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10:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

RJ: Moisture Farm.

Posted by The ForceFor group 0
The Force
GM, 210 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 9 Jan 2016
at 17:55
  • msg #1

RJ: Moisture Farm

On the outskirts of Mos Espa you look out over the dunes. You have an idea of where you're supposed to be going: the widow Fraka's moisture farm. Apparently it's not far to the west, but as you gaze out in that direction you can see that it's not just a hike. The blistering heat of Tatooine's twin suns turn any walk without shelter into a risky proposition, especially without adequately preparing first.

You're going to need some sort of transportation, probably a speeder.
Cassidy Jammer
player, 13 posts
Hotshot Ace
Space Superiority
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 20:49
  • msg #2

RJ: Moisture Farm

"Hey buddy, how much for a landspeeder that won't leave me stranded out in the middle of nowhere?" Cassidy asked a merchant, once she had found the most reputable rental place she could. The idea of a ronto or dewback had crossed her mind, but animals weren't her specialty. While a beast of burden would possibly be less conspicuous, neither of the creatures seemed like a viable option in the case of a fast getaway.
Forim Luk
PC, 159 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 02:53
  • msg #3

RJ: Moisture Farm

On the way to meet up with Cassidy Forim mentally wonders if he could try to take the beeper off.

((21:52, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D.  Rolling Mechanics.
Give it to me straight doc
The Force
GM, 216 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 05:12
  • msg #4

RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim unscrews the device and disconnects it. It comes off easily.

Cassidy finds a gotal behind a market stall. His sign shows him as a consigner, one who helps others sell things. He leans forward and folds his fingers together.

"I can direct you to a number of people selling their vehicles, miss. Times are hard in the community, and people are looking to liquidate their expensive assets. Are you looking for a vehicle for work, or just transport?"

He offers a list cateloging the various offers he has available. He taps a finger on one item. "This woman's husband recently passed away, and is looking to sell their second vehicle. It is in excellent working order at a reasonable price."

This speeder seems to be for sale for three thousand credits.

The gotal indicates another. "This one is a new, top-line item that is being sold by a married couple. Their son... had an accident, and now they do not want it anymore. Fast, nearly new, and a... vibrant colour."

This speeder costs five thousand credits.

The seller taps his pointed teeth together, and appears to be considering. "Ahah. Well. This one is a bit more... worn. The seller refuses to allow a mechanic inspection, which is normally a prerequisite for me to sell his goods. But if you are interested..."

This last speeder is listed at a thousand credits, with a little red arrow pointing downward.
Cassidy Jammer
player, 14 posts
Hotshot Ace
Space Superiority
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 15:17
  • msg #5

RJ: Moisture Farm

Cassidy bit her lip at the mention of the second speeder, but frankly she didn't have money for the cheapest, let alone a racer. She had no access to some Alliance Expense Account of any sort, and knew full well the vehicle may very well be only used once. "Any wiggle room on the price of any of these?"
player, 6 posts
Soldier, Medic
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 17:52
  • msg #6

RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton, having tagged along with cassidy to the speeder merchant perks up at the mechanical toys laying about.  He asks the vendor, "Would you permit me as a potential buyer to give the speeder a 5 minute lookover under the hood?  Not really a mechanics check, i just want to be sure the repulsors are actually still there"  he grins at the merchant.
The Force
GM, 219 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 23:24
  • msg #7

RJ: Moisture Farm

The gotal shrugs. "I imagine that some of the buyers might be interested in negotiation. Shall I convey your counteroffer?" He extracts a commlink and types in a call-code.

"Yes, certainly you may have a look. Which one did you have in mind?" He takes out three activation keys and places them on the table. Then he gestures to them. One is worn and old, another is shiny and flashy and new, the last looks like it has been run over by a groundcar.

On their way to meet their squad, Forim and Onyx spy something interesting. A crew of people, mixed aliens and humans, are loading crates onto a desert skiff. Everyone in the area is giving them a wide berth. They look like disreputable types, from their cursing at each other and their dishevelled clothing.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:45, Tue 12 Jan 2016.
Forim Luk
PC, 162 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 13 Jan 2016
at 02:44
  • msg #8

RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim picks up the keys and says "Might as well look at them all really quick" with a smile.

He heads out into the lot to check out each one in turn, hitting the unlock button on the key to determine its location in the lot.  He takes a quick look at each one, making sure the key components are up to snuff.  He starts each one and revs the engine in neutral to hear how it turns over.

21:42, Today: Forim Luk rolled 3 successes, 3 threats, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D.  Rolling Mechanics. Flashy and New

21:43, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D.  Rolling Mechanics - worn and old.

21:43, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D.  Rolling Mechanics - run over by a groundcar.

Use Triumph to flip a destiny back to our side.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:45, Wed 13 Jan 2016.
The Force
GM, 221 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 13 Jan 2016
at 07:42
  • msg #9

RJ: Moisture Farm

The speeders all appear to function appropriately.

Forim notes that the new speeder is almost certainly the fastest and best engineered. The older one appears to have been repaired many times in the course of maintenance. Also it has a hole in the covering of the pilot's seat. The last one gives him an odd feeling, but he can't see anything wrong with it.
Forim Luk
PC, 164 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 13 Jan 2016
at 15:43
  • msg #10

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim smiles to the dealer and says "This is some nice machinery." referring to the first one.  "I would love to give it a test drive, but if I am going to be honest with you, I don't have the credits for it.  The older one looks like it has had some good maintenance and comes from a loving house.  Mind if we give it a bit of a spin around town?"
The Force
GM, 223 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 14 Jan 2016
at 00:54
  • msg #11

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The gotal's friendly countenance turns sour. "If you haven't the credits to make a purchase... I hope you haven't been wasting my time." He holds out his hand, palm up, in a demand for the keys back.
Forim Luk
PC, 165 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 14 Jan 2016
at 01:36
  • msg #12

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

"None of the sort!" Form says in disgust.  "I said i dont have money for the nice one.  But if you are going to be all up tight about it, I am going to take my business elsewhere."

If the Gotal thought he was serious, then he might just let them take the old clunker on a test drive.  If not, they would go steal a speeder from somewhere else.
The Force
GM, 224 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 14 Jan 2016
at 01:37
  • msg #13

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Interaction skill of your choice, 2Difficulty 1 setback.
Forim Luk
PC, 166 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 14 Jan 2016
at 13:13
  • msg #14

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim walks away to search for an easier target.

ooc: point us to a speeder to steal oh mighty Force.
Sawalim Oord
Scientist, 59 posts
Resource Acquisition
W:12/12 - S:13/15
Thu 14 Jan 2016
at 14:32
  • msg #15

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Sawalim shrugs. "Since we haven't really been given an operational budget, and since we don't intend to stay on this planet for too long, it might make sense to rent something rather than buy it - or just fly the ship close to the moisture farm and walk there."
The Force
GM, 226 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 14 Jan 2016
at 14:44
  • msg #16

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

This isn't really a 'speeder' town. Most of the speeders are owned by the wealthier citizens, which in Mos Espa isn't saying much.

Forim's eye-ridge rises as he spies an old podracer half-buried under junk.

There is a speeder parked beside the cantina.

A small band of jawas just outside the town limits are busy working on a speeder chassis.

The band of thugs are using a speeder. They are unloading crates from it onto their desert skiff.
Forim Luk
PC, 167 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 14 Jan 2016
at 16:21
  • msg #17

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

ooc: pod racer you say... can it carry the party?  i doubt it but you never know!
The Force
GM, 228 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 15 Jan 2016
at 05:07
  • msg #18

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Podracers are very fast, possessing way more bantha-power than they can safely use. Starfighter engines on a speeder chassis! They're not designed for cargo or passengers, though. With more time and resources, possibly it could be rigged to pull a wain. It will never be safe, but it might be fast.
Forim Luk
PC, 168 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Fri 15 Jan 2016
at 12:29
  • msg #19

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

ooc: Was never going for safe, just thought you might have mentioned it for a reason :)

Forim walks up to the speeder outside the cantina and gives it a once over before hot wiring it and disabling the alarm system.

Force Edit: Difficulty is 3D
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:44, Fri 15 Jan 2016.
The Force
GM, 229 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 16 Jan 2016
at 10:03
  • msg #20

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Disabling an alarm while the alarm is active is a task that most mechanics don't have occasion to attempt. For some people, it is just another day at work.

Mechanics 3D. Skulduggery 2D
Bounty Hunter, 95 posts
Sat 16 Jan 2016
at 16:44
  • msg #21

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx steps up glad to finally be of use. I got this. I've stolen my share of vehicles. He cracks his knuckles before getting to work.

Today: Onyx rolled 4 successes, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 2p 2d with rolls of 3(A), 2(A), 7(P), 4(P), 7(D), 2(D).  Disabling alarm.

He works with the look of a professional easily disabling the alarm from the speeder. Unfortunately...
Forim Luk
PC, 169 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sat 16 Jan 2016
at 17:10
  • msg #22

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

In reply to Onyx (msg # 21):

Forim slaps Onyx's hand as he goes to cut a purple wire "That one will trigger the silent alarm!"

(12:10, Today: Forim Luk rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1b.  Helping Onyx.)
The Force
GM, 230 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 16 Jan 2016
at 22:24
  • msg #23

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The speeder hums to life, lifting off. The 'away' team piles in and speeds off.

An hour later, you are approaching the farm. The land alternates between trackless desert and rocky scrublands. A few kilometers off, you can see the farm house.

The farm appears to have three buildings. Landed nearby is a star-faring freighter, about a third of a kilometer away. No one appears to be around.
Forim Luk
PC, 171 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 17 Jan 2016
at 02:19
  • msg #24

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim shouts over the sounds of the engine and blowing wind "I think we should pull in behind the ship, cover our vehicle from eyes of those who might be coming from this direction.  Think they left anyone to guard the ship?"
player, 7 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sun 17 Jan 2016
at 04:54
  • msg #25

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton sat back during the speeder ride just enjoying the feeling of the wind rippling his fur.  This planet was too hot for his taste.  Shouting back at Forim he says "I agree, we should obscure the speeder as best we can.  As for guards . . I would be very surprised if there were none."

Once we stop, Dienton will scout around the buildings trying to keep out of site.  Difficulty for the needed stealth and perception rolls?

Forim Luk
PC, 173 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 17 Jan 2016
at 05:00
  • msg #26

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

"Got it, Setting course." Forim says.  "Take a quick look through the electrobinocs in my pack.  I put it on the back seat"

(ooc: Hint Hint ;))
The Force
GM, 232 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 17 Jan 2016
at 05:19
  • msg #27

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

GM flipping a Dark Side point to a Light Side point for reasons that I don't have to tell you.

