 Jan 2016
at 18:54
  • msg #61

Mission 1: Red Jester

Ikki was satisfied with the response enough to finally bring his hand fully away from the rifle. The young man looked over them once before but rolled his eyes at the flirtings of Jeron. He looked at Sawalim and then away again. Not bothering to give a response and beckoned them inside with a hand and to close the door. He didn't want the whole of Mos Espa to know of them. "I'm Ikki Sorlock, I'm your scouting and espionage specialist. We have two more people who aren't here yet." He introduced himself, letting Sawalim introduce herself instead of doing it for her.

"We're just about to start planning how to go about 'losing' it." Ikki told the newcomers "I have 3 plans so far." He announced but he wanted Onyx and Forim here as well.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 53 posts
Resource Acquisition
Thu 7 Jan 2016
at 19:07
  • msg #62

Mission 1: Red Jester

Sawalim sighs and turns back to the scrap. "Rebellion's seriously dropping four random people into the middle of a job without warning? Ridiculous."
Cassidy Jammer
player, 10 posts
Hotshot Ace
Space Superiority
Thu 7 Jan 2016
at 19:12
  • msg #63

Mission 1: Red Jester

Cassidy held up her hands to the other woman. "Whoa, sorry. Only ever saw someone like you on the holovids." It was an awkward, if sincere apology, and the initial comment was obviously born of ignorance. Turning back to Ikki, she added, "Okay smart guy, can't wait to hear what you've got."
Forim Luk
PC, 147 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 7 Jan 2016
at 20:22
  • msg #64

Mission 1: Red Jester

(ooc: Speak to yourselves.  I am in a never-ending card game with our Marks having no ability to decieve them or otherwise lie to them! I am focusing on dialog that fits Forim's actual desires so that no lying check is needed.

 I think the GM and I are playing Chicking as to who will walk away from it first...  Using some metagame knowledge to help move the plot along..

Forim looks at his hand and see the chance to win a bit.  He says with a smile "2 Credits".  It was a low stake game, but it was still fun.

As the bids went around the table he says "Let me know if I am asking too much, but I just love to look in the cockpit of new craft whenever I get the chance.  Mind showing me yours?"
The Force
GM, 206 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 00:24
  • msg #65

Mission 1: Red Jester

The other spacers playing with Forim shake their heads. "It's out on one the farms nearby."

"He's using those words the way the locals do. They call it a 'farm,' but it's a hundred square klicks of empty desert."

"Yeah, and he says 'nearby.' But it was an hour-long speeder ride to get here," the last puts in.
Forim Luk
PC, 150 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 02:51
  • msg #66

Mission 1: Red Jester

Forim smiles and says "Farm?  Don't tell me they farm Sand here" he says as he pulls his winnigns from the hand.

He looks at his new cards and says "1 Credit" as it is a poor hand.
The Force
GM, 207 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 04:29
  • msg #67

Mission 1: Red Jester

Sawalim scours the items in irritation. All these parts, and nothing to work with! It would take a truly innovative mind to find a way to sabotage a ship using these pieces.

(Mechanics 4D to find anything that might be useful to sabotage a ship.)
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 11 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 10:07
  • msg #68

Mission 1: Red Jester

Caddy gave Cassidy,  "'Someone like me'! I think you need to learn when to shut your trap before you dig a hole big enough to swallow you whole." Humph. As said, she looks human, just pale skinned.

She then looks to the others, "So what is the plan?"
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 56 posts
Resource Acquisition
W:12/12 - S:14/15
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 12:15
  • msg #69

Mission 1: Red Jester

Sawalim sweeps a pile away, and offers up a mighty "Hurrah!" She pulls out a blocky silver caselet until its buried cord catches on something deeper in the pile, and a tug frees both the device and the entire front facade of scanners, spanners and miscellany to come crashing as a wave over Sawalim's ankles. She overcompensates on balancing against it, and falls hands-first into trash.

After a groan and several moments, she pushes herself up. "Tatooine is exhausting."

She brings the thing (with stubborn cord trailing behind) back to the others. "This may surprise you, but I have experience with environmental technologies. Vaporators are pretty simple machines, with a single exception introduced after about twenty years of production. See, vaporators have trouble operating in extreme heat - in scorchers here on Tatooine, the chemical process of turning the moisture in the air to liquid can sometimes fail, and that can start to gum up and clog the vaporators, even cause it to start releasing chemical-laced water back into the air as a gas. Farmers used to just rush out and turn them off when it got to hot, but finally a major producer installed these." She holds up the box.

