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21:53, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by The AutomatonFor group 0
player, 1 post
Tue 22 Feb 2011
at 16:52
  • msg #7

Re: Introductions

Yo. I'm Drew. I'm 25 from Atlanta GA, USA. I've always been a fan of science fiction of most varieties but I gotta say the Iron Kingdoms setting and Warmachine is what got me into my most recent like of Steampunk. Final Fantasy 6 also pretty much qualifies (although it would be more steam-magi-punk.)

I like grand stuff. I like enormous steam powered sky navies with WWI dogfights. I like enormous cannons. I like entire cities built onto the sides of a mountain which can stand up on steam legs and relocate.

I also don't know much in the way of Steampunk literature and the like that I should check out. ^^;;
player, 1 post
Mon 28 Feb 2011
at 03:57
  • msg #8

Re: Introductions

Hello everyone, the names Charles, 17 till the 6th and cant wait till then, Im in the U.S.A but my ancestors where german moved here for some unkown reason...

I dont really remember why I like steampunk, most likely beacuse of my forementioned ancestors, but my favorite about it is problly the massive zeplins or airships.

I hope we can all have a fun time together here. :D
This message was last edited by the player at 04:04, Mon 28 Feb 2011.
player, 5 posts
Mon 28 Feb 2011
at 16:58
  • msg #9

Re: Introductions


Hey y'all.  I am Keerith, Doktor of Forbidden Science (for serious, I have a diploma in my basement somewhere that says that ^^;), 28 year old accountant/Steampunk fan. :D

I like Steampunk because it's just freakin' awesome, of course. ^^  Hard to say what my first exposure to the genre was, possibly FF6, with their Magitek, maybe some other stuff around there.  Arcanum and Fallout definitely had big impacts as well.  I've always been a fantasy nerd, and a science fan, and an even bigger fan of Science!.  And yes, that is "Science!" with a capital S and an exclamation point, not the boring old science we have in our modern life. :D

Not sure if any of you played the Old World of Darkness 'Mage' series, but the Sons of Ether were pretty hard-core steampunk, and very obsessed with Science!, the aether, and grand theorums; they had their own private dimension/reality shard with airships and everything.  Lots of fun.  The Tradition Book for them has some great steampunk material in it.
Alexei Yaruk-Mundhenk
player, 3 posts
For the Emperor!
Mon 28 Feb 2011
at 19:49
  • msg #10

Re: Introductions

Another SotE fan over here. I cant remember when I first encountered steam punk, it was early on, but I only got really into it when I found Girl Genius. It is to my mind the quintessential manifestation of the concept.
player, 1 post
Tue 1 Mar 2011
at 01:13
  • msg #11

Re: Introductions

Hi everyone! I am Drew from Texas. I have really just got started into steampunk, but I love it so far.
player, 4 posts
Tue 1 Mar 2011
at 02:23
  • msg #12

Re: Introductions

Perhaps I should have added to my introduction that I'm by now more than a decade long Mage: the Ascension fan.
player, 2 posts
Tue 29 Mar 2011
at 09:30
  • msg #13

Re: Introductions

Cheers to everyone,

I'm Michael from good old germany, 23 years old, I just got into steampunk some time ago, 2 or 3 years. My first contact was classical Jules Verne, 20000 miles under the sea in the age of 10 or 11. But I just started to become really interested in Steampunk when I played Arcanum. I started to build a RPG System based on Arcanum by the name of Zipango. I'm still working on it and will sometime ask you for advice. Just know I#m learning to become a mechatronic, a mixture of electrician, mechanic and a little bit of computer scientist. I do not know what the future holds, so I do not know how much time I can spend here.
C-h Freese
player, 1 post
What's over that hill.
What ever's in my book.
Wed 30 Mar 2011
at 02:38
  • msg #14

Re: Introductions

  Hello I'm Carl a Missourian, I'm over 50, have always loved to read. A long time Role-player and archaicist also now into general historical [and near] reenactment.
player, 1 post
Thu 31 Mar 2011
at 05:57
  • msg #15