Dienton scans the complex using the electrobinos. Electrobinos are excellent for scanning at range, and also neutralize some of the suns' glare.

At this range, it's not difficult to get a good view of the southern side of the farm. To get a complete view, you'd need to circle the farm. However, the dust cloud kicked up by a speeder could easily be seen from the house.

Sneaking in that direction isn't going to be easy. The suns are bright as anything, and there's not a lot of cover. The small scrub-plants and scattered rocks aren't very good shelter.

The team has already been exposed to Tatooine's blazing suns for only a few hours, and they're finding it sweltering. Riding inside the speeder is bad enough, but if they have to walk for more than a kilometer it will place serious strain on them.

2D perception to scan the farm in detail.
3D stealth.
If you choose to walk, 2D resilience. Running adds 2S. Crawling is the same as walking.

player, 9 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sun 17 Jan 2016
at 13:31
  • msg #28

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

After a quick look at the farm to orient himself, Dienton settles in and focuses on his task.  Studying each structure and the cargo ship in turn he looks for signs of guards, electronic surveillance, movement, etc

Dienton rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 2D 1B.  detailed check of moisture farm, 1 boost for binoculars.

Put advantage into more information

This message was last edited by the player at 13:33, Sun 17 Jan 2016.
Cassidy Jammer
player, 16 posts
Hotshot Ace
Space Superiority
Sun 17 Jan 2016
at 18:36
  • msg #29

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Cassidy had followed along from the speeder vendor, though she wasn't over joyed at having to steal a speeder from a legitimate worker, she at least hoped they'd have to opportunity to make it up to whomever owned it. Using her jacket to cover her head from the beating heat during the trip, she donned the garment to at least keep herself from burning as she leaned over to Dienton. "What do you see? Any decent point of entry?"
The Force
GM, 233 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 17 Jan 2016
at 19:33
  • msg #30

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The Space Master medium transport is landed half a kilometer away from the farm complex, probably to make sure it didn't clip the house on its way in. Its markings identify it as the Lendloo Dancer.

Three buildings squad nearby. One is a round hut made of smooth tan stone with tinted windows. Most buildings on Tatooine go down rather than up to make cooling easier; this house probably has a second or even third floor underground.

Nearby is a square building with a small door on the side and no windows. It is connected by a tunnel to another, slightly larger square building. This one is built into a hill, so it is partially covered by a sand dune. This building has a small door and a large garage door.

No-one is visible outside in the hot suns. Dienton sees at least one figure moving around inside the house building.
player, 10 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sun 17 Jan 2016
at 23:15
  • msg #31

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Looking away from the complex Dienton relays his observations to the others.  Looking towards Cassidy, acknowledging her question, he says to the whole group, "there dont seem to be any guards on patrol, so we could get pretty close to the buildings by approaching from the leewards side of that dune" he motions towards the larger of the square buldings. "If we want to ignore the complex, then we should approach the ship from the rear, there shouldnt be any observation ports back there"
Bounty Hunter, 97 posts
Wed 20 Jan 2016
at 05:19
  • msg #32

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx takes his rifle out from behind his back. Sounds good to me. Anyone tries to stop us and I got us covered.
Forim Luk
PC, 174 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 20 Jan 2016
at 13:18
  • msg #33

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim nods and says "Pulling up around the dune for a better look at the house."   With that Forim pulls the speeder around the dune as suggested and comes in slow for his passengers to have a good look.
The Force
GM, 235 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 21 Jan 2016
at 04:55
  • msg #34

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Coming in slow reduces the dust cloud somewhat, although it still sprays up a dust cloud about three meters high. At least they can keep the ship between themselves and the house.

Forim parks the speeder behind a rock and some brush, and the team gets out to move towards the ship. No-one is out and about. They seem to be getting away with this, so far. The group hustles underneath the ship, searching for the entrance.

The gangplank is raised. You go over to it and are stymied for a moment. Where is the access keypad? Most ships with a remote allow you to open the gangplank remotely, but they all include some sort of way to open it without one, usually attached to a nearby landing strut. You cannot see that on this ship.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 04:55, Thu 21 Jan 2016.
Forim Luk
PC, 175 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 27 Jan 2016
at 00:55
  • msg #35

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim scratches in brain on how best to access the ship.  There was probably a remote activation switch, but the keypad should be the one to transmit such information.

(ooc: difficulty of mechanics to open the door with the key?)
The Force
GM, 241 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 28 Jan 2016
at 15:18
  • msg #36

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim presses the key remote. With a hiss and some whirring, the ramp slowly descends. The lights are off inside.
Forim Luk
PC, 176 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 28 Jan 2016
at 16:04
  • msg #37

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

With a smile Forim backs up and makes way for his two companions to go in first.
player, 11 posts
Soldier, Medic
Thu 28 Jan 2016
at 18:13
  • msg #38

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton grinned at Forim's reluctance and drew his blaster.  He grabbed the device that Oord had cooked up and moved silently up the gangway, keeping his profile small and keeping against the wall(once there was one) he paused to evaluate the scene.  He looked for signs of traps, alarms, or guards.

I had no idea we had a key!  I was at a loss.
Also, im assuming that the Oord gave us his sabotage device and im carrying it.  Havnt seen him post in a while.

Difficulty for a stealth and perception roll?
Roll for me if you want.  St_ 4A, per_ 2A remove 2 setback for racial ability.
The Force
GM, 244 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 29 Jan 2016
at 03:38
  • msg #39

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The Force rolled no successes, 3 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 2D 1S.  Skulduggery.

Dienton leads the way onto the ship, and the others enter after. Dienton observes nothing noteworthy, although the ship is very dark. Dienton's high-range hearing detects a hum, well outside a human's perception. Then it stops.

Immediately suspicious, Dienton glances around, but sees nothing. The bulkheads stand grey and silent, and the darkness is still.
Bounty Hunter, 98 posts
Fri 29 Jan 2016
at 04:22
  • msg #40

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx stays in the back rifle pointed outside. He waits for Forim to close the door before going on to explore the rest of the ship. He wants to be sure that no one has noticed anything.
player, 13 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sat 30 Jan 2016
at 19:58
  • msg #41

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton whispers to his companions, "I heard a noise, high pitched, like the whine of electronics.  When we entered it stopped.  I dont know what it is, but we should be cautious.  We need to make our way towards the engines.  We can install the power interrupt there to keep the ship grounded"

Once his companions have gathered, Dienton continues towards the ships aft, constantly looking over his shoulder, he tried to both keep to the shadows and listen for the hum he had heard.  He was looking for the heat sinks common to faster than light ships.  There should be several in the engineering section, near the engines.  If he could install the device in conjunction with even one of those, the ship should stay grounded for some time.
The Force
GM, 247 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 1 Feb 2016
at 04:02
  • msg #42

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx conceals himself behind a landing strut, keeping the farm buildings in sight. Then he hears a terrific mechanical whirring as the gangway begins to rise.

(If Onyx would like to rush into the ship before the gangplank closes, there is a Difficulty of 3. This roll may be Vigilance, Coordination, or Athletics.
Getting OUT of the ship is Difficulty 3, 2 Setbacks (1 less for Dienton) and may be done with the same skills.

Forim, Dienton, and Cassidy find themselves trapped inside the ship. The lights in the corridor rise. Then, with a click, the intercom comes on.

*Attention, stowaways! I am so happy you all chose to visit!*

Through the crackle of the intercom, you hear the high-pitched voice. It giggles.

*Welcome to this lovely ship! I've been modifying it for surprise visitors. I'm so excited to have the chance to test it out! So go ahead and explore!*

*I'll be watching.*

With another click, the intercom shuts off. Another hum begins, this one much more powerful and audible to everyone. It is the distinct sound of a magnetic seal: the gangplank is now shut so tightly that a bomb couldn't open it.

You have a choice of two directions to go: east or west.

(A 2D Piloting: Space check will let you recall the standard layout of these ships)
Forim Luk
PC, 181 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 1 Feb 2016
at 04:15
  • msg #43

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

(ooc: 23:07, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 successes, 1 threat , 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2P 2A 2D.  Rolling Space.
Oh, would you look at that, turns out those new upgrades were not as fool proof as he thought, video seems to be down?
Cassidy Jammer
player, 17 posts
Hotshot Ace
Space Superiority
Mon 1 Feb 2016
at 16:33
  • msg #44

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

09:30, Today: Cassidy Jammer rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 2P 2D.  Space Piloting. Spend Advantage for someone having a convenient glowrod?

"I've spent a bit of time on a ship like this. They can only get so modular, but if the guy has been specifically modding it as a trap, anything we think we know could be suspect. Anyone got a light?" Cassidy asked.
Bounty Hunter, 100 posts
Mon 1 Feb 2016
at 23:09
  • msg #45

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx will stay outside, but if he sees anyone coming outside he will do his best to slow down the doors decent giving them a boost.
The Force
GM, 251 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 4 Feb 2016
at 05:02
  • msg #46

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

(Decided don't need a map for this)

You are near the forward section of the ship, where most of the ship's operations are conducted. The forward 'saucer' section is where the ship's cockpit, crew quarters, rec area, and passenger space. This area contains the ship's secondary shields, backup hyperdrive, and secondary life support systems. It also contains a set of dorsal & ventral turrets.

You are currently in the much larger back area of the ship. The rear area is connected by a long, spine-like hallway that connects all the areas. It is quite a wide hallway, almost five meters across. The creases in the metal suggest that vehicles bring heavy comestables up along here a lot.

Near you are the large cargo containers. There are six in total, containing a total of about a hundred tons of capacity. Four are modular, able to be connected and disconnected if necessary.

Not far to the aft is the secondary cargo areas. These are not modular, being built into the ship. These are sometimes called the 'money spaces,' because it is here that the Spacemaster can carry specialized cargo. They can be pressurized & Vacuum sealed, or kept at subzero temperatures.

Further back, the ship has dorsal and ventral turrets. These are adjacent to the three engineering areas. The central one is for the reactor, primary shield generators, and primary life support. The starboard one is for engines and weapons. The port one is for hyperdrive, repulsors, and gravity systems.
player, 15 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sat 6 Feb 2016
at 21:16
  • msg #47

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton looks a bit bewildered by the voice coming over the comms.  Why would anyone modify a cargo ship, HOPING, to catch some stowaways?  Who could understand the minds of big people.  He decided not to try and began scanning their immediate area.