"This thing has heat sensors built into it, and if it gets too hot, well, it's wired between the power core and the chemical release chambers. It just alternates the current; switches it off, basically. Then when it cools, it allows the current back through."

Sawalim bobs her head excitedly. "But, you see, it doesn't care what's on the other side at all. It'll just cut the current and interrupt power cycles. So if we splice it in some place that will heat up when the ship begins to cycle on... Boom. It'll suddenly cut. And there will be no indication why."

That's one success and three threats. I figured I'd take one to strain, then two on requiring some wired installation on site to work, probably five to ten minutes minimum? Sawalim is crap at stealth, so it could make it interesting.
Caddanra 'Caddy' Manitu
player, 12 posts
Not just a pretty face...
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 14:51
  • msg #70

Mission 1: Red Jester

Bright.... At least someone uses there brains in this outfit.  "Interesting.   So how are we getting it in place in the first?"
Cassidy Jammer
player, 11 posts
Hotshot Ace
Space Superiority
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 14:58
  • msg #71

Mission 1: Red Jester

Cassidy rolled her eyes. This assignment should be painless, she thought. "I have a little experience in wiring starships. You're talking about installing a secondary fuse. Clever."
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 57 posts
Resource Acquisition
W:12/12 - S:13/15
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 15:08
  • msg #72

Mission 1: Red Jester

Sawalim nods. "Essentially. But definitely somewhere no engineer would place it. The wiring should be simple enough; do you think you could install it? I shouldn't, given that I'm exotic for Tatooine."
Ikki Sorlock
Scout, 68 posts
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 15:47
  • msg #73

Mission 1: Red Jester

Ikki raised his eyebrow at the smart guy comment, unable to tell if it was a friendly term or snarky comment but soon let it go. Listening to Sawalim's idea on sabotaging the transport ship he nodded along blankly not really understanding any of the real technical side of things. At least he understood the point of it; Attach thing, ship doesn't fly.

Placing a few bits of junk on the crate next to him, making a vague image of the compound, some sort of groundtruck and a ship which kept falling apart much to his annoyance. After the 5th time it fell over, he simply left it. "The Compound is pretty durable against an assault, there are two gates in the wall. The North gate has stairs, double doors and is just generally older. The one on the East side can fit a groundtruck through it and has a loading bay. Jabba's men seem to have a way of know who is who without uniform." Ikki announces his observations to the team, pointing at each point as he talks about it.

"First plan, we infiltrate the compound, open the gates and get out of there. Second plan, steal it during transit between the ship and the compound. My last idea is probably the most gain and the most risk. We let them load it onto the ship.....then we steal the ship." Ikki finished, looking at the others in the room for their 2 credits "But we still don't know alot so I'm open to ideas." Sorlock leaned back against the crate as he waited for the others to speak. That was most he had spoken in the entire time he joined the team.
Cassidy Jammer
player, 12 posts
Hotshot Ace
Space Superiority
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 15:52
  • msg #74

Mission 1: Red Jester

"Steal a ship? That I can definitely do." Cassidy grinned. "If we commandeer the truck, we'll need someone that can either forge credentials or convince the crew we don't need them. Is that kind of fast talk possible?"
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 58 posts
Resource Acquisition
W:12/12 - S:13/15
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 15:59
  • msg #75

Mission 1: Red Jester

Sawalim shrugs. "I'll just note that stealing a ship from under Jabba will have a lot of long-term consequences. We don't have the equipment or skills necessary to change the transponder, so it will be considerably easier to track than the supplies will. Until we can get rid of it, a vicious Hutt and a slew of bounty hunters will have a target lock on us. Seems high risk to me."
player, 5 posts
Soldier, Medic
Fri 8 Jan 2016
at 16:56
  • msg #76

Mission 1: Red Jester

The sudden tension in the room upon their arrival put Dientons mind into a whirl of fight or flight responses, but it calmed quickly enough.  He was grateful that the misunderstanding had passed and they had moved onto planning the operation.