Re: Introductions

Greetings and salutations!  My name is April, I'll be 29 on April 21st, and I live in the state of frigidness that is the state of Michigan. I've been a history buff since I was old enough to begin retaining knowledge, and in highschool became a avid history re-enactment buff and renaissance faire entertainer/volunteer/vendor helper. Though drawn to things medieval, I've also been quite obsessed with all things victorian, and then did some research and discovered the wonderment that is steampunk. (It also helped that I once saw a patron at a renaissance faire decked out in rather amazing steampunk attire). I am now full on obsessed, with the assistance and ideas of Digital Mastermind to aid me, I even managed to once acquire a steampunk themed romance novel from Barnes and Noble(liked the steampunk part, wasn't as keen on the romance novel part). My career goal and options are that of pharmaceuticals. Right now I am a pharmacy technician, independently studying to take the national pharm tech certification exam, then some day hopefully a full-fledged pharmacist. Having all of that knowledge, I am hoping to incorporate that into my steampunk persona, along with my love for hoelistic remedies, and mayhap create a hoelistic alchemist persona. I have a few patterns to design some steampunk garb, but lack of funding and a sewing machine to follow through with the projects. I've also become quite infatuated with a few bands and artists associated with the steampunk genre, such as Abney Park and the Clockwork Quartet, and even a bit of Emilie Autumn(she is more victorian than steampunk, but they listed here on a genre list of steampunk bands as well as goth bands). Hoping that Digital Mastermind and I can relocate somewhere warmer and mayhap someday, have a dreamhouse fully decked out steampunk. That is me for now. Cheerio all!
player, 1 post
Tick tock,
said the Clock.
Thu 7 Apr 2011
at 19:50
  • msg #16

Re: Introductions

Tick tock!

Name's Jordan, I'm a Canuck hailing from the Great Lakes area of Ontario. I'm 21 and presently in school for the energy systems design technology and I split my time with that and my job on an assembly line. I read a lot, the most recent series I've finished I'd recommended is "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins an excellent post-apocalypse Sci-fi. I enjoy riding bikes and playing soccer when the weather permits me to, and am also an avid Milk-drinker, Two percent being the best. :P

I was drawn to this forum based off the fact that I have always had an interest in learning more about steampunk because quite frankly, I really don't know much about it. >.<

So here I am, hoping to participate and learn as much I can from you steampunk fans. Looking forward to our discussions. :D

player, 1 post
Thu 7 Apr 2011
at 20:40
  • msg #17

Re: Introductions

 Greetings all! I'm 21 and from Wisconsin.

 Can't really say when I got into Steampunk and it's derivatives. I play Exalted, DnD, Mutants and Masterminds, as well as Starcraft and other assorted videogames (please note though, that I hate WoW with avid fury).

 Once the book for Autocthonia comes out, I plan on running an Alchemical campaign..
Digital Mastermind
GM, 40 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2011
at 20:43
  • msg #18

Re: Introductions

Noted :P
player, 11 posts
Fri 8 Apr 2011
at 08:25
  • msg #19

Re: Introductions

(please note though, that I hate WoW with avid fury).

Me too. I guess everyone does.
player, 7 posts
Fri 8 Apr 2011
at 21:45
  • msg #20

Re: Introductions

Forgot to say hello here myself.

I am a Canadian currently in the megacity of Toronto, north of the Great Lakes.

I've done some writing in the 90s game industry for Dream Pod 9 including the USA part of the allied sourcebook for their Dieselpunk game Gear Krieg.

Favorite Steampunk game is Space 1889. Gotta love the air ships.
player, 1 post
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 00:22
  • msg #21

Re: Introductions

Hello to one and all.  My name is Craig and I hail from the Great White North.  I've been gaming for 30+ years (yes I am an old coot) and have been a fan of steampunk since my first game of Space 1889, lo those many years ago.  I've played Etherscope, Victoriana and Iron Kingdoms, and used GURPS and Rolemaster in a couple of homebrewed steampunk games.