No longer worried about finding traps, he knew they were there now, thanks Mr. Voiceover, but it seemed to him that this guy, with his particular brand of Crazy, must want to watch his victims.  He moves closer to Forim and Cassidy, whispering quietly "He must be able to see us.  We should look for cameras, motion sensors, other non standard equipment for tracking us."  He grins, as always he was optimistic, "these kinds of mods should be easier to spot, since their not standard.  Maybe we can hack in and give him some misdirection?"

Mechanics check to look for surveillance equipment?

The Force
GM, 256 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 6 Feb 2016
at 21:47
  • msg #48

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton decides to pit his knowledge of mechanics against the unseen trapmaker. Using all the logic and sneakiness he can muster, he peers at all the suspected locations for hidden devices he can think of.

Holorecorders in the light fixtures? None visible. Micro-cams in the bulkhead seams? Can't see any. Concealable visualizers behind folding panels?

This guy has his bases covered. Dienton is at a loss.
player, 16 posts
Soldier, Medic
Fri 12 Feb 2016
at 23:16
  • msg #49

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Disappointed that he couldnt find and evidence of the ships mods, Dienton first pulled out his comm and radioed to Onyx filling him in on the situation.  He hoped that he could perhaps do something from the outside to help them.  Maybe rig a few grenades on the door or check out the buildings.

Then speaking to his other compaions "I think we should continue towards the rear of the ship.  Carefully, checking for traps, but on a modular ship like this . . maybe we can release all the attached cargo pods?  That should open a hole and serve to delay the ship.  Who knows, maybe the cargos on board and we can just drop it off the ship.  Agreed?"
Bounty Hunter, 101 posts
Fri 12 Feb 2016
at 23:23
  • msg #50

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Bad news. I don't have a comm, so unless you yell threw the door I can't hear you.

Seeing that no one else joined him outside of the ship Onyx figured it was pointless to stand out here and wait for them to get back. He heads into the building hoping to find something or someone to allow him to get into the ship which should let him help out his team.
The Force
GM, 263 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 14 Feb 2016
at 07:44
  • msg #51

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Skulduggery 3D to search for traps. Perception is 3D 1S. Other possibilities are at 4D.

The long, straight corridor running between the ships' fore and aft is worryingly clear. Dirty boot prints, sand, and tire tracks are the only sign of habitation.

You come to the doors that lead into the cargo pods. There are six. The first four are containers to the modular pods. The last two are the 'money' pods.
player, 17 posts
Soldier, Medic
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 01:38
  • msg #52

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton looked at his silent companions, hoping for some suggestions, but they appeared to be quasi-comatose.  Not wanting to wait for danger to find them, Dienton chose to move towards the first container.  He watched the walls, floor, and ceiling - looking for traps or other nefarious devices, but found nothing - perhaps it was all a hoax?  Like a fake security camera?

Once he got to the pod, he started looking for a way to detach it from the ship.  He wasn't familiar with this class of vessel, so wasn't sure if he could detach it from here, but he would if he saw a way.

Feeling alone in here
Attempted skulduggery - 2 threat, no net success or failure

Weve got the WRONG crew in here!  A medic and two pilots.  This can only end in tears!

The Force
GM, 265 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 19 Feb 2016
at 05:15
  • msg #53

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx approaches the farmhouse, a short sprint across the sands from the ship. He gets to the house and sees the door swinging wide. With no cover for miles, he ducks to the blind side of the door.

Coming out of the door is a kubaz, who takes a few steps into the desert sunlight. He looks straight ahead towards the ship and stares at it. He places his fist on his hip, which Onyx notes is adorned with a holstered slugthrower.

The kubaz stares at the ship, and turns when a voice shouts at him from inside. "Do you see anything?"

In a buzzing voice, he replies "[Language unknown: Ni, sapoch litiwa wil se. Areneiecul leame i thukorthu ne li to naheet eauineter.]"

"Then come back in and close the door! You're letting all the cool air out!"
The Force
GM, 266 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 19 Feb 2016
at 05:19
  • msg #54

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton examines the controls outside the module.

There are a couple of interesting controls on the pad outside the module. First is a security lock, currently open. Second is a control to activate the magnetic seal on the door. This is also currently inactive. Beside these controls is an intercom.

Looking across the hall and to the left, Dienton can see that the doors are all adorned with the same sort of controls.

While he is making these observations, the intercom switches on. A red light indicates that it is active, and the soft buzz of static can be heard. Whoever is on the other end says nothing, however.

With his powerful high-pitch hearing, Dienton can hear the sound of electronic current. Wherever this signal is being broadcast from, there is an electronic device nearby.
The Force
GM, 271 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 23 Feb 2016
at 09:32
  • msg #55

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyz carefully crosses the compound towards the garage. It has narrow windows, but they are near the top of the building and cannot be seen through without a stepladder.

The garage has a human-scale door, currently hanging open a crack. It is dark inside. Sand is blowing in through the crack, accumulating on the floor.
player, 18 posts
Soldier, Medic
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 03:54
  • msg #56

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Denton stares at the controls for a long moment, trying to decide how to proceed.  He attempts to pull the cover off the control panel and examines the components.

Mechanics check 1P3A
I want to know if the controls are local only or if the doors can be controlled from the bridge.
The Force
GM, 272 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 04:31
  • msg #57

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton unscrews the panel and extracts it. The wires and LEDs are now plainly visible beneath the surface.

It seems quite likely that the modules can be released from the bridge, and the lock as well. Such things are common on vessels like this.

It's probable that the magnetic sealing is not something that can be controlled from the bridge, though. That's a common safety feature, to prevent anyone from accidentally opening the corridor to vaccuum while people are still in it.
player, 19 posts
Soldier, Medic
Wed 24 Feb 2016
at 23:09
  • msg #58

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton looks at the control panels guts, confirming his suspicions that the controls are doubled up on the bridge, he begins to rewire the door.

Same for mechanics 1P3A
I want to lock and seal the door, then disable the physical connection to the bridge.  I assume theres no way to release the pod from here?
The Force
GM, 274 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 25 Feb 2016
at 20:08
  • msg #59

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton locks the door and activates the magnetic seal. He cuts the remote connection, making it impossible to control the pod without working at this panel.

Dienton is pretty sure he can do the same thing with all the panels now, if he wants to.
player, 20 posts
Soldier, Medic
Fri 26 Feb 2016
at 00:22
  • msg #60

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Having secured the first pod behind him, Dienton whispered to his comatose seeming companions to stand watch.  He then moved towards each door in turn, sealing and disableing the bridge controls as he went.  He kept to nooks and shadows, trying to avoid letting their captor know his exact position.

I wont seal the "money pods" . . . if i make it that far, but will investigate them.

Just to confirm, i cant release the pods from the ship?

The Force
GM, 275 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 28 Feb 2016
at 04:05
  • msg #61

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton notes that the pods are not designed to be released from here. It might be possible to spoof the commands from the engineering section, at the rear of the ship.

As Dienton creeps forward, the PA crackles again. "What are you doing down there? Messing with the cargo pods. Are you here to loot?" The voice giggles. "I'm being sporting, you know."
player, 21 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sun 28 Feb 2016
at 04:40
  • msg #62

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Not here to play games, Dienton remains silent as he moves down the corridor. The less the man on the PA knows about what he's doing the better. He locks, seals, and disables each door as he passes it.

Arriving at the last two pods, the money pods, as it were,  Dienton pauses to investigate.  Not knowing the exact nature of the cargo, Dienton was a afraid of damaging it.  He again opens the panels and disables remote control over the doors.  Then, he opens the starboard pod and looks inside to determine the contents.

Continue stealth movement, 4A

The Force
GM, 277 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 28 Feb 2016
at 05:17
  • msg #63

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The Force, on behalf of Dienton, rolled 4 successes, 3 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 3D.  Stealth.

Moving carefully to avoid possible camera positions, Dienton stalks along the corridor. The tension ramps up, and he feels his pulmonary organ pulsing faster. His tiny hands shake with tension.

Imposing 1 setback on your next rolled action!

Dienton pops the door's controls and peers inside. The pod contains a number of plasteel transport crates.

Glancing across the hall, Dienton tries to get some useful information out of the other pod.

That one seems to be largely empty, except for a... cage?

Yes, a cage. Seven feet high, five feet square. Horizontal and vertical bars.
player, 22 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sun 28 Feb 2016
at 11:32
  • msg #64

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

A cage?  For the first time today, Dienton's perpepual grin falters.  This likely meant slaves, he could hardly believe that the practice continued in the galaxy.

First things first he thought.  He quietly slipped inside the starboard pod that he had opened.  Going to the neareat plasteel crate he silently worked to open it and identify its contents.
The Force
GM, 279 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 29 Feb 2016
at 00:55
  • msg #65

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton enters the pod and glances around. He is about to start going at the crates when he sees something moving.

Tucked into the corners to his left & right are odd piles of metallic pipes. They rumble and unfold of their own accord. They rise into bipedal form. They are droids. The droids resemble skeletal humans, with barely any bulk to their skinny limbs. Their beaklike heads lock onto him as they raise weapons towards him.

Anyone who know anything about history or droids recognizes the B1 Battle Droid.

Dienton can roll Vigilance or Cool for initiative as he prefers. Everyone else on the ship must roll Cool.
Bounty Hunter, 104 posts
Mon 29 Feb 2016
at 18:25
  • msg #66

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

In reply to The Force (msg # 55):

Onyx steps through the door trying his best to remain unseen.

Today: Onyx rolled 2 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1p 1b.  Stealth.

If I have any boosts can I use them to have cover in the room?

player, 23 posts
Soldier, Medic
Tue 1 Mar 2016
at 03:22
  • msg #67

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm


Initiative 0,3
player, 25 posts
Soldier, Medic
Thu 3 Mar 2016
at 14:39
  • msg #68

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton sees the antiquated droids come to life as he enters the pod.  He immediatly backpeddles and takes cover at the door jam.

Drawing his blaster he takes aim at the nearest droid, hoping for a good hit to end the confrontation quickly. Using his knowledge of warfare and his mechanical training he targets the droids at the weakest point.

Assume short range?
1 boost for aim, maybe another for my mechanics knowledge? and 1 setback for them for my cover.
Ranged Light- 1P3A,1 or 2 Boost

The Force
GM, 289 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 4 Mar 2016
at 06:54
  • msg #69

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton, rolled 2 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 3A 1B 2D.  Dienton ranged.

Dienton blasts one droid. It collapses, squealing in protest as its internal diagnosics register nulls where its torso should be.