His natural exuberance resurfaces and he cheerfully watched and listened as the other talked, waiting for an opening.  Chiming in he says to the group, “I agree with Sawalim, stealing the ship is a big risk.  I don’t know about you Ikki, but I’m not looking for credits out of this, just a completed mission.  I don’t think it is worth the risk.  Stealing the crate on the ground seems the best option and the least likely to leave an easy trail for the Hutts enforcers to follow.  I can help with the installation on the ship if you’d like and for someone my size, sneaking aboard should be doable, if we can get into the compound.  We should look at a stealth approach with some distraction at the gate rather than an assault.  We want to leave with as few traces as possible.  Maybe we should look at planting some evidence that a rival Hutt was responsible?  Throw Jabba of the trail?”.  Having said his piece, he leaned back against the wall and fidgeted with a stray bit of wire as the conversation continued.
Jeron Rist
player, 14 posts
Speak and act in memory
for those who have fallen
Sat 9 Jan 2016
at 04:41
  • msg #77

Mission 1: Red Jester

Jeron frowned at the woman acting so annoyingly indignant about species comments. She really needed to get ahold of herself if she was going to be part of the Alliance. This was a rough 'team' so far.

He shook his head. "Agreed. Stealing a ship is a bad idea. Frontal assault won't work. Stealth and diversionary tactics are better suited, or a hijacking on the way to the transport. Honestly if we knew exactly how what we were grabbing was being housed, we could try and get facsimiles to swap out so they wouldn't know the difference until they opened them later."

He scratched his chin. "I think we need to do more surveillance and scouting to see what else we can dig up on approaches and exits."
Forim Luk
PC, 157 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 19:26
  • msg #78

Mission 1: Red Jester

Forim looses the last hand and throws the cards down in disgust.  "Well I am tapped out" he says as he stands up.  He moves over to shake everyone's hand and says "Nice to meet you.  If you ever are looking for a pilot on a future gig, keep me in mind".

Spotting the startup chip he fingers it out of the spacer's pocket without his knowledge

14:22, Today: Forim Luk rolled 4 successes, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 1P 3D.  Destiny Flip Pick Pocketing Roll!

Bounty Hunter, 92 posts
Hex E7.5
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 21:50
  • msg #79

Mission 1: Red Jester

Onyx seeing Forim finally standing up, gets up and walks over to him. So you ready to head back to our ship?
The Force
GM, 215 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 22:12
  • msg #80

Mission 1: Red Jester

Once out in the street, Forim takes a quick look at the device. Subtly, of course, but with a hint of triumph. Then he sees something odd.

In the shape of a friendly nexu's head is a device screwed onto the passcard. He and Onyx recognize it from the ads: Card-Guard Locator, for the busy sentient! Using a standard commlink, you can call a prearranged signal and the device starts beeping. It allows someone who habitually loses their passkey to find it again.
Bounty Hunter, 93 posts
Hex E7.5
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 00:05
  • msg #81

Mission 1: Red Jester

Onyx looks to Forim. So guess we should deal with this shuttle sooner rather than later. Do you know where their ship is?
Forim Luk
PC, 158 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 02:52
  • msg #82

Mission 1: Red Jester

Forim says "Sithspit, and I thought I got off clean.  Yea, we are gonna have to move quick. Its about an hour by speeder out of town."

He checks his messages on his comlink and says "Looks like Cassidy is picking up a speeder, lets go meet up with her"

[[moving to RJ: Moisture Farm]]
player, 14 posts
Soldier, Medic
Thu 4 Feb 2016
at 13:38
  • msg #83

Re: Mission 1: Red Jester

Forim Luk:
The Force says "You are near the forward section of the ship, where most of the ship's operations are conducted. The forward 'saucer' section is where the ship's cockpit, crew quarters, rec area, and passenger space. This area contains the ship's secondary shields, backup hyperdrive, and secondary life support systems. It also contains a set of dorsal & ventral turrets.

You are currently in the much larger back area of the ship. The rear area is connected by a long, spine-like hallway that connects all the areas. It is quite a wide hallway, almost five meters across. The creases in the metal suggest that vehicles bring heavy comestables up along here a lot.

Sorry, I got confused.  Per paragraph one, were in the saucer section, per paragraph two, we're in the rear - I could just be reading it wrong . . . where are we?
The Force
GM, 255 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 6 Feb 2016
at 06:01
  • msg #84

Re: Mission 1: Red Jester

The saucer section is separated from the cargo section by a set of doors. You're just on the cargo side of those doors.
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