Thats it for now ... hopefully I'll find (or run) a game in the near future as I'm suffering withdrawl
player, 2 posts
Fri 6 May 2011
at 19:27
  • msg #22

Re: Introductions

Hi hi, my name is Jen. I currently live in New York but am originally from Michigan. I was all of five years old when I had my first roleplaying experience, as the small but vicious dog of my dad's halfling ratcatcher in a Warhammer FRP game. In the 18+ years since, I have played a lot of Call of Cthulhu, Pendragon and Space 1889, and GM'd a bit of Space 1889, Spirit of the Century and Trail of Cthulhu. I attend grad school full-time, in a combined Masters and Doctoral program, and work part-time for a locally-owned and -run tobacconist. Just before New Year's, I flew to Ontario and married my same-sex partner of several years. Thank you, Canada! ^_^
player, 1 post
Tue 10 May 2011
at 14:09
  • msg #23

Re: Introductions

hi all,

My name is Michael and im from the netherlands. Been a roleplayer for ages and rolled from tabletop into Larp. I am up for most things that are cool dark and gritty and creative. Me and my fellow GM's came to the bright conclusion our High fantasy LARP event could use some steampunking and id hope to get some hints/tips and ideas here.

player, 1 post
Sun 29 May 2011
at 18:42
  • msg #24

Re: Introductions

Hi there! I'm Cindy and new to Steampunk. Found this forum and thought this would be a great place to learn more. Relatively new to steampunk, it seems, as several favorite TV shows and movies could be classified as at least minor Steampunk. Anyway, I became fascinated after watching the episode of Castle entitled Punked, which focused on a Steampunk society. And now, here I am.
Digital Mastermind
GM, 52 posts
Sun 29 May 2011
at 22:49
  • msg #25

Re: Introductions

I saw that episode, twas shweet :)
player, 1 post
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 20:09
  • msg #26

Re: Introductions

I'm Michael, and I'm a writer and screenwriter based in Chicago. I've written and published an ebook series of steampunk mystery novelettes currently available on Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble. I'm starting a spin-off series, and there's also a novel in the works.

I'm working on a kickstarter to get a print version of the series collection together.
GM, 45 posts
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 20:35
  • msg #27

Re: Introductions


I've wanted to transition from gaming sourcebooks to novels/screenplays for a long time. Having similiarly minded intelligent people to talk to is always a boon.
player, 2 posts
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 20:44
  • msg #28

Re: Introductions

What a twist! I've been thinking of going from fiction/screenwriting to gaming supplements. I have no backing in technical writing, though.
GM, 51 posts
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 20:57
  • msg #29

Re: Introductions

In my case I always highly researched my games and developed complex notes. Years ago a starting publisher made a call for submissions. My proposal included the stack of existing notes offering: "would you like me to write this up?"

In my examination of the market there are a few Intellectual Properties (IP) you can make a living from. By living I mean being able to keep on doing it full time so others enjoy it to. They are:
- the setting
- the characters
- a ruleset for gaming

If you are producing support works, as I was with supplements, you have a job. You will be paid once and then tomorrow have no money. Much rather get into a royalty situation.

Of the above setting and characters are transferable to movies, books, boardgames etc. As much as I love and work in role playing games there are tons of rulesets out there including several "universal" ones that someone could adapt your setting for. (d20, Gurps etc).
w byrd
player, 2 posts
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 21:42
  • msg #30

Re: Introductions

Hi W byrd here, well i guess you knew that :D

I'm a big fan of steam/diesel/arcano punk genres, and anything that mixes, fantasy science and magic into one nice juicy packet.

I love to tinker with rules, create gadgets, and develop worlds that are as detailed as my deranged mind can make them. with as much detail, history, and story as possible.
GM, 54 posts
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 21:45
  • msg #31

Re: Introductions

w byrd, your game ad posting didn't have a link nor game name that I can tell in a quick scan.
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