The other aims a crude blaster carbine at him. The bolts spray wildly, but one finds its mark. Dienton's sensitive ears ring from the high-pitched whine of the bolts almost as much as the burn from the impact!

The B-1 has the correct range & angle oriented into its oculars now. The next shot will surely strike home.

B-1 Battle Droid rolled 1 success, 2 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 1P 2D 1S.  Ranged attack.

8 damage Gross.

Adding 1B to its next attack.

player, 26 posts
Soldier, Medic
Fri 4 Mar 2016
at 17:25
  • msg #70

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

A slight squeek escaped Dientons lips as he glances as the smouldering hole in his shoulder.  He pulls a stim pack free of his belt and quickly uses it to correct the damage.

Pushing himself beyond his normal limits, he again aims at the, soon to be, scrap heap ajd fires another volley.

5 net damage last round
Manuever - 1 stim, full heath
x2 Manuever - 2 strain - aim for 1 boost

Dienton rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage with a dice pool of 1P 3A 1B 2D.  Ranged Light at battle droid.

7 damage.  Can i recover those two strain between the three advantages from this and last round?
The Force
GM, 293 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 4 Mar 2016
at 22:30
  • msg #71

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The other battledroid has its head blown off and collapses limply into a pile of junk parts.

Dienton remains upright, recovering himself and feeling the painful itch of bacta across his injury.

The room is filled with a dozen plasteel shipping boxes. They are about a meter-and-a-half long, a meter tall, and a meter wide.
player, 27 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sat 5 Mar 2016
at 01:09
  • msg #72

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton took several deep breaths to calm his nerves.  As the situation settled in his mind, his characteristic grin returned to his snout.  Who says a chadrafan cant fight?!

Moving slowly forward with his blaster out and in front, Dienton approaches the remains of the two droids.  He takes a minite to examine each one in turn.

Looking carefully he examines them to determine if they were activated remotly or if he had tripped their local sensors.  If remotely, he wanted to salvage any components attuned to the offending frequency.

He scooped up their blasters (if still servicable) and slung them over his shoulder.  Then again approached one of the crates and worked on opening it to evaluate its contents.

Mechanics 1P3A
The Force
GM, 294 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 6 Mar 2016
at 03:57
  • msg #73

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The crates appear unlocked, so Dienton gives them only a quick once-over before trying to crack the first one open.

As he does so, he feels the tug of a cable from inside the box.

That ain't good.

A spray of misty gas blasts out into his face. His large eyes are splashed with some sort of noxious substance!

(Resilience 3D or blinded. Any cancelled threats are Strain.)

Through the haze of pain and discomfort, he hears a distant cackling from the PAs in the halls.
player, 28 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sun 6 Mar 2016
at 14:23
  • msg #74

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton flails away from the crate coughing as the gas hits him squarely in the face.  His eyes burned!

He stumbled back a few steps attempting to regain his composure.  He couldnt see, but his other senses could still guide him.

He moved slowly back towards the crate, with tembling hands he reached inside and gently felt around.  He would complete his task!

3 failure, 3 advantage
Spend the advantage to decrease the number of rounds he remains blinded.

The Force
GM, 298 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 7 Mar 2016
at 07:28
  • msg #75

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton isn't sure how long passes before he recovers. It feels like hours; it might be only a few minutes. His eyes are still raw and blurry when he regains partial vision again.

With some ability regained, he reaches a paw into the box to check out what is in it. The answer is pipes.

Long pipes, short pipes, pipes with valves, pipes with dials.

Another container is filled with gaskets and tiny sprinklers.

Another contains a string of fluid reservoirs. One contains a carefully-packed set of humidity sensors.
Forim Luk
PC, 184 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 9 Mar 2016
at 14:31
  • msg #76

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Seeing his companion get gassed, Forim picks another crate that has not been examined.  He first checks the crate carefully to find any triggers or anything else that might cause harm.

(09:30, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 1A 2D.  Rolling Perception.)
The Force
GM, 303 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 11 Mar 2016
at 03:12
  • msg #77

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim can't find anything dangerous in the crates. In this one is a special foam-filler, used by builders in construction. If it is sprayed into the corners and cracks of a structure, it will prevent air & water from seeping in or out. It is a very common substance that is used for humidity control.
player, 30 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sat 12 Mar 2016
at 00:45
  • msg #78

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Blinking away the tears still blurring his vison, he glances at forum "this pod must not be the one were after, the one across the hall had a cage in it, havnt checked it out yet".  Dienton moves back into the corridor and moves across to the opposite hatch.  He again disables any remote control to the pods hatch and toggles the door open.  He moves inside silently, hoping to get a look at any surprises.

Stealth 4A

Forim Luk
PC, 185 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sat 12 Mar 2016
at 01:05
  • msg #79

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

"Hmm, lots of humidity control items... wonder what they are for".  He follows Dienton .

(ooc: 4A stealth)
The Force
GM, 305 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 12 Mar 2016
at 04:25
  • msg #80

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Inside the other pod is a cage. It's empty, but it has been used recently.

There are scratches on the floor, such as might be made by claw marks. There is also a seat that looks like a portable chemical toilet.

There are dirty food bowls nearby. Some contain the remains of a nutrient paste, and the others must have been used for water. There are a few spoons in the pile.

You are about to go into the room when you see something that stops you. This pod is wired with at least three cameras that you can see, attached to the roof. They are aimed at the cage, presumably to monitor whatever was inside.

It doesn't look like there's anything else of interest in there anyway.
Forim Luk
PC, 187 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 14 Mar 2016
at 18:38
  • msg #81

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim looks at the cages, and the other items that he has seen and wonders if he can pinpoint what they are transporting...
player, 31 posts
Soldier, Medic
Thu 17 Mar 2016
at 01:10
  • msg #82

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Its not like he doesn't know we are here already, Dienton thinks.  He glances as Forim, but then draws his blaster and destroys the three mounted cameras above the cage.  At this point, he would just about settle for causing as much damage as he could to this infernal ship.

Once the cameras were nothing but slag, he moved to the cage for a closer look.  He studied the claw marks and sniffed at the nutrient paste, hoping to identify the previous occupant based on the evidence left behind

Knowledge Zenology 1P3A
The Force
GM, 314 posts
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May the Force be with you
Thu 17 Mar 2016
at 04:10
  • msg #83

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton finds himself unable to identify the clawmarks. There's simply too many clawed creatures in the galaxy, even sapient ones. He does conclude that the cages' occupant is a bipedal humanoid, probably about the size of a human.

The nutrient paste is clearly created from a combination of plants. Whatever this creature is, it can subsist on a vegetarian diet. With some testing equipment, it would be possible to determine what planet they were taken from.
player, 32 posts
Soldier, Medic
Fri 18 Mar 2016
at 17:31
  • msg #84

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

After several minutes of examination, Dienton throws his hands up in surrender.  Once again, he is frustrated and unable to glean any important information from the pod.  He looks around one last time, feeling a pang of pity for the creature that had occupied the space.

He decided, he had had enough.  Moving beside Forum, he whispered "I think its time to move on.  I only checked these last two compartments, we could go and check the others, but we are really not the crew for that job.  We can disable the ship though.  Lets move to the rear and see what we can break"  His eyes flashing and with a quick grin, Dienton moved towards the door, but did not step out - he looked at Forim for agreement.

With Forims agreement, Dienton will move down the hallway towards the engineering section of the ship.  If forum dissents, then we can move to towards the bridge again and check the other compartments.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:31, Fri 18 Mar 2016.
Forim Luk
PC, 190 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Fri 18 Mar 2016
at 18:46
  • msg #85

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim nods and smiles ++We also need to get that door open, there is gunfire on the other side.++
The Force
GM, 317 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 18 Mar 2016
at 21:25
  • msg #86

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The team make their way to the 'south' of the ship. They avoid the other doors and head directly for the engineering section.

No matter how completely a ship is redesigned, the engineering section can never be moved. It is too crucial to the design of the ship's systems. Functions can be controlled from other parts of the ship, but the engines are at the back.

The rebels come to the door to engineering. Recent experience has led them to believe that there may be some obstacle to opening it.

Perception or Skulduggery Difficulty 3D to locate a trap.
Skulduggery or Engineering 3D to unlock the door.

player, 33 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 00:32
  • msg #87

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The door loomed before the Chandra-Fan, menacingly non scary looking.  Knowing that Forim had sharper eyes than he did, Dienton left him to look for traps, while he put his mechanics knowledge to use unlocking the door.

Unlock Door - 2 Failure

Only AFTER Forim checks for traps - saw your perception is better than mine.

Forim Luk
PC, 191 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 02:54
  • msg #88

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

(22:52, Today: Forim Luk rolled 3 successes, 3 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 1A 3d.  Rolling Perception.
You should be able to boost my perception...

(22:53, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1B.  Boosting engineering.)

Forim oworks with Dienton.
The Force
GM, 319 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 20 Mar 2016
at 17:07
  • msg #89

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Sure enough, the door is wired. Literally -- attempting to open the door will send a huge electrical current through the door knob. Forim disarms it by clipping a wire with his blade. Unfortunately, as the trap sparks, it causes a bright flash that causes the rebels to recoil. When they look over the door, it seems to have fused!

Opening the door will require some force, now.
player, 34 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sun 20 Mar 2016
at 19:13
  • msg #90

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

"Ohh Sithspit!" Dienton growls.  He looks over at Forim, "I have a frag grenade, we could try to blow the door or do you have any other ideas?"

If Forim Agrees, Dienton sets the frag grenade near the fused section of the door and sets the timer for 3 rounds.  They can then jog back to the nearest pod for complete cover.
Forim Luk
PC, 193 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 20 Mar 2016
at 23:51
  • msg #91

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim nods in agreement, wanting to get out of this stupid ship as fast as possible.  He draws his weapons in anticipation of joining combat on the other side, and waits for the boom.
The Force
GM, 321 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 21 Mar 2016
at 03:16
  • msg #92

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm


The door explodes off its tracks and falls inward with a *clang*. Forim and Dienton wince at the powerful sound in the tight confines of the ship's corridor.

Roll Resilience 2D. Any failures are Strain. Any uncancelled Threats represent being deafened.

You get inside the door and find Engineering, just as you expected. Tubes and wires hang in bundles across the walls & ceiling. Panels hum and lights blink, even with the ship sitting quietly on the planets' surface.
Forim Luk
PC, 194 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 21 Mar 2016
at 12:13
  • msg #93

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

(08:12, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 failures using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 2D.  Rolling Resilience.)
player, 35 posts
Soldier, Medic
Wed 23 Mar 2016
at 02:22
  • msg #94

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton knew the blast was coming.  He took care to cover his ears, but his acute senses were still overwhelmed by the concussive force of the blast.  Even though his head pounded and his ears were ringing - the door was off.  He let out a hoot of joy.

Moving into the engineering section, he took a moment to get the lay of the section.  He moved to the closest terminal and checked to see what auxiliary controls he could access from here

Resilience - 1 success, 2 threats
Computers 4A or Mechanics 1P3A to identify Aux Controls

The Force
GM, 324 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 23 Mar 2016
at 06:33
  • msg #95

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton easily locates the ship's auxiliary controls. The piloting, gunnery, and security systems are not accessible from here, but most of the other functions of the ship are available.

The various systems of the ship are represented by green glowing lights. Most are a bright green, although a few are glowing red. Dienton believes that these must represent the blasted door and the destroyed security cams. The ship seems to be all-systems go.

For now, at least. Even as Dienton examines the panel, it changes. Light begin changing from green to orange. The four lights representing the ship's shields turn orange, one after another. The aux panel is being locked out of the ship's systems remotely!

Dienton & Forim can access each of the ship's systems by controlling various physical instruments. Whoever is at the controls is apparently trying to block their access, though. They will have to act quickly.

Roll Cool for Initiative. Activating a mechanical function of the ship is a Mechanics check 2D. Reprogramming the ship is a Computer check 3D.
Forim Luk
PC, 195 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 23 Mar 2016
at 12:37
  • msg #96

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

08:34, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A.  Rolling Cool.

Forim acts quickly and moves to disable the communications array.  If the hacker could not get into the system remotely, then this would get way easier.  He mimes putting a comlink up to his ear, and then slashing across his neck to attempt to get some help from his companion.

08:36, Today: Forim Luk rolled no successes, 1 advantage, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 2A 2D.  Rolling Mechanics.

Hopefully Dienton can roll a Boost dice to add to this, and I am willing to spend a destiny to cut him out of his ship.

player, 36 posts
Soldier, Medic
Wed 23 Mar 2016
at 21:05
  • msg #97

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Rolled 2 advantage - helping forim
Rolled 1 success, 1 advantage for initiative.

Ill wait to see the action order before I post.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:05, Thu 24 Mar 2016.
The Force
GM, 327 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 25 Mar 2016
at 07:37
  • msg #98

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

With Dienton's help, Forim manages to activate the engineering section's high-intensity circuits. Working with these controls will take priority now.

(1 free dice upgrade on all subsequent actions)

As you work, you see the ship's repulsorlift engines being disabled. That is one fewer system you are able to interact with.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:37, Fri 25 Mar 2016.
player, 37 posts
Soldier, Medic
Fri 25 Mar 2016
at 11:20
  • msg #99

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dientons fingers flew across the controls as he looked for available systems he could interact with.  So many options, but he had to act fast.  His struggle to survive in this hellhole had darkened his normal cheery view.  This had to end he decided.  With the comm system disabled their identities should be safe, but only if the data were destroyed at the source.

He saw that though he could not pilot the ship, the ships hyperspace drive could be activated.  He attempted to program a delayed start of the hyperspace drive, so that it would activate without warning 30 minutes from now.   His attempts were blocked from the bridge!  That meddling piece of bantha fodder!  Though his remote start was foiled he had at least distracted their opponent into countering his own move instead of locking down another system.


Computer Check – no success, 3 advantage

Spent advantage to delay actions by the bridge

This message was last edited by the player at 11:21, Fri 25 Mar 2016.
Forim Luk
PC, 196 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Fri 25 Mar 2016
at 12:35
  • msg #100

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

ooc: Oohhh he is in the ship itself!  Thought he was remoting in.  Is our mission here to disable this ship permanently?

Forim works at trying to get the door open, so they could get out of this hell hole.  He gets it open, but it has already started to slowly close again.  It will be fully closed in a minute!

08:34, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2A 1P 3D.  Rolling Computers.

The Force
GM, 330 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 26 Mar 2016
at 04:15
  • msg #101

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Down the hall, you can hear the sound of the ship's gangway opening. The hydralics hiss and pop, loud enough to be heard for some distance.

Meanwhile, Dienton punches in a bunch of nonsense codes. The ship's computer tries to fulfill the hundred button-presses. It will take a few moments for the ship to be ready to receive another instruction.
player, 42 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sun 27 Mar 2016
at 14:16
  • msg #102

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton hears the whine of the gangway, his feet twitch with the desire to get out of here, but but he had not caused enough damage yet!

Hoping to both seriously tick of the ships owner and secure multiple points of possible escape, dienton releases the clamps that secure the cargo pods to the ship, all of them.

Since he had physically disabled remote control of the ships cargo pods hatches, with the pods release, they should have, in effect, 6 new openings to the outside.

He grinned maniacally as massive thuds reverberated throughout the ship.

Mechanics 4 success

If this is too much, let me know and ill edit my post to limit the number of releases pods.
Forim Luk
PC, 198 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 27 Mar 2016
at 14:32
  • msg #103

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim smiles as he hears the clicks.  He starts pulling out some wires, and connecting them into the wrong leads.  The net result is that it would reverse the stick to what was wanted.

Unfortunately, the tech-hound noticed what he was doing, and wrote a quick program to counteract his machinations.  Fortunately, that is all he was able to do for now...

10:31, Today: Forim Luk rolled 2 failures, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2P 1A 2D.  Rolling Mechanics.
Spending advantages to block his action this round.

The Force
GM, 335 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sun 27 Mar 2016
at 19:56
  • msg #104

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

As the escape pods blow, the ship's alarms begin to sound. This is a common occurrence in nearly all ships, letting everyone know there is trouble. The escape pod countdown begins.

In only seconds, all the ship's escape pods will fire off with explosive force.

While they quickly press buttons and flip switches, Forim & Dienton watch the indicator lights. Nothing changes on the panel, but you feel the ship shudder.

The engineering section grows terrifically loud, and you are forced to catch yourself on nearby bars. The ship's repulsorlift engines are powering up!
Forim Luk
PC, 200 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 27 Mar 2016
at 21:28
  • msg #105

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim says "Time to go... leave our package here?"

Forim gets ready to run, or assist his companion in his next action

ooc: Lets run before it gets too high off the ground..but you get a boost die if you wanna do something else.
player, 43 posts
Soldier, Medic
Mon 28 Mar 2016
at 02:46
  • msg #106

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

As the ship begins to hum with the force of the repulsors warming up, Dienton glances around and realizes he cant go yet, not without leaving at least one of this own tricks.  He glances at Forim apologetically for he knew this would lessen his chance for survival.  "I have one more thing I have to do", he yelled above the din, "Get out of here Forim - or cover me if you still want to see some fireworks!"

With nimble fingers he dropped the powerpacks from the two heavy blasters he had taken from the downed B1 battle droids, then finding the wires that shunted power to the landing struts, he wired the two packs, in series, with the circuitry he knew wouldn't be activated until the ship had gained some altitude.  He shoved the tangled booby trap under the console near the most sensitive systems he could find, then looked at Forim and ran out to the hallway, searching for an open hatch he could leap from.

To clarify - my intention was to release the Cargo Pods from the ship, since your post talked about the Escape Pods, was that a typo?  Or did both things happen?

If the cargo pods did release, then the ships hatches leading to them should be wide open for us to leap out of, because they cant be controlled from the bridge (I disabled their remote control) and we left the last two open.

Mechanics to rig the packs - assumed 3D
3 Success - 3 Threat

Id love to take three strain for those threat - just a suggesttion :)

This message was last edited by the player at 03:22, Mon 28 Mar 2016.
Forim Luk
PC, 201 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 28 Mar 2016
at 13:09
  • msg #107

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim stays behind to cover Dienton (boost dice already rolled I see, awesome :)) and smiles when he sees what the little guy had in mind.

(With a bith of franticness, Forim rushes down the hallway)
The Force
GM, 339 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 28 Mar 2016
at 18:13
  • msg #108

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton sets up the power pack overload. Just as he is finishing his jury-rig, the blaster pack connector heats up to extreme temperature. Dienton burns his fingers on it before he manages to drop it!

Dienton and Forim get to the first cargo pod door and find that it is hanging open. Resting on the sand are the cargo pods, one right below them. Only about two meters down at the moment, but as soon as the ship lifts off that distance will increase dramatically.

Speaking of which, it seems to be taking an unusual amount of time to lift off with repulsorlift engines.

Forim and Dienton can try to jump down to the hard durasteel cargo pod only two meters below them. Or they can try to jump down to the soft sand seven meters below them.

You choose Athletics or Coordination. 2D for landing on cargo pod, 3D 1B for jumping down to sand.

Forim Luk
PC, 202 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 28 Mar 2016
at 21:41
  • msg #109

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Wanting to get down as fast as possible, Forim jumps to the sand, twisting his ankle as he lands

(17:40, Today: Forim Luk rolled 5 successes, 3 threats using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 3d 1b.  Rolling Coordination.
Tanking threats as strain
player, 44 posts
Soldier, Medic
Mon 28 Mar 2016
at 21:41
  • msg #110

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton takes a running start and leaps through the air!  The passing air makes his fur ripple as he pinwheels his arms to keep his orientation.  His feet his the ground and he tucks in and rolls to absorb the jolt.  He springs to his feet and runs to the far side of the cargo pod, putting his back to it for cover.  He waits for Forim, ready to assist if needed.

Coordination 1 success 1 advantage.

The Force
GM, 341 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Tue 29 Mar 2016
at 15:53
  • msg #111

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

As you tumble out of the ship, you land more-or-less intact. From here, you can see the farmhouse about a hundred meters away. Four thugs in mismatched combat armour have emerged from the farmhouse. They are gaping at the ship, shouting, and waving their arms. Then one sees you. The thugs shout and aim their guns. You have only seconds to react.

Behind them, you can see Onyx approaching. The thugs have yet to see him.

Dienton, Forim, and Onyx. Cool or Vigilance. Post first action.
player, 46 posts
Soldier, Medic
Tue 29 Mar 2016
at 16:33
  • msg #112

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton keeps his position, with his back against one of the cargo pods.  He draws his blaster and fires a shot at the approaching thugs.  The bolt strikes home!  He felt exhilarated and let out a whoop of excitement.

Initiative - 1 success

I wasnt sure what range we were at, but assumed medium.

1 success 2 advantage
6 damage
Advantage will go to boost die next round.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:34, Tue 29 Mar 2016.
Forim Luk
PC, 204 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Tue 29 Mar 2016
at 16:47
  • msg #113

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

12:45, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A.  Rolling Init.

12:45, Today: Forim Luk rolled 6 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A.  Pew Pew.

Forim fires off a snap shot at one of the thugs, the slug finds a gap in his armor.  Forim dives for cover behind a cargo pod before the thugs get a chance to return fire, hopefully

ooc: 4 damage + 6 successes = 10 damage
Bounty Hunter, 126 posts
Wed 30 Mar 2016
at 15:41
  • msg #114

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Today: Onyx rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a.  vigilance

Onyx after silently falling from the roof notices the thugs. Fortunately they don't notice him. He draws his rifle and aims at the nearest soldier.

Today: Onyx rolled 1 success, 3 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1b 2a 1p 2d.  boost for behind. 2nd roll because forgot difficulty dice.

9 damage and lets say that in their surprise a couple turn towards me which will allow Forim, Dienton and Onyx to have targets that aren't facing them. Therefore giving us all boost die.
The Force
GM, 345 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 31 Mar 2016
at 04:38
  • msg #115

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm


Forim and Dienton take cover behind the large cargo pods, concealing themselves against enemy fire. The thugs have fewer opportunities, having gotten trapped out in a flat area between the farm house and the ship. Nearly eighty meters away from the ship and twenty from the house, they have a hard choice to make.

The urgency doesn't get any less intense as Forim opens up with his gun. It's outside optimum range for a pistol, but a bullet hits anyway. One of the thugs bends over and presses his hands into his stomach, trying to keep the blood inside.

Forim finds that his slugthrower hasn't been designed for the desert conditions. He tries to fire, but the gun simply clicks. While behind cover, he checks the gun & finds that some sand has worked its way into the firing pin; he's going to have to clear it before he can keep firing.

(spending threats to jam gun. 1 Action to clear, or 3D mechanics to clear it without taking an action)

Onyx begins firing, and the thugs find themselves in enfilade. He fires repeatedly and hammers another thug, throwing him to the ground. The thugs, confused, are unsure where to run for cover. It seems that no matter where they go they are running right into the teeth of an enemy.

Dienton fires as well, and blows another thug away. Two down, two to go.

The two thugs remaining flatten themselves, lying prone on the rocky ground. They aim & fire their own slugthrowers at Onyx, who has less cover than the other two. Their bullets kick up sand and dirt near him but don't manage to hit.

Then Forim & Dienton get an unpleasant surprise. The ship, still parked above their heads, makes a loud whirring noise. They glance over and see that the ship's ventral gun turret is swiveling & aiming.

The gun barks, a ferociously loud screaming noise. The blast is terrifically bright, blinding everyone around. One of the cargo pods explodes, sending flaming chunks of durasteel flying all over.

Everyone roll Resilience. Onyx 2D, Forim & Dienton 3D for proximity. Failures mean 'rounds that you are blinded.' Threats mean 'rounds that you are deafened.'
Forim Luk
PC, 205 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 31 Mar 2016
at 12:27
  • msg #116

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

(08:26, Today: Forim Luk rolled 3 failures, 1 threat using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1A 3D.  Rolling Resilience.)

Putting his hands to his ringing ears, Forim is unable to do anything but scream out in pain and surprise.
player, 47 posts
Soldier, Medic
Thu 31 Mar 2016
at 16:28
  • msg #117

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton saw the turrent swivel around taking aim at the nearby cargo pod.  Quickly covering his ears at the impending explosion, he waited . . kaboom!. . between his preparation and his obviosly superior physiology, he remained unaffected.

Thugs on one side, a turrent on the other.  If only he hadnt left his rocket launcher in his other pants!

Dienton takes aim at the remaining thugs and fires a laser blast at the closest one. It strikes home!  The flailing thug bumps his companion, slightly throwing off his aim.

Resilience 2 success

Rnged light.  1 succ, 1 adv _ 6 damage

1boost from last round, 1 for aiming, 1 setback for thugs being prone.

Spend advantage to give second thug a setback.

Bounty Hunter, 127 posts
Thu 31 Mar 2016
at 17:42
  • msg #118

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Today: Onyx rolled no successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1p 2d.  resilience. Keep forgetting difficulty :(.

As the ship's weapons turned toward the party Onyx immediately looked at it trying to determine just how much of a threat this was. That's when it started firing. Blinded Onyx tried to find some cover he could get behind.

oday: Onyx rolled 1 failure, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1p 3d.  Finding cover.
The Force
GM, 347 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 1 Apr 2016
at 07:44
  • msg #119

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The thugs are fortunately facing away from the laser cannon when it fires. Nevertheless their ears are blown out by the thunderous sound.

Dienton blasts one, sending his smoking corpse to the ground. The last thug decides that enough is enough. He leaves his dead companions behind, seeking cover. He gets up off the ground and legs it towards the farmhouse, incidentally moving closer to Onyx. He is only a few meters away from the door.

Meanwhile, the ship's external loudspeaker sounds off.

"Where are you?" The high-pitched squeal sounds bizarre being amplified so loud. "Where are you? Are you there?" The gun swivels around frenetically. It centers on another cargo pod and blasts it to shrapnel.

Resilience check again. If you're already under the effects of blindness or deafness, you're immune to futher impact on that sense. Gain 1B for being ever-so-slightly prepared for this one.
Forim Luk
PC, 206 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Fri 1 Apr 2016
at 11:08
  • msg #120

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Shaking his head from the second blast, Forim finds he can hear again.  "We are sitting ducks out here! he shouts.  I hope that thing blows soon!"

Using his fingers, he cleans out his weapon.  He cannot run for cover blinded, so he has to hope that the thing blows before he gets blasted.
player, 48 posts
Soldier, Medic
Fri 1 Apr 2016
at 11:58
  • msg #121

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

A second blast rang out across the desert as another cargo pod exploded.  The flash of light reflected off the glassy desert sand, momentarily blinding Dienton.  He heard Forim yelling and tried to respond "we need to get the ship to take off!  The packs are wired into the landing struts.  Wont go off untill they retract!"  though he couldnt see see he could hear, he decided his only option was to fire his meesly pistol at the turrent, hoping to hit something critical.

He ran from cover, hoping to draw the fire away from forim.  Stoping, he concentrated, he could hear the whine as the cannon spun on its axis, he oriented himself with the sounds and fired.

Resilience 1 fail 2 advantage

Fire blind at the gun, but i could see last round and should have a decent idea.  Along with good hearing - i aim at the noise and fire.

2P2A 1B 1C2d 1S seemed fair, spent force point to upgrade my check, boost from advantage.  Feel free to reroll this if its bogus.

And . . pooop

Today: Dienton rolled 3 successes, 1 despair using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2P 2A 1B 1C 2d 1S.  i will not go silently into the night!

9 damage

Remember to treat me as silhouette 0 when you turn me into a smoking corpse

This message was last edited by the player at 11:59, Fri 01 Apr 2016.
Bounty Hunter, 128 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2016
at 15:34
  • msg #122

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Today: Onyx rolled 2 successes using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1b 2d 2a 1p.  Resilience.

Onyx recovering from his blindness sees the retreating thug. He points and fires.

Onyx rolled 1 success, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1p 1d.  short range heavy.

I deal 9 damage.

Onyx then sprints inside the house hoping it will provide him some cover.

Let me know if this is one or two manuvers. If it is 2 I will take the strain.
The Force
GM, 349 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 2 Apr 2016
at 23:04
  • msg #123

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx fires his gun, putting some energy into the thug as he runs. The man stumbles but doesn't fall.

Onyx has to stand up before he runs, slowing him down a bit. Then he runs over and gets inside the farmhouse.

The thug is surprised to see him, but not so startled that he doesn't react. The man draws a vibroblade and attacks. He swipes at Onyx, but the Rebel avoids the attack.

Then, muffled inside the ship, you hear a loud pop. Then, in the same second, another pop. You hear alarms blaring inside the ship. On the loudspeaker, the tinny voice shouts "What?"

The ship's laser cannon stops moving and hangs still. You have a few precious moments.
Forim Luk
PC, 207 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 3 Apr 2016
at 00:20
  • msg #124

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim's vision is improving.  Now he sees a big white blur.  He blinks his eyes against the brightness.

(last round of one kind of uselessness, before next round and I try to take down a space ship, with a gun.)
player, 51 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sun 3 Apr 2016
at 01:38
  • msg #125

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton shakes his head as his vision clears.  "Still Alive!" he yells.  His booby trap had done something, he didn't know what, but he was happy to hear the ship maniac's frustration.  He could only hope that a fire or something would spread to other systems.

He looked around for cover, obviously the cargo pods didn't have the armor to take even a single hit from that cannon - that did not leave a lot of options.  Then he had it!  A thought struck him, as if from the Big Green Fish itself!  He ran towards the nearest landing strut and placed the strut directly between himself and the turret.  Hopefully, the fool controlling the ship would fire on himself and knock the ship askew, unable to lift off.

He took another shot at the turret, hoping for a triumphant result!

Meesly Gun vs Ship board cannon take two,  I'm assuming i'm at close range now.

Dienton rolled 1 success, 5 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 3A 1D.  Pea Shooters are my specialty.  Attack on cannon.

6 damage.  Since I dont think the rules allow me to crit the turrent. Then maybe I managed to take out a particular servo and the turrents movement gets limited to a certain arc or I hit and destroy the camera that must be mounted to the gun.

Bounty Hunter, 129 posts
Sun 3 Apr 2016
at 03:09
  • msg #126

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx dodges the first blow with a quick sidestep. As he does this he lets go of the gun with his right hand so that he's able to give the thug a nice right hander.

Today: Onyx rolled 2 successes, 1 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 1p 1b 2d.

6 damage and Dienton hearing the scream of the thug gains a boost of confidence. Aka a boost die.

The Force
GM, 353 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 4 Apr 2016
at 05:17
  • msg #127

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx knocks the thug for a loop, sending him to the ground. He lands hard on the ground. His limbs droop limply on the floor.

Now that he's in here, Onyx can see that he is in a kitchen. It looks as though the room was once quite homey, although the thugs have tracked sand everywhere and used all the dishes without washing them.

Dienton and Forim try to suppress the ship's laser gun. It stays pretty still for the moment. If Tech-Hound is planning something, it must be a very cunning scheme.
Forim Luk
PC, 211 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Mon 4 Apr 2016
at 18:12
  • msg #128

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Just seeing the last blury image of Onyx enter the domicile, Forim makes a dash toward that new position hoping for the best.

ooc: if this is one maneouver, I will take a pot shot at the ship.  Click here to roll for me: Pew Pew

"Sithspit that ship is a pain in the you know what!" he says to Onyx paning slightly.  "We might be blasted in here, not that there is much we can do with them in a ship and us down here."
player, 57 posts
Soldier, Medic
Wed 6 Apr 2016
at 01:03
  • msg #129

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton kept his position, making sure to hold the landing strut between himself and the ships gun.  He leaned around his cover and fired off another shot at the offending protuberance.  He missed - he couldn't believe it!  it was right there!

Aimed Twice - 2 strain
Results - 1 fail, 6 advantage.

Ill spend two to recover my strain, ill save the other 4 as two boost dice for next round.

The Force
GM, 356 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 6 Apr 2016
at 04:16
  • msg #130

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

As the rebels are desperately firing on the ship over their heads, they hear another explosion. The sound echoes across the desert plain like a thunderbolt. It is followed by a noise nearly as loud as rocket engines ignite. You press your hands to your ears for relief as a bright missile shoot away from the ship.

An escape pod. Someone has climbed into an escape pod and fired it while the ship is still landed on the ground. The noise and brightness of the pod's solid-fuel engines is intense, but it soon rockets off over the dunes.

(Fight Over)
Forim Luk
PC, 213 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 6 Apr 2016
at 15:00
  • msg #131

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

"I don't know about you" Forim says "But I want to follow that pod."
player, 58 posts
Soldier, Medic
Wed 6 Apr 2016
at 20:35
  • msg #132

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

At the rumble of the escape pods launch, Dienton peeks his head out from behind the landing strut and glared triumphantly at the blaster turret.  He gingerly steps out of cover and jogs over to Forim and Onyx at the farmhouse.

He grinned expansively at his companions and did a little dance of joy at their survival.  I sure am glad that’s over., he looks at Forim it’s a coupla hours back to the city in our speeder, I have a feeling the occupant will be long gone by then .  He turned a slow circle, taking in the farm and the ship together I am inclined to stay and poke around a bit.  We may find useful equipment or intel we can take back to the alliance.  This is a staging ground for trade with Jabba after all.  Why don’t we take the next hour, search the buildings, the cargo pods that are still intact – even the rest of the ship, if we can get into the bridge section, the rest is pretty much slag.   his grin broadens even more We could also finish the job destroying the ship, cover our tracks.  There could be video logs onboard.  What do you think Onyx?
Bounty Hunter, 131 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2016
at 04:22
  • msg #133

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

I'm in. The garage has another speeder, so that should definitly help our cause. So far I've only found that and slugthrowers and some credits, but we should give the place a better look. At this point anything we can find should help us out. Anyways, checking the building should be easy. I mean as far as I know that's the last of the thugs. As Onyx talks he uses his vibro knuckles to rip off a piece of the guy's shirt he just finished off. He uses that to begin cleaning his weapon wiping off the blood.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:24, Thu 07 Apr 2016.
player, 59 posts
Soldier, Medic
Thu 7 Apr 2016
at 11:16
  • msg #134

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

"Ok, lets meet back in an hour - i want to look into the remaining pods"  with that, the blissful Chadrafan joged back to the ships remaining cargo pods.  He approached them one by one and inspected each for traps, then gave each a quick inventory.

Mr GM - let me know what you want me to roll here: if you want to handwave the search and us know what we find.

The Force
GM, 357 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 8 Apr 2016
at 03:06
  • msg #135

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The other pods have... plants.

Vaccuum-locked crates that contain stacks of leaves. Plasteel jugs filled with strange yellow goo. Jars of coloured powders.

Another pod has vaccuum-locked crates too. They are filled with dirt. The dirt is mostly soft green with bits of brown, red, and purple in it.

(Xenology 2D 1C to deduce where this stuff is from.)

On the various thugs you find a half-dozen slugthrower pistols and four slugthrower rifles. You also find four vibroknives and two frag grenades. Once you finish frisking their pockets, you find four hundred credits. They are also wearing padded armour, although it's the wrong size for Dienton.

As yet you haven't entered the ship. Getting back into it is going to be a beast, as the external controls seem to have been locked down.

As you find the signal-key to activate the landspeeder, your eyes are drawn back towards the town of Mos Espa. A big cloud of sand & dust is being kicked up about three kilometers away.
player, 61 posts
Soldier, Medic
Fri 8 Apr 2016
at 22:29
  • msg #136

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Investigating the pods was less than exciting.  Dienton attempted to identify the materials, but couldn't quite place them.  He did however found a small credit chip worth 100 credits in the farthest pod . . which he pocketed.

Dienton looks towards Forim and Onyx, then says "I wish we had time to get back into the ship, it looks like a storms a commin, we better get outta here before the storm hits.  LEts take both speeders back to town.  In a place like Mos Espa, we shouldnt have a problem unloading them.  Well need something bigger to carry the cargo anyway."

Identify soil - 1 fail, 4 advantage - Spend Advantage to find extra credits.

If you both agree, we can split the 400 credits.  133 each, Dienton will take one of the Vibroknives and a Frag Grenade to replace the one he used on the ship.  Ill also take a slug-thrower rifle.

Bounty Hunter, 132 posts
Fri 8 Apr 2016
at 23:10
  • msg #137

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx grabs a set of padded armor that hasn't had a bolt of energy shot through it. He agrees to splitting the credits. He offers Forim the frag, but if Forim doesn't take it, then he will pocket it.

We can also stay here. Scope around see if anyone comes around. If they do then we can try and take them down without killing. See if they know anything. Either way, Onyx pulls out a commlink. One of the guys had this on him.  I saw it was encripted and didn't want to mess with it, but if one of you want to take a crack at it feel free.
player, 62 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 01:21
  • msg #138

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton considered Onyx's words, "Im not sure how much time we have before the storm hits, but i hate to leave with that ship intact.  Id agree to stay, but I think we should all agree.  Does the control for the loading ramp still work?  Did you see any rope?  we could fashion some climbing gear and get back in the way we came out."

Dienton reached for the proffered comlink, "im not bad at this stuff, let me take a crack at it"

GM, you want to roll computers for me or let me know the difficulty ~ crack comlink code: 4A

This message was last edited by the player at 02:56, Sat 09 Apr 2016.
The Force
GM, 359 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 03:29
  • msg #139

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The Force, on behalf of Dienton, rolled 1 failure, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 2D 1S.  Crack yon commlink.

Dienton tries a workaround he has heard about, but the machine locks out. Now it will need seventeen minutes before the thing's lockout disengages and he can try again.
Forim Luk
PC, 215 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 12:43
  • msg #140

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim takes the credits, a vibroknife, slugthrower rifle and a set of padded armor.  The rest can be sold

(ooc: if throwing Grenades is Agility, I can take one of those too, if not all yours)

"Lets com our team and get their status, they might need some backup...  Otherwise I am good for staying." Forim suggests
Bounty Hunter, 133 posts
Sun 10 Apr 2016
at 05:28
  • msg #141

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

I only have 3a. I think you will be able to better put the grenade to use.

That makes sense Onyx said nodding his agreement.
player, 64 posts
Soldier, Medic
Tue 12 Apr 2016
at 17:25
  • msg #142

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton, after speaking into his commlink, looks up with a worried expression.  "I cant raise the others. . . For the moment, lets assume their just occupied.  If we cant raise them soon, we should head back, but in the meantime . . " he turns towards to farm house and searches for a length of rope, strong cord, or ladder.  He also looked for something he could use as a hook for grappling.
The Force
GM, 364 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 13 Apr 2016
at 06:01
  • msg #143

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton finds twelve meters of rope, as well as some chain and a long spool of string. Grappling hooks are a bit harder to find, but there is a sand-anchor. It's pretty heavy to throw but it would stick in the ground pretty well.

Whatever is causing the cloud of sand is getting pretty close now.
player, 65 posts
Soldier, Medic
Wed 13 Apr 2016
at 12:42
  • msg #144

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton puts down the supplies he had gathered with a frown, there was no way he could throw the anchor, but . . he wondered if Onyx could could manage it.  He glanced towards the big man (they were all big men) about to question him, when his eyes drifted to the sand cloud.  For the first time, Dienton notices that the sand cloud on the horizon seems to be coming from a point source, rather than a wind like he had originally thought.      Looking at Forim, "You have your electrobinoculars on you?  Looks like we may have more company."

How about a knowledge warfare check to determine the best point for an ambush?  We could set up near the ship and shipping containers or in the buildings.  A successful check could give us some boost dice the first round?

Knowledge Warfare 4A

The Force
GM, 365 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Wed 13 Apr 2016
at 12:43
  • msg #145

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The area around here is pretty flat with only the one structure. You have excellent vision but not a lot of cover. Depending on what your tactic is, you may be able to take advantage of the terrain.

3D Warfare
Forim Luk
PC, 216 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Wed 13 Apr 2016
at 13:17
  • msg #146

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

+1B for forim
player, 66 posts
Soldier, Medic
Wed 13 Apr 2016
at 13:26
  • msg #147

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton examines the area with a critical eye.  The lack of cover was a problem, but not one that they couldn't use to their advantage - their enemy would also be exposed.  Dienton spoke quickly to his companions laying out a plan for an ambush.

They should take up multiple positions in and around the complex that would provide them cover, but leave the new arrivals exposed.  The dead thugs could be propped up in doorways to get the newcommers to come in closer.  If one of us waited inside the house, the other two could take positions on the roof, using the dune as their access point.

Knowledge Warefare - 1 Success - How about a single boost die to each players first attack.

Forim, your boost came up blank.

Ohh, in game time - can I try the commlink again?  Are 17 minutes up?

Bounty Hunter, 134 posts
Wed 13 Apr 2016
at 22:54
  • msg #148

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

After Dienton pointed out the coming sand, which could only mean trouble. Onyx got ready for another fight. He put his sporting rifle over his shoulder and began heading to what he believed was the easiest place to climb the building. As he jogged there he called to Dienton and Forim. I'll go up high so I can get ready to take the shots. He pauses before adding a final shot. Don't kill the last guy. I'll stun him, and we can see if he had any information.
The Force
GM, 366 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 14 Apr 2016
at 06:39
  • msg #149

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Everyone takes a suitable position in cover, ready to take the first shot with the element of surprise.

Dienton makes one more crack at slicing the commlink. He fails, but discovers a 'backdoor' that he thinks can be useful next time he tries.

The Force, on behalf of Dienton, rolled 1 failure, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 2D 1S ((8(A), 1(A), 6(A), 2(A), 2(D), 4(D), 3(S))).
1 dice upgrade next attempt.

No time for that now, however. An industrial speeder pulls up to the farmhouses' 2 hectare yard. They pull up near the ship. the still-smoking shards of destroyed cargo pods are all around. The speeder lowers to the ground and a pair of jabba's thugs get out. Armed with slugthrower rifles but wearing only loose desert wear, they start poking around the shrapnel.

The speeder itself rises up, as though to continue driving. You have a moment to act.

The thugs and the speeder are at Long range.
player, 67 posts
Soldier, Medic
Fri 15 Apr 2016
at 02:40
  • msg #150

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton, not having any weapon that could strike at the current range, held his position - just inside the doorway of the house, with his blaster drawn.  He peeked around the corner intermittently to check their position.  They would have to investigate the the house eventually, he would bide his time.
Bounty Hunter, 135 posts
Fri 15 Apr 2016
at 17:23
  • msg #151

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx not wanting word of the damage they had caused to the moisture farm to get out, aims for the driver. He waits until the last possible moment, and fires.

Today: Onyx rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 2a 3D 1p 3b.

I take 2 strain for the extra B. 9 damage. Can advantages be that the driver can't put the speeder into full throttle?

Forim Luk
PC, 217 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Fri 15 Apr 2016
at 17:31
  • msg #152

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim, having got the rifle he looted checked out and readied, pulls it up, takes aim, and fires a shot at the driver of the speeder

13:29, Today: Forim Luk rolled 1 success, 2 advantage using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 3D 1B.  Pew Pew.
No idea on damage :P

BANG the shot connects.
The Force
GM, 369 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 16 Apr 2016
at 14:15
  • msg #153

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The rebels open fire. The thugs are taken aback but not entirely surprised, as they were expecting something bad to be happening after seeing all the chaos.

The speeder turns, aiming itself towards the farmhouse. Unfortunately, it drifts over a patch of loose sand. The speeder's port side sinks about half a meter and throws up a big cloud of sand before lurching forward. The speeder's occupants all curse at once.

The thugs on the ground knuckle over towards the cargo pods on the ground. They throw themselves behind the durasteel containers for cover. They are still at long range.

Meanwhile, the speeder gets closer. Of the four thugs inside, three of them lean out the windows and open fire at the farmhouse.

The bullets are disorganized and not really directed at a precise location. The thugs don't know exactly where to aim. It is enough to keep your heads down.

The Force rolled no successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3A 2P 3D 2S.  Ranged L Slugthrowers.
1 Setback on your next roll.


This message was last edited by the GM at 04:50, Mon 18 Apr 2016.
player, 70 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sat 16 Apr 2016
at 21:16
  • msg #154

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton maintained his cover, waiting . . just as the speeder crossed into range (Assumed Medium now) for his own slugthrower rifle, he selected one of the thugs firing on the compound and squeezed off several rounds in quick succession.

Though he missed his mark, one slug struck near the drivers field of vision - he saw the minion flinch and the speeder momentarily lurched as he responded to the threat..

no successes, 1 advantage.

1 setback to the next enemy action

This message was last edited by the player at 21:16, Sat 16 Apr 2016.
Forim Luk
PC, 219 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 21 Apr 2016
at 01:52
  • msg #155

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

21:51, Today: Forim Luk rolled no successes, 4 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 2D 1S 1B.  Pew Pew.
Recovering 4 strain

Bounty Hunter, 138 posts
Fri 22 Apr 2016
at 02:43
  • msg #156

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx aims for the driver hoping to finish him off. Today: Onyx rolled 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 triumph using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 2p 2d.  Finishing off the Driver. The bullet misses, but it goes straight through the battery of the speeder knocking out the power and sending the speeder crashing into the sand.

Should I be giving myself boost die for high ground?
The Force
GM, 377 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Fri 22 Apr 2016
at 18:22
  • msg #157

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Another loud curse as the speeder spins out of control. It dips just enough to clip a sandbank. The repulsorlift overreacts, causing the speeder to spill. On the second impact, the engines cut out for safety. This keeps a bad situation from getting worse, but the speeder's cargo still shifts thunderously.

Two of Jabba's thugs leap out of the speeder, desperately trying to free themselves from the wreck-in-progress. The driver does not attempt to free himself. Instead he busily works the controls, trying to get the speeder off the ground again.

The thugs all take cover behind the speeder. They fire at the house. Unfortunately it is too far, and Onyx has too good a position.

The Force rolled no successes, 1 threat.  RL at Onyx.
Forim Luk
PC, 220 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Fri 22 Apr 2016
at 18:40
  • msg #158

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim aims at the driver once more, who should be an easier target.  Taking the effort to aim, he fires a shot.  The shot slams home!

14:37, Today: Forim Luk rolled 4 successes, 4 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 4A 2d 2b.  Pew Pew.

Maneuver: Aim
Maneuver: Aim (2 strain)
Action: Shoot

one shy of a crit!

Using 3 advantages to zero out my strains
Using 1 advantage to apply a setback dice on the next shot on me
7+4 successes = 11 damage.

player, 73 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sat 23 Apr 2016
at 00:02
  • msg #159

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton grinned as the speeder took a nose dive and stopped short.  Taking advantage of the distraction, Dienton lined up his sights with the closest thug and fired

Ranged Heavy - 3 Success 2 Advantage

Action - Aim
Damage 11, presoak
2 advantage - saving boost for later.

The Force
GM, 382 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Mon 25 Apr 2016
at 15:24
  • msg #160

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

The Force, on behalf of Onyx, rolled 1 success, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1a 2p 3d 1B.  Onyx medium ranged at thugs.

The Rebels fire a coordinated volley at Jabba's thugs. They are knocked down and fall flat on the sandy field. Blood stains the sand.

"Don't shoot!" the driver of the speeder shouts. "Don't shoot. I give up! I surrender." He thrusts his empty hands out of the speeder's window. He opens the door and climbs out, trying to keep his head behind the speeder's chassis as he does.

Fight over
player, 74 posts
Soldier, Medic
Wed 27 Apr 2016
at 02:41
  • msg #161

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton slung the rifle over his shoulder and drew his pistol.  He emerged from cover slowly aiming his weapon at the surrendering driver.  He moved forward towards the thug until he was 10 meters away, then called out "Dont move and lay down on the ground!".

Begin small, the Chadrafan knew he was not the one to interrogate the minion, so he coverd the slimball, waiting for Onyx to play bad cop.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:41, Wed 27 Apr 2016.
Bounty Hunter, 142 posts
Wed 27 Apr 2016
at 21:29
  • msg #162

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Onyx waits for them to put the weapons down. He doesn't move from his post on the roof until Dienton and Forum have the weapons and he knows none of Jabba's men will be able to fire on them. Then he comes down. He puts his rifle over his shoulder and pulls out his pistol. Well what do we have here. Now before you interrupted. Me and my partners here were figuring out what one of the guards here knew. Now hopefully you can tell us more than she did. Onyx aims the pistol at the thugs head Well for your sake.

Today: Onyx rolled 2 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 3a.  Deception.

I went with deception not just because its the best interrogation like skill I have, but because I told that great story most of which was a lie. Realizing now that 10 xp should have gone into coercion -_-

Forim Luk
PC, 221 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Thu 28 Apr 2016
at 16:57
  • msg #163

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim collects the guns while Dienton and Onyx kept them covered.  He then heads to the roof perch where Onyx was to provide over watch cover.
The Force
GM, 390 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Thu 28 Apr 2016
at 22:56
  • msg #164

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

"Okay, okay! Listen, I don't know much. Just what I overheard and pieced together. They only give us our orders, not enough to leak to anyone."

"We were supposed to bring these supplies here to get ready for the Talent to do his work. They were going to turn this farm into some kind of factory. I think he makes special chems, or maybe poison. The Boss thinks it'll be big. The Bug is back in Mos Espa; I don't think they want to move him until the place is ready for him."

He surreptitiously glances around, trying to avoid making sudden movement.s
player, 76 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sat 30 Apr 2016
at 00:49
  • msg #165

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton snarls at the thug and moves to check the downed thugs pockets and comb through the downed land speeder.  Taking inventory he motions to his companions that he was ready to depart.

He frowned at the ship and sighed, wishing they had time to make use of it, but alas, they still had no contact from the other team.  It was time to investigate.

As long as we all agree.  Dienton takes one speeder with any materials they had scavanged back to town.  He would sell it all at the first place he could quicky unload it.  Onyx and Forim can take the other.  Difficulty for streetwise?

I vote we stun the thug and leave him.

Forim Luk
PC, 223 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sat 30 Apr 2016
at 01:27
  • msg #166

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Ooc sure.  My vote is to cap him.  Mission parameters saY no loose ends
The Force
GM, 393 posts
Binds all life together
May the Force be with you
Sat 30 Apr 2016
at 18:12
  • msg #167

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton estimates that selling a speeder would be easy, depending on the price. Selling it at a fire sale price would allow him to unload it in less than an hour.

Perhaps their local contact would be able to take more time to sell it, thus earning more money. It might be awhile before they see any proceeds, though.
player, 77 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sat 30 Apr 2016
at 19:58
  • msg #168

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton heads back towards town.

Price the speeders to sell quickly.  Fire sale prices are great.
Bounty Hunter, 143 posts
Sun 1 May 2016
at 03:18
  • msg #169

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

I vote stun and keep him. Then we can get him to tell us what these code named people look like.
Forim Luk
PC, 224 posts
the sum of the whole
is greater than its parts
Sun 1 May 2016
at 05:47
  • msg #170

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Forim helps Onyx subdue and restrain the thug.  He then loads the unconcous guy in the back of their speeder, under some loose tarp, and drives back to town next to Dienton.

Unable to help himself, he races the little guy back to town

ooc: rolled 2D, so you can roll your piloting at 2D if you wanna race!

01:46, Today: Forim Luk rolled 3 successes, 2 advantages using the Star Wars Edge of the Empire with a dice pool of 1P 3A 2D.  Rolling Planetary - Race!

player, 78 posts
Soldier, Medic
Sun 1 May 2016
at 14:53
  • msg #171

Re: RJ: Moisture Farm

Dienton saw forim driving the second speeder.  He glanced over and noticed a grin on Forims face as the speeder lurched with a quick burst of speed.

With a maniacal grin, dienton hit the accelerator and let the g forces push him back in his seat.  His fur rippled with the rushing air.  They raced neck and neck most of the way.  Just as they approached town, Dientons speeder began to slow - he glanced at the console and noticed that the speeders charge was flagging.  He grinned in frustrated glee, conceeding the race.

Close, but no cigar

3 success, 0 advantage

This message was last edited by the player at 00:36, Mon 02 May 2016.
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